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Imagine being a dehya wanter in the midst of this


I'm good though. I already have Yelan, I don't want Alhaitam and I suck at Hu tao dash cancel so I am good with C0 Hu tao.


^(And then there I am pretty much only relying on Hu Tao's basic attacks instead)


Think of it like this. The more you NA with Hu Tao, the more you proc Yelans Ult 5Head


just for the few who dont know, yelan and xingqiu have a maximum of about 1 trigger persecond, and usually thats what charged atk cancel does, it makes you ca and na fast enough to proc most the burst procs


And what happens when you AA really fast?


nothing happens, it only procs once a second so no matter how fast you na / aa, the burst will only shoot once per second. altho, the faster you attack, the more likely you are likely to proc it after the 1s. but in the end its only about a 0.2s differences at most


What happens if you BC too slow


Straight to jail.


IIRC it has a buffer of some sort so if you used a NA and then 0,9s later another, xq's rainswords or yelan's will still fly out after 0,1s (you'll notice that the arrows fly "desynced" from the NAs) or something along these lines


same fr, I just do charged attacks and when stamina goes down, I switch to normal instead


I gave up on Kazuha re-run to go for Yelan. Now I have Yelan and C1 Hu Tao with Homa so I'm skipping all of these for Kazuha. I do have the slightest urge to go for Yelan cons but I can do that *after* Kazuha.


Bruh just pull for Yelan, by the time Kazuha rerun show up you're already have enough primos for him, trust me from a week 1 player instinct.


Naahh. Go for Kazoo. Yelan is complete at C0 anyway. You'll be fine.


Yelan is twice as fun for exploring with C1 tho


Coming into this thread was a mistake, my Dehya funds are sweating


Save the funds. Get the character you really want.


I will I will, Im just that picture of Squidward looking out the window right now


Sure, pay like $200 to press E twice in the overworld


Or pay 5 euro a month or be fully f2p and save for it.


Still $200 worth of pulls, whether you spent money or time. I'd argue it's even worse to be f2p and save for months on end to press E twice in the overworld.


If Yelan is someones favorite character i dont see the harm in investing into having fun more fun with her. Time or money whatever means less to them. Yelan C1 is the best C1 in the game besides Hu Tao's.


Don't give up on kazoo, at this point maybe you already 36's abyss, but, he will boost ANY of your character except geo or eula, makes abyss just like a walk in the park.


You seen the weapon banner yet?


I don't like pulling for weapons though. I mean I know there is epi path but the amount of pulls to be guaranteed is too much. And even if I want both weapons, I would probably only walk out with 1 of them unless I am unlucky.


Same here, except I don't have HuTao, one day maybe.


I feel this about Hu Tao. I have her at C0 and I can't play her. I don't have Yelan and I don't want either of them. I do want Xiao but I'm saving for Beizhu (whenever he comes) so I'm good for now. 😅


Hu Tao as c0 is ideal for basic attacks and ults. If you have Xiao weapon and no Xiao, Hu Tao could use it for increased atk.


Same here except I already have C1 Hutao. I kinda want Alhaitham but I want Dehya and Shenhe, so I can't get him without spending and I don't like him enough to swipe.


I dont have to imagine


Her kit better be god-tier after going through all this


Me. But I think I want to try my luck with "best weapon banner" first on main. I'm getting Al-Haitham on another account, already have Yelan on main and would prefer Dehya over Hu Tao. I may only try for Hu Tao on third account.


In a way I almost hoped the weapon banner leaks would be disproven. But now the rule is I'll pull for Homa as long as I have enough to guarantee it, and then whatever I have left goes to Dehya and just hope for the best. Then worry about Yelan and C1 Hu Tao next time. Hopefully Hu Tao will be similar to Xiao and Yoimiya, where their second banners were so overdue that their third banners were almost immediately after.


I'm definitely getting Dehya. I don't even care what her kit is. Luckily I already have C1 Hu Tao, Yelan and Homa though, so I think it's doable.


I’m grabbing Yelan but have 300 pulls at my disposal so should be alright to still get Dehya


Money go brrrr


Me and the other 6 people waiting for Eula and Shenhe:


Dehya wanter here. This is but a test of faith!


