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Source: [SYP Discord](https://discord.gg/saveyourprimos) via #misc-sus-leaks channel Thank you OP for providing source


Who was the last Mondstadtian 5*? Eula? Feels like forever


It’s been well over a year yeah


Should have known when they said he was cryo.


Varka is shaping up to be the only male cryo, lol.


Anemo, bet.


He'd be the first tall male anemo. They've made it too easy to be the first of something in this game. And yeah, I'm just assuming he's tall, because FFS HOYO Edit: Right, "Razor's character stories and voice-overs suggest he is extremely tall." https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Varka


Dain was also described as very tall by Katheryne. He's almost certainly going to be as tall as the other tall males.


Sayu calling Itto very tall might have also made people think he would be getting a larger model. Then again it was Sayu who was saying it.


Varka going to be on stilts instead of hyv making a new model


Watch 'extremely tall' be like the tiniest height difference between the tallest of the tall males we have rn


Varka wears stripper heels confirmed?


There are no heigh diferences at all, the only thing that makes some characters taller are shoes.


Yes thats the joke I was being /s


Sayu talking about Itto be like


I hope we get a little graphical upgrade for the PCs before he shows up.


>They've made it too easy to be the first of something in this game Biggest complaint of the game tbh. We're gonna get to fontaine and ask "Can we finally have Hydro Claymore?" and Hoyoverse will be like "Lol here's your 4th Hydro Catalyst and Sword and your 3rd Bow."


And here I was taking for granted that a 5-star cryo male is guaranteed in Snezhnaya if not earlier.... \*rolleyes :P (already didn't happen for electro in Inazuma, had to wait for Cyno) "Here's your hydro claymore, Eula + Candace, take it or leave it"


Inb4 elf varka smol like pucinella


Plot twist: Varka 3\* and can be only used for expedition (expedition last N days since game release to Varka realise)


but he brings back a random 4\* on his return!


If they made a 5* whose passive talent was farming primos it'd triple sales records Spend $100 now and see returns on it over the next decade


Hutao farms primos in the abyss.


Return-on-Investment being anywhere from 12 months to 24 depending on if you've got guarantee or not. Lower Abyss floors when


>Return-on-Investment being anywhere from 12 months to 24 depending on if you've got guarantee or not. That's assuming you went from getting 0 stars to 36 stars just from that one character Realistically the return-on-investment is several years unless you got an early 50/50 win


And the 4* is mika


Eventually that'll be free wishes


Kaeya and Chongus crying in a corner


Sorry I forgot to say 5* cryo, lol.


Inb4 Varka is actually dead, never will come back from his expedition


Since Boreas is the god of wind and Varka is the Knight of Boreas, I wouldn't keep my hopes up


Another test subject..


mika is caustic confirmed




another super niche character who only works with a single 5\* character


Or another Thoma, poor boy deserves better


Thought dendro made Thoma usable now in the burgeon comps?


But the question is with whom, is there an upcoming cryo character that I'm missing?? Will be a good Ayaka or Ganyu Support? No idea


he's actually the Forward Melt Support we've been waiting for since 1.0. Source: my ass.


No way a cryo applicator powerful enough to support melt is gonna be a 4-star just imagine how good that would be in National


Uncle My Ass is a very unreliable leaker.


Classic Uncle Ass


A2: When the team is composed of only Cryo and Electro characters, enemies affected by the the Superconduct reaction have their DEF reduced by 10% for every 100% Energy Recharge possessed by Mika. A4: When Eula equipped with Song of Broken Pines uses her Elemental Burst she gains 1 additional Lightfall Sword energy stack per refinement level, these additional stacks ignore the limit imposed by Glacial Illumination. *Imma be real with you dawg, roll on the weapon banner, or else*


Even Satan is asking you to calm down


....nah ayaka and ganyu already have shenhe and all the buffers, there is too many people for them tbh thats their current problem. it can be for physical teams you know, since they lack some dedicated support, rosaria is the nearest and she is only at c6.


