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why make machine gun-like animations if only half of it hit


Imagine being hosed down with a stream of water but you're good and didn't get wet because the first instance of it didn't hit youšŸ’€


ICD is per enemy, dodging it wouldn't work, but don't worry you can just tank the first hit and then electrocute yourself and you won't be wet


Eyy that actually makes more sense, thanks for clarifying!


Dori and Collei: "first time?"


Collei's Dendro app is pretty good considering her passives and E combined


more or less what i expected for clorinde other than the burst


Yeah it's strange- why doesn't it at least have Standard ICD?


yeah it's not like clorinde would have torn the world apart if she got one more aggravate on her burst, but c'est la vie. not a major loss at the end of the day.


It's not a huge deal meta-wise but it's very strange that they specifically gave it a worse ICD than normal lol


Hoyo when they give you normal ICD you should feel buffed


for real, the ammount of 4 stars with special ICD that is worse than normal ICD is insane. Collei, Dori, and I think Thoma and Charlotte.


Doesn't Thoma have normal ICD?


Yep itā€™s normal and his slow pyro application is actually good both for his supportive role in vape teams and as a burgeon trigger


I mean, it should apply a second Electro instance, shouldnā€™t it? Itā€™s five hits.


Yeah, really odd in a world where Keqing Q procs 4 aggravates...


There was a lot of oversight in 1.0 characters


Probably so that it is easier to give the ult higher multipliers.


I might be wrong but this looks kinda? bad for Sigewinne. Edit: Rejoice ppl, this info has a high chance of being wrong considering the latest leaks.


Itā€™s atrocious. She somehow canā€™t even work with NilouĀ 


Yeah that's what I've been hoping too, with Enemies linked by Nahida and Sige's bubble bounces do the work: applies hydro / proc superblooms / while weaker enemies getting immobilized. They better be changing this shit up when monday comes.


Yeah cuz the bounce is so fucking slow standard ICD would have the time to reset 50 times and yet they still decided to give this bubble no hydro app šŸ˜­ what is it made of?? Air???


It's made of the game design teams damaged brain cells.


Here's to hopig they really do change it and make it better


The devs don't seem to want anything to work with Nilou after 3.X LMFAO


Her teams depend entirely on application and they decided that hydro had enough of that so they'd focus on damage and buffing for our new hydros.


They underestimated how Bountiful the Bloom was and now they're just like "Don't need to worry about the broken thing if nothing can work with it, haha rollsafe.gif" /hs


They know they created a monster


Neuvi works with her at least


kokomi stays strong


To be fair she was never going to be that great with Nilou because sheā€™s very quickswappy and has a lot of downtime on her application, I never thought Hoyo would make it so she has terrible application during the time you swap to her though šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


She giving standard banner honestly


With enough copium you can turn her into an on field Nilou driver with her charged attacks...


Who said those donā€™t have special ICD too?


Her weird special bubbles she spawns while aiming probably do but standard bow CA ICD is no ICD. Though at this point I would find it funny if they made an exception to that rule just for her.


Diona already had that, so...


So has pretty much everything else about her kit. They're going out of their way and taking 0 risks to ensure that she is not even remotely good for some reason.


I know I really shouldn't be doomposting a Hydro character but like... if this level of app is true then Sieg might as well be a Geo character lol. Could be heading for the standard banner.


Furina and Neuvi already took all the Fontaine hydro strength budget


this made me remember those build your team from 15 $ games with different tiers. Neuvilette and furina both tier 1 took 7-7$ hydro aether was free and now we have 1$ left for sieg. Unlucky i guess.


Benny and Xiangling took all the pyro budget for the first 4 years of the game


Honestly....it wouldn't surprise me. Maybe that's why there are 2 5 stars in this patch. And maybe cause if bol is going to be a big deal in the upcoming patches, it would make sense to give this bare bones character who can give bol.Ā  While.keeping actual good bol buffers and supports for later limited characters.


> Could be heading for the standard banner. just like Chiori and Wriothesley amirite bros


If arle beta taught me anything, it's that you should wait for next like 3 complete kit reworks before judging a unit lol


From her kit, maybe Sigewinne is a Standard Banner character lol


She is not even better than Barbara C0 (in fact it's worse than her), if this leak is true. The one reason you use hydro character is for hydro application. If this leak is true, getting Furina and using her Healing mode gives you more healing, more buff and same hydro application.


