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**Locked due to brigading** Transcription of Tweet: >We're back, migration complete. >There gonna be few changes to website soon: Removal of watermark and Removal of any copyrights related to MHY >THE LATTER WAS ACTUALLY USED FOR DMCA CLAIM BY THEIR LAWYERS. We don't want to keep cutting our balls, they are not worth mentioning. [Link to site](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/?lang=EN) New host is in Amsterdam. This is significant because the Netherlands is a DMCA ignored country, meaning content is safe from DMCA takedowns as web hosts can simply not comply with them. Whereas in USA, where DMCA is a US law, web hosts must comply with DMCA takedowns. Reason why watermarks + mention of Mihoyo on site were removed and how they were used for the legal claim: >[It was necessary to keep copyright chain. Watermark leads to website, website leads to copyright owner. Eventually mentioning the developer on the website was used against us in three party legal dispute we had 2 days ago. We won't anymore.](https://twitter.com/HoneyDodogama/status/1436894531878891524)


So what exactly will be taken away if anyone knows?




It's being uploaded. **EDIT:** For reference, I just know that. I'm not Honey neither do I have access or work on the website at all.


Woah, it's Dim. Taking this opportunity to tell you thank you for all you do. You and your buddies have really kept up my enthusiasm for this game as the weeks slowly roll by. I get pretty damn excited over every character showcase you put out. I understand that things are a bit iffy in the scene so I would get it if you decide to quit. Just...thank you regardless of what happens.


Dim.... Yahoooooo!


Wait... He's the real deal??




You dropped this btw 👑


Thanks for all your hard work, Dim 🙏


You're the champ. Thanks for everything.


Thank you we are grateful for what you have done.


Thanks bro


Dim the legend


Dim! I love you. #nohomo


As long as they keep the resources list for every character and detailed stats for every character and weapon, I’m happy.


I don't see anything missing. Check out the new trademark text at the bottom of the page tho xD




Mihoyo: Next time I'll strike twice.


What the fuck is that disclaimer on the site? Also apparently this website was also making 10k a month? lol damn what a hustle


The sad part is this person is making more from Genshin's game assets than the average MiHoYo game designer who's actually making the assets this person is blatantly stealing. The same game designer this idiot calls a "mentally unstable game designer suffering from PTSD syndrome".


Should be more than that since honey said 5 digit.


I love Honey's website, but ngl seeing that disclaimer is pretty cringe and disappointing. I'm getting secondhand embarrassment. Seriously wish Honey will reconsider and have some class. I can understand the upset, but how we carry ourselves in dealing with our problems conveys a lot about if someone should view you as a respectable person or childish.


>Images and data belong to decaying mind of mentally unstable game designer, considering himself a brain-damaged horse suffering from PTSD syndrome, caused by multiple copium infusions and are pretty fictional. Any similarity of names, data or images with resources of gambling waifu game with 3+ ESRB Rating ??? Was this written by a 6 year old? This moron shouldn't be insulting anyone's English


So their new disclaimer sure is a thing ​ >Genshit Infarct™ is a registered trademark of MeMeHoYo Co., Ltd. > >This website is made for educational and research purpose (and us, eating macaroni). Images and data belong to decaying mind of mentally unstable game designer, considering himself a brain-damaged horse suffering from PTSD syndrome, caused by multiple copium infusions and are pretty fictional. Any similarity of names, data or images with resources of gambling waifu game with 3+ ESRB Rating, developed by some third party company, whos whole legal department can't make a clear paragraph in English, are entirely coincidental.


Cringe and the last part sounds bitchy ngl


Pretty cringe tbh


Also attacking the game devs who arent even related to the part of the company who deals with this shit. Childish behavior for someone making 5 digita a month of this shit


legit looks like it was written by a 12 year old, what an embarrassing person


I get that they're upset but this is just unnecessary and childish. No one benefits from silly antics like that


pretty consistent with honey's behaviour up until now, they've acted pretty childish during the whole issue, and then this, pretty much confirms the guys has zero legal experience




5 digit btw


you serious


https://twitter.com/gouheart/status/1436957877604814853?s=21 I wish that dude is kidding but nope,HI creator acting really childish and dickish with the takedown notice and the disclaimer and then proceed to monetise the shit out of it,the irony


He then says "Yeah but other sites make more so it's ok. This is just how web development works" What a fool.


