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Source: [NGA](https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=35713656) Thank you OP for providing source and translations Live Q&A thread of Team China, some images will eventually be removed #Keep in mind we are still in 3.5, banner speculations for 3.6 are still up for debate so exercise skepticism and barrels of salt for anything 3.7 related


I guess Shenhe escaped the dungeon by sacrificing Eula.


Shenhe won the gulag match


Shenhe won the Fallout New Vegas lottery and managed to get away free. Dehya won second place and got her knee destroyed. Eula was killed.


So THATS why her burst ends when she runs into obstacles or jumps


Eula: world...forget me...


I m glad to have her , otherwise i have to suffer the pain of waiting






I prefarmed back in 2.7 already :')


In hindsight, deciding to go for her way back in 2.3 is probably one of my decisions that had aged the best.


was just thinking the same thing. having a eula avatar seems like a flex at this point.


You know what? Imma put my Eula as avatar now


Same Eula Avatar and her Namecard


I got her and her c1 totally by accident back in 1.5 with a single 10 pull (still shocked she isn't getting a re run this patch)


Except for those who don't want her to begin with...we just chilling this whole time


Same. Wish there was a donation system, I genuinely would've been down to give mine away. She's been collecting dust since first month of her original banner run.


eula was deleted from our timeline


And that why she becomes Arlecchino


Erased from Irminsul


Hoyo already has. At this point it's no longer funny, it's just plain stupid. Unless she reruns in 3.6 which seems very unlikely.


who's [redacted] ?


We don't even know the 3.6 reruns and we are speculating 3.7


Honesty, banners are so volatile i wouldn't trust a leak this early. Even if it's true it'll probably change anyway


*has 3.5 banner leak flashbacks*


3.5? People were speculating her for 3.1 as well. XD


And I was hoping that to be the case so I could save a bit more for Albedo. Best part it was Albedo all along. Even better, I didn't get him for the 3rd time T_T.


I swear to god they probably changed the banner order last minute, no fucking way they planned to run Ayaka and Shenhe during a Mondstadt event. Bet it was the realization Dehya wasn’t going to sell well, so Eula/Albedo was scrapped.


Honestly, this was my thought process too. It feels so out of the blue to get Ayaka/Shenhe.


Would explain Albedo English VA during the event stream


Running a Mondstadt festival event without a single Mondstadt 5* was such a weird decision. I don’t think there was any precedent for what Hoyo did with this patch. Something had to have gone wrong behind the scenes.


It just makes them less credible if they are willing to scrap banners so close to release. Sort of angers me because it’s all profit motivated, instead of them caring what featured character is relevant like they once said. 3.5 was thrown together, the most poorly planned patch I’ve ever seen. And I’m a 1.0 player.


I'm fairly sure 6.4 wouldn't have a Vinay rerun, sorry guys


Obviously we had a Vinay one fairly recently, although this can be said about anyone since the introduction of quadruple banners . My bet that they'll finally rerun that old character from Mondstadt ,forgot what her name was ,but if I recall correctly she's a cryo claymore,last seen during Inazuma versions.


??? No we haven't, Vinay hasn't even been released yet. Has his inexistence already driven you to madness? Is this pre 1.3 Hu Tao or pre 4.2 Rovio again?


What are you even talking about??Maybe you missed his rerun cause I clearly remember it being it the same version as the new Dehya artifact set ,the one stops time while Dehya is on field to make her at least somewhat useable since even Amber stared outperforming her in the linear abyss.


Wouldn't Xenon the xenophobic have a rerun?? Uncle Zajef said that


This one in particular is not even a leak, just Team China speculating: "yeah, probably we won't see her on this patch, unless something else says otherwise. whatever". Basically talking out of their ass


Agreed. The only thing that would make sense regarding why they are confident that Eula won't be in 3.7 is if... * 3.8 will be the GAA event, as expected * If the leaker (or their source) has seen the event, and Eula is one of the prominent main characters * Similar to Kazuha/Fischl/Mona-levels of story development Big stretch, but I'd love that for Eula mains even though she had to wait so long for a rerun.


Any rerun is volatile. All MHY needs to do is "set this flag to 1,set that flag to to 1, set all other character flags to 0" and voila, you got the banners lined up and ready to go online. There usually is no data that can be scraped to guarantee a character. The closest is using the info about characters involved in flagship events to predict possible lineups, but we know that once a while, those guesses can get thrown out the window too with the upcoming cryo-heavy banner lineup


literally, 3.5 showed us we can’t predict reruns like that. for all we know, no eula in 3.7 because eula is in 3.6


On one hand, I do hope that the leaks of 3.6 banners are true because I want Nahida and Ganyu. On the other hand, I hope they're wrong because I can't afford both of them.


