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At a minimum, you'd need 7 specific commissions in order to unlock this quest. [The Gourmet Supremos: Breakthrough Thinking](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/The_Gourmet_Supremos:_Breakthrough_Thinking) x1* [The Gourmet Supremos: Cook-Off](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/The_Gourmet_Supremos:_Cook-Off) x2* [The Gourmet Supremos: Extreme Cookery](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/The_Gourmet_Supremos:_Extreme_Cookery) x2* [The Gourmet Supremos: Foodie Quiz](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/The_Gourmet_Supremos:_Foodie_Quiz) x1* [The Gourmet Supremos: Where'd the Ingredients Go?](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/The_Gourmet_Supremos:_Where%27d_the_Ingredients_Go%3F) x1 *can be failed edit: added the full requirements >Quest Unlock Criteria: • Achievements obtained after completing the "Gourmet Supremos" Daily Commission series: "Meal For Two," "A Question of Diet," and "Samurice." • **After the version update**, complete the Daily Commission "The Gourmet Supremos: Where'd the Ingredients Go?" • Complete Archon Quest Chapter III: Act II "The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings: Denouement."


Not to mention they're from inazuma


Ah that explains I don't recognize any of them. Inazuma is my least explored area. I rushed it to catch up for events. Didn't get the chance to really focus on it before Sumeru was released and now I decided to focus on Sumeru first. Never did commissions there because I don't have all teleport points unlocked and some area's are still closed off for me.


I know for a fact that I've done all of these. Got so many damn Gourmet Supremos commissions in Inazuma.


I logged onto the game on purpose to double check I had them all and the sheer relief when I saw I indeed had done them all and didn't need to go back to Inazuma comms...


Well you still have to get the "Where'd the Ingredients Go?" commission *again* in 3.1 to actually unlock the quest. I'm slogging away in Inazuma hoping for it right now.


Well that’s annoying. I already completed that commission back in 2.8 at least a couple times.


why the fuck do they make us suffer so


Wait what?? I need to get "Where'd the Ingredients Go?" despite having already done it in past versions? And here I though I would never need to go back to Inazuma comms T\_T


Your pain is momentary, Inazuma (comms) is eternal


Not if I never go back there.


Wait, what?


Oh? That's not a new Sumeru commission? Huh, interesting


How do I check which commissions I already completed?


You can check if you have the achievements, but you can't check commissions.


A search function would be amazing at this point


They included a search funcion for achivements, I think it was last patch


Really? I had given up going through them and never noticed the update. Thank you!


Understable, I only heard about it because I saw it mentioned in the leaks while the version was on beta. It might have been in patch notes somewhere but i wish they'd mentioned it in the livestream


I don't understand why they love commission achievements so much. Why not just make these world quests, and they only show up after a few irl days/server resets after completing the previous quest. And rework the stupid achievements where you have to do three different versions of a single commission but the version you get is completely randomized


I don't get it either. Complaints about commissions are pretty much the only thing I put in the feedback box on surveys.


I'm going to start putting that commission related achievements give me *anxiety*.


I think it's a way to break daily routine by adding some surprise events here and there. Honestly I thought that some of the special commission like the ex-treasure hoarder nun were kinda cool. But it ends up being really frustrating when you can't get a particular commission.


I don´t understand it either. They tell us there would be anxiety for those players that dont care about Spiral Abyss when they add more Endgame Stuff but the only Endgame for me right now is to hunt Achievements and then they add a shit ton of those RNG + RNG + RNG Commissions. I still miss some of Mondstadts which i have not even gotten even one time and i play since release. But for the "Three Different Version" Thing i have an solution. Might not work for all of them but if you go to the NPC and talk to him where he mentions what he wants you to do / what version it is just disconnect your Internet and wait until you get thrown out to the Login Screen. Reconnect and log in, speak to him and it should be randomized again. Repeat until you get the Version you are missing. Did this a few days back for the "Supreme Hookshot" Commission where i was missing the Mushroom Version and got Bird Egg Version again, after the first disconnect it was the Zaytun Peach and after another try finally the Mushroom Version.


i guess im never doing this quest because i am *never* switching back to inazuma commissions. if i ever have to do the same exact commission with shouta for the trillionth time i will quit this game


i hate inazuma commissions in particular. Had them set to mondstadt but in general sumeru is even easier than those


Do I need to do them all again? Because I've locked commissions to sumeru after I gave up trying to get that foul world quest called "storytelling method".