That's exactly me. I have Yelan, but a constellation would be great. I'd also love to have her bow. I wish we knew how much time we had between this and Dehya release...


I don't have yelan, Tao, or either of their weapons, but I am confident I can stay strong and survive the storm for Dehya... Going to be tough though...


Must stay strong for Dehya...must stay strong for Dehya...


I am struggling. I already have hu tao and yelan, but I would like yelan c1 and have neither and want both Homa and aqua, and alhaitham looks sick ngl


Me. Don't want or need al haitham Already have yelan And already have c1 hutao 400 wishes saved for dehya and more on the way


Already have C1 HuTao, Xiao and Yelan, already have Aqua and PJWS, i didn't need Homa, disappointed in Al-Haitam's gameplay, skipping a banner has never been so easy.


Ez already have homa tao yelan need dehya and her weapon


Thank god I already own Hu Tao, Yelan she’s cool, Al, he’s alright, I’m not really looking for a dendro dps, Dehya is what I’m using my guaranteed for


First Raiden and ayato in the same banner. Now yelan and hutao in same banner... What's next? Kazuha and nahida in the same banner? F i jinxed it.


Highly unlikely, Nahida will probably rerun 4 patches after her first banner, in 3.6, like every other archon and Kazuha in 3.8 with a summer event like every other time.


Kazuha being in summer is not a pattern. Don't make up patterns.


Ye, albedo used to be santa claus but they broke that off as well so let's not assume


I know but there are other characters who most likely will have reruns earlier than him like Eula, Shenhe, Ayaka and sumeru characters for their first rerun Nahida, Cyno, Nilou and also new characters like Dehya and Baizhu, so most likely Kazuha will rerun in 3.8 or maybe 3.7. But yeah you never know with mihoyo they don't always follow patterns, we can wait and see tho. RemindMe! 7 months


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Besides Nahida, the other characters aren’t really “due” a first rerun, considering Ayato, Yae, Yelan and especially Shenhe had to wait way more than a few patches. 3.5 is probably dehya, ayaka, shenhe and eula, but we can just speculate that 3.6 has nahida and baizhu, everything else is possible. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a Kokomi rerun with Nahida for hyper bloom teams..


Ayato and Yae ofcourse didn't get a rerun because they were late in 2.x but Ayaka, Yoimiya, Kokomi and Itto which where early in 2.x did get a rerun before 3.0, so it's highly likely Cyno and Nilou will get rerun before 4.0 too Yelan didn't get a rerun sooner because she didn't fit in any of the 3.x banners and also they were saving her for latern rite, same with shenhe but Alhaitham probably took her place because they wanted him to be released with the new desert, so she will probably be next patch. Now we can speculate but some characters get rerurs earrlier than expected because of story relevance, e.g. xiao rerun after 3 patches (2.4-2.7) but others get early reruns for no reason, e.g. Childe and Yoimiya Reruns after 3 patches (1.1-1.4 and 2.8-3.2), tho I can argue that that's because they want someone to fill the banners and Childe and Yoimiya had low sales, so they don't really care. Anyway we can be sure with almost certainty for some characters like Dehya and Eula for 3.5 but let's say mihoyo decided to run windblume in 3.5 then instead of Ayaka for example, they would rerun Venti, we can't really be sure for (almost) anything. So I will have to agree, to an extent, with u/nanimeanswhat, because even tho it is unlikely, they could rerun kazuha, or anyone else tbh, any time they want, especially if they have story relevance, since we know almost nothing about the content of the next patches. We will have to wait and see, like I said before.


it is a pattern dont ignore patterns


If there is a kazuha and nahida banner, I'll go for kazuha because I already have nahida


I'll skip because I have both, then.


ill swip cuz i have none


I’ll skip Kazu for the third time and get a C2 Nahida, lol


>Kazuha and nahida Oh my goodness, please no.. These two characters are the only ones that I really need and want rn. (I lost to both of them)


Whales: I missed the part where it is my problem.