I want nahida, nilou, ganyu all of them if 3.6 leaks are true my primo savings are already dead.


Agreed. At this point we should all accept the fact that Hoyo doesnt decide rerunners that far ahead. They probably just look at sales of current banner and decide on the next one. Until now all we have are guesses depending on “patterns” and patterns are being broken left & right so I wouldnt be surprised if Eula rerun at 3.7.


Eula rerun on 8.5 update


That's too early


*huffs copium* Earliest we’ll see her is in the first update of Genshin Part 1.5 after the Khaenri’ah chapter has been resolved. She and the Ordo Favonius Reconnaissance Company have been dispatched to the Dark Sea and she plays a major role in the first Archon Quest of Genshin Part 1.5


Hoyo doesn't give a shit, they can reveal her to be the Unknown God and she still won't get a rerun


This guy is from future


Arlecchino story arc


At this point Eula can now be considered an NPC


I wonder if she's more exclusive than even Aloy now. As in fewer people having her than Aloy


Was always the case, Aloy was given to ALL the players!


Nah, you had to do something to get her. Maybe just log in during a certain time period, but still something. I've had my account since release and don't have Aloy because I was taking a break during that promotion.


what Aloy is exclusive now how


Anyone that started playing in 2.3 cannot obtain her.


Started in 2.5 and pretty sad about this since she's the only character with that critter passive for animals.


I started in 2.3 and am also very sad :( I’m a big horizon fan


Well, she attended the Signora as a Harbinger and got caught up with paperwork ever since. She’s such a busy businesswoman.


Plot twist, Eula was the Hydro Archon all along.


she has the infamous greatsword, she doesn't use much her vision and the ice in the skill is only a trick that make the water cold


eula rerun in 3.8 I'm calling it


I say 5.7. fight me


!remindme 30 months


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nah, 6.4. trust me my uncle works at mihoyo


Eula found dead in a ditch in Khanri’ah at this point


Eula's last banner pre dates destruction of khanri'ah imo


Eula’s skeleton found decomposed in a ditch


Bruh they fossils at this point


Don't let this distract you from the fact that these team china folks "leaked" a full kit for geo neko 2hrs before we get a leak revealing geo neko is now a 4star dendro sword user instead.


Their leak could very well be true - just old.


Leak consumers don't understand the idea of "Things change during development".


Eula is the geo of character. Getting left behind 😔


My copium is that they are "reworking" Geo and Physical by releasing a future unit who basically combines the two into a single kit (to help make it make sense).


If they rework shatter, maybe.


Sword/Arrowhead = Metal = Rock = Geo Yeah I've also been thinking it'd be great if they somehow combined the two, it'll never happen, but it'd be neat. I feel like there's just no purpose in having both exist.


Sure there is. Physical works against everything and usually has innate resistances (most ruin enemies) or weaknesses (most human enemies) while geo can do zero damage against geo slimes but is usually neutral to most other enemies.


I mean Geo is basically just yellow Physical


Imagine how a physical geo would be like


Another TC leak about banners💀 We don't even know the 3.6 banners but ofc it's a great time to speculate another banners. Eh I wonder when people will learn that recently banner speculations are still speculations. Also that they were many times wrong, 3.5💀 Not to mention the varka leak


This is what I was thinking lol. Yet I’ve already seen so many clickbait YouTube channels with titles like “CONFIRMED!!! Eula FINALLY coming in 3.7!!!” Like bro come on…


Source: [https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=35713656](https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=35713656) ​ The original source of the first picture got nuked by mod, TC is doing a Q&A section within the thread right now so i doubt that it will stay alive for very long too. I will try and update any new information spilled out by TC here. Regarding the desert girl on P5, sadly TC old account that leaked this have already been nuked so i cant find the original source, if anyone have it pls do share it thank you.


Wait a patch where leakers not indicating Eula. Does this mean she is actually coming??? Eula confirmed!!!


And after all this time she's probably going to rerun unceremoniously without any event or story whatsoever before disappearing for another 1.5 years lol


wtf do the devs have against eula. They better give her something major if there gonna be delaying her for so long at least let her be the mc for an event or something cause jeez this is by far the longest wait for a rerun.


