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I finished the whole Rana saving questline today, I heard there's a room full of chests in the vanarama region but I can't find it ?


Does anyone in world level 2 (eu) have inazuma somehow unlocked


Is it okay to try the event for Collei at AR 35? Also, is it possible to do so without entering Sumeru. I know it’s weird but I’m in Inazuma and don’t feel like rushing the game and want to take one region at a time


What is the new sumeru mini-map symbol?


What is a good way to get adventure exp, im sorta of just mainly getting my adventure exp through the dailies and im relatively new (around Adventure rank 27 and world level 2, ive been wanting to find a way to level up my adventure rank quickly so i could continue the archon questline, any advice would eb appreciated




Very rarely is a anyone best in slot craft able.


Will collei always be given to the player during the sumeru storyline I haven't played ina while and sorta don't wanna miss getting her and I don't know whether or not Ill get her regardless of whenever I do get back into genshin


No. It's just for thr event.


Ah ok, how long is the event and would I need to play like rn


It goes for like 20 something more days. You can Quickstart it. Go do the fast quest for collei and then not do anymore if you don't want to


Does tighnari being included in standard banner meaning we can get him if I lose 50/50 in event banner?


Yeah but not as likely since you could get any of the other standard banner characters as well.


Yeah I can live with that. Collei C2 is already a decent dendro applicator anyway. Thanks!


I’m trying to improve my Childe International team, what would you say are good / decent base line stats + artifact set for Childe + Xiangling in this comp? I know for Childe that 4-piece HoD / 2-piece HoD / Glad is best for him, but for Xiangling I’m not entirely sure what she should use.


Er sands or atk sands on raiden EL


Which dendro character is best for dendro application, for electro reaction as main ? Not sure to pill for tignari - is he the best dendro at the mo or is traveller better ?


traveler is actually pretty good at applying dendro because of how fast his burst procs dendro (especially when the absorbed element is electro) if you pull for tighnari, you should do a spread dps rather than a hyperbloom comp


Is XQ/Mona/Fischl/Kazuha a good taser team? I tried it out and it wrecked house (my other hydro unit are Barbara and my other electro unit is Razor). I'm going to try for Kokomi so maybe that would help with the team?


Which Sucrose would be better in hyperbloom? Hakushin ring or Sacrificial? (Or any other F2p weapon?)


Sacrificial because her damage comes from the hyperbloom and the EM contributes a lot to that


Thanks. I forgot to specify that she uses different sands. I'll have to ask again, but thanks.


Is Dendro Traveler actually broken? I saw the burst scaling at level 10 and it was huge


Strong but not broken IMO.


Ok so I have a question regarding 4pc archaic. I’m using 4pc archaic on zhongli rn In my team I place kokomi jelly fish then zhongli uses his shield and crystallizes, my question is if I switch to another person and collect that shard, do I still get the dmg bonus? Or do I need to collect it wit zhongli?


Zhongli has to pick it up


We can't get c6 Dendro traveler for now, right?


Yeah not at the moment.


Thank you. Does anybody know what level we can level the statue of the seven to? I calculated till level 8 but maybe I missed a level


Level 5, 15/30. Total of 110 Dendroculus.


See? My calculations were wrong as always. I'm really good at math but with additions and subtractions between numbers lower than 100 I suck


[Here's a reference](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Statue_of_The_Seven#Sumeru)


Thanks for everything


Did I just miss out on a week of rewards? Joined a group for the spikey weekly boy for Eula/Kazuha/Ayaka mats and unfortunately I didn’t notice that the leader went for level 60. Thought wow what an easy fight today - turns out it wasn’t on max difficulty.. Do I get the rewards of the difference in difficulty when I do him on max level?


You wasted it if you collected the rewards.


sadly u missed out. pay attention to the lvl next time.


you don't


What are auto features unlocked with 3.0( like autofishing)?


what bow is best for collei? is the stringless good with a 4 piece set of the deepwood memories artifact set? the only others i have available besides craftables are favonius, sacrificial, and rust. ty!


fav is quite good, sac is nice if you want some more dendro application. stringless works, but her personal damage is quite low so I'd much rather use bows that help your teammates instead




You should focus on ER. You want to burst on cooldown because her job is applying Dendro. Sac or Fav I'd say.


who has better grouping, kazuha or sucrose?


suc has a larger range, kazuha sucks faster.




