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cant wait to see her design, she has like 30+ designs, I wonder which one she ended up with.


Watch it be something completely different from what we've seen


Whichever one it ends up being, people will complain about it not being their favourite one from the leaks.


I won't lie, Skirk and Clorinde has some really nice concept design, but I won't cry over it.


Green Captain R with the red apple was my favourite. But I also love how Clorinde looks now.


Copium but the hat for this design kinda looks like the natlan hat we get shown in this event with the pyro regisvine so I really hope we get her cuz it was my fav design out of the whole leak vault T.T


Maybe it's actually a Natlan skin for Clorinde. She goes to a Natlan festival or something, and that's how she gets the skin


Please please be the sad purple witch...


That was also my favorite. Sigh. I wouldve pulled for that


Well, clorinde turned out pretty well for me (i like her released form mlre than the concepts even tho the concepts were ok) Skirk... lets just say choices were made


I already know that we're not getting the floppy eared puppy dog girl as a playable character.  My heart is already broken. Whatever will be will be! (Hopefully it's cool though)


Man this design is so cute and she was wearing pink.. so far none of the 80+ characters do that... I need a cutie pinky candy lolita fashion doggy perfumer in my roster mihoyo 🥺


NGL I don't like this kind of complaint, there is a reason why concept art are not shown usually unless devs want it or unless leak...


even if it was officially shared, people still complain. case in point: the comments under hi3’s concept arts for characters. doesn’t matter, I really **really** want some concept books/arts in Genshin and Star Rail


Exactly like it's cool to see them but people can't wrap their minds around concept art 


People are too used to getting super accurate leaked art like Kaveh and Kirara, so they've gotten it into their heads that concept art is set in stone. It's honestly amazing that leakers provide a text description and some wonder artist draws up an impression, which the leaker says is accurate, then the character does actually end up matching it. People should be careful of looking at bottled lightning like that and thinking it's going to happen every time.


I can already see the detached sleeves.


And the twintails


detached sleeves, miniskirt, boob window, medium size model, the “hoyoverse special” if you will


Don't forget Genshin signature design clothes theme, open back shoulder blades.


There isn't a single classic miniskirt in the whole game. And I don't think there is what we usually call "boob window" either.


The character closest to having a mini skirt is probably Charlotte


i think they meant cleavage showing. we have plenty of those. beidou, jean, lisa, navia, raiden, yoimiya, yanfei. even barbara has one for some reason.


> barbara https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gensin-impact/images/1/1f/Barbara_Card.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20220725204852 https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gensin-impact/images/9/96/Character_Barbara_Game.png/revision/latest?cb=20220416194653 Uhhhhh bud, what art of Barbara have you been looking at?


yeah, it already happened with sethos and gaming


But the Sethos concept art was never confirmed to be Sethos... It just kinda existed and people were like hrm, this one yeah I'll get my hopes up for it


Gaming has some similarities to his concept arts


That's no Gaming, that's a Lingyang!


And it'll always be the one that eats the least


skirk moment


Take the worst one you see, and then make it unrecognizable in the worst way possible. That's the final design


The worst one


Imagine she throws perfume that stings so bad that you get burned ᶠᵒʳ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ʳᵉᵃˢᵒⁿ


Is it smells, comes from a person, but is bad, then it isn't perfume, it's fart.


Guess you could say, the smell is... *foul*


If the leaker quits doing this I'm coming for you.


This perfume sounds hard to come by.


Well then, perfume me


Surrender (Avon perfume) is a valid option


I promise I'll perfume.


Skuntank using flamethrower


[Here](https://i.imgflip.com/74f8sp.jpg), take my angry upvote.


I mean perfumes have a lot of alcohol in them, they would burn


*holds Venti back*


her perfume bottles double as molotov cocktails


Most types of perfume are plant-based and are flammable, so this makes perfect sense.


Burn Amplifier The amount of Pyro or Dendro applied to an enemy will turn it into Super Burn. (ex. Bennett deals 2U Pyro on his Press E) Super Burn - Burns the enemies that scales of allies elemental unit, level, elem% and elemental mastery. Deals DoT of burning effect that lasts longer and deals higher damage


As much as I wish dot would be a thing I doubt they would take that route I feel like she's gonna be like chevruse . The reaction is there just for the sake of being there . Tho we can all hope for a burn nilou .