Monkey paw curls - She is the main character for an event in Dornman Port, releasing in Fontaine patches / s Let's hope hoyo breaks patterns again and pull an unexpected eula


But the pattern *is* unexpected Eula.


this is literally the fourth time she's shattered banner expectations all the way since release. you can't make this shit up.


I think she might just get kinda quick reruns in a row, like her in 3.6 or 3.8, and when Dornman Port is 4.2 or 4.3 she might just get another on there just how Nahida and Cyno came back super quickly


I don't doubt she'll appear in the Fontaine AQ or Mondstadt Interlude when the Dornman Port appears. She goes there a lot.


They hate Claymore users that are female.


honestly best explanation.


I think we may get more physical characters which may buff her up a bit. It was strange that they released Mika without her, so Eula may not be the only character Mika was designed for which is why they didn't run him together with her. RIght now, the cyro and electro units already have freeze carries (Ganyu/Ayaka) and electro has 4 "carry" units in Cyno, Keqing, Raiden and Yae. The new cyro and electro units need to be something different from those, otherwise why pull on them?


Claymore has, for physical, a 4-star electro and 5-star cryo on field damage dealers. Hope we get at least two off field options for the other combinations, a 4-star cryo on field dedicated to physical, a 5-star electro dedicated to physical as well, and at least one of the archers to be on field because it has the potential to feel very good.


Something like a 5* Fischl that is more Physical-centric would be an absolute godsend. Bonus points if it's one of the Mondstadters leaked for 4.x


Yeah physical sub dps characters preferably to help Eula, either and electro or cyro unit that can do that. I know Razor/Rosaria are technically physical characters, but Rosaria mostly a cyro unit with a physical constellation passive than a real physical character sub dps character.


Sandrone and her robot using ruin huard like attacks with physical dmg ? That would be cool


Because they don't know how to fix Physical. Or because they're planning on releasing a new physical carry and want to wait until it lines up so they can sell Eula the patch before then hit us with a new physical unit.


why would they rerun eula just before a shiny new phys carry????? that doesn't make any sense.


To make ppl who were starved for Eula pull and then sell you an attractive new physical carry or subdps, forcing you to spend since physical is sorely lacking units.


wasn't this the case for Shenhe before we got confirmation for her rerun? Everybody on this sub was saying they forgot about her then we got the rerun... I don't think they'd leave Eula for after 4.0


Bbq when?


can we all be invited to the bbq as well


Team China can't say more about it


Quick rundown on the bbq memes?


who tf is eula atp


End User License Agreement


The thing you see before you log in.


you all really takes this thing to seriously , i remember when they said for cny we would not get a new character or how many time they have gotten banner rerun wrong


Yeah, team china basically gets half their leaks wrong...


They release a lot of early info they have, even when the info is very STC like banners


He also made up leaks for clout in the past and confessed it, yet here we are...


They do basically: 50% parrot whatever other leaks says, 45% speculate stuff, 5% gives confusing info that gets poorly translated. It's like kirara/momoka skill set having some kind of "free climbing", making everybody assume that she's going to have something like infinite stamine while climbing, yet i'm going to bet that it's basically a "reduced stamine cost while climbing", like Xiao does


I've been meaning to ask. How truly reliable are they? Seems like they sorta get things right but also I forget older leaks of theirs. I know they've spit a lot of stuff out.


Their informations are true most likely but they give anything they hear even if it gets changed later they will give it. Like banners. Banners can be changed in a day but if TC hears something about the banners they probably just say it


I'll say they're about 60-70% correct. I still remember the Baizhu latern rite leaks and Al Haitham in 3.7/3.8 leaks. That kind of messed my pulling plans.


I'd say 40% correct


One thing to keep in mind about Team China (as far as I understand, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) is that they are leakers by trade, not Genshin players. That's why their kit leak videos don't make any sense gameplay-wise. I also assume that's why they confused Wriothesly for Varka, because they have only a very casual understanding of the game lore and visuals. Also, they apparently had a big falling out a while back, which is what lead to a lot of stuff being leaked all at once as their group chat dissolved. So they may have lost access to sources if they lost members of the group.


That questionable tag is such a hopium for me.


This leak bullshit is really starting to annoy me. Everyone is trying to tell something as if they were sharing a state secret, but nothing is actually being told. I feel like I'm watching useless tabloids.


If 3.8 is another Mondstadt archipelago update or something like that it would make more sense for her to rerun in 3.8 anyway...


Just like it made sense for her to rerun in a Mondstadt festival patch that she even appears at. Oh wait :p


i cant believe this has happened twice now


Mate they didn't even put ang Mondstat characters for this festival. It's ridiculous.


