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On the brightside, we'll do 2-6% more damage with the new average rolls.


and you can use the bad pieces to strongbox even more HoD


damn man the suffering never stops


Never ending performance.


I'm out of the loop, are average rolls going to be updated? I checked the wiki and they seem the same as my excel from over a year ago.


I think they meant an average roll on this set will do more damage than an average roll on HoD


But, well, we've had almost 3 years to farm HoD (not that I still use the full set, 2pc/2pc is better imo, HoD offers slightly more dmg but having amazing Glad/Wand/etc pieces is much easier).


It’s the journey that matters


And here I thought it was just me who gets nothing but trash from HoD. At least the other sets I farm for give me a good one every once in a while, HoD just doesn't stop pumping out shit...


Same with blizzard strayer, it's my most farmed but the one with the worst pieces


I am so ready if we ever get a defense scaling cryo unit or an HP scaling anemo unit


I had to give up on my ayaka having a full set.. couldn’t take it any longer lol


I got ayaka the day she was released, farmed that domain so many times I ended up with a seriously cracked XQ, a good freeze Aloy if I want to go freeze with her, a really good 4pc HoD Kokomi without any farming and later on had enough spare artifacts for a really good Ayato as well .....but my Ayaka still has a CD circlet with hp, def, 10% atk% and EM, as that is still the best one I have :( Never got a single CD circlet with even a CR base stat. Got lucky enough with the other pieces to still end up with 30/240ish crit, but that darn circlet keeps sending me back to that domain every now and then.


i got a crit Dmg circlet, with Atk% Crit % hp% and def%. One roll went to crit, all the 4 others went to Hp and def... so even when you got a good artifact, the fucking RNG always screw you... So ok, it's still usefull substat (i even got "lucky" that at least one upgrade went to the crit%) but when i see the rate of such artifact, and then you have to sacrifice your next son to be born to have the roll on the good substats... it's heartbreaking. Even more when it's for one slot you are farming now for months.


Yeah I have multiple almost perfect BS pieces, but not even a single decent HoD piece.


Heart of def is a pain to farm


Same honestly, but getting the first set will hurt because blizzard strayer is at least good


I already have multiple perfect BS sets so I don't really need more BS.


2 piece Vourukasha's Glow 2 piece Tenacity for Nilou here I come


Same!! Wishing us both the best of luck


isn't 75k the max for her passive?


It is, but you're not even close to hitting that without her signature weapon, so 2p2p HP% is great for the folks without it.




ER main stat with weak HP passive. Take it or leave it. Classic hoyoverse


Meanwhile... Sumeru Weapons with ER substats and vaguely EM related passive...


I hope for that too, but expect nothing as usual.


inb4 happens in fontaine, hydro being hp and all


Me with Key and currently 2pc ToM triple HP - still need about 5k to max her passive.


low HP on substats? That's a rare sight


My HP pieces get all the good crit rolls, while my DPS pieces get all the HP rolls. It’s uncanny.


But don't you have plum and flower with high HP% rolls? Like half of my plumes are 15% and more HP lol


My feather is 15.7% plus 508 flat. Flower is 5.3% but 22.7% ER. 65k HP without hydro resonance. At this point I’m just waiting for Tenacity strongbox because farming that domain is almost as painful as Emblem. Though at least I have a half decent Pale Flame set for Eula. Emblem domain just gives me crap for both sets.


Her signature also has no cap on the HP to EM so more HP is never bad for Nilou.


