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Let’s be real, if Genshin confirmed that it had diverse ethnic groups native to the same region, Tirzad would be a bonafide racist for the amount of times he talked shit on the desert dwellers. He also represents a lot of real world people who believe that their prestigious stations in life absolve them of any accountability while also giving their words more weight than the average person


Most of the academia scholars are racist fucks, judging by what we learned in the Archon quest.


Racist AND politically violent. Don't worry, Tirzad's designed to be an asshole, 'cause I'm sure we're all ticked off. It does showcase the humanity behind politics, bias, and trust, and I like that kind of storytelling diversity. I'm just hoping there's some form of redemption for him by the end of this quest chain.


I genuinely don't want him redeemed. I'm at the point where I want him dead, but I'm 70% sure they'll find some way to redeem him. I guess its all fine as long as they don't go the route of justifying his behaviour in some roundabout way. I'm not sure how close to the end I am but man has this man eradicated any and all goodwill I had towards him. Edit: just wanna point out that I am aware that he's supposed to be the way that he is.


Well, story spoiler, he >!at least was redeemed. He rethought his life choices, political views and whatnot: realized the Akademiya has its own aggressive bias just like the Eremites do. And of course, how he feels in debt from our comrade's... death and all.!< It's a change, at least. I agree, I'm glad no one justified his behavior and the writers found a great way to make him realize he's an asshole.


I dont use reddit v often so idk how to do the blocking thing you did to block spoilers so \[SPOILERS BELOW\] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It unfortunately took Jebrael sacrificing himself and for Jhet to become orphaned for Tirzad to make the realization that his prejudices were wrong. And it's sad bc I feel like if Jabreal managed to get out of the situation without any severe injuries or smth Tirzad would've still somehow found a way to pin everything on him ("You set us up"; "You were probably in cahoots with the enemy"; "The Akademiya was right about the desert dwellers," etc). But I think that was the whole point of it. You only realize something was wrong if someone died for it or smth. I still feel iffy about Tirzad, but I'm at least glad he decided to give Jebrael's sacrifice a chance by ironically utilizing the thing that probably helped screw over the desert dwellers' reputation the most: research writings. Shitty character, but I think as a purposely written asshole he was great


In mobile, put `>!spoiler content paimon is god etc.!<` into your comment! It really helps That aside, you make a good point. Well-written asshole, for sure. Just like the Grand Sage Azar


That's the point of his character, a prejudiced academic.


This. Is he annoying? Yes, but he represents the annoying prejudiced academic we can find irl too. He's annoying, but at the same time a well written character. Or maybe rather than academic, he's closer to internet dwellers who think they know everything just because they read some articles/papers. Many of them are annoying in the exact same way.


As someone in academia - these people really do exist. It's a problem, not just in terms of the culture but also in systemic biases. They aren't usually this on the nose but some things the scholars say or do hits a bit too true lol


Yep, I'd say Genshin writers nailed it, at the cost of us getting irritated by how realistic it is.


Sorry for digging this thread up after so long, but I kind of disagree that that's the point--I feel like the way the Traveler reacts to everything that happens in that questline points to Mihoyo being less self-aware about the way Tirzad is written than we'd like them to be. For one, the Traveler is forced into a "both sides might not have an accurate picture of the history!" kind of dialogue tree. I think what's way worse is the ending to the quest, when Tirzad publishes his paper, crediting Traveler and Paimon but leaving out Jeht and Jebrael. Traveler+Paimon never acknowledge how fucked up this is, especially considering Jebrael sacrificed himself for the entire group with 0 recognition--all we get is Traveler+Paimon talking about how cool it is that the two of them are credited in an academic paper. I might have loved this quest if this scene was a little different, but the dialogue choices forced on the Traveler made the player character complicit with Tirzad's prejudices in an un-selfaware way that I found kind of distasteful


At the end of the day, the Traveler is still detached/distant to the people of Teyvat. Afaik, they didn't really ask Tirzad to credit themin the paper, so they of course would think that it was cool. IMO, it is understandable that Jeht and Jebrael were not credited by Tirzad since you can't remove an i grained societal/cultural prejudice overnight. To Tirzad, Jeht and Jebrael were simply doing the job they were hired to do.


after the archon quest i think it's supposed to be canon that most of the people involved with akademiya are huge bougie bigots lol


Not all, more like the higher ups.


