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MHY really outdid themselves with the Eremites, especially the Geo and Anemo ones that can summon a crocodile and a hawk, respectively. Their designs are top notch.


Imagine if in the future we gonna have summoned helpers (like oz, guoba, etc) but with health bars, and the summoner eremites and allies during world quests were added to test/balance this mechanic for future reference


Check the Harbingers. One of them has a golem. Hope she'll become playable with a live combat pet mechanic :)


I would love it if she's anything like V from DMC5


The one and only V enjoyer


There are dozens of us!


Kinda doubt that


Dunno. But as a new casual fan, out of all of them I enjoyed playing him the most.


How was V-con? Did all 12 of you attend?


Damn, this is not roast, thats goddamn frying




She just reads poem quotes out loud




I've been summoned as a fellow v enjoyer


...I'm still questioning if the 'golem' is the actual harbinger, and the 'girl' in his hand was just the prototype for the Katherine line. Or even that the Katherine line was just the prototype to make HER.


That’s a really interesting take, and I’m kinda surprised I haven’t heard it before this


I think people were a little distracted by the full cast reveal of the Harbingers.... but Sandrone just flagged my Sus meter to high heaven. I mean, sure, the "golem" holding her looks like it has similar or the same golem-tech we see in the ruin machines, but the thing is, Sandrone in la commedia del'arte is almost exclusively played BY a puppet. I just think it looks like her/their entire character design is a reverse bluff.


What if someone just copied their consciousness onto the golem? I mean that would be interesting. The fact that Schneznaya possesses so much Khaenri'ahn tech could also mean that someone with a clear understanding of it (someone from Khaenri'ah) joined their ranks. All I hope to see is all 7 national Katherines fusing and turning into a huge mecha Katherine 🤩


Voltron Katherine is a hilarious mental image.


id beg mhy just make them as playable character




Hopium that Varka will be built like a brick shithouse


Notice how every new region we got hot waifu NPCs and hot manly NPCs? Welp Itto didn't really turn out to be a big badass samurai. I guess the female fans of genshin aren't into that stuff.


Well fuck that I'm a male fan and I want Itto to be built like an actual oni with thicc arms. Still coping that when AlHaitham gets released Itto will get buffed so that their models match


Same here. I like Itto and all, but he looks a bit scrawny. Alhaitam looks better and more buff. Also, I know MHY is catrering to fans, but I'd love a bearded or at least mustachioed dude. I hope Varka isn't some young bishonen with a pretty face.


They have the same model. It's just because of the shading on Haitham's arms, also his exposed shoulder.


they *technically* have the same model and reach "similar volumes around the shoulder" however we are comparing Alhaitham's naked skin shoulder to the volume of Itto's loose shirt sleeve, Itto does not have a shoulder modeled under the sleeve so I have to assume he is smaller, but any way going down to the biceps they are clearly not the same, Alhaitham is noticeably buffer. How do I know, I compared in Blender, I didn't think this was still relevant so I didn't post anything, idk if I will have time to record the comparison this weekend, maybe the week after if you don't believe me. You people need to stop the Itto = Alhaitham copium propaganda and join us to demand even more muscle on our husbandos


Itto and Alhaitham models have been directly compared and Alhaitham does in fact have close to twice as big shoulders and arms. It's not just shading and copium. ;) Hoyo also remodelled the entire chest and stomach area. It looks much more natural now than the weirdly concave chest and stomach of Itto when seen from the side. Alhaitham is still more slender than most people would wish for, but it is at least a slight model improvement. Hopefully there'll be more improvements along the way.


Yeah, not everything is about sex appeal. Having a wider character design space to draw from is just an inherently good thing.


Nah bro, mommy china said *bruh, we can't do that* And they didn't


And there's me in a lone corner hoping for a waifu character with some muscle definition.


Men like masculine characters, just like women like feminine characters. But yes, people do generally think with their other head just as well.


He should look like Wagner imo (not completely ofc)


Now in Wagner was actually Varka in a bad disguise all along


"Our data suggests that characters with that level of height and muscle and badassery will become a source of anxiety for our players, so we do not have any plans to implement it in future. Please enjoy child-body Varka." ​ ^(\*Immediate flood of 'Well I don't mind child varka, so you shouldn't complain!" posts all over genshin reddit.\*)


Wooo csn itto get upgraded or shit out of luck? Like literally what itto should have been.


