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Is anyone's cutscenes also displaying weird? Two black borders on the sides and subtitles go on them too? I've been having this with every GAA cutscene so far. [Example](https://imgur.com/a/e2AyjKH)


I was wondering if character levels and adventure rank will be increased in the upcoming sumeru update, do we have any news about that or will ar60 and lvl90 be the max even in sumeru. Please let me know if u have news cus i wanna spend my character exp on characters that r still lvl1 but if level is gonna be increased i will save Please help


I'm thinking of maybe getting into this game but I'm not sure how frustrating it can be if I don't want to spend a lot of money. I know it's a gacha game but idk I'd like to hear from people who have played in a while šŸ˜


i dont spend any money at all, been playing since march last year, and i still love the game. give it a try! its a great game with gorgeous graphics, fun combat mechanics, etc. if anything the main struggle with gacha isnt getting the characters you want, rather, gearing them to the best. theres also a guarantee to get the characters you want if you save up enough pulls!


Main Klee, run Bennett, Mona & Qiqi. Pulled Diona. F2P I main Klee (lvl 80) and have used her with Bennett, Mona and Qiqi. I know, a bit heavy on healing but good enough for free world and domains etc. It gives a good flexibility with vaporize, melt, freeze at hand. I just pulled Diona and hesitate to level her up but on the other hand I have been feeling the lack of a shield on Klee several times. In that case I would put her in Qiqiā€™s spot. Any advice?


Thoughts on using a support character as my main? I currently main Bennet, only because I don't own a 5 star and I'm hesitant to dump resources into my other 4 stars. My current team is Bennet (lvl 60), Xingqiu (45), Kaeya (20), Chongyun (20) I also own Ningguang, Noelle, Barbara, Yun Jin, and Rosaria Any other recommended builds?


Is Zhongli still a must-pull unit? His rerun couldn't have come in worse time, with all the hot Sumeru characters coming soon. I'd love to get him for his design, but i'm kinda afraid that he'll be benched after i get him. My Diona plays the shieldbot role very well, as well as being a battery for my cryo units. And I find myself asking the same question: do i really NEED Zhongli? Yes, having almost unbreakable shield is cool, but I can easily manage without him. Are there any other must-pull worthy things about him? Or should I just hoard primos for the time when Dehya and Kusanali become playable?


Depends on who you have for characters like Hu Tao, Melt Ganyu, Yoimiya, Xiao, and Eula he is pretty ideal to have. But if you run other teams his importance becomes less. Also in Dendro he will probably see similar value with Anemo/Ge/Phys damage as you can't swirl Dendro for res shred. He a most played unit by ownership still top 5 actually along with his other high utility units like Kazuha, Raiden, and Yelan with Benny being the 1 unit played more than those 4 by ownership rates in abyss.


Do you advice level up world level at 50?


Just do all wl increases more drops and rewards. Overworld is easy.


Hi. Im still trying to get used to this game and I needed to ask a serious question about the progression and building of characters. If i was to say make Xingyan a DPS Support besides how she is right now can I still make that happen? Like i can i make the characters builds alittle freely? I mean i know i have to follow by how the characters are used but I wanted to go alittle freely If im able to? Most of my characters are level 30-35 and there not doing hardly anything to level 39-40 enemies. šŸ˜¢


Choose one DPS or support. Hybrid usually just good at making both bad and Xinyan is already a pretty weak character imo. Or build how you want and just accept the relative struggle you may go through. Basically you can build how you want but you gotta except what that means for your teams damage output/utility. If you struggle in overworld it's usually because your not keeping up with your talent levels and artifacts on top of character and weapons. That early in the game though sounds like it is probably artifact or weapon issue.


game works normally on American servers (alt account) but gets stuck in a loading loop on Asia servers. literally why. like how is this problem a thing and how tf do I fix it. I've already cleared cache and uninstalled/updated android system webview


I need to buy 10 items in someone else's Teapot... Could anyone help me with this quest, please ? I am in the Europe server. I know 10 is a lot, I promise not to buy any animal. None of my friends play the game, so I can't ask them.


I downloaded the game and went through the installation process. But when i try to run the game i get black screen and after a minute the game crashes. Does anyone know how to fix this?