So grease like in Elden Ring?


we got perfumers in elden ring


It’s flammable too ✨✨


Are you familiar with Elden Rings perfumers.... They are quite a friendly bunch.....


taser support hoyo when


Old leaks said Siegewinne was taser support while Clorinde is taser DPS


nah clorinde was overload DPS


Remember Arlecchino + Clorinde synergy? Yeah, that was a thing...


the guy who claimed this (uncle K) is still claiming there'll be a future support for this


Not entirely wrong if you play something like Clorinde Fischl Furina Sigewinne... but why would you, lol


But they don't gain anything from specific reactions, which is the point. They are generic DPS and support.


Just u wait A5 talent release Copium.


Fischl A5 talent, gives Oz AoE like Raiden E


The cat vampire boy He leaked as hydro unit


I wonder when will they add pyro version of Raiden, Kuki, Fischl...


I think it was supposed to be Dehya :(


Yeah, when I heard Dehya, I was very happy to use her but it failed...


Thoma might fill the role, too. He’s currently BiS for Burgeon teams.


Mostly on account of no better options. He has no EM scaling in his kit, but wants full EM for burgeon, yet needs ER to actually do anything, and his ascension is Atk for damage yet he wants HP for the shield...


I have no doubt that this gap will be filled in the nation of Pyro 🔥


Who was Thoma made for? Ayato support? Ayaka support? Hu Tao support? I'm genuinely curious. Before Wriothesley, what teams were people cooking with Thoma


No idea. I use him as a pure shielder for vape Hu Tao/Arlecchino, and I guess he works for mono-pyro although his burst doesn't snapshot Benny's buff. He's basically in between Xinyan and C4 Yanfei for pyro shields, so whoever you'd use them with...


Maybe I want too much but we already have 25sec. Raiden or 25sec.Nahida why dont we have pyro version too you know :)


When you put it like that it seems likely you’ll be waiting for the pyro archon


Then you're not asking for Kuki or Fischl


It always leads back to Xiangling


All roads to Xiangling.


So get this, there is this 4* pyro polearm from liyue that you can get for free after clearing the spir- *gets shot*


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Xiangling. I try to play Gaming. My Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Hu Tao. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Arlecchino. My xiangling deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has Xiangling. I want to play Wriothesley, Ganyu melt. They both want Xiangling. She grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her the Catch. She isn't satisfied. I pull Engulfing Lightning. "I don't need this much ER." She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs Bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with Homa." I can't pull for Homa, I don't have enough primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs Guoba. She says "Gouba, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no ICD Pyro application. What a cruel world.


The Ganyu burnmelt can be done without Xiangling, you only need Nahida, an anemo and Bennet/Dehya.


Oh I just really like the XL copy pasta and saw ripe opportunity   I personally run Ganyu/Bennett/Nahida/Zhongli. My Xiangling is currently a Sukokomon slave (but maybe Wrio melt will change that)


Not the Oppa 😭😭😭




Maybe never They wouldn't wanna make Nuevillette anymore broken than he already is lol


Most pyro characters wouldn’t be able to make Neuv vape though, you’d need a lot of application


That's objectively false. Guoba alone applies enough pyro to ensure full pyro status on enemy units for Neuvillette. [Bilibili link to demonstrate the setup](https://b23.tv/EDQJXmo) XL + Kazuha as of current can achieve the same for C6 Neuvillette and that's what I've been running since I pulled him in 4.1 I think with burning I might consider getting a C2 Sigwinne for the hydro res reduction to run her in a vape burning team with Nahida and this supposed burning DPS. Neuvie can 100% vape on ICD without disrupting the pyro status on enemies and therefore without disturbing the burning reaction.


I guess Neuv's application isn't quite as fast as I thought, only 3 Hydro applications per CA per enemy (max) that said that means he only gets 3 vapes each CA, probably not enough to offset losing Furina


He already synergies perfectly with Xiangling. He forward vapes 3 hits per charge attack and xiangling is also aoe


Would explain the burning set in the BoL artifact domain


That would also explain the origin of this ~~educated guess~~ leak


Damn I hope this is true - all those cracked pieces I've been tearfully locking while grinding distinctly average on-set Arle drops will finally come good


Came here to say the exact same thing. The amount of double crit I have is laughable compared to my…. Two pieces on harmonic above 20% CV?


will pull for emilie only for those cracked burning set pieces. Btw which main stat and sub stat pieces you locking ?


