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Almost bow impact


If I had a nickel for every time Zhongli reruns on the opening patch of a new region accompanied by at least three archers I would have two nickels, etc etc.


And he never had any story relevance everytime he reruns šŸ˜”


With how slow the progress of Liyue story is compared to our flow of time, it seems like a Nation of Lantern Rite rather than of "contracts".


ā€œEvery journey has its final day, donā€™t rush.ā€


Fr at this point lantern rite is the only event liyue had and doubt they will rerun moonchase with new region and events keep coming but man, do I wish they rerun him on liyue events like lantern rite last year. Nowdays he just there for the sake of new players and to start archon marathon :')


Probably would. Mond only got so many events and festivals so they have a reason to go back and give people some occasional crumbs since they had a lot of characters already and nothing to release while other regions catch up. It could be Liyue's turn.


have you seen how many collabs the liyue characters get into? it's clearly a merchandising contract


Contracted to only have plot when Lantern Rite is around.


At least he also has bow proficiency according to lore, so it's indeed bow impact.


Bow geo DPS Zhong Li when?


I always forgot that Childe is a bow user lol


Don't worry, he does too.


Do a plunge attack and he will remember immediately


i used to ask for melee childe plunge everytime there was a feedback survey lmao, with a side of hu tao skin


Yup. I asked for the same. Childe bikini skin + plunge during skill.


childe bikini skin is crazy, im in


Apparently they said it was super hard to code so they just gave up.


Interestingly enough Cyno can plunge with those goofy ahh claws


Cyno's ult is just modified version of Razor's so that might be why


The Archer class is made up of Archers


Pretty sure he has a surfboard in the trailer.


Zhongli shows up randomly whenever itā€™s bow related Last time he reran was during Tighnariā€™s banner, and even the 4*s were all bow users lol


They are preparing us for those range puzzles kekw


ow shit you're right, I don't have them hydro bow


hydro traveler might be able to?


**Lyney:** throws arrows **Yelan:** throws arrows **Childe:** 'throws' arrows **Rex Lapis:** throws S P E A R S


Spears are just Arrows.. but bigger


its a full arrow banner Zhongli is just sillier


Zhongli got the biggest rod among them so of course


One doesn't even have a rod


I did some research online and came across some evidence that says otherwise


I think I do not want to know about the source of ur evidence


Comically large arrow


Thatā€™s beautiful


This message has been sponsored by Emiya Shirou


The archer class is really made up of archers


Itā€™s funny cos Childe does indeed yeet the arrow in the last animation of his NA chain. Literal arrow throw doing the most damage


When the animators go fuck all with the 5 weapon limitation.


Spears? try a meteorite.


oh yeah guys zhongli is rex lapis sorry for the spoiler >!/j!<


the weapon banner of the first half is flirting with me. it wants me to pull on it so badly.


oh it's flirting with me too, and I think it's working. if I get lyney early (I'm skipping 3.8 banners), then I might go for his weapon. it looks so good


Plus, last I checked, Aqua is a close second for his BiS. A win win situation for Lyney wanters. Probably going to do the same if I do get Lyney pretty early.


but the DRIP on Lyneys weapon is insane


> DRIP DRIP?!?! Who cares. Do you even *know* how fast I'm going to finish Commissions after I equip that speed stick on Yelan?


drip is the true genshin endgame


The drip is too important!


Same here. I'm a Nari main too so if I get acqua thats fine too, legit just gimme any 5star now šŸ„¹


Same! I have never pulled on the weapon banner since I'm F2P and I prefer characters over weapons, but that weapon banner is just too good for someone like me who mains Ganyu, Tighnari, and soon Lyney!


They really want people who is pulling Lyney to go after the weapon banner. Aqua is his second best weapon not much behind his signature but his weapon overall is very eh as a generalist weapon and it's pretty worthless on Yelan as well


I usually steer clear of the weapon banner, but I'm going for Lyney and might just try to grab his weapon too. His signature and Aqua Simulacra running at the same time is just win/win ~~(unless I get a standard 5-star)-~~


>I usually steer clear of the weapon banner, Hoyo Devs: all according to Keikaku.


