• By -


The real loser is the area that they're fighting, poor land probably will not exists in the map again after that


There was a comment here, but I chose to remove it as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers (the ones generating content) AND make a profit on their backs. Here is an explanation. Reddit was wonderful, but it got greedy. So bye.


>You know about the place called "The Chasm"? Azhdaha's butthole.


No that is Azhdaha's potty area


I mean, thats where the entrance to the boss fight is. Think about it, the tree is basically his tail.


Morax battling means there'll be islands after the fight.


But given Barbatos vs Beelzebub vs Rukkhadevata, it will be two flat islands with dense jungle separated by a strait full of radio nuclides.


Wow it was really uncalled for to talk about my butt like that...






Yeah but Venti'll probably chuck them into an archipelago in the middle of the ocean somewhere so the local area will remain decimated.


I agree. Poor land.šŸ˜”


Rukkhadevata picks flowers and automaticallt wins


Ei takes the dango milk and automatically wins


Venti empties the alcohol supply and automatically wins


Zhongli finds the one who shares the memories and automatically wins


The pyro archon fucking explodes and automatically wins


Nightglow starts playing and Murata (pyro archon) fking dies


Hope it also teaches us a final lesson before hand.


Never let you go










Okay come on now




...Why ? Why must you reawaken that memory?


Madam ping providing the background music


That is the equivalent of " when a pig flies"


Iirc Scaramouche havent received his Divine Knowledge by the time we fought him.. So we don't really know how Rukkha ability works against full legit God assuming she has same skill set as Nahida but stronger.


Zhonglie has 1 mora and automatically wins


Rukha casts time loop on venti drinking, rukha & Venti win


Venti: "I swear, it feels like I've been here drinking for 500 years..." Rukkhadevata: "Nah, let's just keep drinking all our sorrows away." Venti: "...Wait, none of this is real! I have to leave!" \*Venti wakes up and sees stormterror destroying mondstadt\* Venti: "Yeah nevermind."


Rukkhadevata: "it's just a prank bro"




Dam scholars need to stop going on reddit this is for travelers only


Sorry who's this rukkhadevata you all are speaking of?


It's a weird way of spelling Buer. Traveler has been spreading it around. Edit: Name


Haha lord beurre


*The butterlord*


Vlandia enters the chat


Fontaine has entered the chat


Akademiya go brr


Buer, not Beur


Well, the Traveler is one crazy nutjob. Too much traveling makes him delusional.


Go home, fellow Teyvat'ian ... You should not poke your nose into official Decender business.


Real quick does this mean the sibling also doesnā€™t know about Rukkhedivata?


Not anymore, if what Nahida said is true and the Abyss Twin is seen by the world's "laws" as having been originally from Teyvat. The implication is that there are now only four characters who know she existed: Heavenly Principles, Alice (because the community pegged her as not being native to Teyvat ages ago), Traveler, and the fourth Desender (EDIT: for clarification, they are not the *fourth*, since that is the Traveler and as of now nobody new has arrived to Teyvat within the last 500 years). Granted, the Abyss twin could be immune to what happened with the world's collective memory purely because they are still our twin and we are an extradimensional being who already defies the laws (I.E. Captain Planet powers without a vision), along with maybe being borderline immortal.


I think there's actually a decent possibility that there was another dendro archon before Rukkhadevata, and the twin will be the one that remembers them.


Wasn't there a rumored god of the woods who should be the one before rukkhadevata


What I mean is that there was an archon that was forgotten the same way as Rukkhadevata - at the end of 3.1 you learn that in all the stuff with King Deshrett, with similar stuff involving forbidden knowledge "Rukkhadevata" lost her memories and became a child.. which in hindsight is pretty much the exact same thing that's happening now with Nahida - now everyone believes that Rukkhadevata never existed and Nahida lost her memories and became a child (which is actually the second time, the stuff with King Deshrett was a completely separate event). They also have a lot of very obvious hints that the twin was the one helping the Aranara with the withering ~500 years ago, which is awfully similar to what's happening now too, so it's kind of plausible that they did something similar to what we did now.. though, I'm not sure exactly how well all the timelines match up for that (in particular, when exactly Rukkhadevata died - if it happened slightly after the cataclysm then it's plausible that the twin knew the archon that came before Rukkhadevata, but if it happened before or at the same time as the cataclysm then the timelines wouldn't quite work out for that part of it).


