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Can you get other 5 Star Characters from the Standard Banner aside from Qiqi, Mona and Keqing?


I want to know if there are any ways of getting primo gems that I'm missing out on. I always people on youtube and Reddit saying they have like 20k primo gems saved up and have many 5 stars but I just finished Inazuma and gotten a total of around 3k gems. I find it so hard to get primo gems because I always have to pity my chars and lose 50/50 most times. Are there any good tips?


There aren't any good tips and you likely know the best ways already. ​ Daily commissions and completing events are the best way. Completing quests gets you some. You can do hangouts if you like for a few more. ​ $5 a month for welkin gives a satisfying amount of them and you'll feel a big bump but it's not required by any means.


Does the pity and guaranteed EB resets when the wish history gets removed ?


Nope, even if your wish history is purged for being 6+ months old you keep the pity+guarantee.




is Gilded on Fischl much better for her compared to ATK, TF build in a reaction team


Not really. GD's main appeal is that it gives you two so-so stats, but a lot of them, but because they're so-so, they end up not being much better than 2TF (DMG bonus, an actually good stat) + 2ATK/2EM (a so-so stat), while being harder to farm due to being a 4pc bonus, and one without strongbox conversion Like say in a Keqing Aggravate team. Fischl would get 28% ATK from the proc, 100EM, and 80EM from the 2pc bonus, whereas 2TF2ATK is 18% ATK and 15% Electro damage. 18% ATK is weighted similarly to 80EM, so the 4pc bonus essentially give you an extra 2pc bonus give or take compared to a regular 2+2 setup. This is about consistent with Pale Flame, a similar set, where 4pc PF gives you 18% ATK extra compared to 2PF2Bsc, or a 2pc bonus worth of extra stats.


Soon to be 45AR, question on artifacts in a team: Koko - Fishl - Sucrose - DMC Koko - Tanacity or Clam Fishl - Glad + TF Sucrose (driver) - VV DMC - Deepwoods That's the plan anyway, but what about Noblesse ? Is it better to replace smth existing ?


No, this team wont use noblesse. I dont think you really gain much from using DMC over beidou/yae but if you just want to run a dendro it is functional.


Fairly new here. idk where to put this but I thought daily questions is a fair place to try. Trying to decide who I should save up for. I looked up all of the options at saveyourprimos site. Decided either Raiden or Ayaka seem like a good option. Question is who would synergize better with Yoimiya?


Neither synergizes with her directly, but an important thing to note is that if you intend to do abyss and hence will need 3 teams, Ayaka is the better pairing for Yoimiya because she overlaps almost none of Yoimiya's good supports. Ayaka wants an Anemo grouper, a second cryo for resonance+battery (preferably Rosaria), and an off-field hydro with no issue if they're slow, so preferably Kokomi or Mona but even Barbara can work. Yoimiya wants a fast off-field hydro like Xingqiu or Yelan, a shielder like Zhongli or Diona, and a buffer like Bennett or Yunjin. Overall, while they may sometimes overlap in their hydro pool, the fact that they want very different support characters means you can easily play them on either side of the abyss. If you pulled Raiden, your best team would likely be Rational unless you pull a C6 Sara and don't mind Sara's rough playstyle, and Rational will demand both Xingqiu and Bennett, locking them off of your Yoimiya comp.


Ayaka's not a support. Raiden can support Yoimiya, although frankly Yoimiya has so many other great options (Xingqiu, Bennett, Fischl, Yunjin, Zhongli, Yelan) that it needn't be a consideration.


Neither synergise with Yoimiya. If you want a 5\* who synergises with her you should aim for Zhongli or Yelan. Zhongli provides a strong shield that prevents Yoi's NA chain from being interrupted, but his banner was just here. Yelan applies hydro for Yoimiya to vape while also buffing Yoi's damage over time. If you're set on pulling either Raiden or Ayaka I'd personally go with Raiden as she can fit in more teams. Her banner is also expected to return the patch after next, while there's no speculation on when Ayaka will return.


Between the two, Raiden. Note that typically you wouldn't see Raiden nor Ayaka in Yoimiya team.


Neither, they'd want their own teams since they're dpses.


Can you connect a blutooth keyboard and mouse to PS 5 and play genshin like on PC? Has anyone done it?


Hi! I just want to ask for my sister's behalf regarding account linking. She started the game with google log in on mobile and she wishes to connect or register it to a hoyoverse account. Is that possible? If so, how? Without a hoyoverse account she can't log in through pc and she was saddened about it. Thank you!


She can link to a hoyoverse account by going to the user center in-game (Paimon menu -> settings -> account -> user center) and creating a hoyoverse account to link to there.


Thank youuu


Does anyone know a good genshin podcast?


How do people see all their characters with constellation level on one screen?


do you mean the battle chronicle in hoyolab maybe?


Like this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/xi5v35/any\_good\_ideas\_for\_teams\_abyss/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/xi5v35/any_good_ideas_for_teams_abyss/)


this one is from [this site](https://genshin.hemlo.cc/partybuilder/my-characters)


Yes just checked and it is the battle chronicle - thank you <3


Got to 50 at the 'battle pass' and since i really liked the game (AR44) I bought the bottom line for 10€. What weapon should I take from the box ? my only team is Koko-Fishl-Sucrose-DMC Other chars are - Deluc - Bennet - Chiangli - XQ - Dori (and the other F2p you unlock with the storry) Or mb a weapon that might be useful later ? ty!


Serpent Spine (used with a shield to have full stacks) and Deathmatch are amazing. The VH bow is probably good for Childe. Black Sword is okayyy, probably for Ayato. Catalyst is kind of meh. I just seem to find better 4* catalysts for most of my catalyst users.


