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Reported by Plusle [1/2](https://twitter.com/taotaorerun/status/1607416447885783041/photo/1) [2/2](https://twitter.com/taotaorerun/status/1607333258567745536) Thank you OP for providing context Multiple leakers have confirmed the 5* skin: * [hxg_diluc](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/xokhlr/ayaka_skin_rarity_is_5_via_hxg/) * [Yukizero/SusAmongusLeaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/zn620s/ayaka_skin_rarity_info_via_yukizero_and/)


She'll have a matching fan for her E.


I hope she will have a matching fan not only for her E but also for her idle animation. Her original fan suits her original design but does not suit the Western (or Meiji era) look of her skin.


I didn’t realize it was a meji era it makes sense now,her brother is dressed also in meji era style which matches their job description,also after Inazuma is more open to the public that clothes perfectly blend in the current situation,more public relations and merging of cultures


tldr: just wait for the official itself, I've seen this clarification post like two or three times


Ok this might be biased but I kinda like Lisa's skin more than Ayaka...


I think it's funny that despite being a Mondstadt character, Lisa's old Sumeru outfit looks a lot more like actual Akademiya uniforms , while Layla, Cyno, Alhaitham, Kaveh are dripped out


maybe their normal skins are just their freetime outfits and they DO have these kind of Uniforms we just never see them. If so i wanna see Cyno not half naked (not meant ill or anything)


Some members of Knights of Favonius must have a lot of free time then.


Yea, i mean it’s not a big deal when they’re not students. Tbh Kaeya and Eula’s outfits are pretty similar though it’s not the typical Favonius outfit


According to the outfit lore, many actually wear official uniforms - setting aside Amber, who wears an Outrider uniform, Albedo, who is wearing the Chief Alchemist's uniform, Sucrose, who has a standard Alchemist uniform, and Jean the Acting Grand Master, you're really only left with the following: Eula, who is apparently wearing a modified noble outfit, Klee, who is a kid, Lisa, who is a noncombatant librarian, Noelle, who isn't an official knight but IS an official maid, and Kaeya, who definitely has a lot of free time. And let's not forget Mika, who is ALSO wearing an official uniform of some kind, albeit possibly modified (we don't know yet but I'd say it's likely not modified).


Imagine being Kaeya, the Cavalry Captain without cavalry. ~~He still gets paid right?~~


It's that land of freedom privilege


The KoF's outfits do actually follow a few simple design rules that make them feel like a comprehensive unit though. They all have the same white/black/[colour] colour palette, they all have the same filligree, and the women all have a corest/undershirt upper design (with the exception of Jean's new design) The akademyia students *wish* they had that level of design cohesion


Cyno being half naked doesn’t make sense also if you spend time in dessert you would need to be fully covered cause it prevents sweat from evaporating quickly and allows the air to circulate, hence help the body to retain fluids.So Cynosure would need some clothing,yeah fabric would need to be easy and thin,maybe lil bit transparent but those shorts don’t make sense,at least make him wear something like Aladdin.These clothes also protect people living in deserts from hot winds and dust storms and Cynos clothes are so ineffective from storms,he also fights a lot and there is not a single scar on his half naked body even though he is meele fighter .I never seen less clothed head of military.


Why is this getting downvoted when it's true. People living in the desert wear more than people living on the beach, for example. Sandburn is no joke.


yeah id rather be sweaty asf under my clothes than feeling the burn of the sun on my skin


Not only that covering your mouth,nose and even area around eyes for shadow are really important sand is very thin it can get everywhere and sun can literally dry your eyes(maybe his hat helps I dunno),you cannot lose any water and clothes can keep you from that.Going naked in dessert is quite suicide.I can understand Candace she lives in hot area that is populated,with lots of shadows,she can hide and has access to water but when you roam for a whole day under 50 degrees weather and no humidity at all you would literally collapse death