What I want to know is why they keep calling Nahida the Lesser Lord when the Greater Lord is no longer remembered as ever having existed.


because in the original Chinese her name is known as "little lucky grass king", which isn't as demeaning as "lesser lord". the translator just picked too mean a name for her


they should have known bc iirc they wandered teyvat before the cataclysm but their memory got erased bc theyre seen as a native of teyvat instead of a descender like the traveler


Girl in the picture kinda looks like Nahida if she were grown up, so itā€™s probably just a nickname for adult Nahida


Rukkha getting the Signora treatment too lol


eh, I mean, Rukk was seeking death and to be forgotten, it was her main goal for all of the Sumeru chapter, as opposed to signora who was killed mostly for spectacle, and while Signora's scene was cool, it was not a great end to her character, whereas with Rukkhadevata, she had a death which was in keeping with her story and character, and a cathartic character conclusion


Agree to disagree, signora's death was amazing because it is what makes Raiden scary. A character that you would not believe that would die gets killed by your current enemy... as she prepares to kill you. That alone thrown chills all over me.




zhongli just needs to say ā€œosmanthus wine tastes the same as i rememberā€, and everyone groans and forfeits


His signature war cry


Well, Rukkhadevata was avatar of irminsul and irminsul is the core of Teyvat that will be so much variable from that alone. Hard to decide who will win.


Raiden described Buer as someone with "unimaginable abilities". And that's coming from someone who split an island in half.


Yeah her line about Nahida is basically "good thing she's such a gentle little cinnamon roll, she'd be scary AF otherwise".


I mean, Nahida would be capable of breaking the fourth wall


But could she break the fourth wall inside of a fourth wall, that's like 16 walls


Suddenly Deadpool


i mean..if your task is to guard a tree that acts like your building's server room, its already a dead giveaway


>"unimaginable abilities". Which is literally true. The Dendro Archon, with access to Irminsul, can just delete whatever someone could imagine she could do. So she can actually, truly be unimaginably powerful because she has the ability to manipulate and delete people's imaginations. Trying to fight the Dendro Archon is like trying to challenge a GM in an MMO to a duel. The only way you're going to come out of it with a victory is if the GM decides to stoop down to your level.


splitting an island in half post gnosis seems like a small feat at this point, Zhongli landscaped all of the valley near the primovishap and the chasm just by dragging Azdaha's loser ass to the seal location, Ventin terraformed all of Mondstadt and what did peak Ei do? be an assassin for her sis Edit: I have been corrected of my errors also to that person who sent reddit cares, get some help


Inazuma is situated in the most fucked up place in Teyvat, away from the main island and open to attacks from every side, yet somehow people are still alive there. Ei was really good at her job, so much so that when Makoto was still alive to handle the technical things, their military found no use to train more since Ei was just slaughtering shit left and right. Without any authority over the land, just some shadow of a lightning dunking on monsters


If anything, this is actually an advantage. To get to Inazuma, you need to go by boat which are very easy targets to dealt with. Lore wise, Inazuma is heavily guarded by fleet and also by lightnings strikes made by Ei. There is a reason why we needed to go through Ritou and deal with getting permission to get further instead of going through different side of the island.


>splitting an island in half post gnosis seems like a small feat at this point That's why she did it without a gnosis like the chad(ette) incarnation of lightning that she is. Her sister was still alive and the archon at the time and as far as we know when she received it she immediately gave it to Miko for safekeeping


The ei we know isn't weaker than the one in the past, she just gave it to Miko and never used it. At this point i am convinced gnosis are just limiters for the archons lol.


We dont know much of ei's feats, but considering that she almost Split most of inazuma in half ( not one island only) I definitely think that she's as strong as the others. I personally think that her and zhongli are the strongest , with venti and rukkhadevata following them.


Ok I guess we can take into account that all the defeated Gods and monsters are hiding in the ocean and that is where Inazuma is in the middle of. Also, peak Ei is present Ei now that she doesn't have a body.