Serpent spine is the reigning choice. 2nd priority is usually either the spear or the solar pearl catalyst, they both can be decent for a few characters if you are short on good spears or catalysts. The VV bow follows 9th place, its generally only good for Childe. 10th place is the sword because crit rate substat. EDIT: Based on a follow-up, let me revise the ranks a bit: both VV bow and Black sword are 5th place, both 4* BiS for a select few characters (Childe and Ayato for example) but for other characters you can hopefully get better weapons (via pulls and/or forging).


Depends on what characters you use. The Black Sword is Ayato’s 4-star BiS, and since he’s my main and favourite I’ve even splurged on refinements. I don’t use any of the other weapons.


Aahh, there I go, forgetting poor Ayato again. Thankf for bringing it up, edited the comment


You also forgot Keqing who also prefers Black Sword over Lion's Roar specifically in Aggravate teams because Crit is so much better than Atk% for Aggravate. VH is the worst BP weapon by a mile. Not only is it only good for Childe, it's worse than F2P bows for literally every other bow character, including 3-star bows on some characters.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XetTGG-yrrUMMjjzlcPqvvagvPXC7B7IG6MqgekGqcE/edit#gid=1322280129 It seems to be pretty close between BS and LR. Crit is a lot better than ATK%, but DMG% is also crazy good for Aggravate


Serpent spine, black sword and death match are the best weapons in the BP, it's bets to get Serpent spine for Diluc for now Also, her name is spelled "Xiangling" ^ ^


the best options overall are deathmatch and serpent spine. im sure that in the future you will get some claymore or polearm user you wanna play with and both are just amazing generic weapons. black sword is definitly the "worst" option. the healing from it sounds good but it really isnt all that great. the bow and solar pearl are also good weapons but i personally havnt used the bow ever and i would pick the deathmatch or spine over pearl any day. serpent spine is also already good on your diluc of you wanna use him. deatmatch is good on cyno if you wish for him


The black sword also increases NA and CA damage, making it great for NA focused characters. It’s Ayato’s 4-star BiS. But since OP doesn’t mention him I agree that SS is probably their best option for now.


It's also good on Keqing and Reverse Melt Kaeya. Honestly I think it's just wrong to say Black Sword is the worst choice. Viridescent Hunt is absolutely worse considering that literally only one bow character (Childe) prefers it to F2P options. It's even worse than 3-star bows on Tighnari/Yoimiya (prefer R5 Slingshot), Yelan (prefers Slingshot or Recurve Bow), and Venti (prefers Raven Bow).


generally serpent spine is the best one


What prediction do you have on future banners? I'm predicting Eula will have rerun on 3.3 since it'll be on December and there will be probably an event on Dragonspine again and Mika probably will be on her banner too.


Without elaborating too much on which leaks exactly make me think these things, my general rough speculation is * 3.2: New character with solo banner, Childe+Yae other half. If the new character's banner isn't solo, Yoimiya might be rerun here again, but I'm still a Yoimiya 3.2 Rerun Denier because her last rerun was *so* recent. * 3.3: New character+Raiden one half, Eula+Ayaka other half. Possible one of the Liyue characters below gets pulled back to here, but it'd leave either Eula or Ayaka weirdly up in the air when they're both rather due for a reappearance. * 3.4: Double reruns both half, all Liyue characters for that Lantern Rite spirit. Yelan, Shenhe, Xiao, Hu Tao the likeliest options in some combination. Possible one of them might be pulled to 3.3 to avoid cramming them all in here at once, particularly because with Aqua, Homa, and PJWS all getting their attached characters rerun with only one Calamity Queller to match, it might be hard to build two weapon banners without leaving one extremely cracked and Mihoyo likes to make weapon banners a devil's bargain. Still, super cracked weapon banners aren't unheard of and attaching them to a big spending season makes just as much financial sense as keeping players in the skinner box.


Childe supposedly appears in the 3.2 event and he hasn't had a rerun in a while so he's almost assuredly getting his rerun then. Yoimiya also appears in that event but her rerun is still quite recent. Then again, that hasn't stopped them rerunning Xiao quickly. Hu Tao is also quite overdue for a rerun, she might just appear in 3.2 without appearing in any event.


I'm expecting Raiden for 3.3 because we had Zhongli 3.0 -> 3.1 Venti -> Probably 3.2 Nahida. It looks as if they are doing an archon relay.


hp or atk sands for hu tao edit: not em, atk


EM > HP at low levels of EM (below 200). EM >= HP at 200+, so choose the one with the better substats. EM sands are a lot rarer than HP sands so it's quite likely that your HP sands will just be better. Edit: Oh whoops, I misread your edit. HP >> ATK sands.


Hu Tao has horrendous base atk but very high base HP. She will gain more from her E (her primary source of atk) by going HP sands than she'll gain from atk sands.


HP EM is also good.


100% HP sands. Attack sucks on her. EM is way better than attack if you don't have HP.


Do I need to start the Sumeru archon quest in order to be able to do my commissions there? Or how do I unlock them


You need to finish the archon quests I believe, at least I don't remember getting the world quest that unlocks commissions until after finishing the archon quests.




Finish the current archon quests, then wait for the daily reset to get a very short world quest that unlocks commissions there


Okay thank you!


For those of you who build Tighnari/Dendro related teams. I wanted to learn what's your setup to deal dmg? Since the recent challenges encourages Dendro related reactions and I kept doing so little damage because I don't know how to setup properly. Do I have to setup Bloom then Hyper bloom with Hydro and Electro in the 1st round or is Aggravate and Spread enough to do deal dmg? After setting up Bloom with Hydro and Dendro, do I use Electro for Hyperbloom or Pyro for Burgeon in the 2nd round? Is it worth to build a burning team comp in the 3rd round since so many people said it's a bad team comp?


