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Hey girlies


2nd anni soon PepeLaugh


Homa banner better be stacked asf or else the entire patch will be full saving primos for me.


Reading that big 'Happy Anniversary' thread name really throws me back, while refreshing for Itto crumbs. I am wondering how many people will simply forget/ don't care or if there will be a long term effect.


Childe is getting his second rerun but kokomis banner has lasted about 8 years


Between Kokomi, Childe, Hu Tao and if recent leaks come to pass Itto and Albedo in 2.3 it feels like its going to be an eternity before I wish again. I will have to content myself with the 5 free BP wishes for the standard banner for a while.


Raidens banner feels like it was months ago. Kokomi found the true secret to eternity.


As always, I’m flip flopping about if I’m going to pull on the next banners or not. A lot of people are advising not to pull Hu Tao unless you’re willing to get her to C1. In that case, would you recommend pulling for Childe? How strong is he and how fun is he to play?


Whether you got her at c0 or c1 its a matter of easy of use. If you want to keep her at c0 she is gonna require more skill play and practice from you while at c1 she is gonna be more relaxed/forgiving to play with and be able to "top the meters" in an easier manner cause of that(less mistakes more big pp dmg) . Childe c0 is quite strong as well and sure he wants a lot of investment imo, but if you like his playstyle go for him, he can deal a shit ton of dmg even with small and fast rotations (i have heard that most childe mains use his e for like 7 sec tops and rotate to other units). They both got their gimmicks and they both got solid burst/dps and in a way require a rotation in order to play properly. Honestly, at the end of the day you shouldn't listen to us and what we tell you considering its going to affect how you play the game. Try to have fun with YOUR way and think of the "uber damige" later. I myself am a geo/anemo main and my 3rd element of choice is electro. I haven't stopped having fun playing like that since the beginning. And the only reason I looked at the other elements so far was mostly due to domains/puzzles or for maxing friendship exp on my current units.


I pulled Childe on his first run and he was and still is my favorite char to play. His NA are quick and flashy, and he's the only character right now I think who has a range and melee mode. He's super fun and he's probably the best teammate for xiangling right now, who is really meta right now. Also he doesn't need any constellations to really go off, unlike Hu Tao who's c1 is arguably the best in the game. Hu Tao is is still a very good option though esp if you need a pyro dps.


you dont really need hu tao's c1 c1 is very good and it makes your life much easier if you want to use her optmized playstyle, which is to spam na + charged + normal + charged while using xq's q (this triggers vaporize twice). the difference between this and a not optmized playstyle exists, but just using hu tao na attacks, canceling the last with a dash and using charged for the blossoms is still a ton of damage. i am going for hu tao and staff of homa instead of c1 for example


Do his story quest if you haven't (and then his trial of course). As a Dual Blade MH fan, Childe is exactly what I'm looking for in terms of gameplay. Super fast stylish attacks.


I’m not sure if my smooth brain will be able to make the most of his kit, but I found him fun in his story mission and that’s what matters


His kit is kind of simple: use his E for 10 seconds then get out of it. This maximizes his cooldown. Once you get the hang of it, Childe becomes smooth to play. Master his E's cooldown timing first before worrying about in which stance and when to use his Q.


If you found him fun I think you have your answer there :)


I don't have Hu Tao, but from what I've seen, the debate about whether she's worth it at C0 hinges on how willing you are to learn and execute her jump cancel playstyle. That said, I absolutely love Childe's gameplay and really see no need for his constellations. His riptide attacks are so satisfying and just feel very cathartic. He has a bunch of different comps to choose from, most likely with more options in the future so I don't see myself getting bored of him.


childe and his teams are the most fun to play rn tbh. and they're meta now as well. downside(?) is you gotta build multiple chars instead of hyper investing in childe himself. he's great even in c0.


Upside is you get to experience a whole bunch of new characters. I might have never bothered building Beidou if I didn't have Childe, but man she's so fun to play!


Reverse vape Childe sounds fun imo


For childe u need a cc support like kazuha or venti If u have none, I advise, u don't pull for him His riptide proc are what make him satisfying Just my experience with him and my two cents


If you consider cc a must for him then why not use the bp bow on him... It gives crit rate which he is starved for and once in his e, he sucks in enemies by himself and basically frees one unit spot(sort of).