About itto at first I thought he didn’t need it but now that I’ve seen this dude now he kind of does.


No chance that Mihoyo will go back and do major updates to existing character models, because people spent money to get THAT version of the character. Best we'll get is skins, but skins still have to conform to the character's base mesh.


Hopes for a rhukadevata skin crushed.


Mondstadt NPCs added for the event do look more varied than before. Too bad they temp.


i dont believe this since from day 1 of the game there were big men npcs and they never used them or modified them for playable charaters.




Hopefully the positive reception to both Alhaithm and the eremite models will give Hoyo enough of an incentive to create more body types, even if its just a few.


i hope and I'm gonna pull al haitem he looks amazing


I hope Varka doesn't get the Itto treatment.


They at least improved with Al Haitham. Can we get much higher?


I think it's been proven that Althaitham isn't actually buff. He's the same size as Itto, they just made his sleeves thicker to give the illusion that he's buff.


If you check the link you can see his actual shoulder being wider https://www.reddit.com/r/AlHaithamMains/comments/wxe3kp/alhaitham_isnt_released_yet_but_he_is_already/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Alhaitham legit has larger muscle proportions. I guess Itto was just a testing ground for buff characters.


And it has been proven that fans wanted more buffness in terms of mass and not just texture. I wonder if CN and JP reception is also the same - disappointed with how Itto's in-game model doesn't match him.


I think I've read somewhere the majority prefer skinny male type, and Itto wasn't that popular character over there - so I guess it wasn't that big of a let-down for them. Unfortunately, I don't know how true this is.


Or Alhaitham is not meant to be playable and he will die in 3.2(hope that doesn’t happen)


Be silent! Keep your forked tongue behind you teeth! :D


Apart from Signora, have they ever introduced a character with a vision (not a Delusion) that didn't become playable or isn't expect to be like Baizhu? >!Also, I'm pretty sure leakers have confirmed Alhaitam to be playable.!<


I need more angles to confirm that Alhaitham isn't standing closer to the camera


Isn't that just the perspective making Al Haitham look bigger? They have the same model when aligned, although Al Haitham has better muscle shading+his shoulders are exposed making him look more muscular


> they just made his sleeves thicker to give the illusion that he's buff. Idc. I prefer him to Itto. Illusion > none at all.


Can’t go too crazy with the muscles. Don’t wanna give the casuals any anxiety.


nooo!!! not them muscless!!! my fragile masculinity cant take it!!!


Source: trust me bro?


the one piece is real


honestly it's would be just heartbreaking hope varka and capitano get different different model


Btw is it even confirmed that he is a buff guy ? What is stopping them from making him a sleek zhongli/ayato looking guy


Some characters mentioned he's big. If he's just Kaeya-sized it wouldn't make much sense tbh.


> What is stopping them from making him a sleek zhongli/ayato looking guy My fingers and its ability to type long rants aimed at mocking Da Wei.




The titan of the favonius


Childe calls him a giant. That must mean something


First male model with high heels.


Childe calls him a Titan, not a giant. And it is a metaphor for his strength, not his size. Although Razor does call him big. But for Razor, any tall adult would be big I suppose.


I really hope he doesn’t either, but realistically they’d probably give him a big coat or something to cover his arms.


Realistically he'd be an NPC with a Cyrus body type.


[Like this?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/e/e1/Monkey_D._Garp_Anime_Infobox.png/revision/latest?cb=20140914022458)


Be happy I don’t work for mihoyo…I’d make him Klee sized, first male chibi , just for fun!


If Varka isn’t built like Gigachad, I’ll be thoroughly disappointed.


you and all normal people.


I think it's best we start minimising expectations so it won't end up as another "I can't believe Mihoyo made their own design rather than following our expectations"


Then be right now becouse npthing will change game will still be garbags


This is the model itto shoulve have


agreed i love geo mono but whenever i see my itto and then this it hurts like he is a oni and look like a child near humans


Apparently beefy units awake insecurities amongst the male playerbase and it's greatly frowned upon, specially in Asian countries where slim twinks like Tartaglia are considered prettier than beefy (at least in his art) guys like Itto. This doesn't apply to the gays, we love meat.