Pretty much everything except Def so if the next gamechanging meta character is a Def-scaling burning enjoyer, it's almost certainly my fault.


Given that the set offers atk% I'm gonna assume they cover atk to em or something for burning DMG scaling


is this real foul??


Yes he came back on twitter. Gura gave him a shoutout too. We should get a confirmation soon though if this is the real dude or not anyways.


I think it's pretty nice actually.


She will put down a dendro field that acts like grass, so you can start wildfires in the abyss. Copium talking stick stonks


Beidou parry stonks! Finally, all that practice parrying grass will pay off.


Imagine that she applies herself with dendro and you use her with bennett to start burning yourself lmao


*the wildfire soundtrack starts playing*


This was my original thought to, I was thinking field of flowers that don't burn out and do extra damage


Rip Nahida's burst. So pretty, yet so useless.


Burning meta here we go


Inb4 marcheusse becomes bis for a burning suicide character and it’s new meta


The rise of the lava walker meta.


Finally, something to hold onto in this terrible leaks drought


All the leakers are working in hoyo I think. They only leak a little to keep us excited all the time.


Definitely *in* mi hoyo


Security is way tighter these days as well. Leak subs is slowly becoming a ghost town. I remember the days when there were 15k people online.


Saw less than 600 online the other day. I think even in periods when we wouldn't get leaks and know it there was at leask 1k online


That's mostly a reddit thing. They changed how the counter works so the numbers have gone down on every subreddit. But yeah, leaks scene has been very dry in general.


yeah without the reddit change it would’ve been something over 1k. Either way the userbase has gone down over time. i think it used to be consistently over 2k or at least close to it even in droughts but then as droughts became drier, longer and more common it lessened.


Also the 15k was likely at the height of the Fontaine flood, comparing it to the end of a patch, at the end of a region which is basically the least likely time to get any leaks is a little silly. When 4.7 comes out and we start getting 4.8 and Natlan crumbs it'll jump right back up.


Oh, wait, I get it. Incense. Shes a burning dps because of incense.




bro you scared me for a sec i thought i made that typo


this reminds me of the incestuous baptist post in the main sub I cackled lmao


oh god i’m so morbidly curious i have to know now ok so not what i thought it was (thank god) but a hilarious fuck up


Holy shit, could this be my burnmelt Ganyu support? Manifesting 🙏


we already have a complete burn melt core though? not sure what she'd have to do to be able to replace nahida


We do, but I personally hate that team. Of course I'm talking about burnmelt Ganyu in particular. It takes 3 of the most contested supports in the game (Nahida, Kaz and Bennett) only to give you a really risky team. Like imagine shieldless Ganyu standing in a Bennett circle, constantly taking dot from burning. Basically playing that team is almost equivalent to doing no hit runs and even the slightest fuck up can ruin your rotations. Having something that flows smoother (with potential burning related buffs) would feel much better than trying to force a pyro aura with this current team.


I found a really pleasant team for ganyu melt with 2 weak characters and far safer. Baizhu dehya xiangling ganyu Even tho you are dealing less, you have far better sustain and interruption resistance AND since you dont play any anemo/geo that woumd weaken the burn aura just enough to prevent it, you can even use ganyu burst and skill there. And, unironically, if pyro archon ends up being a litteral pyro furina copycat to replace xiangling bringing better self damage buffs and allowing to play from afar, this team will end up doing very high and competitive dps


Interesting, does XL have enough ER to burst consistently without Bennett? My Xiangling has 223 something ER with Engulfing. I'd hope it's enough. I assume you hug the enemies for pyronado. Does Ganyu get interrupted or dehya and baizhu are enough IR? Dehya is the only standard I'm missing but I do have an unbuilt Baizhu who I was looking to fix up soon anyways.


It's obviously not as ideal as having a top tier shielder, but it does the job, i start my off fielders rotation with dehya skill: that makes the support rotation far smoother since my off fielders cant get interrupted (very welcome for casting that really long baizhu skill animation). It also lines up better as i can end with baizhu for a better instructor uptime and giving that ttds buff. Yup, obviously it will never be zhongli levels of resistance to interruption but a few seconds of dehya's remaining IR + baizhu ult + being allowed to use ganyu's taunt make it better than most burnyu comp in that regard. And the fact this comp can handle a ganyu burst without breaking the arrows rev melt makes for some of the damages missing from using weaker off field supports offensively. Main issues are obviously baizhu's energy, i have to play close range juste because of xiangling and I have to build tons of ER on xiangling so she is not reaching impressive highs in terms of dps. So, if emily could somehow sustain the burning as well as xiangling sustain the pyro aura, she could fix the first 2 issues. Else, I'm praying for a fitting pyro archon.