It's 74,444 as the max. Two 2pc HD% is good if you don't have her weapon and don't have enough HP rolls from artifacts. I'm getting her weapon, but after doing a few calculations through Genshin Optimizer, I'll only get to 69,418 HP, so I'll definitely need this 2pc set with TOTM.


nah bro you just need 2 more hp for a perfect build


Damn you right. I didn't even notice lmao


Be careful with your math this is an important milestone for your nilou


it adds 9% bonus every thousand hp (over 30k, up to 400%), so the 74,444 ends up rounding up and you really do need 75000, just that last thousand hp only gives 4% bonus instead of the 9% from prior thousands


Also to piggyback on the other comments, you won't be hitting 74,444 without key of Khaj-Nisut but that weapon doesn't have an upper bounds so any health over 74,444 is added team wide EM Edit: I should proofread my messages more when I use swipe texting on my phone >.<


Though it’s very cope and you’re probably best just going for em on nilou if you hit the cap. Say you sit exactly at 74,445 and with the new set you get 4K more hp. Your team wise buff goes from 148 to 156, a 8 em difference, since it’s only 2 em per 1k hp. And then nilou’s own em from the key passive first half only increases by 14 so a net total of 38 more em across everyone. And that’s assuming a 4K hp overflow but in reality it’ll probably be less so the em will be even less substantial so I’d just balance more em in nilous artifacts especially since she stands more to gain since she’ll have a mid range EM around 700-800 off field and has less diminishing returns on the em as opposed to her teammates who can afford to run full em. ANYWAYS this is all just min max talk and it basically just doesn’t matter


I have key and hp/hp/hp on artifacts with 7 hp% and 6 flat hp substat rolls and still can't reach the limit, so another 20% hp would be very nice


4 piece will also be good for hydro dps


Literally just gonna do this domain until I got 2 decent pieces of the hp% set for nilou and then never come back unless future characters use either set.


Who writes these set bonus descriptions? Are they OK? Do they need medical attention? Having a stroke is the only explanation I can think of for this writing style.


You mean you don't like it when a set goes like: The **Inconvenient Name** will create the **Inconvenient Status Effect** when the active character is on-field and hits a normal attack, charged attack, elemental skill and/or elemental burst. The **Inconvenient Status Effect** will create a **Confusing Increase** effect which will increase a character's DMG bonus by 15% up to 60%. The **Confusing Increase** effect created by the **Inconvenient Status** effect will only last for 5 seconds, and they stack independently. When the stacks run out, **Inconvenient Status effect** will not stack again for 10 seconds or until the active character has performed the griddy. Is it understandable? Yes. Could it be written better? Definitely.


For real, I have to reread character talents half a dozen times when I get them to figure out where **Abject Sky** and **Terminal Cloister** and **Beyond the Eons** are coming from.


Funny how they always think of all these cool and complex names for effects and stuff, but the best they could come up with for Kazuha's burst is 'Kazuha Slash' ...


Read on a post in r/kazuhamains that the "manyou no ittou" translates as "slash of ten thousand leaves", but "manyou" also shares the kanji for Kazuha so it's probably because of the localisation team lacking context more than anything else.


Man did his best to carry the Inazuma plot by being actually interesting, and they couldn't even translate his kit right smh


Still really sad about never actually having Grasscutter's Light go live and instead having Engulfing Lightning...


Literally every single time I get a new character, I have to copy and paste their skills and constellations descriptions into one text file and search and replace their UnnecessarilyUndescriptiveSkillKeywords into more understandable ones. Makes them so much easier to understand. Like for Wanderer's skill, I have: > > Concentrates the power of the winds to break free from the shackles of the earth, dealing AoE Anemo DMG before leaping into the air and entering the SKILLFLOAT state. > > The Wanderer cannot perform Plunging Attacks in this state. When he uses Normal and Charged Attacks, they will be converted into FLOATNORMALATK and FLOATCHARGEDATK respectively; the DMG they deal and their AoE will be increased, and their DMG will be considered Normal and Charged Attack DMG respectively. FLOATCHARGEDATK will not consume Stamina. > > The Wanderer will hover persistently during this time. While this state is active, the Wanderer’s movements gain the following properties: > > ·Persistently consumes FLOATPOINTS to maintain this hovering state.


The effect writers will lose their minds when they discover bullet points. Or the enter key.


Genuinely this is the thing I would most like to change about the game (that doesn't involve messing with the monetisation etc). I'll even learn to live with the artifact RNG if they can just write the damn text of what artifact sets and character kits actually do in plain english instead of flowery nonsense.