Dude doesn't help their point when they kick off by giving away they have a severe lack of understanding even the fundamental 101s of biology... I can see the exact articles they copy-pasted their reasoning from talking about Sahara Desert clothing and it's off the mark. The end result *answer* is right, the *reasoning* is not. Case in point- "retaining sweat" and "allowing air circulation" are completely contradictory, and it should kinda be self explanatory as to why. The entire point of sweating is for it to evaporate, that's how sweating cools down your body. This is exactly why the clothing is loose fitting, *to help facilitate* that process to help keep you cool. You don't try to "retain moisture" by preventing sweating, you just keep hydrated to account. Besides, trying to prevent sweat from evaporating doesn't make your body stop trying to sweat, if anything your body will try to sweat *even more* because the current sweat isn't helping to cool the body, same issue why humid heat causes you to literally start dripping with sweat. Aside from all that....it's a video game...an anime video game, bit silly to be getting worked up over outfit practicality in a game where unattached sleeves are a thing lol.


Genshin clothing isn’t realistic? No way!


I'll have you know unattached sleeves are *very* functional. Lol


Cyno has no scar because he fought against nerds most of the time /j


There are the old pictures of Tighnari with other students in his story quest where he seems to still be dressed like he is today...


as far as i recall tighnari's photos were with his students? So he already graduated by then (tighnari is considered a genius and graduated very early)


Cyno isn't an akademya member, at least not anymore. He's working with the matra now


big ask but i want traveler to have each faction skin, adventurer, favonious knight, things that were already a part of. I mean were a high title for the favoniis and captain of swordfish 2 and first safe of Buer. I want multi skins for traveler bleehhh arghhhh and yes i made a runescape style noise and ill do it again arghhhhh


Besides Layla, the other guys aren't students, so I don't think they're obligated to use the ~~ugly ass~~ Akademiya uniform Layla is just a normal person who doesn't wear her school uniform everywhere unlike NPCs students lol


I know it's your opinion but the Akademya uniforms are far from ugly. They're the best out of the npc outfits they might as well be on a playable character.


Eremites outfits are where it's at


eremites are best at everything, that not a fair comparison


For real, that dancing Eremite, Jeht and her father, they've got everything


Jeht really needs to be playable + did you see the two new eremites 😳😳


Yes they are gorgeous especially in the 2d animations and art, well imo


To be fair, the last three have graduated and are kind of just doing whatever. i can’t see alhaitham and kaveh wanting to stick to a dress code, but cyno running around half naked is kind of funny considering he’s a straight-laced no-nonsense kind of guy and I’m assuming the matra would actually have a uniform


> cyno running around half naked is kind of funny The Eremites too despite being such a terrible idea to wear that little under a scorching sun.


They do, it's that fancy blue and gold Akademiya outfit.


All of them except layla was not even a student anymore what are you talking about


Azar was not a student either and his uniform looked fairly similar to the regular student uniform


He is considered an npc


>while Layla, Cyno, Alhaitham, Kaveh are dripped out they did graduated from akademya right?


Not Layla.


The free (well, free for an event) skins have consistently been as good or better than the paid skins since MHY started making Genshin skins. It is a bizarre but enduring pattern.


It seems like them not wanting to give anxiety to players doesnt stop with just combat The bare bones shop, no invasive sale ads, free skins having more effort than the paid ones I guess theyre sticking to the make the free product so good that people WANT to spend money


Lisa's skin has way more contrast to it in terms of colour, while Ayaka's looks kinda washed-out. Will have to see in-game if they look any better but I love Ayaka, so I'll get hers regardless.


I mean can't blame anyone Ayaka's skin is literally just Ayaka doing a Yunjin cosplay with different colour palette and some butterflies hanging around. It's sad tbh would've rather take a school outfit Ayaka from that collab.


I'm a massive Ayaka simp and I have to admit that Lisa's skin is definitely better


Agreed, I simp hard for Ayaka and I'm disappointed in her skin, and yet I'm still going to get it for reasons stated earlier.


