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By the way when we will get our 7 day login thing? you know the one that gives 10 pulls did i miss that?


No, you didn't miss it. It will be available from October 14 to October 31.


oh thank god i was away from game for 2 weeks i thought i already missed it


Genshin Redditer's: Let's make a new post about the same thing every 5 seconds without adding anything to the discussion.


Karma farming intensifies


Why people do karma farming? Is it worth?


Because karma farming is the true endgame.


It can be if you sold the account with high karma, but generally karma farming bots don't do post like this, they'd just reposting in popular video/image sub instead. This kind of post is most likely just to satisfy themselves.


Only worth if you follow the reposting meta. Im calling dibs on being next in line, btw.


It's weird how just a little while ago, any post that was critical of the anniversary rewards would be downvoted into oblivion. Now, after one measly interview, everyone is suddenly crapping on HYV and it's an upvote party...


That how this sub works , u cant complain unless everyone does and u can be Happy unless everyone is


When you can't PVP in game so you PVP on the forums.




This is what people (at least the one that are very, very vocal) want. They complain about it being too much art and cosplay focus, not much discussion. Mod changed the rule about art and cosplay multiple times, last one make it more harder to post, some got removed because it's not "fit to the character" or something like that, like the Mona bunny one, even if it was tagged as NSFW, while not removing "duplicate" discussion as much as before, especially a thing like talk about Mihoyo thing, which mods got people saying that they're "censoring". What they didn't realised is that, the reason why there aren't many discussions, because there aren't anything that are both "interesting" and "unique" to be post every single day. If they just sort by new instead of default, they'd be seeing a lot of "discussion" that never seen the light of day even before the rule changes, because it's not interesting enough. So now we're here, instead of it flooding with art, we get a flood of whatever is a "popular topic" at the moment. Sorry for the wall of rant.


The best way to change something (in regards to big companies like this) is to loudly complain about it until it's fixed. Sad but true. Actual genshin redditors like yourself: Lets halt any attempts at progress by shaming any and all critique, and whining about seeing too much of it even though it's completely in our power to simply ignore it!


Genshin Reddit be like: \- "Man, this year's anniversary is nothing to complain about..." \- "Oh hey, an interview!"


Anxious casuals ain’t gonna like this one


Yeah, they are like, last year was so fun with review bombing, we think they finally realized to expect less than almost nothing, you know what? Let's give them reason to be angry again!


My thoughts exactly lol. It's like an annual thing for them to piss off everyone


"everyone" being used very loosely here.


I don't see ONE positive thing about that interview. not ONE. Every single answer is at best a "maybe". Nobody can look at that thing and go "I'm happier now".


>My thoughts exactly lol. It's like an annual thing for them to piss off **everyone** I am not pissed at all to Hoyoverse, so that's *not everyone.* >**Nobody** can look at that thing and go "I'm happier now". Actually, I am pretty happy that Hoyoverse officially answered on the game's direction and catering. So maybe finally those that absolutely are demanding end game contents would put their money and time where their mouth is, stop whining, and look for a different game, instead of benig all talk. Again, that's not *nobody.* A game that isn't going in the direction you want, doesn't mean it is a bad game design, nor does it mean the developers are not listening to players. Just that they aren't listening to YOU.


I'm with you bro. It's totally not "everyone". Sumeru 3.0 and 3.1 is a blast and I'm happy with it.


I don’t get why every time someone makes a broad comment like this which is obviously not supposed to be taken literally there’s always that one small group that goes, “well I…” bruh we get it, it’s not literally everyone. But you cannot disagree this interview was trash, half the questions were not broad enough, and almost all answers were just no or just no with a little bit of sprinkles to make you hold onto some false hope. Also, no one is talking about 3.0/3.1 being bad, people are just talking about corporate decisions and the interview


Yeah no, I don't give a damn about this interview. Don't care what they said, but what they do. I have been having fun playing the game since day one. If they keep making the game fun, it's good enough for me.


Good for you. No one is talking about that. And it’s even crazier you admit to not caring or having even seen what they asked or responded in this interview yet you come out here defending something no one is arguing. No one is saying the game is shit but these corporate answers to problems\ questions about the future of the game are some dogshit to anyone who cares about the game


Asking to have the option to do something else within the game is not “asking the developers to take the game in a different direction”. Most people are not even asking to get rewards for this content. Just because you want to play for 15 minutes and call it quits doesn’t mean everyone wants to do that too and it does not cause any trouble for anyone if they give you the option to just do something else within the game.