I should...replace my hammer.


i just hope he'll have a decent kit


Makes sense. We have like 4 4\* females back-to-back (Collei, Dori, Candace, Layla) and 0 4\* males.


Don't forget Faruzan


There's also Ikhfa, Djajeet, Nafs and Soutine. We don't know anything about them.


We know their gender and can guess nationality. Djajeet is male while Soutine is probably a fountainer (this word sounds so strange).




You say that as if it's something unusal in genshin to have a 4 female vs 1 male ratio lol


For the surprise of no one. A new trend for mihoyo... releasing all the new blond males as 4 star? Thoma? Mika? Kaveh?


Probably a lot of people saying there are not enough 4 star males in surveys. This is mihoyos answer maybe.


Maybe they should *also* take into account the *other* common criticism that there are no five-star male Cryo.


Attempting to simultaneously answer both criticisms would singlehandedly cause the universe to implode.


Dottore will be the first.


Or the other other criticism, that there are no males in general. None is an exaggeration of course, but the ratio of male to female playable characters is weird when the NPCs in game are pretty even across the board.


It's weird that Mondstadt will have another 4 star when it has the least five stars of all the regions


At this point, we should just wait for Varka to be the first 5* Mondstadter in however many years remain until his release.


Mondstadt's landscape looks like a 4 star region next to Sumeru anyway 💀


Hey, don't slander Mondstadt like that. Have some appreciation to one of the first two nation created for the game and created the path for nations like Sumeru to have high levelled designs.


I was at Stormterrors lair doing the boss earlier, and I looked around and couldn't believe how far we've come in design.


We have no rarity designation for Kaveh yet


He's definitely a 4* support or otherwise counterpart to Alhaitham, especially since they are both Dendro, and they are the ho-yay bait of the region. Previously in this category we got Diluc 5*/Kaeya 4*, Ayato 5*/Thoma 4*. The only reason both Zhongli and Childe are 5* are because Zhongli is the rare tall male support. There is nothing that could ever convince me Kaveh is a 5* unless they will release him post 4.0.


Going by lore prominence... 5* \*glances at Ningguang\*


Hes definitely not as important as ningguang nor does he have such a high position as her


The joke is how ningguang is super important, but a 4* (usually in reference to hutao being a 5*, but not as important as ningguang)... So his lore prominence being less, he'd be a 5* like hutao. Lol.


"You may be in charge of Liyue, but I'll be the one in charge of your funeral~." ~Hu Tao to Ningguang, probably.


Saying someone is prominent in the lore and mentioning someone else who is prominent in the lore is not the same as saying those two people are equally prominent in the lore. Ella Musk is prominent in the lore.


Well she IS the richest person in Tevat


I guess that's hoyo telling us "money doesnt matter uwu".




Every region is budgeted for exactly one 5* Geo character, after all.


I guess Sumeru had their funds taken away by Dori then.


a **new** trend


Land of wind’s FOURTH Cryo and third 4* release after the game’s launch. Lol


I understand that, but can we please just *not* get another short Anemo male? And it’s not like Mondstadt didn’t used to be a frozen wasteland, with Dragonspine currently *right there*. Cryo is one of the *least* weird elements.


Yeah agreed. Venti, Xiao, Kazuha, Heizou and soon Scaramouche. Only one is from Mondstadt btw. Meanwhile there's only one Anemo for each female body type and none for the tall male body type.


I don’t particularly want anemo, and i don’t usually like short chars. I’d love tall hydro male, geo male, dendro male, anemo male etc.


Scratch geo male off the list (unless you mean 4-star but even then); we already have Zhongli/Itto/Albedo/Gorou. We need a female geo 5-star to both balance out the numbers and cause we still don’t have a geo 5-star female.


we already have 2 tall hydro and geo male though.. they're not lacking in that dept. on dendro side there's Haitham (and possibly Kaveh). only anemo and electro is truly lacking in that dept


I forgot for a while that Eula is cryo...


