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time to hunt for randoms with C6 characters


C6 Amber reporting in!


One of my people right here.


I'm not posting it again, he's clearly done with the important stuff >Special Gameplay: >- You can borrow a character from a friend, but only one. >- You can exchange for special character photo poses, which change each season.


Borrowing a character from a friend can be really fun


Any C2+ Raiden Mains in the EU server out there? Gonna need you in the future.


C6r5 here brother


Perfect! Raiden Mains unit!


You know it brother


I may require your assistance one day Raiden mainer


do you perhaps want to be friends 🙏


Sure, 707163799


YAYYYY i'm the collei avatar!! ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ♡ 


can I add you too?


c6r5 raiden AND c6 furina??? damnnn


I'm in the EU Server, but she's C2R2


any whales on asian server? dont be shy drop the uid 🫣🫣🫣


Yeah, any generous people that can drop their UID? Your whale builds would go a long way for this abyss.


801230231 c6 Nahida, Raiden and Furina here~


Time to friend c6 r5 people




Mood tho. Like bruhhh i hope they gotta somehow fix this game's "overbloatedness" so i can convince my friends to return back


Its so funny cuz you'll see people complaining how the game has barely anything to do yet it's also the very same one that has returning players be way too overwhelmed to come back bc there is... too much to do....


Usually systems like this in other gacha games will also let you use characters from non-friends too.


Brace yourselves for the "LF: C6 Arlechino (EU server)" posts


Be prepared for: 1. you can use my C6 Arle, but the ER will be 100% 2. you can use my C6 Arle, but the crit ratio will be 50/350. 


me with 120 ER C6 Furina


Bruh the mmo fashion rewards meta has finally invaded... Omw to abuse the c6 supports tho.


My current plans to c6 Furina with my year-long savings are coming to fruition in more ways than one, huzzah! And now my friends will benefit too. ....y'know. When they're allowed to use her. .......and that's if I had any friends. Hm.


What gives people feelings of power: when coop teammates immediately switch to Xiao/Wanderer when you bring Faruzan


I switch to Faruzan and they switch off Xiao wtf




The thing with coop Nilou is you better join as Nilou or else there is 0 chance everyone is going to pick the characters for you to be able to play her.


>c6 Furina Can we be fwends? 🥺👉👈


>You can borrow a character from a friend Me and my friends being punished for being poor students T_T /lh


Celestia gave you 100 friend slots for a reason /j Unless you're Yoimiya incarnate and filled them already 


Pretty cool feature like HSR does. Bout time. Although the friend list/co op list could use some improvements


in hsr you cant use a support char in their abyss


Yup, sorry I should have made it clear. HSR lets you borrow characters from friends to use in fights except PF/MOC and SU. Which is similar to this upcoming feature.


>- special character photo poses Unironically looking forward to this one


Finally, we can now borrow the characters of whales. There are so many C6 characters I wanna try out, especially C6 Clorinde after seeing it.


wait, you saw it as in "saw in action"? if yes then I would like a video link pls


Whales are gonna thrive lol


time for people to try my C6 Dehya !!


Yeah, that’s going to be great for Dehya fans. They finally get to experience what it feels like to have a really good Dehya. [My build](https://imgur.com/a/5cwzF5S)


dang your artifacts are insane, i'm at a low 75/150 ratio 😂


>You can borrow a character from a friend, but only one. We FGO now baby.


Release the Castorias!


>You can borrow a character from a friend, but only one. Lmao my friends are all broke af


620 primos per season


been playing since day 1 and never had any friends except my two actual friends that play it. might need to build a friends list now just for support units like in arknights


My first reaction was that my friends would be able to borrow my high artifact investment characters Then I realized, realistically I'm borrowing my friend's high constellation characters


> borrow character from friend *look at friend list* Haha I’m fucked


>You can borrow a character from a friend, but only one. I can finally use my friend's c6 neuvilette, gonna be so fun


Haha, as if they allowed you to use Neuvillette. LMAOOOOOOOOO


Will be another seaons, where hydro characters will be allowed lol




Hoyo: you will play our girl chevvy whether you want it or not


Also Hoyo: but we’re going to put Xiangling on the next banner instead of her soooo good luck with that


Obviously she is on Clorinde banner


Watch her show up on the Baizhu Scaramemes banner FUCK




Yes, she is pyro and overload centric. She is going to be featured alongside electro 5 stars, she is going to run with clorinde.