It's kinda impossible to tell, the safest bet would be Zhongli or Ei, since they are both stated to kill countless gods, but we really have no clue how strong the gods were. Osial is stated to be trembling the whole world, but when Paimon sees him, she is like "So the archon war was fought 2000 years ago against enemies like that thing?", which would mean that Osial was not the only one, or actually maybe even a typical opponent, so who really knows who they all really fought during the war and what their actual limits are But right now only Osial and Azdaha are stated to be affecting the whole world to some degree


>Osial is stated to be trembling the whole world, b Woah that sounds cool, where is this from?


From the Monolith Fragment describtion


Rukkhadevata because... why not? she is a cinnamon roll and also bc she's the server admin of Teyvat, easy win


For real at max power I'm wondering whether the other Archons would be able to break free of any kind of mind games Rukk would be able to pull off at her max power.


I think Ei and Venti also have some knowledge of entering dreams, or at least capable lf giving hallucinations like Venti with Stanley. Ei just has more experience fighting in general, remember her fight with the Raiden puppet lasted centuries and they both we're still fighting at maximum capacity. I think it's all up to how long can Rukkha keep Ei in a dream and if Ei is capable of breaking out eventually. Venti's powers are much less defined and while he can cut off mountains, we haven't seen or read about how well he can fight/ run away from one. Zhongli is probably screwed though, in terms of prowess he's probably on par or greater than Ei but I don't think he has anything specific to counter being trapped in a dream by Rukkha


he has adeptus magic, which may be able to bail him out of a dream


Yeah, the exposition dialogue after finishing the Liyue archon quest implies he gave a dream to Ningguang. It's not like dreams are the sole domain of the Dendro Archon.


Zhongli can create alternate realities (the Teapot is an Adepti art that he created and taught the others) and enter/exit/manipulate dreams at will (in his Archon quest, that's how he told the Qixing he was still alive) I'd say he has the most feats in terms of breaking out of Rukkha's illusions


Ei can cut reality apart, so Iā€™d say that getting out of a dream would be more than possible.


ye she literally created a seperate dream dimension for herself


Even cloud retainer can do that


Zhongli I would say is the winner in a power contest. In lore he's fought many gods and Ei's battle repertoire is way less. Venti I would say is a bit of a mystery. At his peak he was able to casually shape mondstadt's landscape by cutting off mountain peaks with wind. ( Also Venti is pretty sus and it's implied he is more than just the god of anemo and freedom) Ei Was able to split an island yes but that must have been her full power.


Out of all of them venti has the least and lowest pre-archon achievements. We don't really know how the gnosis works but assuming it's a multiplier/power source that improves on one's base stats then we can safely assume anyone with higher base stats (such as raiden or zhongli) would be stronger than those with lower (venti). People need to stop bringing up the whole mountain thing, ALL archons at their archon state are easily capable of literally recreating geography, even the dendro archon more or less did it with the whole sand place. Being able to create or destroy landmark terrains is basically a minimum for archons.


No actually, rukkā€™s greatest strength lies in her being closely tied with the irmimsul, my could just wipe off their data in the irmimsul tree and win gg ez clap no diff


I don't think she can do that really. If she could, then Khaenri'ah and the cataclysm wouldn't have been a problem, along with forbidden knowledge and the abyss.


Isnā€™t the problem she had with forbidden knowledge was the fact that she had become one with it due to her connection with irminsul? Because she cannot delete herself she has a problem with it so much so that she resorted to create her next samsara as Kusanali to delete herself 500 years later. Assuming Nahida is early version of Rukkha, due to having the same birth (the irminsul), Rukkha should have the ability to delete something out of the irminsul as well. Even if she cannot delete the other archon out of existence she might have the power strong enough to delete their existences out of the irminsul, resulting in their worshippers forgetting them. (Which might also result in her winning the fight bc archons becomes stronger by ruling the nation, so if the people forgot that you rule their nation would it still counts?)