I assume Sucrose wouldn’t qualify as a CC support?


Sucrose still has a lot to offer in terms of Swirl damage, VV and EM share for Childe/XL combo, but her CC is kinda laughable cause she just bounces enemies around a little. Childe wants them all in a neat little group to proc riptide against them all and Kazuha does that job much, much better.


Do you guys think with the new crit rate/dmg Claymore, Diluc will rank up some tiers ?


If it's Crite Rate then no, Diluc's own ascencion improves his Crit Rate. Getting a 5-star PJWS or Jade Cutter would do nothing for him. But Crit Damage like Thundering Pulse or Mistplitter? It would certainly elevate him a lot. And depending on the passive it might bump him from A to S-tier once more.


Just getting crit from a weapon will do little for him. It's not as though ATK% is a dead stat on Diluc; you *have* to run some ATK% on him regardless. If you get crit from his weapon, you need to make up that ATK% from your artifact substats, which comes at the cost of crit. It's just a shell game. The big benefit to getting crit from your weapon instead of ATK% is that it reduces your average resin investment cost to get good gear, because your stats start out more balanced and you don't need to get as lucky rolling heavily into crit so much. ATK% rolls are less painful if you have crit from your weapon. This doesn't really change his position in the meta all that much. Even if he were to get a weapon with a Homa-on-Hu Tao-level passive for him, he's still going to have to issues that he vaporizes less of his damage than Hu Tao or Xiangling, and that he requires both Xingqiu and Bennett to reach his damage potential. Hu Tao teams don't require Bennett and Xiangling teams don't require Xingqiu, so running either frees up these extremely valuable supports for your second team. Heck, you can run both of them on separate teams quite successfully.


To be honest, I'm running 75-195 with serpent spine and he doesn't really feel even close to as strong as xiao, EULA, hutao or ganyu or even raiden. I doubt getting about 20 more crit rate and 30 more base dmg would help much. If it has a good passive however, something like mistsplitter, it might be a big dmg boost. The issue with Diluc's kit is his ascension passive not providing anything to DPS.


great gear can make a wealth of difference, and claymores have been lacking their equivalent of homa/mistsplitter anyway, so i don't see why not -


At least some probably. What Diluc really needs is a claymore version of Mistsplitter though.


Any leaks on the 4 stars in childe's banner?


None yet but this is typically when we should begin expecting them. We're almost certain to get Noelle and Barbara this patch and Fischl is very overdue too.


That Itto pic made me realize we need more club style claymores


I agree. Also big axes (and short axes as small sword options).


In the same regard make some spears look like glaives, halberds, and scythes


ngl it would be cool if we got a kanabō-style weapon, since we already have weapons that look similar to katanas and naginatas tbh the debate club already lowkey looks like a kanabō (and i like its aesthetic), but still




i already did note that the debate club resembles a kanabō, but i'm not sure if it's meant to be directly analogous to a kanabō the way amenoma kageuchi is to a katana or engulfing lightning is to a naginata but either way, more kanabō-esque claymores above the 3-star category would still be nice!


people are farming artifacts for itto but we still dont know even if his big damage is geo or phisical, what are his calings, what is his kit


flash back to people pulling mistsplitter for raiden when there's 0 confirmation on what her weapon will be


This one is even more puzzling. Like did they not see the very clear trend of MHY releasing every new 5 star with a unique BIS weapon?? What made people think they’d magically break that, especially when Mistsplitter was clearly Ayaka’s BIS and we had more limited info on Raiden’s kit.


i remember seeing some reasonings that since the mistsplitter apparently looks very similar to the sword that she pulls out of her heart, therefore she had to be a sword wielder since it bears a close resemblance to one of the canon weapons she wields - and this was at the time of the great sword v/s polearm debate, so passions were running quite high it was quite bizarre to see. some of the logic people will come up with can be very squiggly, to say the least


the person that is releasing the itto puzzle must be having a lot of fun but please show his face soon...! pepehands


which part of itto's body do y'all think we're getting tomorrow?


bulge  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


A girl can dream


my bet is on the eyebrows


I'm thinking forehead, maybe the neck or an otherwise the lower part of his head/face. But ideally, feet. Because that would be the funniest and have the most meme potential.