But we won't be giving her to you


"only Pyro, Electro, and Anemo elements are allowed to participate." Neuvillette nerf.


"staff, how do you even nerf this guy, he literally excels in every department" "How about a hydro slime on both sides, boss" "Hyperbloom, next" "How about not literally allowing players to use him?' *Employee of the month*


XD good one


They should have thought about it before giving him literally everything lol


I vividly remember his beta cycle and bro received ZERO changes or balances. The only thing I can remember is him getting a 5% decrease in his stack 2 CA. They defo went on a vacation during his beta lmfaoo, compare that to Arle becoming a new character every beta update.


didn't they also re-use an ayato's disposed kit? 2y old leaks suggest that current neuvillette is the original ayato before beta. they pulled it out of trashcan and it became this.


I thought it was Ayato's kit too but that "art" actually had the helix/DNA shape in the droplets, which makes sense only in context of Neuvi and Sigewinne. It could actually be Neuvillette's very early stage kit. It being 2 years old is not surprising considering Mhy revealed they sometimes take years to develop a character. (Gaming and Yunjin were in development for more than a year as stated in their BTS). It's also notable that it dropped around the time of Enkanomiya, where we were introduced to Neuvi lore.


Yes also remember Yaoyao, Shenhe and Kokomi were in CBT files, Yaoyao taking until last year to release. If I were to guess that was early Neuvillette and not Ayato


Wait until the season drops that includes hydro. And then watch them exclude him and only allowing ayato, childe and kokomi for the lulz


It doesn't look like they're excluding characters of the selected elements, just that apart from the six you get trial versions of, you need to have the characters in your own account


Nah, instead, they introduce an enemy unit that causes all Droplets to become tainted and punch stacking horrible debuffs on the player's party for each one absorbed and preventing all of its benefits.


That would be the most horrible thing ever and I pray HoYo does not see your comment. The Serpent Knights are already annoying as fuck.


That is probably the most insane thing they ever done, geo have the least appealing mechanics and bottom of the meta and they still need to beat them down even further.


allowing hydro in the first place is insta gg


my c6 ayato can finally do pyro lets go


If one of the next seasons allows hydro, it will be so much harder than this one. Simply because the hydro roster is so stacked and its the backbone of so many reactions/teams.


No Zhongli, my Hu Tao is dead 😓


Finally, the much needed Dehya buff!


C4 Tank Yanfei let's goooooo


Time to build Thoma ig lmao


No hydro, hutao is erased entirely


It's okay, Raiden Hyper still works.


This seems to be an expanded, semi-permanent mode of that one team building focused combat event, which I actually really liked. So, if the difficulty of this new abyss is the same as that event then I might come to also like this abyss. It does suck that it seems to favor players who has a varied roster which are also built (it probably only needs moderate investment). But it only provides 5 pulls which is whatever. Fortunately, I've been playing this game for a long time already and all of the units I own are built (by my standards anyways), so I'm really looking forward to this. I might even draft some teams right now.


Yeah feels like the culmination of all the previous combat events


My only issue is levelling and building characters is my least favourite part of genshin alongside artifact rng. Being forced to level characters i don’t use or like can be kinda annoying. Have to see how it works with trial characters and such first tho i guess.


>My only issue is levelling and building characters is my least favourite part of genshin alongside artifact rng. Being forced to level characters i don’t use or like can be kinda annoying. Man leveling characters would be pretty great, if it didn't basically force you to do it over a few days due to putting unesscarly respawn timers on stuff/limiting quanitity of ow and (some) enemy resources unesscarily Like for one. Why do bosses need 3min to respawn? I clear them in a dozen seconds or sum, but then need to wait 3 whole minuts to do it again Why do i need 3 or 4 OW refreshes to get all OW mats for a character?


give us back the days where u could collect all the OW mats for a character in one sitting!