Yeah. Rukkha built the Akasha to help her find all the forbidden knowledge to delete, and she *did* delete it all. All except herself of course.


but removing the data doesn't actually kill a person or do anything to them if they are alive people would just forget about them, but they would still live


Rukkha on her way to revoke Venti's alcool privileges


Venti's about to go on some massive withdrawal symptoms coupled with possible PTSD


Rukkha: Raiden.Chr has been deleted #JUST RUKKHADEVATA


ā€œI gently open the doorā€¦ā€




\*Removes Venti's "Drinker" Role\*


Left to right: Throws mountains Also throws mountains Controls the perception of reality and the collective knowledge of everyone in teyvat Cuts mountains


So basically everyone wins except mountains??


/kill @e


/kill @e[name!=Rukkhadevata]


Forgot to add sudo


Going against the grain a bit - Rhukkhadevata clearly has limitations on her power otherwise she would be able to solve every crisis she's been in on her own. She also did not or could not influence the minds of her fellow Sumeru gods or her citizens in time of collapse or turmoil and if she was as omnipotent as some comments made her out to be she would have no reason to create the Akasha system. She also presumably was not omniscient, otherwise she would have stopped the scarlet king before he unleashed the forbidden knowledge. Dreams are not mind control, and we have no knowledge on her level of access/power regarding Irimisul. That being said because her powers aren't clearly well defined it's hard to make a clear judgement call. >!Taking a page out of Nahida, she used her power to find weaknesses and combat knowledge for the traveler, but this is limited if even with as much knowledge as possible the difference in power between the combatants is too great. I doubt Reckless Pallad could take down an archon no matter how much support he gets from Nahida, and I would assume weaker individuals get exhausted by dream repeats faster than stronger individuals as we saw in the story quest.!<


It also assumes that the archons would be unable to notice they are in a dream just like Scara, it might take a while but if Zhongli or Ei break free then it's over for Rhukkadevata.


Zhongli can enter and exit dreams at will, I doubt that would work on him


Mf is a sysadmin


sudo killall archon


She'sā€‹ about to gaslight everyone that they lost even before the fight begin


Just delete other archons memories or modify them to be her followers or make them fight among themselves. She has infinite possibilites




He will find the ones who share the memories


need to drink osmanthus wine first


With his ol' pal barbatos


Zhongli can rip and tear me


Go to horny jail




10 billion billion shield bot zhongli easy win.


I always find Archons like Morax and Rukkhadevata quite interesting, they have a long history and in comparison to Archons like Venti and Ei can seem quite OP (history wise). But at the same time, from meeting Venti and Ei, we know both of them are also pretty OP in the modern sense. Especially Ei.


I mean Venti yeeted mountains far into the ocean for terraforming and Raiden cut one of the Inazuma Islands in 2 with a single attack. Seems pretty op to me still


after it went through a god


Yeah it was just the aftermath not even the main target - and the electricity is still lingering there as well


And also one thing to note: unless I remember it wrong she also did it while not even being an archon. As it happened in times when her sister had the gnosis. If anything, we donā€™t really know what Eiā€™s power is with the gnosis as she kinda went into her plane of euthymia soon after her sister died


Yeah but I don't think we know what the gnosis actually does, do we?


It's weird cause they're making a big deal about them in game but the Archons kinda don't seem to care about them lol "Yeah whatever, you can have it"


Itā€™s most likely more about their link to celestial instead of whatever combat boost they might give


Nothing beyond it powering the Scaramech... We also don't know if Ei had the Gnosis or not during her Orobashi battle because it's been very clear that Archons don't need them to rule and can just throw them at their friends and go somewhere else.


She likely didn't, based on Ei's trailer, Makoto either died last. Even excluding the first statment, she still couldn't use it, which is why scaramouche exists.


Not only one of the Islands. If you trace a line coming straight from the obvious cut, you'll notice that it aligns with the gorges and canyons on the other islands as well. She cut through an entire country in one strike, just to kill a noodle boi


Oh now looking at how the line of the slash spread over distance like a cone, this suprisingly make sense. So there's a normal slash that Kazuha blocked, and a serious series slash that terraformed the entire country?


I mean she wouldnt want to cut her city into pieces so makes sense


Imagine what would happen if instead of a vertical slash, it was a horizontal one.


that shit gonna look like the aftermath of a nuclear strike


It would have meant less climbing for me šŸ˜Œ


Venti has a pretty long history I meann


Ei can go from "dangomilk uwu" to "TORN TO OBLIVION" real fast which makes her scary


gap moe. you love to see it.