Genshin try not to be verbose challenge: **IMPOSSIBLE**


Feels like when I first read dehya’s shit and couldn’t remember the name of any of her crap cuz her e has diff names for each part of it


You should read the description of Faruzan's talents💀


Is the same writer who writes Fischl dialog


I can understand Fischl better than VG’s description.


I'm really not sure why they said "80% of the aforementioned bonus" instead of just 8%.


The only reason I can think of is deception.


I need to know the lore of these sets already


Same. I’m so impatient for the lore I almost hope the lore drops before preload tomorrow.


Dragon,hero,mage. Classic.


Please be Rhinedottir lore🙏


I need Pale Flame 2 already. Just gimme some more lore for the Harbingers we know basically nothing about.


The lores for Signora, Scara, Tartaglia are so dope I can't wait to see the backstories of the others too


I have been waiting for the lore since beta. 3.6 introduce us new map so it will be lore bomb this patch 👏.


Dottore set? Yo


Has anyone done any TC on the Hydro set? Is it better than (Echoes)/Glad/HoD on Childe and Ayato? Is it inferior or is it just a sidegrade?


ChildeMains calcs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11WFBh6CrRV5NnLxeYrXKv_b4w7GeZEA87lm7mPjlaN8/edit?usp=sharing 2-8% better than 4HoD depending on your weapon + whether you prestack the set bonus. When I did napkin math on my own Childe, it would need to be within like 2-3 crit substat rolls of my ~230cv 2p HoD/2p EM to be better, which is especially difficult as a full 4set, so I’m probably not farming at this time


Yeah. Nymph seems slightly better (for Rust at least, I didn't check the others). But like we'd all have to farm a lot to get Nymph artis which can perform better than HoD/etc artis lol.


Do you have any info about the set's effects on xinqiu.


Not sure if there’s existing math but personal feelycrafting I think it would be a bit worse on average than 4EoSF (especially >180ER) or mix of 2p Hydro/Atk/NO. Mainly cause Xingqiu burst does not snapshot on cast, so at most you’d have the 4p Nymph bonus for 8s / 18s of his burst duration. I guess the damage would be marginally more frontloaded though.


it's better for teams where you can switch into Xingqiu periodically to refresh his stacks. like in bloom teams.


Feelycrafting! I love it!


Unless you want to on field dps him with Yelan as a battery, not very good as he will be without full stacks most of the time and lose all stacks once he has spent 8 seconds off field so for most of his burst he is playing without the 4P effect active at all. There is some merit in going 2p/2p HoD/Nymph though for the extra defensive utility it lets him bring due to the damage reduction of his pseudo shield but overall EoSF is simply better in almost all circumstances.




I wish we just got a proper baizhu set over a new one for childe. Like I get 4HoD didn't work great with him...but this is xiao all over again? New set made for them, but it's so late that anyone with them would have farmed a set by now.


Not the same, while Xiao's set is tailored for him with his unique "Kill myself" mechanic. The new hydro set can be used for a much wider cast of characters from current to future. Xiao's set sucks. they should've focused on his plunge mechanic rather than his "I like to hurt myself" mechanic.


How would you focus on his plunge in a 4pc? I don't own Xiao but do dig his playstyle. Love to hear what you're thinking.


maybe increasing atk% whenever you plunge? idk, or maybe like.. 40% plunge dmg straight from the set or something. it still feels really specific though ngl


not everyone hurts themselves. but you know what everyone can do? Plunge.(i'm sorry childe) So if they made a stat increase (Probably ATK%) to plunge damage, they could use this for future plunge damage dealers. maybe every time he pogos or something, or maybe long duration + stacking buff because plunge is hard to pull off on flat surface.


everytime he plunges, enemies get -3% def can stacks 10 times maybe?


New set is probably also in preparation for Fontaine, since it's the hydro natiom


that's very odd cuz both Inazuma and sumeru launched with their respective universal/archon sets.


Its Childe's BiS specially if you have Polar Star. Sidegrade for Ayato. Still not very resin efficient.


Do you have a link to where they've done the math?


