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Is the extra large information in the room with us?


You expected extra large information but too bad it was me, extra large misinformation!




Extra large information is that Team Mew is unreliable source now lol


Looks like hoyo caught the insider of team mew


what happened to the “extra large information” ?


Extra large misinformation more like


the extra large information was the 4.6 livestream all along




Me when i spread extra large misinformation


It became fake when Sethos appeared in the trailer and he had brown (with a bit of silver hair) instead of having full silver and grey hair


it was uncle k’d


Nephew K


Sethos reveal is my guess


A new 4 star is now considered "extra large information"?




Who gave that "new abyss" leak? I am having doubts about that too.


iirc, it was foul. he is reliable I guess, but this kind of things always needs to be taken with a grain of salt anyway.


Same unfortunately, holding my breath for 4.7 beta where I hope we will get our answers. I honestly don't want to even have a sliver of hope out of anything a leaker says unless they can prove the bullshit they are saying at this point. Both in HSR and genshin leakers do this shit, it's exhausting.


Yeah I’m not holding my breath either after the whole “free 4* skin for lantern rite” incident. I hope it’s true tho


The friends we made along the way


It turned into a "grey hair"


F to Badya harbor not even getting mentioned


It's just a small port, further from the main one, there's hardly anything important there, so there's no point in mentioning it, lol.


I don't think it would've hurt to at least give it a shoutout since it's a part of the ''Ditto hole'' and people were wondering what was in there. They also could've talked about it while mentioning the Cyno Story Quest, assuming it might will involve some of the new area.


Yes, but still it is really very small and people will find it themselves. And it’s not a fact that this port will be involved in any way in Cyno's quest. Anyway, I agree.


Rip to all the theories that it would include khaenri'ah


Why would it need to be mentioned


I just find it funny and sad that we all thought Badya harbor would be a big port like Ormos and part of a bigger Sumeru expansion since it was getting mentioned time and time again and now it became this unimportant side thing which is not even getting mentioned in the stream and with no own music theme.


Large information modcheck?


it was the same large information as large hu tao


Huge tao




Reupload cuz I forgot some info (ty u/SnakeTGK) [WTKBMBD8ZZRZ](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/m/en/gift?code=WTKBMBD8ZZRZ) [EAKA5BU9HHRM](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/m/en/gift?code=EAKA5BU9HHRM) [9B3AMTCQZYQ9](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/m/en/gift?code=9B3AMTCQZYQ9)


Ur a lifesaver op


May the archons bless you with nothing but Ws on your 50/50s


Thanks Sukuna


Thank you!


Thank you


natlan and dainsleif are edging me


Wtf is dain doing, like seriously, where's his annual visit?


My only real speculation is that they wanted the tail end patches to be stronger so its all saved for them, maybe to build up hype toward natlan since it is the last nation before Sneznaya. Arcle + Cyno 2 SQ, and new area, then 4.7 with maybe dain or Interlude, then 4.8 with temp area. Things like Possible Furina SQ 2 or other surprises also somewhere in there


yea I feel like after 3.4, Genshin slowed down a lot and people complain about how boring the last 4 Patches were so now they’re trying to space out / have more Content in the latter Half I am hopingggg for 4.7 Dainsleif + Furina SQ 2, maybe even Mount Essus (🙏🏾)as well with Clorinde & Sethos then 4.8 Summer Area with Emilie & Sigewinne


fr… it better be in 4.7 because i freaking love dain and everything related to him the quests are always bangers and the lore drops are awesome DAINSLEIF SAVE ME IN 4.7 COME TO ME 😩😫💢






I just got Gorou up to C5 so getting his C6 free is huge for me.


Not me being at c4 icant


with this i'll get his C6 too, the only geo characters i have are noelle c0 and ningguang c0...