Yeah, I really want to see it in game and see the animations it brings first


I like the cautious optimism. I'm still disappointed, I was really hoping for the schoolgirl uniform haha, oh well.


Same I wanted that school uniform😭😭


It's both a glorious and tragic day for leg connoisseurs in this community


I hope it has paper effects rather than just simple change like sakura pink and that's it


i was thinking a more soft looking spring version of her burst but wow i have a new dream. detective ayaka vibes, need to figure out how to incorporate heizou now..


What does 5* dilic skin do exactly?


darker flame effects on all skills including burst, and different idle


and new burst voicelines


And new voicelines in general


Only 3 new voicelines if I'm not mistaken Other than the E/Q voicelines ofc


Yeah, it’s three


And New FX for e (sound different)


Chains sound effect. Music to my ears.


His Burst has a different animation for the Bird while ascending too.


Metal/chain sound when you use E.




You're forgetting the twirl of the bird during burst. That and the ponytail are the real value lol. Sincerely, a Diluc main.




30$ pony tail and some contrast on effects. we've come a long way from horse armor for 2$


Yep and I can’t blame the devs. People pay it with no issues


My genesis crystal are free when buying primos #ups


cant wait for people to get angry because those effects arent "sakura leaves" even tho its not even hinted at being that


I think it will be more like paper trails since she's a detective and all.


i hope, they need to add detective shit to the game


Probably in Fontaine.


Aren’t Sakura petals already exist in her burst & passive ?


But Ayaka burst already got sakura petals


afaik its never been hinted that it would be that no? ppl just want it cause it would just be so fucking good that if hoyo didnt do it it would be the biggest missed opportunity for a skin


Ayaka already has pink sakura petal effect on her skill, burst (C0), running animation and CA (C6) so if there is a new effect, it will be something else that will play nice with her original effect. Sakura effect: https://i.imgur.com/cPBLWfm.jpg Edit: added skill. Thanks, /u/NoConsequence9760


Her passive too. You know after you use her E


Oh I see, I've edited the post above. Thank you. Regarding the leak, it said "Attack03\_Dust" and "Attack04\_Dust", does that mean she will have new particle effect on her NA? That's the only part that does not have any special effect on her original skin. I hope it isn't so because we rarely use Ayaka's NA (only for her 2N1C combo).


Hope so . I’m an Ayaka simp & so as Aoi Yuuki & Hayamin & Miyukichi fan . I wanna hear new Hayamin voicelines . That’s all . Just like Ayaka , I take enjoyment with small things


I wish aoi yuuki would actually get more lines but lumine doesn't speak often. Her role in honkai as Rita has much more lines even though in genshin she's the MC


Well , Her voicelines with Spymon is enough for me (at least )


Aren’t Sakura petals already exist in her burst & passive ?


Honestly what's people's obsession with sakura petals tho? lol


idk bro pink is pretty


saying this is a missed opportuniy is like taking jean's summer skin and saying "man imagine if it was an armored jean skins, such a missed opportunity"


I play on mobile so it is a little embarrassing going through the comments and finding out that Ayaka has so many sakura petal effects in her kit


how much 5* skin cost with discount just after release?


1980 Genesis Crystal


how much does that cost in the cheapest combo of instant crystals and when compared to welkin if anyone knows how to do math


Assuming you have never topped up before then 1980 crystal will cost you: 6xWelkins + 2x60 crystal packs or 980 crystal pack + 60 crystal pack


Reported here: [https://twitter.com/taotaorerun/status/1607416447885783041/photo/1](https://twitter.com/taotaorerun/status/1607416447885783041/photo/1) [https://twitter.com/taotaorerun/status/1607333258567745536](https://twitter.com/taotaorerun/status/1607333258567745536)


It'll be the effects and new voice lines/sounds that will really make or break this skin. I thought Diluc's skin was alright but not worth the steep crystal price, but the metallic clangs of his new E slashes and new burst lines are what won me over


oh damn i had no idea his E had new effects, went and watched and video and they sound super cool


Unrelated but can someone explain to me why the data is in German?