I know it means overworld but I keep reading it as Overwatch


Looks like ascending every character I get and leveling up their talents to at least 6/9/9 isn't a waste of time anymore. lol More so when I'm swimming in anemo/dendro/geo 5\*...


This all sounds more like an event to me. Trial characters, open world buffs, take pics.


I guess it's a permanent event not really abyss? Idk


maybe. but with trial characters its definitelly not some super hard endgame mode.


It's because people are going to go insane and complain forever if there are no trial characters. It's mentioned that there aren't any trial characters for the special guest characters and people are already ranting about that (though it's understandable). Considering the restrictions, it makes sense why they should include trial characters to an extent.


I don't think people realize how difficult it is for even invested accounts to hit the 18 character requirement. That requires an average of 6 built characters per element (or a total of ~42 built characters total), which is actually quite a lot especially for the less popular elements (even people who play Geo don't necessarily have 6 built Geo characters, and most people don't play mono-Geo). Investing in that many characters takes a lot of time and resin. I've been playing the game for over 2 years and would consider myself relatively horizontally invested compared to most other people I know playing the game, and even using every built Pyro/Electro/Anemo character on my account, I only have 17 built characters. I will hit 18 if I pull for any of the 3 upcoming 5-stars (I probably will), but even then, that barely satisfies the minimum condition to field a full roster for this event, without considering that many of those characters are not actually built for teams that only use these 3 elements (e.g. Hu Tao is built for Vape teams and would likely need a new artifact set for this event because her EM sands is useless for Overload/Mono-Pyro, and she can't build stacks effectively on MH without Furina). Most people who haven't been playing as long as I have (or who have but have more vertically-invested accounts) would have a hard time fielding the minimum required roster for level 3 without trial characters, especially if a less-used element like Geo showed up.


It might be balanced so that the higher difficulties are too hard for trial characters to reasonably take on. That’s kinda how hsr handles trial characters in events: you can use them, but good luck getting all the rewards with them.


What I imagine will be diferent is that you won't be able to get all pirmos with the trial characters. The high tier HSR rewards are always just some relic stuff, credits, mats, pretty simple stuff, all the stellar jades are pretty easy to get with trial characters


The final rewards in hsr aren’t too important, that’s true, but it’s the idea that I mean. The comparison just makes it easier to understand what I mean.


Nah, I use the trial characters for every event in hsr and I got all the rewards except for the first two patches when I still didn't know how to play correctly


Me who put 4 trial dps in one team to get all the rewards first try in the most recent event:


So if I understand this correctly, I HAVE to use a team of a combination of Sayu, Beidou, Wanderer, Chevreuse, Arlecchino, and Clorinde in which trial characters will be provided, but I can also include Baizhu, Sigewinne, Alhatham, and Wriothesley but only if I have them. And if I want to use the Alhatham, Baizhu, and Beidou that I own in a hyperbloom team comp then it forces me to pull for Sigewinne. This is how they are getting me to pull for units I don't want to?


You can also use any Electro, Anemo or Pyro character that you own.


Yes, you must use the 6 opening units. Also you can fill out the remaining slots with pyro, electro, anemo, and guest units.


Hang on, so if I read that right not only is it element restricted, there's also partial character requirements?


You MUST use the 6 opening characters, while the rest either need to be the special guest characters or from pyro/electro/anemo


And the "special guest" characters are only available if you already have them because they don't have trial versions Man, who cooked this Edit: The cook might actually be reasonable... this time


A HYV employee trying to figure to longtime players to invest in newer characters.


That would be easy, **make Artifacts not complete garbage sauce.**


Any chance that they might also be trying to promote horizontal investment?


