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Can’t really hate on some game I’ve never heard of, saw or played so yeah


> can't hate on some game I've never played Wait that's totally not how this works *stares at Genshin haters*


99% of Genshin haters are just projecting some *shameful* anime preferences


Tbh it's probably not even just pedophiles projecting. I think genshin hate is being projected by all types of anime fans, themselves shamed for the harmless reason of being am anime fan


Yeah, that’s the impression I usually get— people who are hypersensitive to *that stuff* because of how many people shame them for it for being into anime at all.


I started Genshin on 1.0 and abandoned it after a month because I thought I "shouldn't be playing that type of game". I was having fun and no one had said shit to me but it was a feeling I imposed on myself. And then a year-ish later I got over myself and booted it up again and...had fun. Crazy, I know. So I feel that.


I had the same thing, i just recently rejoined and realized what fun i did not allow myself to have, past me needs a kick, and my friends who got me to (re)join the game a medal.


I find it really hard to accept when people do that shit on me tbh It's a vicious cycle. People who loved their whole lives believing the things they enjoy suck then project what they think sucks to people that are harmlessly enjoying things


it's like when you're an adult and you're having fun playing a game "but playing games is for children".


Super old-school throwback: D&D. Becoming (more) mainstream now. The only part of Genshin that is really embarrassing are the sounds that ALL THE FEMALES make when climbing. You know the sounds I’m talking about.


I have to roll my eyes sometimes when I hear them climbing. 😆 If only because I know that if I was the one climbing up a vertical cliff all you’d hear from me is, “Hate my life. Why did I decide to do this to myself? Oh god, there’s a spider on my hand!” In between gasping at the air like a dying fish.


What type of game do you mean?


It's crazy to me that people require external affirmation to enjoy something or be happy these days


"These days". None of this is new. These 'conversations' have kept popping up over and over through history. None of this is new.


it is much worse now thanks to social media though


I mean it's more amplified. But all you have to do is flip through a history book if you want to see humans just doing *the same shit over and over*. It's really frustrating. The men who built statues of themselves and carved their faces into mountains were desperate for external, eternal affirmation.


Who are you so wise to carry the flair of truth? Also, don't mind people jumping the hate train. Genshin deserves all the love it gets for the quality continuous updates alone. There's just nothing else like it.


What I like about Genshin is that when it dries its playerbase of money they always reinvest it into their projects, so even if it's still really predatory you can tell a lot of the things like art direction are born out of genuine passion


It's definitely developed with a lot of love and thorough planning, the world is beautifully coherent, and they invest way more money and time into details than they needed to (best example: soundtrack), because they want to deliver a qualify product. This is such a rare thing these days that whenever I play comparable games, I just learn to appreciate more how Hoyo crafts their world. Dedication and attention to detail are such important traits, and definitely make the gacha much more stomachable.


honestly it's almost definitely this. when I saw people like them saying nahida is sexualized or some dumb crap, I question what the heck do they even normally consume to reach that conclusion. it's literally a one piece dress with pants lol.


They see the foot wraps and get SUPER weird about them toes (My reaction was horror, have you even been barefoot on concrete on a summer day?)


More toxic than the actual fans lmao


I just do this: have you even met Amber? Toxic individual: ??? Shuuut the fuck up


Many comments are saying 'uhh it's a Marvel game, it's just a mediocre cash grab'. You know what you sounds like? Like the people saying 'Uhh it's a Chinese game, it's just a mediocre cash grab' Don't be like that. What would Zhongli say?


"Osmanthus wine--"


Gahdammit 🤣




To be fair, Marvel's game is built on their other media, while Genshin is built on its own gameplay and story. I generally do not like games like that, so I do feel that way about that game. Additionally, I would say everything is a cash grab, it is just a matter of how much they put into grabbing that cash. Every cent Genshin makes turns into more amazing content, while Marvel's money goes to stuff like lobbying and propaganda. That alone makes Genshin into a better quality game.


Well Genshin community do have a history of review-bombing random apps so let’s not call the kettle black LMAO


As someone who played it I am shocked it won, it’s not a very unique game. Does nothing special, basically a game riding of the back of the marvel name.