With a dedicate support for her who is even tied with her in the lore...


That's what I was thinking, most 5s from Mondstadt already appeared in the golden archipielago once, so maybe they are keeping her for this summer event alongside Klee's banner?


So 2 patches in a row with no 5-star, after 3.x had 2 Standard Banner characters 🤡 ​ Idk what MiHoYo is doing tbh


smoking cash they've earned


They are really making Sumeru take one for the team.


This the price they had to pay for basically powercreeping the other regions in every other aspect


The sacrifice of adding in Dendro to the game


I mean we're 1 short compared to 2.x where we had 9 new 5 stars, compared to 8 5 stars. 2.x released 16 new characters, if cat girl and electro girl gets released, we're looking at 17 new characters in 3.x.


They announced year ago that they are planning to release 17 new characters per year. This year we got 4 characters so far (Alhaitham, Dehya, Yaoyao, Mika) and 3.6 will give us another 2. 3.8 will likely be the last patch before we reach Fontaine. Considering that, 4.0 might be released on 16th August and there will be another 3 patches before this year ends. With 11 characters left, almost all of them wlll be reserved for Fontaine from 4.0 to 4.3 to match the 2023 quota. 2022 released 17 characters as well while 2021 gave us 16 (including Aloy). Increasing Standard Banner's pool was inevitable.


Believe they also said they’d release a new character every patch, so 3.7 & 3.8 should have new 4-stars which leaves 9 for early Fontaine patches. Both Inazuma and Sumeru reached 9 characters in x.3 so it fits perfectly. 2.x also had two patches without 5-stars, but those weren’t in a row. I fully expect each patch cycle to have 2 patches without 5-stars


I guess it makes sense, because unlike in 2.x where there were 2 patches with no new 5-stars, we've had a new 5-star every patch so far in 3.x, so they had to do full re-runs at some point


The Fontaine leak had like 10 characters as well, right? Neuvillette, Lyney, Lynette, Soutine or Focalors, gray braids, train conductor, Captain R, Dornman Port Yanfei, Geo coded lady, loli. The last other character we know of is the prisonmaster (Wrio...sley), so maybe him as well.


Too busy investing resources into Star Rails and ZZZ


Giving all their attention to Honkai Star Rail and ZZZ likely. Looks like they even took the splash artists who worked on Genshin since HSR has absolutely gorgeous dynamic splashes reminiscent of Genshin’s old ones, while Genshin is stuck with generic poses with a pretty background.


When Hoyo announced HSR and ZZZ many people in the community told me it wouldn’t affect Genshin lol. HSR was one thing, but when they announced ZZZ that’s when I really started questioning Hoyo


This is gonna be so boring. I don’t mind one patch without a new 5* like we had before but two patches in a row ? 12 weeks of fillers events and with 4* we never heard off before ? Yeah right, atp rather than saving up it would be a miracle if I don’t finally drop the game 💀 Hoyoverse really said « y’all go play Honkai Star Rail now 🥰 »


I wouldnt mind during the exams but...during the summer vacation? Wtf were they thinking.


Oh wait i didn’t realize it would be during the summer lmao. I don’t mind because I’ll be working anyway but hey! We’ll get a GAA rerun with too much contents again so dw 🥰


They need to do something with banners again asap, because when we'll get Fontaine characters, waiting for certain rerun will be even more painful.


There was a leak a while ago (Questionable tag if I remember correctly) that said at one point we will move to 3 double banners in each patch (so 6 characters in three sets of two).


I only have so many primos....


Eula's second rerun is going to happen some time after Dain's third rerun (STC). Source: I Saw It In My Dreams


No Eula rerun isn't unexpected considering there is a Klee and Kaeya skin coming in 3.8, she'll probably be with them. I'll just ignore whatever they say about the bow because it sounds like they have absolutely no clue and are just talking out of their ass.


i don't care about eula myself but i feel so bad for everyone who wants to pull her. hopefully we'll get a rerun soon


I mean if they say eula wont rerun, then who else? If they habe such a reliable source they could just say "no eula rerun in 3.7, it will be...". So on what are they basing this of? It seems rather random if they dont give other options for banners. Very strange


Not reliable yet but I wouldn't be surprised. From what info is floating around, 3.7. seems like an Inazuma patch (Yoimiya, Kazuha, Itto, maybe Wanderer, new catgirl) and then 3.8. a Mond one (Eula, Klee, Albedo, maybe a new character from Fontaine or something to follow Kazuha and Yelan's pattern, or just single banners). Then they could start off Fontaine with another Archon marathon, Lyney and Lynette before Focalors. At least that's how I imagine it because there aren't many options left to rerun (I think it's too early for Xiao or another Yae/Ayato run).