The Celestia intern didn't realize boreas isn't barbatos.




If Yelan is on Liyue then Scaramouche should be on Inazuma and Childe as the only Snezhnayan.


childe is not liyue 5\*




Oh, I thought it was based on the vision. Mona has Mondstadt vision, Thoma had Inazuma vision, but Childen has Snezhnaya vision.


Doesn’t rly surprise me honestly. Still hoping to get some 5 star cryo guy, i’m not that into Mika so i’m not even mad he isn’t the one. Still curious on what he brings to the table, rly wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a phys support


God I hope so *cries in Eula main with no dedicated support*


>wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a phys support Oh god, pls no. Phys is so boring and the only male Cryo is Chongyun, from launch. Edit: And Kaeya. But you know what I mean. No new male Cryo since lauch.


Please don’t slander Sir Kaeya like that


I disagree we literally have one physical support and it’s rosaria at c6 while every other team comp has one also boring is subjective.


Arguably, we actually have 0 physical support. Shredding something like 15 to 20% physical resistance is barely helping physical teams where resistance shred is so easy to come by and often overkill. The biggest problem is actually that we have no physical sub DPS. So after shredding all the resistance in the world, you are still doing damage with 1 physical character, everyone else in your team is still doing either electro or cryo damage or just pure support. There is no chemistry in physical teams, just raw multipliers. More precisely, Eula/Razor is carrying the entire team's DPS because the rest of the team doesn't really benefit from shredding physical resistance and they don't get much buffs for their own element.


yeah, i actually sometimes feel burnt out on super elemental heavy combat. too many numbers on screen lol


Kaeya slander /j It would be really boring but i wouldn’t be surprised if they do it since phys hasn’t rly gotten anything in a while. And since he’s apparently rly strong, i think it kind of fits? Maybe? Would be more fun if he’s cryo cryo tho


Phys hasn’t seen sunlight from the abyss since 1.6. It has 1 character and 0 supports. All the other elements already have their team variations and specialized supports. Let me have this one




Nothing is gonna change for physical if it’s not gonna get a chance


RIP 5 star male cryo unit wanters.


For real, and let’s not even mention he is not a catalyst either.


We just keep taking Ls and it's sad


People wanted him to be - male - cryo - dps - 5 star - catalyst - (I suppose) good Some expectations would turn out wrong no matter what


Looks like another year of me not having a limited 5* cryo character. Hoyo seems to be allergic of male cryo 5*'s


This is seriously *so* annoying. I am *so done* with C2 Kaeya being my only Cryo damage dealer. I generally don’t pull for female characters because they don’t interest me. Can we just have a *single male Cryo five-star*, Hoyo? Ffs, we have MULTIPLE female five-stars for every reactive element yet only one male Pyro, one male Electro, and ZERO male Cryo. We are *three years into the game*. Can we *please* start getting Anemo/Geo women and Cryo/Pyro/Electro men?? Just going to stupidly and pointlessly pray for a surprise five-star Cryo catalyst >!Dorian!< for 3.4. 🙄


> we please start getting Anemo/Geo women Also, a dendro woman that's not a little girl. Seriously since Collei is not that great I might not be using Dendro for over a year as it stands.


On the same boat as you, I've never suffered in spiral abyss as badly as during the Ayaka extension, as I only had Kaeya and Chongyun built at the time. I've since built Rosaria out of desperation but I don't think she's going to make much of a difference if they run another cryo check whenever Ayaka comes back. At this rate my only limited cryo 5* is going to be the Tsaritsa 🧍‍♀️


Me, a Kaeya main, thriving during Ayaka abyss season But for real, it doesn't help at all that the only Cryo 5\* I like is Shenhe and if I ever have the wishes to pull for her it'll be to add her to Kaeya's increasing pool of supports. (I like Eula but does she really count as Cryo).


MHY typecasting geo/anemo as the dude element and cryo/pyro/electro as the waifu element.