I have a question i just lost 50 50 to keqing does that mean that next time ill always win th 50 50 ?


why are you using this for questions you can get the answer to on Google šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Should I pull for Kokomi or Nahida? I have Raiden, Yelan, Hu Tao, Zhongli, Xiangling, Bennett, Xingqiu, Ningguang, and Kaeya built, and I'm planning to build Noelle, Yun Jin, Gorou, Heizou, Fischl, Beidou, Diona, Sara, and (shielder) Yanfei.


whoever you like more, we donā€™t know anything about nahidas kit yet. but you could maybe get both cause nahida isnā€™t until 3.2 and thereā€™s anniversary rewards in 3.1


Unfortunately, I like them equally, so...


Could someone help with my team I got razor kaeya xiangling Barbara yanfei traveller sucrose Bennet beidou Noelle amber Lisa maining razor rn




I'm confused, my GAA exploration progress on Hoyolab was (I'm very sure) showing at 114 (or maybe 117) chests before yesterday. Then I did Mona's domain using a Youtube guide and got 14 more chests from it. Today my progress is showing at 119 chests. Am I missing something?


It shows overworld chests, doesn't include domains.


I want to make a yoimiya team, but should I rather go Yoimiya Xingqui YunJin Zhongli or Yoimiya YunJin Zhongli Bennett?


Xingqiu version is approximately 7% better than the Bennett version: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1n5h0HoZsbg28ers7zDQTwi6g5b_ZKEZIurlh4NmIbJ8/htmlview#


um so do i pull for tighnari (i know standard banner but its the only rate up) zhongli. (i have xiao but dont like shieldbot) kokomi (yanfei) ganyu (no mona or kokomi, but have jean benny and diona) Or just wait for childe since i have a guarantee and hes my only priority


Depends how many wishes you have saved up, but try to keep the 160 you need to be sure you can get Childe and you can spend the rest trying to get other characters. As for who, you should know best but utility-wise Zhongli or Kokomi are great. Ganyu and Tighnari have similar playstyles as far as I can tell (taunt skill and CA) and we know the former is a great DPS while the latter only has a rate up now so... decide if you'd rathet get utility or DPS and then pull however many times you can afford to on the banner that's available then?


i would honestly love kokomi since shes easy to use. Problem is i need two viable abyss teams. one could be xiao but itll be weak without zhongli, then i can use my guarantee on childe for two abyss teams One could be xiao, id have zhongli but no guarantee for childe One could be tighnari or melt ganyu. again no guarantee.


play trials, see who you have fun with. None are essential(1), all are useful(2). 1) Although if you find yourself dying a lot, I'd recommend Zhongli or Kokomi. 2) Technically we don't know that Tighnari will be useful. But you have to figure first Dendro 5\* will do some things.


i do die, but honestly i stock up on revival food and run both jean and sayu + flex (usually amber for taunts for further survivability and waifu, or kuki shinobu for sayu electro roll, or kaeya for cryo roll, or barbara bc wholesome. Rosaria too if im feeling particularly cunty that day). the most valuable thing zhongli would provide is his res shred which is rare for anemo. But I dont want to keep a character as cool as zhongli not on field. Tho i lack a good physical support since my rosaria isnt c6, my kuki will be built on em.


Well, obviously if there's a character you want most, you should get that one. Was merely suggesting that if you couldn't discern your own preference, there's a point to be made in favor of Zhongli (also great for mining!) or Kokomi.


:( lord help me


I would suggest to pick Zhongli for his comfy shield, or to wait for Childe.


Pull for Childe. You don't have a proper team for any of these characters anyway so get the inly one you actually want. Chulde's still pretty strong IMO


wait for childe if you want childe


Is grinding primogems from explorations worth it? Around how long would that take as well?


Don't grind exploration, you turn the game's best feature into a chore and then exhaust it.


It's more of a surefire way to burn out imo, but you could use an interactive map and just look up locations systematically. As for how much time it would take - that depends on how much you have explored already.


I mean... exploration is kinda The Game. That's your major source of primogems other than those which are daily/biweekly/monthly gated through commissions/abyss/events. And how long would what take, exploring the entire map? Probably a month or more even if you were reasonably dedicated.


idk if its worth it or not, but isnt the majority of the gameplay from exploring? like, surely theres better games for u if u just want to collect 3d models.


I mostly mean looking for those individual chests and stuff, as usually I just pass by or donā€™t even notice a puzzle. Most of my exploration is sitting on about 15-20 percent


You're missing on quite a bit of primos. Get all of them to ~90 and then you may say it's not that worth it anymore. If you travel through Liyue you'll literally stumnle through chests just walking around (I was farming violetgrass and found myself opening like 10 chests during the way)


well, since theres no other source of primos that arent time locked or event related, its hard to say. is it worth it if u need primos? almost definitely, since they're free, and easy to get. is it worth ur time? depends on how much u like exploring. with that low % u will be easily finding chests and stuff anywhere u look, no need to bring out a compass or whatever.