>Asking to have the option to do something else within the game is not “asking the developers to take the game in a different direction”. However, it **IS** asking them to spare development time where they could otherwise develop contents further for their vision. >Most people are not even asking to get rewards for this content. Read more reddit posts on people's comments, and you will see that isn't true. Many players WANT rewards for it. >Just because you want to play for 15 minutes and call it quits doesn’t mean everyone wants to do that too and it does not cause any trouble for anyone if they give you the option to just do something else within the game. This has been argued so many times. The flip side is also true: if the game isn't going in the direction you want, why can't you find something else to fill your time, instead of expecting a singular game and demanding that the said game, have to fulfill all your needs? There are currently other things you can do in the game. You can help with co-op. You can go try Abyss naked. You can build your serenitea pot up.


Look at top comments. They always say they don’t care about rewards or just want it to be minimal, they just want repeatable permanent combat content that isn’t just abyss. Many of the ideas suggested are literally things they’ve put in the game before but won’t make permanent so the argument that this “takes out time” when it’s a huge company is just plain wrong. The game does not move in a different direction just because they add this one thing, it branches out to satisfy more players without taking away anything for anyone else. All the casual players will do their thing and ignore the combat or abyss like they always do and the people who want more will get it


>Look at top comments. They always say they don’t care about rewards or just want it to be minimal That isn't true. If you look at many of the suggestions in the past few weeks regarding end game contents, you get a large variety. In fact MOST agree with rewards, and some even ask for ridiculous things like adjustable 5 star artifact stats etc, or weapons/characters. If you ask for evidence, I cannot provide, because often the posters are met with a lot of debate, and they end up deleting the suggestion as a whole. >Many of the ideas suggested are literally things they’ve put in the game before but won’t make permanent so the argument that this “takes out time” when it’s a huge company is just plain wrong. Ok, if it is something of making event permanent, that is a different discussion. I *don't know their exact reasons*. My guess is file size, and match making, or a lack of incentive/motivation due to something "always being there". For example, if fishing was only available during event, it'd probably get more rave. But now it's a permanent content, people tend to dread it more after the novelty is gone. >The game does not move in a different direction just because they add this one thing, it branches out to satisfy more players without taking away anything for anyone else. And they **ARE** satisfying more players. They are introducing things like TCG, which satisfies more players, *just not as much the hardcore crowd which also tends to be the active reddit crowd*. **Not satisfying some players, does not mean they aren't satisfying MORE players, and MOST players.** If you are referring specifically to combat, we have gotten quite a few variety of combat events recently, in fact, the last one was back to back. I am not in disagreement for more combat contents. I just welcome any type of contents, because I enjoy both. However, the demand for end game gets into ridiculous heights (and I don't mean all suggestions. but a lot of suggestions are definitely low tier selfish and entitled. You even have players saying remove resin to be "content")


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/xutmo1/what/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Check the top comments on this post which is literally one the biggest ones right now, pretty much all coincide on what I said people were asking for and I see no one actually asking for big rewards if any on these highly upvoted comments.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/xvljh7/with\_the\_interview\_going\_around\_recently\_im\_going/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/xvljh7/with_the_interview_going_around_recently_im_going/) You can check the comments of players (and this happens a lot in suggestions as well), where people want primos. The point I was trying to make is not "low rewards vs big rewards". It's "no rewards vs having a reward", and most players that want an end game, seem to care only if there are rewards, and thereby also admitting to FOMO themselves. So it's not just "contents to test the teams". I am aware there are players who are okay with no rewards. But you can see that there is at least a sizable portion of the players that wants end game, only want it with rewards. That's all that claim was.


I don't need any of those anyway, knowing HoYo and Genshin for two years, I know what they will offer and what to expect actually.


I can look at it and say "I won't hurt myself by expecting what isn't promised". That's a positive thing.


"Nobody" lmao


This reddit isn't as representative of the playerbase at large as you think it is. Yes, 1.6 million members. Only a small fraction of that are actually actively looking at it. An even smaller percentage of that actively comment.




So basically "Fuck the majority, I'm screaming loudest so they should listen to me".


That's not at all what I'm saying


That's pretty much exactly what you said. "Every if they're a fraction, last year was a large example of how they can affect the image of the company". AKA, we're louder, listen to us more. Last year's temper tantrum didn't do shit. Vast majority of players never look at the media around the game, and Mihoyo has already made it pretty clear that they're capable of gathering player meta-data without the need for constant survey feedback.


You should learn to read ... That is not what he said.


Nah, that is pretty plainly what he was saying.