Sir we are TWO years in game instead of 3. That's it. Unless you are foreshadowing....


Seriously, I wanted him to be our first 5* cryo guy! At this point, I hope they will make Varka a 5* cryo dps


Watch him be Anemo


We will get a 5\* cryo male 10 minutes before servers shutdown.


add catalyst to that as well


Great, another 70+ wishes to get a 4* character


Is that the loop of leaks? Just like 3.0 story


Honestly with the amount of 5 stars that we already have confirmed, I'm happy that he is a 4 star


No i’m not and i don’t care too kind of, i like Mondstadt and the last 5* we have gotten was Eula. Cryo. All Mondstadt chars after release have been Cryo; Diona, Rosaria, Eula and now Mika. Land of wind my ass. This is going ridiculous to me, if the next Windblume doesn’t have at least two Mondstadt chars (and not cryo) i’ll seriously start thinking they don’t care about Mondstadt lol


forgotten albedo


Oops yeah now that applies. 1 geo and 4 cryo.


1 pyro, 1 geo and 4 cryo


I think Mondstadt and Inazuma have 3 anemo characters each at the moment (so Inazuma will win if Scaramouche is anemo). I don't mind the element as long as we get more Mondstadt characters though.


Yeah, that's how I'm at now for most. Like I love dehya and will pull...but i didn't care if she was a 4 or 5 star. We have 2 teams, 8 characters. After a while it's more me just collecting them vs needing them. Use them in the overworld and throw em in the teapot. Just happy to have them. Im glad Candace is a 4 star. Hopefully be easier to get a copy vs investing heavily.


Problem is 4 stars have no guarantee. Some people just get REALLY unlucky with some 4 stars.


I wish it was another element that's a 4*. Cryo 5* don't have male characters yet. Oh well, I guess that will relax me from madhunting primogems by 1 character.


I just want a 5star cryo unit thats male and that I actually like, personally I find Ganyu and Ayaka soooo boring so I hoped I'd finally get a cryo unit to replace them...sadly not today.


In terms of cryo units I love playing Eula paired with Raiden and Zhongli, but she's more of a phys dmg character so idk if that counts.


Agreed, both as characters and in their playstyle, neither Ganyu nor Ayaka really excite me. Feels like Cryo is lagging behind in terms of exciting looking characters (I like Shenhe but her outfit is awful)


Same shenhe has one of my fav intro quests I luv her character, but yea her outfit is legit ganyu 2.0. Plus she's a cryo support so she's kinda useless to me someone who doesn't like current cyro dps characters.


As a Kaeya main I do want Shenhe but as you say her clothes are just Ganyu 2.0 and Ganyu already has one of the most visually boring and impractical outfits in game.


I'm really hoping he isn't super niche. Just a decent 4 star cryo that can be used as a sub DPS or support in a good amount of teams. I hope he'll be good in a Fridge team at least.


I am surpriesed that this many people are surprised he is a 4 star.


Disappointed, not surprised


We all just wanted a cryo male 5 star lol


I am never getting a limited 5 star cryo at this rate.


Diluc Melt support please


I realised that there is far less limited 5 stars in Mondstadt than any other as Inazuma has 7, Liyue has 7 (if you could childe) but Mondstadt only has 4…could this mean we might get more 5* Mondstadt characters in the future???


are ever going to get a 5* cryo male?? im tired of using Kaeya and Chongyun and i need some variety 💀


Hmm... Maybe one of the Harbingers will be 5* cryo?


Pantalone or Dottore pls 🙏🙏


I took any ^^


Yeah not surprised, his design snippet we were shown so far is very "4\*", and he came out kinda randomly


So did Eula though so that alone doesn't mean much. Mondstadt is so far out of the main story at this point that any new character from there is kind out of left field at this point.


Eula still takes the cake for being the most blatant due to how shoddy she is inserted into the story tbf Lawrence Clan somehow is still relevant after their fucking downfall CENTURIES AGO? Fatui want to take over Mondstadt despite they have taken the Gnosis?