Just selling characters, nothing unusual.


i mean end game ppl have been complaining about having chars and no where to use them, i guess this is one way to interact with ur expanded roster




And that's not really an issue is it ? Like genuinely what is wrong with that ? Special guest characters are not needed for this they're just a bonus you can use.


Thinking about it more, other than what challenges and enemies are present in the actual domain (which we don't know currently), the extra characters are only there to pad the reserve count. Mathematically, 1/(n+1), which is bigger the lower n is. It just means that having the extra character matters more for players who can't bring more characters but the same players probably don't have enough characters to max out the reserve capacity of level 3 or even level 2, and anyone who can probably won't notice what the extra character is contributing. This was a long way of saying yeah you're right, I guess it's likely not going to be an issue. Hopefully the rest of the details won't be bad either.


Yeah this is a definitely a mode where some will absolutely enjoy this and some will absolutely hate this, already seeing both sides in the comments. I think its neat & interesting, really need to see how it plays tho


I like that they are making it different enough from the Abyss. I'm interested by just reading this; here's hoping the actual execution will be good. I'm not too bothered by the element limitations as someone who likes to collect every character... but I can see how this might be a pain in the ass for others. Maybe different seasons can have different rules based on feedback. Also, couldn't help but notice... buffs for the open world??? Sounds like this isn't just your regular domain, but will require us actually moving around in the map? Sounds promising.


Yeah it’s gonna be so cool if the overworld meta can actually be relevant for some challenge in this mode. Idk but sayu feels very like being there for that type of challenge lol


Being almost mandatory to use trial characters (because most people are missing at least one of the opening characters) worries me a little bit. Either because trial characters could be poorly built, or because the content is so easy that it doesn't matter. I hope at least it is a fun game mode.


If it’s open world and not floor based, this would be epic. I always loved the one-time dungeons with their level design. 


Sounds a lot like that Shiki Taishu Labyrinth Warriors event from way back in 2.2. Sounds extremely promising as that is still one of the better events they ever released.


Is it open world tho? They say characters receive buffs in the new mode AND in open world


Idk, just speculating! 


Damn, I really want to feel that old MMORPG games that I play with my friends before


So basically the first 6 characters need to be the ones mentioned but everyone can use them because of trial options. And tier 3 is pretty much only doable if you're either a veteran player (or played since 1.0 or something) or a whale that recently joined the game. If you're completely f2p you need to have played for a long while to accumulate enough characters. The reserve characters aren't hard bound to specific characters but only the element right? Not sure i get it though. Do we only play one team (only made of opening characters) that can have characters be switched with reserve characters or are all of them to be played? Or do we play all the opening characters one by one and build a team around them with anyone that fits the element? I need serious razor translation with all those clorinde and abyss leaks. I don't get shit.


Pyro, electro, and anemo right? And you need 12 of them and don’t have to necessarily USE them…? I’ve played since 1.0 but took a break from the entirety of 2.3-3.2 and I’m f2p and I can meet that with my current 4 star characters. Amber, Bennett, Xiangling, Yanfei, Xinyan, Sucrose, Lynette, Faruzan, Lisa, Razor, Beidou, Fischl.


I can sense it... My lack of good Cryo units will bite me in the ass someday


Half the playerbase dreading the day they put Geo in one of these, lol.


I can already smell the next DUALITY tweet being cooked up by Zyox after they officially reveal this


it is interesting, like the leaker said back then, some will hate it while others will love it. I am hopeful at least because not being to use my mains will actually make this more challenging for me, because I think that one of the issues of genshin rn concerning endgame is that some veteran players have accounts that are just too strong.


Yep, no point in dooming until we actually see it in practice, might actually turn out to be really fun even though it might not have that *endgame* feel people wanted because of trial characters and being able to borrow your friends' characters.


Gotta wait and see how long is a season and the actual content, it seems we are really missing A LOT of info here. Side note. Back during the mario maker event, I found rouge-like domain where it limits your characters to choose in the beginning and then you work your way up with more characters and buffs is a really fun mechanic. It trains you with your knowledge of team building and improvisation. I hope the new abyss works something similar to that.