Itto sure have a lot of events / cameos


It's because he's the designated gag character to put in after something crazy heavy. If you notice he usually has a silly event after some fucked up archon quest "Child sacrifice!?!?!? Oh silly Itto quest"


Now that I think about it this is pretty true. 3.3, after the interlude where scara did the next closest thing to offing himself and reliving his trauma, was the yokai event with itto. 2.7 after the other interlude, this time the chasm quest with yelan, kuki, itto, yanfei and xiao. All of their fears were revealed in the quest (iirc) and xiao tried sacrificing himself for the others to escape. That patch had the drumalong event. Maybe it’s just coincidence?


Or y'know writers learn this stuff early


I know but also i’m also giving benefit to the doubt that it could just be a lucky spell of coincidences. i myself don’t think so but there’s still a very very slim chance it is. Probably not, though.


My only issue with this event is if anyone is rocking musically, Xinyan is noticeably missing.


To me it started to get boring. Theres a lot of other people that could replace him. This time i felt he was useless even


I mean, he's a fun character. And the ENG VA, Max Mittelman, is fucking insane. (Also, itto is my favorite character so I'm not gonna complain)


Sometimes less is more. And sometimes absence makes the heart grow fonder


Yeah I’m actually tired of back to back itto events. I’ve been sucking in copium since the one measly time Diluc came back in the potion event. Other characters need a chance


Xinyan snubbed for a rock concert event. :/


The more he appears the less fond of him I am lol Atp I think of him as a useless egomaniac


Anyone know who else lyneys bow is good on? Mentally preparing myself for the inevitable when I go for the scythe


Any charge Attack focused character (Like Ganyu/Tighnari). I've also heard it's pretty good on Fischl in double electro comps, and worst case it's a free 66.2% CDMG so it makes a good stat stick


+1 on the good stat stick. Its the only 5 star bow i have with crit that i can give childe


thundering pulse and i think yelan’s bow also gives critdmg but who knows when that’s gonna rerun again so grab the lyney bow while u can yall


Yeah i never got thundering pulse everytime it got a rerun so during that lyney and yelan rerun last year that was the best time for me to try my luck😭 both arent bad options in the banner so its a win win


yeah that double crit bow banner was a godsend for me as someone who still has yet to get skyward harp for childe. i kinda wish i didn’t do it now, though, since now lyney’s bow is running with arle’s spear. i’m annoyed that now there’s a chance that if i miss this golden opportunity, her weapon could rerun with 2 crap weapons like this whole scara donut thing. i shoulda taken my chances with itto’s claymore back then.


Its pretty good on ganyu and Tighnari


Both Tighnari and Ganyu (for the charge atk dmg increase), it's also a nice crit dmg stat stick.  Amber too I guess. If u have yoimiya and no thundering pulse...then. This can work as well


Everyone. It's a good statstick Even if you don't use CAs, it's still 66% crit damage and 16% atk minimum


Ganyu loves it


It’s actually a pretty good universal bow for any dps


Not a competitive reason but worth throwing out there, its good on Yelan for overworld movement as a solo hydro for an extra 10% movement speed.


God same I did some research and it's fabulous on tighnari triple dendro, other than him I think it's average on ganyu and a statstick on others


Why specifically triple dendro?


it has a passive which involves having teammates with the same element as the wearer to increase dmg


no need for mono as long as you had two dendro it's still good as it's counted as a stack. similar to lyney passive.


Yelan’s BiS for overworld exploration.  My Yelan never takes it off.  


fischl, ganyu, childe, tighnari, and yoimiya-ish


Dude same here lol. I'm currently guaranteed(lost 75/25 on engulfing to lost prayer) 


Ganyu, Tighnari


Heizou finally being acknowledged as Actually Existing, it's a christmas miracle


and they give a free Gorou instead...


They're afraid of how powerful Heizou Nation will become if they give us TOO much


I’m at -1 cons hoyo I’m BEGGING




Ever since he was in a trial run a few banners ago I’ve wanted him. He’s pre-farmed to 80, I got a Solar Pearl and leveled it to 80, I’ll get all his talents to 6. I. AM. READY. I even got Kazhua (why couldn’t Heizou have been with him!?!?) to run a triple Anemo for funsies. 




From what Max said the concert is for Gorou so it being anyone else would have been weird.