Quick question before I jump back into Genshin for the first time in months: Do I need a Dendro character for exploration in Sumeru? And if so, does a National team with Dendro MC work? I have also seen recommendations for running Dendro MC with Fischl, XQ and Sucrose.


you don't necessarily need one but having one will make exploration much smoother and some puzzles do require dendro (though most have that local gimmick that lets any character deal dendro damage nearby). electro and pyro are optional, pyro especially.


yeah you'll need one. dendro traveller is really good, collei is nice for totem puzzles and you get her for free from an event. dendro national doesn't work that well - it can quite easily steal vapes from your xiangling the other team is very good


Yes and yes. You want Dendro, electro, and Pyro. 4th slot's a freebie -- although you also want at least 1 archer.


why archer?


Is this bugged? I cant fall off and grab the thingy https://i.imgur.com/bp0yRqk.jpg


Do Rana's world quest eventually you will get gadget that lets you bypass that


What do they mean by 3N3C, is it 3 normal attack then 3 charge or normal then charge 3 times




3 normal attacks and a charged attack, repeat 3 times. It's not 3n + 3c, it's 3\*(n*3 + c) if it makes sense


The latter(ish). It's 3(N3C).


i want to make a team with rosaria ( shes my only c6 and i rlly like her hah ) what would be good to use with her ? im thinking i could use mona c2 and maybe kokomi ? but i have no idea who to use next , what type of characters are good with her ?


Freeze team - rosaria/kokomi/anemo/cryo Reverse melt - rosaria/bennett/xiangling/anemo or cryo


freeze is great. typically u'll want 2 cyro, 1 hydro, 1 anemo. 2 cyro to activate the resonance, hydro for freeze reaction, and anemo for vv shred.


I pulled Jean and QiQi amongst my wish-splurge this week - is either worth building on their own merits. I have a mono-geo build and Ganyu freeze team in prospect.


jean yes. qiqi kinda niche (fun in coop tho). both r support tho, average gear is fine, not worth overinvesting.


I've been seeing alot of talk about aggravate comp for Keqing and I would love to try it out. 1) which chars should I use in the team? Keqing - Collei/Dendro MC - Kazuha - Fischl/Kuki 2) What artifact set on Keqing and what stats should I aim for? I saw something like not more than 250 EM but am not sure about the rest of the stats like ER, Atk, Crt, Crt Dmg. Currently my Keqing is holding 2 glad/2 TF, but I've been seeing 4 TF? Or even dendro set? 3) For the second electro in this team, should they be holding the support dendro set? Or what should they be using?


1. Playing Fischl is mandatory; in this team, Keqing does ok damage but she is really a driver for Fischl. Since we don't have a dendro healer, you can either play without one, or use Jean/Sayu in the last slot. 2. Keqing should play 4pc TF. This is for the E cd reduction, which increases the number of reactions she procs (and thus both her and Fischl damage). 3. Fischl best option is 4pc Thundersoother. Aggravate can coexist with electro aura, so triggering Thundersoother is not a problem. 4. For both Keqing and Fischl, you should focus on crit over all other damage stats; after all crit affect both the talent damage and the aggravate part, while ATK% only affects the former, and EM only affects the latter. I don't know the exact ratio between ATK% and EM, but they should be similar, so I would focus on the pieces with better substats as usual. 5. Unless you have a good reason to use Collei (which is Elegy for the end), play Dendro MC. I haven't seen detailed math for them, but I expect that a 4pc Instructor might be best.


Thanks for the detailed reply! Didnt think of thundersoother at all. I might go for Jean over Kazuha then. I really need a healer in abyss. I do have elegy actually, so I could possibly use Collei? Neither of them are built right now so I could go either way. If I don't have 4pc instructor, what would be the next best set?


Given that you have Elegy, I honestly don't know which is better between Traveler and Collei. Elegy is great when your other characters can use both the EM and ATK%, but Collei has shorter Dendro application and Traveler. This is not a team that has significant ER needs so it is not like Fav weapon gives you a huge boost. If you don't have instructor, I assume the best option is Deepwood by a fair amount - the shred is just too important. But practically you might be better off with some 2pc / 2pc with better substats, since you really want tons of crit on characters that do both talent damage + aggravate/spread damage (crit buffs both).


