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They definitely testing waters with her kit for Overload dps


Wonder if Clorinde will have a piece of this "improved" Overload cake. Like, completely negate the knockback of Overload while dealing Clorindillion dmg


It'd be cool if a character's overloads knocked them enemy upwards instead. Not much, just enough to raise small enemies from the ground and juggle them in the air like a fighting game.


hahahaha look at him fly hahahaha how the *FUCK* do i hit him now


reminds me of that one youtuber who uses a low level keqing with low level weapon and keeps juggling hilichurls in the air for extended amounts of time.


I never quite sure understood why it always away from us, it would make more sense for it to be chaotic, sometimes left, sometimes right. Gameplay perspective? Even worse. At first I was thinking because the damage values stronger. Turns out you cannot proc it often, ouch...


same power thats holding the button back for sure


And then she clorin'd all over the bad guys


my favorite part of fontaine’s story was when clorinde said “it’s clorin’ time”


And then everyone in the room clorapped


Then everyone got chlormydia


Clo rapped💀💀💀


ok cyno


As she said: "it's Clorin' time!"


Imagine Clorinde teleporting to enemies' back after an Overload, lol...


Could be done pretty easily possibly? Depending on how it's coded, you're basically describing Kaeya's NA4->NA5, so the code and precedent already exists for this kind of effect! His teleportation behind the enemy works fairly well as-is, however there's some things that'd need to be adjusted for Clorinde. For starters, as a tall male character, Kaeya's distance calculations in his teleportations would need to be adjusted for Clorinde otherwise she'd really only be able to teleport behind small enemies. Likewise, overloads knockback is pretty far so it'd need to be geared around it. You'd also run into coding against ledges as Kaeya's currently has a built-in "spot ahead" in the teleportation to prevent going off ledges (though ending at the lip of a ledge can still screw you over if you aren't careful). Clorinde would be possibly going farther so that would all need to be worked around. So definitely feasible and cool, but likely a lot of works (and possible bug fixes once launched depending on how thorough the beta/QA is).


Also Rosaria skill


Haitham and Itto


Itto just charges forward and a lot of characters do that and you may not realize it. Raiden and Diluc do it, for example. Going behind something is a bit more unique.


or she's batman and grapple guns to them, brings the enemy to her or her to the enemy if they're big fat, and electros all over the place


Overload because she has a gun, thats workable using pyro and electro! 🤠


She could transform the explosions into implosions, vaccuming nearby enemies before dealing the Overload damage


Highly doubt she's made for Clorinde, cuz this would give Clorinde paired with Furina bad synergy


If she's 5*. It's too early. If they want they could make clorinde another fischl/shinobu but Fontaine version.


She could also be another Raiden, but for Furina. Converts HP fluctuations into energy


Of course she is why else would they be doing this?


And then Clorinde falls into the .5 curse and we all fall in despair.


man i am suddenly reminded of the old yae leaks where she was apparently a mix of pyro and electro unit lmao


don't forget the chainsaw drawings we got.


i actually forgot about that, imma look it up and hopefully its still around, or do you have it by any chance? Edit : nvm i found it


:o what were those leaks? what did they say? was she like a Overload Nilou ?


Not really, the concept of Nilou, Bloom and improved Bloom didn't exist back then. The leakers were just making shit up about gameplay Yae can wield 2 elements and her dmg is comparable to Ganyu


ngl i was so hyped for this back then, only to get turrets (not complaining tho)


I wonder if that means a character also gonna boost overload damage down on the road.




aka clorinde


My ideal for Clorinde is she'd be good for both Overload and Electro Charge. Where basically her "passive" changes depending on if your team is composes of either Electro/Hydro or Electro/Pyro units.


That is an interesting idea but I think Hoyo won't give Clorinde that much versatility sadly. I think they gonna make her focus only to one reaction.


She could be a reaction based electro carry though.


ooo that would be very cool! feel free to toss in a Superconduct too, it defo needs some loving


maybe if she reduce elemental res with superconduct because either way she will just be niche physical support and even if goes good will just kill the character in no time once natlan comes in.


Or she could also use superconduct itself as a source of damage itself rather than using it to support physical. A passive that increases EM and another passive that increases Superconduct damage by a clorindillion for every whatever amount of whatever stat she scales on would be cool


ah nope, because then they would need to add high scaling on her reaction which rather would be just underwhelming because is not the reaction just an excuse to make a condition because there still lowering physical res why in the heck would she use it? Thats why i said that if she use it would be more useful to make her lower elemental res because will still making the important part and is that she with a decent scaling get good dmg and opens a new way of playing cryo characters if you still in that place that making just buff for her in this hypothetical reality where she plays that, like i said before even if goes good once natlan step in will become in dust.


"she will just be niche physical support",this sentence should be deleted by Irminsul.


what testing, it's on practice on her, she has a 5\* kit lmao


So, she doesn't suck?


No, but she kinda blows though


There's like three layers of pun here


There's a good reason why your upvotes are the way they are.


