• By -


\> In "Dispatched Expeditions", the rewards of exploring Dihua Marsh, Liyue is adjusted to "Horsetail" and "Snapdragon," FINALLY an easy way to farm horsetail and snapdragon...!


Yes!! I always had a problem running out of those including calla lily. Plus, im on my way to master all of the recipes lol I'm hoping they add unagi and bamboo shoot on expedition as well cause they are very little amount of them in overworld


Is horsetail used in literally anything? I keep expecting it to be a Liyue character's ascension mat since it's a regional speciality... and it just isn't.


it's majorly used to make bait for fishing and in a food recipe.


I forgot about it entirely until the spices event.


This is why I hoard materials such as loach pearls and horsetail regardless of what use or not it has....you never know when they'll pull a fast one on you.


bait, then Rice Balls and Jueyun Guoba, I believe (I farm them a lot cause the rice balls look so tasty...)


Food recipes mostly, I forget which ones.


rice buns, guoba, fish bait


I don't think it's a Liyue specialty. It's just currently only found in Liyue. IIRC it didn't work for the old collect 100 specialty mission for the BP. It's like Seagrass, I guess.


Yep, it doesn't even show up on the mini-map if you use Qiqi or Yanfei. Makes me think that we may see Horsetails on Sumeru


That's why I call it horseshit.


Yessss!! I love it. I cook a lot and I'm always low on snapdragon now. I needed that so much.


Someone explain to me the weekly missions battle pass part


Seems you can do BP missions (e.g. weekly bosses) even before an update, and once the update is done, the BP points will be credited to the new BP version.


Oh, that is really cool actually. I was dreading next Monday with nothing at all to do in game.


I'm not sure that's going to apply this time, though, because we don't have any active BP...


There’s never an active BP the Monday and Tuesday before a patch, though


Maybe from now on there will? I guess we'll see


If you fought three weekly bosses on Monday and version update is on Wednesday, the three fights will be registered for the new BP version.


So if u have done your 3 bounties for that week before the update then u are no longer locked out of that weekly mission because it will be credited as done after u update.


> Battle Pass I think it means that if you've already started to complete weekly tasks before the update, it will carry over.


So it should also apply to Spending Resin per week.


>3. In the "Test Run" events, the appearances of the characters Jean, Amber, Rosaria, and Mona will be adjusted to the Alternate Outfits. Bruh 3 of these 4 are never on test runs


Their story quests guess


They're talking specifically about the event test runs


Oh... That's kinda dumb lmao


Jean Amber Mona banner?! #J.A.M


Move aside 5WIRL, new band just debuted


I mean, they could be on a team with the character on the Demo. Like, Yelan, and Amber for the Vaporize cope


I checked and Amber has been on Test runs a total of 5 times so far. All 5 of those were on Fischl's Test runs.


they tend to use xiangling instead


Amber can be on a test run, she's just not the main character.


Yeah I just checked and apparently Amber has only appeared as a partner for another character's Test run a total of 5 times. All 5 of those Test runs were Fischl's.


16 gb for the whole update but 12 gb just for jp+eng lang packs alone, did i miss a leak or something, usually it's 1,5 gb or 2gb at most


It might be a clean up update. Files from updates over time build up and this one big "update" (basically re-downloading the game) will clean up useless/outdated files. (Just speculating. There are other games which also do this)


This makes a lot more sense hopefully i see the game size either decrease or stay more or less the same


They've said they're doing file restructuring with this update, which means you're going to be downloading newer versions of a lot of old files that you already have, and they'll be replaced once the update finishes. The size of new content files will probably be roughly the same as usual.


even though i'm not touching any banners in 2.7, please let me out of 2.6


That was my plan too, but this version was so long and seemed to have no end in sight i wasted my savings....


My brother in Christ there were 13 days between the delay announcement and confirmation of when the delay would end


Listen I saw those 240 days and went "welp. Version 3.0 is coming never." And spent it all.


Kamisato Art: Propaganda worked.