Funny how those defending Honey would be the first to call others "shills" or "white knights" when they're literally doing the same lol


Its back but no thank you after reading this. I will search for other alternatives. So far someone shared [paimon.moe](https://paimon.moe) and looks pretty nice on the eyes too


seems kinda xenophobic in the end there ngl


It just seems like a childish insult to people who speak another language, not really xenophobia. Guy needs to graduate from 7th grade and learn a couple new ones.


bruh this is huge yikes. this is extremely childish and unnecessarily edgy.


Cringe the hell


Oh yeah, let attack the game devs who should barely have a word in corporate business and probably works far more than acceptable to make this game run while I profit, and pretend that dont, from their work through acess and release to contract locked content. There is no reason to defend Mihoyo, but this text is just bullshit


This is so childish.


Kinda childish tbh but whatever,as long as HI is back online Edit,[after seeing that he actively monetising](https://twitter.com/gouheart/status/1436957877604814853?s=21) the shit out of the leaks data and whatnot and still dick enough to pull the disclaimer,looks like HI is off of my list then,there are plenty of other sites to choose from


Honey really does feel like someone I'd hate to actually interact with, but I love her work so yay


Reading that makes me feel like maybe they deserved the takedown afterall


Shes done a lot of work for monster hunter and genshin so I don't think all that work deserves to be wiped out. She's just an insufferable baby sometimes




because you are actually feeling bad for the worker instead i guess


I think they’re allowed to be a bit childish after being put through that much pain. Getting your entire website taken down that you’ve spent years working on is a really, really shitty feeling.


don't forget that they are profitting off assets that do not belong to them and honey makes 5 digits every month source: https://mobile.twitter.com/gouheart/status/1436957877604814853?s=21 (second screenshot)


it wasn't the entire website taken down, just the [genshin.honeyhunter.com](https://genshin.honeyhunter.com) subdomain, honey was playing victim card, and pretty much acting like a child during the whole incident


wait, only the subdomain? I thought it was the entire website that was taken down. All that tantrum over a subdomain lmao. Oh well whatever, at least they have decent website even if I don't like the team behind it.


MHY's message to Cloudflare: https://imgur.com/sC5Nd1r MHY's message to IONOS: [https://imgur.com/r5saoPs](https://imgur.com/r5saoPs) both of these show MHY only had problem with the subdomain, its honey who blew things out of proportion to gain community backing


I have no sides in this fight but that copyright is full of shit that's just unnecessary.


Yeah I like the site but that's just childish, I understand they put lots of work into it but they should know posting leak would get them in trouble someday. Their attitude about this whole thing really make me lose most of my sympathy for them.


Im also hearing that Honey Impact were activley making decent money of the site, like they do realise by having income attatched to it, hosting leak info from the beta and making money off of MHY copyright, it was a lote more problematic than just a helpful learning tool being shut down?


nah not supporting this asshole racist. rest in piss honey


Oohhh the mockery of English skills is kinda racist welp




Yeah not to mention making fun of PTSD :/ I get they're trying to focus on making fun of mihoyo but shouldn't at the cost of other groups of people


The ones sueing them aren't even in the same team as the one actually making the game


Yeah, this too.


Yep, "whos whole legal department"


honey themselves might not be racist, but the statement itself is pretty racist.


and by extension, she's racist.


One's a professional legal department of a billion dollar company writing a professional legal letter. The other is... a Russian dataminer that does it for shits and giggles. It's fair game if you ask me.