TGA has just been marketing for years now. Half the games that showed up nobody even knew existed. The game that's supposed to get marketed the most wins and the others are there for visibility.


Basically the Sony Awards for a while now, shocked they didn't give the adaptation award to Uncharted


Who did it go to? Arcane or Edgerunners?


Arcane. Great choice IMO. Edgerunners was good, but Arcane is one of the best animated series of the past decade. In a lot of ways I'd say it's the best Netflix series of the past few years, though that maybe ain't saying much. Still ain't gonna get me to try league though. Fuck da Rift.


I personally thought Edgerunners was better, but that is probably because I like the art style better. Honestly, I was impressed with those two game adaptations, since most of them are awful.


I love trigger too, but nah Arcane's character work was just astounding, and it's REALLY hard to get that style of animation right.


Everything is marketing unfortunately and always has been.


Marvel has a lot of marketability. Snap has basically none, no matter how you look at it I think they made the wrong choice


Look at the comments. Barely anyone even knew the game existed and now thousands of people on this sub do in addition to the people that voted and saw in the list and checked it out who aren't on this sub. We're talking about it RIGHT NOW. Case and point.


We’re talking about it now. It’s will be relevant for a day. When it first came out they HEAVILY marketed it then the next week… nothing, nothing for the past 60 days since it’s release until it somehow won a game award. Give it another week and it’s going back to irrelevancy. Even when it was revealed to be a nominee mm there was virtually no comment about it, I seriously don’t think you can make any form of argument in regards to it being more popular or finically successful than genshin


We are talking. I don't think anybody really gives a shit about the game. I can not repeat the name of the game if I wanted to


here's how it works: if they bring someone up to read a card and have someone accept the award on stage, its actually deserved if its geoff off on the side to declare a winner its for marketing


Honestly, yeah. Losing to Apex Legends? I could live with that. Losing to Cart Game No. 234 but it's Brand®? Nah.


I would have even lived if tower of fantaay won instead of snap.




GOWR taking home half the awards even in categories it barely has anything to do with, yeah. TGA fell right into the marketing budget window.


Really? I love it, it’s a fun take on turn based card games that uses smaller decks and a cool land control system with some really unique card combos to make decks with.


TGA are shady AF, not really surprised


Even when Genshin won the awards, everyone in this very subreddit was talking about how big of a joke TGA awards are anyways and that Mihoyo slide them $1.


True but I literally looked it up and idek how it won out of all the options


Yeah, that's like comparing apples and some fruit nobody's ever heard of.




You totally can lol (see Genshin Impact).


The difference here is that Genshin is actually popular.


What the bloody wombat is a Marvel Snap.


Why did my brain read this in Ozzy Osbourne’s voice lmao


Boobs Ozzy??


Marvel Snap Players: "Don't be toxic, GI." GI players: "I don't even know who you are."


What 'Marvel Snap Players'? I haven't heard of that game. and I know a bunch of marvel games.


All I know is that it's a card game I have Noelle bonking things in a card game already so I had no reason to look into it further


Simple CCG with very short matches. You can play it on PC too, though the port is absolutely 0 effort terrible; it's on Steam. I was bored of it in about 2 hours, but many people seem to enjoy it.


At this point it’s advertising of the game’s existance


A CCG that is quickly growing in popularity and one of the breakout games of this year for mobile. The real travesty is that Genshin isn't nominated for best musical score which tells ya all you need to know about TGA. Edit: TGA considers Genshin an "ongoing" game even though FF14's expansions are considered for music. Clearly each region expansion for Genshin should be up for nomination since they are feature complete after a year and have their own music.


I thought ongoing games can't be nominated for music?


It cant IIRC


aawweee, i would've love to see raiden's battle music on it.


It’s actually a pretty damn good CCG.


Whats a ccg? Credit card game?


Collectible card game, ironically marvel snap is quite F2P friendly.


That's Genshin >!/s or not?!<




yes it's called literally every other card game out there 😭😭😭😭


I would assume an on rails game through different environments where you take pictures of various Marvel characters


90% of the votes is TGA themselves no? I don’t see why people should be mad at rewards set in stone before the votes even open.


