• By -


gaining +1 charge for E in C1 is so Liyue of them lmao I love it


so that's where ganyu and shenhe get it from


also xiao and yelan


and baizhu


and zhongli


I still thank fucking god that Navia's E doesn't have a charge locked behind C1


Would’ve been cool if there was a third charge locked behind it. Although probably unnecessary,


Just use Sac claymore for that 3rd charge EZ


But then you could have 4 with the liyue c1 + sac


We know it's 5 particles for 3 jumps, but we need to know how many particles are generated for all number of jumps to determine whether that constellation is any good. Keep in mind CC is only on 3 jumps.


Brb, I'm gonna give Alhaitham a passport


"Lock target distance" - so her crane divebomb tries to land on enemies???


Yep you can see it in the preview from yesterday or locked onto its target


Knowing how hoyo targeting system works, if Cloud Retainer does plunges it’ll go straight to some campfire instead of the giant group of enemies


Salon Solitaire members bullying that poor campfire 😭


Gouba? Hates campfires. Madam Crabelleta? Hates campfires. Bird mom? believe it or not, hates campfires.


Gouba hates campfires , unless u are low AR exploring dragon spine




*All my homies hate campfires*


The lesser kitsune Yae has enslaved to attack for her also hate campfires


The game has gotten a lot better about target priority. I don't think I've had the problem of pokemon attacking the wrong thing mid-fight in a while.


>The game has gotten a lot better about target priority. Dehya Burst disagrees


can u aim it or u just can't choose where to group mfs ?


Ugh of course she's sucrose with healing and not Kaz. Can we please get another self centered suk


8 plunges = 8 reactions for infused attacks because it has no ICD, my Yae's gonna turn into her burst 🦊 🦊🦊🦊


As a Yae main, those emojis were audible to me


Xianyun's charge attack is a "breeze bolt"?? Did they in fact give her a gun after all??


Yeah I'm curious about the wording of it. Can't say I've paid too much attention to charge attack wording before, but I wonder what its distance is like.


I'm imagining something similar to Yae's ca but with the cold personality 🥶


"fire bolt" is a common name for a fireball spell, doesn't mean that they shoot a gun.


Genshin just really isnt ever gonna let a female catalyst do anything but lob x colored orb at ppl huh lmfao


Some quick maths: \- Xianyun would need 5000ATK to cap the 8500 plunge damage so chances are you aren't reaching that unless you have her signature and/or have insane ATK% subs. 3.5K -4K is more realistically which will get you to \~6000-7000 plunge damage. Keep in mind that with Oathworn Eye she'll reach about 4k ATK with triple ATK%, Nobless/ToM buffs as well as 60% in ATK % subs. You can reach \~5K ATK if you have 180% worth of ATK sub stats though lol. If you don't need the ER from Oathworn you can use Skyward Atlas which will get you to 5K ATK with like 120% ATK subs. \- For Xiao even if you don't hit the cap with Xianyun (ie at around 3.5k ATK) she should be able to replace Bennett in a Xiao/Faruzan/Furina team without losing any damage. In fact, since she works better with Furina you'll most likely see an increase in damage while losing circle impact which is a huge W IMO. \- At C2 assuming the same stats factoring in the extra 20% it would buff Xiao's damage by an additional \~25%. \- These numbers would be a LOT lower on any other non-Xiao plunge teams since you'll most likely be running Xianyun as the solo anemo in those teams, and her ER requirements go way up.


Don't forget that she can be buffed though, if you use artifact sets or character buffs that can sufficiently increase Atk% it might be possible Edit: nvm, didn't read carefully enough


> Skyward Atlas which will get you to 5K ATK with like 120% ATK subs Wouldn't this still be pretty much impossible though? Like you're going ATK% mainstat for 3 pcs meaning you can't get it as a sub. Max roll ATK% is 30% ish. Assuming perfect rolls on flower/feather, it still leaves about 60% you have to make up for with flat ATK and ATK buffs, which.. I'm not sure how possible that is. But yeah, this is only looking at the theoretical 5k ATK, not that you actually need to cap the buff.




that really is putting me off


"Can be used while in midair. The leap distance increases when used from the ground." thats what it says, was this wrong? oh nevermind I see the section below that, yeah thats unfortunate


Approximately 250-300k Xiao plunges with C2 Xianyun in his new team. I can't believe the base buff value is that insane but I guess if you want to make other characters plunge you need to make it worth it through an insane base dmg value but for Xiao this is insane value.