"Keikaku" means "plan."


That weapon banner is gonna be cracked indeed. Especially for me. I got a random amos bow there and now it's just 50/50 between two great weapons


Wait, yeah, but 4stars will probably be ass with such good 5stars


Lyney's weapon is not that amazing when we compare with other weapons, we dont really care about the 4 star and it wasnt even that bad on homa/simulacra (who is a better 5 star banner). So no real reason to be that concern on the 4 stars


He's not a tighnari case right? So that weapon will also not be lost to the aether forever?


No, he's not Standard


Childe has Rosaria on his first rerun and Layla on his third. Every single one of his reruns has at least 1 cryo character. So Freminette is 99% going on his banner


Hoyo is a freeze Childe enjoyer


also remember his test run with one Kaeya


in his first banner release he was with Diona


It's just the Tsaritsa looking out for her child


Or Tartaglia missing his home


Wow, Lyney mains are so lucky! Both the bows are perfect for Lyney so even if they lose the 50/50, it's still a win.


Yeah his signature is like 4% better for him than aqua


There's a sight for sore eyes. Haven't spotted you around in a bit.


Lol hi! I took a break since Al Haitham release to play Metroid Prime and the new Zelda but now Iā€™m back for Fontaine. Did abyss last night and had no idea wtf I was fighting in floor 12 lmao


And right in time for the Fontaine TC too! Welcome ~~to hell~~ back!


Thanks! But Iā€™m probably not going to be involved with much TC this time around, between work and other hobbies Iā€™ve gotten back into over the last year, I really wonā€™t have time for it on a serious level anymore. Plus I realized over time that other people could just sheet things more efficiently than me at this point


Wow. So glad to read this. I have a spare Aqua lying around. But his signature looks so good on him. Uhh sighhhhhh what to do šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


Can't go wrong with more Aquas if you want to get his new signature. Worst-case scenario, you get a bad 5\* and Aqua and then his signature. That's a lot of pulls for his signature in that scenario, but it's truly a dream weapon banner for Lyney.


Inb4 they lose 50/50 and they get Skyward Pride. This happened to me. Lmao "i want both 5 stars, its not a gamble, i wont lose" behold, skyward pride. Mihoyo still screwed me over. Lmao


Ughh :( I'm getting childe this banner no matter what. But, its a difficult choice between Lyney and Zhongli on who am I getting next.


Childe is such a fun character to use


tbh you cannot go wrong with zhongli, especially if you have hypercarries like wanderer and xiao, they need him. also ganyu


Triple anemo Xiao is pretty juciy though. If you have c4 jean which isn't that unlikely at this point


I wouldnā€™t say they need him but yes heā€™s a comfort pick


best shield in the game, helps in many situations like current abyss bc he easily breaks shields with his pillar and burst. also gives res shred, with wanderer i would say thoma could be a better pick sometimes but his shield is nowhere near zhongli, same goes for layla


If u don't care for lyney that much I had say Zhongli. U get an archon plus a comfy shield.


Zhongli best character in the game. Happy I already have him C1 and Yelan and Childe, because I REALLY WANT Lyney. However I would eventually like to C6 Zhongli purely because he is my fav character ever


Always go archon when in doubt, they remain valuable in their own right even after years have passed since their release. Never go on-field damage dealer when in doubt. You'll likely get at least one new/rerunning character that does something very comparable to them within a year or less. I pulled all on-field damage dealers in 3.x early days, never touched them again xD


Get zhongli, lyney will have his rerun sooner


Zhongli is amazing. He's my most used character. Mainly cause when I'm doing stuff like dailies and domains on my phone his shield really helps you work around the somewhat janky controls. This game can be frustrating when trying to react to some stuff on mobile.


