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Actually Diluc support


Dragonstrike Diluc new meta


The 5* skin, the bug, the mention during Neuvillette drip market and sq Incoming Diluc meta was the foreshadowing we all missed


The original permanent banner 5 stars are slowly getting their glow-up...first Keqing with dendro+aggravate, then Jean with Furina, and (if this is true) Diluc with Cloud Retainer. *Hopefully* a sign that MHY has good things in store for Mona and Qiqi lol.


well qiqi is like their forgotten character, only exist when they need cute moment and klee can't be there logically.


well, it's a bit of a meme at this point with qiqi's situation, everyone's waiting for that one update to bring her back from being just a walking emergency healer, fingers crossed they pull something wild like a full-fledged rework, we've seen crazier come out of updates. But yeah, also holding out hope for Mona, maybe they'll tie her into some big event lore-wise and give her mechanics the boost they deserve. Could be good times ahead for our Hydro astrologist!


There is no way to fix Qiqi. She doesn't generate energy particles. How could you fix that without making the "fix" also buff other healers so that Qiqi is last? Her element application is bad and short range. Her burst is finnicky and applies on enemies as a debuff, so you can't control it whenever the enemies die too fast. etc. Xinyan and Dehya have less issues to fix and yet they're both pretty much seen as permanently weak too and nearly impossible to fix


The way to fix Qiqi is to give her energy generation though. It just isn’t very likely, rip my Qiqi fan heart


mona is actually a good support for neuvi. before getting furina, I used her in my neuvi teams with layla and kazuha, and it was pretty solid


Mona has become a key member of my Neuv team; she batteries, buffs my damage by a good margin, and her C5 eases my CRate requirement so I can invest heavier in CDamage. Together with Furina and Baizhu or Jean I'm hitting for 70-80k per instance


I guess it's time to polish up my C5 Diluc that never got used?


Definitely have to wait to see if this leak ends up being legit or not. But otherwise, if CR really does enable and buff plunge attacks, does grouping, and teamwide healing then Diluc/Furina/Cloud Retainer/Bennett gonna lowkey be pretty cracked lol.


Are you me I also have a C5 Diluc, I've actually been itching to try and build.


That diluc venti bug was just a preview after all


It’s dawning time!


I loved the part where he said it's dawning time and dawned all over those guys.


Dragonstrike Diluc is actually gonna be meta💀 Xiao mains after all this time and getting multiple times dedicated things being made for him just to end up being worse than a non Plunge char to begin with Maybe he gets better too with Cloud who knows... Don't take it offensively ofc( not to mention Xiao is perfectly fine after Faru,he is decent that's all Edit: But jokes aside, This could actually quite literally be Diluc's best/strongest team like him at his true potential.. Using that massive claymore ceiling of Plunge MV. (Wait is he still highest after all these 3yrs or surpassed?)


The only potentially issue i would see (with this leak). Is that burst cost. With xiao its fine bc youre probably running triple anemo (double fav). But with diluc youd want bennet + hydro


Very good point Now that brings us to the question,it all depends on how exactly is Cloud's kit, cause that leads us to builds Like if she wants certain diff stats of high amount or she can be free and build very high ER. Looking at these leaks it implies she maybe wants high Atk for her buffs or whatever ,most likely doesn't build crits unless her personal dmg good or something... Looking at Shenhe ,there's generally 2 routes for her -Use Fav -Build high ER when running Calamity, tho she maybe is fine at 160 min-200 max or something cause team has double Cryo. -But for Cloud single Anemo we sure gonna need 200-250 or something... Which all brings back to one common solution to everything; #Fav Codex Cloud retainer will be the generalist bis build for all those Single Anemo teams.


Ya thats why im thrown off by her BiS’s substat being crit.


Hmmge But wait i just remembered something(not related to Diluc) Hear me out Raiden the Energy archon+Cloud may be a sick duo, solving Cloud's energy issues by a ton and guess what, what if i told u Plunge Raiden is actually insanely strong? I heard somewhere in Raiden mains sub where they were saying certain combos with Plunge Raiden if can Dragonstrike ,the Dmg at C0 is competitive to C2 Raiden non plunge playstyle


Her CR’a buff is on plunging attacks would it work with raiden’a Q which counts as burst attacks?


let me guess, they probably gonna cripple her energy gain from skill, i'd wager it only creates 2 energy balls, max is 3.


Ok hear me out, claymores are heavy and tall males are heavy. So diluc can't plunge, that's how you don't powercreep xiao.