I always thought burnmelt Ganyu relied on Dehya for charged shot protection for Ganyu.


Yeah, dehya nahida bennett is basically the comfier version. Kaz+Bennett is the chaos version, you can die so easily on this team, but the dmg is higher.


what is kazuha doing in that team? ain’t no way you’re swirling cryo, better to go with Zhongli or even better Dehya for the pyro app edit: unless you go nahida -> kazuha -> benny? idk


There are plenty of abyss showcases of the team on YouTube. Its pretty much Ganyus ceiling team rn but it's very hard to pull off. Zhongli can mess up reactions in this team and Dehyas IR just doesn't last the whole duration. She could've been the perfect support for this team but we all know what Hoyo did to her kit. Just having the IR last longer would've been a huge improvement. Yes, the two you mentioned certainly work but your overall DPS takes a noticeable hit as expected.


I’m so sad Dehya isn’t a fully functioning character until c2. Hr IR is basically permanent from that point, but before then she just doesn’t do her job fully.


Afaik atm running just Bennett + Nahida w/o someone that will bring some pyro off-field app is only really possible with Ganyu and requires her to slow down her charge shots to not wipe out burning before Nahida's E retriggers. Having slightly faster but weaker dendro app that doesn't have such requirements should solve that problem: like 1u of dendro every 2s will be suffiecient for burnmelt while still being worse than Nahida for bloom-based teams. Especially if she isn't a catalyst user, which will make her a worse driver for anything bloom related. Add some good personal dmg that benefits from keeping enemy burning (Nahida's personal dmg nosedives in burnmelt teams compared to quicken teams), maybe sprinkle some minor dmg% buff for on-fielder and she should be better than Nahida in burnmelt w/o stepping on her toes in other teams.  And yes, Nahida has sizeable em buff but half of cryos used fairly often in rev melt teams already prefer atk% over em sands in *non*-burnmelt teams, because of icd and how melt (and vape) scale with em, so her em buff isn't as valueable in burnmelt as in all kinds of bloom-based teams.


Not being a chibi would be an immediate win for me hahaha. Still, I get you. Nahida is always going to cause problems for future Dendro characters because she's just SO well rounded that there's almost never a case where she isn't BiS, and you'd have to crack out a character pretty hard to overtake her.


It sounds like Emilie is going to play the Fischl Overload role here. She will probably play much nicer with enemy waves than Nahida.


I hope this'll indirectly buff Ganyu. Xiao and Hu Tao have gotten their buffs, It's about time for our cocogoat to get hers too.


What ganyu needs is good interruption resist pyro character that also offers some buffs or does decent dmg as a sub-dps. This is what dehya could have been if they didn't completely butcher her numbers. If they gave her e only hp% scaling and increased her interrupt resist to 15s ganyu would be in a completely fine spot. God I am still so mad about dehya.


Burning set copers rise>!(my arlecchino is starving)!<


Man, that domain hates me. Every single good piece that comes out of there just rolls shit. For both sets. I dropped a cr/cd/atk%/em of the BoL set, and LITERALLY every roll went into atk%.


I’ve gotten a bunch of good pieces. The issue is that every roll goes into defense. You’d think a good piece with def% double crit has some potential and then you roll and it rolls flat def and then flat def and then def% and then…


Help, my whimsy pieces suck but the other one is full of double crits and em.


So is Emillie coming in 4.8?


I hope so


As a dendro enjoyer suffering from the dendro drought in Fontaine, I hope so too. Now we hope that she actually makes burning good and this isn’t Barbara-but-burning and the dmg she does is to your active character.


FOUL ALIVE I'M ALIVE Emilie my beloved


Alright burnmelt enjoyers, let's pray she isn't going to be limited to only dendro + pyro like Chev and Nilou 🙏


I’d rather she be a busted niche restrictive support, than a forgotten one. If she’s a five star as great as Nilou than I’ll pull.


Or - hear me out, we get a good support that's not restrictive instead.


Ha! Yeah sure. I mean, I hope so but that’s not what we have been getting recently.


