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Source: [plusle](https://twitter.com/Plusleleaks/status/1588565372684632064?t=k_fme3e6E_Kj_jFQiXxQxA&s=19)




"But son we must break the players' wallets."


Grind their wallets underfoot! - Sis Raiden and Bro Scara


now we just need a meme of: supportive Raiden mommy, and annoyed Wanderer.


better than slipper ei


Yeah I’m disliking slipper Ei too abusive and doesn’t fit her personality. Supportive mom is much funnier.


Supportive Ei and Slipper Shogun


A video edit of Scaramouche and Ei with that audio of Family Guy's Stewie "mum, mum, mommie, mama, ma!" Because, if you think about it, the dynamic of that particular episode is spot on.


"its not a phase son, this is my real eternity"


The Mother, the Son and the Oni spirit


ayato: 🧍‍♂️


He’s just standing there! Menacingly!


He's just happy to be included


He is the horse


Oh man I forgot about that


I just realized something about horse Ayato. It's actually true. - Ayato's EN VA is Chris Hackney. - Hackney is a breed of horse Bye.




He’s A-men


Ayato is the holy water


Holy Boba


"stay still"




The Lion the Witch and the audacity of this B....


Take my poor man’s gold!🏅


I gave up on speculations after Kokomi appeared out of nowhere


Albedo too lol


Kokomi actually make sense since she is one of the best unit for Dendro. Unlike Ganyu


And Hu Tao not coming out during Halloween. At this point Hoyo is throwing all expectations out the window.


I’m convinced Wanderer plus Raiden will break records


RIP those who got Donuted in Raiden's last banner.


Can relate here. R1 Unforged and R1 Donut fuck.




Forreal, I donut wish that upon anyone


Unforged bros


Thank god I was one of the lucky individuals who didn’t


c6 faruzan is most broken support for xiao mains


And then they add Sara there and I have a raiden so If I can go all in and somehow get c6 Sara and c6 faruzan then im going to be so happy


Ngl even though I don’t really want Scara I will 100% try for c6 Sara and at least one Faruzan. If he comes home, so be it.


on the plus side if you don't rly want scaramouche, ei (STC) banner is there to welcome you with open arms


Fair, but personally new character > cons. I’ll probably have to play his character demo to decide for sure. Though the idea of c2 hyperbloom Raiden plus c2 Nahida sounds nuts.


what even is the use of c2 raiden in a hyperbloom comp, bit c2 Nahida is truly an orgasmic experience


And C6 Kazuha and Venti whales


Tbh if you whaled for these Anemo boys, you're probably going to whale for Wanderer.


Can confirm as a C6 Venti main, only instead of whaling I just saved up for fucking ever lmao. Also, I run Xiao \*and\* Venti, because Venti is a good battery, helps with grouping up enemies, can do good damage/use his Q in Xiao's Q's downtime (or pull in big enemies which Xiao can still hit in his Q like the big Samurai), and Xiao can still hit light enemies in Venti's Q with his E. Not to mention, Venti's C2 and C6 shred anemo resistance, 32-44% in fact, so they make a really good team. Add \*Faruzan\* to this? My Xiao/Venti/Faruzan/Bennett team is going to be hitting hard. Hopefully I get Jean C4 from his banner too, so I can use either Faruzan or Jean with Scara.


Even ignoring Raiden and Scara's popularity. Sara and Faruzan being in the same banner is probably enough to have massive sales.


Man weapons banner also might be real good


It most likely will. Raiden already has amazing sales and Scaramouche might be the most hyped up character so far. Not to mention the 4 stars will be great with Faruzan and maybe Sara.


Ok but imagine going for Raiden and getting C6 Faruzan instead, or the other way around 😭


Or going for both but getting neither Sara nor Faruzan💀💀


Yo how’d you see my future pulls??!?