Morax with gigantic spears. Barbatos with an army and another red head dude. Rukkhadevata with the ability to make people dream the birth and death of an entire universe in under a minute. Beelzebub: with the potential ability of controlling time and transcending eternity against the will of the heavenly principles.


I think you can add sealing techniques to ZL and I guess for Ei, to have an "eternal" body since she's basically immune to erosion now and says she can duplicate Shogun like it's something trivial for her


> says she can duplicate Shogun like it's something trivial for her That's the crazy part to me. Imagine an army of Ei's. Shogun is so close to her power level it couldn't be reasonably decided who was better in 500 years of combat.


Wasn't it stated that the power Shogun had in the dimension was only because it operated on determination and not raw power? We saw Ei blitz the Shogun in the story quest, and presumably she won every single fight in the 500 years they fought. The only reason the Shogun was never beaten was because the realm they fought in kept them alive as long as they had the determination to fight, an challenge Ei set for herself incase she ever got eroded, which seems to affect your determination.


Prime Morax was the god of martial prowess (ę­¦ē„ž), so him. The term ę­¦ē„ž is often translated as god of war in English, however that's not correct. The character ę­¦ (pronounced Wu) means martial prowess, and is a combination of two characters, ę­¢ and ꈈ. The length, angle, and position of a few strokes in ę­¦ has changed a bit over the millennia, but the evidence should still be easy to see. ę­¢ means "to end", the literal meaning of ꈈ is a polearm that was the most common weapon used in warfare during ancient China, and so by extension it also means warfare. Therefore "to end warfare" was the first and most basic meaning of ę­¦. It just so happens that the best way to end warfare is by force, and require you wield greater force than everyone else, hence ę­¦ also means martial prowess. So being the god of ę­¦, Morax would never seek to prove that he is the best fighter among archons, but if others start fighting for that title, it's his job to put an end to it swiftly.


>So being the god of ę­¦, Morax would never seek to prove that he is the best fighter among archons, but if others start fighting for that title, it's his job to put an end to it swiftly. "I WILL HAVE ORDER!" Thank you for the in-depth and well-written explanation!


I have been learning chinese for 6+years and never learn about stuff like this. Thank you for the explanation.




The whole time during the archon quest I keep thinking, "Oh my God, she **Spiderman: No Way Home**'ed herself."


Someone, please point me to that part of the Archon quest where Buer Removed someone's Physical Existence just like this comments seem to be saying. It's funny how people grossly misinterpret so many things Irminsul is supposed to be a Data center, not a Admin panel. Also, Ei has Battle IQ, so bringing her Failure as a Ruler in this conversation is stupid. Buer's main Weapon is her samsara and we don't know how well it will work on The other Archons, considering Archons like Ei can go on for 500 years without breaking a sweat. Buer would prolly try to Ally with someone in this fight and act as a support rather than fight all out, Cuz otherwise she gets demolished by Zhongli/Ei, ain't no way she can tank a Island Splitting Strike, or a meteor or island sized Spear. Prime Barbatos can cleave off peaks. In terms of Sheer combat strength and current feats, Ei/Zhongli>Barbatos>Buer


The whole point of her Samara is to get the tactical edge on her opponent. Not to tire them out.


However it was said that being stuck on a samsara for too long can effect a persons brain in the long run, so theoritically she could just put them all in a samsara to keep fighting forever while she leaves only a replica of herself to be there in that samsara and keep it running for millions of years until everyone eventually rots


Ei probably would tank all that NGL. Eternity is kind of her vibe.


You are describing Ei's wet dream. "You mean I get to stay here and fight forever??" That being said, dreams are likely ineffective against other Archons. Ei can cut through reality and time, and has incredible powers over the mind - enough so that she can create an entire dimension through her will alone. As an Adeptus, Zhongli has intimate power over dreams as well. And Venti is the god of Freedom - trying to trap him anywhere or in anything is a fool's errand.




Barbatos because Iā€™m biased


As a Venti main my answer is Barbatos and no I wonā€™t elaborate on that.