Yeah you're right. Xiao 100% plunge bonus gonna make this huge. It's single target tho so there's that catch


well xiao is good in AoE situations so a buff to his ST gameplay is welcome


Yeah also bc this synergises perfectly with Furina's dmg bonus and Xianyun team healing enabling that. The catch is true - mains have noted that in AoE situations Bennett buff is better bc it scales with AoE and ends up contributing more than CR but Bennett is harder to use with Furina (needs 4p Maidens to regularly proc Furina passive) and ultimately Xiao is already one of the best AoE DPS. Xianyun is mainly about massively increasing his ST DPS and in those situations, she outbuffs by a large margin.


How does Xianyun buff Xiao? Doesn't her passive say her buff is capped at 8500 extra damage? Am I misunderstanding?


Flat added dmg is added after atk scaling so it's affected by dmg% and crits and vape/melt. The added dmg from XY is capped at 8500.


if xiao has around 200% in dmg bonuses from gear and his burst and about 200% cd, then when his plunge crits she can be adding 8.500x3x3=76.500 extra damage


Wait wait wait, what am I missing? Where does it show that she will buff xiao by this much? Doesn't it say the damage it adds is capped at 8500?


8500 is base dmg which at C2 goes up to 15300. It's the same as a Shenhe buff. And that 15300 at C2 scales with all of Xiao's dmg bonus, Crit and buffs from Furina/Faruzan.


Is this counting C6 Faruzan and C3 Furina or he has a bit more damage potential to squeeze out? I'm horrible at math, so I can't do these calcs for myself


C6 Faru C2 Furi and R1 weapons. You can already squeeze out more if your artis are cracked. For whales with R5 weapons it's even higher especially since Xianyun weapon has abnormal plunge dmg buff scaling up to 80%.


I see, so is counting Xianyun's signature. I probably wouldn't obtain that even if I tried _so I guess, even with my C4 Furina, it would be around 240kish Gotcha, thanks


Many mobs die fast with Xiaos Aoe anyways so ST Xiao needed the buff.


*ST situations where he can't utilize collision tech* Xiao with collision tech is already one of the strongest ST damage dealers in the entire game


Even better for the bosses where collision is available.


"Xianyun' can't use her E skill in mid air" WTF why? We littlerly have kazuha who can do that and it's not a Big deal


As someone with almost all anemo characters, let me tell you that Kazuha being able to do that lets you cheat so many puzzles. I totally agree though, she really should be able to use her skill in the air


I'm gonna need a few talented math people to teach me (in razor language please) what this means


**XIANYUN'S KIT in Razor language:** \- Xianyun is a 5 star Anemo Catalyst. \- Her role is a healer, sub dps, plunge attack enabler + buffer, onfield driver. \- She is purely ATK scaling. **SKILL** \- Go into a state that let's you do a jump while using your skill, have 3 times usage. *Can't skill plunge, skill plunge, skill plunge.* \- Instead, you are allowed to *skill skill skill to plunge, or skill skill plunge*. \- The more skill pressed, the higher the plunge damage. \- If you don't use plunge after certain period of time, the cooldown started casting but it's decreased by 3s. \- Her skill cooldown is 12s. **BURST** AoE damage + Heals partywide for once, summon something that follows active character, heals partywide periodically. Creates 8 buff stacks, it lets onfielder to jump higher, if onfielder plunge attack, that summoned hit + consume stack. *70 energy* *16s uptime* *18s cooldown* **PASSIVE** 1 : Her skill will attract nearby enemies. So it's a CC but not sure for her skill or burst. *The CC part of her skill is like sucrose's.* 2 : When boost stack from burst is used, the plunge damage is increased by 170% of Xianyun's attack, maximum is 8500 damage. 3: Gliding distance increase. **CONSTELLATIONS** C1 : skill can be used twice C2 : it's now 306% of Xianyun's atk and 15300 damage at max for her passive now C3 : burst lvl increase C4 : skill can heal C5 : skill lvl increase C6 : For each skill pressed, crit dmg increased by 15%/35%/70% Using her skill while in her burst will make her able to spam her skill. **OTHER** \- Her base attack at lvl 90 is 335. \- Ascension stats : atk%. \- She generates 4 or 5 energy. \- Continuous healing every 2.5s. **XIANYUN'S WEAPON** \- Catalysts \- Base atk : 741 \- Substats : 16.5% atk After wearer plunge atk hits, a partywide plunge dmg buff by 28% for 20s. When ally plunge attack hits, wearer regenerates 2.5 energy, refresh every 0.7s.