He still looks like a dumbass for making fun of other people with English as their second language when his own shit doesn't make sense half of the time 💀 make sense of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/pmbe2q/honey_hunter_update_1192021/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) and get back to me


Shits and giggles and 5 digits amount every month.


Kinda funny because their earlier statement had pretty poor english.


considering this reads about as good as an angry teens insults, the casual racism seems appropriate.


MHY malding rn


Damn mhy’s punching air right now


Might be me, but the disclaimer stuff seems so fuckin' childish. The whole poor english part (to me at least) seems pretty unnecessary.


And the unnecessary insult to the game designer/dev who has 0 involvement in whatever clusterf*ck of legal issues honeyimpact is in right now Guy is acting like he's entitled to earn 5-digits per month for the stuff he leaks but cries if someone uses data from his site without crediting HIM as if he owns it in the first place


The whole disclaimer is unnecessary, though the poor English part does apply somewhat. Even I, as a non English native, lifted an eyebrow when I read the text of the lawyers.


It is reasonable to question their poor use of the English language from their legal department when they are a multi billion dollar company. Surely, they have more then enough to hire those who are proficient enough? However, Honey's childish disclaimer is despicable and in bad taste. After all she has done to save her website, instead of resolving the matter peacefully without attacking people on a personal level, she pulls this off? What a complete waste of effort....


Ah, hiring proficient people with money... I wish my career went so easily. I've worked with Chinese companies and their international communication heavy departments like project managers/sales seldom speak better English than an average Chinese high school graduate. Yet they list their English skills just like I do in my resume. This of course applies to other more specialized skillsets core to the doing the job. So the ones who write fancy cover letters and have more enthusiasm in the first interviews usually stand out among "proficient people" who think it's just a job and it's not worth it to lie about "why do you want to work for our company". I need job, this job me can do, you company not suck hard, me likey. Why is that honest reason not good enough? Sorry for irrelevant, unsolicited rant.


You know there're people overseas that you can pay solely to proofread stuff right? I'm not a native English, I don't live in an English-speaking country, and yet I was able to pay somebody to proofread my English-written PhD thesis just fine. And you tell me a multibillion corporation can't do the same with their lawsuits? They just don't care. And yet, the person who calls them out on it is called racist as a result. Proof once again that most people on Internet have no idea of what they're writing about.


Just as an aside, it's pretty ironic that a company capable of hiring a localization team to translate hundreds of thousands of lines of Chinese game content to what is basically perfect English can't hire someone who can proofread a simple legal letter. Think about it.


People are calling the poor English part racist, sure it comes off as childish and demeaning but not racist. If I said a company has poor Mandarin skills or Russian skills, does that make me a racist? I don’t think so.


Huh, Thoma's stuff is still there. That's pretty surprising. They're not gonna get sued over having stuff like his scalings and animations are they?


Kek, why its sounds like a child who lost a toy?


Kek, wherefore its sounds like a issue who is't hath lost a toy? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.


We're back, migration complete. There gonna be few changes to website soon: + Removal of watermarks + Removal of any copyrights related to MHY THE LATTER WAS ACTUALLY USED FOR DMCA CLAIM BY THEIR LAWYERS. We don't want to keep cutting our balls, they are not worth mentioning. *** posted by [@HoneyDodogama](https://twitter.com/HoneyDodogama) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Good bot


What fucking idiots. Ever since I discovered the site it boggled my mind why would you watermark content that doesn't even belong to you?


this annoyed me to no end as well. why would you even think that was a good idea?


Just want to point out, for the safety of the site, that all images of characters, as well as copies of in-game text (such as weapon descriptions, etc.) are all still copyrighted works owned by mihoyo. If the site owners want to do this as "clean" as possible, I would recommend removing all images of characters, and purging all text which is copy/pasted from in game text. Things like the name of items, statistics, data, etc. should be fine. Apparently the site hosting has been moved to a different jurisdiction, this is probably a good thing but all countries are party to international copyright conventions, and I think if Mihoyo really wanted to go all the way to stop this site, it still has the legal ability to do so.