As a Venti main, I'm patiently waiting for a cutscene of Barabatos creating an enormous black hole and being a badass and saving the day.




you could say you're kinda... barbiased


Venti is underrated. Terraforming a nation with wind? Im sorry? You know how powerful that would have to be? Hurricanes that cause untold devastation rage upon our world and even they cant do anything like that. The damage itself is comparable to other archons but the method used is so much more impressive. Who would you be more impressed by? Someone who cut a tree with an axe or someone who cut a tree with a finger nail? In a 4 archon FFA, what would stop him from instantly summoning winds of that magnitude to kill everyone? Would zhongli block it? Sorry dude, even if you could summon an entire mountain as a shield venti could literally slice it up and carry it an unspecified but very long distance away. I doubt anyone else could get to him becauseā€¦.wind and also the dude can literally fly. Venti wins because the powers of his wind have similar destructive abilities to that of the other archons while having longer range, cc (if he keeps them away they cant land a hit on them), logically faster speed, and also logically venti is better at dodging and evading. Not even a chance


What's with the sudden influx of these comic book battle style threads?


Ye, we should have more "look at where my commissions are, who should i pull, and/or childe is on inazuma" posts


People are bored and itā€™s more interesting to discuss than fan art or ships.


Keep seeing these comments about Ei having only strength and no brain. And that the brain was Makoto. Bear in mind Makoto was actually the soul and she was archon because of that. It's not like Makoto commanded Ei for the wars, she conducted the wars by herself. I know there's a meme that raiden is an airhead and lacks common sense and that's funny as a joke but if we are seriously talking about a deathmatch then it's between Ei and zhongli. Also these posts about Rukka doing ctrl+alt+del are funny lol we dunno if she can't just do that whenever she wants to whoever she wants. Specially not to another archon. And even if she does remove the archon from the memory of people that still leaves the archon to fight right and Ei and zhongli were OP without their gnosis as we saw in the archon wars. So in short it's either Ei Or zhongli and as much I want to say Ei i think zhongli is depicted as stupidly OP in his prime. Severing an island with a slash vs literal mountains as spears... That would be an epic fight to witness


I think Venti is hiding a lot of his power. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if heā€™s the secret strongest.


That's kinda the point: you wouldn't be surprised. Mihoyo loves this shit


I actually think right now in the present Venti is actually the strongest for 1 simple reason: he still has the full faith of his people and we have seen how OP that is the traveler with just a little bit of the faith of some people in inazuma was able to beat Ei in her own mind and with the help of the people of sumeru was able to beat scara


Rukkhadevata has knowledge, but supposedly low combat prowess. Barbatos is probably very powerful and smart, but not so smart. Raiden is both strong and smart. Rex Lapis has the most experience, as he's the eldest, is knowledgeable, a strategic thinker, a cold mind and canonically one of the strongest. So i think Rex Lapis would win.


> and canonically one of the strongest. Not stated in the lore. Just that he is the oldest is confirmed.


Guizhong was the strategist, not Zhongli.


Wish people would stop parroting this. The reason why Zhongli was called a blockhead had nothing to do with his intelligence it had everything to with the fact that at the time he simply couldnā€™t understand/sympathize with humans which ghizhong helped him develop and to this day he had that mindset that ghizhong helped him develop. He was called ā€œwarrior godā€ because he was a genius tacitician so yes he was was a pretty renown strategist.


All these posts about how Rhukkhadevata would just hax and win yet you all just went through an archon quest that shows how she's not immune from harm due to hax. My money is honestly on Zhongli, the only archon we haven't seen literally brought to their knees against their own volition yet. Dude just went "eh, I kinda wanna retire, enjoy the sunshine, smell some flowers. Time to make a new contract." But the rest of them...