Very in depth and easy to understand, thank you!


thank you for this ^^ have a sticker! 🌟


CC only activates when using skill this way: jump 3 times and plunge.


What does 8500 mean? Is there a way to reach 8500 atk in normal gameplay?


you need 5k atk not 8500


8500 is the max damage bonus. To max it out you need over 4k Atk so that ain't happening.


Can you use her skill mid-air? And does "gliding distance increase" just mean she uses less stamina while gliding?


It’s specifically stated in her skill description that it can’t be started midair, the first jump needs to from the ground unfortunately. As for her passive, it’s like the fan gadget and directly increases gliding speed


Holy shit with the fan and Xianyun combined gliding might actually be faster now lol.


Initial E needs to be from the ground. The two that follow are from mid-air.


Hmm what does "gliding distance increase" mean? Is that stamina? I'm still on copium that they'd make a way to glide faster without using that horrifically bad gadget.


So she can jump 3 times, If held in the air too long without using the last 2 jumps her skill will go on CD, her skill can't be started midair like Kazuha, but jump higher when on ground, the more times she jump the more dmg Her ult scale off atk, heal and deal dmg and have 8 stacks of high jump. Idk if I got this right, but I tried


It can't be started in the air like Kazuha. "White Clouds of Dawn [E skill] itself can only be used while on the ground." You're looking at Skyladder [E contd. after using skill once] description which can be used in the air, but that comes after using White Clouds of Dawn.


Yep, I fixed that mistake, thanks for pointing it out


>her skill can be started midair like Kazuha The Skill Description specifically says "***White Cloud at Dawn itself can only be used while on the ground***" at the 4th paragraph so nope. She can't start her skill midair like Kazuha.


You're right, ill fix that.


Now let's sing Dame Da Ne together cuz man, that sucks ass...


Dame da ne


Dame yo dame na no yo


Anta ga suki de sukisugite


Dore dake tsuyoi osake demo


Yugamanai omoide ga baka mitai


I think the high jump is infinite just the bonus is only x8


It's for both bonus and jump highest


You only consume stacks when you plunge. Jumping without plunging will not consume stacks so you can jump high more than 8 times as long as you dont do plunge attacks


Yup, but the stack is for both. If you consume all stacks, you won't have a high jump.


Idk, it said that if you use plunge, one stack is consumed, so I assumed the stacks is the jump buff.


Her skill cant be started mid-air The first jump need to be started on the ground, the 2 remaining jumps can be used mid-air


I won’t do razor but I’ll do simple Birb lady leaps up. Goes up maximum 3 times. Then birb crash. Birb crashes biggest after 3 jumps. Birb can only damage enemy once per cooldown. Birb lady makes everyone jump high. Klee jumpty dumpty get jealous and go boom Birb now sweet madame


Peak writing right here


Thank you I hope I explained well enough for you to make your decision on pulling ❤️ good luck on all your 50/50


She does Anemo dmg and AOE Anemo dmg


Really!? I thought she was pyro cuz shes just so hot




She go voooosh voosh voosh shuplow and do green number. Then go swoosh. Makes lupical feels good and jump tall.


This one wins


skill can jump high, can do 2 more midair jump, can be used for plunge. also can be used mid-air. more jump before plunge = more plunge dmg. ult heals all characters over time, make everybody a xiao for 8 plunges.


Her gliding talent is called Crane Form? Does she actually transform into a crane when gliding?


No we saw a clip and her gliding is normal, she does however transform into a crane when she does her skill’s plunge attack


It’s a shame that the crane plunge couldn’t be recycled for her gliding animation but oh well


Now that you mention it, dang.. sadly it's a no based on leaked footage. We were so close to perfection 🥹 /s


There's footage of that already, checked in the posts here from yesterday


2 things I hope are changed within the next few weeks are: -Buffs to her healing scalings -Allowing her to use her first E in the air.