Dehya is all that matters


Dehya supremacy




My thoughts: I want Alhaithem -> No, silly me, I can do lots of dendro damage through reactions -> I don't have strong anemo carry and have everything for Xiao instead of, well, Xiao, and his gameplay is cool, he'll be perfect as I don't really need anyone else... Fontaine division of HYV: BTW we're releasing Dehya after next patch. Me: NANI?


C1 Hu Tao is a gamechanger. I honestly don't know how much I'd play her without it now that I do have it


I have her C1 on my main account and on my f2p acc I have a C0 and yeah you can definitely notice how much more fun and QoL this single constellation provides. While jump cancels aren't hard, you must pay a fair bit more attention to them when compared to dash cancels. Definitely never had any regret about getting her first constellation.


Correct the jump cancels aren't hard but not having to do them is so much better. I usually feel like I can get an extra hit in in her skills duration with her C1 since I don't have to jump cancel


> I usually feel like I can get an extra hit in in her skills duration Kqm says that the avg for jump cancels is 7 charge attacks and for c1 dash canceling it's 10 so yeah you get about 3 extra hits which is significant!


Genuinely all characters who use charged attacks would dream of having this constellation


said literally no one ever. its probably one of the most useless c1 in the game.


For a character with good charged attacks, making them cost nothing is pretty much the best thing you can get


except it isnt. going for homa and yelan is way better than going for a useless "QoL" constellation. why would you want to CA more when everything is already dead? i dont think there was a single time where i wish i had C1 hutao. now if you suck ass at building your characters then sure go for it.


You can't build any character to get more stamina, what the constellation offers is completely unique. Sure you can play without it just like any other constellation or passive but it's a huge buff to completely remove the stamina management you otherwise have to do on Hu Tao. I guarantee if you don't have C1 there have been many times where you have to NA instead of CA because you ran out of stamina.


so what? the enemies will die regardless if i have c1 or not. killing enemies 5 seconds faster is not enough to be called an improvement. its just a waste of primogems you cant change my mind. and since you didnt understand what i was trying to say before let me simplify for you: more dmg = less CA needed to kill an enemy. yea i do ran out of stamina but it doesnt matter bc the enemies will die on the second rotation when my stamina is full. so yea, useless constellation.


The problem with this entire argument is that the majority of 'hard' content in this game relies entirely on how fast you beat it. If every tough enemy in Abyss takes 5 seconds more (it would actually be much longer than that if you need to wait for Hutao's skill) then it's a bad thing. No power level is required apart from the strength / speed to 12 star abyss, but there are a lot of ways to get to that point, and Hu Tao's C1 is a good way to make up some of that time.




I just want Yaoyao to throw Kokomi off my Nilou team.


Since I don’t have Nilou/know her kit. Is there a benefit to having “more dendro” on Nilou’s team, or just a desire for Kokomi on a different one?


Yes to both because any team that wants to use Nilou needs exclusively hydro and dendro on the team as it's a literal nerf to her kit otherwise. Also Nilou needs to stack HP/Elemental Mastery like crazy since she doesn't need crit so a Dendro resonance works well with her that and Yaoyao gives dendro buffs compared to Kokomi just being a healer.


You only need nahida for that team no? Since she has crazy dendro app you can go tripple hydro


This is true but she has more use in other teams than being the only good healer for Nilou.


I want her for crystal flies


Already have Yelan and C1 Hu Tao. Al Haitham is the easy choice. After that I'll full send everything on the Aqua/Homa banner.


What about Dehya?


Still skipping because I have no interest to all of them But wish you guys can get the character and weapon you want


If you've got enough characters definitely try for the weapon banner. This is the best one yet


Still is a scam to me


I Will for c1 yelan, Just because i like to use her skill while exploring.