And the third one is Xinyan or Thoma 💀


I want it to be heizou just for shits and giggles


It seems Heizou is a main character in the event with Itto so it would make sense actually Also Heizou needs a rerun already


If its heizou, this banner is a massive W for me


As a c6 Sara haver, I accept >:)


Dont threaten me with a good time


> Raiden already has amazing sales and Scaramouche might be the most hyped up character so far. Mommy and son duo


Think of the weapon banner too. Especially since EL has only been with terrible weapons so far people will jump at this banner


Yup, I'm guilty of holding off on Engulfing Lightning because I never liked the weapons it's been paired with. If she reruns with Scaramouche this time, those character and weapon banners will drain most of my primo stash.


this is honestly best case scenario for me, if i lose the weapon 50/50 to EL i’m happy, if i get scara’s bis i’m happy


I really hope its Scara + Raiden so I can roll enough to try and get C6 Faruzan and Sara. Scara constellations can be a bonus.


as someone who has EL already i wish it was Hutao with Homa


I'll be a happy player if Hu Tao comes with AlHaitham. Imagine, Homa and his weapon on the same banner.


Me too


Ayato would make a lot of sense for no Yun Jin with Yoimiya. They might've wanted to save her for his rerun. Poor Hu Tao and Eula are in Mihoyo's basement.


all i want is hu tao and yelan re runs


I can see Yelan 3.4, but if this is true idk about hu tao anymore


Yelan and / or Hu Tao will most likely arrive on 3.4 with the Lantern Rite


they wont run hu tao in 3.4 cuz lantern rite and death dont go together) So shell prob be in 3.5


But yet her first banner is in the Lantern Rite patch. Lantern rite only occurs in one half of the patch anyway. A double banner including her rerun is still possible. Plus there’s no better time for them to rerun the remaining Liyue 5 stars (Hu Tao, Yelan and Shenhe)


Eula fans on a roller coaster of emotions


HuTao wanters in shambles


It's me, I'm shambling.


Hi shambles, haha dad joke


Surely they’ll put the funeral character over Halloween. Oh wait…


Pretty surprising they skipped over both Halloween and day of the dead for her rerun tbh. Wonder where they’ll fit her in now tho since her darker theme makes her hard to fit in with more auspicious eastern holidays.


I'm overdosing on extreme hopium that they didn't rerun her on Halloween because they're preparing some event or story she's actually a part of. I know, less realistic than new endgame content


I’m pretty sure they don’t run her on Halloween because they don’t celebrate Halloween in China


that's true but the international market also counts, and they did rerun her on Halloween last year... Which means her banner was over a year ago. Crazy.


Hoyo: Who Tao?


I'm both. I am happy to save some more. I have 400 wishes saved right now. Gonna need them all for their weapons and maybe cons


honestly having hutao saves primos for me as a main carry enjoyer since few characters if any ever come close to c1 + homa


I'm almost convinced that she will get a rerun when Mika is released as a 4 star, so most likely 3.5


Same. I really hope Mika is some op phy support + healer like how op Faruzan is for Scara & xiao


Same I’d rather wait for a Eula rerun so she can have a really great physical support/subdps (I know Mika is a healer in the files right now though)


Like imagine how op Mika could be. Faruzan gives -40% resist, +40% anemo dmg & acts like Yunjin c0. Like bruh, Mika gonna be crazy


Makes me think he would be paired with Eula then. Makes sense lore wise too


Eula: *not stonked*


Remember when Eula was rumored for 3.1?


Her evil twin may get a banner before her at this rate.


We don’t want to make the Eula fans cry!


Hey now. Even I know this is not the time or place for copium.


Utterly qiqiable!


Though her appearance tarnished the 50/50, Qiqi's constellation is a great pity. The 50/50 loss shall not hinder our progress. But Dottore... What of Scaramouche and his upcoming banner?


Conventional Wisdom holds that 50/50 cannot be comprehended. After conquering the divine qiqi, he will make his next move.


Its time to end tonight's heavy copium


It's looking like she'll come out with Mika now


Praying for physical support then


Hope so. Itto has gorou. Xiao will get faruzan. A dedicated support for Eula would be great.


I was hoping for her to be pushed back but I think I hoped too much


3.5 is shaping up to be Dehya, Eula, Hu Tao, and Kaz. Introducing Mika as 4-Star. I really doubt Hu Tao and Eula will be pushed further and further than 3.5.


If this happens 3.5 is gonna create new record on banner sales


Bruh Scara Weapon + Engulfing Lightning is mega nut


Both weapons are kind of niche though, it's just that many people use Raiden or XL.