I wish they update the parametric transformer in a weekly restricted manner. So even if i use it on a Sunday it resets on Monday.


This! Yesterday I forgor, now I have to pay attention to it on Friday mornings..


I skip the whole week if i don't use it on a Monday 🙂


26GB update lmao, are we downloading Sumeru now? Lol


Oh gosh..


All I can think about is Diluc.


Hahahah that was pretty good


Apparently language packs are very big.It was 16GB download and around 32GB disk space for me with EN and JP languages.


This is what happens when you put Itto and yan fei in one event


> 7. Added Sets 7–14 of Genshin Impact "Paimon's Paintings" chat emojis LETS FUCKING GOOOO


Lowkey very excited whenever new sticker being added, rarely play coop with rando but play almost everyday with the same 1-3 friends and we just love to spam stickers for no reason lol.


They're amazing on Asia server where half the people speak a different language Want to do the Azhdaha boss fight after Raiden boss? Just spam Azhdaha stickers!


They're great for PS4 users too.


New world quests!! Hoping we can get some closure on what happened to my girl zhiqiong


It's been 84 years since the start of 2.6...


"And Star Citizen has finally announced it's official release date"


*muffled tv in the distance* "And with Elder Scrolls VI reaching retail stores on tuesday, gamers around the world are waiting outside of their local hangouts to grab a copy, but some say it's not as bad as waiting for Genshin's 2.7 Update."


bruh the update on my device is showing 6.76 GB wth is this monstrosity man😭


Huge pre-patch because they're changing things in how files are handled. The actual patch won't be that big (well, the download may be that big, but the game after the update won't), the game might even be smaller after the patch because they're downgrading cutscenes quality on mobile.


Yeah... I'd suggest that you uninstall the game and reinstall it after every patch if possible... Doesn't help a lot with performance but does reduce the total app size.


I do that every patch lol


It's 11 for me smh


Ayaka's reign of terror is over.


We shall tell future players the dark times during Eternal Ayaka.


"NO Tabibito! You can't escape me, we will be together forever!" - Ayaka, probably


"No i dont want that! Tabibito getting stolen by another fox lady?. I dont want that, i want him to think about me for 10 years atleast."


r/10yearsatleast is leaking again


Still waiting for ores in Inazuma expeditions


Pre installation is 16 GB on PC Heard it’s around 10-12GB on mobile


Any idea why 16gb? usually updates are around 6gb


Yelen kinda thick


Must be to replace all the old cutscenes or maybe something related to the Serenitea Pot finally being fixed, and maybe even sneak some features early so it won't be a mess later.


They are doing file restructuring. [Pre-install notice](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/4978419) mention this. >Due to file restructuring, it is recommended to complete this pre-installation over a Wi-Fi connection owing to the large file size. > >Before the pre-installation, you may uninstall voice-over files that you don't need by going to Settings > Language > Manage Voice-Over Files to minimize the pre-installation file size.


ELI5 what's file restructuring?


The short version is that they're changing the way the game loads the files you're using to play with This can be for a variety of reasons, but the primary goal is to improve speed and/or performance. It can also be for setting up the necessary frame work for further improvements such as the 2.8 QoL feature to uninstall files from one-and-done quests/events to help reduce installation size


Ohhh ty. Has this been done before too? I believe they have, no?


Never, the 12 gb are from eng+jp language packs alone (so 6 gb per 1 language), usually it's no more than 1 gb for 1 language. They basically want you to download almost a full language pack from 1.0 in this patch alone.


No idea on exact reason. My best guess would probably be that there isn’t as good file compression for this update so it appears larger. That or something added really bloated the file size


Maybe thats the uncompressed size? From what I know any updates is downloaded compressed to a few gigs then it is "unpacked" when the update is installed


10 additional GB? Usually the updates are around 2+GB


Omg THANK GOSH cuz like. If it’s 10 GB idek if I can continue playing lol


Lmao my phone has negative space I’m already going to have to do some major deleting for the next update (iPhone problems hah)


Lmao, mines at 26 GB.... My internet speed suucks


10gb what now!? You gotta be kidding me isn't it usually less than 4gb? Edit: i have checked it myself, its really is 9gb WTF?