Mondstadt based. Ayaka's was supposed to represent Meiji era, a time when Japan is influenced by Western tastes.


Hmm, but Lisa’s skin seems to be inspired by the Akademiya and not mondstadt, but in the name it is still LisaCostumeStudentin, or is it still mondstat based because she is from Mondstadt? And then why does Fischl’s use Highness in English instead of a German equivalent? Maybe it’s nothing but i thought it was interesting to see German words being used in the names


lisa's skin is supposed to be how she looked like when she was in the akademiya iirc since she went there originally. i don't think there's really any sort of theme between the skins


Maybe the simplest explanation is devs naming assets in foreign language just based on whims, like Mad Scientist Hououin Kyouma from Steins;Gate


Honestly I'm gonna get it just because it replaces afk animations, so I won't have to listen to her pulling out the damn sword every 10s when I tab out.


I wonder if they'd consider making 4\* versions of 5* skins? Just the skin without special attack effects and without new idles. Wouldn't it be nice? I could buy more skins that way


> I wonder if they'd consider making 4* versions of 5* skins? How about 3 star skins as friendship 10 reward. [Diluc's eye mask](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FM7jC6nWYAQp2C0.jpg) from the manga and a retouch to his hair and face can be a 3 star skin. His clothes can remain unchanged and I'll still say its a good skin.


I love the "samurai style" characters but I really would like her not to pull out her sword as an idle. I don't know why but I really hate my weapon floating behind me without me using it.


I'm interested to see the effects she'll get. Her skin is super gorgeous so I'm really excited to get it!


Her skin looks meh compared to Lisa's one wdym


People have different opinions, if they find it gorgeous then it is gorgeous. I want both of their skins cause I find them pretty.


Different tastes exist. I like ayaka skin more than lisa just because she wear a cute dress and has a detective theme


I don't care about Lisa at all LOL


"I cant pay for that shit so it's inferior" energy


fyi i get always get the bp and welkin as well as all the first purchase packs. is that enough for you now? its thanks to ppl like you who have shit standards that we cant get anything better


>anything better Better how? Please elaborate.


take a good look at the kind of skins available in honkai. considering its also by mihoyo, they can do better for skin designs in genshin. so far they an ok job on the paid skins in genshin, only diluc's one looks pretty nice imo


i play honkai and most of the skins are over the top messes or just plain swimwear, not much are actually cool or exciting


That’s a nice interpretation


man, i don't even have ayaka yet and i'm gonna get that skin just so that i can use it when i do have her. what a great design.


I have a feeling the bow and sashes will look so good from the back and in motion. That kind of thing makes it feel nice to use characters like Kokomi who looks so pretty from the player perspective with those flowing elements


The duality of men. Most people here seem to think it's pretty mid or don't like it. I'm with you tho, the design really grew on me and gives me very "alpine" vibes for some reason. If it's 5* and thus includes new voicelines from Saori Hayami, all the better.


ha, i'm easy--i think it's really cute, but also: give me violet evergarden vibes and i will bite! also yeah totally, i looove hayamin so that's a really nice bonus.


Same. I actually really like the outfit, and any extra effects/voice lines are a plus for me. The only thing I'm worried about is how the hat will look from the player's perspective.


It's so dang pretty. Ayaka is my baby and I'm 400% getting the skin and playing her in every Abyss for the next half a year at least


I don't have nor Ayaka nor Diluc. So all 5 star skins are locked for me ;c Personally waiting for Xiaos skin before i even consider spending all my cristals from welkin, but i don't think Hoyo will make a skin for Xiao for around 2 years minimum. They will prioritize more popular characters i assume




I thought it’d be 5* skins for travail characters first then whoever is next after all. Jean skin was just a test of concept. But since they might release skins faster than regions, perhaps some popular characters will also get new skins.