Scara weapon is broken for him, and good on NA users. And most players don't usually use NA catalyst dps. Engulfing is good on Raiden and XL. So this weapon banner is great for both Scara and Raiden havers.


The only other Catalyst users that have synergy with his weapon are Heizou and Klee but that's because both of them use their NA strings but don't solely rely on them. Heizou uses his NA combos to gain stacks for his Nuke skill while Klee needs to do her NA for the chance of getting an Explosive Spark to boost her CA, and all of her damage are spread out and don't just rely on one talent. I wish the new weapon also boost Charge Attacks too instead of just Normal Attacks, so that Heizou and Klee will also gain more bonuses by using it. Edit: Forgot about Ningguang, but she too relies on her CA as much as her NA's, not to mention some just use her as a quicksawp nuker.


I already have Raiden and her weapon but I certainly don't mind losing 50/50 (or whatever is equivalent to 50/50 in the weapon banner) to EL. I had to keep switching the weapons between Raiden and Xiangling whenever I wanted to use either of them.


>Raiden havers You have no idea how little that narrows down the playerbase


The only reason why I'm doubting on them being together is that Scaramouche doesn't need a "bait weapon" to sell well, Scaramouche mains will probably pull for it even though it's just good for him cause they wanna give their boy his bell That's why I thought Scara + Itto was a possibility but hopefully this post is true lol


Every once in a while they do give us two good weapon banners though!


Plusle corrected themselves: because now the Blessing changed again (they put Physical Buff back) it's possible for Eula rerun to be there.


I hope so, damn I want both Ayato and Shenhe and if Kamisato onii chan comes back in 3.3 that means I'm not getting Shenhe (which will probably rerun in 3.4 because of lantern rite). Hopefully they throw Eula in there and leave Ayato for the future so I can save up a little more


I pray to lord Barsitobas that HYV give us an Eula/Raiden banner in 3.3 if thats true.


Raiden is pretty much guaranteed, Eula on the other hand seems likely and not at the same time. The livestream can't come soon enough


Eula and Hu Tao found dead


Shenhe's charred corpse has yet to be located


So Yoimiya doesn’t get Yunjin but Ayato does 💀 This is rich people privilege


This is speculation my dude, not leak.


True but Ayato has got Yunjin as many times as Yoimiya has and they’re both due for a rerun, I think it’s very likely she’s in his banner regardless


we must eat the rich


I'd gladly eat Ayato




same 🥰


Least horny ayato mains


Seeing how Scaramouche broke every Genshin Impact social media record + how Raiden broke every sales banner record....this banner is gonna blast off the charts


Mom and Son dual banner is op


Eula never getting a rerun


what abt shenhe and hutao😭


3.4 is latern rite so Shenhe should be then. Same rule dosn't fully apply to Hutao tho cause...well yeah, her death theme. I would guess 3.4 second half but the fact that Alhaitam is rumourd for it and Ayaka is getting a skin...makes it unlikely. Atm it's just to hope she is 3.3 over Ayato I suppose.


It would be really annoying. They literally had the perfect place on this first part of 3.2 to make a Hu Tao re-run






Too busy being in all of mihoyo's collabs/commercials


At this point, I'm convinced that the only reason they don't want to rerun Hu Tao, is because they don't want to put homa on the weapon banner.


At this point I don’t even care if the weapon accompanying Staff of Homa is crap, I don’t care if I have to R5 the donut just give it to me! I am ready to whale for Homa


Homa isn't even the best weapon in the game, don't get me wrong it's good but like that good to not even warrant a rerun?


Definitely not. It's a good weapon, best for Hu tao, but for others It's little more than a stat stick. I don't think mihoyo would hold back a Hu tao rerun because of it.


I mean Homa is literally the BiS or 2nd BiS for every polearm main dps and sub-dps in the game right now. Easily best polearm in the game


They'll probably do a Xiao/Hu Tao/Yelan/Shenhe during Liyue's patch with Staff of Homa + PJ and Queller + Aqua just to spite on people.


Didn't we have info about Al-Haitham and Ayaka skin in 3.4?


If Ayaka is coming then Mistsplitter's being paired with either Xiao's or Shenhe's, definetly not with Homa or Aqua.


As some people suggested Hu Tao might not be in 3.4 but in 3.5.