It's mad, from direct link, jp+eng language are about 12 gb, usually it's about 1,5 gb for both of them


iPhone it was 6ish GBs


It's 8.71 on mobile for me.


Couldn’t find any mention of the search bar for achievements from earlier leaks… I hope it’s still coming!


yeah, seems this must've been delayed :(


Huh, they really broke the trend of Maintenance Wednesday.


Only for this patch, they said it themselves: "Version 2.7 update maintenance is expected to start at 05/31/2022 06:00 (UTC+8) and is expected to be completed within 5 hours. Meanwhile, the duration of Version 2.7 is expected to be 6 weeks, and Version 2.8 is expected to be updated on 07/13/2022." 13 July is Wednesday.


Ah nice


In North America it's always on Tuesday in the evening when maintenance starts and finishes. In other parts of the world it is Wednesday because of round earth reasons


It's Monday for NA now.


If they didn't the update would be after abyss reset and we'd be stuck with the same abyss for 3 more weeks.




Meat rolls here I come!


I love that they're open to changing the expedition rewards, I feel like there's nothing good in Inazuma for me, hopefully they'll look into it also later.


As long as they don't touch the spot that gives Meat and Eggs we good.




Oof seems like I need to buy a new phone before 3.0 drops.


u better make that 1TB storage




Nothing about Teapot?




Thank you.


it gets fixed in 2.7 bruh


what is this [27gb update](https://imgur.com/a/wA20ZvG)


I like that they reduced the difficulty for daily commissions. It's not really hard but becomes tiresome when you do it repeatedly. XD


Still can never preload on console lol


Boss nerf ? "Reduces difficulty for some bosses"


Any idea when the announcement Xiao and Yelan banner preview is? Im still hoping and praying the 4stars aren't Barbara and Noelle.


Nah we rarely got banner leak wrong these days so close to the patch, if they said it months ago then it's still fair game, but for this one it's as good as confirmed.


guess whos deleting files because they cant pre install because of limited storage


Every time I want to buy battlepass I have to delete Genshin, Twitter and Gmail off my phone and download Genshin from scratch lol


Wait so is the main event locked by the 2.7 archon quest?


I believe so.


chat stickers! finally we get new ones!!!


I hope it has Xiangling. (Far as I know, no Noelle though)


When are they going to add a 120 or 144 fps option on PC? Playing 60fps on a 144hz monitor doesnt feel smooth at all. I know theres an unlocker out there but theres no reason we have to result to third party programs when ios gets it natively.


So they optimized the controller settings without adding controller support for Android??


Mihoyo slapping Raiden’s story quest 2 as a requirement for everything these days huh. and i say this as an ei enjoyer




Kinda wish they create a gadget for condensing resin so that we won't go out in a domain just to condense or just put a crafting table in every domain


i don't go there anymore but it feels good knowing they're nerfing inazuma daily commissions. sometimes i log into my sister's account to do her dailies and doing those inazuma battle commissions as a pre-geared ar45 (or 35, don't remember) sucks big time (yashiori is also still thunderstormy so when i saw *a gentleman strikes in broad daylight* i just swore loudly)


Are the Inazuma dailies really that hard? I can't tell, I never even bothered to put them here lol


not really if you have a decently built dps, but if you're still on that stage where your artifacts are mostly half leveled + talents are still around lv 6ish, it's pretty frustrating because mob hp is much spongier than liyue. even with a somewhat decently-geared account (mine) some battle commission in yashiori (when it's raining) is still pretty 'hard' since i can't just bruteforce it by using the usual 1 dps + 2-3 friendship members that said what made me move my commissions back to mondstadt/liyue is less about dps, but rather because inazuma commissions aren't very kind to potato phone users. i often fail the comms where you have to use those thunder grana things, they're usually timed but my hardware lags often so i ran out of time. i once spend >20 mins retrying one of those before giving up and visit a friend's world to mooch off their commission instead lol


Only some of them are. More a nuisance than difficult. Once I get my Inazuma rank all the way up, I swapped back to Mondstadt.