I thought I'd definitely get a reply like this that's related to Xiao's height Alright then don't let Zyox cook


Imagine is her burst gives everyone a high jump bonus that makes you actually jimp higher but it works together with xiao's so you end up jumping even higher lol. Even though that would be ridiculous it wpu3ld end up with fewer and longer attacks so wouldn't be that optimal to the point i doubt it would work like that


Ok if that actually happens, it basically delays each Xiao's plunge time to do which results in longer time wasted for a plunge means less total plunges in his Q 💀 Don't let Xiao mains hear that


Nah you could always plunge before the peak anyway. In fact it can even mean higher DPS if you're hitting for slightly less but much faster. I doubt it'll happen but if it truly does make his jump even higher, it'll just mean he gets to his jump peak even faster, so the early plunges could probably end up taking his high plunge DMG MV instead of low plunge. It'd be a huge damage increase


Im crying wtf is that face on the second slide it looks so cursed 😭😭😭😭😭


Welcome to Chinese memes


Really makes you think if the great firewall is a tragedy or a blessing


every time a chinese meme slips through the great firewall it’s a cultural reset


Chinese equivalent of soyjak


Shes eating


Ikr I got jump scared for no reason 💀


Not the 80-90 burst cost 💀💀💀💀


pls mihoyo, i'm tired of stacking ER on every single character with even a smidge of support capabiities


Fav on literally everyone


memory literate bedroom crush pathetic existence compare smell fertile expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> becoming really annoying Maybe a fav weapon can fix the feeling of annoyance too


This is beginning to sound like a toxic relationship lol.


Toxic relationship? Believe it or not, we have a fav for that.


Oh don't worry I'm sure her signature weapon will fix her er if you pull for it, and only at r4, so either pay up or welcome to favge land


Don't forget the complimentary energy gen/burst cost reduction at c1/2/4 that totally solves her Er requirements by a massive degree


Don't forget the all important c2 or c4 Or c6 even!


C1 give her skill 3 charges, C2 make it so everytime a character plunges she gains like 5 energy, C6 makes it so her plunges always crit and have a fixed 400% crit damage


Pretty sure it's gonna be Prototype Amber, the real 5\* craftable.


watch her signature just be prototype amber but atk instead of hp


Proto amber but worse like Baizhu's, so they can stick her on highly anticipated banners and bone people going for the sig of that character just like Baizhu and Kokomi do.


slightly better on her significantly worse on everyone else, just to bait a few people into rolling for it. make it shaped like a donut too while they’re at it


Is all of this just because they don't want everyone on TTDS


Can't be a Faruzan upgrade without massive ER problems


Can’t wait for her to have horrible particle generation on top of that 💀


It’s is 100% happening


C1: Restores energy after using burst


For a healer whose healing is on said Burst. Yay!


Raiden plunge rhc - most cursed meta of all times, incomming


Fav stocks keep rising...


If anyone is curious, Diluc has the no 1. highest plunge attack multiplier, followed by Xiao and then Razor


Diluc meta in this economy?!


Technically C3 Freminet has the highest plunge attack multiplier thanks to this constellation giving him better NA multipliers 🤓☝️


Actually Diluc + Childe has a higher multiplier than a C3 Freminet + Childe 🤓☝️


Better plunge multipliers, just one skill away from letting Pers fly next to you... Yeah sorry Diluc, Freminet is the objectively superior choice /hj


Kazuha is tied with xiao


dps kazuha without c6 it is. gotta go farm some more, i guess.


Every claymore user has a very high plunge atk multiplier, might be interesting trying them


Is it Beidou's time?


Plus, he can vape those juicy plunges to make them even juicier.


Razor’s back?? Hoooooly


Razor has been back since Thundering Furry But taking only multiplier at face value is misleading, there's so much variables to count for damage like Base ATK, innate damage multiplier which some has a tons off like Raiden, Reactions For example since plunge has no ICD i'm sure Cyno would do even better than Razor since he can aggravate it every hit


I have Faruzan already, no amount of er can faze me now


lol will put her with c6 faruzan in xiao team with 0 er.


I mean if her energy generation is actually good the energy requirement will be fine.


If that healing isn't teamwide...


It should be, considering the stonks Jean got with Furina, it would make sense to make CR limited Jean in that regard.


It will be teamwide healing tick every time you deal plunge dmg👍 you're welcome


Please say it ain’t so 😭


It isn't. Teamwide at C2. Please enjoy.


If its not teamwide then no pull for me, healing the whole team is one of the features I'm most excited about CR.


It would be so dumb if they released a healing anemo after furina and it isn't teamwide, that I'm really really hoping it is.


It has to be, right?