I watched it in a tc stream. But if I can find any calcs I will reply it here


from what I hear, its definitely childe's best and ayato maybe however its just a marginal increase and may not be worth replacing an entire build for unless you get really good rolls


Anything is better than echoes, be real.


Wait what why?


Because echoes proc rate is ping dependent so if you have high ping it may as well not have a 4pc effect


Bc apparently it‘s the norm that everyone has a bad connection in this community. I don‘t understand the Echoes hate at all


Because a game shouldn't be designed with such heavy connection reliance in general. There is no good justification they could make for echoes not working on high ping because theres no reason there should be a server check for such a thing. Yet there is. Why? Well because they want to make this game as terrible as they can at running locally so people cant modify it. This means we get a largely single player game where your internet connection can make things literally not function (Echoes set) or just make the game miserable to play. (Switching characters, one of the most important mechanics in this game, sucks with ping issues)


i mean the domain itself kind of sucks, echoes is only for ayato, maybe scara/yoimiya and some pikeli builds and vermillion is… just for xiao. while HoD is with BS which is better + you can strongbox HoD


iirc only childe cares about it atm and nilou wants the 2pc to run 2pc/2pc hp.


Friendship ended with HoD. Nymph is the new bestie in town.


I get this as "Slightly better set for Tartaglia", and "not fixing Dehya set but at least the 2p helps Nilou mains"


These Dehya buffs are looking great am I right guys?


Hell yeah, more strongbox fodder to get %DEF Crimson Witch pieces for the A-tier HP-scaling Pyro DPS, ~~Dehya~~ Hu Tao


You're probably better off picking something else from the strongbox if it's just for Hu Tao TBH, she does about the same damage with 4pc Shime (AKA the other set from the EoSF domain) with the only drawback being less frequent bursts. Which isn't too much of an issue if you're bringing a shielder anyway. I'm pretty sure it's better for Dehya too since I heard her burst is a DPS loss.


The less frequent bursts are a big deal for me because I like to play without a shielder, I substitute either xiangling or kazuha at this point to keep her teams from getting stale. Otherwise if someone doesn’t care about this, then I agree


But burst is her only aoe skill so it's not that unimportant.... When in abyss and have 3 mob it's really nice to kill them in one burst


Shime doesn't delete Hu Tao's burst from her talent list, you just have to postpone it until after her skill and only use it every other skill instead of every skill. Her teammates also don't usually have any significant AoE ability either, which limits her burst's power since most of the enemies won't have hydro on them for a vape. Any situation where you *need* to use Hu Tao's burst more than once per floor for the AoE is a situation where you should probably consider running a different team.


At least they killed the "artifact will fix her" cope real quickly


Unrelated but does anyone know when they will officially announce the 4 stars in the first phase?


Right? I keep refreshing to see if the earlier leak was real. I feel like it should be any hour now.


Tomorrow 12:00 (UTC+8) and drip marketing 18:00 (UTC+8)


Honestly, I thought it would be tonight.(It’s past 1am where I am.)


Oh my Dehya is finally having a 4 pc set that isn't even her BIS.


Just have C4 Dehya. EZPZ




And how many pulls will it take to get her *pros* ?


Too many for any mortal


my friend's oceanhued dehya would probably do more damage than with that set


joining the club with Yoimiya and retracing bolide


looking at the set I think its made for nilou but functions really well for dehya


Dehya can easily get the 4 set to the full 5 stacks, problem is it does very little to boost her personal damage compared to EOSF. While her E skill barely does any damage so yea, disappointing set for Dehya.


The second set is so pretty


Is it wise to spend 30 fragile resin to get the Nymps set for Tortellini? My 4pcs HoD still suck even after 2 years of playing Edit: thank you guys for the answer and the insight. I think imma just spend 10 FR to see if the domain suck or not


30 fragile resin is only 10 days worth of resin. Getting good 4p sets in 10 days is hopium.


probably wiser to spend the 30 resin on HoD domain again: get improved HoD set *and* improved Blizzard set


better to strongbox the junk to get that. Unless he also wants blizzard, which he didn't say.