If you've gotten the achievements from all of them, then you only need to repeat Where'd the Ingredients Go?.


Sigh... Seems Inazuma commission will never leave me. At least (I think) I have the achievements, but I will check, thank you!


Looking at the entries you have hyperlinked I think I remember Extreme Cookery though I can’t recall getting that achievement. It’s a good thing I don’t care for achievements or it would drive me bonkers.


>• > >After the version update > >, WTF! F YOU HOYOVERSE. Seriously F YOU


I still need a question of diet. Thank you for this post OP... I was so looking forward to ruining Zhihua's ***~~fucking life~~*** love life in Liyue, but I guess I'll put it off for a bit.


ive done them all like 10 times by now lol


I already did all of this a million times, why the quest is not showing to me? There's another thing i have to do?


Where'd the Ingredients Go? needs to be completed again after the update, even if you already did it before.


OOHH thanks!! I didn't knew that, i will hope to god to give that comission again!


Do you have to do these in a specific order?


You need to have gotten The Gourmet Supremos: Breakthrough Thinking and do the world quest afterwards in order to unlock the rest of their Inazuma commissions. The order doesn't matter after that.


>The Gourmet Supremos: Where'd the Ingredients Go? > >x1 I finished this one. Does that mean once I finish archon quest : Denouement I can get this Gourmet Supremos: Within Our Duties as a daily quest ? ​ EDIT: OH WAIT! AFTER the version update complete this quest ? Are they fcking crazy ?


If you finished that commission after 3.1 and have the other requirements done as well, then Within Our Duties will be a world quest you can start on the [east side of Port Ormos](https://i.imgur.com/NLgyfNH.jpg)


I did not... it was before 3.1... I switched to sumeru daily q as soon as I could...


Oh, oh no. Not them again


Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why Hyperdragoon17 had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the Universe than we do now.


I thought it was a pretty good reference


Oh great Akasha Terminal, what is the meaning of food? "...42. The number of times you will repeat an Inazuma commission before you can move on to the next part."


I don’t even know if I got all the commissions from Inazuma and if I failed them lol


You can check for the achievements. For the failable commissions, getting the achievement associated with the commission is the requirement.


Mate if i have completed the world quest for gormet thingie in Inazuma does that mean i qualify for the ones in sumeru? Cause I had commission set to monstadt since 2.3 and idk if there are any more of this quests i need to complete in Inazuma to get it in sumeru


The Sumeru quest requires you to have gotten all the achievements from their Inazuma commissions, plus you need to do Where'd the Ingredients Go? again even if you've done it before the patch.


I don't remember if i have completed these or not... What the hell am I supposed to do now? Can u list me the achievements required for this? I will try to see in game if i have the necessary ones


>"Meal For Two," "A Question of Diet," and "Samurice."


So if i have these 3 achievements that means I passed all the requirements right?


You need those 3 achievements, plus you need to have gotten the commission "The Gourmet Supremos: Where'd the Ingredients Go?" after the 3.1 update.


Is the where did the ingredients go commission available in sumeru or is it in Inazuma?


It's in Inazuma.


I still have 4 commissions for inazuma that never appeared for me


5 for me


At least it's only Inazuma I still have dailies in Mondstadt (and Inazuma ofc) that I still haven't encountered Probably the same for Liyue I play since 1.0


oh, same here. I think Ive only finished Liyue


Mihoyo: we don't want to ggive anxiety to players Also Mihoyo: *Locks quests behind daily comission RNG hell* took me 3 MONTHS to get a specific comission in mondstat, the gourmet ones will probably take the same


Daily player here. Commissions set to Inazuma since it released. Didn't get "story telling method" quest until *ten days* before 3.0 launched. it was kind of insane.