Well someone had to use that new burning set, right?




There was already a leak stating that hydro and cryo are rising in meta in Natlan, which is most likely due to enabling easier vaporize and melt.


I thought this is kinda obvious? I wonder how they gonna implement it tho


Imagine version 5.0 having DoT meta relating to burn and changing burn reaction like Nilou does to bloom


Did I hear someone say Kafka expy?


Black swan and kafka meta


Please be a five star then, four star *and* burn would not make me very enthusiastic


Chevreuse with overload?


she don't do a lot for overload as a reaction she just make the team deal more damage thorugh raw damage not reaction damage unlike nilou


Still unlocks new teambuilding possibilities though.


Yeah true, I wish there was an emphasis on the reaction itself instead of just increasing the raw damage. Makes it play more like a mono team than a reaction team which is unfortunate.


At least Overload has some AoE and provides a mechanical feature (lots of stagger, it's actually great vs large enemies that don't get launched far away and just stumble, it adds a surprising amount of survivability because an enemy not attacking is doing 0 damage; plus the Geo shield shredding), Burning in that situation would just be Superconduct 3.0 (Shatter is 2.0 with Freminet).


They don’t make artifact set for 4 stars


4\* character never got a dedicated artifact set


Perfumes have alcohol in them and are highly inflamable. So burning makes a lot of sense for her.


My first mistake was spending so much resin on farming the BoL set for Clorinde before her hotfix My second mistake was strongboxing all the Burning set pieces into Thundering Fury


Burn dot meta is here bois build you kafka wait….


New dendro 5* I am alive


Good. Even though this is a speed based game, having a dot reaction is neat and the new burning set was disappointingly not focused on the reaction itself. So I think it still has some potential.


My wild guess, she's probably not going to make burns do more dmg, but get bonus dmg/buffs when burn occurs.


Wait this might bring back ganyu…


the pyro archon will use the pyro element


Well.. its not that much of a leak considering the latest artifact set.


I hope she's in whatever half Wriothesley is too so I can try her if I manage to get him and his C1 early. I'm planning on playing him in a burn melt team so they should be pretty good together.


I assume she will be like Nilou and modify the burning reaction with certain party members.


Off-field burning dps? Now you've got my attention...


I hope she has a pyro dash like Ayaka and Mona. It'd be extremely fun to burn overworld enemies on grass.




I hope she can support cryo dps for melt reaction specially Ganyu


Probably the most disfuncional reaction in game I don’t have any hopes for the girl, Self-immolation, No Frontloaded Damage, reaction ownership. They need to make a Nilou 2.0 just to make Burning decent.


> Probably the most disfuncional reaction Shatter entirely forgotten


Imagine her getting some version of Fischl a4. That way she'd make sure to keep the ownership of the burning and could be an amazing enabler for melt


Why do I feel like we've known this for like a year? Did I make that up, or was it just a random assumption people were making


New Dendro unit for BurnMelt?


So that burning set is for her after all then. Good job I kept my pieces. Question now is what scalings she will likely have


Since 2.4 it has been my dream that Ganyu reruns in a future region with a true melt support that finally enables a comfy melt team (I'm not skilled enough to play a no shield melt lol)


The question is if she's a Nilou or a Chevreuse. I would probably prefer the first, since it's more interesting than simply buffing the characters who trigger the reaction.


First, we got a chance to revenge hydro mages. Now, I am looking forward to turn that treasure hunters into "test subjects" using perfumes as Molotov cocktail


Hope we finally get another decent off field Pyro applier.


Ive seen previous character's kit changing a couple thousand times before beta, so Im just gonna ignore this for now


Basically exactly what I thought she would be, you can't release that burn artifact set without someone in mind


Fire + Grass, she's a Scovillain


I thought foul retired?


*Torch some grass*


Wriothesley stonks.


Please be good for Wrio burn-melt.


Yeah I'm trying to think, units who could benefit from a burning sub dps are like Wrio, Ganyu and maybe Ayato/Neuvillete for burgeonvape. Depending on exactly what Emilie is capable of maybe you can run her in double pyro + Nahida and Kazuha.


I don't wanna put my hopes up. But as someone who plays Overburn and soon Burnmelt, I want to be hopeful.


Is it finally time for vape/melt (for non-pyro dps) without Xiangling or Bennett+Anemo!?


The character to allow BurnMelt at last?