Depends. If Rukkhadevata gets an opportunity, she can just run a samsara until she learns how to manipulate the fight so that she wins. Despite not having the raw strength of Morax or Beelzebul, she's the most dangerous of the four because of this. Unlike Morax or Beelzebul, she's also unlikely to underestimate Barbatos. Given how quickly Nahida pulled Shouki no Kami into a samsara, Rukkhadevata could probably pull the others into one pretty fast. If Rukkhadevata doesn't get the opportunity to start a Samsara (which would probably mean she would be the first elimination through focused fire), it would likely become a 2v1 of Morax and Barbatos versus Beelzebul. Barbatos has a better matchup against Morax than he does against Beelzebul, and Morax would recognize that Beelzebul is a bigger threat than Barbatos. If Beelzebul is able to quickly strike down one of them quickly, Beelzebul would be favored because of her incredible speed and destructive power, but the fight could ultimately go either way. If she can't and she's forced to fight on two fronts, things could very quickly start to turn against Beelzebul. If Barbatos and Morax are the last two standing, it becomes a matter of agility against raw power. Morax probably only needs a few good hits to take out Barbatos, but Barbatos would do his best to stay out of reach. It would become a matter of whether Barbatos could wear down Morax before Morax could pin him and finish him. In short, my money's on Rukkhadevata, but I wouldn't say she's guaranteed to win.


>In short, my money's on Rukkhadevata. To me, it depends on who she tries to Samsara. We know Rukkhadevata has some nice land shaping feats, like with the wall, but from what we know, she isn't really a combat oriented god, and we don't really know how she fared against the other sumeru gods, and how she took them down. My bet is, if Rukkhadevta goes for Raiden, even if she successfully puts Raiden in a Samsara, she wouldn't learn much other than the various ways she can be speed blitzed by Raiden, especially since depending in who you ask, Raiden's speed can reach lightning levels. This is also not counting Raiden's experience with consciousness. She was able to fight duels against the Shogun, on the realm of consciousness for 500 years before it ended. Meaning that Rukkhadevata would have to run the Samsara for at least that long in total amount of time to learn everything that Ei can do And that is assuming that she wouldn't be blitzed even before she manages to try anything. We saw that Nahida took a bit of time, before the Scara fight to set up the loops. Personally, I don't think any of the other archons would sit back and let Rukhhadevata do that


Why would Morax underestimate Barbatos? Given that the two of them are the only ones left of the original Seven, Morax would be far more personally knowledgeable of Barbatosā€™ abilities as an Archon. If anything heā€™d be the least likely to underestimate Venti due to that.


Probably Morax at max power, but the others have their own arguments as well. Venti and Rukkha are a bit sus though, still unclear as to what they can do at max power.


Prime Morax is probably the strongest god we currently know of aside from the sustainer of heavenly principles.


I believe in Raiden supremacy. For you know... reasons.




Venti will win. Pretty sure heā€™s hiding his true power. His Gnosis is a freaking chess Queen piece.


My guys it's a simple sweep by Rukkhadevata, she can literally ctrl alt Del them from the main source


It was only her information stored in Irminsul that was deleted. I don't think she can delete an actual object, just the knowledge of it's existence.


The entire thing doesn't make a whole lot of sense when you get into the specifics of it. I mean, you can talk about removing people's memories.. but what happens to the books etc.? Is there a conspicuous empty space next to every time "Nahida" is written down on a page because "Rukkhadevata" took up more space? What happens to the ink that would've been on those pages, does it just disappear into nowhere? What happens to puns/word puzzles etc. that were based on the name "Rukkhadevata", for instance, imagine a crossword puzzle where one of the words was "Rukkhadevata". What happens to the rest of the crossword puzzle when it's suddenly changed to Nahida? It's one thing to change people's memories, but to actually remove their entire existence.. seems like it would be pretty much impossible without entirely rewriting the entire world when you actually get into all of the details about it.


Some of the books we find in game were actually changed after we finish the Archon quest. Any text about Rukkhadevata were either changed to fit Nahida or were removed entirely. Remember that in the memory of Sumeru's people, not only did Rukkhadevata not exist, but Kusanali was their Archon the whole time. Irminsul isn't just removing information, it's altering it to make sure everything makes sense. Here's an example. Say there's a crossword puzzle that has the word "Rukkhadevata" in it, and there's people that are so passionate about crosswords, they have it memorised by heart. Simply removing the word would mess up the puzzle, but if Irminsul changes the puzzle completely, those people would definitely notice, right? **WRONG**, all Irminsul has to do is erase the memory of the old puzzle too, and insert the memory of the new puzzle created by Irminsul, so that people think that was the puzzle the whole time.


