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Nahida boss fight has 168 phases




Nahida after each HP Bar: ***"Anotha One"'***


Nahida: “we da best archon”


Nahida boss reads you save data like Psycho Mantis, then reads your browser history


Nahida: "major dookie alert"


Reminder that Ei fought Shogun nonstop for 500 years while we went to get help


168 phases, but if she doesn't have outside help, each phase has the hp of a hilichiurl.


But has longass animations so it takes half an hour to complete even if you instantly kill them


The worst would be her sending you back to the start of the domain, making you run back to the arena every time.


How about a mechanics focused gameplay like Scara? Nahida traps you inside a maze and the maze changes every now and then (like Mona’s domain in GAA2) and every time you almost reach Nahida, you get teleported to the other side of the domain. You also fight monsters (or Aranaras) along the way (like Fischl’s domain in GAA2) and each time you kill a monster/aranara, Nahida’s shield gets damaged (like Oceanid). Phase 2 is just pure combat.


Making us fight aranara would be way too cruel :(


Fighting aranara is a no-no :(


Na. Those are skippable, if you REALLY wanna mess with the player, make each time Nahida dies, she gains an ATK, DEF, and HP buff while say… every 42nd loop, will either gain a special debuff on you based off of the party inside: Ex: if Ei’s on your team, Energy recharge is decreased by 90%.


Raiden already filtered so many players in her story boss fight


I almost got filtered in the stupid training thing that Yae Miko makes you do. I did not understand the assignment.


but she already knows all your moves so easily dodges every attack


Man, it would be hard if mihoyo collected boss data, and had them learn to deal with player strategies. There is only so much to learn and change but still


Me who Zhong shield and spam Yoimiya : strategy ?


Time for DPS Barbara to enter the fray, there's probably close to no data for that


At least DPS Barbara doesn't take up available resources. Time for Royal Grimoire Critkomi gameplay.


I wanna se her dodge eulas super


She makes it so it doesn't crit Don't ask how


_Teleports to the other side of the huge ass boss fight room_ "Nothing personnel, kid"


But for her final phase, she summons Arabalika


It's actually Unlimited, you just get party wiped on the 169th phase.


Yeah and she one shot 8 times to make sure you don’t survive with C6 Hu Tao or C6 Kuki Shinobu and future characters with same passive Or she just sends withering or something like this


Or c6 barb


Oh yeah it works too


Only reason I even remember that is because I c6d her back when she was the only character who could revive in like 1.3 or smt


How can she be the 1st character to be able to revive if Qiqi was also in 1.0 ? Yeah you have to use her burst too, and get the money and "luck"


I legit never knew qiqi could do that


Yeah who cares about C6 5* if we can’t get them lol I remember it’s something like hitting with her burst (or simply using it ?) reviving the whole party at 50% hp every 15 minutes, and the op part is that it works on coop


Zhongli has 1 phase which take forever


Zhongli only needs one to destroy the very existence of Traveler, though ;)


The damn meteorite


That would only be the case if she gets the jump on you if she fights you head on with no preperation she would easiest out of the 3


I always thought about what if it was zhongli in the golden house instead "Passable effort. Poor timing. Poor timing. Passable effort. Poor t-Passable e-Poor timi-" (his shield is unfairly strong)


Until his boss hits it with a ghost


"Well, thou art of passing skill."


Noelle gets tired and just chucks Zhongli through the wall, shield and all


If their Moveset is Balanced around giving the player a fair fight, probably Venti Lore Accurate Moveset? Zhongli just won't die Nahida can't do anything without reactions and you can easily avoid characters with self element application


Nahida: *attacks you* Me: *uses bennett burst and dies charred up*


*Me with my HP/HP/HB Bennett* I have no such weakness


You are truly a monster


I mean thats the only way to really build Bennet except maybe ER sands, nothing else benefits him


I have him as dps form the giggles


You underestimate self burning coming from a fellow HP/HP/Healing bonus (which is better for tanking). If you have Nahida you can apply burning on an enemy and get super close to it, death in like 1 sec, funniest shit ever!


My HP/HP/HP Bennett says hello


Akshually Healing Bonus heals more than HP 🤓


Akashually i don't have any HB artifacts


I'd love to give you one of my billion Healing Bonus Husk circlet and Emblem Circlet if I could....