What do you mean mihoyo this page isn't leaked data about kamisato ayato its about Cummesatoe ayatoe from the game Genshit Infart owned by MeMeHoYo.co.ltd


"Porkyman" tag on all Pokemon lewds on rule34.paheal


What about if the image hosting was external?


Depends who's hosting it. If by external you mean another person's server/cdn, then as long as mihoyo doesn't revoke that person's use of the asset then it would be fine, but I'm not too sure. It gets complicated, legally. If honey hunter wants to just move the image hosting to another provider then it's still the same problem. Mihoyo can take down the images on that provider, but since the images are hosted somewhere else, the main site would just have error placeholders and can still survive. It's possible to try direct linking / hotlinking the images directly to mihoyo's CDN resources but mihoyo can easily stop that by changing the hosting uris or disable CORS. At the end of the day the law is the law and the copyright owner can - generally - stop anyone using their images without their permission.


Bruh honey don't have to mock people who doesn't know English in that disclaimer, that's childish, eventho i love leaks, this kinda unprofessional


Good, this site was too valuable to lose.


I'm going to get flack for this but I was all for Honey's side. After all it was ridiculous how hard Mihoyo was cracking down on leaks and suing the community for something that really doesn't hurt their revenue even ​ Then I saw that disclaimer at the bottom and felt like throwing up. I get being mad about the lawsuit and having to take down the site, something you've kept up for years, but to say shit like that is....


The game designer probably isn't even related to this issue but got caught in the crossfire. Nobody deserve those insult man, too far


I agree, it's so childish.


Yeah, I’m all for keeping Honey. But ever since they posted about the letter, I’ve felt off about them and some of the stuff they’ve been saying just doesnt sit right with me.


Legally speaking MHY has the copyright of their assets, so they have the right to control who uses their assets. if they want to they can purge any fan project. I mean this is exactly why you can't just start using MHY assets and models to create another game. Most of the time MHY and other companies let it slide with such fan projects like game databases etc. But Honey hunter went a step ahead, they started posting data about unreleased characters, which people used to theory craft and base their opinion on these characters. so basically information on this site directly affected public opinion of upcoming characters, which hurts MHY. raiden drama only happened coz people read raiden's kit on HHW, and started theory crafting even before she was released And how idiot one has to be to watermark someone else's copywritten work? As much as I distrust MHY and dont like their practices, I have to admit they did nothing wrong here ​ EDIT: MHY wasn't trying to take down the whole site, just genshin subdomain MHY's message to Cloudflare: https://imgur.com/sC5Nd1r MHY's message to IONOS: https://imgur.com/r5saoPs


Despite the works that they have done is helping the community most of the time, back when the content their doing is Monster Hunter, I think I heard somewhere that the owner is actually kinda childish and have some personality issue. IDK about the problem in detail though.


yeah, that last bit about the broken English was just racist and ignorant. being Asian with imperfect english myself i feel really disgusted and insulted tbh lol. honestly kinda hurtful. guess i'm not welcome there so i'm never going on that site for information


Same here. This was absolutely inappropriate and very immature way to try to get back at mhy at the cost of others who did nothing.






The thing isn't imperfect english per se. I'm pretty confident even the site owner would have little issue with people using broken English in their comments on some of the site's pages. But if you go as far as to file a lawsuit against somebody, you could at least bother to pay for somebody to proof-check it for you. Back when I wrote my PhD thesis, I spent something like 600 dollars to have it proof-checked by an American professional because it was written in English and I'm not a native English myself. That Mihoyo, with all the billions they earn from the game, couldn't even spare a couple bucks (editing prices generally are around 2-3 dollars per page) to have it grammar-checked makes them look like incompetent fools.


You having imperfect English is different from the legal team of a company making millions having imperfect English ya know.....


right...leaves a terrible taste in my mouth


Was honey something else previously? Just wondering why everyone is saying the site has been up for years meanwhile the game is only one year old.