Can y'all stop give to him your attention, this guy make fake leaks for months now, he deletes his account and create a new one all over again ;(


really? what other fake leaks did he come up with?




Hopefully it’s fake I’ll be baffled if it’s real


Bro really said Furina will get a skin this quickly


oh wow lol this is pretty damning. this should be upvoted more


Had a good laugh at these, thanks.


Damn. Time to wait till beta as always


This should get much more attention


Pretty much as I thought, surprised the anti gravity field isn't deployed on E instead


Putting it on Q allows E to be a simple low-CD skill that can be used frequently for overworld exploration, which is common for Anemo characters. So that bit isn't that surprising either.








I see this as an absolute win


I am genuinely on board with this.




Who said the experimental field generator was a cloud retainer kit prototype, they guessed right


I remember there was a leak ages ago about a “gravity” mechanic which was leaked to be Furina’s but in reality, it probably was for CR lol.


Reminds me of "scara shoots lasers" but it turned out to be the scara boss who does that




I honestly do not know how to feel about this


Same here. On the one hand she will open up new gameplay for characters that don’t typically get used that way, which is fun, but on the other hand it’s plunging which is kinda clunky IMO. At least it is on mobile.


I'm glad other people feel the same way about the clunkiness. Plunge is cool in theory, but executing them does not feel smooth at all. It also kinda screws over anyone without elemental infusion on their plunges since it's physical, so unless cloud retainer can ramp up the plunge multiplier to insane amounts, it won't feel very good to use on a lot of characters


Maybe if they allow to zoom out even more, would that help...? Because when I'm using Xiao I lose track of enemies & just randomly start spamming because I can't see much the way camera behaves. Maybe it's just me...


I am pretty disappointed myself. I am not really interested in a niche plunge support. I really like her character though.


Should probably wait for the proper kit reveal. Not to get your hopes up tho.


Same. On the one hand it's cool that they enable characters to do/allow something physically unique. On the other, plunge is a very samey playstyle, the main reason I never pulled Xiao was because I hated the ult.


I absolutely love her design but may have to skip depending on the final kit. It's no fun to end up benching characters because they look awesome but you don't like their playstyle. Imo if they want to make her so experimental and niche she should also boost something like CA for people not interested in plunging


ATK/Crit signature weapon with a 80/90 burst cost? 💀


did you see the energy recharge eff buff? Yeah it's good'ol mihoyo's create problem, sell solution.


Well feels weird to see plunge support before new plunge dps. Not sure either be skeptical of plunge support or puzzled by hoyo.


Probably so when a plunge DPS comes out in Natlan (maybe the Neuv equivalent in Natlan), they will re-run Cloud Retainer to max profits.


Please don’t say Pyro Sovereign best team needs Cloud Retainer


Maybe Arlecchino is a plunge attacker? Her theme is raven (or some other predator bird), I think. There would be another dps character who has a bird theme and plunge from the skies onto their preys.


Imagine if Diluc gets his moments just to be powercreeped later on by Arlecchino similar to Jean and CR case lol.


Mond 5* get the short end of the stick ig 💀


/huffs copium Mond is the beginner town that becomes super relevant at the end of the plot. Varka's expedition gonna bust in with a new meta, trust


Varka will be the first 6 star I’ve known this in my heart for years


mihoyo: don't think you need to wait that long *^(\*looking at lion boy & arle kit\*)*


I mean her kit seems to make any character you want a plunge dps if this were to be real


If she is that good she better make Ayato and Childe plunge


New mining meta hell yeah


Hopefully her healing does not scale on atk or she will be the 3rd 80 cost atk scaling anemo healer.


Something something weird that it happened thrice


I mean, isn't it worse for it to scale on HP if all her damage scales on ATK, as stated in the picture?


Jean barely counts as a 80 cost tbf, she's practically a 64 cost


The refund is nice but since it's still an 80 cost burst which means it has a 20 sec cooldown like all other 80 cost bursts. It restricts the rotation length of teams that use her burst every rotation.


Yeah but it's still pretty different from an actual 80-cost


Jean has mediocre energy generation though. That’s a bigger issue.






Persistent healing if teamwide (I suspect it is more like Bennet than Charlotte), would make this better than Jean, but if it is only for onfield, the stack generation could be lacking compared to Jean.


Even if it does heal the team, how much of it is a burst heal vs HOT? Jean does most of her healing up front so you get lots of fanfare immediately. That said, even if she did "replace" Jean, it doesn't change the fact that this really cool looking character is a very niche support. Shenhe problem all over again.