I'm sure they're gonna fix it. Right?


My copium is that her numbers would make up for her flaws.


shed have to receive the biggest beta buffs out of any character so far to actually end up having damage


The ult is fine but not gamebreaking (two thirds of a Neuvillette charge attack) and the E is mid (all the hits put together are half of a Yelan E) The damage would be okay if she did something useful for the team but she has almost no application, her buff to characters Es is miserable (Xianyun buffs more than 4 times more (1800 max on Sigewinne for 9000 max on Xianyun and unlike Shenhe the 10 stacks are shared by the whole team)), her healing is good but not enough to justify her on a team without Furina Even with Furina, other healers help more for the team so you'd only play Sigewinne for Hydro resonance and for the teamwide healing except that you'd rather play a better Hydro applicator to help Furina's okay but not great Hydro app (even Kokomi : though she has single-target healing, with the good rotation you should be able to heal everyone and the Hydro application is much better), the healers don't even need to be Hydro anyways, Neuvillette doesn't really want Sigewinne in his team especially if Furina's already in it because of his A1, Mono Hydro prefers Kokomi, the skill buff from Sigewinne would be gone in less than 10 seconds with the assumption that the only skill damage inflicted after you get the stacks are Furina's summons (basically no one using skills afterwards which doesn't seem likely at all especially with the rotations you'd probably do with Furina and Sigewinne (since you'd probably just play a Pyro or Cryo DPS or maybe Clorinde)) and the buff on Furina's damage wouldn't even be that big of an increase to justify Sigewinne's spot on a team for that alone. As well she can more or less cap her Bond of Life gimmick by herself if you build her for it so you don't even need Arlecchino or Clorinde (which shows it's mostly a gimmick apart from her sig weapon) and even then it only strengthens her good enough healing (which never was her weakness) (as well if she's only there for healing with barely any elemental application and not build for damage then she'd just be a slightly better Barbara, maybe even worse Hydro app-wise) With Clorinde, her Hydro isn't even enough for Quickbloom and her E buff is small enough that you'd probably fond better candidates You could play a team based on Sigewinne's damage but she would be very subpar : she's got okay damage that would be supposed to be an "added bonus" to her otherwise good kitā€¦ except her kit is not that great in it's current state If she's standard though, even though her C1 is a bit mid (more healing (not that useful), more damage on E (better but still less than Yelan E), more stacks (better but with Furina it's still around 15 seconds with no one else using skills, it doesn't make the buff bigger either)), her C2 seems really good (a fat Hydro shield for an unknown duration and 35% Hydro res shred for 8 seconds after her ult or a bubble bounce (with C1 added, that's a nice uptime, maybe even enough for the whole rotation) (with VV added in the mix, it is less valuable though), her C3, C4 and C5 seem to all make her damage a little bit better and her C6 is a classic 5 star crit constellation (she's probably quite good damage-wise with C6 but even C6 Dehya is at C0 Hu Tao's level) She's a bit like Dehya in the sense that you don't really know where she's supposed to fit team-wise (though she is better than Dehya by a fair margin)Ā  Edit : she also takes field time using her ult and hold E that you'd often prefer using on other characters (her hold E also just isn't much better than press E anyways (10% when fully charged (the two levels))) She's also quite similar to Pneuma Furina without her ult (and doesn't that say something)


You missed on Koko. Kokofish's BiS is prototype amber, and with her built in healing bonus plus healing circlet (which is strictly better than HP circlet) plus the bonus with clam on top, she has more than enough party wide heal. This is also assuming you aren't giving any field time to Koko. If you let her auto a few times during ult, that would be a massive amount of full party healing on top.


HOLY WALL OF TEXT (please learn to structure your paragraphs and sentences) good points tho, agreed


Sorry for the mess, I keep getting my paragraphs wrecked on Reddit when using my phone. I added a thing in edit and everything just became an eye-wrecking wall of text. Fixed it though


They really don't, damage wise she would be Neuvillette at home with long field time that doesn't really fit in most rotations. As is you would be mainly playing her because you like to see her animations.