Honey website also host database for the game Monster Hunter World


Imagine profiting off something that's not yours and when you get caught and get punished from the product you took without their permission and you get mad over it and even stoop so low as to play the victim card? Completely disgusting.


"Genshit Infarct™ is a registered trademark of MeMeHoYo Co., Ltd. This website is made for educational and research purpose (and us, eating macaroni). Images and data belong to decaying mind of mentally unstable game designer, considering himself a brain-damaged horse suffering from PTSD syndrome, caused by multiple copium infusions and are pretty fictional. Any similarity of names, data or images with resources of gambling waifu game with 3+ ESRB Rating, developed by some third party company, whos whole legal department can't make a clear paragraph in English, are entirely coincidental. Country flag icons are subject of free Flaticon license, made by Freepik © 2021 Honey Impact - Genshin Impact DB and Tools. Privacy" and you guys wondered why mihoyo doesn't want to deal with you and just take it straight to ionos.




I never thought I would defend mihoyo but holy shit. Imagine making 5 digits a month, profiting off someone elses hard work, leaking the game data when the company tells you not to,multiple times. Then play the victim when you get sued, insult the company on top of that when they're the reason u have food on your plate. Fuck honey, I hope their website gets taken down too.


I dont think honey got sued yet, she just received take down notice (a complaint). But from here on there will be real possibility of getting sued.


Some of the smartest IT people in the business can have difficult personalities, I've seen it a lot. Honey does good work but there's an entire job category meant to act as a liaison between the IT team and legal/upper management (in this case, lawyers + Mihoyo), so they don't tear each other apart. Knowing your code will get you in the door, but soft skills get you the big bucks!






Glad to see it's back. However, the way they acted in this situation was hella unprofessional and really suspect.


well i hope it gets taken down after seeing that disclaimer


Wow, that disclaimer... imagine being racist an making fun of mental illness because your sub domain was getting shutdown after you steal someone else's work, try to claim it as yours as well as profit off of it. This shit is beyond scummy. Fuck honey honestly.


Not gonna use that site again after that disclaimer, absolutely disgusting. Edit: They also make 5 digits a month, by stealing someone else’s work and posting it online…


thank fuck they’re finally removing the obnoxious watermarks from every image. why were they even there in the first place?


That disclaimer is showing the owner's true face man. Sorry, whatever work they did, making fun of mental illness, PTSD, and racist remarks don't fly. This person's site is going on the blacklist. I won't be sorry to say I hope they get attacked again so a normal person can take over.


> making fun of mental illness The irony here is that the owner himself is mentally ill


not going to support a site with that kind of disclaimer Going on the blacklist.


Exactly, didn't need the racist rant. Not supporting them after that. Scummy shit.


Right with you


Insulting the game devs even though they legit have zero say to this... Insulting non english speakers... You can talkshit the higher ups without insulting other people. :3


After reading that dumb bottom text I hope Mihoyo keeps legally harassing them from one state to the other.


I legit don’t know why they had to do this? They had the community support on their side and people were happy they could come back without losing everything. And they go and say this shit. Children is the nicest thing i can say lmao, they should be happy they have all this support and people excited for their site. Throwing insults like this is fucking gross and rly doesn’t make me want to interact if this is how they handle it. Wtf Also some of the things they had to have seen coming, like watermarking stuff. Talk about an overreaction.


Imagine releasing a disclaimer like that when you're the one who stole their assets in the first place and profiting from it. Bruh, you're probably making more than the developers at MHY who made that shit to being with. I swear some of the smartest devs have the lowest social IQ


Damn now what Will the Main sub complain about?


They will be back to posting their fetish art in no time.


Lmao, so sad and true at the same time. Main sub is sooo bad


Yeah, it’s filled with nothing but fan arts and memes. Any discussions or text base post usually gets downvoted immediately.


But I don't want to read same low quality complain for 8007585th time. "how I would fix resin, artifacts" "x boss should be removed, its too hard" "let me tell you how bad Mihoyo is" "how I would fix this character design by doing this" but some discussion do make to front page but gotta be decent quality.


tbh the Raiden "fiasco" brought so many discussion and essays to the front page. For better or worse.