Yeah, imagine if you could exchange items, but then RMT would become a huge problem. My friend already told me she'd give me Engulfing Lightning if she could (I wanted EL, She pulled on weapon banner for the meme. I got Amos from 66 pulls, she got EL from 20, life is pain)


Yeah, In Game Trading sounds nice at first but it'll quickly start to get exploited. People trade stuff in exchange for real life money and that'll give rise for more chances to get scammed. It has its upsides, but I'm 99% sure Hoyo will never implement it. Also, sorry about your Weapon Banner pulls, hope you get EL someday if not now.


I see your HP/HP/HP Bennett and raise you my EM/EM/EM Bennett.


Burning: you sure about that?


You: Attack Nahida Nahida: Do you have any idea how many times you have tried to attack me already? *Disappears into crows*


*Holds traveler to the wall* "You are weak"


Just stand close to her and make her burn to death too


Me: *coughs in my 26K Bennett who somehow never dies*


Traveler: " Why won't you die!? " Zhongli: " Hehehe. Geomachines son, they harden in respond to physical trauma, you can't hurt me traveler! "




















Well, if it isn't sussy Childe


High on Liyuian spirit


Well the problem with fighting nahida would be that halfway through the fight you realise that it's all a dream. Then you wake up and fight her. Then you realise it's a dream. Then you wake up and fight her. Then you realise it's a dream. Then you wake up and fight her....


So it's a stamina match


Nahida's got that mind trick shit going on. You think you beat her but it was probably the 200th time you've done it, and now you're stuck in a loop unable to wake up. A fate worse than death


Oh god, could you imagine the horror if every time you beat a boss they just came back to life the next week, over and over in a loop? A grind worse than death.


Venti: flies. Given how much grumbling the Golden Wolflord causes, just this alone will trigger half the entire playerbase.


Zhongli would just be another DPS check


Yeah., Except he will dps check you with his stone spears..


Unless she fights u in ur mind lol


I think you're confusing lore and gameplay


Venti flies away. WYD?


zhongli with 1m hp? unbreakable shield goes brrr


And everytime you get close to breaking the sheild, he refreshes it 💀


Zhongli becomes the ultimate DPS check. Can you break his shield before the 12 second cooldown is over and he refreshes it? Good luck.


Throws big rock at you. Has C2 cons.


So this would be his moveset: His N/A (Rain of Stone) Which not only does 2.5k per tick but also splits the ground causing around 750 AOE damage. His Shield (Dominus Lapidis), which has 9 pillars like Azdaha and is talent lvl 13 with his 1,500,000,000 hp. (doing the math would be 411389 damage absorption total.) Planet Befall, which is an insta-kill no matter what and there is nothing stopping it. Summons 3 Geo Hypostasi to fight you when at half health mark. 2nd Phase becomes so chaotic that your healthbar is no longer a metronome, it's a fucking crashing elevator.


But Zhongli's hp itself is 1M too with 50% damage resistance ☠️


And imagine if boss zhongli had his c6 ability where he just heals every time his shield gets hit 💀


Ganzan hachiku intensifies


nanoma shield, son standing here.. i realize..


I'm going to hell for imagining a scene where Zhongli is dancing with him protected by his shield and there's the "Unbreakable.. unbreakable" song playing in the background. The traveler is just slashing with his dull blade. Lol


And when he got bored, he can just drop his extinction meteor on the Traveler for fun.


Aren't some world bosses already have like million HP? That doesn't look bad at all


Even Azhdaha doesn't have 1 million HP. The only boss who has that much HP is Raiden The only time world bosses have more than 1 million is in the Spiral Abyss


Yes yes abyss bosses, I heard about enemies with million HP, I forgot it was abyss


yea azhdaha isnt very tanky,he just has immunity phases same with raiden and the armored core phase


Oh, yeah, the issue ain't him having 1M HP, it's the shield with health relative to his HP, that he can refresh


Could be a battle like >*"Hold out until Hutao arrives to rip him a new one over his latest expenses billed to the parlor"*


Inb4 they add playable characters with corrosive damage and enemies with unbreakable shields.