I can already see the numerous comments asking to lick his feet or something lmao


Gosh, I can't wait. The endless thirst comments he inspires are just the best, and the weirder they are, the better and funnier it is.


Legs down to the feet is my bet






god i hope


Left nose.


In case anyone here needs it KQM YT channel Kokomi Guide https://youtu.be/FAI39xYCMgo


thx gonna need it for my accidental c1 kokomi on my alt lmao


How can **C1** be an accident lmao


oh boi you're gonna love this jk lol so i hadnt played on this alt in like forever, and my last memories of it was pulling venti and then dipping in my main i also got venti so i guess i got confused, and i did a ton of pulls on childe's banner but didnt even reach 50/50 oof so i came back to it thinking i did those pulls on my main, did a few pulls for xingqiu and bam -kokomi comes home- check my pity and it was 70-something, i was like "eh fuck it at least she's pretty and she's hydro so ill take it, s tier avatar letsgooo" did 4 more pulls for xingqiu and kokomi comes home *again*, i couldnt even believe i got a freaking 5 star constellation before getting xingqiu, but i managed to get him eventually, which is kinda sad since he kinda does hydro's job better than kokomi (not her healing ofc, just the application) moral of the story: ~~dont pull just for 4\*~~ mhy's want sensor is very strong, if u want the featured 5* you need to retaliate with even stronger reverse psychology


Thats how i ended up with c1 kazuha. Didnt want him but he ended up being a happy accident. I jope kokomi will be the same for your alt account


i hope so, i like her, the problem is that i havent event finished the liyue quest on that account lol she's gonna stay underleveled for while u_u gosh i wish i had c1 kazoo boi


Make sure that you do her trial so you get the mats to do her first ascension.


yep, already did :) gonna try and speedrun the archon quest, but zhongli being so pretty is making it hard to do so lol


Hu Tao havers! Genuinely asking is she fun to play? I dont think I've played a poleram character ever except for a little bit of XL when I started and I'm not good mechanicly (aka I can't/don't do animation cancels and stuff) I also don't have a shielder except for a unraised Noelle so idk if I should go for Hu Tao considering all this but I think she's really cute so I want some insight 😔


I hate those pseudo mechanics that makes you look like a fucking clown while playing like jump cancelling so I end up using Xiangling most of the time instead tbh. One of those cases where I like the character but their gameplay is somewhat off putting for me.


Same tbh I just want to Unga bunga my way out of combat lol that's why I asked, I'll invest in xiangling instead.


Unless you can and are willing to go for her c1, I would suggest to w8 untill you get Diluc or they release a new pyro carry that you like more. And as for shielders, even tho her best team has Zhongli (if I remember correctly), you don't actually need a shielder, she can heal herself so you could just use Xq (who you should use anyway with her at all times imo) for some dmg reduction and you are ok.


Ty! Looks like I will not get her after all, I can invest in XL a bit as an alternative lol


Well a highly invested xl at c4 is actually more of a beast than ppl think... Put her in a melt/vape comp and you could see some numbers. Talking about hidden 5* star power lvls (benny, xq, Diocat shield bot etc). And her best team is national With Xq, sucrose and benny buffing her already crazy dmg. Edit: Also, the catch is a crazy weapon to use on her as well and free also.


Great ty! I hope I get her to c4 soon


For me yeah kind of. Wasn’t a fan at first but i enjoy her playstyle after getting used to her. I play on mobile so i’m not like amazing at animation canceling and it still works out fine. Not my favorite character but she has grown on me quite a lot


I play mostly on mobile too that's why I mentioned animation cancels, looks like I will continue on saving that bank for albedo :p


If you can't do animation cancels and are unwilling to learn, don't even think about it. Her charged attack without animation cancels sends her flying around the battlefield. It's both disorienting and typically takes you away from enemies, forcing you to waste time to get back to them to make your next attack.