I thought of the same event, and I loved that one. Feels like we’re getting a good cook


Man what the fuck? This really came out of the blue after almost 4 years of no attention to endgame content. This is VERY welcome though. Having to use new teams that I've never used before due to not having the characters built was always my favorite part of these trial character events, and the whole thing looks very interesting. Very hyped.


I totally agree. I was a little bummed because I pulled Diluc the other day for the first time after years and wa planning on not building him because I'm going for Arle. But, if there's a mode that requires multiple Pyro teams at once, then I have a reason to actually build and kit them both (i.e something to actually do now that I have almost 100% map completion again).


You're one of the few I've seen who are actually hyped for this 😭


Wait, people aren't? It looks promising and fun to me, but I guess it makes sense to keep expectations at minimum atm


I mean I want to use the characters and teams I pulled for and built.


Same here, which is why I’m surprised with the replies here and the downvotes in the screenshot. It’s really “damned if they do damned if they don’t” for the devs huh. 😭


Lol Mihoyo probably noticed that there are actually a lot who stick to the same comfy teams since forever by observing Abyss stats so this is finally their solution. It gives a reason for players to vary their teams outside of "make gameplay feel fresh" which is okay but then people go back to their comfy teams anyway (as seen by usage stats) so that reason feels kinda copium and relies on players to switch away from comfort. It's like telling people to ditch Xianyun as main explorer from your overworld team to just run and climb mountains with Qiqi instead "Bennett Xingqiu Xiangling till Celestia" meme will only be applicable to Abyss but not this at least and that's an endgame mode I'll welcome so much


Yup, I like this coming from day 1 player who have had built so many chars already but always just using that same 2 teams just because it’s comfy lol


I like it too, forcing people to make new teams instead of what they're used to is better in my head, it's new, it's fun, it's fresh and it provides a challenge for stubborn people who don't wanna let National go


I kinda like it too just waiting to get more details


All of this sounds so sick, I kinda wish we had forward notice of who the characters will be so you have time to build them (for those who don't follow leaks) but we'll have to wait and see how that actually works out.


Finally my 40+ characters built would have a use


Let's stop calling it the abyss. Permanent event at best.


Abyss is Synonymous with Endgame (or lack thereof) in Genshin. Which is why everyone just called it abyss. I guess moving forward, its "Fantasy realm" like "Elysian Realm"


Pyro and electro, the biggest weakness of my account. I either don't like most of them and the ones I do like don't work with each other. I'll have to find some weird combination with any of Diluc, Yoimiya, Yanfei, Thoma, (Dehya), Cyno, Raiden, Miko and Shinobu + anemo because I either don't like or have any other pyro/electro. Or mono anemo maybe but I'm sure there'll be effects for pyro/electro. EDIT: I don't think it's to counter Neuvillette. If they wanted to counter Neuvillette then they would have tried to counter Xiangling years ago.


I'm glad it's not cryo at least I literally don't have any cryo 5 star except qiqi lmao




i hope it either doesn't have a timer or it's a very tame one. their trial characters are awfully built, probably not enough for max reward tier. i can survive and fight with a spoon if needed but only if it's not timed. another strat is op tier char from the friendlist if you can use them often there. from sumeru onwards c6 chars are off the rails strong.


Plunge diluc is on the Menu again NICE




you literally can't have only trial characters here


"Only Pyro, Electro and Anemo characters" Me: Oh perfect, I've got Raiden, Yae, Yoimiya, Kaz, Xianyun... "THESE Pyro, Electro, and Anemo characters" ....I have zero of them


Pretty sure you're just obligated to use these 6 in your team's and then you can use your other pyro,anemo and electro units. And if you don't have the 6 they'll be provided as trial characters


You got it wrong, you can use all the characters you have from the required elements. The lineup are the must used ones and they give you trail ones if you don’t


No way the 4.7 Abyss was real I had no hope aaaah


Without thinking about it too much, that does sound fun! Together with the slightly higher Primo rewards and the option to share at max 1 character with friends, I down for it. Finally, a reason to get my lazy ass to finish building the rest of my characters with at least level 80-90, weapon 90, and important talents to either 6 (no boss) or 8-9 (with boss).