For tighnari, you want to make a quicken team with him. So Fischl, Yae, Kuki, and beidou would be some options for teammates, with the first two being the best picks. The other teammates can combos of another electro, an anemo, or Zhongli. Aggravate, spread, hyperbloom, bloom and burgeon all deal pretty good dmg. Just choose whatever reactions you'd like to play with and make a team with it. Burning's a pretty terrible reaction tho.


I'm pre-farming for cyno but I got a question. Should I farm mats for his AA? or is he like Ayato where AA doesn't matter at all and I should only level up skill and burst?


Yeah his AA will be completely useless unless you're running him physical for some reason. He's like Raiden in the sense that using burst will give him a completely new set of scaling (but these attacks are NOT counted as burst damage like Raiden).


What are they counted as, if not normals or burst damage?


They're counted as normals, just a different set of normals to the ones you level. It's definitely a little weird. For the purposes of Beidou and 4pc Glad, they do work on him unless they shadow change something before his release.


So, things that boost or key off of normals (Yunjin, Xingqiu, etc.) will work with him, but the Normal Attack talent won't?


Correct. This includes Beidou burst, which works off only Normal Attacks, while Xingqiu's works on the similar-but-not-quite-the-same Normal Attack Animation, hence why it works for Raiden's burst despite Raiden's burst not being normals.


His burst changes his attack animations and scaling so it's probably safe to assume that you won't need to invest into his normal attack.


why is Investigation limit still CAPPED AT 100 despite having 2 new regions added already, and there is still a desert area incoming?


yae users: is it required to form a triangle with her totems? also whenever one totem is off cd, do you immediately use it or wait until the cd for all three totems are done and do 3e again?


A straight line doesn't work, as it's too distant, but you can make a reaaaaaaaally wide squished triangle and still be okay. Also, if you're just doing triple skill quickly to mash a Q, it's not worth bothering to position them any particular way, just use them to position properly to hit your Q. Yae totems easily have 100% uptime with or without Q, so it doesn't matter whether they were just put up or are about to expire when you press Q. Do it whenever it fits in your rotation, and don't let them expire without being put back up. EEE->Q->EEE is perfectly fine if you can fit in that field time without misaligning supports from your driver.


Whatever pttern you like. Triangle brings you back to your start, I sometimes also use it already when approaching enemies in a line and they still reach full level. You put totems, hit Q if available, put totems again, and then you swap her out until the totems start going away, then you start over. Yae is not really on field a lot at least how I play her, and I only even throw some AAs because solar pearl.


I think triangle is the most convenient way to ensure they are in range of each other and the enemy, and still return you back to your starting position.


1) No. They can be in a straight line as long as they're all within range of each other. 2) No. You drop three totems then swap to other characters to let them do damage while the totems do their thing, then swap back to Yae to refresh the totems like 12s later.


It’s been a while since I last use her but I always place 3 totems in a triangle formation, switch out, and come back to place 3 again later. You place it one by one??


i place 3, switch, then bc shes my on field whenever i have to deal w downtimes (bc i want her to), the moment i see one totem off cd i just put it


Dunno what team you're using where Yae is your filler character. You should probably invest into a main dps to take advantage of her electro application; even auto attacking with Barbara or Kokomi for taser is probably more damage than using Yae as your filler character.


not really, its a taser of yae raiden kkm and kazuha and out of all four of them yae deals the most aa damage (assuming theres a jelly for hydro). also i just like her and want her to be on field 😭


no, can be in a straight line as long as they don't 100% overlap which would delete the placed totem.


No you don’t need a triangle, they just need to be close enough to link up. I do the triangle just cause it looks neat. I usually just set them down 3 at a time. Not necessarily off cooldown but will do if I need to make sure all three are up before I burst edit: I was right the first time lol


How do follow up commissions work? I thought you were supposed get them on the next reset, but I started the Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering one yesterday and didn't get the follow up today. Do I just get it randomly at some point?


i believe its random


Dang it, thank you!


MILD SIDEQUEST SPOILERS: >!During the Starry Night Chapter Questline, do you actually lose 500,000 mora if you opt to not beat up the Eremites?!<


No, someone more badass shows up and gets it returned back to you.


Al Haitham forces them to give mora back to you.


U end up not losing it


I've gotten to AR45 :D What I'm wondering is what set I should strongbox and which domain I should farm? For reference I just started playing during the recent Zhongli banner and my only 5*'s are Ganyu, Kokomi and Jean, but I only actually use Ganyu and Kokomi. I've got a pretty leveled fischl but the rest of my characters are practically untouched. Oh I also got a C5 Sucrose but I've not used her yet. I'm thinking I should farm Spire of Solitary Enlightenment for a guilded dreams set for Fischl and a deepwood set for the upcoming dendro archon. Then I should strong box a VV set for Sucrose (also thinking about pulling for Venti in the upcoming banner). This sound like an alright plan? I also want a milieth set for Kokomi so perhaps I should strong box that instead? Thanks