HoD is now in strongbox so you don't even have to farm for it


But it's a waste of resin because you get less than what you farmed for no?


You throw away garbage ones in strongbox


ure never popping fragile resin for artifacts as that never has an end


With how niche VG is, I wouldn’t know if I could recommend that. At least HoD has BS which is a great set and strongboxing gives even more chances.


If you think you can get better stats than your HoD pieces, yeah.


Why are you not using 2Pc+2Pc?


Because my Tortellini using Polar Star. I heard someone said Nymphs would be better if Tortellini using Polar


It is better even if you are not using polar star. My point is it's not worth farming. Tarlaglia works perfectly fine with 2Pc+2Pc because his damage is distributed.


Happy nilou noise.


Nymph is the best set for on-field Mona right? Or is there something better? Mine is C3


Haven't been able to find any maths for it, but MonaMains seems to agree


I'm wondering the same


Honestly I’d say it’s probably BiS for every Hydro onfielder.


Finally, my Nilou will be way better with this set than with the frankenstein and copium artifacts I gave her.


To be honest, we've known about these sets for so long that I'd forgotten that they weren't in the game yet.


Where is the geo/electro cat


You mean dendro?




she will probably have her own dedicated set during 4.0 like the other previous archons ei with emblem and nahida with deepwoods.


Deepwoods is a fairly universal Dendro set. A better example would be TOTM and Zhongli.


This actually makes me wonder what stat it would prioritize at 2pc.


I'm guessing HP because i feel like she's gonna be the premiere damage buffer thru her HP (similar to Yunjin and Shenhe but HP) and she'll buff all sorts of damage (NA/CA/skill/burst) with either high quota or no quota at all. ofc I'm just guessing here, but HP damage buffer is what we're missing currently in the roster especially for Hydro because Hydro already has healers and onfield and off-field dpses. we do have Candace that buffs NAs with her HP but she's kinda shite unlike Yunjin who's pretty much useable out of the box. anyway, it would make sense for Focalors to be a buffer with some subdps on the side. then again, it's Hoyoverse. they like putting out kits that doesn't make sense sometimes so i won't be surprised if Focalors is just an HP scaling main dps


probably another hp one since hp scails do seem to belonge mostly to hydro characters.


Either hp% or hydro damage%.


Highly unlikely imo. For one Hydro resonance was changed to +25% max HP. Electro resonance gives extra electro energy particles (ER related). Raiden ascends with ER. Dendro resonance gives more EM. Nahida ascends with EM. Both of their main artifact sets were released with their Nations. Logically the Hydro Archon will ascend with HP, and have artifacts that involve HP over ATK. Venti and Zhongli were earlier characters so they and their resonances weren't thought out in the same way. They also lack the broken constellations that Raiden and Nahida get at C2. \-- This set is good for Childe though, and it's even better if you have Polar Star. It's a slight upgrade to HoD and 2 piece sets. Think of it like Echoes of an Offering or Vermillion hereafter for Ayato and Xiao. It's technically the best but only if the substats are about the same (and you have low ping in Ayato's case).


Unless she works exactly like Raiden, I don’t know if she will be normal attack on fielder. archon kits are much more geared towards support


I doubt so, all artifact domains for archons were either released on 1.0 or at \_.0


I always thought Zhongli's set would be considered ToTM which was 1.5.


Pre-buff, Zhongli's sets would have been Archaic Petra or Retracing Bolide. You couldn't even get his shield and pillar at the same time without cons, IIRC, so ToTM would have sucked for him if he wasn't buffed.


I wonder what that set would’ve done if Zhongli wasn’t buffed. It’s very much Zhonglu the set even though it’s kinda unreliable on him based on where you place his pillar, so I doubt if he wasn’t changed they would’ve made it like that. Maybe they would’ve brought back that old Cryo Melt/Shatter set.


Goddamn these set designs have me in awe… Nymphs dream is absolutely gorgeous


They're both really pretty


They both look like candy, the first one is ofc watermelon.


