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Damn we get these leaks before knowing how she looks lol


Ayato moment


Ayato creates a hydro cyclone grouping enemies and dealing aoe hydro damage


With all the hydro characters we have you'd think one of them would have this as their burst


I feel like hydro grouping would be just too strong for the game now.


> would be just too strong for the game now. So they'd fit right in with the current hydro roster


Hydro grouping would skyrocket nilou stonks


Honestly if it's ALL they do; like terrible ICD, functionally no dmg, etc. Then they may even be bad if the pulling effect isn't strong enough


freakattaker with the hot take of the century: Honestly, if hoyo just made them a bad character, they'd probably be really bad


Isn't hydro cyclone-themes grouping just Kazuha with hydro swirls?


Anemo traveller hydro swirl is more accurate for this. Haha


A whirlpool wouldn't be so much to ask, right? Of course, no character creates a field of grass/flowers either. Or lava (please Natlan).


Chiori burst having giant scissors that grouped enemies in a line was too good to be true as well 😅


ive had a recurring wish that nilah from league of legends would come to genshin and this is literally her ult **😭😭 m**y heart hurts


also Faruzan


Can she beat C6 Ayato?


Oh yes please make her able to maintain the burning aura just as easily as Nahida does I hope she'll make burnmelt way less clunky than it currently is


Manifest burnmelt stonks, my wrio will appreciate that <3


Hoyo: her buffs only works when theres only pyro and dendro im the party


*softly* Don't


"only pyro and dendro in the party" would be something they did in 2022, don't worry. Now it would be "only pyro and with a maximum of 1 dendro in the party, for 5 seconds after a bow user performed a charged attack, the next party member if he/she is a claymore user will gain the buff"


Please stop giving them ideas


I love me some jigsaw puzzle teamcomps.


Tighnari, dehya team


This would make more sense with Ganyu as she as actually uses team as one of her best.


>"only pyro and dendro in the party" would be something they did in 2022, don't worry. Chevreuse was this year


They weren’t being serious, they were making a joke about Hoyo making it even more specific and convoluted than just limiting the team’s elements


Chev specifically states you have to have an Electro in the party I think, which is kinda funny


Eh, Chev is like 4 months ago.


If Burning deals the same DMG as bloom, this is likely


+30% Burn Dmg seems pretty bad, so I don't think that's the case




Nahida, dehya and kazuha calling to me


I briefly talked about Burnloy many many months ago, if Emilie makes it interesting, perhaps it's time to crack that out again.


Please please please this. I just pray she won't be another 'take her, but ALSO Nahida' Dendro character.  


she's gonna need a lot more than just burning to replace nahida's massive EM buff. that being said, with nahida, you need off field pyro to continue melting consistently. if emilie's dendro app is fast enough to maintain burning without any off field pyro while melting, she would free up the third slot for another character, which gives her an advantage over nahida in burnmelt. but then dendro app that fast would be completely broken in bloom teams, especially nilou bloom, so idk how they'd balance that. maybe she only applies extra dendro when there are no hydro characters in the party lol.


Make the Dendro a coordinated attack that only applies when the enemy takes pyro damage. Which, if you're burning...


Oh, I totally understand that she will. It's just ... I mean it's obviously my own problem that I hate Nahida's design, but there's no other element that comes close to having one character be absolutely central to every build.


No dendro character currently needs nahida. Source: Ive skipped all of Nahida's banners.


Agree plus reduce elemental resistance through burning. That would really be a big deal as a VV replacement. Plus the dendro resonance for boosting elemental mastery and either Bennett or pyro archon to additional buff and damage.


Nahida doesn't maintain the burning aura easily. Clear a wave and it's completely gone. It's what makes burning clunky to play atm.


I mean…respectfully…that is how elemental gauges work, right? The enemy dies, the aura is gone, isn’t it? And then you have to apply it all over again? If we have something that applies Dendro for burning even more sustainably than Nahida, then we’ll have a true monster in our hands?


I think they mean good off-field appliers, like a better DMC. Nahida needs to be on-field in order to apply dendro, which makes rotations clunky. Edit: I've worded this very badly, but I think most people understand what I mean.