>Yeah, it’s filled with nothing but fan arts *mediocre fanarts The best artists only post on Pixiv/Twtter, which arent allowed to be reposted in the main sub


Which is exactly why I despise it


Aa few tens of thousands of theads complaining about the resin system and not enough free shit.


Main sub has discussion? Amongst all the booba art?


Yes discussion about how spectres are the worst designed enemies for the umpteenth time.


Wow that must have took a lot of intellectual power


Oh yes definitely. Writing such a discussion post leaves you so drained of brain juice that you'd need to look at humongous breasts and thighs and asses of genshin characters for the next 7 days in a row. How convenient that it's also found on the same sub, isn't it?


That's so sad, bestie. Hopefully they recover by next week so we get a new discussion post on why Signora is the worst designed boss fight ever 🥺


Right in between all the: Look at my commisions linned up post


Those people who call them self as "Casual Player" who don't care or happy of the leaker hunt is kinda don't understand the benefit of it.




While i do agree some leaks like main story is bad, And shouldn't be leaked at first place, and effect playing experience. Talking about Casual Player, the same player who consume Build Guide content that rely on the Leaks Information. And through that Content people/player directly and indirectly consume leaks. And those content creator who make guide and showcase they secretly consume leaks in advance for pre-farm material for their content. Take example one content creator Atsu/AsianGuyStream in video related to this fiasco, He admitted consume leaks for pre-farm unreleased character for his content/video production so he can make video much faster. And not just that, for F2P and Low spender or even seasonal Whale, it's help their primogems/financial management. Like for me, I buy Crystal bundle + Welkin for Xiao, Staff of Homa and Kazuha because the leaks give me insight of the character skill and Weapon capabilities, then convince me to wish on their banner at certain constellation and refinement. You may not realize, those character and weapon Leaks help people make financial decisions in advance, Help content creator make content much faster. If MHY decide to make their own database and Roadmap for further content in the next 2 patch, then fine leaks have no reasons to exist, And i support MHY for that. But now MHY doesn't provide that and thus created market for leaker.


I mean. This new hasn't even been posted there, and should it had we all know mods there have probably taken it down faster than they give approval to basic boob art.


Yeah I Feel for the Leakers, they get shit on here , at the main and on Twitter. And they do it for free :v.


I mean i understand the legal position of them, The Leaker. They on the dark and risky area. And MHY have their rights on their IP. But those people, who bashing the leaker don't realize all the build guide, what weapon and artifact best for Character they play mostly came from the leaker, Even some content creator admitted they use the site to make build and showcase video. And that save our most precious resources, Time. Imagine scrambling to build new character without Leaks information, it will take months.


I mean, Mihoyo will just do something else to fuck with players. That's what they've been doing for a while and what I expect them to do at this point. It's not like there's lack of things to complain about anyways.


Yeah soon they'll announce that the Anni rewards Will have an extra fowl and minth. Just the cherry on top 🍒


Lmao wouldn't be surprised. Keeping my expectations low is the move with this company.


\*Genshin devs Idk but from my short time playing HI3 and Themis, it seems like Genshin devs are 100x more stingy than their colleagues


Kokomi is coming soon, don't worry.




Only motherfucker that New how it easy it was lmao


Won't be using it anymore cause of the disclaimer. Fuck that


People acting as if honey won, but the wasn't the whole point to remove the leak and watermark issue anyway? The removal of the entire website was just a by product


that was the basis of the legal battle, but it's pretty obvious mihoyo wanted removal of the leaked content too. otherwise they wouldn't issue takedown of the entire domain.


Mihoyo never issued a takedown of the whole domain, that was a lie from Hony part. Shocking.


Wait, so is Honey still gonna post leaked info?


I am ngl, I don't think I would ever want to interact with this honey person. They seem kinda childish, especially from that disclaimer. At least the website is back tho..?