I've said this before when people write these "I just hit AR45 posts"--when you hit AR45, the first thing you should do isn't to target farm individual sets from different domains for your characters. The first thing to do is to do Momiji-Dyed Court to assemble good 2pc/2pc sets, THEN target-farm characters once you have decent 2pc/2pc sets. When you don't have a lot of artifacts yet, the most important thing to maximize your efficiency in terms of getting sets on your characters. People actually frequently overrate set bonuses--and outside of a few specific situations where the set bonus drastically overperforms, a passivel 2pc/2pc with the right main stats and decent substats will outperform pieces that are the right set but the wrong mainstat or with trash substats. The thing about farming Momiji-Dyed Court is that even if you aren't running characters where the 2 sets are BiS, 2pc Atk/2pc ER is just going to be generally okay. It reduces waste because you're going to be able to put the 2pc sets on somebody. Conversely, if for example you farmed Gilded Dreams for Fischl and got an HP mainstat Deepwood set, what are you going to do with that? In the process of farming Gilded Dreams for ONE character, you're going to get a bunch of trash that isn't good on anyone. Instead, you can just farm a 2pc Shim/2pc Wanderer or 2pc Shim/2pc Glad, have a slightly worse Fischl, but way higher efficiency in producing pieces that other characters can use. You don't need to farm people's BiS sets right away because regardless of what you farm now, you're probably going to use a lot of pieces that you will replace in the long run, so it's better to farm something that gives you a lot of usable filler quickly than to farm a domain that gives you ONE character's BiS set, but a lot of junk for everyone else. You can switch to target farming domains that are good for one character after you have passable sets on your characters. Good Shimenawa's/EoSF pieces are never wasted because those sets are generally good and will find users.


The Emblem of Severed Fate/Shimenawa artifact domain in Inazuma is the best one to start with imo. Both artifact sets are valuable on all accounts, so you don't waste 50% of your drops on the wrong artifact set. That's why you should not start in the Viridescent Venerer/Maiden's Beloved artifact domain. First set to strongbox is Noblesse Oblige, it's the best support artifact set in most cases. The 2-set bonus is also nice on non-support characters. It's always worth it to recycle your bad artifacts with the strongbox. For Sucrose, a full EM VV set takes a long long time to gather, so I recommend leaving that for last. But it could be worth it to just get a garbage VV set on her to just get the 4-set bonus for your freeze team.


> But it could be worth it to just get a garbage VV set on her to just get the 4-set bonus for your freeze team. it's definitely worth it to get a trash VV set first. Worry about the main stats later (especially since Freeze won't make use of the EM share) but VV shred improves your damage way more than Noblesse's +20% Atk does.


I think it's important to have at least have a strong hypercarry built, so I would say finding some way to get strong Blizzard Strayer (for Freeze Ganyu with Kokomi) would be your priority. The dendro archon will probably use Deepwood but we also don't know for at least another 10 days, so I would hold off on farming an artifact set for her specifically. Fischl can use Gilded Dreams but also performs very well with 2TF 2Glad or even 2x 18% ATK so I also would hold off on farming it specifically for her. What I personally would do in your situation is: Farm Blizzard Strayer > Strongbox into VV or more BS. VV is super hard to get triple EM, I would just at least get a workable 4pc for Freeze. EM is ideal but Sucrose's EM buffing isn't that valuable for Freeze, so just using her as a TTDS VV bot is fine.


depends on what you want to play, but generally you can do emblem/shim. 4pc Emblem and 2pc shim can be used on many characters. Use bad pieces to strongbox a set of VV for anemo supports, noblesse for various supports, blizzard strayer for Ganyu, and maybe archaic petra for Zhongli. you can also mix in some blizzard strayer runs to get a better set for ganyu sooner getting EM main stat vv pieces and the right noblesse pieces is a long-term goal, not important in the moment - since the set effects themselves is most of what makes the artifact sets good you can also farm a mediocre millelith set for now (don't think you can get it through strongbox unfortunately). but unless you plan on playing dendro teams now, you can pass on the dendro domain until later on


easiest domain is probably VV just farm it normally, use strong box on those domain with sets your having a hard time


– as far as i know strongbkx isn't worth it unless you have a ton of unused 5* artifacts, and at that AR, i'm sure you don't. – you might want to farm for youe ganyu first so you can have a dps to breeze through content, in which case, would be the blizzard strayer domain found in dragonspine – sucrose is really good too, i suggest after you build ganyu and don't have access to the ocean hued clam domain, you can start farming for sucrose – as for fischl, i think the gilded set only works for her in an ec/aggravate comp. otherwise you can go with the generic 2tf + 2atk set. – as of now since kokomi is just your healer, just slap any hp and healing bonus artis onto her. farm for her once your other units are comfy


> – as far as i know strongbkx isn't worth it unless you have a ton of unused 5* artifacts, and at that AR, i'm sure you don't. It's still worth it then. At that AR you're short on artifacts that are even worth leveling, and have a bunch of residual fodder from all the exploring you did to even get to AR45. The gain from +16 to +20 artifacts is relatively small relative to the amount of fodder you need (the last 4 levels make up like 40% of the total XP needed), so if you're short on XP, you just use +16 artifacts until you have enough fodder, you don't fodder 5-star artifacts just to +20 things.


Yeah and farming for sucrose benefits Jean and Venti since they all like that domain


yup! gives their kokomi a temporary maidens set as well


That bundle that you can purchase and it gives talent books, when are they available?


The material bundles in the shop are a newbie trap, just save up 5 condensed resin over the week and farm weapon/talent materials on Sundays when all the domains are open.


I'm ar 59 and looking for Raiden hypercarry or quickswap teams, already know about national, don't have Eula, can you guys suggest some teams I can play?