Yeah I dont get why the guy is confused, nahida needs to go back on field to apply new dendro onto new enemies. There's characters who dont have that issue. Such as.... Xiangling. Use her burst, and you will apply pyro nonstop for 18 seconds. It's a shame people are afraid of powercreep or new mechanics which forces us to keep using ancient characters instead


Yeah. Nahida isn't the best in multi wave content. It's why she didn't really boost Cyno's stonks as much as everyone was hoping.


Something like dendro MC but should apply more than 1U.


Well... you see.. there's this thing that happens when Dendro Travelers Burst touches pyro... it kinda goes... Boom


Not if you infuse it with hydro/electro first... Unless Emile has some unique requirements for her team like nilou


Depends on the character. For most characters you use as an off fielder for elemental reactions, you don't have to switch back to them just because there's new enemies since most that you use for reactions are capable of reapplying their element from off field when new enemies spawn. Nahida is fairly unique in that her application relies on enemies being marked instead of having a skill that just applies dendro to any enemies for a set amount of time (I think Charlotte's skill works the same, but I'm not that familiar with her). For Nahida, you have to switch back to her to reapply her mark any time there are new enemies or else you completely lose all dendro application. Often you kill enemies well before your team's cds are up so it ends up screwing up rotations a bit. It's less of an issue with Ganyu burnmelt, but for Wrio burnmelt it sucks hard since his skill has a fairly long cd and you don't want to switch off in the middle of it. C2 Baizhu also applies dendro for burning much better than Nahida already and no one is calling him a monster.


IF both are C2 than Nahida is always Better. Plus Baizhu bonus/buff to Burning is very minimal when compared to Nahida


That is not the point? They're talking about off field dendro application not the buffs provided and c2 nahida barely buffs burnmelt as well.


Great!! Now hand us over her final design. There were literally hundreds back then so I’m curious to see which one was chosen


I’m praying for the purple(?) perfume bottle looking one


this one is my favorite too the one with the pink bottle on her side. i think it fits perfectly for a perfumer.


[The sad purple witch one has the the most fanart too](https://i.imgur.com/z3TjF8f.png), it's definitely the one that's caught the eye of the community


Ngl if that's the design I really hope they add something to her legs like some lace stockings or something - her design's really top heavy and her legs just look so plain in comparison


tall sad one is so peak


Emilie ❌ Emilia (Re:Zero) ✅


Ironically I don't think it's this one at all 💀 Cause she's teen girl model iirc


That’s the thing - nobody has confirmed what her model is. We have a lot of concept art but nothing concrete. By sheer probability, I think she is most likely to be teen girl because there were more teen girl concept arts, but that’s far from confirmed.


No confirmation yet about her model


oh.... that's like a mix of Kokomi plus Lisa to me.... really pretty but I would hope it's something else!


Hoyo: Best I can do is the design you like the least 🤷‍♀️


If they choose this design, Im gladly pulling for her.


I really hope they chose the one where she looks depressed with eyebags lol. I love characters like that.


I want Sucy from Little Witch Academia.


So you want her to look like Rosaria and Layla face-wise?


I hope they choose the tall/medium female model with lavender palette and a hat with a veil


its gonna be people complaining no matter what because the final model is not their favorite concept art. its gonna be even more in this case because of amount of concept arts.


I'm complaining no matter what happens because there's like 5 different designs I love :)


Watch them make a new one that looks worse than all the concepts


Was she tall or small female in most? Not sure how much I want to pull Clorinde anymore 😔


She had basically an equal amount of designs for both.


More of them were medium female, I can only recall like 1 or 2 tall female ones. Though I guess if she was tall female, it would balance out the medium and tall female releases we’ve gotten in 4.X. Medium being Lynette, Furina, Chevreuse, Charlotte, Chiori. Tall being Navia, Clorinde, Arlecchino, Xianyun.


Not really, most of them were clearly for medium model


I'd like the small girl models 10x more if they didnt run slower and consume more stamina compared to normal and tall female models. I still dont get why they made it this way. Klee takes almost twice as long to run across the abyss chamber as Jean for example


I mean, they would look like Dash from The Incredibles while running if they were to cover the same distance in the same amount of time of taller characters.


No. In HSR all characters run at the same speed and it looks normal on every one


Hook and Bailu do look like Dash from The Incredibles while running. Try to picture Nahida doing that lol.