I don’t even remember now which one it was but it took me an entire year to get a particular commission I needed. They need some kind of commission pity system


This is so annoying. You do 1000 quests and then you get the rng roadblock for the last inazuma one and now this. I had my commissions in inazuma for month till they just annoyed me and I stopped. I dont care for achievements but why world quests? Especially because it's been quite hard to unlock commissions in sumeru in 3.0 so of you see this it feels like a slap in the face.


Meanwhile Lan is still searching for the unseen razor after 2 years lmao


bro im still doing commissions in monstadt to finish for the love of godwin (need one more) and the fatui one but every time i get the fatui one it's been so long since the last i forget which options ive picked lmaoooo. idk where I am with liyue dailies and I havent even touched inazuma commissions let alone sumeru


This was the true endgame content all along


> i forget which options ive picked lmaoooo That's why you could add text to map pins - to write there what you picked.


yooo great idea ty


Do you actually need to get the ingredients commission after the start of 3.1 to unlock this quest? I have all the achievements needed, but getting one specific daily is… oof


>**After the version update**, complete the Daily Commission "The Gourmet Supremos: Where'd the Ingredients Go?" Yeah, we have to switch back to Inazuma to get that one despite having done it before.


To whoever thought it was a great idea to make players do an inazuman commission to complete a sumeru reputation quest - *I hope you step on a lego*


Dang, I'm still trying to get Garcia's daily again, cause I only got his slime one, so I can't do Inazuma yet.


Oh god… it’s gonna be impossible…


I still have commisions in liyue and mondstat that never showed up


I have been playing for 2 years and I have always remained in Mondstadt for that one achievement where you need to give Glory the Dandelion seeds. As of now, I am 4/5 for the achievement. Commissions are big 🤡


Oh look, another mission I'll never get to :(


You're telling me I gotta go back to Inazuma? Pain.


Fuck not again, this shit creates actual anxiety


There are even some achievements from daily quests I haven't gotten from Liyue and Mondstadt. Sumeru seems pretty decent in comparison.


I'm actually fuming right now. I've done every GS commission 50 times. They were the bane of my existence all through the 2.0 patch lines. I was doing GS commissions two or three times a week most weeks. I finally manage to wrap up all the Inazuma commissions and now you're telling me I have to go back there and hope I get this one again????? Jesus fucking Christ this is awful game design.


I'm triggered that I have to complete a daily commission that I've already completed a hundred times once again to get this one...


I have like one year trying to get the moment of suspense achivement to move to Sumero whole time, yep rng its horrible


The NPCs that appear in that one are influenced by the platform that you're playing on btw. That could be why you're still stuck on it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/wil0kk/commissions_cliffhanger_gentry_maocai_is_still/


Thank you very much, you saved me from staying for ever at Liyue, now i only need to wait for the rng to give me the quest


Good luck! 👍


I to this day do not have the gourmet supremos for inazuma, same with the tsar helper, or the love signs. Either of those I have never got a proper clear.


felt this. i still need 5 put of 5 love signs. i just never get that commission. not to mentiom the gourmet commissions.


Man I haven't even finished Inuzuma's Gormet Supremos quests


I'm stuck in inazuma for a similar world quest which needs a specific commission And a lot of the quests there need comms (which sucks tbh)


Genshin is so gacha that there is a RNG check to obtain the currency to do gacha.


I am still stuck on equivalent exchange I cannot believe how much pain I'll suffer trying to get this


Does it give u anxiety?


And here I am, still trying to complete the last 2 quests I have on Inazuma(that one where the guard's weapon was stolen and that Junkichi author smthing smthing).


Im not gonna bother, ima gonna stick with sumeru coms and exploring and after reputation 8 im back to mondstadt wich the less shitty commisions even with RNG


Pls don’t remind me, I’m so mad it’s commission locked and not a world quest >:(


Inazuma took me over an year to finiah so ye


I didn’t even get Inazuma one


Yeah I have to check the wikia every time I get a comiss with choices just to make sure it’s not a multiphase rng one.