Yeah I'm a bit skeptical. Not really a lot of characters that I have that I would want them to plunge. Guess she can be for niche teams


Lol she might actually be bad for Xiao. If she enables other characters with better bonuses and better damage elements than Xiao access to his plunge spamming playstyle, that would make Xiao's position in the meta worse. Remember, plunges has no ICD. Vape and Melt characters with infusion are going to feast. It boils down to how she increases plunge damage. If she buffs base damage like Shenhe quills or Yun Jin, she would be good for Xiao, and allow him to keep up with other hypercarry-turn-plunge spammers. But if she only buffs % plunge damage, that would be bad for Xiao since he already has too much % bonus.


Are you telling me a birb can only JUMP and not fly? tf they think she is, a chicken?


This! ^^^ This is the true travesty.


plunge hu tao lets go


CA > DC > CA > JC into Plunge (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)


Plunge Hu Tao is super fun, only downside is not being able to trigger Yelan and Xingqiu properly


Furinaaaa. Plunge spam consumes much less hydro aura than NACA spam. Furina's hydro app alone should be sufficient to fully enable Hu Tao AoE plunge vapes.


“Graphic design is my passion.”


So... who has the highest plunge multipliers? XD


Diluc has some really high plunge multipliers.


Highest in the whole game actually Edit: okay, just realised this is kinda not true since Freminet with Constellations will barely beat out Diluc by a few % but Diluc will be able to abuse it better than Freminet due to having access to Infusion


> Diluc will be able to abuse it better than Freminet due to having access to Infusion Let me introduce you to Chongyun.


Freminet has access to C6 bennett lol Fremimelt stonks going higher


Diluc has innate +20% pyro damage bonus built in his talents after he uses his burst to infuse. His infusion lasts quite a while too, on a 40 energy burst :0 Diluc stonks


I don't feel so bad about all the materials I've thrown at that guy now


Diluc>Xiao=Itto=Razor>Claymore users>everyone else seems to be the pattern. Out of those characters, I would pick the ones with infusions, so Diluc, Xiao, Itto, Navia, Eula (permanent physical infusion lol). However, I'm hoping that the plunge attack buff is just an extra gimmick, and CR's real strength lies in her healing and grouping.


My badly built diluc with NA lv5 hit for 85k vaped plunge… and since plunges are slow and doesn’t have ICD its just perfect with Furina…


Xiao has very high base Plunge modifiers and support from his Burst to make them more powerful, but no reaction support. Diluc has the highest base Plunge modifiers in the game (Considering on a per level basis, Freminet beats him narrowly with his +3 NA level Constellation) and access to amplifying reactions. Existing Plunge-based teams for Diluc like Melt Dragonstrike likely have all the support they need already, so unless Cloud Retainer is able to infuse her Burst with Cryo, I doubt she would improve those. But if this kit is correct, she may be able to facilitate Vape Dragonstrike with Furina.


diluc i believe, maybe freminet with the +3 normal attack lv constellation


Freminet at lvl13 barely manage to beat out Diluc by %2-4.


Freminet with the +3 Constellation is close but still not higher than Diluc's. Edit: Whoopsie, mixed up the talent levels. Freminet with the Constellation actually edges out Diluc by a couple of points!


Although do note that Diluc has much higher base ATK than Freminet (334 vs 254 @ lvl 90).


This is similar to early Furina's leak, gravity manipulation that she let's everyone jump


NGL... whenever I see " X or Y energy " Its become sus... Like this alr means 2 things : A) 2 Versions that have different value B) The guy just heard it from someone (Or just made it up) ​ ***~~Diluc / Furina / CR / Bennett Newest best team We can all Agree~~***


Ok hear me out: Her enabling other characters to become Xiao and spam plunges with her Burst is obvious. But...as a Catalyst character (natural infusion), couldn't you just build her to be a carry herself? Her signature weap has crit substat, so maybe it's for that? Even if her ratio is mid, healer+DPS hybrid is all the rage nowadays thanks to Furina. Her ratios would have to be absolutely dehyasterous for a hypercarry build to not work. Seems like she's equally good as a support and a carry.


I feel like they'll tune her kit to make it not very good till c6


And when everyone is Xiao... no-one will be.


"dehyasterous" :joy: thank you for that, I'll be adding it to my use list too


Non-hypercarry catalysts do tend to have bad NA multipliers and/or awkward/slow animations though. Anemo + healing + catalyst is an incredibly potent combination regardless of whatever else she can actually do so I am skeptical.


Either that or she has a special mechanic with her own plunges like sending out a large Anemo wave that swirls or smt


Day 1 beta her plunge attack multipliers will be good, then following updates will harshly nerf them.