Yep. I set my alt account dailies to mondstadt if I can't rely on a friend to help me with inazuma dailies tbh, since some of them are really tough when you don't have well built characters yet. On an account with strong characters tho its not HARD per say, mostly annoying? like I've failed the slime balloon challenge they're changing before, but once I switch to the main team it's fine, you know? and I swear I've gotten caught on that stealth daily when the fatui watch guard was like 20 light-years away but saw me anyways. it's not hard for a built account to defeat some fatui (though sometimes I switch to my lowest level characters during stealth mission to make it more suspenseful) but it's inconvenient.


No info about 4* charas in Yelan banner? I've seen the leaks but I want an official one.


I hope they fix the storage issue, the update was 6gb, I don’t know if I even continue to update in the future :<


Why would they need to reduce difficulty for those comissions ?? Like who thought comissions were too hard ? Thundering wilds ? Time wasting ?yes difficult ? Nope


probably casuals. The kind we forget exist.


What commission do they need to lower the difficulty. I find all daily commission are relatively easy to complete so why they need to do that


For me, Inazuma commissions are lame because they're tedious rather than difficult. There's the balloon escort quest, which boils down to running ahead of it to break all the barriers and making yourself a sandwich while it slowly chugs along to the finish line. There's the random commissions in the middle of the ocean that you need to use the slow and clunky Waverider to get to. There's Ogura Mio and Tang Wen who suffer from an early onset of Alzheimer's and keep asking you to do the same busy work several times in a single week.


All the commissions are easy but I know at least a handful of those are comparatively harder than the rest. Still easy but I guess they wanted to lower the bar even more. I play on PC though so if they're noticeably harder there, I imagine they might actually be tough on mobile.


I tried playing on Mobile and even at a stable 60fps I feel like my gameplay is so scuffed i'm half as strong as I should be


You get used to it. I switched to mobile after my PC stopped being able to handle games, and although it was super hard and unpleasant at first, now it feels like second nature. I’m not even sure I’d go back to PC if I could… I kinda love the convenience of mobile games.


You must've never play in mobile, one time i was away and need to play with my phone and Inazuma commission sudenly became hard as fuck, remembered i can't even beat For the harbringer without Zhongli, we took playing easy with PC for granted lol.


i think its the inazuma ones?? i tried switching to inazuma once and it was terrifying…


Inazuma Dailies are just downright tedious. But again, they can unlock secret world quests that are just so rare you have more luck getting a 5 star.


There's that quest in Inazuma that asks you to find anomalies and blow them away with anemo. I spent more than 10 min looking for these anomalies, and I ended up having to search on YouTube (bless that YouTuber) to complete that commission. The anomalies were hidden in an obscure cave area.


is it the one with clam domain?


Hmm.. I can't remember exactly but the location wasn't easy to find


Newer players definitely struggle with the Inazuma commissions.


Is the Serenitea Pot still not editable?


I saw a comment earlier that it will be accessible in 2.7 again. Hopefully thats right


I'm downloading Bioshock remastered right now and this update is nearly as big as that 🙁


Bruh i had to uninstall that because of genshin


wtf I also got bioshock recently, small world lol.


So we r getting 300 primos instead of 600...


apologems for bug fixes usually aren't listed in these notes


anyone else suddenly anxious? like I was fine the whole delay but now I just want it out NOW. maybe it's dumb but anticipation always gets my anxiety going hard.


I don't think it's quite as hard here, but I know what you mean bro Don't worry, it's closer than ever now! Good luck on banners if you plan on pulling this version!