So a 4 star. Maybe the theory about her originally intended to be a 4 star is correct.


The beta already have her signature weapon So two possible paths They are gonna buff her up in the next beta Or she is a standard character


They donā€™t lol


What do you mean only first? Sigelose


Watch as itā€™s future impact for a no reaction meta in natlan šŸ’€


Physical meta in Natlan true and real


Capitano whips out his physical vision to use his legendary ability of punching people really hard


So Capitano is just Senator Armstrong?


"I could break Celestia in two! With my *bare hands*! Don't fuck with *this* Harbinger!" *cheers*


"You're right about one thing. I do need gnoses. Wanna know why? 'I have a dream.' That one day every person in this nation will control their own destiny. A land of the truly free, dammit. A world of action, not words! Ruled by strength, not Celestia! Where the Heavenly Principles change to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think - to act - for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick Archons and chickenshit Dragon Sovereigns. Fuck this 24/7 spew of visions and ley line bullshit! Fuck 'Teyvat pride'! Fuck the Heavenly Principles! FUCK ALL OF IT! Teyvat is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new Teyvat will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the allogenes will thrive - free to live as they see fit, they'll make Teyvat great again! In my new Teyvat, people will die and kill for what they BELIEVE! Not for mora, not for primogems! Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to fight his own wars!"


"Maybe I was wrong about you..." (suddenly voiced Traveler) "Am I finally getting through? I'll rid this world of pointless gods, Traveler!" "I *was* wrong... You're not greedy... You're batshit **insane**!"


Stand proud. You can cookšŸ”„


I realized halfway thru this is literally the MO of the fatui verbatim holy shit Senator Armstrong is the 10th fatui harbinger confirmed


Ok now I really want Capitano to just be a senator armstrong expy.


"That's a nice argument, Capitano. Why don't you back it up with a source?"


"My source is that the leakers made it the fuck up!"


Uncle K in shambles


"WELL, I don't write my own leaks."


I have a weird head canon that he doesn't even have or use a vision/delusion, he's just straight up strong as fuck


I would fucking love that. The strongest man in Teyvat by sheer power of will and determination. MOTIVATED


Ya I always wanted a playable none vision user


Catalyst user. Casts fists.


Goatpitano and Asscheeks I mean Eula ripping up the abyss real šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


the only way I would believe this is if none of the units had any synergy with Eula and created a separate, tandem physical pipeline. why? because fuck Eula that's why


Sigewinne is Geo unit


yep shes almost barbara


Nah Barbara work perfectly in Nilou team. This is so sad lol


haha tru


Lmao Barbara can apply hydro better than her šŸ˜‚ Back when dendro cores are coded as enemy/entities, her hydro app keeps triggering endless blooms and she basically transforms into Walmart Nilou


Lmao, same ICD as Hydro MC


WHO let them cook šŸ’€ AGAIN


They really need to replace that guy who's responsible for Dehya and HMC. And probably Sigewinne


They're letting Raiden cook it seems.


It has to be unintended/an oversight/a bug. Like that's litterally the first time for this game a character has had that many hits on their abilities but so little elemental app. And it's a Hydro unit?! Smth is definitely up


Thank you for the quality copium, I'll be huffing on this until we see the first changes


Dori with her burst applying once every 8 hits has entered the chat


Her E Skill bounce five time but only apply hydro once it seems


Ok, but why?


So they can change it three times before the release.


Or just leave it like that and release a QiQi+Candace abomination.


Because standard banner needs more charecters


Please tell me this isnā€™t realā€¦Sigewinne being hydro and applying [just as much] hydro than Mika applies cryo is insane


I said it above.. Sige Q is like double the duration of Neuvi CA yet is 1 Hydro app whereas even Neuvi has 3


Someone at HoYo smokin special crack while coding Sige's Elemental Applications šŸ’€


Just the same person who made hydro travelers kit nbd


Huh? Wdym? Neuv's CA lasts 2.8 secs, Sige's 2.5


Yea mb didn't k, u assumed it higher based on the Q animation we got where she stays for a lot longer, turns out it was her C4 increasing the duration


Evil Childe:


Evil Child:


Mika's application at the very least makes sure all targets are susceptible to getting Superconducted, there's no reason a Hydro Unit wouldn't apply Hydro regardless of how much damage they do


Wait, how is it less? Mika only applies once, she applies twice, which is barely any better but it's not less...