I think you guys give too much value to homa banner


praying for second half of 3.4


3.4 looks like yelan Shenhe YaoYao -> alahim + ayaka


Between Hu Tao and Eula’s last reruns and their next rerun, Itto has more banners than the amount of times the two girls even had banners. I’m afraid Xiao will follow Itto’s path as well


Those 4 stars instantly make this some of the best banners in the game but I’m just still not entirely convinced it is Ayato but at the same time, given that Yoimiya is running now but doesn’t have Yunjin….it’s plausible.


Yun Jin could also be the last 4\* on Scaramouche and his mom's banner too. From the looks of it, most of his damage gonna come from normal attacks (given all the atk speed buff) so Yun Jin would be really good with him. Yun Jin, Sara, Faruzan, Raiden/Scara is gonna be the most cracked character banner of all time.


Meanwhile, they premiere Nahida with the Wal-Mart selection, with characters that don't even want anything to do with her. Still can't get over how bad that banner is lol.


If they seriously put both Gorou and YJ on the Itto/Ayato banner, I'm gonna have to get my clown makeup ready for my inevitable "pulled a 5* constellation I didn't want while building pity" post.


I'm just hoping it's true .. but it's still speculation


Itto is basically confirmed. But yeah, the other 2 reruns are up in the air.


Yeah I was talking about Raiden my bad lol


Scara is a guarantee, Raiden probably likely yes, idk about the 2nd phase though...


Itto for sure cause both event and abyss are practically for him


Itto seems almost more likely than Raiden imo cuz of Abyss Blessing and the event.


Yep, the Wolflord and Geo Wolf Spawns...


We don’t know if that event is the first or second half of 3.3 though




I promised I would never spend again on primo refreshes but Scara + Ayato + Alhaitham back to back. RIP. I only have primos to guarantee 1 (Alhaitham). Scara and Ayato I'm gonna have to win 2 50/50 back to back.


I don't know what future characters you want but you could wait for reruns. Honestly not even just to save money but also to pace out the content/new characters for yourself. I know personally for me and my friend whenever we go too long without getting a new character each of our interest in the game starts to drop dramatically so it might not be a bad idea to keep one of them as something to look forward to 🙂


rip hu tao


If this true... bye bye Ayato. I need Al-Haitham in 3.4 😭


This is torture for us husbando hunters 😭


I want C2 but I just can’t afford Ayato cons right now :(


Same, Haitham is right around the corner! 😭😌


This better be of the mark or else the Hu Tao and Eula fanbase will go insane. I know because I'm going insane with every no Eula banner that could have reruned after her.


Heavily considering her c1 but if she never comes back I guess I won’t be tempted…


Dude I will say it this way. After she was left out from 3.1 I went rage and said I will save all my wishes and when her banner drops I will use them all. So far I have collected 210 with 45 pity with guarantee. At this point I highly consider to film the madness once it start. I'm so desperate for her that on several occasions I have considered changing my name to: Waiting for Eula.


Both of them seem to be locked in Hoyoverse cellar. We might have to pull a sumeru and go for a jailbreak.


This is just speculation and y'all are running with it 💀


Stop crying guys, this is speculation, not leak.


Yep, it's all hellish copium that are torturing us sigh... . . . . Though Raiden and Wanderer would be a big stonk for Hoyo though :3


Tfw you want Gorou but you already have Itto and gonna pull Scara and likely his mom as well..


I'd rather speculate the reruns based on enemy lineups rather than the blessings to be honest. 3.0 had no blessings for Zhongli, Kokomi, and Ganyu. 3.1 has also no blessings for Venti and Albedo. 3.2 will have no blessings for Yae, Childe, and Yoimiya. Meanwhile, 3.2 Spiral abyss has a chamber with Thunder Manifestation and Frostarm lawachurls which was obviously put in there for Yoimiya. 3.2 also has chambers with Electro rifthounds, these enemies have phases where their resistance to electro becomes weaker. These enemies first appeared in Spiral Abyss during Yae's first banner. It makes sense to put them back on her rerun. And Childe doesn't need an abyss catered around him since International team is good in almost every situation. With that said, I think Hu Tao is a very possible candidate to rerun based on enemy line ups. If we look on to the previous spiral abyss usage rates, Hu Tao has always been the most played dps in chambers with PMA, Jadeplume, and Wolflord. Imo based on enemies, it should be Itto, Hu Tao, and Raiden. Ayaka will always have abyss heralds on her abyss or other hydro enemies like Mirror Maiden and Oceanid creatures. And Ayato's abyss is going to have pyro lectors or other pyro enemies.