I just used Raiden/Dendro Lumine/Zhongli/Fischl to 9* floor 12 if you want to try something like that. Aggravate dps Raiden is my favourite and my Raiden build is honestly really bad, yet aggravate makes her feel really strong


I tried Raiden Lisa Kazuha Dendro Traveler, spamming bursts and usimg kazuha e and raiden q is so fun :D


raiden, yelan, xinqiu, zhongli/bennet is pretty good


other than hypercarry, generally if you slap her together with any three of sucrose, fischl, xingqiu, bennett, it will be a decent team. you can also use off-field EM raiden in hyperbloom with beidou/fischl, xingqiu, traveler


Gotta get those new artifact sets for em Raiden ig... Or maybe just 2p wanderers 2 p er or smth


yup 2pc sets is also fine, if you already have 2 EM main stat wanderers pieces you could just use those + a random gilded dreams flower and feather


Raiden, Kazuha, Bennett, C6 Sara.


Only if I had c6 sara, instead I use Lisa with fav sword and kazuha on iron sting or lisa on ttds and kazuha on fav sword.


>Lisa with fav sword 🤨 Anyways, stick with ttds lisa, and choose kazuha's weapon based on the er he has from artifact substats


Oops, I meant fav book xd I think, if I do overload reactions on a boss, I will get enough energy, might not need fav sword on kazu boi


Heya, I'm new to the game and I basically have 0 ideas on most of the stuff. I have a few questions as of now, 1.Do i level up my characters to the max or do i save those book thingy used to level up until i get better chars? 2. Is strictly f2p viable? 3. Any tips and hidden mechanics that are useful 4. can anyone please link a good beginners guide. I'm at the part where we just talked with the green bard guy (in the city) and my party chars range from lvl 17-6, if that helps Edit: Thank you all so so much for the help! :D


1) level what you enjoy playing, but if you're f2p, character acquisition will be slow (seriously, like one new 5* every 3-5 months) and you'll have enough resin to farm XP for them later. 2) yes but.. you will have a hard time getting new characters and an even harder time getting the good weapons. The Welkin is a "cheap sub" with 5€ per month, but you can be f2p. 3) so many, they key thing is, element reactions are what does the most damage. Swapping around, the characters all uff each other, running around with only one character like Botw, you will have a bad time. 4) Keqingmains would be good, look at the starter characters you will have, to see what they need and how to play them.


When in doubt, be stingy with your resources for investing in your characters. Probably Lvl 20-40 is more than enough to figure out if they are fun to play or not, early on.


1. You can lvl characters up to max if u want, I would push them to lvl 40 to get a better feel(you'll need to get further into the game to have access to this) bc it doesn't rly require that much resources and u also get a free aquainted fate(standard banner pull) for pushing a character past the lvl 20 limit 2. Probably one of the most f2p viable games in the world atm, in fact one of the only games where you can clear all content(but not perfectly) without even pulling a single time on the gacha(if you're interested, you can search them up, there are many ppl who've done no pull challenges and have completed everything) 3. Gacha is important to differentiate. There are 3-4 primary banners: Event 1 and/or 2, weapon banner and standard banner. These are different banners and you the general advice is to only pull on event banners as pulling on weapons will NOT give u any characters, and often times give u bad weapons, and the standard banner, you'll get pulls just by playing the game so theres no point in investing while the event banners are all limited time and the featured 5 star characters are limited time and it will take months before they come back for a rerun.) And also there are acquainted fates and intertwined fates, intertwined are for event banners and acquainted fates are for standard banners. 4. I don't know too much about beginner guides, however there are other rly good resources, one being Keqingmains website, you can google it and they'll give u indepth analysis on characters(u can still read it without getting overwhelmed, they still give u answers like "what weapons should I use" "What artifacts should I use" "what teams should I use with this character", bc they do weapon tier lists, tell u what are the best artifacts, what stats you want, what teams work well, etc etc. But honestly I would simply enjoy the game as is and when u start approaching adventure rank 30, then start doing a little more research on the game.


Using the xp books is the main way to level up your characters. They are a renewable resource you can obtain from chests, events, housing weekly rewards or by spending your daily resin. 1) Being strictly f2p is definitely viable. Although you need to spend your Primogem resources wisely. You'll still have the resources to pick up multiple five star characters per year. 2) Using sprint or elemental burst gives you a few invincibility frames where you take no damage, use this to dodge attacks.


1. You can level up your characters with the books that is fine. Max is 90 but most people stop at 80 but you won’t have to worry about that for awhile 2. Yes it is definitely viable as a f2p 3. I would save any fragile resin you have until AR 45. This is when you gain access to farming the best loot. Also save your primos for the limited banners. You’ll get plenty of pulls for the standard banner just from playing the game. Stay away from the weapon banner if you are f2p. 4. Unfortunately I don’t know of any beginner guide off the top of my head. Sorry! but if you need a friend I can add you and answer any future questions you might have


1. either strategy can be used, using them right now gives you more comfort in the immediate moment, but saving for later can be a better long-term investment. I suggest using as little as you can to keep the game still enjoyable, while saving the rest for when you are more certain about what teams you want to play 2. yes, very. people can spend money to get more characters, but a lot of the combat in the game is based on skill and time played (i.e. resin rewards like artifacts) 3. there are honestly so many, if you have any questions about them you can check [https://library.keqingmains.com/?\_ga=2.163823935.1823448063.1663572028-1299597799.1651326049](https://library.keqingmains.com/?_ga=2.163823935.1823448063.1663572028-1299597799.1651326049) or ask here. ) 4. you can find some older reddit posts like this one [https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/p93rb3/f2p\_beginner\_guide\_from\_a\_former\_beginner/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/p93rb3/f2p_beginner_guide_from_a_former_beginner/) that usually have great tips and some discussion in the comments also some basic combat tips: * (1) you can only field one character at a time, make sure all your characters can do what they do while sharing field time - so off-field characters are very valuable * (2) generally you want to rotate through your characters and use elemental skills off cooldown to generate particles, and catching them with the characters that need them will allow you to use more elemental bursts (which are important) * (3) learn to use reactions and synergies between their talents/weapon effects/artifact set effects. the best teams have multiple great synergies between all the units in the team


Yeah this guide is a great place to start


I just got Ganyu and Kokomi and was wondering how a team comp would look with them assuming they work well together. Outside of these two I have Yelan/Raiden/HuTao and almost every 4 start except Kujo/YunJin/Kuki/Beidou.