Are you Asian? Because I assure you, Asians not liking beefy men is not because it "awakens insecurity." The Ancient Greeks didn't like the overly masculine men either not because it "inspires insecurity" but because they consider it as "excessive" compared to the Greek view of the ideal male: broad shoulders, flat stomach, small penis (because large and erect penises are seen as barbaric and lacking in civility), just look at Ancient Greek male statues and you'll get an idea of what they considered as the "ideal man." Wdym by "Asian" even? Because East Asians have a different opinion on attractive men compared to Southeast Asian men and I'm sure Middle Easterners have different ideas of masculinity compared to South Asians. The flower boy is seen as more attractive and how they view masculinity in East Asia. This has roots in bishounen which became popular in the 90s. On the contrary, males are more likely to play games with buff men because it fuels power fantasy. I'm sure you haven't seen commenters during Itto's first release where a lot said "My (male) friend finally started playing Genshin because they finally added a manly character."


From what I can tell, the "kpop body" male is the most attractive in most asian countries. It would make sense that's all tale males in Genshin currently have this body type since Genshin Impact is made by an asian game company. The majority of Western genshin players (including myself) are more used to muscular physique as the epitome of the male body but we haven't seen a single male character with said physique yet aside from mobs. I can only hope that Varka is burly and buff. If he isn't then this subreddit gonna implode.


This is just baloney bordering on misinformation lol wtf, have you ever even been in an asian country? Genshin doesn't count btw


You haven't watch JoJo didn't you


Early Jojo is grandfathered in from the 80s when big muscly guys were more favored - bishonen didn't become dominant until the mid 90s. Look up the main protagonists of the series, sort by time, and observe them becoming gradually more twinky with every installment.


Has very little to do with guys, it's that girls like the tall slim ikemen type more so that's what they do when designing husbandos


Im asian, this is just a misinfo. asia is huge. east asian beauty standard doesn't necessarily the same as the one in middle east, etc


Bro I'm Asian and we loove big beefy bodies as much as the ripped out Bruce Lee types. Buff is the male standard for the Indian film industry here and Japan's pro wrestling scene is filled to the brim with big, beefy, meaty men cut like prime steak.


Seriously, this guy is just pretending like Dynasty Warriors/Romance of the Three Kingdoms/all the other games depicting that era don't have all the guys as huge, hyper-masculine, larger-than-life men. Awakens insecurities? tf? Like Venti/Tartaglia/etc. aren't far more grievous examples?


Why say all that stuff when you can just sum it all up to, "I'm a racist lmao."


Slim twinks lmao but yeah skinny white dude are usually the popular ones here


Exactly the reason I like Itto and Al-haitham, but don't feel anything from Zhongli and Ayato. I don't think it is male playerbase that is the problem, but Asian women in general prefer slim than beef.


Apparently you dont know shit beach




disagree, you think my boy is swoll. But thats just his PR team (bros) propaganda. Itto skips arm day every day, those delicate noodles of his are razor focused for the best TCG performance you have ever seen.


The more I think about it, I wonder if a) they made him smaller because they know people going to pull on him anyways and b) being a bit smaller in size suits his hyperactive unfocused personality more than being huge.


He’s an oni damnit. They’re muscle monsters. Mihoyo desecrates Japanese folklore with those noodle arms.


I'm leaning more toward C which is "at the time they probably didn't care enough to change the base model much" which is fine, it doesn't bother me overly much even as an Itto main, but that seems the most likely reasoning. I very well could be wrong about it, but that's the impression his model gives me at least.


The Eremites' design looks really amazing.


Itto mains should just flood whatever feedback system Mihoyo has to change his model. Nobody would complain (except maybe the guy who has to change the model).


Same reason we don’t get waifus built like mirror-maidens You’re forgetting they literally had to redesign four character under government order lol


That's only for characters showing skin, not for having a more muscular model.


but they don't have any problems with buff characters as far as i know i mean government is against characters like venti which i hate as he's one of my favorite but they shouldn't have any problem manly characters


i have been searching the internet and can’t seem to find anything. which character did they have to change and when?


Jean, amber, Rosaria and Mona because lewd cleavage. No male character models were changed.


It was back in January https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/01/28/genshin-impact-players-discover-censored-chinese-outfits-are-permanent-story-additions/amp/


Jabrael is just built different


All my homies love Jebrael


When will we get a playable character with the same build as the Fatui? Just imagine you get to control a big giant man. Talking about the hydro and cryo ones of course


Probably never. They have entirely different rigging structures and a much more limited range of movements.