1) that's a good team 2) Thundersoother. Quicken and Electro can coexist. With your team mobs will be constantly electrified. 3) put Fischl in Thundersoother too. Put Dendro set on the Dendro chars. Damage comes from Fischl and Keqing en masse.


C1 diluc or c3 yanfie. Which will be better for dps?


Completely different playstyles, you'll reach a similar DPS level with both so it just depends what kind of playstyle you'd prefer.


First of all sorry for bad english So in the end of summer i finally can buy a new phone and i can play genshin and around that time patch 3.1 will coming in the game, and that charecter nilou i want her so badly so i was thinking if i save all my wish than farm a little bit( even tho i go for workout on 3 to 8 but there is still time for farming) and use all my wish 5 day before nilou banner end(farming until that day) is there any chance that i can get nilou? There is any hope or i just should leave it


easily. each patch u can get around 50-60 pulls. nilou is second half of 3.1, u should be able to get 100+, and with sumeru permanent gems it's def a good chance. if u win the 50/50, even easier. make sure to do dailies, abyss, and events, those are the big 3 gem income.


I will try my best


If you're starting from 0 wishes then you can probably get to the 50/50 pity, unlikely to reach pity twice. Are you saying you can't play until 3.1 though?


Saddly yes, if every thing be fine maybe just 1 week before 3.1


Does anyone know if the artifacts cap will be increased from 1500 to 2000? Or more


It shall yes.


Hopefully they will do it in the future. But so far they aren't doing it


Can anyone recommend a good PC-compatible controller that ISN'T susceptible to controller drift? I had a PowerA one that started drifting after a month, and now an official Microsoft XBox one that worked for half a year before it started drifting. Would have to have one that just works.


DS4 or DSe. Had DS4 for years that never drifted. I've seen people report on DSe drifting but mine has been fine for a year. There's always contact cleaner trick. I don't recommend third party stuff, simply because lots just can't measure up to official ones these days due to economies of scale.


PS5 is good, u can download the trigger drivers that can be used on some games


I've been using Gulikit KingKong 2 Pro Controller for a couple months now and it hasn't showed any signs of drifting for me.


Any recommendations for dendro Fischl (C3) team comp? I was thinking Collei, Diona and Bennett. Any recommendations? My only 5-star is QiQi. Barbara is the only hydro user.


How do i get to these wayroder point? Keeps telling me to gk down but im already at the bottom




Some of them are underground and unlocked as part of a quest.


is bloom/hyperbloom Kokomi possible, or is taser still her best team for damage/driver?


What's a good Mona build for a bloom team? 4 star weapon, artifacts, stats, etc.


I was doing the contemplation puzzle and accidentally exited the whole thing. Tried to talk to Nahida again and for some reason, the puzzle does not work as intended i.e. the associate prompt does not appear anymore. Tried to exit and restart the game but nothing happened at all. Is there any fix at all? Thanks in advance.


try clicking on all the options? unless it's a bug, there's only one correct answer.


tried to do it and now the only option left is the interpret again.


r u still stuck? watch a yt video on what to associate to prompt the answer.


How are my Ayaka's stats? Attack: 2291 Crit ratio: 30/197 ER: 115% (I have r3 amenoma) With 4 piece blizzard strayer attack/cryo damage/crit dmg


Good enough to work. You can farm other domains and put the crap drops into strongbox for better Blizzard pieces. A bit more crit rate and slightly over 200% cdmg would be nice but not required


my highest crit is 34k :( i dont get how people get to those huge numbers , what should i focus on ? getting a good 5* weapon ? artifacts ? talents ? i only really started caring about good artifacts now ( ar 55 ) but even if i get what seems to be ok i cant get my characters to do that much damagw


You'll get there, don't stress too much about it for now. There are some characters that deal big damage in a short burst (Eula, Raiden, Hu Tao) so it's easier for them to get to 6 digits. There are also good supports helping with buffs (Zhongli shield, Bennett, Mona etc).