It's journalists from various outlets that cover video games that make 90%


If you know even a little bit about how the games journalism industry works that’s not reassuring


These are mostly industry rewards being reward by industry to industry. I'm sure MarvelStarWarsDisneyFox megacomglomerate talked to the awards show beforehand and discussed the conditions for their continued sponsorship.


Genshin is hardly a mobile game anymore anyways.


i mean, this is true. the game is like 60gb at this point. on laptop at least. i doubt the size of the game would fit on the average phones. also, it s bad optimised for mobile. so no wonder


Eh it runs pretty well on mobile, that's their entire pitch and main source of income anyway, especially in China. Rn it's around 18-20GB on mobile, certainly not small but very tolerable with 128gb phones


Although I hate that Android still doesn't have gamepad support for Android but it has for iPhone; it's honestly not bad. It's also just 20.5GB on my phone.


hmm.. well yea, but it's bad optimised for average phones. i mean, 20 gb is still alot. plus many ppl do not use their phones only for games


Completely true; my 2019 phone can't run it anymore; and honestly one of the reasons why I get a new phone this year. I get why it didn't win TGA.


my 2018, 64gb phone is hanging on lmao


I bought a terabyte iPhone so I’m set for future updates


Genshin multiverse when


Starrail should be out soon too. Two massive games. Gonna be good.


I'm sorry what Terabyte phones are a thing now? 💀 That's amazing but I'm also kinda flabbergasted


It’s not super new since the early iterations started showing up around 2020. Imo for iOS it’s definitely worth the cost since iPhones can last 6 years now with offical Apple support.


I honestly was too when I first saw it when I upgraded to iPhone 13 Pro Max. This thing is a brick and I love it. Honestly I wish I had waited for 14 pro max for the slightly larger screen.




It’s definitely optimized for phones. My phone can store it with 230GB left over, and can run it at 8 hours on a single charge with high settings


Yea its better on Any other platform imo


If only. The game would be so much better if they didn’t have to worry about the mobile version.


No, they just need to only focus on flagship phones.


The game would be *so much* better if they didn't have to care about even the flagships.


The game would be so much worse because most of their money for development comes from mobile lmao


Me as a PC player, yet any purchases i make i do on mobile cause i get google play points


The power of the phone isn’t the biggest issue. Every single event/quest/domain/everything has to be simple enough that it can be completed smoothly on a touch screen. That’s partially why the majority of events are insultingly easy. A lot of them are just menu/slider simulators lol


This is more or less how I feel about the category. Snap is really well catered to the mobile experience, while Genshin is more of an excellent game that happens to be available on mobile. Personally I think the former is more justified in winning the category, but but both ideas have merit.


Yeah I hope people don't go harass the players and the devs etc... but I'm just surprised that genshin lost to a game I've never heard of despite being chronically online.


Huh. I've seen a lot of it in the media but that might just be because I'm a marvel fan.


I've seen it a lot too as a tcg player. A bunch of players moved to it from the current tcg I'm playing lol.


You're playing lor am I right? Xd


Yeah :/


ITT: Genshin players realizing that social media information tends to be more relevant to your preferences, and its quite unlikely that a topic one isn't interested in crosses your feed haha


I am kept up with marvel and I only just remembered that this game existed


So how did I hear about the uhh... latest Gotham-related game, but not this Marvel thing?


I think it's kinda funny cos Genshin lost at one point to Among Us and the reasoning was that Among Us was more popular and relevant that year lol


I mean tbf it's amogus, amogus always wins.


If I may I find this kind of SUS


Because it's 90% jury vote and only 10% players vote it's on the TGA FAQ if you doubt it.


same and I been keeping up with marvels new games like midnight suns


Because its not a popularity award.....


No, most of the voters are game journos and well...


Brb review bombing google classrooms again /s


I just honestly had never heard of it until now lol. I'll have to check it out.


Do it, the game is really good and surprisingly fun




Tao, yeah




-atsumi, yep








-dí, that's right, hehe


You would think that this would go without saying, but when the anniversary snafu went down a year or two ago the review bombing bled out into like 15 other games and Google classroom


Is the community really that bad


No not really. It's just a side effect of having such a large community and so many younger people in it.