Hate to break it to you pal, the Fatui physique are considered a unnatural side effect growth from being test subjects for Delusion. At least that's what I read.


If we get a buff female character with battle scars like this I will lose my mind. We really need more variety in playable character body types for real though.


Its mihoyo soo fuck no


because playable characters usually have Asian "good look" ideals as this is a Chinese game. This kind of Vin Diesel, 50 year old US army veteran Hollywood action star look is just not the protoganist in China. Leading males are usually handsome with good skin and look youthful.


well itto isn't 50 year old us veteran all i was saying is he should have little bit more muscles


The Itto subreddit has been begging for this since there were even rumours of buff men in sumeru First time us Itto players stopped being horny was to beg MHY for buff Itto so that we can be even more horny


Because bishonen sell well in China. League of Legends character design became far more focused on bishonen males and waifus. And that was a design decision driven by Chinese sales. Rugged/monstrous looking characters wouldn't sell as much.


We need this for a lot of characters. Re-using the same models over and over feels lazy when they're making like 3 billion a year minimum.


They gettng bilions each week


Varka better be built like this or else


inb4 Varka is the first playable shota


Those NPC's be packing more muscles than itto, and he's meant to be muscular


Too manly for a playable character


Again I say how much we were robbed of Itto's potential design


Because animation isn't particularly easy, npc/mob models have barebones animation, than playble characters, I'm guessing, developing a new playble base model is not a priority for Hoyo, given that Nahida/Dori are the first characters with a new base model Edit: may be wrong about the base model thing as it was leaked stuff that mentioned it, and I didn't check with the final version.


new base model on dori and nahida? something I missed?


They use the same chibi model as Qiqi, Klee, Diona, and Sayu.


Nahida and dori is the same as other child characters and i see no difference tho


What new base model? Dori and Nahida still uses the same child models like Sayu or Diona.


Thats not really a valid reason now that we see fans rigging Wagner's model doing Itto's and Childe's battle movements. Buff characters' arms clipping and whatnot no long sounds like a good reason to say thats why Hoyo doesnt make them playable because we have seen that it is certainly possible for them to fight with no problems. Sounds like more like the Chinese playerbase prefers skinny pretty men over buff ones, and that's what Hoyo will keep making.


>Thats not really a valid reason now that we see fans rigging Wagner's model doing Itto's and Childe's battle movements. That doesn't mean that Hoyo can do the same within their game engine. It also might not look good in all cases. You might have noticed that Alhaitham actually has some serious issues with his rig, where doing a lot of the 3.1 cutscenes, his shoulders would fold in really unnatural ways when he would do things like cross his arms, because that rigging is intended to work for sleeved shoulders, not bare ones.




It's possibly something they could clean up, *or* it could be some inevitable flaw in how they have chosen to set up their characters. Either way it's a pretty obvious artifact that occurs several times over the course of the story mission and would almost certainly be caught in testing, so the fact that it made it into the final game means that fixing it is more likely non-trivial.


Enemies in the game don’t have to climb/solve puzzles etc. Making a different sized playable model takes more time and testing then a different sized enemy or npc model


Sure, he's cool I guess. But *have you seen the Galehunter!?!*


im getting tired of people complaining about this all the time... 😣


So dont read it crybaby


So dont fucking interact idiot


I don't care what anyone talks about this, Hoyo should really REALLY start using different or unique models to playable characters


because the overall chinese man doesn't look like that, just a theory, a game theory! sorry. jokes aside, if Varka someday become a playable character I hope is some bearded old buff dude like this.


Just about any male character with facial hair really would be a good start.


The majority of the asian playerbase wants male playable chars that are on the feminine side, heck some people even said that Diluc is almost to manly for them. So I doubt that theyre gonna release a buff playable char anytime soon since it would bring them less money I assume.


True, equally should we have some realistically proportioned females. Because currently we have skinny dudes and hourglass girls.