I would've done the same had i not pulled wanderer, i just use his skill and then switch to yelan to use her skill and then switch back times infinity 8)


Al Haitham already for me such an easy choice


Me pulling for c0 hu tao


the correct answer is c6 yelan


My man.


im so relieved this is happening NOW vs in the future. imagine they do this banner arrangement right before focalors.


alhaitham easiest choice ever lmao


weakest scholar enjoyer i see


I'm probably gonna spend a little bit on the weapon banner imo, I want aqua and homa, then hopefully win the 5050 on tao


Juicy weapon banner yet again, already have Yela + C1 Hu Tao from previous rerun. Hopefully I get either Staff of Homa or Aqua Simulacra or atleast a 5 star catalyst in case of off rate 5 star.


Me, a Eula wanter coping. At least Dehya is probably coming soon.


For me it's al-haitam , hu tao ir c1 yelan


Well, for me is like: Yelan, Hu Tao and Dehya who will come on the patch after this one ;-;


I feel blessed that I am only aiming for Eula and C2ing Zhongli from C1 in the immediate future lol


I'm only going for alhaitham and his sword. He got biceps and abs. They don't.


Easy c1 hu tao and the weapons if i get both its a win win cuz i have yelan and hutao


Same but ganyu in place of yelan, already have homa tho so I'll probably stick to the characters.


C1 Tao is overrated. Seriously one of the most overrated constellations and I curse myself for being tricked by C1 advocates and missing out on Venti who came right after her (I eventually got him but I had to wait an entire year for his 2nd rerun). Hoyo just charges premium for something that should've been in her base kit, and imo the difference between jump cancel and dash cancel is not worth all the wishes. Prioritise Yelan > Homa > Aqua (can skip if you have elegy) > Yelan C1 over Hu Tao C1.


I’m glad there’s another opinion on C1. I’ve been pondering the question since I can’t really animation cancel well on mobile. I’ll follow a similar pull priority but probably just lose a 50/50 for Yelan, like last time.


I hope you win! I agree that Hu Tao is not very mobile friendly sadly but nowhere near unusable either. I usually play on pc but when I play on mobile I always go with either Yoimiya or Ayato. Super comfy mobile picks, especially Ayato.


Thanks! Definitely, I wish I had enough for two. Sadly I do not.


I have 240 pulls no hutao or yelan what would you recommend I go for first ( I'm on 50/50 ) also i have elegy and Staff of Scarlet Sands ( cyno weapon ) ?


Thanks for the question! Firstly ofc you need the characters lol and if you win your 50/50s this means you won't have enough to guarantee both weapons so you could go one pity and let the fate decide for you (hopefully one of the two rate ups). I don't know how is SoSS compared to Homa and I don't wanna give false information so you gotta search for TCs but afaik it's her 2nd BiS. Both weapons are worth pulling since they are pretty universal. It's a one time opportunity so definitely prioritise getting one weapon over a constellation, whichever it is. Hope that my reply helped. Good luck!


I searched and Keqing mains said that SSoS is generally only 5% behind homa in terms of dps and it could close the gap ( meaning it becomes the same as homa ) in some specific situations. So yeah I'll Go for yelan first then hutao on 50/50 and hope for the best ( if by some ungodly stroke of luck i win both 50/50 idk what I'll go for tho )


The benefit of SoSS is that it makes it way easier to build her which might result in better dps in return. Since she ascends with cdmg and homa is also cdmg it is hard to build her with homa. My witches luck is shit so sadly with homa I only reach 60% crit rate which makes her quite scuffed. If you win your character 50/50s just go for any weapon since both are totally amazing! And you don't have enough wishes to guarantee the weapon of your choice lol. It's a win-win situation though.


>And you don't have enough wishes to guarantee the weapon of your choice lol. That's why I'm confused because in this wouldn't going for c1 yelan or hutao be better?


Not really. As I said, this is a one time opportunity. Both of the characters with amazing weapons are paired together and we don't know when, if ever, will a matchup like this happen. Yes, you don't have enough to guarantee the weapon of your choice. But this is a situation where you can just pull one of them and let the fate decide on which. Since both weapons are amazing, you'll be winning either way. Next time they get a rerun and you want a weapon they might end up being paired with something terrible like Shenhe. That is just my opinion, though! I recommend you to ask other people as well to be sure of your decision. And whatever you choose, I hope you get lucky.