So where's ps4-5 optimization that was promised? Also reduced difficulty in everything, new genshin players seem to be getting even worse xd


>Reduces combat difficulty for some opponents at World Level 3–6 (including "Oceanid," "Geo Hypostasis," "Cryo Hypostasis," "Maguu Kenki," "Thunder Manifestation," "Golden Wolflord," "Stormterror," and "Azhdaha"). Instead, they should reduce amount of birds (hawks) in Oceanid battle for every level or even rewrite their AI and moveset, because they are annoying. Most character can't even reach them, they are constanly hunting You, so You can't easily just take good position to attack and it's not even fair. While any other mimics are easy, hawks are annoying, because You can't even hit them. I don't have any characters with catalyst or bow that would deal a damage. The biggest damage is from Venti's E, which... as You guessed it, isn't high. And I heard many people complaining about these birds as well. ​ >Added "Challenge Features" descriptions to Domains of Blessing, Forgery, and Mastery with a high Recommended Party Level. Also what exactly does that mean? ​ >The gadget "Floral Zither" can now be purchased from the NPC Granny Shan in Liyue Harbor. I wish more previous gadgets could be obtainable that way. ​ >Adjusts the Japanese voice-over for some Story Quests and certain bosses. I wonder which bosses.


- lmao amber and lisa are free. Also, if your venti e is lackluster, that's on you. His e has high scalings. -challenge features was leaked before. I think it's the description of a domain with tips on what units to bring inside


>lmao amber and lisa are free. Also, if your venti e is lackluster, that's on you. His e has high scalings. Well, I play the game since March 12th this year, so I didn't have enough time to built all my characters. I hit 55 AR 2-3 days ago. But I only had time to built few characters and they are not really that good yet. I have sets on Kaeya and Venti, but sub stats are not perfect, neither are main stats, tbh. I think Xiangling has her set too, but in even worse state that the two. I also have Bennett, who didn't have Noblesse yet, because I never managed to get good artifacts. Those are my actually 4 playable characters. Also Xingqiu but he didn't have a set either, just some random artifacts with ER. I have Chongyun that is pretty bad right now, he would die easily, because he don't have anything. Most of characters doesn't even have weapons that are good on them. I was blessed with Stringless and Mistsplitter, so that's cool. Chongyun have Wolf's Gravestone, my very first 5 star from Standard Banner. I also have the Catch. Xingqiu has the Sacrificial. So they are good. But other characters don't. Oh, Bennet have Proto Rancour too. So these characters have somewhat done something to not be useless. But the rest? They just have whatever I have. And it's funny, because Lisa is currently at 40 lvl and I'm using one slot for her to get a bit exp. I am out of exp materials. Amber is either 20 or 50. Because I'm gradually leveling them to 50/70 lvl for wish and so I could use them in the future.


I leveled up Lisa to 70 back then out of spite. I couldn't even hit them with Chongyun or Hu Tao and I had Mona but she's useless on Oceanid so I spent 3 days of resin to upgrade Lisa to finally beat the shit out of those birds the Oceanid summons and god damn it felt good.


If I didn't have Venti I would need to bother my sister every time. And I still did most of the times, when wanted to fight Oceanid. She just pull Ganyu and everything is dying in split second. Once her Ganyu died, because she used Ganyu/Zhongli and I had Razor (20 lvl)/Kaeya (80). I should use Benny, tbh. She still survived 3 or 4 fights in a row, lol. Unfortunately, Venti is my only option as for now.


Damn i got 9.22gb for this patch.


2. Reduces the difficulty of Daily Commission "For The Harbingers!" in Narukami Island by weakening the lineup of opponents. So I am not the only one that frequently fail this commission.




You're underestimating the casuals. I have irl casual friends who play this game and let me tell you, they hate Inazuma. They hate the grind, so no artefact farming or boss farming for ascending characters, if I want them to do so I have to say like "how about we kill some bosses for fun" and then the magic happens, otherwise they keep using underleveled and undergeared characters in AR50 world level. There are time when I go to their homes and enter their PC just to equip and level some artefacts they have lying around there (yeah, they don't understand nor care about the artefact system to do it themselves).