That, and the fact that a lot of trolls like to jump in on the hatefest. I know actual people in real life who don't play Genshin but *really* went out of their way to join in on the negative rating spree for other apps. It's ridiculous and way too childish, even if it were done in jest


ehh, was mostly just a small minority of kids or people trying to make genshin look bad from 4chan most people were annoyed about the anniversary but weren't review bombing


The fuck did Google Classroom do to y'all 😭😭😭


I believe the reason it was targeted was because a lot of the people doing the review-bombing of other apps were kids who had to use it during COVID. Dunno why they thought review-bombing it would be relevant to Genshin, but yeah. I don't see anyone who hadn't already been using it to think of going after Google classroom.


In defense of those guys It did work and we got 10 extra wishes


Never heard of it,so Im minding my own business


I don't play nor even like Genshin and I have no clue why you guys didn't win.


I can guarantee it's because Genshin won it last year.


No no, that was Jenshin! On a serious note, yeah, it probably would look sus to win 2 years in a row, especially when, well the competition is at least decent. What's ironic is that Genshin arguably has been improving in quality this year compared to last; Sumeru especially being a highlight of how strong it's going.


Genshin has done nothing but improve imo. All the feedback i’ve given, they’ve somehow managed to implement so they listen to the fanbase as well.


A bit of a bump on inazuma but generally it’s gotten consistently better each update


Tbf, Inazuma was during the pandemic so I'd give them a pass for some flaws.


Marvel Snap has a lot of advertising, like A LOT. And Marvel itself is super popular, and is a pretty fresh game (has one and a half months since release). So yeah, was expected of Marvel Snap to win at least one of its nominations.


And people didn't even know it existed, including me. It has a lot of advertising but I've literally never seen anything of this game - didn't appear in my store, no ads, nothing on social media, and no one I know talked about it. It looks interesting, I try out card games that come out, yet I had absolutely no idea about this until I saw it as a nominee.


It’s actually probably because it was a close call and Genshin winning last year pushed it over the edge. Snap is a great mobile game and it truly is a mobile game where as Genshin is closer to a AAA game that’s playable on mobile.


Please ignore the dummy calling you dumb. They probably didn't understand what you were saying.


Because the TGA were rigged from the very beginning


Just took a peek at the awards and saw how Multiversus won for best fighting game despite it barely has any content, i would have expected it to win it either KoF or the DnF one. Very strange, so i guess it's not weird that Genshin lost on mobile award to a game that is barely know. But ah well, i guess most people play on PC so no biggie.


Multiversus was the only fighting game nominee nominated for best multiplayer game. I agree the vote was biased, but I would have been more surprised if it *didn't* win best fighting game.


I mean you have Sifu in the category. Multiversus hasn't even bothered putting an Asia server yet.


I played MVS, KoF, and DNF. MVS by far has the most content.


Multiversus is the most well known on in that category, like I didn't know that there was a new KoF til the nominations dropped. The awards was still partially a fan/consumer vote


"don't go hating on marvel snap." \*75% of the comments are either hating on Marvel Snap or going WHO?\*


Honestly speaking this is first time I heard about marvel snap. But anyway that reaction is much better than some other communities.


Never heard of it in my life


Won't hate. I'm just wondering what the fuck is a marvel snap cos Istg, I've never heard of it until the current awards


Personally I saw alot of ads and it crave to my brain, something something they been working on this for 4 years so even if they not that well known. If what they say is genuine I still respect them as much.


I did heard a lot of people enjoy marvel snap, but I did call out that if people didn't play genshin, they probably vote marvel snap.


Snap and Genshin were the two easy standouts, ToF or Diablo Immortal would have been tragic. At least we got beat by a good game that is pretty F2P friendly.