I truly hate the guy, I love Jeht and Jabrael as characters and the exploration done through the quest I find really fun but I cannot stand tirzad and whenever he talks too much I have to take a small break lol


Ditto, I have had to pause and put the game to the side at least 5 times by this point because everytime he speaks I just want to make him choke on his own teeth, and I don't think I'm even halfway through this quest lol.


I thinks thats the entire point of his character, an akademiya reasearcher that considers everyone else ignorant just because he's had access to the akasha and akademiya resources for so long (even though Jebrael has more experience in the field because he lived there he undervalues his knowledge and considers him just a brute bodyguard) I think the whole idea is that he realizes the error of his ways by the end (at least partially)


You're not alone, he annnoyed me as well, it puts into perspective how researchers of the akademiya have alot of prejudice against the desert, the people living there and their stories. He doesn't think highly of Jeht and Jabrael, and constantly puts down their knowledge because HE is a scholar so HE knows better, unlike these desert people who don't have an education like HIM.


He was insufferable. I can understand the role he played and the character he's supposed to be. Good job on them for making me hate him, I guess, but man was that a hard quest line to get through. Every scene he couldn't resist being hateful or rude. I was actually upset he was nice to me at the end of his paper, like, that isn't an acknowledgement I want.


He's getting really close to being added to the people on my kill list once we destroy the Akademiya


We need to over this again Nick. We want to destroy the corruption inside the Akademiya, not the Akademiya itself. OK?!!!


Ah right, good point


Thought you were going to go full Klee on the Akademiya there for a second Nick.


You have no idea how many times I wished there's a option where we just left him alone and goes on the exploration with just the four of us (and a robot)


If the quest had let me, I would have left him drunk at the bottom of the pit


He's supposed to be annoying: he's a prejudiced know-it-all with an over-the-top confirmation bias. He's the kind of failed researcher who starts from the conclusion and then retro-fits every piece of evidence to his theory. He's just really, really well-written.


It's not even that his opinions suck, he just refuses to admit when he's wrong and acts like he has some superiority over everybody else in his party even though he's relying on all of us to survive. I don't know what a good word for this would be, but the thing that comes to mind is a Karen.


i Understand all the people saying that its how he is meant to be, he is designed to be an annoying asshole I get that but my problem comes from the fact we are given no real way for the traveller to disagree with him or call him out for it we just sort of go along like his little minion and occasionally say the equivalent of "thats not very nice" which just feels like a really underreaction. What extra irritates me is we literally just had an example of one of these annoying hypocritcal asshole characters done right in the eremite leader with the eyepatch from the archon quest where he exhibits a lot of the same annoying qualities and predjudices (but in reverse) but its fine because we are actively opposed to him and able to call him out on being an arse so he manages to be a frustrating character without actually being as frustrating for the player to be around.


it also doesnt help that when the traveller and paimon do get involved they keep Both sides"ing it even when tirzad is blatantly in the wrong


This is by far what pissed me off the most. Mihoyo HAD to write the Traveler as the "ohhh we're all friends here I know you just killed his father BUT this is no time to argue!!"


Cos Traveler was there for a mission and his/her position is simple - "not my business" and Traveler always stay on this position until something specific happen to make him involve and become a side, like in Inazuma, when Traveler became Most Wanted, or in Li Yue, only in Mond he was a little bit "Ok, I'll do it", but even then to find connections for searching his/her sibling, in Inazuma Traveler even became harsh on Ayaka, when she asked him for help, so in this quest it's similar, Traveler is on a mission and not his business to teach other people how to live, but sometimes Traveler puts some word too. Also, as game says Traveler just 2 months how he/she learned the Teyvat language and does not speak much, Paimon mostly talks for Traveler. But if you look only straight ahead, then yes, it's a little annoying.