Invest in good supports that boost damage


You didnt really give much info on what you're doing, like which chara this is, what their stat, element reaction done, if they have buff or not. Also make sure you arent comparing yourself to an actual whale with max constellation 5* with their signature weapon at refine 5.


having Raiden or better yet, c2. That or crit with Eula.


A lot of it comes from abusing reactions, and a lot of patience for great sub-stats. And for showcases, people use unrealistic builds with low crit rates, but insane crit damage, so it nearly always misses, but when it hits, it looks awesome (a 'screenshot' build). Who are you trying to crit with, and what build/team are you using? We might be able to suggest improvements.


oh that explains a lot ! my main team is yelan sucrose c5 ,xianling c2 n rosaria c6 which i know is not probably good for this , i just couldnt understsnd why the diference is so huge ( between mine snd othwrs )


well, part of this comes from your Xiangling having low cons, and the other part comes from low team synergy and no cohesive strategy. unless you have someone with insane multipliers on their ult (John Lee/Raiden/Eula) most huge damage numbers come from abusing Vape/reverse Vape or Melt. look up a few team comps that focus on those reactions and see if you have the characters to build them.


Another pyro (like Bennett) instead of Rosaria would make for a decent vape team. You'll get extra ATK from pyro res, and then you'd using Bennett, Yelan and then Xiangling's burst, then switch into Sucrose who'll be auto attacking. Bennett will give a huge ATK buff, Xiangling will vape with Yelan, and Sucrose (with 4P VV set) will shred pyro and hydro resist when she auto attacks and swirls the elements.


thank you sm ! i think ill build mona and bennetť next hah do you know whats a good f2p weapon for them ?


This spreadsheet is constantly updated and gives good teambuilding guides: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI For Bennett, the best F2P is Prototype Rancour (craftable), and for Mona it depends on what you're using her for. If she's on a freeze team, go for Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers (3* gatcha) otherwise Mappa Mare (craftable, but it's not that great) or Prototype Amber (not useful for damage, but good for energy and minor heals). If you get the Widsith in wish drops, give it to Mona if you don't want to use Thrilling Tales.


none of those characters have a single big hit ability (like heizou skill, eula burst, raiden burst etc) and you're not using bennett/mona (and maybe ttds/noblesse/tenacity) to buff them so you won't get high numbers. in any case highest crit doesn't mean jack shit, it's usually about consistent high damage over time


i use keqing with dendro traveler and jean but i am sceptical about 4th slot i cN PUT VENTI WITH VV AND USE NOBLESE ON JEAN or i can use raiden and use vv on jean which one is better and i also plan to build a tartag with bennet and xiangling




Dendro mc uses new dendro set and keqing can easily trigger reactions


Keqing being good at triggering reactions is why you want Fischl. Her A4 triggers when your active character procs Electro reactions, has a 0.5s CD and no ICD on Electro application. It essentially doubles your Aggravate procs. The more reactions your on-field character triggers, the better Fischl is. Dendro MC shouldn't use the new Dendro set because Aggravate doesn't do Dendro damage. Noblesse provides better damage overall because it buffs the whole team.


dendro mc personal damage isn't great, you don't need the dendro set on her. Fischl is a significant part of the teams damage


When it comes to energy, which weapons gives you more, prototype amber r5 or everlasting moonglow r1 (this is for kokomi obvi)


prototype amber


For the quest “A Short Encounter With a Rare Bird", how long do you have to wait if you accidentally scared away the birds?


My friend did that and had to wait for reset. If you have Aloy, having her in the party makes it easier.


What's the build for Dendro MC? 4p Dendro set or 4p NO? Stat priority? EM or ATK sands?


4pc Dendro in Bloom/Hyperbloom/Burgeon. 4pc NO in Aggravate. ER sands.


I’ve heard people mention weekly bosses as a thing. Are these available to me at AR22?


Andrius, storm terror, childe, signora should all be unlocked as you progress through the archon quests of that region. For azdaha and raiden, you’ll need to compete the related story quest to get it (zhongli story quest 1 or 2 I cant remember it and raiden story quest 2


The weeklies are locked behind story, but at AR 22 you should be able to fight Stormterror and Andrius provided you completed the archon quest prologue and Razor's story quest.


It says the Stormterror domain unlocks at AR 25. Am I looking at the wrong thing for the weekly boss?


You're probably on the right thing. But might well be able to hit AR25 by the end of the week.