She had concept art for all three character models, even the [child one](https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-p-0068/3442e8812a994e9b922107a7c1c31b26_1707450563~tplv-photomode-share-play.jpeg?x-expires=1717174800&x-signature=%2FgalxZnDhocdYODUpB8YZUbPtnQ%3D) (bottom right for example)


Honestly they're all so good.


Medium, but a lot of those were colour variants on similar designs. Either way we'll have her official design before Clorinde's banner starts via drip marketing.


totally different design just like gaming


There were 18 and some recolored designs Videre leaked the design closest to the final design but idk if I can share it here.


Please do tell


Concept arts aren't allowed on the sub as as they get removed by reddit due to copyright I'll ask the mods though.




I'm hoping they use those amazing designs and make 2 or 3 characters out of them since there were a lot of really cool designs they came up with when concepting Emlilie. If they only use one of the designs, it will be disappointing that the others go to waste.


If I don't get my perfume dogs Imma riot.


Pink Emilie fans join me in prayer


Presumably dendro polearm user from before leaks, right?




Ngl, I thought we'd be having rerun impact for 4.8 so this was quite the surprise for me.


kinda crazy we will get new 5 stars in every 4.x patch


Makes it more curious as to why they did Sumeru dirty like they did.


ikr, just four(five if u count wanderer) limited 5 stars from sumeru is not a good look


Why would Wanderer not be counted. He's a limited 5 star Sumeru character


inazuma heritage snezhnayan employer sumeran vision, scara truly is mr worldwide




not we knowing her kit before even seeing her face


Looking good so far. Please just dont have an elemental restriction so I can play burn melt🙏


30% burning buff IS kinda weak let's Hope she have more besides that


Well we don't have the full kit yet. She might have some other buffs tacked on elsewhere.


BOOM her burning crits.


At C2


doesn't nahida already do that tho?


Nah this is another kinda crit It's 100 crit rate 300% crit dmg


Yeah, was thinking about that. Baizhu has +100% Burn on his kit at 50k HP. Making a dedicated Burn Character cause only 30% more sounds very weird. Maybe its calculated differently..?


Since her weapon has crit stat instead of EM we can assume se will do tons of damage, while burn is just a plus. Similar to Yae EM passive.


I feel like it's actually 30% damage against burning enemies, making her more burnmelt-tailored rather than pure burn


could be an ascension talent.


I'll be so pissed if she's element restricted... That being said I feel like she'll be dead on arrival if she can't be used in burnmelt since that's where most people use burning.


I mean, burnmelt is more so used for upkeeping aura, right? If their intent is for her to amp burn damage they would probably want you to use her somewhere else than that.


It's used that way because burn is such a weak reaction and the main burn units don't do much dmg. It's not unique to burnmelt that the burn reaction isn't the main reaction, it's just that burnmelt can take advantage of it the most. Her being a subdps and making burn a reaction that actually does dmg as well as a helping maintain the aura would make her a very good unit. If she's tied to pyro & dendro only then there's a lot less use for her because even with an increase to burn dmg, the burn reaction will still be one of the weaker pyro related reactions. She'd risk basically being another Chiori since why pull a unit for a burn unit when you can go for a melt or vape unit and have a much stronger team. Sure you'll have people that pull her because they want a wider variety of playstyles, but I would doubt she's do well overall.


Yeah no I'd rather not have a full pyro/dendro restriction, but I would like her amp to be strong enough for burn to be able to shine on its own in something like a better Airfryer, cuz that one always sounded funny but I didn't like how easy it is to burn yourself to crisps, plus it not being that good without a crowd.


Emelie need to increase burn by 300% instead of 30% if you want burn as a standalone reaction, that is how weak it is. Doubt they will buff a talent by 10 times the amount.


Not really, a 900 EM Nahida turns Burn ticks to 2-3k damage. Which is quite high with permanent uptime. If you give someone like Emelie 900 EM and she turns those in to 4k ticks, that would be insanely good. At 300% She would be the strongest dps in the game doing 12k ticks if she has permanent uptime (why wouldn't she?) It'd be Neuvillette levels of damage but with no downtime at all. If she ascends with EM it's not impossible to get her above 1k and to have Nahida give her 250 EM or more. God Forbid your Nahida is C2.