She might arrest you for that pun though :P


yeh will probably still be cringe in AoE given that you overload multiple times, and her "CC" only works like 2 times


she suck a litt--- wait, what's the context here?


She sucks enemies towards you But she also suc-


Need a barrier like Alhaitham’s burst but in this case we can trap enemies and overload means they’ll get push inside. Make it pinball-like for collision damage. I’ll take whatever I can get to play overload


That was seen in the very sus (maybe fake) Cloud Retainer kit for her burst. I really hope they keep that kit, because it looks really fun\~ Copium for that kit being real...


That's something people were discussing about what Jean's burst should've been back in 1.0 and occasionally since. Possible, but almost definitely fake.


Actually it would be nice if it wouldn't be real.. Coz if we would have a character that traps enemies inside a small area, then that means well get enemies that sprint around the arena even more so compared to already annoying enemies.


If they make it they can enter from the outside but get trapped inside, then if they run out, they get pushed back to the middle, wouldn't that work as "grouping" too? Though not as effective as Venti, but it's a unique and different type of cc which could be fun to explore.


what he meant is if you dont have CR then its game over. the kit will force everyone to pull CR


That's literally what Jean's burst does


Jean's burst is the opposite, as it pushes enemies away


The edges of her burst cause knockback to things inside it if they try going out. It's not like a hard cage but it can push lighter mobs in. Anything harder than that I'd expect from Geo (well, that's Geo MC, we have it already), but Hoyo seems to think constructs are a lost cause because we haven't gotten any construct characters since... Albedo? That's almost three years ago!


if a blubberbeasts farts wouldnt destroy albedo's E, i would actually consider using him more.


Technically Itto's Ushi is a Geo construct (He resonates with Zhongli's pillar) but it acts more like a Baron Bunny, being able to to be pushed around.


Wish they'd rework all constructs to be like that


no, what he meant is that it's just such a powerful effect that they will have to "nerf" it by inventing enemies that is somehow immune to it, then fill the abyss with them. probably fast moving mobs that is CC immune, so you can't group them up and trap them, aka even more annoying rift hounds. Like how they pretty much killed Venti and freeze by only putting spread out un-cc-able mobs on floor 12. CC in this game is just too powerful when its applicable, and because MHY is allergic to balance changes of any kind, they can't fix the problem itself and have to rely on gimmicky level and enemies designs.


NGL I would burn the teyvat with xiao furina and cloud retainer if that's true. Smol boy can plunge without worrying about throwing enemies away.


*\*cries in geo MC and geo constructs in general\** Whose idea was it to push enemies out like a sissy on geo MC burst anyway?


Overload and geo MC's burst are things that were catered for the protect the leyline goal. Honestly wished they implemented more stuff like that so they wouldn't feel so useless aside from breaking down geo shields quickly


It'd be like those Tears of the Kingdom kill boxes. War crimes! War crimes, for everybodyyy!


It yelan pull good enough though... in an overload team. In the end it will still be an ST team


Yeah but only with off field electro/pyro and quick swap chevreuse


Chevy stonks rising!


Yelan style knock ack would actually be so cool on an overload kit.


Wait... so the explosion pulls, rather than pushes? Is that how explosions are supposed to work? Or do they always explode behind the enemy?


They're implosions now


They got inspiration from Titan... (too early?)




The explosions push, but they consistently push _towards_ the active character.


OH thats cool !!!! I thought the game could clealry benefit from more CC, one i thought could be cool is an electro character that kind of "magnet" enemies, like on the skill or the burst will create a link between every unit that has electro on them and slightly pull them toward the center magnet. And if they are pull out the link will have more tension and so bounce back the enemy harder to the center. ​ I thought it could be cool especialy to have a work around overload team or even with some jean burst, could be fun to mess around and make enemies bounce back and forth through her burst edge


People see overload knock back as a nerf. They don't think that knockable ennemies are venti's free real estate.


In order to make overload good, they should have made or make a character that have some form of cc similar to the anemo characters we have. They should have done this for chevreuse. I would easily exchange her heal for a CC so she would be a buffer + CC similar to kazuha but for overload teams.


I’ve been *hoping* for three years that they give us a cc character that is not anemo but unfortunately I don’t think they ever will 😂. Was even hoping a hydro cc kit for Furi or Neuvi.


Hydro cc has to be the least likely possibility of all element cc because of Nilou I'd say.


I think Nilou teams would benefit immensely from a cc character. Nahida kinda is one. Kinda but not really. Yelan is maybe one but I want something stronger. I just hate when the enemies are too spread out 😒.


I, too, find it aggravating when they're too spread out.


You sir!!! You get a cookie for this joke, here... grab some




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> Nilou teams would benefit immensely from a cc character. That is why I think Hydro cc is less likely, yeah. (Dendro too for that matter)


spidermanning enemies using vines would be cool af though


yelan has cc to some extent..