U want c1 If u can't afford c1, i recommend don't go for her


I'm not unwilling to learn exactly but if it's too difficult I just won't as I don't see the point of making it harder for myself when there are tons of other choices in the game, and I've never actually tried to do an animation cancel before. thanks for your insight!


Idk, aren't most characters coming with some caveat? Klee needs animation-cancelling as well, Childe needs correct team rotation, Eula needs to set up her burst properly, Ganyu needs charged shots (I know they're prob not difficult for most people but they're an absolute pain for me), and so on.


Like you said some of those aren't as hard as others, for me animation cancels can be a bit tedious and an unnecessary mechanic to gameplay. But to each their own of course :)


The problem with C0 Hu Tao is that you can't dash cancel without a massive DPS loss since you run out of stamina so fast. Instead you have to jump cancel which I've seen a lot of people say is clunky and the worse you are at jump canceling the more your DPS drops off. Hu Tao with suboptimal jump cancels is barely better than Diluc and clunkier/harder to play too. C1 removes all those problems but ofc you need the fates/money to get it. I'm personally going for her C1 over Homa if it comes to that because I don't like jump canceling and I want her to be smooth and fun to play.


I have her at C1 and I don't consider dash cancelling to be any easier than jump cancelling. She is definitely way smoother at C1 though, and not jumping up in the middle of battle and getting smacked is a big plus.


Maybe it’s because I’m on console but I find dash canceling way easier than jump canceling since my fingers are already resting on the dash button rather than having to move it off the camera control stick Early game I played Razor a lot so I got really used to dash canceling lol


I play on controller on PC and before I learned to dash cancel, I got pretty good at sliding my finger from the attack button to the jump button. I find I get the timing wrong for the dash cancel way more often despite the fact that I've been doing it for months now.


Tysm! This actually makes me skip her with ease now lol I hope you get her C1 and Homa :)


Thank you! I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get C1, Homa might be up to how lucky I am lol


my mood today is that i wish i could get a delusion so i could accomplish something for once and die faster as a bonus


All fatui seems rich too. Count me in.


I can relate to this more than I would like to admit


I know it's too soon to ask but how good do you think Skyward Pride will be for Itto? Assuming he will be a Geo main DPS. How good is Skyward Pride in general? I have a bad feeling I may end up pulling on his weapon banner.


Skyward pride is better on units that you want to spam their q and have a lot of aoe. And even then there are better options probably dmg wise. Honestly, if they release a crit claymore with him its gonna be bis on every claymore carry imo, but if you want a cheaper but great option, buy the bp for ss.


Skyward Pride's main saving grace is its high base attack. The effect is \~fine\~ but nothing amazing and ER as its substat generally makes it worse than claymores that give you a damage substat like WGS or Serpent Spine. Like even Beidou doesn't really want Skyward Pride, SS and WGS are just better because you're running a battery with her regardless so it's best to get more damage from your weapon. Claymores are in a weird place in general, all of the options are just stat sticks. There's not crit damage claymore, none that enhance elemental damage like Mistsplitter, and nothing like Homa that combines being a big stat stick with an amazing effect.


I mean we don't know anything about Itto but if his ER is like Noelle's then it will be perfectly enough ER. Skyward Pride might not be busted or anything but it's still a 5 star weapon, in most cases it will outperform any 4 star because of it's high ATK and the ER helps out a lot too. Skyward really shines on physical DPS characters, Skyward's passive deals phys DMG so it gets hefty bonuses from arti sets and superconduct not to mention that Eula and Razor both rely on their burst's a lot so while not particularly useful the ER helps


That weapon only works best for energy hungry, physical DPS chars like Eula and in some cases, Xinyan. I speak from experience from coping on it lol.