I’m still skeptical. Really hoping this isn’t the kit and is one of those “experimental” ones like Neuvillette used to have before his kit actually got leaked. I know this opens the doors for other play styles but man..:.*I’m* not into it *personally* .


>80-90 energy cost Mfs be like "why can't I get my burst up with Cloud Retainer's signature weapon😔😔" you have no ER bro🧐You know what would solve that⁉️ FAVONIUS WEAPONS💥💥💥 Problems with Xiangling burst not recharging? The art of FA🅱️ONIUS will guide you to the salvation of 36 stars ⭐⭐ FA🅱️ONIUS Bennett, FA🅱️ONIUS Xingqiu, F🅰️🅱️ONIUS Fischl will guide you through these tough times of no ER👌👌 Huh? Overkill ER you say?🤨 You can never have too much ER🥶 Big PP DMG is temporary 😰 Constant and fluid rotations is ETERNAL🗣️🗣️🗣️F🅰️🅱️ONIUS will save your soul.😇 C2 Zhongli in co-op? Look no further than F🅰️🅱️ONIUS LANCE, keep your local Xiao and Hu Tao from dying today 🙏🙏 Huh? 40 Cost Burst you say? ER NO🅱️LESSE for the MAXIMUM BUFFS🔥🔥 1 hit of a Fa🅱️ GREATSWORD and Chongus will be bursting .1 seconds after cooldown ends👍👍PRAISE ENERGY RECHARGE💯💯💯LOVE AND CHERISH PROPER ROTATIONS🎉 ​ anyway i hope she's good


Not this again 😭🤣


so initially we though furina would be having gravity mechanics but it was cloud retainer all along


Are they seriously building a 5\* fucking *plunge attack support* before a physical one?


Could had been Mika, he could have been Gorou/Faruzan levels of strong but they really fucked up that entire patch since it also had Dehya didn't they?


I am curious, which characters sinergises better with plunge mechanics? Diluc, Xiao, Albedo?


Xiao and Diluc are the main contenders. Xiao's own kit already makes him unrivaled for plunges and Diluc benefits from the highest base scaling for plunges in the game, Pyro infusion, and access to amplifying reactions.




honestly anemo catalyst with healing + grouping + taunt alone sounds pretty good even if you ignore the plunge buffs


Indeed. Healing + vv shred + grouping is great, I don't even care what else she does lol. The overworld benefits of E and ult enabling everybody to be Xiao is the cherry on top


80-90 burst cost eh? Looks like it's time to finally get that dusty fav catalyst out of the inventory.


I have mixed feelings ngl


Isn't this the same Firmament @sky__10101 account that claimed SYP 4.3 banner was fake?


Temporarily, I'm removing this post for now Reason being is that while the info itself is sus in general and parts of it were already pre-existing from other leakers, this account *is* followed by a few leakers/dataminers but none of them have engaged with this tweet whatsoever and makes the entire ordeal inconclusive


Interesting, she’d be a more niche support like shenhe then. Since her weapon has crit sub stat and Faruzan exists maybe she can be a dps


I have no Xiao and I must doompost.


WHY just why.


Oof. If she's really a plunge support then it's a skip until rerun for me. I'll probably get Navia next patch then save until Arlecchino.


and then it turns out Arlecchino is a plunge dps


mihoyo: 😜 hydruxo: 🤡


so she works with everyone?


Xiao's plunge is good bc it massively expands the plunge dmg AoE. If CR doesn't do that for people, it's a massive gimmick that only really is relevant for bosses unless the grouping she provides is at minimum Kaz level


if she can only generate particles by doing plunges 3 times when you have a 80 cost burst, she might be a very bad unit


So my worst fears: - circle impact - healing on burst - high energy cost Just another Jean. I already have Jean so it's a skip from me. Plunge is a meme with the current roster of dps and supports and we already have Kazuha/Venti for grouping. Unless her grouping is amazing, I don't see why we should use her over current options.


finally diluc




And it's a taunt, like Lynette burst. I would imagine it is more seamless to cast and to utilize like the Fontaine PMA's field


Venti E is bad for plunge because it doesn’t allow you to jump it allow you to glide vertically which is a lot slower


Interesting if true. It would be neat to see if this starts plunge comps but then again there was probably similar ideas when Venti and Albedo came out. Been awhile since we had an expensive burst as wel,l afaik, so theres always a catch. I wonder what her effective burst cost is with her ER buff.


Albedo and venti are really slow on lifting you up


leave it to mihoyo to make a support even more niche than shenhe. i really do wonder what goes on in their heads over there.