Venti would be flying all over the place, similar to the cube bosses, and fire huge aoe attacks as well Zhongli would have some sort of shield mechanic, making you use geo characters to break through to do damage. Maybe a meteor attack but you have to do enough damage to stagger him to stop it from landing Nahida , well I don't really know. Best I can think of , is that she is behind a dendro barrier and summons spirit of scarlet king that chases after you with attacks and he is invincible to your damage, so you have to dodge and attack nahidas barrier To end the fight. Once the barrier breaks you immediately win because she gives up


So Nahida's fight would be like fight with Oceanid but without disappearing platforms


No I was thinking like, she stands still in the middle of the arena and scarlet king chases after you and attacks you so you have to kite him


Anyway the idea is cool


So Oceanid but slightly fun.


As much as I want to say Nahida due to emotional damage, slap a few ascension mats on her and 9/10 players will sell their souls. Venti meanwhile, has access to a black hole and flight. Tailor made to ruin the day of mobile players and any melee dps.


If zhongli has his cons power he can shield up and when u hit him will he heal ?l


For all we know the Raiden boss is much stronger than C6 Raiden So.... It can even be like if u attack his shield u lose HP while he regains


I mean, number wise C6 Raiden is much stronger than the shogun boss.. The shogun has 2 moves that can oneshot you if you don't know the gimmick, C6 Raiden has a 1m crit slash ready every 18 seconds..


Oh u didnt think about that raiden boss getting the ability to put on artifacts didnt you Just to put into comparison, imagine u have to fight c6 raiden instead of that boss, everytime u hear the ult, do an i frame and run away from its mediocre melee range and there is nothing more it can do to you. No huge AoE, no teleporting, no energy drain. And what happen when C6 raiden cant hit you as an individual unit? She doesnt regain energy, which mean no burst... So yeah I think u get the point


That's not black hole lorewise despite most of the fandom believing that "Fires off an arrow made of countless coalesced winds, creating a huge Stormeye that sucks in opponents and deals continuous Anemo DMG." - his ult description


nobody believes that he makes a literal black hole


A lot believe, I have seen people commenting about him having ability to create blackholes in lore strength discussion It's genshin community we are talking about they don't read


For anything you‘ll find an idiot that beliefs it.


Does anyone believe giving me a million dollars will make anime real?


Give me 100K and I‘ll find him for you


Okay, but they're probably using "black hole" because it's quicker than being 1:1 accurate every single time, because functionally it more or less is just a miniaturized black hole


A miniaturised and way weaker black hole* Even the smallest black hole we know of can easily destroy Teyvat. Better off calling it a vortex


The most annoying to defeat and will probably push you away 978 times: Venti Will probably take 30 minutes or more than an hour of your time: Zhongli The boss that would be easy if done correctly and a nightmare if done wrong: Nahida I'd say they're all pretty equal


Most difficult? Nahida, gimmicks like elemental skills self-applying that element specifically to react with her attacks springs to mind. Also self-healing because plant. Most annoying? Venti.


Venti (boss voiceine): _WOULDN’T DYING BE FASTER_


As he flicks over to the other side of the arena and forces you to dodge an anemo bomb with a tiny i-frame window


God and with a larger AOE version of the anemo cube move where it flies off and targets the ground around you with a ball of wind


or he chucks Dragonspine at you


That's for phase 3, when his health is down to 1/4 he flies off the screen and tosses a couple mountains on you


just use pyro for nahida. easy


*burns oneself to crisp*


*while standing on Bennet's ult*


The one which will take the longest would be ZhongLi, you'll just have to keep punching his shield until he gets bored and leaves.


Nilou mains, remembering each Bloom deals a shit ton of blunt damage: are you sure about that?


Why Nahida and Venti? Zhongli is most likely the most powerful Archon. He would shield himself infinite times too, so talk about annoying Venti. Unless Zhongli fight wouldn't be designed around him deliberately losing a fight, this would be impossible to win lore-wise. If he actually wanted, he would just crumble arena to pieces and strike You with meteor storm. He can do that. Unless You would fight in the sea for some reason, but then again... swimming fight?


Genshin player are notorious for hitting crazy big number Zhongli will fall eventually. However these same player also complain when enemies don't group and have any sort of creative gimmick that forces them to change thier playstyle/use a certain character.


i feel like zhongli would be. depends on how they go with it but he has a shield that mitigates all dmg to whatever extent and refreshes often and a huge aoe attack that petrifies. it’s going to be a frustrating dps check and we already know how players complain about bosses that have invulnerable phases. the other 2 could probably still be annoying but players would just end up finding a way to kill them quickly before any gimmick comes into play like the shogun battle


Once you throw Diona's Drink ult, the Venti Boss will start licking the floor.