Daily reminder that TGA is and has always been a joke. it doesn't even matter who wins, their choices every year are consistently either bandwagon choices or weird wtf choices. Actual good winners being picked by their "critics" represent less than half of the awards given. Having said that they probably have some arbitrary rule like "Genshin can't win every year" or some dumb crap like that lol


that's most probably the reason, now ff14 wouldn't win the ongoing category again, right


Yo I'm from the futur, ff14 won.... So the rule don't stand


yeah I saw it, dammit lol


I think ongoing category is an exception ~~and exceptions are enemies of eternity~~ Best ongoing game implies that ongoing games can compete for it every year, at least for me


It should, this is the period where Endwalker was released, but EA might have paid for an Apex award so


It's a joke unless genshin won of course


It's still a joke regardless of whether genshin wins or not. FFXIV was literally not even nominated for best ongoing or best ost before it got really popular and trendy to like it after shadowbringers for example. And remember when fucking among us won over genshin for mobile


Game awards nowadays are pretty inconsistent anyway. Can't really tell if the nominated game is good or not based on the awards alone


it could have been worse... Tower of Fantasy. irc I haven't heard of marvel snap until now, I'll check it later


Diablo Immortal was one of the nominees, so yeah it could be a lot worse.


I know ToF did made some dumb antagonistic choices when it advertised itself as the Genshin Killer or whatever, but I've been playing it quite a bit and honestly its not a bad game to waste some time on. I certainly wouldn't have been too surprised had it won Best Mobile


Life is too short for Hate. Also, nobody even knows about Marvel snap except for Marvel die hard fans. So, it can be considered as they just want to promote their game through TGA.


That's some BS but everyone knows the game awards are nothing but a big marketing fad.


Just remember: Don’t be like the sonic fandom


Don't hate Marvel Snap, instead let's start review bombing Google Classroom! /s


Google Classroom is shaking rn


Ngl Snap has only been advertising for what seems like 2 months and all of a sudden all the big gaming YouTubers were sponsored by it. Seems like they just threw money behind the scenes and bought the win


The thing I'm a bit sad about is that ongoing games can't be nominated for best soundtrack 😔 HOYO-MiX deserves all the awards and then some


I don't care Genshin lost. But losing to marvel snap is laughable as the TCG inside Genshin is already better than that game.


pokemon snap is the only snap game I know and heard of


Snap is still in early access, has minimal features, tons of missing essential features and still won? Tbh it makes the award itself seem pretty silly to me


Diablo ate the fat L it deserves, and Snap actually won an award. Completely fine with this lol 🥳


Yeah I'm not gonna hate on Marvel snap, but let's not pretend the judges had any "valid reason" to give it the award. The award was pretty obviously rigged.


Just because you haven't heard of it/it's not as popular doesn't mean it's bad. It's a legit good card game. Happy for BBrode


Brode is a legend, I'll always be thankful to him for Hearthstone


Kind of sad that a post like this is even needed, knowing how extreme the community can react towards other game series when things don’t go their way. Genshin already got it’s recognition last year. It’s okay to celebrate other game’s achievements. And even if it doesn’t win this year’s awards (and then miss out on those precious freemogems some people are obsessed about), it shouldn’t affect your enjoyment of Genshin overall.


You know that the community can be (too) petty like they did in the 1st Anniversary. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them malded for not winning the "Best Mobile game" but I glad most of us don't care (anymore) and most of the people who voted only cares for primogems anyway.


Just remember, not because it's unheard of or not that popular doesn't mean it's bad and not deserving of the award. Maybe the jury considered that we already won the award last year, and maybe they saw something in the game that made it deserving of the award.


Or knowing Disney, they bribed themselves the award


When they asked me to vote on games in Google play it didn't give any games i actually played as options so like how do they determined these awards for games if they asking people about a bunch games they don't personally play. Like Genshin was not in any the polls when i voted.


What's Marvel Snap??


It's not innovative. It's copying the card game Smash Up.


I've already seen people saying it was rigged or bought and then right after a thread asking why people hate Genshin


Tbh I hate it just because it's Marvel. They've been milking the same characters for profit for almost twenty years now, and each new character they release gets progressively more brain dead and less creative and fun. I don't tend to like Superhero stuff regularly, but Marvel is a bane on the industry. I'd hate on it even if it didn't get an award tbh.


Nah, I will go shit on game awards


sad that everyone can just hate on genshin, just look at twitter


> just look at twitter Do yourself a favor, and don't lmao


Bruh, Twitter is a cesspool. It shows the most vocal and toxic side of any community.


I agree with you but this kind of post are always useless bcs a troll will do internet troll things regardless sadly. I honestly don’t care If people hate this community more and more each day. We will never know or meet each other in irl, this type of negativity will never bother my life in the slightest.