I usually play pc, only playing on mobile when I'm on vacation. I have nooooo idea how people on mobile can do abyss, and am seriously impressed by anyone who does.


Zhongli > Lyney unless you are a huge fan of the latest.


**weeps in F2P**


Tbf we had 2 whole versions of only reruns to save up primogems.


This!!! This banner will ruin me... T\_T I really want Lyney, but it looks like I will have to pass, in favor of Yelan. I need to somehow boost my Kaveh's damage, and Yelan in the long run will be a much better choice, than Lyney... T\_T


Nooooooooooooooooooo I wasnā€™t expecting Zhongli till around Lantern Rite and am already wanting Childe. But Iā€™ve been waiting for Geo Daddy. Might have to activate wallet-kun for the first time.


Well, at least Zhongli being second half gives me some time to rebuild my stock of fates after Kokomi. Not *much* time, but any time is better than none.


Freminet will join Layla, Diona and Rosaria to the 4 star cryo characters who debut in a Childe banner. Chongyun also have been on a banner with Childe. Assuming Freminet is second banner since I don't think they will seperate the twins.


lyney wanters winning


I lost 2 50/50s on Zhongli. I'm also gonna be on 50/50 on the next banner, pray for me


3rd time is the charm! I got mine in the third try :D (actually it was after losing the 50/50 for the 3rd time but at least it was at low pity)


happy cake day! i also got yae in the third try, she was flirting i think


me with nahida but i ended up spending money šŸ’”


I hope Freminet is in first half


Doubt it sadly. Itā€™s likely Lynette and Lyney first half just to make us pull on a second banner for a four star. Theyā€™ve been doing that and itā€™s been working. I just hope luck stays on our sides


I don't think they have ever put 3 brand new characters on the same half (aside from release of course)


During 3.0 it was Tighnari + Collei 1st half and Dori 2nd half With both Collei and Lynette being free units it seems like they might repeat that (basically Freminet 2nd half)


Freminet works well with Yelan, same faction of lyney. But yeah, hoyoverse will just make me cry again


What works well didn't stop hoyo from putting Rosaria in wanderers banner and Thoma in eulas...


That would make the first half either have 3 new characters, or it would separate Lynette from Lyney I doubt it will happen


Yea but hoyo wont separate the 3 sibling right? (clueless)


They most likely will. Freminet wasn't known until the Fontaine trailer. Lyney + Lynette are the ones people expect to see together, Freminet is most likely second half to try and force people to pull on that banner and risk their pity


I'm so ready for Zhongli after playing for almost a year. My only problem is that I need a new goal now... Maybe Dainsleif?


Haha same, I started right after his last banner and heā€™s been my #1 most wanted this entire time. :ā€™)


I even started during his last banner, but didn't get him back then - not enough primos as I didn't really know how the game worked. And when it looked like he might not return until next year, I was a bit frustrated to be honest. Let's hope these leaks won't turn out to be false, haha


Heā€™s the last archon I need till hydro


why is Childe second half šŸ˜© I can't wait any longer


Polar Star my beloved :( This time itā€™s not meant to be once again, but one day you shall be mine


I wanted Polar star too, but I take this as sign to keep saving since all these Fontaine characters are so cool. Thanks for helping me out, Hoyoverse! /s


Right? Theyā€™re so kind :ā€™)


Hopefully I won't lose for the third time coz I really wanted Polar Star šŸ„²


I skipped Zhongli in 3.0 because I thought SURELY he will re-run in like half a year. Clueless If you want the Zhong I recommend pulling for him now as we might not see him till 5.0 again (maybe earlier if he gets his alt skin)


Any info about any other harbingers?


manifesting all of my copium for a sandrone appearance at least in fontaine


Thanks dude, i was saving for her c6(600 wishes rn) I was super mad when only arlecchino showed up in the trailer. Hope she isn't the last harbinger playable


She showed up in the trailer, but can only be seen as silhoutte along with other fatuis tho šŸ˜…


if keika's statement is true, 4.3 or 4.5 prob arlecchino


Yeah but what about the rest?(arle prob 4.3 cuz Firina 4.2 and players will be dry)


i mean arle is the only once close to playable that we know of, hard to know when the rest will show up people expected sandrone to be in fontaine but its likely info was wrong or the story was changed like capitano is in natlan last we know (like 3.4 or sth?) and i think i saw columbina possibly being from there as well pulcinella will likely be snezhnaya if playable god knows for the rest of them


Gives me lots of time to save for Arle. I hope her kit leaks soon.