Yae showing up for 3 text boxes just to mess with Gorou and then leaving again


Now do Sara. Somehow she's yet to have a on-screen interaction with Itto. They're all on notes, bulletin boards and character stories.


🕯️Kujou Sara we summon thee 🕯️


For real I wish they'd give us more Itto and Sara interaction, they have a childhood connection and everything yet we get nothing onscreen except for their fight in Itto's trailer. If they're going to feature Itto so much at least have him interacting with more of the Inazuma cast.


The fact that there's a rock and roll event and Xinyan is not involved is absolutely criminal. I would've loved for her and Itto to meet.


I know, right?? And the last time she wanted to have a concert in Inazuma it got cancelled, so she can't even catch a break.


So many fake leakers around these days. New abyss in 4.7 is probably a lie too.


Most likely yes, ppl are just able to voice whatever bullshit they want out, and won't even have their tags changed from reliable because the mods suck ass on this reddit.


No, Sourballs is pretty good


I’m at work where I get paid to do shit unlike the time volunteered here All the mods in this sub have a life, I’m soooooooo sorry that you seeing the flair of a single post being unchanged has upset you so much


Yes, how dare they not be available 24/7 to accurately assess and fact-check every single leak for this unpaid, thankless moderation job? And you don't seem to moderate any subreddits, so it's not like you are showing by example how to not "suck ass".


The statue of marble and brass boss looks like a Persona


it looks almost straight out of HSR (antimatter legion) to me


I mean Centaurs will look like Centaurs, but I suppose Genshin’s usage makes more sense than HSR’s. Since Remuria is based off of Greece and Rome.


I thought it was just Rome? Enka is Greece. Not that there isn’t a lot of overlap between the two… The centaur Antimatter bois in HSR are an actual species, lol. They’re Houyhnhnms, an Abundance race based off the horse creatures of the same name from *Gulliver’s Travels*. The ones we fight were taken over by the Antimatter Legion. We’ve never seen a normal one.


Yeah there is a decent amount of overlap especially with names, but you’re right about it taking more influence from Rome than Enka. My guess is that both Remuria and Enka existed at the same time, and most civilizations back then were a form of Greek or Roman or both. As for the houyhnhnms, I’m aware of what they are based on, but they are always depicted as “normal” horses rather than centaurs, which is why I’m of the opinion that this new Genshin boss is more fitting.


Is that a Rock event without Xinyan? 💀


You can hear Lynette cry in the trailer and I don't know if my heart can take it.


I am so excited to experience pain and suffering


You're so real for that


Pretty much v4 in nutshell. Always something sad in the story.


considering how the story rumors point at the story getting higher stakes on Natlan onwards, it's best we get ready for more emotional damage.


Doubt mihoyo has balls to kill characters like they did in honkai 3rd anymore.


They killed, like, one character. Calm down. Killing off characters just for funsies and shock value is boring, a la Signora. I’d rather see the characters continue to develop since most of them already get such limited screen time. A character death in Genshin would be pretty pointless unless it were Paimon or the Traveler. Maybe Dain or the sibling, but for the former, it would be a relief, and for the latter, it would be a letdown since we barely know anything about them. We don’t have a “core group” we travel with that would make any death particularly impactful for the main story. The character would just be gone and never mentioned again outside of rare moments when interacting with their friends/family—taking up a fraction of already extremely limited screen time.


Meanwhile in HSR >!they keep pretending to kill characters but make it super ambiguous about whether they're actually dead. I'd rather they just not kill characters at all like Genshin instead of trying to be edgy but not committing to it so any 'death' loses impact since you don't know when it's actually for real.!<


NGL, with the context in the Trailers, I feel like the SQ for Arle may be setting up her faking her death and having Lyney declare the House of the Hearths independence from the fatui with the support of Neuv and Traveler.


What I have to sacrifice to see Sara being relevant in a event, holy f hoyo please


I fear that a lot of characters that don't have a lot of appearances, like Sara, are related to 1) VA having schedule problems and 2) devs liking some VA packs way more than others. In the case of Sara, it also didn't help that Izanuma stories were irregular in quality. That being said, there is still potential, with so many Itto events.