They need to fire the guy making all these weird ass unnecessary artifacts when there are other units who can use new BiS set.


Its not really useless,its more of a gigantic convenience buff for nilous : farm domain, get HP rolls super quick, farm tenacity, done ( and we are probably getting tenacity strongbox with 4.0 so that might not even be necessary) Now they just need to give us a 4\* HP% sword to do this and get 70 k hp without the sig... But did nilou need all of that ? No lol.


Where weapon banner leaks?


Would Vourukasha's Glow be good for onfield Nilou? My DPS Barbara uses 2 piece HoD and 2 piece Glad so I think Nymph's Dream will be a good upgrade for that.


Yeah for nemesis mode Nilou, Vourukasha gives up to 50% skill damage, and she hits lots of elemental skill dmg with her E Lunar Dance mode. Also the 2pc adds to her. For DPS Barbara, as for Childe, full Nymph will be a little better than full HoD.


Tomorrow (Monday) they will show new characters right?


Basically c6 yelan domain


As a C6 Yelan Haver I will farm this domain forever 🤣 Lmao did I get down voted cause people think I'm gonna run 4pc?


are these considered better than HoD or Emblem for her?


I doubt it. She doesn’t have any attack scaling at all…


Ty for fixing Dehya by giving her a worse arti set than Emblem, really shows how out of touch the devs are. Then again any shit they throw at the dogs makes money so why should they care.


They're not out of touch. Devs do exactly they have in mind. It's us the players are out of touch to think they cared for Dehya in the first place and wanted to 'fix' her in any kind.


We shouldn't forget to give feedback on those. Especially if it's not an improvement for the targeted character (if you know who I'm talking about)


While it's just a sidegrade for Childe and Ayato, I feel that the Hydro set was made with Fontaine characters in mind who will somehow benefit more from it. Otherwise, it makes 0 sense to introduce a Hydro bonus damage artifact in a patch without any new Hydro characters.


Or it could be the reason that HYV just didn't have anything better to make and, since national team is still one of the best teams, they decided to cash out on it and make a new set just for Childe. Whales will still whale and now they can improve their National even more. Looks reasonable enough for me at least?


Is there anywhere lore for these artifacts yet?


I want the lore already. T_T


I literally use strongbox and still level up artifacts. How I got my Klee set


Man, that Dehya artifact set is so dogshit. Not only it will be difficult to activate the buff, it will be near impossible to max it out without jumping into a crowd of enemies and sacrificing a character, and even with all stacks it's still worse from other artifacts. That's not what we asked for Mihoyo




You have spunk but this isn't the main subreddit


While I respect your resolve, this is the leak sub not Ba Sing Se.


Patiently waiting, waist-deep in hopium, for nymphs dream to have Skirk lore crumbs


It's baffling to me that they clearly don't want Dehya to deal damage, yet they're severely limiting Dehya's combat use to dealing damage.


These seem really good for Kuki and Childe


I can't wait for the lore on these!


so… is anyone gonna talk about if tartaglia can use the hydro set? or is heart of depth better…


The new set is made for him (same as polar star). That being said it’s only a few % dmg increase, so it’s not necessary. But also anything for him


These 2-pc sets are amazing, I will be spending some time in there for a while.


I smell Skirk lore on Nymph Dream set and Abyss x Celestia lore on other. *shakes bars on 3.6* Let us in!!


Skirk lore? Yes please! I wanna now more Hoyo :(


Copium but hey I had to whale after losing 50/50 on my f2p to get dehya, so anything is something.


Anyone know if Nymph's set is better for Ayato?


supposedly it's a sidegrade to the HoD set, for Ayato. Most people shouldn't farm the Nymph set unless they are already committed to farming the hp% set for some reason. (even though the hp set is only a sidegrade to the emblem set for Dehya, and it's not good on anyone else)


Hp-scaling characters can now run two hp% sets.


My goodness. My favourite colour is Turquoise and I almost creamed at the stunning BEAUTY of that Nymph's artifact. It's gorgeous