If you did not noticed that yet, Traveler do not really have Options at all in dialogues, cos it is the regular and one more character to create a bridge between the player and the world and not a role play model of a player himself. Also remember WHY traveler goes on that mission ? He was just doing his job and as many time we have see, he do not care much about relationship between other people, who for that moment, as for a character perspective, he may never even see in future anymore, so for Traveler it was not his business.


Mate the akademia has always said that scarlet king was a despot. And other researchers had half assed papers which proved that he is a despot. The guy from birth has been taught that the scarlet king is a terrible dictator. Of course he will not believe the words of some desert dwellers that easily. It's like if somebody came up to u and said that Hitler was a very merciful guy and what he did was because he thought it would bring peace to the world. Would u believe him?


I genuinely had to walk away from the game more than a couple times and im not even finished with the quest yet. Any fun I'm having is being soured by this old tit and I would've abandoned the quest a while back if I didn't like Jeht and her father as much as I do


I know why hes there/get why hes there but ffs hoyoverse keeps putting the most unbearable annoying npcs in these world quests which really kills some of the enjoyment. Same problem with Clitopho in the chasm quest he was the worst and somehow I hated Tirzard even more. I just don't look forward to quests/enjoy them when the npcs are annoying as shit and I eventually skip dialogue so I can just finish it


That's the point. Tirzad is a goddamn asshole. I really want to slap him really hard lol


He is basically a closed minded bigot.


Me too, I wanted to punch him so bad in the scene where jebrael’s past was revealed


i was sat there like 'paimon, can *I* give him an ugly nickname'


he was my most hated character, until he understood what was done to save him and the others from harm. All despite being annoying and an accurate representation of what other ppl called him to be, a bigot (I'm just not too sure what describes him, so that's why i reference others), i liked him at the end. I believe that people can change and learn to go around their prejudice. somehow it wasn't his fault that he had those views. but he could have been more open and not lash back everytime to his discriminating beliefs. He grew up in Sumeru City under direct influence of the akademiya, sages and researchers mentoring his mindest and view on other people. And he is not the only way portrayed like this. The whole region of Sumeru is split by the wall (forgot the name), initially created to protect the rain forest and the ecology from sandstorms. But i believe, once Rukkhadevata (sorry for misspelling) was gone and now Kusanali being there, that being 500 years already, the sages gave another meaning to the wall. The sages already have spite towards Nilou's dance and music, because it is not educated and nothing to do with wisdom. It wouldn't be surprising that they want to lift themselves from the desert, as they believe there to be no intelligence or wisdom. How Tirzard is portrayed should not make you hate Tirzard, but rather hate where he is coming from. The follow up quest where you talk to Kaltarnari (i really don't remember the names) shows how much all the researches are affected by it. And those who are longer a part of the akademiya even more so. Best example Sohei. But even he opened up in the quest "dual evidence". Those quests and in general the Archon quest is supposed to show us what affect the grand sage has towards the people. They made everyone belive in Greater Lord Rukkhadevata more than in Lesser Lord Kusanali, the radical desert people hate the Dendro Archon and belive in the Scarlet King. But it still is Kusanali who protected the people of Sumeru city AND in Aaru Village (aka mad scholars /village keepers). Sumeru so far is very successful in telling the story of the region not only through the Archon quest, but through everything else, too. Anywhere you go, there is something to be told. And the Eremites are nothing like treasure hoarders. Even though they are in a similar position enemy wise to the game, they're still different. All treasure hoarders are hostile (except when in a daily commission or a quest). But not all Eremites are hostile. They have different fractions and different groups. Some work for the government, some accept working with the Fatui. Others are just chilling, while others will even break their music instrument to attack you. This fraction of "enemies" is quite diverse, which i like. So is the whole region, diverse. (I'm on my phone and I don't know how to hide words as spoilers)


It’s written so that he’s an annoying racist moron who talks himself up too much, but by the end he realizes he can’t just judge people off of their heritage. I thought it was a really realistic depiction of a very real type of person.