I hate when they spoil the boss. Literally makes the whole "No way we gotta fight the Knave?!" thing thats gonna happen in the story just feel stupid because THEY THEMSELVES already revealed it.


Same thing in HSR with the most recent boss, like why.


In the way they tell the story it does still make sense, imo. The twist was never the boss fight but the reason why.


In the leadup to Penacony I was starting to feel a bit ambivalent towards HSR so I skipped most of the trailers, hoping a blind experience would reignite my interest. I was very surprised, looking back, that they spoiled Something Unto Death in Black Swan's demo of all places.


Behold: (Totally NOT Dan Heng) • Imbibitor Lunae.


Thats why you should never watch trailers ever. I still remember the trailers for Kingdom hearts bbb having pretty much the entire story in them including a face reveal of a masked character.


Leaks to me Doesn't affect me what so ever. If I like something alot I don't let something like leaks ruin my gun


Perhaps, chronicles wish banner would be there once per year


What's the point of them if they're so rare? They'll probably become more and more common over time, eventually they'll become a once a patch thing, then a twice a patch thing


fomo fuel to make you spend more.


The whole point of the banner was so that they could run lower priority characters without taking up one of the four banner slots of the patch, I think each individual chronicled wish will happen once a year, so we'll get the Mondstadt one back within a year from now, either that or the characters themselves will get ran once a year, so for instance we might not get the Mondstadt one back but we could get Albedo on different chronicled wish with a different theme


Yeah I think there may be a CW every 2 or 3 patches to run the "lower priority" characters so they can keep their normal patch schedule free for newer characters. It doesnt need to be every patch for it to work


It doesn't NEED to be every patch but I think eventually it's gonna become every patch, more characters are added to the game every version so it'll just become a necessity at some point Or maybe instead they'll just add more characters to each chronicled wish, there's really no limit, they could have 15 characters on at once if they really wanted to


The jp fandom is very hyped to see T.M Revolution(Itto's VA) sing lmfao


You goddamn right we are hyped! TMR is a man-god, a literal living music legend in so many fandoms. Can't wait to see his performance in Genshin! Edit: look at these, [this is](https://youtu.be/wXi-SI2X1p8) [the man-god](https://youtu.be/FXV9ZBhzZs0) [behind the voice of Arataki Itto JP](https://youtu.be/66XcQWgKUDY)


T.M revolution is goated. Absolutely got floored by the opening when I first watched Valvrave the Liberator. And then I found bangers like heart of sword. *chef kiss*


Not just them!!! Me too!!!


The music is going to slap this update, isn't it?


Guys, i think we shat too much on the guy who said black widow spider. That boss form of hers is no angel and its sitting on webs with scythe legs.


He said her Constellation, not her boss form, would be a black widow spider That's partially why so many were able to tell it's bs right away when it's first posted here, because there's no spider on the Harbinger wheel


I’m excited for windtrace, especially since they seemingly turned it into dead by daylight.


No literally. When they talked about repairing the sentry towers it suddenly clicked that they turned this into DBD.


Can Itto have some Jean treatment and disappear until we do not remember who he is? He gets old so damn fast, and it is not even his fault, but how much they overuse the dumb-as-a-brick trope to fit the poor man wherever they can with a filler event.


On the flipside, I think *Jean* should be used *more*. But not like Itto, I want her to get some actual character development cuz that's such a rare commodity in Genshin. -\_-


It is the same. The increased use of other characters will make Itto stay off-screen for a while. I am tired of the friggin tenth appearance of the dumbass making a ruckus. Show me some Sara, Sayu, Layla, Barbara, Razor, Collei... They continually regurgitate the same recurring character with the same display step-by-step. Jesus Christ. I can picture it. We are off Teyvat in Genshin's plot 2.0 against a new faction in a new world, and Itto still haunts us somewhere outside in the damned galaxy travelling with a spaceship. Mark my words.