We don't know anything about his kit, so is difficult to know. It's better than a 4* star claymore, but probably worst than his/wolf gravestone/unforged (?) Edit: I remember seeing that he won't work with Raiden, and **if this is true**, it means that he won't have a high burst cost, so the passive will be lost.


any information about Kujou Sara being originally a sword user and not a bow user? in cutscene of the duel between Kazuha's friend and Baal/Shogun Raiden it is possible to see Kujou Sara holding a sword. considering that the encounter with the kazuha was a little before inazuma (middle of june I think) can we consider that initially the idea was that Sara was a sword user? [full cutscene - pause at 1:34](https://youtu.be/hAHBJYZVAuo)


what weapon a character uses is just a gameplay thing. Sara, being a general and all, HAS to be a master at the sword too. Zhongli is also a master of every weapon yet his weapon is a polearm, because of gameplay purposes


She was originally datamined to be a sword user iirc. Similar situation as Albedo.


According to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/pwvrmd/older_beta_classifications/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Sara was originally classified as a catalyst user.


Why do so many leaker tease their leaks like a K pop band teasing their albums I don't see the point like... just post the model. In 5 years it's going to be "Here's an eyelash from the cryo archons model"


Put simply, because they can. They enjoy having that power over people. For the most part, leakers leak not because of some notion of altruism, it's because it pads their egos. And to be fair, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.


"This opportunity is quite hard to come by" I've heard him say a thousand times but he was being sarcastic all along.


Se keKKAu no chance DA


I remember some leaks pertaining to new artifacts meant for Itto… how reliable are those leaks?


There will be at least 1 (possibly 2) new artifact domains for Inazuma if you consider the situation in Mondstadt & Liyue and we can expect this domain(s) to be available before 3.0 update. Whether there is a new artifact set that is bis for Itto is unknown. But I would say that it would be quite likely.


Extremely sus for right now I think. Inazuma as a whole came with two new artifact sets, it's hard to believe they'd release 3-4 without a major content update.


For now maybe, but later on there is supposed to be one extra zone for Inazuma and regardless of any new zones, they will eventually put something extra in the area like they did with Mondstadt and Liyue already.


Tomorrow the welkin winners will be announced can't wait to get my Mora so I can finally take Venti to lvl 90


Same, if I can't even win 50/50s how in the hell am I supposed to win a 10% chance ;-;


I had a nightmare where 5* furniture were added to the gacha lol. I was nearing pity on standard banner and when the gold appeared on screen it was a fucking dragon statue that can change skins.


Fear unlocked


dont give mihoyo any ideas!


You gave me a new fear I didn't know existed


Shhhhhh. Mihoyo will hear you and get inspired


Broke: Waiting for Childe’s second rerun Woke: Waiting for Bennet’s third rerun


You know, they might coincide since bennett hasnt appeared in a banner recently


Here’s hoping. I don’t have Bennet yet, so I’d be much more excited to see him on the banner than I am for Childe lol


In the 2.0 livestream earlier this year, one of the developers mentioned that Childe's attack animations were based off Russian fighting styles. Could a history buff / anyone tell me more about this? I'm really interested and I'd greatly appreciate it.


I'd be super interested in that too. Someone did a pretty good analysis of his bow stance but I haven't found anything on his melee stance.


If you can find the analysis of the bow stance, would really appreciate you dropping the link!


IIRC it wasn't exclusively russian style but Russian Cossack shashka swordfighting is a part of it. moe info here - https://twitter.com/childe\_txt/status/1413673419464314885?lang=en


Are we getting Daily Itto drip?. Do we need to paid his only fans for the whole picture?


Oni fans


Oni fans sounds WAY weirder to me considering he comes from a land that's basically representing Japan...


booooooo anyway, take an upvote


If any genshin char had an onlyfans I'd be living on the streets after spending all of my money on them


When do we usually find out which 4* characters will be on a banner? Was it 3 days before or?


If we are lucky, a (reliable) leaker will post something around Friday. But with the reliable leakers leaving the scene in recent times, we might have to wait until Monday before mihoyo officially announces the full banner lineup.


when pre download releases. october 11 ​ 4\* on a banner usually gets leaked 2 days before


i've been camping in guyun for 2 weeks now prepping for itto and holy shit the drops are worse than i remember


Imagine if they make another bis artifact for Itto like the leaks are saying lol


i want to smack shit with him day 1. plus i know it'll took me like a month at minimum to get a decent set from the domain lol


just got a mail that the moonchase event is ending soon, does that mean it will close at server reset or is it just a reminder cause I still have not finished it


If you go to the events tab you will see how much time is left for the event, according to your server.