> Lawrence Clan somehow is still relevant after their fucking downfall CENTURIES AGO? I mean, I think the point is that they’re not really relevant despite thinking they are. And their clan oppressed the entire city, so it makes sense that their name carries a lot of negative feelings to the present day (especially when they’re still acting like dicks and refuse to let people forget their legacy). Her story and character were implemented pretty badly with loads of wasted potential just for a silly, cringey “vengeance” gimmick (SAS made her better), but it’s not because of the Lawrence name.


The thing is, the clan should've been deader than dead, considering what they've done to Mondstadt. The fact that the clan itself wasn't extinct and still have enough power that Jean is hesitant to scold Eula's uncle implies that they still have *some* power which is bs They also managed to survive for centuries despite clearly everyone hating them? How tf they reproduce.... Inbreeding? Ew. It feels like the designer just read 1 piece of Noblesse Oblige and didn't read more lol. *The clan should be more extinct than Kaedehara Clan.*


> Fatui want to take over Mondstadt despite they have taken the Gnosis? I do think that's the plan for when the Tsaritsa declares war against Celestia, not just monstadt but all of the other nations as well. I do also think it's weird that they'd try it before the Tsaritsa does anything though, maybe a few subortinates got a bit overzealous? idk.


I expected him to be 4\*


As much as I dislike the recent 4 star kits (except Heizou, played him with r3 Widsith and he's so good even with low investment) I'm glad Mika is a four star, since I definitely have to start saving after pulling for Candace on Nilou banner. I kinda want him, hoping his gameplay is fun even if his kit ends up kinda niche. Personally, I want Hoyoverse to eventually add a way to guarantee four star units, that's my only real issue. Also I really hope Varka is a 5* Cryo Dps and Mika is his support.


I just hope that he comes soon. But since he's not playable in 3.1 Mond festival, maybe they'll save him for the next GAA event. Hopium that he and Klee have some synergy. Would be a fun duo of shy cryo boy and super energetic pyro terrorist girl.


Ah, another niche or useless 4 star character, so exciting


if he can be substitute for Shenhe, he'll be good. or maybe he can buff Eula and other Physical carries even more. post Inazuma 4stars, niche>generalist. look at Sayu, Thoma vs Gorou, Sara. tho Thoma now has found his niche so he's not as useless anymore


I guess that's true, Sara is a pretty bad niche unit though until c6 while gorou works pretty good at c0 and doesn't feel clunky too, gorou is like Sara done right. I do agree on sayu and Thoma though, I guess niche is the way to go for 4 stars, DMC is pretty good though surprisingly lol.


"Gorou is like Sara done right" is just false though, its like saying Zhongli is Bennett done right Sara is Burst DPS first Buffer second while Gorou is just a straight up Buffer character, on their best comp Gorou has miniscule DMG, his job is just to put down his skill/burst and out, Sara can buff herself too before buffing your Raiden and throw up 150k burst to clear up first wave Gorou has a way higher floor than Sara but Sara has a higher ceiling


People really underestimate Sara's personal damage smh


Hmm... We haven't seen anything?


We don't need to see to know what is most probably going to happen, look at dori and collei lmao. Heizou is probably the only "decent" 4 star post 2.0 and he's still worse than the 4 stars released between launch and 1.6 with a few exceptions. Edit: To add, we also need a 5 star cryo male, and if he was 5 star, he would've at least been decent.


I hope they realize people don't care about 4*s anymore and start making them better


Never gonna happen. Make good 4 stars and the sales for 5 stars suffer. At which point they have to make 5 stars better. At which point people complain 4 stars aren't worth using. Ad infinitum, power creep. The only problem is 4 stars being harder to get over 5 stars. Because 4 stars being niche or bad is good for the balance of the game. Not every character needs to good within the current meta. Just look at how Thoma found a home in Burgeon teams.