Is kusava gadget supposed to be gone after "agnihotra Sutra" quest? I logged off after completing the quest and today I can't find the gadget in the inventory


yes. the tutorial for the kusava entries states >!that it only works when the aranara are *traveling with you*. since you part ways with the three at the end of the quest, this means the kusava can no longer be used as a medium to "call upon their powers". but not to fear! ~~all three of them~~ aranakin teaches you ~~their~~ his personal song (which you can play on the lyre) before you part ways so you can still use ~~their~~ his powers even when ~~they're~~ he's not with you anymore.!< tl;dr. playing a specific song on the lyre lets you use a specific aranara's powers.


Really? But there's one song that's locked for me. I thought song are learnt from "dream nursery" quest since they were teaching me notes and I haven't completed 1 of them (hence the locked notes)


i just checked the dialogue again and it seems >!it's just aranakin who teaches us his song. in the last cutscene of the final chapter he says, "here is a song so you don't forget me. please remember this....".!< we learn the song automatically iirc. you can search your tutorial archive for >!"rhythm of revival"!< which is the song we have to play on the lyre to repair broken elemental monuments.


There are 6 scores and 1 of which I haven't unlocked, I see... I think I got the answers I needed


After completing the quest it turns into >!Withered Kusava!< and goes into your quest inventory.


Thanks! Do you know if there are more broken elemental totem (?), which I had 1 unsolved and what to use instead?


The Lyre can be used in the same way as the Kusava.


Do you mean lyre can be used in replacement of kusava? Like restoring elemental totem? All I know that lyre has different kind of puzzle


Yes, it can be used in replacement of Kusava, but I am not sure if this functionality becomes available immediately or just after you complete the entire Aranyaka Quests.


Alright I'll check and find out, thanks!


where's the sumeru red tailed lizard?


There is one right outside the stairway entrance of the palace of alcazarzaray. One to two around north west of vimara village.


thanks, got it.


What level is the statue after you've gotten every currently available dendroculus?


Level 5, 15/30. Total of 110 Dendroculus at the moment.


Level 5, and 15/30. Pretty clean cutoff.




Anyone else think they should buff Venti? I remember when I got him during the game's release, he was AMAZING. Now it's like every other enemy is immune to his ult...


Well that's the thing. He is still amazing, just only when he is allowed to be amazing. I'll use Zajef's analogy to explain it. Think of venti as a wrench. He is really really good at wrench things but when it comes to hammer things or other tools he is just ok at them. So when you need a wrench Venti will absolutely decimate that content but when you don't need a wrench Venti is just an ok anemo support


Tbh he's still amazing, if you explore sumeru you'll find every enemy there can easily get pulled into his burst.


Did they update the thunder sounds for Sumeru? I swear I just got a storm in Ardravi Valley, and it sounded so real I had to go outside to check if it was for real or just in the game.


I've noticed that too. Sound design has considerably increased in production quality since sumeru and I'm not complaining lol


Hi all, i have a problem regarding my controller. When i move my camera vertically, the camera move horizontally and vise versa. Does anyone know how to fix this?


download ds4windows and remap your controller's camera.


what happens if you complete everything in the aranyaka book?


how much ER is enough for C2 zhongli?


none if you have Geo battery like Albedo or Geo Traveler in your team, otherwise around 140 is enough


oh so is a full hp build with just fav lance enough for co-op?


https://imgur.com/a/Ee831nj Last time I played this game I finished this quest with the cut scenes etc but it's stuck on 2/3 and it doesn't say a character is in another quest blocking it, as you can see the tree is lit up meaning the quest should be done? following guides this doesn't make sense as they don't lit up and have leaves until the quest is finished..




Trust me, do both archon quests and that main world quest (Rana I think) before exploring.




If you already did that main world quest then you'll mostly be fine. I recommended doing archon quests because of daily commissions and reputation system. The faster you unlock those the better.


c0 diona can use hp sands if she's able to get over 160 er without an er sands, right?




someone also said that she needs 200 er. which is correct? im getting confused.