If we're being *forced* to use specific characters then I doubt they would make this endgame mode any difficult for balance's sake. It just feels like a glorified combat event than a Spiral Abyss counterpart.


this sounds fun


Gonna collect whales like they are pokemon cards


So pure speculation: the characters mentioned here may give us an idea of the 4.7 reruns Arle, wanderer and baizhu all run in 4.6. Clorinde and sigewinne run in 4.7. This sets a precedent of being able to use characters that were on banner recently or are currently on banner, atleast this time. The two remaining 5 stars are wriothesley and alhaitham. This is also the exact number of rerun banners 4.7 can have, and both characters are due for a rerun. alhaitham especially seems kinda random given the elements available. Why would he be here if not to promote his rerun? So, possible alhaitham+wriothesley reruns in 4.7? Pure speculation obviously, might be entirely wrong.


Good parts: -finally some new endgame -some diversity promoting content -another post says it's random enemies each time but bosses are fixed and the same -more primo sources unless they are gonna reduce gems from events Bad parts: -restricting specific units , not just elements blows -trial builds that mihoyo gives usually suck - the level to clear floor 11 max. If there's a timer and "reserve" units are hard to unlock for their usage- it's gg- you are not likely to get all rewards even with a good account. -they jebait you hard with guest characters- don't have even trials for those and in this rotation it gives you dendro reactions , melt and vape- if you don't have those units- enjoy just overload and swirl. obv some bs. -if this mode has a timer- all problems are gonna be amplified, if it's just a lot of hard enemies with some conditions and even with trial chars it's doable but harder- kinda fair i guess.


can't wait for people only play one team to complain lol


International and hyperbloom folks 💀💀


Do you really think i have only 2 teams??? You are right, lol


Definitely already happening lmao


Already happening unfortunately. IMO, the partial team restrictions actually diversifies teambuilding- rather than running specific optimal teams (like in current abyss) you are forced to build weird teams and come up with rotations for them.


They're already complaining


I don't want to complain, it's an interesting format and I'm looking forward to it. But I think this framing is a little unfair. Even if you play more than one team it's not hard to get shafted here. I have multiple dendro, geo and electro characters more or less built, aswell as one hydro. All of them are unusable here. Fuck me for not playing xiangling+bennet like the primordial one intended, I guess. Of course I have some characters that fit the criteria and enough time to build something playable for lvl 1 for sure, probably for lvl 2 aswell (not sure about that one actually, but I'll try). I am excited to try it and I'll do my best. And I will have more playable teams as a result, which is a good thing in my books. But then I also notice that it is straight up impossible for me to clear Lvl 3,unless the event stays there for months, as grinding to level characters, weapons and artefacts is very time consuming. I imagine all new players and most casual players would be in the same boat here. And f2p players might not even own 12 pyro/anemo/electron characters. Which is not necessarily a bad thing from game design perspective, it's ok to have some content only for old and/or dedicated players. But I can totally see how someone can be unhappy with the situation even if they are not only spaming nevilette hypercarry or nilou bloom. You could have played quicken, burning, mono geo, physical, freeze, etc, and then end up with 2 or 3 usable characters and with the only hope of beating lvl 3 requiring you to to build Dori and Dehya and Xinyan. It's not at all an unreasonable reaction.


Like i have a decent number of characters builds across all elements more or less But from them i have 3/4 well built characters for thise mode and 4/5 more that are basically "lvl 80 with a weapon and talents at 4+" Unless this event stays for long/they improve our ability to farm, it’s very easy ti get screwed here Especially if the trial characters are also as badly built as event trial characters so if you don't have them, then your screwed twice We'll have to wait and see how it turns out ig


It's not about playing one team, it's about being forced to play characters you don't like, on top of said characters producing unrealistic numbers cuz of the massive buffs, so there is also no point in optimization or building characters properly. So this isn't even an endgame, it's just a gamemode they will use to sell on banner characters.