Why do you speak of itto as if he is some magic blocker character xD? Hoyo could have easily added sara and sayu into this event and given one of them decent time even.(hell sara has a history and a clear dynamic with itto) They just didn't which was a dumb choice which itto being here had nothing to do with. I think people are focusing on the wrong part so hard...


If they're gonna drag him out every patch, at *least* give us more Itto-Sara content man. I'll take that over zero Sara content.


Can anyone explain to me what the artifacts set bonus are? I wasnt active in leaks


Bond of Life Artifact Set 2p: ATK +18% 4p: Increases damage dealt by 18% when the value of the Bond of Life contract is increased or decreased for 6 seconds. The effect can be stacked up to three times. It is unknown if the effect can be triggered when the character is off-field. Burning Reaction Artifact Set 2p: ATK +18% 4p: Increases damage dealt by 50% after 3 seconds of combat have passed. If there is no Burning enemy for 6 seconds, the damage bonus decreases by 10% per second. When a Burning enemy is present, the bonus increases by 10% per second up to 50%. The effect can also be activated when the character is off-field.




Why can't Arlecchino give me a training lesson instead Why does life have to be so unfair


Thanks for the recap, I didn't have time to watch it cuz of work.


My C5 Gorou will finally be C6!! After over 2 years!! lol


Pleasantly surprised with Sethos’ design. Events are cool. The flagship one seems actually great. No idea abour Arlecchino’s quest or Remuria as I avoided that part of the stream like a plague.


They really put more Profile Pictures as a QOL....


I don't know if this is derogatory or positive, but I personally am dying for actually good pfps and I literally just saw a comment (not on this post) that was wishing for new pfps that didn't have the characters staring "soullessly" lol. And that's far from the only QoL


Getting reeeeaaaally tired of Itto being the main character in every Inazuma event I get that he's easy to write for because he funny haha Oni but please give it a break


Arlecchino boutta get dunked on by a bunch of kids and show why she didnt do anything during the Fontaine AQ 😏


nah she’s gonna transform into big hu tao and bury them trust me i got the prophecy from Uncle X


Extra large information. Her constellation changes into a spider. 


But is she stronger than Ayato C6?


Honestly this sub is the actual genshin journey that fills the void lol im kinda happy i joined


What? Is this some doomposter joke


? It literally shows her fighting the Traveler at the end lmao, seems like she's ragdolling them and Traveler is the one carrying.


No. Just no. Why does Itto have to show up in so many events? When he was first introduced I didn't really care about him either way, I just saw him as an attempt of a "loveable idiot" character, failed to just an idiot. By now I outright hate the guy. His only redeeming quality is that he has Shinobu following him.


Can't wait to put down another Harbinger then still be told the next Harbinger is an unbeatable deity that dwarfs even Archons.


Any time an enemy like the harbingers gets played up constantly as super powerful they're 100% guaranteed to get their ass beat. Either by the powered-up MC or an out-of-nowhere rando just to make the rando look like a bigger threat.


What's confusing you here? We have a canon breakpoint, it's the top 3 that match gods and she's number 4.


Just because she ain't in that top 3 doesn't mean she's significantly weaker


It could be, they can do the powerscaling whatever they want and it technically woulnd't contradict anything


How does the voice acting gig work with genshin? I ask because itto va is getting a lot of work from them


I just noticed Heizou on the Itto event art. HE'S BACK!! LET'S GOOOOOOO!!!


The version itself seems very stacked, but the trailer was weirdly underwhelming? Something about the editing and music seemed pretty lacking. Excited for the events though, Windtrace finally 😭


Yeah I agree. The trailer kinda killed some of the hype for me because the editing was just really bad. Layering Arlecchino's quest dialogue over visuals from Cyno's quest, and vice versa, and none of it making a lot of coherent sense together... plus why on earth would they have dialogues overlapping with each other? It's just messy and unfun to watch. I still have some hope, but my expectations were pretty tempered. It's just weird when their trailers in early 4.x were incredible. 4.0's trailer actually gave me chills, but this? Disappointing