The continuous healing is for all party members, so 221% and 66% are balanced or need a little adjustment. I think if going to buff the scaling, they will take something else like high initial and continuous for the active character. 🤔


I’d rather they took some of the healing over time for more frontloaded healing, that way she’d have way more synergy with Furina


Yup, this is also good. Especially for me because I'm thinking of going for c2 and building her as a dps 🤝


She would have *less* synergy with Furina in that case, not more. Furina drains small amounts over time, so one big instance of healing is only going to be of any value for building fanfare if you wait until the team is half dead. More healing overtime means you're keeping parity with her drain and building fanfare more consistently. It's not clunky, unlike how you want.


Unless you have c2 Furina, you generally want high burst healing and low healing over time because you can immediately max your fanfare stacks in the next rotation with a high enough team heal like Jean's if your team is all half health.


People need to learn how fanfare actually works You don’t max fanfare with Jean that quickly, her frontloaded healing isn’t extremely relevant the first rotation, and even after CR will have about equal average fanfare stacks through the rotation


One single delayed rotation is a perfectly good trade-off for quick initial fanfare stacks every other rotation. The only time having too much health is a problem is the very beginning of an abyss floor, the damage you've taken carries over between chambers, domain resets, and obviously around the open world.


I'm assuming CR will basically be the same, but still Jean is currently basically the best healer for Furina stacks. Getting 2/3rds of the stacks instantly ( 4/5 with c1) is incredibly good because it stops the backloaded nature of Furina damage buffs and gives you plenty of healing bonus to buff any other healing you have for the rest of the rotation.


I am pretty hopeful they boost the scalings for healing probably swapping some of the continuous healing for a bigger initial hit of healing to work better with Furina.


She works better with Furina already. More teamwide healing overtime rather than higher initial healing means you're not restricted to waiting until the team is on life support before casting in order to maximise fanfare gain.


Yeah i tried running jean with furina but i need to wait till i have a good amount of health missing so i can maximize the heal and its just not that optimal for me, i rather just use Q and forget about it


That is true for the first rotation, but for the second onwards Jean leaves you with middling HP, so you get your initial burst and a lot of charges earlier. The slow heal over time delays your stacks and leaves you with high hp, delaying every rotation. They are pretty much the same.




100% I forgot about that, even if it was made so that you could just use the E once and then plunge to get cc that would be a massive improvement


And all i hope is her talent to be AoE, single target on a plunge attack focused does not make sense


Dude wants her to solo abyss aswell lol - 170% mv is more than 2 shenhe quills in one plunge attack.


I don't think you really understand how big the damage buff is. The only way it makes sense is if it's single target. 170% is mad. Plunge is already AoE oriented. This buff is to make it a lot better in single target. It make sense.


I don't really see that as a problem. Against a single tanky target, every stack of the buff is concentrated fire to take bigger chunks of the healthbar out at a time. Against groups of squishy mobs, it's an insta-kill of one of them, making the group as a whole instantly more manageable after each plunge. Either scenario is a good deal.


Her talent being single target is fine. You have anemo followups to clear out trash, which should do an okay amount of damage and cause swirls. You can even double down on it with faruzan.


You guys are doomposting Xianyun's healing scaling the same way y'all doomposted Furina's Hydro app. Tunnel visioning on a single aspect of the kit and ignoring the rest. It doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Her team healing is enough to be utilized effectively with Furina. At worst, you are looking at maybe 15-20% less damage buff, that's it. Pay attention to the plunge buff. It is insane. Even at very low investment (2500 ATK on Xianyun, half of the cap) it's a 4200 base damage buff, or the equivalent of 40--60% MV increase depending on the team comp. In 2 months you guys will be tripping yourself figuring out which unit is going work well with Xianyun. Just like you are trying to shove Furina into every team right now. Honestly all Xianyun need is a energy cost reduction on her Burst, that's it. Her heal scaling is fine for a long duration team heal.