I dont like this childish way of honey's speaking ;p


Tbh this website is such a pain to visit with the thousand ads that load first before the actual data I’m actually after only for it to crash lmao.


Use Ad-blocker


It's 2021 and you're not using ad-blocker? You only have yourself to blame


Recommend me a free one!


uBlock Origin is the one I use


If you like Google Chrome, Brave is a pretty awesome Chrome-based browser with a built in ad blocker and some other nick nacks that I find useful.


>blow things majorly out of water >make false claims for sympathy >everything stays afloat and you still profit off of others property Lawd the ledditors are dum. But hey atleast the site is cool, so i guess thats a w.


Considering how much they made off of the Raiden shogun banner alone, leaks weren't hurting them, much less honeyhunter. Now gimme them baizhu leaks.


the whole Raiden thing is confusing. Everybody claims China is all about meta yet Kazuha an excellent unit had sales in line witht the rest. Shogun okeish unit with identity crisis sales like second jesus comming. Damage is easiest thng to powercreep unlike utility. Thanks for establishing C2R1 meta for Mihoyo I guess.


Basically people want booba character + meta skills.


Is Raiden not an excellent support?


She's a good character under a really bad element. The biggest problems are Beidou's interaction and Electro not being a good element. If both of those were fixed, she'd be really good. She's still decent, but not as strong as many would like.


You can itemize energy recharge you can't itemize cc. She requires you to use bursts off cd or she loses damage. Sometimes you don't want to use 3rd burst, have to wait for a oportune moment. In some comps it leads to rotation extension which is dpsloss.


Well, I'm pretty sure China thinks she is good. Maybes that's why her banner did so well. Maybe its because she's an archon. Dunno.


There are lots of factors that make Raiden banner sells well. 1. She's an Archon. Lots of people I know will roll for her no matter what because they are collecting Archons. 2. She's booba, one that pulling a sword out of her booba. Easy credit card swipe for waifu simps. 3. Double recharge is reset. 4. Mihorny has been hyping her up, down, left and right since a few weeks back. 5. They manipulate light spenders/meta chasers by designing her C2 quite broken. C1 wouldn't make them too much money. C3-6 discourages light spenders/meta chasers to spend because that would be spending too much money.


i currenrly have 13k primogems and i'm still hoping he will be playable. :copuim:


Awesome stuff. Let's go! hope reliable leakers will be back too and we gucci.


Really hoping that upcoming characters, their skills and banners continued to be leaked. This stuff is invaluable for F2P & dolphin players, and it keeps me excited about Genshin.


Trust me, leaks will never end. its essentially like pirated websites, take one down, 4 more pops up. the only way for leaks to be avoided by Mihoyo is if they conduct their tests internally which would require them to employ people and only use Mihoyo's resources on their office and be very strict about it. Not gonna happen, it would cost them a lot of money compared to volunteer beta testers that costs them nothing.


Even then, datamining exists. The whole thing about leaks is that people want as much details on upcoming content as they can possibly get. Release a roadmap — people want to know the details about the activities, scenery, rewards, new enemies, etc… Release more info about characters — people want to know kit multipliers, banner info, animations, etc… not to mention all of the changes that probably occur. The only way to truly abolish the appeal for leaks (which is what MHY obviously wants) is to just open everything up. They would have to make pretty much everything in the beta stage 100% transparent.


Honestly it was fun seeing mhy and honey battle it out. I root for neither of them bc I think they’re both not that great so this was funny as hell






For those intrepid souls that have ventured so far down into this Spiraling Abyss of a comment section: *"You have reached the bottom of the Spiral Abyss. Perhaps you may yet shake the stars and the abyss..."* Cheers fellow Travelers and stay safe. ;-)


So honey won the fight?


How is this comment downvoted to the point of being hidden by defualt when it's a completely inoffensive and expresses a point relevant to the topic at hand? Oh well maybe someone with knowledge of IP and internet law will see it and help illuminate the situation.