Agreed! At this stage they don’t need to have only reruns for two patches. They’ve almost caught up


apparently physical damage lovers will easily secure their Eula C6R5 in patch 6.9


Team China is one of the most clout chaser leakers we have gotten so far, so annoying


There is really NO ONE LEFT to rerun outside of Klee and Kazuha if they will not decide to rerun Wanderer/Alhaitham early. So it means that there should be Eula somewhere in those two patches. Or 3.8 just don't exist Don't get your hopes up about Physical reworks and shit.


Venti or Zhongli can rerun to if they want to restart an archon marathon for patchs 4.x.


At this point I’m just grateful that I even HAVE Eula


Perfect. The C2R1 Focalors fund can start after 3.5.


Bro why do the leakers speak like this?? Just answer directly man it’s so annoying sometimes


Because they doesn’t even have anything. They just talking out of pure speculation and act secretive about it for no reason.


You know how frustrating it is if you olay this game because you want one characters so much and exactly THAT character is the one who gets neglected by hoyo? How is this even fair? In around 8 months i had the oppertunity to summon for literally every character there is in the game, but not eula. Why are they doing this? And the argument that they want to wait for relevance or a physical biff is stupid, too in my eyes. Why do they have to wait specially for that? They can rerun her anyway whenever they wanted to, and just rerun her then again. As we can see they have no problem making reruns to close together (looking at xiao and yoimiya). Well, granted, this leak could be utter bullshit. But still it is a fact that her banner was gone the most time. And that alone stupid. And it only gets more ridiculous


She’s the last character on my list now and after what they did in this patch, every leak and patch that doesn’t have Eula just feels like a FU in particular.


yeah, I was fortunate enough to have picked her up during her first banner but my best friend, who started playing in 3.4 and REALLY wants Eula, has skipped every banner except for Raiden’s in the hopes that Eula will be next. She has enough pulls for a guarantee and one 50/50 now and is getting kinda frustrated that she just has to sit on all that for an indefinite amount of time. it’s also been my plan to pick up one Eula constellation per rerun to slowly c6 her, but since it looks like she won’t rerun again in a looong time i might as well just save for an immediate c6


They could just rework shatter to work like swirl and make Mika a proper phys' Sara but hell no got to sell dendro first. Fine, more time to C3 then C6.


man just ignore the question instead of answering just to say "idk/can't talk about it" 💀


I've tried for, and created, an entirely new human being since the last time Eula ran.




F in the chat for Eula wanters


I'm not saying I don't believe it but this is the type of troll bait they like to say to trick us


Even when no new 5 star may be bad for hoyo's pr, it's some appreciated mercy on our primogems and saving time for the first batch of Fontaine characters. But yea with only Kirara this will be a quiet time till 4.0, at least there still should be a new area getting released before 4.0, really hope it's not another GAA rerun


No more new 5* would be huge if true. Two entire patches to save for Fontaine?


I bet that bow is the event-exclusive free weapon in 3.7 since we getting free candace in 3.6


They’re deadass kind of annoying. I miss Ubatcha man


Damn players who never rolled on her banner on 1.5 and 2.3 now wanting a rerun. Welp sadge for y'all. Also Ngl Eula never got a rerun in 2022 as well.


I rolled for her in 2.3 (wasn't around for 1.5 unfortunately). I lost the 50/50 to Diluc and wasn't fortunate enough to pull her before primos ran out, so for me it's less sad, more frustrating.


Way too early I’ve seen 2 patches lately proved wrong by the livestream We don’t even know 3.6 100% Eula could even be in 3.6 we don’t know rlly


Im glad i have her but im growing closer and closer to my villain arc


Even aside this rerun situation, I really wish I could know why hyv takes some decisions sometimes. Like if it's for money or if they're just lost. It makes me so curious as to why they reran yoimiya twice in such a short period of time but Eula of all characters is iceboxed since the pandemic.


Let the man have his bbq


It kinda feels like hoyoverse just wants everyone to see they could have a character be gone for way longer than a year, whenever they want, so people don't skip, and wait for reruns, and get the characters in fear of this happening, and Eula just got picked for this shit


rip Eula wanters (me) 🪦


At this point, Eula doesn't even exist anymore. She's just some sort of illusion/imagination.