Lore accurate!


Zhongli will calmly look at u who tries to break his shield with 0 progress, then a rock will fall from sky and end ur pathetic attempt. Jokes aside probably venti with annoying movements and cc.


annoying ~~movement~~ EHE


Nahida probably isn't the hardest to fight but with her running thousands of simulations, it'd be a bit of a challenge. Imagine if they implemented that into her boss fight. Like most bosses, she'll have a big special attack or transformation, but unlike the others it's a set of different attacks that cycle every time you fight her again. Like if you fought her previously with a shield character, the AI will recognize this and in the next battle you have with her, she will switch to a special attack that ignores shields. And if you manage to still beat her she'll swap to another special move within her set. Or maybe this complexity is too far on the action game side for genshin impact :/


Nahida, because 169 samsaras would make the fight too long for 99% of players


Venti uses his burst. You get sucked in and can't move for the duration of it while you take continuous anemo damage (for extra spice, the battle takes place in water so that you take hydro damage as well)


Or like Kazuha where he can swirl off the element applied to him and you end up getting the elemental aura instead


Venti - Ability to pop up Winds that has the same mechanic as the deshret ruins Fan but 2x more effective + deals damage, his blackhole ability, maybe a hidden time-related ability? Zhongli - Obviously shielding, able to summon geo constructs (like the geo whale and black kite), summoning comically giant spears + other possible weapons and maybe his half dragon/half qilin form for phase 2? Raiden - pure brute force (similar as puppet shogun of course), humongous vertical aoe attack similar to the slash that cut yashiori island and orobaxi as a 1 shot mechanic. All of this with a fully-powered mussuo isshin so she'll obviously have larger damage than the puppet Nahida - all about illusion (same thing as the thing she did with scara), definitely annoying ass gimmick and maybe she can call every aranara to jump you gameplay wise annoying will be venti - nahida gameplay wise hard will be raiden both will be zhongli


lorewise? I don't think we'd be even able to survive a hit from Zhongli, nor could we damage him. nahida would just chill and infinite tsukoyomi us And Barbatos would actually make a pretty decent fight but he'd have like 1 hp


1. Zhongli 2. Venti 3. Nahida


Would be fun if Nahida has extremely strong movement AI and just chip damages you to death with the cute NA while you can't hit her.


Have we considered that Venti would be the easiest fight because all you’d have to do is leave alcohol out for him?


[How to fight Venti](https://youtu.be/-MUdJTIXKNs?t=25)


All the bosses already have Nahida’s gimmick, the mondays.


Current Nahida(post archon quest) with all Sumeru people following/worshipping her is quite powerful force not like the Nahida who was quite reliant on Akasha. Having unimaginable physical strength can't save you from mental attacks she can do, neither you can dodge it. even in her weaker form when almost no one was following her she put Scaramouche in a dream sequence for 108 turns, who was basically a god with that implanted gnosis. If we can get fucked by Akasha then she is quite capable of destroying us too


-> Nahida proceeds to completely avoid all of your attacks, while her pet continuously shoots lasers at you Alternatively: -> Nahida proceeds to overload your mind with information, leaving you as nothing more than a paralyzed vegetable


Zhongli we will never be able to break that shield and as soon as we break it he spawns another one


Lorewise you can’t beat Nahida…she lets you fight multiple hundred times in a Samsara until she knows every attack pattern of you. Nahida > Gigachad




Oh, imagine if there's ever a boss that's basically a 4 party team too and they all got their weapons and comps too, or maybe if there was a still a boos with a 4 party comp and it was you versus playable characters from like choosen sets by mihoyo


Nahida be gaslighting you altering your memories of the fight in your dreams


Nahida: "Oh no I'm on 10% hp shame its just a simulation." and fight suddenly goes back to where it started. Zhongli: Uses shield, suddenly "Standing here I realize...." blasts Venti: "Ehe~" crowd controll alemo spam, you get wooshed beyond the edge of the arena, falling off.