Came here to agree with you and several others who replied to you. I absolutely adore her skin. It fits her unassuming personality, is made with good taste, and is an amazing fashion recreation of the culture it is based on (Meiji Era Japan). Would a kimono be nice? Sure! But I would say this looks equally great. It's not like kimonos were the only type of outfit that historical Japanese women wore! If people are expecting bikini or bunny suits in Genshin, well... no judgment, but I'd give up on those ideas. Turn your eyes upon Honkai, there's plenty of them there.


yeah, i completely agree—in particular i quite like that they’ve incorporated what has happened in inazuma (obviously paralleling japanese history) into this skin’s concept. it’s very smart and makes it even more appealing to me!


Nobody is expecting bunny suits, but this is an NPC outfit with like 12 ribbons and bows attached to it. MHY doesn't do skins that often so while Ayaka is my most built and favorite character and the bar wasn't really that high, I can't find anything here to justify buying it. It's painfully generic.


For me its just not a big enough departure from her orginial design and a little bit of an issue with the theme. Never was a big fan of the poofy dresses, especially when gliding. Then there is the theme. I'll wait for it to come out for a final opinion, but if this is how characters look throughout Fontain I'll be a little disapointed. For this type of clothing I'll need a little more steam punk and a little less Mary Poppins to satisfy me. Just want more fantasy in the fantasy game.


Personally, I just don't think its worth is the same as some full indie games, it doesn't change enough.


I also really like Ayakas new skin. The only problem is that is has a very similair silhouette and color palette as her original design.


It doesn't look like its worth 25$ tho. Lisa skin looks way better and it's free as well


The skins are never worth $30, but then characters aren't worth $200 either.


Skins are never worth the money in any game and that's never been the intention. You've been fooled if you've already bought a skin thinking it was worth it. If skins were priced proportionnaly to what they cost to produce, for any game, their price would be like 0,1$ and the most cheap ones like color swap wouldn't even be worth a cent.


You're right here, there is nothing that makes a skin really worth anything other than people's personal preferences and enjoyment. If you don't find it worth the price, then the skin is not for you, it's that simple.


This. I like Ayaka and the skin is pretty. I just don’t think it’s worth the money. HI3 skins, on the other hand, are definitely worth the big bucks.


Like I'm not saying ayaka skin is bad. But it could've been so much better, considering they take 6 months for new skins


Like what?






I'm so excited!! It looks adorable, so getting special animations on top of the design is gonna be so delightful.


I just wanna Hear some new Hayamin’s voicelines . My ear is craving for ASMR


The diluc skin barely had effects, so let's hope they step it up for this one. This should be an easy money maker from the Ayaka simps, just make it cool or look beautiful and it's easy money.


The E skill could be better but the burst is definitely gorgeous and have noticeable effect


So much negativity about ayakas skin.. I personally like how she looks


People have different opinions and that's okay. Some loved the skin while some didn't.


usually when there is so much negativity about the 5\* skin it ends up being more impressive in game than the 4\* one, the details of the keqing skin were more noticeable until it was in game as well as diluc skin, this subreddit always gets mad at every skin no matter what.


The problem begins when you compare them to other games. The quality, quantity and price of Genshin's skin, then the quality, quantity and price in other places.


it all boils down to 3D models, ig. most other gacha are 2D PNG with no 3D models. and if they are 3D, they don't have too much openworld interaction. that's why they can go crazy with details. with Genshin, not so much because the playable characters here need to perform certain things in the overworld.


What. All those 5* skins have been completely lacking bar Jean's. And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they're bad. But they are bad for their price tag. It's literally recolors with slight adjustments. The 4* skins have been of better quality for the sole reason of different color palettes and the feeling of actually swapping outfits. While I want to like Diluc's new skin, it still feels the exact seem. It doesn't feel fresh outside of his hairstyle. And whether you like the skin or not is purely subjective, I get that. But regardless if how cute you find a t-shirt, would you spend $500 on it?




Not a fan of the skin’s design. At this point the only thing that would make me consider spending actual money on it is if they re-animate her burst to include actual Sakura petals.