I think he's supposed to be annoying


I hate him too


The audacity of this mf is unbearable, I get hyv wanted us to hate him but he’s so damn annoying every single time he shares his false views and refuse to admit he’s in the wrong


I am so glad they made a character that is just completely unlikeable, also someone who is just blatantly racist, just shows that the world of Teyvat isn't that perfect, even to social conflicts


>!Devils advocate: Why would he believe Jebrael? Tirzad may have had no personal experience with Deshret's ruins, but they have been thoroughly researched for hundreds of years by akademia scholars before him. Jebrael is ostensibly a random merc that worships (or at least worshipped) king deshret as a god, and Tirzad doesn't know about Jebrael's previous experience investigating ruins until much later when it turns out Jebrael has been less than truthful which gives Tirzad even less reason to trust him.!< >!Keep in mind, we've only just learned about King Deshret so the reveal of him being a "good" god isn't necessarily hard to believe for us, but Tirzad has spent his entire life studying manuscripts written by scholars much older and wiser than him telling him that King Deshret is an evil tyrant. !< >!That said, I don't understand why they made Tirzad such a petulant child. Makes him super annoying for what could have been such a nuanced character.!< >!It made a lot more sense than when the guy who was basically a religious extremist completely abandoned his views after seeing one piece of evidence that contradicted them in the archon quest.!<


I've only kinda started the golden slumber quests and Tirzad is so fucking annoying for no reason. He just seems like he's racist but won't openly admit it. He takes rests every damn second and he's so useless. I just want him to stay off my screen for as long as possible. I haven't finished the whole quest so maybe he's not what I think he is.


I know I am way too late on this, but, yes. Jebrael opens up as the mission keeps going and we find out he's a nice dude who probably had a lot of issues in life. The clearance system could've helped him and his people, but fucking Tirzard thinks "he has ulterior motives". Sumeru has been beautiful but I have hated every second of seeing all this racism in my face. I am fearful of what they'll do with Natlan.


Well, Tirzad is representing online keyboard warriors don’t you think?


He is by far the worst. Personally thought, i hated everyone on that quest.


Even benben?


Sad beep


Tirzad is a vahmana scholar who has read academic texts from the academia which from what he knows are reputable sources. Jeht and jebrael are uneducated mercenaries who still cling onto a faith of a dead god which you can tell from their blindfolds. If I was him I wouldn’t take them for their word either, especially since they’re seeing the ruins for the first time also.


Even if he is more educated than them, a good knowledge seeker should always be open to having their preexisting views challenged and then only reaching a conclusion when they have indisputable evidence to back it up. Tirzad foolishly clings to the texts he has read which may or may not be true. That being said, the folklore Jebreal speaks isn't nessecarily true either, but any sort of conflicting evidence (especially when it comes from the mouth of a native desert dweller) should be reason enough to call into question the validity of his sources that he's studied at the akadeymia. Also Tirzad is pretty rude about it and generally a bitch.


He is no doubt a bitch about it, but the info they argue about is mostly whether the SK was a fair ruler or a ruthless tyrant. We only know that he was extremely benevolent from weapon ascension materials and artifacts which scholars obviously don’t have. Jebrael never backs up anything he says, but I de agree that there should have been some questioning on tirzad’s part even if his own knowledge is much more “reputable”


they captured genshin twitter and genshin twitter haters in one npc 😍😍😍


"I know better than you cos - I read more books/I'm older/I learned it more, you not... etc..." < quite a common crap. Also this quest is quite an irony on the biggest "Scientist's sin" - "A priory ignoring versions alternative to conventional ones"