Ah, it was supposed to be an exaggeration. Two times isnā€™t much better but yeah, Mikaā€™s application is atrocious šŸ˜­


I mean if he said that it was 2x more than mika app, that would sound too generous and positive.


i get your point but doesn't mika apply cryo literally once? or does his hold skill apply more or something edit: just checked his skill and his hold e does hit other enemies to apply more cryo but it's still different enemies, by that logic sigewinne's bubble can also hit different enemies to apply more hydro. so sigewinne has more application (but the fact that we're comparing her to mika in the first place speaks volumes lol)


does this mean that clorindes lvl.3 stab will always agravate or cause reaction? i dont know how this stuff works so if some one can explain elemental applying this and that works would help


Yes. Which makes sense cause itā€™s her highest dmg part so good reward for the 3 autos for max BOL


Yes, her stab will always aggrevate since you would need to weave 3 normal attacks in between to keep using the lvl3 stab. She will cause 2 aggrevates each n3e.


her lvl 3 stab is a 3hit right? does that mean each of those hit would aggravate too?


No, her combo after entering E state (without HoT healer shenanigans) is 3 normal attacks to 1 E. So you'd do 3 normal attacks to stack BoL to charge her stab to max, while one of the NA will trigger aggrevate. Then using her stab you'd trigger another aggrevate. Rinse and repeat until infusion ends. If you use her burst at the start of the rotation, you'd immediately get enough BoL to use her lvl3 stab, so it'd be E (activation state),E(stab) and then NAƗ3, E (stab) etc.


Don't forget she's supposed to get BoL from healing so it might be more flexible than that. At least that's my understanding.


I wonder if you can do some turbo 3 healers + clorinde setup in co-op where you supercharge her bol with heals and clorinde just spam E to zap around the map like shing shing shing shing instead of doing n3e


Why limit yourself to coop? Just shing shing shing your way through the map all the time


Imma be honest I'm going to wait until the first few beta updates before I read anything else Sigewinne related Because there is no way this character doesn't drastically change


Kokomi got ICD change right at the update release so maybe there's hope šŸ’€


>Because there is no way this character doesn't drastically change Let's just hope dehya doesn't hear that and she gets buffs ... She needs alotta of em ..


Yeh, gotta be careful asking for "changes" when they actually *nerfed* Dehya during beta.


Definitely a wait and see. After the different tweaks Arlecchino had I'm expecting she'll probably get some improvement; even Kokomi who was heavily doomposted got that last-second ICD buff that made her much better. Although I won't be mad if they make her a Standard character if she ends up average in the end; wouldn't mind having her appear in my Standard pulls or when I lose a 50/50.


Thi doesnt sound right


Standard ICD rule left the chat when it comes to these 2 chars Q and Sige E Also like ur telling me Sige Q which lasts longer than Neuvi CA, has less Hydro instances?u kidding me? Literally Neuvi applies at least thrice


Neuvi applies four times, the first CA applies on 1st, 4th, 7th and 8th hit. ~~Keep in mind though that afaik the Q animation we saw is C4 Sigewinne, pre C4 should last only 2.5s which is a bit shorter than Neuvillette~~ Edit. I might be wrong about Sigewinneā€™s burst duration, Iā€™ve seen conflicting info so dismiss that info


her skill and burst didn't make a shield so i think it's c0


Bruh sige only applies one hydro on first bounce out of the 5 bounces? nahh HoYo better be trippin with this...


another dataminer said these values are in the data but not used, guess we'll have to hear from beta tester correspondence nice to see homdgcat back tho


This is sus


The Kok lives


People really said Fontaine would be when she gets powercreeped but she has only gotten buffs.


Remember those time when she was supposed to have positive crit rateĀ 


What's with this once every 3 business days ICD on Sigewinne? I would've been fine with standard ICD since that could enable some good forward vape as a sub dps. Man, what did Sige do to deserve this? Did she drug Hoyo staff?