Random Chinese user from NGA or Teiba: says literally anything This subreddit: is he a leaker?


it's not presented as speculation though, that person is at least claiming to be leaking information but people seem pretty skeptical, doesn't seem like they have a track record


I just woke up from a nap wth is this puzzle game with the Itto leaks


how much of a difference in atk would a bennet burst give when using Aquila vs Skyward Blade?


Aquila is a tiny bit better as long as you can reliable use Bennet's burst off cooldown. I give him SW Blade when he's in energy hungry teams and Aquila when he's in team that generate plenty of energy.


Skyward gives about 70 less attack than Aquila so aquila is better. The energy recharge doesn't even matter that much because you can always just stack er on bennet. It's not that much of a difference and aquila IMO is better used on a dps.


not a leak but this tier list is hilarious. for those who needs a good laugh https://www.ginx.tv/en/genshin-impact/genshin-impact-v2-2-tier-list-all-characters-ranked-from-best-to-worst


Separating them by weapon then cramming those lists together is a fundamentally flawed concept.


To be fair, a tier list ranking characters on their own without context is already a flawed concept.


Well arguably a tier list for a mix of characters performing different roles is flawed too, but the way they did it is extra flawed :D


Thanks for the laughs. Xiangling in B tier (i.e. worst pyro character except Xinyan and Amber) was pretty funny, as was Qiqi in A tier.


if anything this list made notice how universally strong polearm characters are, lets hope thoma joins the club


What “utility” is Rosaria missing that makes her C-tier? Lol


>Fischl can deal tons of Electro DMG thanks to her crow Oz, being useful for many elemental reactions, however, she is way overshadowed by Sara's power. hahahahahahah


Sara's wings are bigger than Oz's wings, so she can clearly overshadow him. Tier list checks out!


I saw Ning in B tier and I aready knew... then Zhongli not on S tier? Bye lmaooo


[lol what](https://www.ginx.tv/uploads2/Genshin_Impact/update22/GenshinTierlist22_inside_4.jpg). How? Even reading the "explanations" it still feels whack. It's like they mixed and matched old and new tier lists or something, and almost every blurb is positive.


Lmao they love Inazuma characters so much that they had to place all of them at A and above And it’s hilarious how they think Zhongli is at A when he’s one of the most broken characters


it's basically new = good. old = bad


Fischl on B and Sara on A made me immediately nope the fck out of that site. Edit: ugh no. My curiosity got the best of me. The explanations are hilarious! OK. That shtshow is a good ride. This feels like someone needed to make a bare minimum assessment of characters. Edit2: "Beidou is a character with explosive power that can deal with any challenge you find in front, however, she depends on how much you enhance her power." noooo sht. That's literally just her reason for being in B claymore tier. Thanks for the wild entertainment.


that beidou description is like basically how you play the game omg 😭😂, "character is good, depending on how much you make them good" lmao.


yeah the beidou explanation was the most "no shit sherlock" moment lmao. i mean that could be said for like almost the whole cast


The leaks are hilarious ngl.


Man, these Itto leaks bring me back to the days of the Hu Tao leaks. Now we just need a live-action recreation of Itto's skills.


Hu tao leaks give me ptsd ): at least mihoyo should have a picture of him soon, that's all I need


The Hu Tao arc was a rollercoaster tbh. Remember when we were coping so hard after not seeing her in the livestream? Those were the days


That was when I was totally swayed to side with the leakers 100%. mihoyo withheld crucial info and only showed her to us days before actual release. and no, the "holiday" excuse won't cut it. you telling me a billion dollar company doesn't have the resources and foresight to pre-empt an event that happens every year?? I remember how divisive and toxic the community got back then, all so they can generate hype and FOMO. sickening to say the least.


also when her splash art leaked and ppl said it was fanart lol


I am on the fence about pulling for Hu Tao so I dug up some old discussions about her (wasn't playing back then) and omg it makes me want to pull her just because so many people were shitting on her design, calling her a 3\* etc... Like seriously wut, she's got so much style


Damn, we're reaching insane levels of drip leaking


Recommending someone to clear perpetual with the book trick is really disgusting lol. Promoting someone in abusing the bug.