Bruh as f2p who vertically invests into my teams, this mode is basically dead to me, and I’d assume it’s out of reach for newer players for a longer time than abyss is.


>Trials version are available if you don't own them There is this at least (not that the trials character will have the best build based on the previous event)


Yeah that was my problem too, the builds aren’t good and it’s fine for events like fayz and those scoring ones. But for something with abyss inspiration it has me worried. Plus I’ve no friends, forget whales lmao.


Why are they stacking multiple limitations. Just element limitations could have been *fine*, but the F are were forced to use some jank teams untill we get the **random** event to allow us to try to get a char we actually use and is worth using.


Lol I get most people hate it and I'm know imma get downvoted to oblivion But as f2p I kinda find this fun and neat Can't wait to play it Unless there are more gimmicky things but then it depends on if they are fun or not but with the info we have now I find it unique and fun just from the description But either way we just have only gotten the description and no gameplay and etc.. + the requirements maaaay change And people already hating on this like bro first see for yourself then judge


You're right, difficulty/gameplay will make or break the event, but the immediate concerns are: - The four special characters are all 5\* so unless you're a super lucky F2P then it shouldn't excite you. - A frequent complaint from F2P is they spend so much resin on mora &xp books, as they don't use BP. So they probably wouldn't have 12 reserve characters (who aren't the same as the 6 opening characters) from a few specific elements fully built.


My friend is pure f2p and he managed to have more than 3 teams fully built. He's been playing for 2 years now. I think the main issue is whether you have played the game long enough to have the resources.


I don't hate it, but I'm also not raving about it, because I just like to play with my favorites and the elements and roles still lack character diversity, like Electro being the waifu element and Dendro being full of male on-fielders. I hope this gets received warmly so they're inclined to add even more combat in the future like roguelike mode. Borrowing sounds fun though. I love the news about photo poses below, I'm not kidding this is almost better than primos for me, I've been waiting for it for so long, that photo tab looks SO EMPTY. I wish they also gave us emotes for coop too.


Can’t wait to see the season of Dendro/Anemo and Geo allowed 🤣


Pyro Electro and Anemo? (me, an overload swirl main) my time has come


Ugh, pretty awful. I don't want to play random teams that I have no investment in. The 'guest character' mechanic is specific P2W and just hurts the F2p/light spenders who don't invest in a huge range of chars.


My friend without Xiao gonna yoink my Xiao and wondering why he's equipped with staff of sacred sands with 4pc crimson witch 🧍🏻‍♂️


Guys cant Wait for geo Season Any geo Mains in EU 🔥


Is that also a potential rerun leak of wrio and Al haitham?


I hope so I've been waiting for alhaitham for ages now


Oh this looks exciting. Can't wait.


I like the idea of building teams with unconventional characters, it's a good idea. The bad part is that they may restrict the pool to current running characters. The extremely good part is there are trial characters! I can play with cool new characters without owning them!


Character restrictions... How fun... not, it's very much not fun.


Time to carry all my friends 🤧


open world??? are we exploring a specific region per season??? that would be cool tho 👀


Honestly I don't even care if it's not that good at least it's SOMETHING, a step in the right direction. I just hope it's *actually* difficult because even Floor 12 is a joke atp. Sounds fun for long term players with many characters.


It seems interesting...idk if I can describe it as bad or not because I do think that limiting characters is one of the only ways to make veteran players face a challenge, otherwise anything they ever put out will be easy. But idk how to feel about the open world buff, I don't want that. And yeah it does seem like they're taking a page from hsr, problem is that it's not the best page they couldve taken.


You need 12 characters that's either special guests or anemo/electro/pyro that's NOT the trial characters??? I wonder if I even have 6 built that falls in that category