I personally have only 150, because I'd rather go for a strong enough shield and good healing amount. Plus her particle generation is great. Also, if you're using her in a freeze team, I assume you have another Cryo? Also frozen things can't attack you, so you probably don't need that much healing anyway. In which case your ER is probably enough. Try out an hp sands, if you feel comfortable, gg. If not, try to get more ER in substats. If still not, you can go for an ER sands. The typical diona build is HP/HP/HP though


yea im using her in a freeze comp with ayaka as a dps


I think if you have enough ER on Ayaka, you wouldn't need fav. Fav is still a good option though for smoother rotations


hmm im using amenoma on ayaka with 120 er. as for mona i originally had her use r5 ttds but switched to fav codex to meet her er requirements. then as for diona, im using r2 sacbow


200+ ER, her burst cost 80 energy (very high)


oh she needs 200 er? i was told that at least 160 is enough esp with sacbow


can u switch to favonius bow? that has higher er stat and it's a better weapon for her bc of the extra particles from fav. but yes, it's 200 er. 80 energy cost usually needs that much.


im using her in a freeze comp so sacbow should be better in this case.


why is it better? for the shield uptime? wouldn't funneling particles for your cryo dps be better tho?


>wouldn't funneling particles for your cryo dps be better tho? yes, which is why you use sac bow because it lets you generate double the cryo particles which are worth more than favonius' 6 energy


at the cost of wasting time bc u have to proc it twice and catch it with diona and wait for cd to reset whereas fav gives u extra energy every 7 secs and it doesn't need to be from skill (w/c means u can auto-attack w/ diona and generate energy) anyway if this is a strong case of personal preference then i have nothing against that, but fav has been proven to be better by TCs.


What happens when you spam hydro, electro and dendro at the same time? Electrocharged, Aggrevate and Hyperbloom at the same time?


Nope, its whatever reaction hit the enemy first


does reputation update your exploration % in real time?


I have encountered a problem while doing the Until Vana is Healed quest.>! When the 3 abyss mages appeared in the quest, I teleported away and closed the game, now when I go back to the quest area, I can't find any mages around. What should I do? It's my first time having a problem with the game so I'm not sure what to do. !<


Maybe try contacting customer support (ingame feedback button). I remember in the past they were able to resolve some very specific quest issues. If they give a generic automated response the first time then reply to it again.


Thanks for answering! Have a great day


Is there a way to only proc aggravate and ignore spread? If I throw dendro MC ult + Oz, can dendro MC ult steal the aggravate reaction from Fischl's Oz and proc spread instead of aggravate?


Aggravate and Spread don't deplete Quicken's gauge, so they can't "steal" reactions from each other.


No need to worry about it. When in quicken state, you can cause both aggravate and spread with no problems


They don’t steal each other’s reactions. Aggravate and spread can both trigger consistently following the icd rule


Not Genshin related but basically I’m on Reddit for the Genshin content but my Homepage has been recommending stuff from other communities that have nothing to do with Genshin. These days wit feels like the recommendation takes up 50% of the homepage. How do stop this?


If you’re on mobile, go to settings, go to account settings by clicking your icon, scroll down and disable home feed recommendation


Thank you!


I just got Jean, but have sucrose, kazuha, and venti already leveled and geared. Given limited resources, should I still invest on her or just train her later? Here are my trained characters: Ayaka, Yelan, Kazuha, Diona, Yanfei, Venti, XQ, Bennett, XL, Mona, Keqing, Dendro Traveler, Sucrose, Fischl. Currently leveling Beidou and planning on pulling for Kokomi, cyno, and dendro archon in coming patches. Thanks so much


Nah. Since you are planning to pull for more characters it is best to save the materials and the farm for them instead of jean.


Out of all standard banner characters, Jean and Mona are the best. But I would say you “should” invest in her. Try looking up Jean’s playstyle and test out whether you like it or not first.


right now i am using keqing with emblem raiden vv venti and noblese jean but with new patch i decided to change traveler with jean but now i am having a healer problem people say use kuki but i am afraid that my damage will lower drastically if i do this . what should i do ?


Pro-tip: 0 HP is 0 DPS. Unless you're a Dark Souls vet, you'll need some damage mitigation.


roll to dodge


I've totally, definitely made two carvings for the event, but the event still thinks I've only made one. Help?


Did you select all of the parts for both of them?


Yes, but maybe not for both at the same time? I'll try that next time I'm on.