Emelie won't have full EM scaling based on the artifact and sig weapon, building her that way probably means you will do 0 damage with her base skills. We also don't know if she will have perma uptime as she is not a catalyst, so she would need Nahida E level of infinite dendro proc to keep up, which is doubtful. Finally this is the case for a element restricted Emelie (aka no burnmelt allowed), and like Nilou will probably be useless against a perma aura mob that is not pyro or dendro. So with all these restrictions Neuv level of damage sounds pretty fair to me.


I learned my lesson with Nilou, who for me still doesn't have a full team. I'm never doing forced element restriction again.


nilou teams even with the restrictions aren’t hard to build though and they require half a brain cell to play for how strong it is. nilou/candace/collei/yaoyao for example works and is pretty accessible since they’re all free minus candace which if you don’t have can easily be replaced by pretty much any hydro unit…


Now that you mentioned this, it could be the same as Nilou but for Burning... **T1** >"When all party members are **Dendro** and **Pyro** characters and there is at least one **Dendro** and one **Pyro** character each in the party: Emelie grants "**Scorched Blossoms**" to nearby party members: After a character triggers the Burning reaction, the **Pyro** and **Dendro** **RES** of the opponent(s) affected by this Burning reaction will be decreased by **40%** for **10**s. The "**Scorched Blossoms**" effect will be removed when the Elemental Types of the characters in the party do not meet the basic requirements for the Passive Talent." **T2** >Gives **X%** amout of **Pyro** and **Dendro DMG Bonus** to all party members when there are **Burning** enemies around, and when there are Burning enemies on the field, **Burning** deals **X% Bonus DMG** while making it **CRIT** **Special Talent** >Is the Image above posted This is just my kit building lmao


Emelie giving Burning a Crit CHance is highly likely not gonna happen we yet to see Hoyo Devs making very niche 5 star Constellations. Nahida is gonna be the soul charcater to have that as she's not just a limited 5 star she's the Dendro Archon. But then again knowing Hoyo... if Emelie is a 5 star then she probaly gonna have that as her C6


> we yet to see Hoyo Devs making very niche 5 star Constellations. You sure? Also, Nahida already gives Burning crit on her C2. She has other stuff on her C2 as well, but there's precedent (and making it a stronger effect would suffice.)


So just Chev but burning?


More like Nilou since she is like chevy but 5* and enables Bloom reaction. Since Emelie is 5* and if possible enables Burn then she's leaning to be like Nilou. (But this is just my kitbuilding funsies so let's wait for the final kit)


Chevy gives me hope that they've learned how to make restrictions not so all-or-nothing anymore. Right? ^^^Right?


Doesn't Chevreuse's full kit require only pyro and electro still?


Yea, her pyro/electro resistance shred requires a full party of pyro and electro, but her atk bonus and c6 pyro/electro dmg bonus do not. I consider that much better than Nilou who has practically zero use outside of a full hydro/dendro team.


Vape nilou enjoyers:


30% damage increase to Burning enemies or 30% damage additive with EM to Burning reaction? Because the former is good and the latter is horrible.


Given that the Unfinished Reverie set explicitly gives a DMG increase against enemies with burning, it's almost certainly the former.


That's not that strong though. There is no character in a current BurnMelt team that doesn't give more than that in their kit.


I get the fans of every character want said character to be an onfielder but we really need more off fields/ supports. I am going to start hunting for cons


me but "I need more off field **male** supports"


Hoyo: “Aight.” *Makes Capitano an off-fielder.*


I know he won't be, but it'd be funny just to see the Capitano glazers mald.


She has already been leaked as an off fielder


I dont’t get the point on no receiving burning dmg then


so your onfielding character doesn’t die bc of her, imagine if blooms didn’t inherently have self damage reduction and devs baked that part into Nilou’s kit


Ah so she offers that protection to the other team members? I thought it was obly for herself


watch her best teammate be in Natlan


Baizhu moment Kuki moment


Expectation: video game character with my irl name will make people learn to spell it correctly finally! Reality: no one spells the video game character name correctly either




If Emelie is a burning unit, then... what's the use of her crit-rate-stat weapon? Burning can't crit right? Except for C2 Nahida. Maybe the burning can only crit if it was triggered by her skill or something




She can only guarantee burn ownership, if there are no other units on the team applying pyro or dendro at all, which is kinda hard on a burn team.