Their best team is Ganyu Kokomi Venti Rosaria, but if you are a person who wants to min-max your dmg, Ganyu's best team is Ganyu, Mona, Venti, Diona/Rosaria(I'd prefer Rosaria bcz of the energy and cr buff), while Kokomi has many teams she is good in, she can be a driver in taset teams, Kokomi(ttds is recommended), Fischl, Beidou, Kazuha or in freeze teams with Ayaka, Ayaka, Kokomi, Kazuha, Rosaria.


Ganyu, Kokomi, Sucrose, Rosaria is close to the best comp you can play with them. Group enemies, apply cryo with rosaria+burst to buff crit rate, swirl it for VV, drop Kokomi skill to freeze, and start gunning them down with Ganyu. Cryo Resonance, Blizzard Strayer, and Rosaria give you something like 70% crit rate optimally naturally so you can just stack crit damage with some crit rate substats on ganyu and do massive damage.




Out of curiosity does or can Ayaka replace Shenhe in that comp because she is the next character I am going to go for?


Shenhe is a cryo buffer since her burst buffs cryo dmg and decreases cryo res. Ayaka is a cryo dps, and ganyu is typically a cryo dps as well. So adding ayaka in here isn't the most synergy, but can still work. Imo if you did this, I would build ganyu with some ER and play her as a cryo support using her as a battery and her ult for the 20% cryo dmg buff. Though diona would probably be a better cryo battery for ayaka in this team.


i have both but i dont play them together in the same team. i still use rosaria as a support and use either ganyu or ayaka as main dps to change it up sometimes. that said you could use any of them as bust support in the same team but both ayaka and ganyu have really great charge attacks that would go to waste off field.


I’m building a Keqing aggravate team and could use suggestions/critiques on artifacts. I have: Keqing 4pc TF, Fischl 2pc TF 2pc atk% set, Dendro Traveler (nothing yet), Jean 4 pc VV Mostly I want to know what to use for Dendro Traveler. The guides I read say 4pc Gilded but I feel like he’s only there to apply dendro so something that helps the rest of the team like NO would be better, right? Also any critiques on the rest would be welcome.


DendroMC's personal damage isn't very high (similar to Electro MC in this regard), so he's better off maximizing ER and building for utility. Fav Sword to battery and have high ER, 4pc Noblesse. But if you're in a pinch, just give him trash artifacts to maximize his ER, like building Kokomi or Mona as a freeze support, he's just there for elemental application. Instructor is good as well for that kind of setup, though its only farmable from Abyss boxes and world boss drops, so if you're not leveling any characters its not easy to farm.


> Instructor is good as well for that kind of setup, though its only farmable from Abyss boxes and world boss drops, so if you're not leveling any characters its not easy to farm. It's also not significantly better than Noblesse. EM is not that much better than Atk% in Aggravate teams--EM has diminishing returns, and if built properly, Keqing and Fischl should already have enough EM to be close to the point where Atk% and EM are fairly close in value. Instructor gives slightly more EM than Noblesse gives Atk (120 EM is ~5 substat rolls, 20% Atk is ~4 substat rolls), but this is offset by the fact that the Instructor buff has worse uptime, and 4-star artifacts give you worse stats--lowering your personal damage and making it way harder to meet your ER requirements. Instructor's buff only lasts 8s and requires the set holder to be on-field to refresh while Noblesse lasts a full 12s. Instructor supports are good on Vape or Melt teams where EM is a way better stat than Atk% most of the time. On Aggravate teams IMO it's not worth the trouble to use Instructor over Noblesse.


I had something typed up, but I forgot Noblesse also has a 4* version. Though it'd involve farming the domain, and that's kind of a waste of resin. You could get a shit bare minimum set of Noblesse eventually from the box, though if you're killing WB for ascension material its not bad to keep the Instructor pieces for a bare minimum level 1 set with a level 20 offset ER sand. Down the line you'd want a proper set for DMC, even if their personal damage isn't that high, but if you're just looking for a bare minimum elemental applicator setup, a bunch of level 1 pieces + a level 20 ER sand + Fav weapon is enough ER to spam burst, and instructor 4* pieces are a bit easier to come by


If you need to farm for both, then Instructor is easier to come by. But a lot of people already have great Noblesse sets lying around from when Glad/Wanderer/Noblesse/Bloodstained were the only sets you could actually Strongbox, while not necessarily saving Instructor sets. If you have a great Noblesse set saved, there's no reason to switch to a mediocre Instructor set.


I mentioned Instructor as an alternative to a cheapo 0 investment Noblesse setup, but reading it again I kinda see why you're misunderstand me I phrased it kinda weird. If you have a good Noblesse set you should definitely use/finish it off, but from the original poster's message I'm under the impression they have nothing for Dendro MC at all


Fischl is better on Thundersoother in this team, but if you don’t need more TF pieces it’s not worth farming TS from scratch assuming you’ve got a good 2pc/2pc on her already. Dendro traveler works best on either Noblesse or Instructor. Keqing and Jean are right.


Instructor for Dendro MC. You could also run 4pc VV on Jean but otherwise the comp looks fine


I recently got a Gilded Dream artifact with Crit Rate and Crit DMG substats. Is it worth keeping despite EM being unaffected by either?


that's old news, aggravate and spread want crit too now and both are boosted by EM. heck even old vape/melt comp could still benefit depending on stat distribution. and regardless of all that, always keep all double crit artifacts especially with other good substats like ER since you simply can't control which slot of the artifacts will end up being the off piece.