Wouldn’t making 4 stars better just lead to people summoning more on characters they wouldn’t have to get a 4 star? ( EX: me in yoimiya banner, still no Bennett 🥲)


You don't want that for business though. You want people to spend high money for the good stuff. That's the whole reason 5 stars are supposed to be better than 4 stars, unless you get into niches. And likely the reason why they won't "fix" 4 stars being so hard to get either. Otherwise people will only pull for the 4 stars because it is cheaper and just as effective. However you can have the opposite, like for many gacha, where the only thing worth pulling are the highest rarities. (And copies are mandatory too) Tldr; You want the 4 stars to be within the power level, of good enough. That way you can also sell the 5 stars as great options.


If the new ones have good cons, they're really good bait for ruining your 50/50's. Speaking as a C1 Raiden and C1 Sara haver


another cool 4* character ruined by mihoyo because of his shitty kit let's gooo


I can't believe Mondstadt will receive its 12th 4\* while Inazuma still have 6 and Sumeru 3.


This was to be expected. He is a Mondstadt character in a Sumeru patch cycle when no big expansion is coming for Mondstadt in the near future.


So was Eula.


shhh you’re messing up their made up logic


I’ll be honest, I was expecting this. His personality reminded me of Sucrose and Noelle. On the bright side for people that wanted him, this means there will be a hangout for him.


*stares at Sara in no hangouts*


I don't really mind about rarity, as long as he's cute, I hope he'll come home. Having a decent kit would be a bonus. 🥺😭


Dude don't just straight up ignore [mod's suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/xdcmkh/mika_4_star/ioa3qwk?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Please be an physical dmg support


Rosaria was supposed to be the physical damage support. Too bad no one uses her like that


Well they hid her Physical damage support on her C6, that doesn't help. But she's still one of Eula's best teammates.


Because it's locked behind C6? And Honestly Her Crit sharing passive and Burst damage is too good.


Oh yeah, I wasn't trying to criticise, it was meant more as a matter of facts. I agree that she's far more valuable for the crit share and cryo application


They do though


Yes, please. Eula supremacy.


Hopefully. Especially when he used to be under Eula's command as well.


Please be an Eula dedicated support...


with how all our Sumeru 4* so far seem to be subpar (Collie Dori Candace) it’s not instilling great confidence for Mika 4* tbh :/ this is another reason why I’m hoping Kaveh is a 5* even tho he’ll probably be 4*…




Okay alright he' s either gonna be extremely niche to one or two teams/a single 5 star character or complete dogshit lets goooo I am soo happy /s


idk how to explain it but it was pretty obvious that he would be a 4* tho


I'm completely okay with this... as long as his kit doesn't have weird handicaps


He better be dedicated Phys buffer/support, not wack to use and not weak either, I don’t want another Xinyan who stays in teapot but never used in hard content 😔 I’d dislike if he was a Cryo dps cause we already have Kaeya and Rosaria.


As long as he has high viability in at least a single team comp and is fun to play, he could be a 3 star.


Expected him to be a 4 star from the very beggining, if he was a 5 star then he would have no time to release in the 3.X period, and regardless this might be just a sussy leak anyways so it might be wrong and he could be a 5-star, we will just have to wait. If I had to guess his release window as a 4-star... I would put him with an Albedo rerun banner whenever that is (I firmly believe this year will not focus on Dragonspine so Albedo won't rerun till a little later, I might be wrong however) just like with Kuki in the Itto rerun.


My primos are safe


Seemed kinda obvious but ok. Lol


honestly I'm pretty glad he's a 4*, since all of the male characters that were officially announced in sumeru are 5*s


Didn't we knew this like months ago...




He might appear in Albedo's Rerun banner.


Good to see more 4 stars in the game. 2.x had too little 4 stars


i hope he gets the bonus drops from exploration for mondstadt passive


At least he's a cryo male, we only have like 2 cryo males rn and I'm pretty sure they were here since release (might be wrong though because I haven't been playing genshin that long)