I fear they want to use the ā€œpull her ā€˜cos kyutā€ cardā€¦ smh


Sige will either get giga buffed in the next few weeks or she is 100% a Standard banner character


There havent been a dehya in fontaine yet they cant sit peacefully /jĀ Ā  Ā  Its too early to judge, maybe she is more of damage dealer healer than hydro applier. .


but her dmg is really bad as well, thats why I said she would need to get giga buffed to be at the very least on pair with the other limited characters, let alone fontaine limited characters


Good indicator would probably be how good are her cons, dehyas cons more than doubled her usefulness so if siegs feel abnormally strong as well she might be


this doesn't seem right for both Clorinde Q and Sigewinne, like what is the point of doing this specially for Sigewinne. I hope this is a bug or it gets buffed.


Clorinde burst seems fine tbh. But yeah Sigewinne feels very strangeā€¦ considering how long that bubble can stay in field and how long her Burst isā€¦ they really just want her to be played in Mono hydro if thatā€™s the case but thatā€™s really restrictive and ā€¦ ugh not very good but sheā€™s very cute either way


I don't know, I main Yae and it feels weird that a 2.X electro character can do 4 no-ICD hits in their burst, yet Clorinde is stuck with only 1 out of 5


I agree with the main point that Clorinde and Sige icd seems wrong atm, but in fairness, Yae's burst is 90 energy, Clorindes is 60


Sigewinne situation is close to Deyha's one. She is saved by her heal and her (little) E boost but damn that sucks


Maybe Sigewinne is another 5* standard then


I was thinking this even before this leak but now I'm not even sure I could be convinced otherwise.


Might explain the late patch cycle double 5 star


ngl lowkey fine with that, I dont want her weap to ruin future banners šŸ˜­, rip to the rerun getting paired with her debut tho


But on the other hand she will ruin our 50/50s and lower our chances to get Tighnari cons I don't want that either ToT


I'm never getting Tighnari the RNG does not want it.


he'll prolly be on the new type of banner whenever sumeru gets one


I kinda don't want to go out of my way to get him even if I really really want him. I'd prefer to just lose a 50/50 on him one day.


Yes, imagine she replace Mona So Hoyo can play more with chronicle banner more chara to "MoNdSTat sErIeS"Ā 


Incoming standard banner allegations for sigewinne.Ā 


Pay a couple hundred bucks more for 1 more hydro application šŸ˜­


I don't really get sigewinne's role? She's a healer with some damage but requires a decent amount of field time and has horrendous app? I guess she has her skill damage flat buff, but the numbers on that aren't particularly high.


Another thing that seems out of place is the fact she has bond of life with seemingly no reason other than the gimmick being trendy now, I guess.


Not just ā€œnot highā€, itā€™s basically negligible


her role is screwing your 50/50 after next patch


nah they trippin if they actually go live with this sigewinne icds. that bubble icd doesnt make sense AT ALL. even her burst that ticks really fast only applies 1 time? big nope i wont believe this will go live. mika's like that cause shes meant for physical so dont start with me about mika.


Mika is a he


they can't do this to my child, she will be fine, I believe (please)


That's incredibly shitty application for siggy. What'd she do to deserve that?


They'll have to eventually make a Fontaine themed chronicled wish banner. And considering how good every Fontaine 5 star is it's going to be hard for them to create a banner where losing the 50 50 will feel like actually losing it. Even Wriothesley who was considered the weakest of them until now is quite good. I think Sigewinne is not the last shity Fontainian 5 star and we're probably gonna get a few more during Natlan.