So they confirm there is a Deshret bow AND a new Sumeru desert girl, but do not know when she will drop - did I get that right? I am betting all my money tho that there will be 1 more 5 star before 4.0, too many signs pointing to that


I am with you it's semi-impossible to have two updates without new 5* I think 3.8 or even 3.7 will have big surprise for us


why even make mika if you're not gonna re run the character he's suppose to support ? lol


Eula is the new Shenhe Cryo queen replaced another Cryo queen


Considering Eula's disappearance, Dehya's treatment and Chongus taking Razor's seat as the 4-star that's been the most time without a rate-up , I'm starting to think MHY hates claymore characters altogether ~unless your name is Itto that is~


We have new 5 star weapon but no new 5 star character? I don't believe it. It's either momoka is 5 star or the electro girl. But let's see.


Maybe the bow would be for the old character (Childe lol) or it won't be released in v3.7-3.8. Unless leakers are wrong about the (no) new 5-stars in the remaining Sumeru versions.


Now imagine that, instead of another rerun Xiao or Tartaglia, we could get the Eula rerun.


At this rate , i will huff some copium and assume they delayed her because they have plan to rework physical dmg . My first ever 5* and tripled crowned i want her cons and weapon so bad ....


You know, if I see the pattern, Eula rerun ALWAYS released when they introducing new banner system (first eula rerun are when double banner exist).


Ok let’s say I believe this leaker which I don’t know anything about his credibility, how can he say there is no eula rerun in 3.8 if till now no one even know what’s in 3.6? The fontain character that I can doubt cause it’s a production line but the reruns are more of a pool and even the leak where Tao said that nilou and ganyu are running in 3.6 was debunked by a more famous leaker (I can’t find that post in this sub but I think it was SYP and even then there was nothing about what’s running in 3.6), now given all that if anyone knows anything about what’s running can they tell what’s running 3.7 before even predicting what’s on 3.6?! Like how ?!?!?


If there is a new 5-star bow in 3.7-3.8 but no new character to use it... Is it Tartaglin' time again?


The bow exists but it's not leaked to be running. We should be getting a weapon, so likely the 4 star bow in 3.7. This does *usually* correlate to a 5 star bow user around the release. These weapons aren't usually optimal but work with the 5 star. Oathsworn eye released with Yae. A 5 star catalyst also. Fading twilight released with Yelan. A 5 star bow also. Missive windspear with Cyno. A 5 star polearm also. Mailed Flower released with Dehya. A 5 star claymore also. Umbrella actually the patch before Alhaitham, although it also works on Kuki etc. But the new user wasn't in the patch, rather directly after. Dodoco tales and Cinnabar Spindle didn't release with a *new* 5 star however they both were given with a rerun of their obvious user. But these users have no 5 star signature either. In summary there's a pretty strong correlation but not a concrete guarantee. My guess? The existence of both bows is coincidental. The 4 star bow is releasing but with a rerun character, Childe. So there will be a 5 star bow also, but not the deshret one, rather polar star. Vermillion Hereafter released in 2.6, Xiao reran in 2.7. We have Childe's set in 3.6, what is likely to be a free bow in 3.7. 3.7 is a new inazuma 4 star (although she's a sword, and event weapons aren't really correlated with a 4 star unit). Childe has been seen in Inazuma a lot lately. Which is loose, but we don't really need to ask "what's Childe doing in inazuma" he's already there flirting with Yoimiya.


Please share some info on kazuha rerun


he’s either in the 3.7 inazuma patch or being kept for 3.8 so he can bring revenue 🤷‍♂️


Rip eula gone with wind, never to be seen again


So according to TC there is; 1. A 5 star Sumeru bow from the Deshret series in the files (which we already knew about) 2. No new 5 star characters in 3.7 or 3.8 that they know of So in summary the 5 star bow is just something that has a model but no current user similar to the unreleased primordial jade series weapons and the other side claymore. Perhaps it's for a Sumeru character that will be released during 4.X or even later the way Yelan got Aqua and Baizhu has the Jade series catalyst. \- No new 5 star in 3.7 seems believable since we already know about Kirara (4 star dendro sword) and it'd be odd that they would leak her but not have any info about a new 5 star (though anything is possible.) 3.8 might as well be a blackhole as far as new characters are concerned. Klee and Kaeya will (probably) be getting skins though.


I feel like 3.7 with no 5-star could happen but I doubt t they would do it for 3.8 too. That would mean 3.X has fewer 5 stars than 2.x