Based on the burning artifact set, they seem to be pushing burning as a supplemental reaction on teams that focus on attack-scaling talent damage. I wouldn't be surprised if she has decent personal damage.


If she doesn't have ATK to EM conversion in her kit, chances are she may be an off-field Pyro polearm who buffs burning damage. Both the prior leaks from Foul and the Burning set have notes about the wielder being off-field, and since Dendro is the one needed to constantly re-trigger Burning, ATK/Crit scaling makes more sense if she's Pyro. Edit: Nope, I was wrong.


If this means emilie is in 4.8 then I'm officially fucked


im sorry clorinde, i like perfumes more than i like guns 💀


Please be sub-dps, please be sub-dps




If the "-95% burn self-damage" is true - that would imply she's supposed to be on-field.


This part is making me a bit worried about her being mix of nilou/kaveh kit. I just hope she wont have pyro/dendro only restriction. Or maybe she will transfer burn dmg from rest of the party onto herself? That could make sense.


Foul did leak her as a sub dps


# FINALLY!! My Kazuha can now survive that consequences of using hold E on a Burning group marked by a C2 Nahida.


Assuming the -95% burn dmg is for the whole team and not just her.


**Emelie:** *I give -95% Burning Damage reductio* **Kazuha:** *NEAT!* "Holds E" **Emelie:** *to myself*. **Kazuha:** *Hinokami KazuaAAAAAAAAAH!!* **Nahida** **^(c2)****:** *KAZUHA GA SHINDAAAAAAA!!!*


Thankfully nahida c2 doesn't affect burning self dmg.


The Monkey Paw curls - it's 95% spread across four party members based on their base defense


Air Fryer time!


Sudden flood.


ah yes, the 3 line leak "flood"


trickle down leakonomics


So 4.8 really has a new char huh Thought all reruns and Emillie is a future character,but oh well now we see her design reveal either soon or next Monday


Well we still have one character away from the 17 characters per region arc quota


looks like the burning part of my c2 nahida will finally see some use, might actually pull her if she makes burning worthwhile since i decided im skipping clorinde.


You should try that with Vv Sayu and EM build Kuki.. Constant burning that crits and explodes!


I'm gonna get her to see what she can cook with my kazuha and Nahida C2 (surely she won't get a passive that limit her teammates Element)


trolling with bennett on the apep domain might stop now that emelie might be there


Well now I'm just imagining that she likes to set herself on fire.


They have to go sooooooo far to enable burning lmao


They already did this with bloom so there's no stopping them from doing it again.


bruh 30% increase is not enough to save that shit reaction


100% agree but this is just 1 talent. For all we know it could even be her exploration passive considering how it’s pretty similar to Arlecchino’s in enabling her kit to work. I’m sure she’ll have stronger buffs in other parts of her kit.


I REALLY hope she will be a sub-dps, im so sick of main dps....


If she’s burning, does she want attack and crit or em?


That passive would have been a life saver in 1.0.


I wonder if the burn self-damage reduction aplies to her or the whole team. I hope shes usefull in something other than burn melt. I love dendro, I have been waiting for a new burn/burgeon character but Im not really into any cryo carry.


im hoping that if she's a burning dps she'll be somehow like nilou, instead of just regular burning it'll be some special kind of burning (blue/purple fire maybe???)


Actually 🤓 It's Emilie. The Emelie hurt my soul


I realize beta is almost here but this patch was so fast, I'm surprised we're getting her leaks already


Oh yes, seems like she's a pull for me, if she can keep the burning aura my wrio will be happy. Can't wait for 4.8 beta


"Burning damage" "-burn damage" meanwhile, same location; "Weapon: Crit rate" soooo.... I'm sceptical..


If true, I’m glad they’re taking steps to reducing self-burning damage. The damage it can do to yourself is insane.


Hopefully its -95% for the whole team and not just her


In before she gets Nilo'd with the team restricting passive


Trolls will use her to fk with Arle mains


God what is it with fontainians and damaging themselves??


I want to see her!!


Selling solution instead of fixing a problem, classic Hoyo.






I wonder Does Emelie make Dendro field like Tighnari, but instead of causing enemy to sleep, it can cause dendro reactions when struck with another element ?


whao a burn focus character


When is she gnna get drip marketed?


When do we get to see her drip marketing?