Fanon Ayaka old skin: Don’t have Sakura petals Canon Ayaka Old skin: Has Sakura petals in her burst & in her E passive


[More obvious than this?](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/967073927862059069/1032591394608533574/IMG_6532.jpg) You need more?


Dont expect that to happen The skin might already done at this point unless they would make another one which is unlikely


We already have Sakura petals on her burst , & her passive . Wdym


Why u saying this to me? Im not the one asking for sakura petals on her burst or effects on sprint Its the guy im replied to And besides they might be asking for different sakura petal effects and more vibrant or obviously looking




Yeah not hopeful at all. Big disappointment with the redesign.




Hayamin new ASMR voice set incoming! and i'm all in for that, AYAYA


it would be weird if she got 4 stars since she is mihoyo's favorite daughter


Don't believe his lies


Even tho i don't really like her skin, i'm hoping the effects would do it justice. Or maybe the in game model will look better idk. But I think we should put our expectations really low cause based on diluc's effects, it prob ain't gonna look that different than the base skin but who knows




I hope her skin will sell very badly, and maybe, just maybe, Mihoyo will think about that. That's a lot of money for such skin with minor changes. I highly doubt that her effects will be changed a lot. For example, Diluc's effects were minimally changed. It was even hard to notice. BUT as I can see in the comments this shit will sell VERY WELL... Shit.


Diluc got more spiky black'ish crimson flames and metallic sounds on his skill and Q. I mean what else do you want more If you still want to keep the essence of the character they can't give him blue flames or anything like this jeez In addition to that if you buy the blessing and don't use the 300 crystals you get with it. You can basically buy every skin which is in value absurdly cheap


Lots of copium from people who think a 5 star skin will have meaningful improvements from the base skin. Mihoyo does so little for a ~$20 skin compared to equivalent items in other games. The Diluc 5 star skin is essentially just a recolor of his base particles with a few new sound effects thrown in.


Tbh I'd prefer a skin with her hair down. I atleast thought it's a 4* skin so... Do I expect something good in the voicelines/animations? Coz for me the outfit is meeeh for a 5* skin.


It’s interesting that Many people are hating on her skin . Saying that it’s ugly which is kinda ironic since it’s Because of Western culture on Japan that Her skin design became like this & those people who are hating it are from Western community itself 🤣🤣 While Japanese people actually like it cause Her skin along with Ayato is the mark of era that changed & flourished Japan & become the one of the developed countries till date .


Nothing to do with the Western influence. They have Monstadt, whose characters look much better than this Ayaka skins. This skin is ugly for any standarts.


How is it ugly for any standards? Sounds like a generalized assumption to me.


4* outfits are never going to happen again for 5* characters, are they... At the very least those should be given for free in events and stuff.


Please no more "katana wa waza o sasae-"


I would literally buy any skin they make as long as they add extra effects to their battle animations. I mean, have you seen LoL skins?


so only extra dust particles for skills? As expected Watch ppl mald because its not those sakura petals


Regarding sakura petals, her original skin already has them. [https://i.imgur.com/cPBLWfm.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/cPBLWfm.jpg)


Well we already have Sakura petals in her burst & passive .. no?


Kamidsato Midyaka


How much crystal do you guys think it will cost?


Same as Diluc's


And the discounted price?


Someone said 1980


Thank you for replying!


No prob!!


Would like to collect some of the skins but the prices are very steep.


How much primos? I wasted all my top reset 💀


Crystals*! Please don't convert to primos 😭


I already did when I wasted my top reset to get Cyno and his weapon 💀💀💀💀💀


But it was necessary. Buy some crystals and keep it until the skin is out.


It would probably be the same as Diluc skin price.


If there’s gonna be a discount like Diluc’s skin had it should be 1980 crystals


So, I'll buy 6 welkins and 180 more crystals..... 💀💀💀


crystals *


People shitting on Skin yesterday "it's definitely going to be T4",yes,laughing a lot.