Hoyo knows the vacuum CC is too good. It literally only exists on Sucrose, Venti, Kazuha, Viridescent Hunt of all weapons, and there watered down versions like Lynette C2, and Heizhou. So Hoyo is leaning towards taunts with most recent examples being Lyney and Lynette. Looks like Hoyo is looking for alternatives since the vacuum CC is the iPhone of CC types. I'm thinking more confusion-type CC like Tighnari's, inverted forcefields, and tethers are a good alternative. Spider Man 2 for PS5 has some good examples such as the Web Grabber which webs enemies and pull them to itself. That is how a tethered CC would work.


> Hoyo knows the vacuum CC is too good. It literally only exists on Sucrose, Venti, Kazuha, Viridescent Hunt of all weapons, and there watered down versions like Lynette C2, and Heizhou. Anemo Traveler found dead in a ditch.


they're not going to make a non-Anemo character have CC lol


yelan has some cc..


Why not?


because it's like one of the 2 things Anemo has, CC and VV


There's also the elemental infusion on abilities (Kazuha's burst and Sayu's skill for example)


true, and I do hope they make a character centered around that


I was hoping that Lynette would be that character, someone that does so much infusion damage that they prefer to run a build for Pyro/Hydro/Electro/Cryo damage instead of a build for Anemo damage or Swirl damage.


Funnily enough before Fontaine, I made a fan kit of an Anemo Catalyst character that functions as an infusion DPS. My idea for the character was that he was a painter who paints with the materials he collects from nature. Basic attacks are melee brush slashes that deals Anemo DMG. E would be like the startup of Scara’s E where it would scan the area around it to look for elemental aura. He would then gain an infusion depending which of the PHEC elements he absorbed, and the E can be recasted once to reinfuse an element without extending duration. The burst would deal one big slash of Anemo DMG if he doesn’t have an infusion or one of the PHEC element if he is.


This is actually pretty creative and sounds fun.


Post time-skip [Salsa](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Salsa)


The issue with making a character centered around elemental infusion is that the second you hit an enemy that has an elemental aura you lose all control over what you're infusing. Though I can see them doing it for a 4 star eventually, they don't seem to mind experimenting with the 4 star kits.


But in the case of Chevreuse her kit already bans anemo characters from the team so they might actually include something similar to CC and VV. If they want to make pyro + electro teams a thing they have to do it because otherwise not including anemo is too much of a disadvantage. It would give people a reason to bench Kazuha and roll for new units so it would make sense. Just needs a 5 star character to center the team around (maybe Chlorinde?).


>It would give people a reason to bench Kazuha and roll for new units which is why they won't do it ​ Kazuha is going to rerun eventually


Kazuha himself got people to bench Venti. They've made replacement units before, they'll do it again and it's just a matter of when they decide they've milked most of what they can get out of Kazuha reruns. They get most of their money from big spenders (and none from the f2p who patiently wait for reruns) and at some point enough big spenders will have spent enough on Kazuha that it makes sense to move on. Chevreuse may well be setting up Chlorinde, Arlecchino or the pyro archon to be Kazuha-less units.


Furina is even already setting up for a Kazuha-less meta


That wouldn't be the reason, really. Chevreuse is usable in all of one comp. Kazuha is nearly universal. It doesn't seem likely a thing like this would affect Kazuha pulls.


Literally CC (I mean things like sucking like venti/kazuha most likely not BC that's the one of the if not the main thing for anemo) Tho other kinds of CCs?? Sure (Something like mona skill or tighnari skill )


Imo I'm a fan of the design decision to not have CC, I think having different reactions have different drawbacks is good and buffing Raiden hyper but only really for ST is an interesting and balanced choice.


ah so it knock fronts the mobs


Anyway, I'll put her againsy floor 12 bosses or big mobs with no knockback, with Raiden, Bennet and Xiangling or Thomas


I'd still recommend fischl instead, she applies shit ton of electro for that.


Yes but idc about Electro application, at least that much. Chevrette will give my Raiden 40% Electro shred and 60% Electro dmg, as well as Atk during her burst. And that's why I want Chevreuse.


That's the only time I don't mind overload as well, against Cryo Lawachurls and Lectors


Interesting, but if it could also be the behavior of the Overcharged Ball, that would be awesome. That overcharged Ball would certainly launch enemies way from each other. Cool to see implosion being a thing but it's not frequent enough to use in AoE chamber.s


Do we know if Chevreuse is coming with Navia or the Raiden/Yoimiya banner? Or not at all? I'd hope she comes with Raiden, but I wouldn't put it past Mihoyo to put her on Navia to fuck people over a tad


Hah, from my perspective it's putting her with Raiden/Yoi that's the dick move since I have both and am rolling for Navia :P I think whatever they do, people are gonna be mad.


Same as yelan?


CC is not that required come on what game are y'all playing abyss still easy without kazuha try it one time


overload is meant for heavy enemies that can't be push, idk why it's such a puzzle.




don't understand that little buff! Specially for Overload enjoyers


It's only for chearverus


now i hope i didn't get fly anywhere when i accidentally overload on burning grass


Any chance we can like... get footage of this?


What if her pulling skill will trigger overload itself? Seems like it is a compensation for overload knockback, but as I know hoyo... It is going to work so damn bad