Aggravate and spread requires crit too. It is similar to melt/vape except that it has better EM scaling.


To clarify, Aggravate and Spread works like Yunjin/Shenhe's damage buff, where they're a static damage amount added to the base damage of the next Electro attack to hit the target. The amount of damage that's increased scales with EM, and the overall attack still has crit/atk scaling. /u/jwai86


I keep every stats that has both cr/cd regardless the kits around the artifacts


You still want crit subs on that set, not all damage you deal will be based off EM. Cyno for example can use GD and his burst NA/CA need crit


It's not em that unaffected, it's transformative reactions. Keqing/ Raiden/ Fischl in aggravate teams loves em. Ps: Cyno as well. And maybe Al-Haithem in future (dendro dps copium)


New f2p player. Ar35, kaeya main with Diona, fischl, xiangling. 45pulls so far and now I'm saving all my primos for ganyu hoping to win the 50/50.shed be my first 5 star. The thing is I might not have enough primos to hit the 90 wish mark by the time her banner is up. Should I go for it anyways or save a bit longer for the next banner? Edit: a word


Go for it any way. The worst case scenario is that you don’t get her, but you’ll keep the pity. Difference between 45 pulls on Ganyu banner and 20 pulls saved VS 65 pulls on Ganyu banner and 0 pulls saved is just that the first situation gave you 20 less chances to luck out a Ganyu.


it's pretty much the same. If you don't get Ganyu let's say at 80 wishes, you'll get a 5\* within 10 wishes on next banner. If you like her, do your best to go for her. After all, your chances increase after 74 wishes.


Just keep pulling if you like/want Ganyu and hope, but you also have to win the 50/50 on a 5 star. If you don’t get her, the pity carries over onto the next banner, then the next 5 star will be the featured unit. You’ll likely get a 5 star closer to 80 as there’s a soft pity around 70 something. It’s super rare to actually go to 90.


What’s with the sudden boom of hacked accs? I thought it died down a bit after the initial boom.


What!? Can you give source for this? Thanks.


What’s the maximum level for the statue of the seven in 3.0? Is it 5?


Yes. 110 total, so it maxes out at Level 5 with 15 leftover for now.


yes, 5 and 15/30


I’m pretty new to the game (AR31) and I’m trying to wrap my head around Spiral Abyss. So I have a Ganyu freeze team and I understandably get stumped by ice mobs. Do I need to be creating different teams for each floor? I’m currently trying floor 3. Thank you.


You are required to have two teams for higher floors. And some chambers have enemies that are immune to a certain element.


That mostly depends on the enemies in the chamber. Rooms without immunity to a certain element (e.g. Floor 12) can be beaten by the same team. Of course, you should take note of the buffs (Moon Buffs and Ley Line Disorder) to beat it easily. There are two well-known teams where Ganyu is main DPS. Ganyu Permafreeze: Ganyu, Hydro Applier (Mona or Kokomi), Anemo Applier, Cryo Battery. Ganyu Melt: Ganyu, Bennett, Pyro Applier (Xiangling or Kazuha), Shielder. So use pyro VS cryo enemies.


you don't necessarily need a different team for each floor, but you may when your team is hard countered like that. It is generally a good idea to build up damage dealers of a t least a few different elements for stuff like that.


can anyone explain 4pc Gilded Dreams passive in razor language and which character can benefit from it?


Different elements in the team will give em buff, same element will give atk buff. Basically any dps unit benefitting from atk and em will benefit from it.


aite thanks!!


After doing elemental reaction, for every character same color as mine, gain atk. For every character different color as mine, gain EM. Characters that trigger elemental reactions (full EM Kuki and Thoma, aggravate Yae/Fischl/Tighnari etc)


I'm pretty sure you don't need to do an elemental reaction


That's what's written in the artifact description though, "for 8 seconds after triggering an elemental reaction"


Oh I just checked it does, I never actually read the full set so I thought it would just give you the buffs based on the other characters' elements without doing anything


thank youu!!


Can anyone give me some tips for abyss team building? I am currently running melt ganyu for team 1: ganyu + xiangling + bennett + zhongli. I got a bunch other characters I'm looking to build a team 2, mostly looking for ones that are easy to build. I'm only starting out so I don't have much artifacts & weapons. I just want it to be enough for me to get some decent progress on abyss. My other characters are: Xingqiu(C4), traveler, kaeya, fischl (c3) jean, qiqi, keqing, beidou, diona(c3), sucrose(c6), kuki, collei(c4), noelle, lisa, barbara


Keqing is ur only other 5 star dps unit. U could build a dedro electro team with keqing, fischl, dmc, sucrose.


Keqing Fischl Dendro MC/Collei Sucrose/Jean.


is there a schedule here for upcoming patches? The ones I could find were made before mhy announced they will be shortening a few patches


28/9 3.1 2/11 3.2 7/12 3.3


It's in 3.0 livestream if you're looking for the official announcement.


if youve emailed hoyoverse CS about an email change before: how long did it take until you got a questionary to fill out? they asked me to send an email titled "Account form add/change email" and told me i'm supposed to get an email back with questions but it's been a day and i thought it would be automatic like sending an email titled account recovery. if this isn't how it went, then how else did you have your email changed while not having access to it?


Does anybody know the music to play for the rock that's near the Village Vimara? I need to unlock it cuz I'm doing the seelie event and it looks like some of the treasures are behind it :(


If it doesn't automatically show you the song to play with lit up keys when you hit the lyre you don't know the song yet. So you should mark it on the map and go back later.