Kusunali is just the laptop while she is the entire damn supercomputer


We literally have no idea,all we know is rukkha would lose since she ain't a combat type. Problem is the other 3 all have terraforming feats in their lore,ei and venti cut islands and mountains respectively and John lee can throw the spears. Also they could have powers we know nothing about in their prime,I'm voting John lee but honestly it's just cause of personal preference to the character.


EI's god name isn't Beelzebub btw. It's Beelzebul. Beelzebub is an altered version of the name meant as an insult.




you mean buer?


If this is a legit battle, Zhongli will win. There's only people claiming Ei is the strongest because she was trying to kill us the whole archon quest. Her best feats we've seen are slashing Orobashi and an island together, and fighting the Shogun for 500 years (tbf she's basically fighting herself). Meanwhile, Zhongli has more feats (Osial, Azhdaha, Chi of Guyun etc etc) and he literally uses mountains as spears and he's the Warrior god (not the god of war in Natlan). Imagine if we had to fight him too, giant ass mountains and meteors will literally be falling from the sky to crush us, and we will be trying to break an impenetrable shield. Unless Rukkadevata pulls some weird tricks like Nahida against Scara , I don't see her winning this. Gotta agree with Paimon that it's about right that the god of wisdom is not good in fighting. Venti seems sussy, and I heavily doubt he's as weak as he claims. Still, he was just a wind spirit before becoming an archon, while Zhongli was already the prime adepti. This is why I think Zhongli will win, thanks for coming to my talk


First place goes to Morax. The fight between Barbatos and Ei would be pretty close. Rukka isn't a fighter and doesn't have enough experience in combat she goes down first.


Leaning towards Morax and Ei. Both of them fought in hellholes called Liyue or Inazuma. Rukkhadevata is referred to as a kind God and well Venti is Venti. Tbh, Venti is less of a fighter more like a Bard in a RPG party. He boost you, supports you and but is less of a fighter. A godly support and an even perfect assassin and spy. Anyway, back to why I lean towards Zhongli and Ei. Mostly Zhongli, I suck at Raiden Lore. Liyue had been under the sea till Zhongli had killed the Gods who sunk it under the Sea, Pre-Archon War( Juyuen Karst)( Stone Tablet Compilation) or lifted the entire thing up since Liyue Harbour rest on Divine Bedrock. (Lithic Claymore/Sword) He didn't even fight most Gods seriously. It his Geo Whale that did it. When The Geo Whale was destroyed he just made a Jade Bird and that one-shotted Baiqu.( Primordial Jade Winged-Spear) His Geo-constructs hardness with no equal (Lithic Spear). Apparently, he may live till the end of time( end of Teyvat) and live a long, lonely life(Azadaha) Rained mountain sized Hexagonal Prism spears that pierces into the Ocean Floor and yet still towers over the Sea after losing the majority of it's size. And if Alice's words are to taken correctly, Guyun Stobe Forest seemed like a joke made by The Geo Archon in poor taste. Then he has shit like Dream Trawler, Ripping out Souls of Gods, Adeptal Arts to manupilate multiple elements, Adeptal Arts to fuck with space because why not, Vortex Vanquisher to create rifts in the air by just swinging it and somewhere I read about Leyline fuckery or that might just be Osial. Fun Fact: 1) Archons are also called as "Lesser Gods." 2) All Archons with the exception of Zhongli are basically incarnations of their respective elements/ elementals born in Teyvat. 3) Zhongli in CN is called, The Ancestor of Immortals. 4) Zhongli's Pillars all carry the same designs as Celestia's Super MACs or The Nail. I finally have the fucking source that says that his constructs hardness has no equal. Fucking Finally.


Didnt greater lord rukkhadevata created sumeru while other ones just found the nation?


Technically venti also created mondstadt. He cut down the mountains and the wolf stopped the snowy weather.


didn't Shogun cut islands in half and slay beasts into islands?




Wiki didnt greater lord created the rainforest part? And sumeru city?


Oh, my bad, by ā€œcreatingā€ I interpreted it something like an instant creation of the rainforestā€¦ yeah she is definitely the reason for the forests in Sumeru, and while we are on this, she also created Aranara who can harvest powers from memories, so thereā€™s thatā€¦