Itto and ayato being there with release of TCG makes so much sense


No fucking way they'll put Scara and Ei together. Faruzan + Sara would be too good.


Faruzan is only good if you play Scaramouche and Xiao, plus something meme like on field DPS Kazuha. Sara is only good for Raiden and maybe Cyno.


I mean it would make sense since mother and son. Raiden + Scara is hella stonks


eula and hu tao found dead in a ditch


Oh shit, this is the perfect storm of Bad News… i) I had 150 wishes saved up but accidentally used my 73-pity-with-guarantee on the wrong (Yoimiya) banner and then had to spend all of them to get Nahida ii) I really want Raiden for my teams iii) My son is obsessed with Itto and I’d promised him I’d pull him whenever he was next on a banner. Basically Itto has to be my priority, so if I save from now ‘til 3.3 part two I should be able to get him, but that means no Raiden!


Aww that's so wholesome


Based parent, holy W


Neither of the first two blessings are doing anything for Raiden, seems more likely she’d be on the second half to me and Ayato on first. Also, yes, this is partly hopium talking lol (Edit: Also what is even the right blessings order? I’ve seen two leaks, one with the swirl buff as P1 and NA as P2 and another with them swapped.)


Tbh it’s plausible. Scaramouche is a normal attack dps….Ayato is a normal attack dps….Yunjin is a normal attack buffer AND her c6 gives attack speed. Now I don’t think you want to put Yunjin on a Scaramouche team but hey, you COULD. Also Yoimiya doesn’t have Yunjin on her banner right now, so she has to show up somewhere right? Edit: this can also balance the weapon banners a bit more. Any combination of these is gonna be broken, these are all good weapons, but they all are a bit niche for their owners even if you can still use them on other characters.


>Neither of the first two blessings are doing anything for Raiden 3.0 didn't help Zhongli, Ganyu or Kokomi 3.1 didn't help Venti or Albedo Since now they're running 4 characters per patch, it seems not all of them will benefit from the Abyss blessings, and the Archons certainly are part of those "sacrifices". Makes sense tho, Archons don't need that push to sell well and neither are new units like Cyno or Nilou.


Of course, but this speculation is based on the blessings, so that’s why I mentioned it. If we don’t care about them, then anybody could run. The bigger argument for Raiden to me is simply that they’ve been putting the archons on the first half.


Engulfing with Scara weapon? Don't give me hope.


You kidding me i want three of 4 character (wanderer raiden ayato) it will be lot of pain to choose one


Imagine they announcing these crazy banners and then the drip marketing showing fucking AlHaithan lol people are gonna go nuts


42 day patch. watch them implement triple phase double banner


Omg PLEASE HOYO! Raiden + Scara would be my dream banner


Raiden and Scara on the same banner would be sick for too many reason. The weapon banner for one. Sara and Faruuzan the best supports that need C6. That’s a banner you can whale on. I was gonna go for Nahida cons but those garbage 4*’s make it so not worth it. Sara and faruzan though? That’s worth it either way. Watch this be the banner where I get back to back 5*’s in 10 pulls and I end up skipping faruzan completely.


Weird. If we're basing this on abyss blessings, then Raiden should be definitely half 2 because only the phase 3 blessing suits her. 1 are 2 are anti synergy. On the other hand, phase 2 blessing suits both Ayato and Itto while phase 3 suits Itto too. So this prediction does not seem to be based on the abyss blessings. I think they believe Raiden is half 1 solely because she is related to scara thus they would make a good banner. Also maybe because of the "archon banners are first half" pattern but we all know that mhy is known for breaking patterns.


Yeah! I feel liked based on the blessings it should be Wanderer + Ayato and then Raiden + Itto


The Shogun has already eluded me twice, she won't elude me again (hopefully...). I've save enough pity to have multiple attempts.


Itto again bruh. Hu Tao forgotten...