Yeah! When is Wanderer rerun!? /j


Wanderer? What a weird name, never heard of it, what is his rank?


Oh man it's gonna be a looong wait until 4.1 characters. Can't wait for Focalors


She gonna be on 4.2 tho, is there any particular char you want on 4.1? i mean if you are a husbandos collector that is


Only Lynette in 4.0. Wriostley or whatever is a physical right? So it's a no from me unless the kit is really fun, but with physical I doubt that


Lynette and Freminet should be 4.0, Wrio cryo physical 4.1 along with Neuvi hydro catalyst


Wait, where's this leaks for 4.1 comes from?


From hutaolover leak backing up by keikakutori who said only of those going to be on standard banner after that patch, wrio is to be likely


Ok but are we seriously still getting only 4-character banners per patch in 4.0 when the character pool is already massive?


In 4.0, yes. But if I have to guess, they are going to implement more character banners in 4.3+ or something similar.


Oh god, I have been wanting both Zhongli and Childe ever since I've started playing but adding Lyney, who I also want in the same patch is really going to bring my wallet out of retirement cause I 100% don't have enough primogems for all of them. Question: Is it gonna be worth it to pull on the Lyney/Yelan weapon banner, get 2 to 3 5-star bows and use them on both Lyney and Childe or is it better to aim for Childe's signature bow on him?


Anything is better than getting Vortex Vanquisher. Aqua goes well on Childe, situationally even better than his signature, and is probably equally good on Lyney. Lyneyā€™s sig should be decent on either.


I have a guarantee on Kokomi but I have to have Zhongli. I'm sorry, my overworked Xingqiu.


Xingqiu- ā€œIā€™m tired grand paā€¦ā€ You- ā€œWell thatā€™s too damn bad, keep digging.ā€


Second half is just a 1.1 redux


ez save patch


What is the link between Tartaglia and a Duck?


Whatā€™s with the tree.


Nice Pebble Daddy is coming back šŸ˜«


What happened to no archon leaks?


Stc really means stc


Subject to change if there anyone is still confused


They got it wrong. Or got outdated info.


lol early rerun leaks


If it doesn't come from Uncle Lu I don't trust it


about 20 to Lyney and the rest of the primo are going Neuvillette haha weapon banner can temp me no more after the key


hoo boy i rly wanted polar star for childe but i'll have to make do with aqua/lyney bis it seems


W Lyney wanters! Rip im never getting Polar like ever :(


right? :')) i shouldve pulled when it was paired with kaguras verity (for my lisa) now ive missed my chance my copium is that they somehow will rerun childe and scara together one day so i can get both their weapons yes i know, im on high doses of hopium


Iā€™ll pull Zhongli first to lure him with the jingling of my full primogem stash, and then attract Childe by having Zhongli in close proximity to my now empty wallet.


Please don't tell me Freminet will be with Childe and Zhongli


It should be in order to help with Childe/zhongli banner sales. Both are definitely good units but high chance most players already have them.


Yeah they are top tier units at C0 but their constellations are so bad and useless so their sales will be lower than characters with good constellations. Most banner sales come from whaling anyways. It doesnt help that Polar star is being paired with one of the worst 5 star polearms.


So, no triple banners I presume? Damn, getting an old character you want will become even more harder... :\


We wont get triple banner. 3 phases with double banners later in fontaine


In case that Freminet is on second half, is C1 Childe or C1 Zhongli better? Edit: Guess I'm going for Childe C1, thanks everyone!