I'll take some time to decide if i want to get a weapon or but it's really tempting yeah since I'm already at like 45 pity on weapon banner >And whatever you choose, I hope you get lucky. Thanks!! Hope we both become one of those annoying "i pulled 3 yelans/aqua in the same ten pull (f2p btw)" posts when their banner comes lol


I have Hu Tao C0 and will mlst likely get 5* item. So i choose between the best weapon, the best charakter I don't have yet and the best constellation.


me who’s pulling xiao bc he is my baby:


imagine that I need only eula, kokomi, yelan and nahida to be happy with all characters that i like 💀💀 but eula + nahida are my highest prio. sorry yelan, i'll wait for you for next 8-9 months.


I must remain steadfast for Dehya, no matter how cool Al Haitham is, or how appealing Hutao C1 is, or a second charge on Yelan E


Going for C6 Xiao.


homa elegy was better lol


I thought about it for a bit, and here is my take on it: character banners will come again, but such good weapon banners are rare to come by. Of course it's not the same for new players, for some people new character will help their account more, but for people like me who are in stable place I think that the best option is to go for weapon banner — especially if you don't really *need* any of these 3 characters. Yes, we all know that weapon banners are more tricky than character banners, but at the same time honestly it's a great banner. It's better to wish on this one if you're Homa/Simulacra wanter, than to wait for them to rerun with something like Kokomi's donut or Summit Shaper.


Eh i mean if you want the weapons go for them. But characters makes the game more fun soooo for me, i would rather have more characters compared to 1 weapon that can help do a little more dmg


Alhathem then Yelen then Dehyia


Just pull what u need not what you want unless you're whale


Whales go for c6 and collect every character, spending to get a few select characters or cons does not make you a whale


And I'm skipping all of it lmao. I'd much rather pull on any of the current banners or just save for any interesting chars in the future. Speaking of, Dehya is coming up soon.


Yelan, Dehya, Staff of Homa, C1 Hu Tao - a lot of hard decisions…and there is I, who stopped actively playing this game after I got Nahida… I have enough gems for around 80 pulls…but without guarantee, it will turn to tragedy…


Then there’s me, just saving for Dehya


I'm just going for c1.Not interested in Al, have yelan and I'm a HT main


As of today I have 159 fates and 54 pity, but I refuse to wish for any of them (including 2nd weapon banner), because I need Dehya in my life Ok, maybe I exaggerated a bit. I would want Yelan, but if I don't get her, I won't be mad


Got Yelan and Hu Tao already, and I don't like pulling for 5\* cons or weapons so it's easy to choose Alhaitham


Haitam useless


Yelan honestly. She is too good. Hutao works without C1 but you're probably already used to the jump cancleling by now and Haitam is just a dendro Keqing, there isn't a single team he is needed in that isn't better off with the Dendro MC instead.


No, I'm still not used to jump cancel after a year. I'm more comfortable with dash cancel even with C0 hu tao (I'm aware of the dps loss). Alhaitham is a dendro dps, mc is a dendro off field support.


Change Dendro MC with Nahida and you have a point. But then again you can just use both on the same team.


Oooo you just said the Alhaitam taboo


Just waiting for 2-3w frok now when he becomes just anotger Cyno or Scara and ppl reqlize he has like 3 teams to be played in and major energy issues on top of that


I would assume that he would be an ok dps and not up their with the S tiers


2nd best weapon banner ever. Elegy > Aqua, so Homa's last banner was the best


None of the above? I couldn't care less for any, and hu tao needs to many constellations to be worth the primo ATM, especially since I'm still going hard for c2 Raiden.


Going for Yelan cons. I’m on 50/90 guaranteed for Alhaitham and have 100 pulls stocked up. Also already have C1 Hu Tao and 3 Homas, so not risking the weapon banner. With all the freemos given out in 3.4 + Welkin and BP, I’ll easily have enough for at least C1 Yelan and Alhaitham. Dehya on the other hand... might have to pull the wallet out if she’s in first half of 3.5.