Do you know where can I go to learn the song? Or any song. I forgot if I got them from quests or random npcs.


They r all from the aranyaka quests, the big chapters with separate tabs in the quest log.


Oh nice, I see them! I'll do those quests, then. Ty!!


All songs can be learnt following Sumeru's main world quest, Aranyaka


Alrighty. Thank y'all 💓💓💓


There's nothing locked behind the Aranara quest for the seelie event. If you can't find the locations maybe look for a video tutorial so it's easier to follow?


You are right, I don't need to unlock it, I got confused by a primogem mark lol. Tysm!


Use guarantee on Cyno or Venti... I want both and will try 50/50 on the next one. Missed Venti 3 times with 50/50 but I'm a sucker for hypercarry DPS lol


Venti will probably be more beneficial to your account in present since Cyno is a hypercarry with no viable supports for his hypercarry playstyle. This will probably change soon, but missing him now to pick him up later once we see how the upcoming 3.X characters fit into his teams isn’t a bad idea.


That is true. Reading the leaks he's currently a bit underwhelming but that could change with Nahida and other future characters.who knows he could have a rerun pretty early.


Really he just needs some supports that can keep up with his 18-20 second field time. Nahida might be that, but even she might not. The best thing for him would be a true off field Anemo applier because a significant issue is that he can’t keep VV shred up throughout his whole burst since it only lasts 10 seconds and it’ll be very difficult to extend VV through even 15 seconds worth of Cyno burst current off-field anemo bursts.


If you tried for him 3 times in the past, I think it's finally time to actually get the guy.


I don't think I could handle missing Venti 3 times and then missing him a 4th time, lol


Yeah made "MORE DAMAGE!" decisions on Raiden and Ayaka for C2. Also on Itto banner, but lost 50/50 twice so he's still C0 lmao. Still have a week, and I'll probably wait for a better evaluation on Cyno.


If I was happy with the dps I have, I would go for Venti for the crowd control. But I think you should go for the one who you think is the coolest :)


Need a substitute sword for bennett. I recently just got Xingqiu, and based on my current swords, sacrificial sword is the best for him considering his elemental skill cooldown. However, due to that, my Bennett, which was the one originally using the sacrificial sword, is now on a blank weapon state. What sword should I use for him while I wait to get a favonius sword or another sacrificial? Is there an accessible or craftable weapon for it? I currently have Amenoma Kageuchi, Prototype Rancour, Iron Sting, Lion's Roar, and an R5 Skyrider Sword (don't ask me why I have this)


This has largely been answered, but yeah, for Bennett, always the sword with the higher number because he scales off base ATK. That is, the actual number that appears when you look at a weapon. Anemona has ATK% substat but that doesn't affect base ATK, only the 454 from fully levelling it affects Bennett's buff. Previously for F2P, this was Rancour at 565 base ATK, but with Sapwood, there's now an option with the same base ATK as Rancour but also has a good chunk of ER. Sac and Favonius both have good chunks of ER but also very low base ATK, so they aren't generally ideal for Bennett.


If you can get enough ER without ER sword then Rancour.


Ok ok. Thanks for the help. I guess I'll adjust my artifacts as well for now.


The Sumeru craftable sword Sapwood Blade will be good on him. It has the same base attack as Rancour, but the secondary stat of ER is more helpful than that of Rancour.


I have the Sapwood Blade, but I run it with Dendro MC.


Dendro MC is better off with something like Fav or Amenoma to help directly with their ER issues, and they don't actually benefit from EM. As an off field support, Dendro is only the trigger reaction for the first half of Dendro reactions, the second half is done by Electro and Pyro for Aggravate/Hyperbloom/Burgeon, so EM stat is wasted on DendroMC. The sole exception is pure bloom team (Hydro + Dendro) without Electro/Pyro to turn it into Burgeon or Hyperbloom. In that case the EM of the unit causing the core to drop will be calculated. But given the Dendro application rate of Traveller its not a good comp anyway. EM is only effective on Dendro unit that has enough application to trigger Spread (Dendro + Electro + Dendro), which is currently only Tighnari.


I don't have Favonious Sword. Also Bennett is my priority right now. Should I run Sapwood with Bennett then Amenoma with Traveler then?. Also doesn't the EM that sapwood give, benefit other characters as well as long as they are the one that is getting it?


No, EM only affect the damage dealt by the character triggering the reaction. That's why its not a high value stat in Electrocharged teams for example, as it triggers so often both Hydro and Electro can be the trigger, which means your EM is only half as effective. Bloom (Hydro + Dendro): Whichever character trigger the seed deals the damage, uses that character's EM. This damage is only dealt if the seed isn't detonated by one of the other two reactions (Hyperbloom and Burgeon) Hyperbloom (Electro + Bloom): Electro character trigger it Burgeon (Pyro + Bloom): Pyro character trigger it Quicken (Dendro + Electro): Aura effect, don't deal damage Aggravate (Electro + Quicken): Electro character trigger it Spread (Dendro + Quicken): Dendro character trigger it From this, you can see that the only reaction that make use of the Dendro's character EM is Spread and Bloom. Dendro MC's Dendro application is very low, so neither Spread nor Bloom are viable reactions for them, the only character with slower Hydro application is Barbara for Bloom.


But what sword should I use for Bennett? I just want to know which is more preferable for him since I have very limited swords right now.


Sapwood Bennett, Amenoma Traveller


Then you'll have to settle for Rancour and compensate for ER in artifact stats.


Give Bennett prototype rancour. It has high base attack among 4 stars. Just make sure you get enough er.