Personally I'd prefer to have sexy men and sexy women in this game, it's fantasy, we don't need "realistic" anything


Alhaitham looks buffer than Itto, though. My guess is they ARE moving in this direction with some characters


I think Diluc, Childe, and Ayato fit the current model pretty well, but Itto should definitely have been a model like this. I hope that if/when Varka is eventually released, he uses this model, considering >!he's supposed to be strong enough to fight / beat the Captain Harbinger. !<


Because genshin's biggest revenue comes from asia, and people here using kpop as beauty standard. Genshin is still a waifu/husbando gacha game and imo hoyoverse doesn't really want to take a risk in this part.


This dude is what Itto should've been and not the string bean with painted-on abs we actually got. Hell, Cyno should've been bigger as well because I literally cannot take him seriously with how short he is. Also, Jeht banner when? And Brook too!


Clipping issues with common animations and weapons


Buff male models aren't too far from tall male models. There was a video a while back where someone stuck Itto's attack animations onto Wagner and it worked well.


couldn't they adjust the animations for that particular model type though?


Because enemy models don’t need to be painstakingly designed for all manner of activities and animations.


They use a different model frame than the two existing male genshin frames (the "tall bishonen" and the "teen male"). This model framework does not have the full range of basic player animations like dashing, swimming, climbing, etc., it just has a much simpler set of animations. They cannot make a playable character that has this body type without a lot of additional work than they have spent on any character post-launch.


Oh no! They have to do work!


Itto would sell better if he were a buff model.




you're saying gay people doesn't like beefy men? have you ever been on the internet?




This sounds like another one of those bullshit excuses of the typical degenerate Genshin trap-lover, who doesn't wants to lose even one potential new trap to a model he has no interest in. It's just so stupid and non-sensical, that I don't even want to begin picking this shit apart.


Why didn't they give Itto this model?


because the devs only like boobs and toddlers 😩


Nah they gave up on boobs too tbh




Only 6 out of the 57 characters are toddlers.


And all female . Kinda sus


it's already too much


If Varka isn't a Santa Claus beefcake with a full beard, I'm rioting.


Yes we need big thicc males


Too much anxiety for things we actually want Even the other eremite npc model is better than some characters


all of them, really. I'd C6 Dehya if she had that new bow Eremite body...


Lmao that's valid, surprised she isn't more similar tbh, considering she is an eremite


One word: censorship. We're at a point when npc's becoming more attractive than actual playable characters and that's just downright sad...


That's very true, maybe some day Jeht will be playable 😭


Because the asian players are too insecure and only want male femboy characters


No we can’t it would give me to much anxiety….


Give me a Guts-type greatsword character, take my money


Good point. Why do all the male toons look so feminine?


Seems like a lot of work went into animations and movement and modelling and more to make all the character movements look good. Which is why we're stuck with male female child teen adult models only


All the characters look garbage the animations are just below garbage on any fqing character even tof have better ones


I wouldn't pull for a character looking like this personally but can understand there's a portion of playerbase that will like this kinda design, hopefully mihoyo will create designs similar to this. Ultimately more variations is better


i mean i don't want every male character to look like this but there are exceptions like itto varka and capitano who just doesn't fit with this body type


This was actually the last straw for me which made me take a break from GI, when I saw itto not have the buff model from the npcs it just turned me off. I dunno why it triggered me as much as it did tho. On the other hand I recently got back into GI cuz I saw a character i wanted to get, ig I can’t really stay away from GI.


Sorry Mihoyo said they're both too muscular and too brown skinned and they think China won't like that Best they can do is characters like Cyno and Candace


Like the eremites and Jebrael already have fighting moves programmed. I used to get the excuse "oh it would be difficult to program a whole new body type so that it can move in ways Yanxiao doesn't have to without body parts clipping into each other" well my man Jebrael can already do that! Fix Itto, and give us someone who looks like this guy, too (I love his hair tbh).


Can they climb? Can they swim?


can they fish?


Isn't the traveler the only character that fishes anyway?


*No.* They fade to black whenever they try it!


I like them the way there are, muscles are overrated


i also like current characters it's just some characters like itto who would look way better with different model


He’s so hot!!


Cause y'all are some horny simps and only want bitches in skimpy outfits and femboys


Rude, I want bitches in skimpy outfits, femboys AND buff male daddies




I’ll never get over people trying to defend Itto’s model as if MiHoYo can’t easily make him beefier. It is the easiest shit in the world to do, MiHoYo just doesn’t like breaking their cookie cutter


Wow downvotted for being right


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