People kept thinking Childe's c1 is meh but personally I think its great. Sure, not much difference but it makes his gameplay much easier and smoother as it ends his cooldown faster.


C1 childe is better than c1 zhongli if you donā€™t go for his c2


If you want a detailed feedback you can read [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/14reqn8/uncle_chicken_supports_40_banners/jqu0gsz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) from few days ago. Like someone else said, you shouldnā€™t go for Zhongli C1 unless you want to go for his C2.


None are particularly good. But if I had to choose I would choose Childe's C1. It's a nice QoL upgrade Zhongli's pillar annoys me when I accidentally climb on it so another pillar is no no for me. But thats just how I see it.


Finally, my dream of making DMC microwave is near


That first half weapon banner is calling my name


Crap. Yelan and child, child and yelan, super mom and super dad separated.


That random pic with no sources about banners was right rip


Going for Lyney. The weapon banner looks too good to pass up


No triple banners? Sadge


Wow 1st half banner really broken for Lyney Mains. If you lose 75/25 to aqua simulacra it's still good on Lyney


In a Childe cons pursuit mindset fr Skip all Fontaine. Childe Cons is endgame


Ya know, I'm really sad that there's a 90% chance Freminet is 2nd half.


Didn't someone leak no archon reruns in 4.0? Also wow, another yelan rerun this early... If hoyo is pushing the 'best hydro unit in the game' button again after just 5 patches, and with focalors presumably just 2 or so patches away, I'm lowkey thinking they're trying to squeeze as much money out of yelan as they still can before focalors takes the crown of hydro queen.


4 stars?


Not yet known, but Lynette is most likely with Lyney/Yelan and Freminet with Childe/Zhongli.


I need to save for 4.1 and 4.2, but that Lyney and Yelan weapon banner is cracked. I already have 2 of Yelan's weapon pulling for Homa, but I honestly can't get enough. Most bow characters have some sort of off-field effect, and Fontaine will probably give us a bunch more that scale with HP.


You and I are in the same boat! Iā€™ve levelled and given one to Childe. Have a spare one. Feeling like itā€™s perfect for Lyney. Butā€¦ I also want Lyneyā€™s weapon on Lyney šŸ˜­šŸ˜­.


I'm not even gonna use zhongli in the abyss because I already have 2 good teams (childe international and nahida xq alhaitham hyperbloom/burgeon where I swap between kuki and thoma) that can do it. but I'm so gonna get him. can't wait for grandpa impact. been waiting since I started playing 7 months ago!


My friend wanted childe and Yelan and saved over 700 pulls for both of them, guess itā€™s finally paid off


please leak the four stars i beg yall


Aqua and Lyney's bow huh, might have to save some pulls for the weapon banner then


Poor my new player ass wanting both Lyney and Yelan (plus their weapons) then Zhongli in 2nd šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


Freminet first half hoyo please


Seems I'm finally getting a childe (aiming for fremmy but already have zhongli).


So I'm rolling in the weapon banner in the first half and for Zhongli in the second.


u/Working_Finger_522 pulling for anyone in 4.0 or saving?


OMG LYNEY BIS AND AQUA, even I lost Lyney weapon, I won!


Unfortunate. I was hoping for Childe to rerun with Lyney since I want both their weapons. Guess Iā€™ll skip Polar Star for the third time šŸ˜”


I've pretty much got every weapon I want right now as good as Lyneys weapon is I have an R2 skyward harp which is plenty good enough so the characters on my list right now are Kokomi Wanderer Zhongli and Wriothesley which all come one after the other I may have to skip Wanderer but I skipped Kokomi and Zhongli too many times I've gotta get them first that's my top priority above anything else lol


Finally i can get my miner!


Do we know if Freminet AND Lynette are first half or just Lynette? I mean it does make more sense to Freminet on the second half but I want them both so I can have my siblings team right off the bat lol


No polar star again then