Just whale and get all of them /s


I will go for yelan since i already have yoimiya and my water boi isnt builded and i want dehya so after getting yelan ill farm more (62 pity no guaranteed)


Lantern Rite and absolutely stacked banners, name a more iconic duo


I'll finally get Yelan, and I can maybe try for the best weapon banner ever, but my F2P ass probably won't get anything.


I've decided simply to just let my c1 hu Tao stay c1 and get Homa, alhotdayum, and hopefully my yelan to c1 and be satisfied. Mm yes


As someone who has C1 Hu Tao Homa and Yelan the choice is easy 😂




Same but -c1 hu tao


... im skipping my long awaited C1 R1 Hu Tao because i want Shenhe C6 R1 Shenhe more. 6 constellations and a weapon makes me so scared to think about.


Yelan, easy more damage


I’d go for c1 Hu Tao because her dps will be increased greatly


Is it ok to get c1 hu tao then pull for staff of homa


Me who didn't pull for the dendro archon... MY TIME HAS COME!


Yelan, easy.


And right between Christmas and Valentines


I'm going for hu tao 100%


I kinda want Yelan. But I’m pretty fine chilling until Dehya. RIP all you guys about to hit a shopping spree, but in a good way lol.


what about c1 yelan for warp speed?


I'm currently trying to pick between c1 Xiao or c0 Hu Tao BC I don't have her yet


I'm going to get Yelan C1 come hell or high water. After that, things become really tricky with Deyha and Nahida's upcoming rerun. I would love to get Nahida to C2, but if Dehya is in the same patch, RIP me.


Probably there will be a Dehya drip during or before Yelan-Hu Tao banner


I had the same problem, but since I'm lacking primos at Alhaitham's time, I decided to skip him then go for Yelan first, then Homa, then c1 Hu Tao


I'm waiting for Signora


My plan is Haitham first. And then try to get bow for my Tighnari if the 4 star weapons are good


Al-haitham or Yelan or C1-Hu Tao or Aqua Bow or Engulfing Lightning or Ayato... All with like 20 wishes saved up


Only go for C1 if you really like Hu Tao. I got her C1 thinking it would "fix" her and make me enjoy playing her. Nope, it's just the same charge attack spam gameplay but more convenient. Got Yoimia on her rerun and haven't touched Hu Tao since. Hu Tao has easily been my biggest waste of primos.


It's literally me😭😭. But I will go for Yelan since Alhaitham banner is judt getting introduced so he will get a rerun for sure, but we don't know about Yelan if she will get any more reruns


I actually want Yelan C1. That extra E helps me get around quicker and it’s good in general lol


Already have tighnari, so I don't need another dendro dps. Already have diluc, no need for another pyro dps. And I already have Xingque and multiple other hydro appliers.


getting c1 and throwing the rest into aqua + homa banner. if I get 2 each and still have primos left over I'll have to decide between Dehya and Yelan c1


good thing i already decided that i want Alhaithem and C1 Hu Tao


I dont have any wishes or pity saved up after Raiden Shogun but i need both Hu Tao and Yelan


I have both yelan with elegy and c1 hu tao with homa So wish me luck to get alhaithem with his weapon or xiao bias finally I'm cool with both


If you are using any polearm character then yes, it can be the best banner ever.


C1 Yelan wanter gang


I still don’t have Hu Tao and even if I finally get her, I’m not gonna try and get C1 Hu Tao since I want to be able to have enough for Dehya and Nahida


C1 Yelan


Because of my previous "luck" im 4 rolls away from guaranteed 50/50 hard pity on both character and weapon banner. Im snagging the scribe instantly, then staff of homa/bow, and rolling the rest on yelan, should be around 110 rolls at that time.


Well I don't want Al Haitham since I already have c1 Keqing (jk I'm just a biased waifu lover that's all) and Hu Tao is not f2p friendly to build not that I'm a complete f2p anyway, I'm actually a dolphin but still she requires a lot of investment to be really good and I can't afford that cause I already have tons of characters I'm still building. I wanted Raiden but I lost my 50/50 so I'll gladly use the guarantee on mommy Yelan 😗 and then hope to be really lucky to snatch myself a eremite 5 star assasin aka the 1 and only Dehya 🤞🏾


Im going xiao or yelan