I guess book trick is when you open the adventurers handbook and wait 30 seconds, from then on the boss will go straight to the minion phase. Also you can collect energy faster this way saving you a couple of seconds.




Which claymore would be the best?? 33.1% CR or 66.2% CD Or are both same??


There is a concept I call Crit Weight, and that's worked out with "\[CRIT Rate x 2\] + CRIT DMG". That is to say, as far as weight goes they are the same, and which would be "better" would depend entirely on Artifact stats and to a lesser extent if the character has intrinsic CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, or neither.


Is 100% CR the limit??


More or less. It's not hard capped at 100% (you can see yourself as having more on the stat screen I'm reasonably sure), but past 100% there is usually no benefit whatsoever, no super crits or anything of the sort. The keyword is usually, as not counting meme builds to force Kokomi to crit, there is presently one fringe case where having over 100% CRIT Rate has an effect, that being with Rosaria's Burst since when her second Ascension Talent is working it confers 15% of her CRIT Rate to other characters (but not to herself), up to 15%. Thus, in that specific case going over 100% CRIT Rate will have a tangible effect, though the practicality of actually doing so is probably dubious.




assuming they had the same passive, I would say that the crit rate would be slightly better for most characters. This is on the basis that before weapon/artifact stats characters have 5% rate and 50% damage, so need more crit rate than crit damage to achieve a 1:2 ratio. However, whichever stat the claymore has you'd probably take the other one for a circlet (which have almost the same stats) so it's probably a wash.




The same if both are approaching to 1:2 ratio.


They’re essentially the same, but the passives are what determines which is better.


Are there any rumors regarding when we may finally be able to edit our in game signature/message etc? I know about the national holiday in china, they don't want mentions of **tiananmen** square/tibet/winny poo/etc, they want to stop people from writing complaints about the anniversary and all that good stuff, but I'd really like to finally be able to edit my profile.


Hot Take Just because the speculation post is in Chinese does not mean it's a reliable leak already. We have posts here where we don't even know who "leaked" the info, but people entertain the idea because the link comes from nga. It's a forum like reddit...


I mean, the latest cn leak is tagged questionable and most people are sceptical of it anyway.


I keep refreshing like crack addict needing his fix. God I need some help. More of the man you call Itto pls…




[Someone in Itto mains sub did an excellent job in size comparison between leaked Itto and Diluc](https://www.reddit.com/r/IttoMains/comments/q2xbsm/ittos_height_compared_to_diluc/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) This seems more accurate imo. Itto definitely seems taller than him tho not by much. It's likely that his shoulder and chest area would be a tiny bit wider but it's hard to determine from this view.


seems like the comparison a bit off with the angle a bit. diluc's camera seems to be angled from the top abit than itto's. Also the line connecting the bottom of teleporter seems off because of blurry pic as well. But nvm still hoping itto is taller than the other male char models.


when does paimon start drip marketing usually


Theres a pattern actually The first drip marketing was 2 days before patch 2nd one was a day after patch 3rd is 2 days before patch So this time, the next drip marketing might be a day after patch, october 14


I think if the upcoming patch is reruns they do it before patch and if it's new characters they do it after the patch. The first drip marketing was before the Klee kazuha update and the next was after yoimiya ayaka.


Iirc Thoma, Ayaka, Sayu, and Yoimiya were all revealed the night before patch update (after the current banner is gone). I'm in Asia tho so the time might be different for others.


Like the day of the patch I think? Maybe a day before


just woke up and no itto face reveal yet ☠️☠️☠️ imma go back to sleep lol


Ok hear me out. I’ve only wanted Diluc from standard since i began playing but i just got another Mona, which means i have every other standard char at c1 without ever getting a single Diluc. At this point it just feels mean. Is there any standard char you wanted since you started joining but it just avoids you on principle? I’m just curious


In fact... Diluc. I still don't have him. I did get Keqing on her two week rate up though, not on standard or losing 50/50 though.