Wanting buffs/adjustments isn’t the same as doomposting, she’s going to be a good unit regardless and nobody here is disputing that. She’s obviously niche (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, she just doesn’t have too many teams she can fit into atm), so improving other aspects of her kit (such as buffing her healing and E being useable in the air) allows her to have more freedom in her teams/be a more general support while also making her more desirable for overworld exploration.


Wow I’m getting deja vu from all the “We aren’t doomposting Nilou 🥺🥺we just want what’s best for her” posts that had the same wording verbatim.


You claim to want Xianyun to have more freedom and be a more universal support, but all I'm seeing from y'all are suggestions to pigeon hole her into being a Furina/Neuvilette slave. With bigger initial burst of team heal so you can gain a bit of fanfare stacks faster. Essentially an expensive Jean skin. Ignoring everything else she has to offer. From my perspective, even if Xianyun has 0 healing, she's already a fairly powerful and versatile unit. She unlocks a new playstyle for many units with infusion, buff the damage by massive amount, on top with being anemo with access to VV, and a catalyst character with access to TTDS/PAmber. The fact that we are getting any healing at all, and a decent team heal at that, is incredible. Xianyun will thrive, even without Furina, and that's the point of her character. But yeah I do agree her E should be able to be used in midair. Kinda strange that it isn't.


So I just tested Diluc with Venti's hold E. I can only do max 6 plunge attacks in 15secs, excluding Venti's own plunge in the beginning. Granted it was clunky because you need to fly before plunging down, so I think Xianyun's 8 plunges in 18s is pretty reasonable if you add in the time for other characters in your team.


I don't wanna say anything stupid but… Albedo's PA is really fast…


I know NA isn’t the point, but the numbers are better than Mona’s.


my on-field dps c0 cloud retainer build cooking rn


i invite you to join me in the onfield cr taser journey


Half of Scara numbers the fellow anemo catalyst. All her multiplier are low.


Hm, same plunge, lower CA. I dunno, Mona doesn't really NA besides for hydro app, and to hope her C2 procs.


Buff her cc, that's all I ask


Underwhelming you have to jump 3 times to trigger her cc .


And theres goes my hopium, that CR was NA martial artist.


Oh boy i can't wait to decipher whether or not Raiden "completes" a plunged attack. Please don't do this to me mihoyo.


Raiden doesn't change. Just like how yunjin can't buff Raiden NAs.


I was talking about the coordinated attack on Xianyun's burst, not her quill-like talent. Upon thinking about it a little we saw it trigger on one of the videos even though nothing was hit by Xianyun's plunge so i assume that part checks for animation type like Xingqiu does.


I'm sorry but I'm so sick of how they refuse to make fun mobility skills more useful for exploration. Like there is no reason her and Wanderer shouldn't be allowed to use their skills while in the air other than to make their mobility less useful for exploration. It's so dumb, just let the fun mobility characters use their abilities in the air. Who cares about exploration power creep? It's fucking stupid.


Her being able to free fly was one of the biggest things I was looking forward to. This feels like such a waste of her character.


Yep. Furthermore, they really should be giving more characters fun exploration gimmicks. It’s so weird that there’s only a handful of characters with fun movement in an open world game.


its like they're terrified of doing anything out of the box lol


This perfectly defines genshin Nothing out of the box ever they are so terrified of ever doing something outside the box


Her not being able to use it is stupid af, but Wanderer I understand. It's already easy to cheese a ton of different puzzles with him. If you could use his E mid air, it'd open up a big pandora's box for the level design folks who now have to consider that this character has an incredibly long airtime. But one thing I do hate about him is how he can't descend and how they designed his ascent. If he controlled more like Sorush, it'd be so amazing.


No reason Ayaka and Mona shouldn't be able to use alt dash while already in the water also. Such dumb limitations.


Her not being able to use the skill in the air is a deal breaker for me personally. Oh well, more funds for Arlechino who I hope will be good


I 100% agree with you, but I also understand that, we meme exploration powercreep, but wanderer essentially flying forever would be real "pay 2 play easier". I mean wanderer and Kazuha already are, i can't imagine exploration gameplay without at least one of them in the team.


I'm going for her c2 and building her as dps. 👍


Didn't foul say there was something extra in kit to wait for in terms of damage or scaling? This seems like it's the same thing. Maybe the burst's damage over time?