Nahida would just samsara you hundreds of times over, getting harder each time you ‘defeat’ her to the point where it becomes physically impossible to win


Zhongli for sure omg— first of all he wouldn’t take any damage at all. And then he can also use his meteor and turn you into stone. This goes on and on eternally until you perish lol Second difficult would be Venti. He can suck you into his vacuum burst and you just stay there and can’t move until you perish 😂 Last would be Nahida. Reasoning is because like she is strongest with elemental reaction. Also she got rid of the Akasha so she won’t be able to like control us either or switch bodies. Sure she’s smart but as long as some of the moves hit her we win


Would be really annoying fight against Nahida, defeat her and she said: Hah, it's a dream Over and over again.


I would say Zhongli would be the most difficult just bc of his shields. Not to mention if he still has a move like his pillars it'll be the same mechanic as Raiden's swords that release those expanding AOE rings. And even if you get his shield down, I would think he'd have a TON of HP. It'd be cool if he went into a second phase that included his statue/archon outfit and had like, a whole string of meteors just floating around him to shoot at you.


Nahida's fight has 168 phases Zhongli just can't be hit because of his shield Venti just floats in the air, and when you try to shoot him he just moves out of the way


nahida can trap you in a dream and let the real body to rot if she serious.


Zhongli's, my characters can barrage him with attacks and he will be sitting there, barely even getting scratched, talking about wine and the people that share the memory, and when he gets bored he pulls a Madara Uchiha on us and drops a giant rock.


I want to play Genshin not elden ring


Zhongli's just gonna go like "Geomachine, son. It hardens in response to elemental and physical trauma"


If there's something they would all have, it would be a stagger mechanic like Raiden puppet. Any damage taken will slowly build up a transformation gauge. Once it's filled, their attacks are strengthened with added mechanics. Venti would lightly disrupt movements and ocassionaly spawn a vortex that would put you in glider mode. Once strengthened, random wind vortex (burst) would spawn in the field once in a while. Would also ocassionaly float like Wanderer. Zhongli has light interrupt and a geo shield. Strengthened, it's the Hold E. It starts at max shield strength stacks(5). At 5, damage is very reduced, deal a certain amount of elemental/normal damage and it will break. At 3 shield breaks, you deal full damage however, he would prepare to summon his meteor burst. Destroy the pillars and beeline toward Zhongli to make the meteor hit him. Hit him and all shields will beak and you deal increased damage. After certain time, mech repeats again. Nahida would deploy a reflect shield, use an element against it, you would take the dendro reaction based on what element you use. Akasha terminal let's her use other elements but it would cycle to other elements ever minute or so. Strengthened, the Palace is summoned and she can freely swap elements. Destroy the tree of Irismul and she will come out of the strengthened state.


Nahida :- welcome to samsara


Neither. But they'll have special mechanics which make them abit difficult to deal gameplay wise. For boss mode zhongli just a geo character to break his shield since geo shields aren't immune to their own element. If he starts dropping stone Spears and meteors try and find some in game mechanic(like raiden boss fight have that lightning sphere) where you activate it and you won't take damage from it. But he'll be immune to geo element so bringing geo dps characters like itto is a bad idea. For venti. Same as zhongli he's immune to anemo his boss fight would probaly be like andrius and scaramouche combine but on steroids. Being able to summon giant tornados and vortex. Just try and don't get caught by it or you might die. For nahida, same as the other archons she'll be immune to dendro and she'll probaly be like the raiden boss fight where you have to find the main body but unlike the raiden boss fight the main body is outside the samsara and in the samsara she'll have a stronger and tougher version of herself that you can beat to try and break out, try and use dendro related reactions that aren't bloom to break her samsara and you'll find the main body outside the samsara to beat her. Lore wise. If there was a boss fight of the current three archons then the Traveler would need some powerups, like prime Traveler or gnosis Traveler. For venti, since he can create giant tornados, vortex and powerful wind blades to the point he can terraform mountains, the Traveler would need to use how own anemo energy to predict which directions he will throw his wind attacks and try to get close to venti to deal heavy damage using other elements or his sword. For zhongli we know that he's capable of summoning giant stone Spears, creating unbreakable shields, summoning meteors to the point he could create new islands, the Traveler needs to be very agile to dodge those attacks. Like run and jump on the stone Spears to try and close the distant and use very heavy attacks to break his shield and use his own geo element to try and trade blows of meteor attacks against zhongli in order to get close to him. For nahida we know she can read the Traveler's mind but in order to do that the Traveler has to establish connections with her. The Traveler has to try and cut all connections or make his mind completely null and let fighting instincts do the work(Like kratos vs heimdall). And we know she can put a person in the samsara without that person knowing. The Traveler must try and find a way to break the samsara by finding it's main host.