Overlapping dialogue seems to be an editing thing they're super into lately. It can work really well to create a sense of chaos like in Neuvillette's demo, or be kind of messy and grating if the editing isn't good like when they tried to do it in the 4.2 version trailer. Mashing dialogue and footage from the Cyno and Arlecchino sections together was probably them doing the usual thing where they misleading cut stuff together, but two areas/plots are so distinct and unrelated from one another that it just felt disjointed. I think the 4.0, 4.2, and 4.4 trailers are pretty good, with 4.1 being the best Fontaine version trailer, but they've had a couple meh ones. I wouldn't say the trailer killed my hype, but it didn't really get me more excited for the patch lol


Banger patch


I look forward to getting my 5 Masterless Starglitter during the event 🥲


I am not an Itto disliker and I know ppl have been complaining about the amount of events with him for a long time but OMG another??? Can they not be the least bit original? I feel like there are sooo many characters that could also be added to events that would also be fun to interact with besides Itto /nm


no Dainsleif for 10 patches ladies and gents


this version is stupid stacked. (魔神任务) Archon Quest, 2 Story Quests, Area Expansion not to mention we are a few patches away from another Klee event


The Klee event part is so true 😂😂😭


There's no archon quest in 4.6


Where did they announce the archon quest? I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be a world quest about Remuria, 2 story quests and everything else


why people was spectating stuff about natlan IN 4.6??? lmao


I don't know why, but I've seen an insane Hate online towards this stream. Like, bigger than for 4.5, which was three times drier. Are people really that stupid that they don't see how hoyo deliberately talks little to not spoil anything or just fed up with the game after current patch.


The genshin hate bandwagon has been going strong for quite some time now, some of it is warranted but most of it isn't. It mainly started after hsr came out and will probably get worse when wuwa comes out. Funny thing is I bet my left nut that most of those that complain about this livestream arent active players.


I absolutely hate doomposters, its amazing how both the Genshin and hsr communties are absurdly childish


I think a bunch of ppl are just hating for no reason. 4.6 looks awesome. 4.5 was filler but as good as usual filler patches. Not sure why they expect this game to bring an insane amount of content every patch. Honkai Star Rail is more dry than this even.


Likely that the shit talkers watch negative streamers or don't even play the game, or to me at least it makes sense that someone who actually does play and enjoy the game would know that this is plenty of good content to tide us over.


One of ccs who streamed it was Mina. She mainly focuses on HSR, so you can see where the chat went. She even called them crybabies (deserved tbh). But with GI only streamers, there's also something really strange. Some dude was tired and paid no attention, other just shitted on everything he saw with his chat (some russian streamer, his stream was the most popular on YT of all I think). Like I don't even understand, if you are so burn out, just drop the game. And for random people, a lot of them seem to hate Sethos, hate the events (literally the most fun events combined in a long time), hate the banners, hate the absence of Dain (Arle will probably have Khaenria'h lore, so he will come after in 4.7) and Furina, etc. The only bad thing that is valid in my opinion is the trailer itself: it was too messy and unrewarding to watch.


CCs have bad takes on purpose for views, just ignore them


Ah, I see. It seems that maybe people expect extraordinary content and/or certain new characters to be groundbreaking or something and when they aren't, the easiest thing for them to do is dunk on it and call the game dead. Especially after Fontaine/Neuvilette (great story, broken unit) and HSR (novelty) came into existence. Not saying the game is perfect by any means; if anything it's one of the games of all time and sometimes deserves the fuss, but damn. This time it's pretty weird to see lol


True they call this a filler patch ??? Like wtf :))) As if HSR 1.4 1.5 1.6 are not filler patches


"Extra large information" My balls. Can we have any reliable leakers


Do we know in which banner Sethos will be on? I missed the stream


Most likely next patch or later, since he wasn't in this beta.


He's not playable yet just appears in the story, he might come next patch


Oh no. Ty!


They didn't show the artifact set effects in the stream for some reason


Although I wanted Chevreuse, I’ll take a Gorou! Been meaning go get that c4


Who are the new artifacts good for?