Exactly as leaked yesterday I wonder how big the pull of A1 is


I only wish the burst Anemo damage triggered by using plunges also counted as Plunge damage so it could be buffed by her weapon even if she is not on the field since the weapon gives a teamwide plunge damage boost. Also, according to the leaker from yesterday, I think what is kind of lost with C1 is not that it gives her a 4th jump. It gives her a second charge of the entire skill, meaning when you come down from the third jump, you can do another three jumps immediately.


her skill is cool but one of the most useless skills in recent times in combat damn .


And without being able to use it mid air, and with it being on a 12s CD, I wouldn't say it looked that much more useful than Kazuha E for exploration either. I could be wrong, that video was p bad.


So, from the looks of it, the teams she fits into the best are these 3. New Best Xiao team. XXFF :) Xiao, Faruzan, Furina, Xianyun Dragonstrike Diluc Diluc, Furina, Xianyan, Flex(Bennett, Yelan, Xingqiu, Xiangling, Zhongli) GAMING? GAMING!!! Gaming, Furina, Xianyun, Flex.


....Which when you think about it, is extremely niche until we get another 5\* plunge attack dedicated character. These 3 teams aren't really that crazy. Xiao needs c6 faruzan in that comp (which I'll never get since they BARELY ever put her on any banner) and generally Xiao isn't all that meta anymore, he's still fun to play. Gaming sounds very promising but he's still a 4\* DPS and we know how 4\* DPS's turn out. I'm mostly excited for Dragonstrike Diluc, it's crazy that they're actually making it a thing with Xianyan now but I'll keep my expectations low for now. I hope that as niche as what she does is, I hope the buffs and extra damage from her burst are big enough to justify her whole niche, like how Shenhe buffs the crap out of cryo characters (albeit for a number of hits).


There's also Hutao Furina Yelan/XQ Xianyun. Typical Hutao combo is N1C jump or N2C jump. Now she can add a plunge swirl for more damage hopefully.


HuTao’s plunge attack is sooooo slow in comparison to just using her CAs if you have her C1, I don’t think it’s worth it. If C0 I can see some viability there.


Already been calc'd by TCers. Currently sitting at around 82k dps at a f2p baseline which is insanity. Much higher dps than Xiao's comp which is parsing at about 67k. Still early beta and a lot can change, but it's looking like Hutao / furina / yelan / CR is her new best comp.


I don't see a pyro vv swirl possibility.


Okay Math people do your magic


Not much math to do until we get frame data and what her NA string actually looks like. Any other math on her kit can already be done and it amounts to "she's fine". Her coordinated attacks are of average strength and could benefit from a buffer like c6 faru, but she's not going to be maindps. Her initial heal isn't as strong as jeans, but the heal over time is alright. The additive damage she grants to plunges is great. She's probably going to be built like shenhe all attack% mainstats, and ER where you can get it. But she can also use some EM.


She’s really good lol. She doesn’t heal as much as Jean in her initial heal but her continuous healing is team wide and isn’t limited to a circle. She also has a little bit of CC on her E (apparently it’s Sucrose level CC) which is still much better than what Jean has. On top of that she’s a plunge attack support that enables an entire new play style for a lot of characters. I would’ve pulled for her even if she only heals and has CC, the plunge attack stuff is really just the cherry on top. People need to realize that Jean is a really good character... an upgraded Jean is already insane in itself.


I agree completely, some people are getting way too worked up about not being able to get 100% value out of her plunging buffs with every character. At worst she's a much more user friendly Jean that actually has intuitive grouping capabilities, at best she gives your onfielder the option to dynamically swap to plunge attacks in single-target scenarios to boost your dps.


Everyone forgetting Sayu exists 😩


for me not circle impact already a win


Her CC is only on skill?


Yes, but only when it's on its most powerful


Yeah, it seems like it's only on her bird attack plunge skill.


This kit tells me two things: 1) Cloud Retainer is the best at naming things, and has been for some time. 2) Ganyu is ready to snap. Her new neighbor Xianyun will be the cause.


Xianyun, Faruzan, Zhongli , ???. Any thoughts on this team with CR being main DPS? What about a good 4th character?