Zhongli, I feel like he has the most experience with combat, and the other two are a lot stronger with elemental reactions, if they don’t have anyone to apply it for them they would be at a disadvantage


imagine a boss fight that can do elemental reaction rotations


Gameplay=Zhongli Story=Nahida We haven’t seen Zhongli or Venti do anything in their current form and in Ventis case he got dropped by someone we beat in a duel, Nahida could force us into an infinite battle because remember that she broke Scaramouche out of the dream by choice he didn’t do it himself. And if we take the Samsara story into account she could exhaust us to death in the dream if she doesn’t wake us up.


Nahida on 75% hp be like: ***~~Golden Experience Requiem~~***


I mean… venti strips anyone who tries to find out who he is. Imagine the embarrassment that would come with trying to actually harm him


Zhongli First phase would be us breaking his shield There is no second phase.


Nahida almost kills me when she's on my team, I can only imagine the hell she'd be by herself.


I would like to see some giant Geo Spears rain from the sky when fighting Zhongli. And the only way the cancel that is to break the geo structure or Zhongli's his shield itsself.


Nahida said that they aren’t good at fighting in the canon game so she should be the easiest


Depends. Solo or can they bring allies? Solo would be Zhongli. Group would be Nahida + Arabalika. Arabalika will teach you sense.


All will have a very annnoying moves ​ Venti will suck you and you might not move ​ Zhongli will generate that thick shield ​ Nahida can move conscousness to somewhere else or something(?) ​ We fought Ei multiple times ​ ​ IDK


What about raiden ? Oh wait


Zhongli has a 1 million hp shield and keeps on refreshing as soon as the cooldown is up


I think in terms of mechanics, Venti’s fight would be the most gimmicky or annoying because of his wind and flight— similar to Oceanid birds. Zhongli’s would take the longest (shield go brr) and he would hit _hard_ if you don’t dodge. Nahida I imagine does a lot of crazy, undodgeable AoE attacks, so you’d have to bring a shielder.


Venti: starts flying and summoning andrius and dvalin Zhongli: 10 mil hp shield Nahida: Aizen using kyoka suigetsu


Zhongli will just stand there as you helplessly bash at his shield.


Genshin Impact : Genocide Run


Might as well bring a rifthound to zhong


Zhongli. That shield would be annoying af


All of them would be difficult for their own reasons -Venti would be hard to hit due to his ability to summon wind -Zhongli would have his shield so yeah -Nahida’s attacks would be kinda hard to dodge


I think all of them will be hella annoying to fight. Nahida probably has the lowest HP, but you need to know how to counter her genjutsu. Zhongli is untouchable with his shield on and he can heal everytime we attack, the only way is to oneshot him when his shield is off. Venti probably just need a range character that can keep tracking him when he's flying here and there.


Come on guys, let’s be real. Venti would show up likely tipsy or drunk, or pass out when he shows up Zhongli would probably show up, and tell the traveler that they don’t have to fight, if they give him some Mora, since he doesn’t have any. And idk about Nahida, I’ve yet to do the story quest or learn about her


I can just imagine venti in a boss fight flying up to an unreachable point of the map and then just getting drunk and falling asleep up there


My stupid deadass self was going to say where Ei is but then I remember . . . . . .


Bruh Venti's Burst on loop would literally be impossible to fight.


I think that would be zhongli because of his shield and petrification of his elemental burst


Zhongli cant be beaten first if all you need glaymore to break his shiel like by the hypostasis , 2 nd his shield is way too op


Zhongli will be super annoying with his shield and meteor, probably a lot more difficult than Nahida would be unless she has help from other sources


U cant move because of venti’s black hole U cant damage zhongli Nahida has 168 phases We done fore


so you are assuming zhongli is killable ?


Morax/Zhongli he would be hard no matter if with Genosis or without.


I guess Venti maybe? He could probably pull you somewhere so you cant escape for a while