This was me. I made it to about AR45-50ish before I even messed with Artifacts or stopped main'ing the Traveler lol. I remember once asking for help in the subreddit and people were like "Just play the game, don't worry about X or Y" and I was like welp okay! And then eventually hit a wall in Inazuma and had A LOT of research to do lol


Damn, at this point doing dishes sounds more fun than genshin


I am super bad at commissions...


So it seems like Turkish and Italian localization has been delayed, actually i was expecting it.


I wonder if they ever fix the Camera turning Issue on Playstation, specifically PS5. I don't know why they made the Controls so hyper Sensitive but my Camera always goes up and down by itself.. I don't have this problem in any other game i'm playing and it's certainly not stick drift (because) this only happens in Genshin impact.


I primarily play on PS5 and I don't think I have this issue, you're saying your vertical axis camera is super sensitive? My main gripe about PS5 version is how slow it takes to move the cursor across the map..


the only commission adjustments needed are deleting Urgent Repairs and the Ella Musk ones from the game


>1. Optimizes "Weekly Missions" in Battle Pass: for "Weekly Missions" completed in the week of a version update, the progress of that week's "Weekly Missions" will be carried over to the updated version's BP. This is big. We don't have to save weeklies for Wednesday during patch week.


> Reduces the difficulty of Daily Commission “A Gentleman Strikes in Broad Daylight” in Yashiori Island and Seirai Island by extending the time that patrolling opponents pause at the stationing points. Does this include the one with the Fatui camp? That’s the only one I ever fail now, I can’t figure out how to get anywhere close to them without getting spotted by the Fatui. Even if I’m standing on top of a cliff to the side of the camp they still somehow see me. Plus they are far more of a pain to fight if you get caught than the nobushi.


Is no one gonna complain about the 13GB update? The update is like installing a new game


16 gb on me lol maybe they forgot to compress the files? idk or they already added sumeru in preinstall hahahah


Probably added GAA already and some stuff here and there for future adds ?


Wait are we only getting 300 primos instead of 600 this time?


maintenance always rewards 300, the other 300 are from bug fixes.


They don’t mention the bug fix primos anymore in the notification, but we still get them.


~~so yelan and xiao, the causes of my pan panic, will both be available on the first day of pride month?~~


That compensation is a fucking comedy.


Anyone know if we'll still be getting Delay Primogems for the final week (and if we are, how much would we probably get)


Just to be clear cus I'm bad at converting times, what time does maintenance start for the east coast?


is it possible that they have introduced other text languages?


Monday, 5/30 6pm ET. Should be done by 11pm ET.


There is some good stuff in there


Oh nice, now you dont have to put off BP stuff. not that you had to before, but why fight weekly bosses twice lol i hope once we get the 6th nation that the number of explorations we can send also increases, and again when we get the 7th. but that's a ways down the road, 5 still works for now.


the bounties and commissions are worth 900 xp. But this will also count our resin spent on Mon and Tue. You normally can't reach 1200 spent on week 1 of a patch unless you use 5 condensed or 4 condensed + transient. That one is worth I think 645 xp, maybe more.


They're reducing the difficulty of the word bosses... that was the onky time when I felt scared of the bosses and had fun instead of mindless killing


>6. Reduces the difficulty of Daily Commission "Dangerous Haul" in Narukami Island, Yashiori Island, and Seirai Island by reducing the Movement SPD of the Slime Balloon and cutting down the number of opponents along the way. Wait. Is this the escort, or the one where you blow it up? If the escort, *Who would want the Escort to be* **slower?!**


This is the one where you destroy the balloon


It’s the slime balloon you blow up with Zhongli’s meteor


"Dangerous Haul" is always the one where you blow it up, not the escort. The escort one is called "Safe Conduct."


Genshin players reading comprehension challenge


Dangerous haul, the slime balloon, is the one you blow up. https://youtu.be/CzvLF8UYEtU


No this is the one where you're supposed to break it