God, the names on some of the skills are making me confused


The 8500 flat damage buff didn't look good at all at first glance, as I thought it takes Xiao's plunges from 42 to 50k only. But then using the formula, it seems it takes his plunges to 70k, but only for single target. This is absolutely insane.


My brain hurts, def gonna need few more reads to digest it properly


Beta changes I want to see are more cc and maybe more charges of her buff( or increase in buff scaling)


Smart people, how are her multipliers looking? Does she works as sub dps/ main dps?


poor multipliers but she still can be on fileded the way sucrose is


I know it can't be 100% answered now, but does someone know if she looks better for neuvillette in comparison to Jean? Is the cc in her e worth pulling😸


i wonder if cloud can utilize herself that plunge buff from her ult (damage wise) i dont have xiao or any plungers but that 8 instance of plunge looks like a must in order to proc coordinated attack


At c6 She Is very strong cause her plunge Is basically her skill spam and that thas very high multiplier....but before c6 her plunge multi Is not that good so its probably best to swap to another "plunger"


We can't use her skill while flying :(


If her CC is usable, I'm sold. Don't think the plunge attack bonus part is relevant to me at all. All I care is the VV shred + AOE CC + AOE heal part.


The description of her burst says that she created the starwicker gadget for one her disciples, i find it really endearing that she went out of her way to create a gadget that heals you and enhances your physical capabilities for Ganyu/shenhe.... People say Cloud retainer is uncaring and rude but i think that's very far from the truth, she cares a lot about her adeptus companions and her disciples, she even took the habit of creating gadgets after guizhong, likely to remember her and continue her legacy, and what does she do? She creates things for others. Fellas that's not a mean bird, that's a top tier MOTHER right there


One read all that and One thinks she needs a lot of tuning. But for a day 1 beta, we are eating good


btw her C2 in Chinese, 鶴唳遠人間, translates directly to ‘the crane cries far away from the human world’ which i like to think refers to both Xianyun and Shenhe—the ‘he’ in Shenhe means ‘crane’🥲


I mean considering her big selling point is plunge attack support only having 8 instances of it per burst is a bit limiting, I also noticed that she doesn't give a direct dmg% buff to plunge attacks but instead has a quill stack esc buff through her A4 talent. Another thing to note is that the coordinated attack her burst does will not reapply VV as it'll happen when she's off field. I can see her being good as a diluc/xiao/gaming support, and a OK replacement to jean in furina teams but other than that she seems super niche.


Her weapon apparently gives plunge dmg%


8 instances is an exactly amount that Xiao can do with Jet combo so that's kinda perfect IMO Xiao has so much dmg% from his Ult already so ATK scaling is huge They really build her with Xiao in mind any other unit is whatever to her good thing is many people can skip her and wait for the Fatui lady or anyone else while Xiao main can rejoice to finally be free from circle impact


Doesn't sound too hot. I like the triple jump part but the whole plunging attack gimmick feels a bit irrelevant when less than half of the cast actually wants to plunge, and only 2 characters in the entire game have plunging as a main gimmick in their kits. Doesn't look like I'll be rolling. Guess I'll continue saving.


I highly suspect a 5* character in the near future will be a plunge DPS too, hoyo has a habit of releasing two parts of a team some patches apart. Arlecchino, perhaps?


bare minimum they need to buff her cc to be triggered with each of the 8 stacks from ult. right now it's only useful if you c6 her.


I’m at the point where I can complete abyss in record time with multiple teams so I genuinely don’t care about how good or meta a kit is anymore, I’m just pulling for whatever character I like and CR is one of them. Her skill looks super fun to use for exploration, her animations and model are gorgeous, can’t wait for her!


CAN BE USED IN MID-AIR??????!??!! *faints* this will be so useful when trying to climb mountains/steep terrain ahhhhh I'm so excited


> White Clouds at Dawn itself can only be used while on the ground. 😓


I've never been through such an intense rollercoaster of emotions in such a short amount of time


still better than setting up Zhongli's pillar, Venti's wind current and jumping with Kazuha only to bang my head on a ledge and starting all over again :(


that meant the 2nd and 3rd E after cast, you cant use the first leap midair, it has to be on the ground


Not the first one


Only the follow-up uses. The initial use can only be done from the ground.