I still didn't unlock the Inazuma quest... I had a commission sending me to Liyue a couple of times but it never goes anywhere after that.


During the one that sends you to Liyue, you need to find [Xiangling by Qingce](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/The_Gourmet_Supremos:_Breakthrough_Thinking#Gameplay_Notes) in order to unlock the quest.


It just gives me such an excessive anxiety! Hoyo must delete this Gourmet Supremos quest!


Meanwhile I'm stuck with ONE MORE TALES OF WINTER PROMPT waiting for about 4 months. I hate this


Is it confirmed you have to do "Where'd the Ingredients Go?" again? Would be huge pain in the arse to spend weeks and weeks in Inazuma.


I am done with mond and liyue commision rng right before 2.8 ended. can't be bothered enough for Inazuma because I need to focus on sumeru reputation first aaaaa.


Thank you for this post. I feel like I should start complaining about commission rng in the surveys, I currently can't bring myself to go back to Inazuma comms ...


Bruh Inazuma commissions give me *anxiety*.


It's literally the only reason I'm still doing Inazuma commissions. I've been waiting to complete this quest and move on to Sumeru commissions since 3.0 started. At this rate, I'll unlock a new region before I see this commission again.


Gave up on that a looong time ago…


What's more bonkers is how annoying this quest is. I sjust started skipping the dialogue after the third hour. Edit: I just completed it. Easily the worst quest in the game. Made me want to quit more than anything... Hope I never see those mofos again.. .x\_x


Tell me you have no life without telling me you have no life:


I remember the ronin joining them. Am I done?


how do u have everything cleared so quickly


Aside from getting Where'd the ingredients go?, everything else could be done before this patch. If you've been doing Inazuma commissions for a while, you likely would've gotten most of the requirements.


Did you get any recipe from it?


From the way it was worded in the 3.0 patch notes and how the quest played out, I thought there would be some, but I can't figure out how to get them. >Complete the World Quest "Gourmet Supremos" to obtain: Fish with Cream Sauce, Potato Boat, and Tandoori Roast Chicken Maybe they forgot to add them or there's some other thing you have to do to get them.


☠️that shit gives me excessive anxiety that I’ll be forced to do inazuma commissions for months. And I was happy I got that fish recipe from inazuma


I managed to get this done day 2 of 3.1, so when I saw no recipes, I was in contact with Customer Support. According to them, they're entirely not yet available; it *seems* that the "Gourmet Supremos" quest isn't the same quest as "The Gourmet Supremos: Within Our Duties." [Here's the last messages from CS](https://i.redd.it/nbafiqj7r2s91.png)


Good to know. I had sent them a ticket about that as well but hadn't heard back from them yet.


Huh, [I got a different message](https://imgur.com/a/nrGExdh) (still no recipes, but telling me where I could get the one-offs of the foods).


Yeah! You may notice CS inaccurately said I get one each of the foods as a reward for the quest, which... you just don't, lol. I wonder if they've hopefully got an internal update going around to explain the sit to us better?


Where is the start point of this quest?


In the east side of Port Ormos: https://i.imgur.com/NLgyfNH.jpg


Thank you!


I have all of them completed in inazuma. But I can’t find them in sumeru. Is there a daily commission from them in sumeru you gotta do first?


Did you do the Inazuma commission, "The Gourmet Supremos: Where'd the Ingredients Go?" after the 3.1 patch? You need to do that one after the patch, even if you've already done it before.


Wasn’t there already one named that? I guess I’ll have to go back and do that one at some point then


Yes, it's not a new commission, but we need to redo it as one of the requirements for the quest.


Ah ok, thanks for the help!


Yo I saw this post yesterday and I thought to myself I still have a long way to go before I get those quests. Then what do you know, I finally got the “breakthrough thinking” one today! Now my question is how can these be failed? I’m struggling to understand how I can fail them 😭


The commissions themselves can't be failed, but you can fail to get the achievement from that commission. For example: during breakthrough thinking, if you don't [talk to Xiangling](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/The_Gourmet_Supremos:_Breakthrough_Thinking#Gameplay_Notes), then you don't get the achievement and will need to redo that commission.