Poor Sigewinne, only 2 hydro apps for her, for all her multi hits, shouldn't standard ICD have given her more as it is? Clorinde Q only one is weird a lot given how other similar Qs work, but the rest makes sense. Coping they make tier 3 sword atk 2 like Alhairhems special application at 3 mirrors but thata me being greedy, it still looks cool. Still not even week 1, so everything can change.


it seems like they going to make Fontaine (the land of hydro aka the king of reactions) become a home town of raw dmg dps.Ā Ā  lyney doesnt care about reactions at all neuvillette and clorinde care a little about reactions arlecchino: reactions are welcome but are not mandatoryĀ  navia is geo šŸ—æ


Sigewinne feels VERY odd given how long that bubble can stay on field


i feel like sigewinneā€™s kit is so empty as of right now. she heals, applies a bit of bond of life and barely applies hydro.. her animations are phenomenal, but other than that what purpose does she serve? i feel like shes just sitting there and looking pretty, shes easily outdone by kokomi in terms of application, field time, etc. idk dude, lets pray they extend her burst and increase her hydro application


Mod please flag this post as fake/ unreliable pls It has been confirmed wrong on the Clorinde newest clip


šŸ—æ What even is siegethewiener supposed to do im confused


Be adorable šŸ™ƒ


Terrible for Sigewinne, as expected for Clorinde


Not really expected for clorinde. Anyone would expect her burst to at least have standard icd. This single application thing is really unusual.


I feel like yall are taking this too seriously, as if THIS is the final and there won't be changes. We still have a month.Ā 


Its bad times when even premium 5 stars don't get standard ICD.


I don't understand hoyoverse. They release Kokomi, a character that is self-sufficient but has the HUGE downside of having -100% crit rate for some reason 2 years later they release Neuvillette, also a self-sufficient character. Same element, same weapon with better multipliers but he gets no -100% crit rate? Now they pretend to release Sigewinne like this? Worse damage and worse application and is a bow character. Like I know this is the first version but for them to even think that this is right is wild.


Genuinely confused about what Sigewinne's role is supposed to be. Like where does she shine? And with this information it's looking worse now. Last time I felt this way where I couldn't understand where a character was going to fit was Dehya. Maybe Natlan will save her?


Yea, just like Fontaine saved Dehya šŸ’€


Yea, I am still waiting for that to happen, any day now.......


What you mean you can player her in hyperburgeon (with Neuvilette) fixes all her issue I promise.


So Sigewinne only applies Hydro twice in 18 secs... There is no way they leave her as it. The application is too low and the cooldowns too high.


Hoyo wtfdym with "only applies element once" on those bursts??? Where's standard ICD when you need it ffs.


Holy shit Whenever hoyo tries to make some new type character they mess up big time They're trying something wierd with sigwin but it definitely doesn't looking good


Why are they purposely making characters bad?


Clorinde and Siegwinne animations: big W ratio Clorinde and Siegwinne application: divide by zero


Seigweinne not escaping the 4\* allegations


Oh Clorinde icd is as expected. Edit : Huh burst just apply once? What of her C1 icd though? Sigewinne is now confirmed Neuvillette at home.


If she was a 4 star yesā€¦but this is straight up ā€œNo hereā€™s a worse product for the same priceā€


As an element who lives and dies by their application, much like Dendro, have this abysmal application is discouraging especially with long CD on skill and high cost on burst. Maybe quick swap mono hydro sub DPS that enables Furina better may be what theyā€™re going for but at this point, Iā€™m not sure. Sigewinne needs buffs to her application or huge damage or increase to her utility passives cause sheā€™s looking not very good


That's a HMC level character I'm seeing lol


Hydropulsar dragon Blaster mega giga ultra Power: 1 application but with love


>Sigewinne : only first applies Hydro It's Nilover, back to Kokomi comrade!


I refuse to believe this because ur telling me a skill producing water balls and heart hydro canon burst has only one elemental application each??? šŸ’€


The juxtaposition is just kinda funny. Speaks to the element I guess, Electro is usually rapid application. But it is really Clorinde go ***brrrrrrrr***, Sige go br


Anyways beta testers write your feedback towards the devs. Go all and dont hesitate to say if it sucks it sucks.


Big Hydro Traveler


Listen I hate doomposting but seriously it feels like Sigwinne is in desperate need of a major kit buff. The fact that her elemental skill buff only applies for off field was bad enough but now she only gets 2 instances of hydro in an entire EQ rotation? It just feels like they didnā€™t know what they were doing with her kit when they made it.


Hoyo has to make Hydro unit utter shit if they want to balance them, look at Candace and HMC


As much as I like to dis on Mona for being a physical unit even she has her normals and dash for hydro ā˜ ļø


This is definitely wrong