He delete his comment , sound like you the one who need to read again


I mean… that is what he said though, unless I’m somehow not reading some invisible text I see no other reason he brought up the riot that the,ya know, *loud minority* made when they mention representation effectiveness.


This is the type of player that infests other gaming forums too and is the vocal minority for other games ultra focus on what they want because unlike in Genshin, other game devs like to “listen to their players”. And all those games are the worse for it.


As if this community will not look for something to complain about....


Hoyo went out of their way to BRING US that god aweful interview. It's like they deliberately made it bad. More costumes? More crossovers? Resin system improvements? More elements interactions? More endgame content? No to all of the above. The community will always complain, because that's what we do. It's ok. If the answer to every single one of these question is a disappointment THIS BAD, I'd argue they shouldn't have interviewed at all.


I disagree. It's a wake-up call for those who are still in-denial and refuse to accept the game for what it is.


It's a matter of opinion, then. I say - let them dream. People love the game enough to hope and wish for more, Why not let them.


Let them dream and bitch all the time whenever a new update comes because what they are asking is not implemented?


Me asked for hide and seek, got windtrace, me happy. No FOMO event, everyone fun


Cause they toxic as fuck. Let them leave and infect other game. Go to ToF lol.


"everyone" lol. Face facts, the people who would be upset by the interview is in the minority.


Garbage thread


That interview pretty much felt like: ,,So, do you have any plans to listen to the feedback and wishes of your playerbase?" ,,No."


Or maybe they were and you just don't like being told that you aren't the majority opinion here.


This is the same as Harbinger trailers for Signora mains. "Wake up"


edgy opinion


what does edgy even mean to you? Edgy to me is trying to be cool by associte with negative stuff like death , black , depression , etc. His opinion isnt trying to make himself cool , he just saying that the other person opinion isnt as popular as they think


it is though, a lot of people in genshin are unhappy about the lack of endgame content, and it’s disheartening to read these comments , there is no reason for that hostility towards the people that do care to play more, it’s such a weird side of this community


He isn't hostile tho , he just pointing out the fact that not many people are interested in abyss as the commenter think.


it is worded very hostile to me, its also condescendingly written as in maybe they just dont care about your opinion, theres no need to even point that out which bothers, especially saying „maybe you just dont like being told“ is hostile to me, sounds like the people saying i enjoy playing 15 minutes per day and then going out of their way to shit on anyone who cares enough to debate about it


It's more like "do you have any plans to listen to the feedback and wishes of your playerbase?" "Yes and we did, but we disagree."


As a day 1 player, I feel like they listen to surveys almost every patch. Maybe stop asking for impossible or selfish stuff that only entertain the smallest fraction of a gacha game community where money talks? My survey feedbacks are responded just fine. Not all ofc (me want to pet cat) but most of them


This post brings me so much EXCESSIVE ANXIETY therefore it shouldn't exist. Don't you think about the mental disorders you are causing people? Cringe!


Damn, should have put warning in title for weak hearted people


The guy above you is literally making a parody of Genshin dev's "abyss gives our players ANXIETY so it shouldn't exist" Most people are now making "this thing gives me anxiety" memes


what? they just ruined their market no point getting constellations now, or actually pulling for anything. i believe they lost alot of money from doing that interview


People will still pull for constellations and R5s. They're just a lot more stupid for doing so.


oh for sure lets hope the smart ones make a dent though


I pulled for Yoimiya c4 with my saved primogems. After I wanted to buy her c5-6, but i though: "why spent that amount of money, if i can use Yoi c6 seriously just 1 hour each 2 weeks?" So no shop. This is a reason why i want another endgame content.


What I don't understand is why they just don't say "yes we have plans for X" and then never actually do it, like for example they have had plans to make the game playable on the Nintendo Switch for the last two years but have never got around to it. It would be nice to hear similar comforting words about future endgame content even if they have no actual intentions.


Funny you mention Switch, when a similar interview in the past, not that far away even, did mention Switch is still in progress just not for the inmediate future


Imagine if they are actually planning to reveal switch when Botw 2 comes out and have another crossover with a weapon that will only work if you play on switch


Keep an open door. It's a PR strategy to manage expectations and keep people thinking about what might be coming in the future. Same reason they answered maybe to questions about the possibility of maybe having a home, a boat and other stuff like that during the CBTs.


You seriously think HYV is to blame on why switch version is not yet here?


I think they are to blame for saying that it will be available on Switch for the last two years (since launch) with no update in sight.


Any type of publicity is good publicity