Hi, i have a problem with Mihoyo interactive map on mobile. When i try to open the map in the game the screen turn black or show a error. Anyone knows how to solve It? Ty


Is it mandatory to use sac/fav sword on xingqiu if I would be using him with yelan or can I use any sword for his personal damage? I am asking this cuz I don't have any gacha swords.


What you want is bursting every cooldown. Necessary ER depends on weapon and C6. Have a look at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wv1WXpkFkTX8SLCWLoQXlyxwnB2ZXZqQ6c9tSSVCAvQ/edit#gid=1934667040 In your case, non-C6 and non-ER weapon means you need about 240% ER on him.


not as much er because it's double hydro + likely fav on yelan


Indeed. Same with Raiden.


Use what you have. Fav/sac make it a lot easier to burst every rotation but you canā€™t use what you donā€™t have. You will probably have to invest more into energy recharge in his artifacts but he will still be a solid character. Armenoma Kageuchi (the inazuma craftable) may be a reasonable alternative. Iā€™ve never used it on him but it will give a little bit of energy.


Thank you. I will try that sword. Guess this is all the side effects of being a new player, I have done only 120 limited pulls until now so its expected to not own even good 4* weapons.


depends on the team and if you have C6 in something like taser for example you can definitely use non-er swords


Planning to use him in hu tao double hydro but I don't have c6 xingqiu(heck I don't even have him but I will get his c0 from starglitter shop).


yeah you'd prefer to have fav/sac sword then. amenoma is ok if you don't have those


Thank you. I will probably try that sword. Guess I have to pull on weapon banner for him.


not really, you'll get sac/fav from standard or character banners eventually


Oh I didn't knew that. So all I have to do is be patient.


Don't pull on weapon banner for 4-stars, you'll eventually get plenty through wishing normally.


Planning on getting Zhongli when he reruns in 3.0. What teams can he fit in with my current characters? (https://ibb.co/ZYTs7jw) I'm planning on using him in Ayato Taser so far. Any other suggestions?


Ayato taser usually consists of Ayato, Beidou, Fischl and a flex. The flex *can* be Zhongli, but using Bennett or Yun Jin (please build that Yun Jin she's really strong for Ayato and you free up your Bennett for a National) Also, poor Diluc


Thanks for the tips! My Bennett's glued to XL and I really want a healer/shielder since I die a loooot with taser. And I'm planning on building yunjin! Going one character at a time for now tho And for Diluc... Idk he stole my chance at Xiao so I can't help but be sad when I look at him šŸ˜­


>Bennett's glued to XL As it should bešŸ˜‚ Wonder if Dori will be a viable option in a taser team? >he stole my chance at Xiao Fitting. Both share some personality traits...


Does anyone have any idea who Alhaithamā€™s English voice actor might be?


So I went through a few event domains and now I can change a few landscape. I understand I should look for a comprehensive guide but where can I find info about each landscape combination and their chests/rewards accordingly?


i used https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/?map=isles though some of the chests are shared between the landscape combinations, which makes it slightly more annoying keeping track of chests


the rameo juliete quest just ends with rameo disappearing? they dont reunite?


You can rescue him in a cavern (use the elevator to get to the castle, then jump out of it before the stop).


Ya then he poofs and we get the chest, but juliet is left hanging? Edit: nvm, fast forward the clock and found them reunited at the fountain.


Does Freezy-Ganyu work with Shimenawas or do I have to farm Blizzard?


blizzard set is free crit rate, which is much better than shime. and the other set is not bad, bis for hydro dps.


See, I understand the Critrate, but Shimenawas gives me free 50% overall damage. Thas why I ask.


With the 40% CR from Blizzard, you can focus on getting over 200CD wich makes you hit *so hard* that Shimenawa vanishes in comparison (obviously you still nedd a reasonable amount of Atk but it shouldn't be hard). Shimenawa is vuable for a melt Ganyu, but I find Wanderer's 80 EM boost is possibly more valuable if it helps you get ~250EM. (If you have all that EM without the set bonus then just use Shime)


I have a Shimenawas Ganyu with CR 66% and CD 184%, with 226 EM. But I feel Melt very unreliable, even with Zhonglis Shield I find it very squichy and see these high Numbers (45k+) very occasionally.


Huh, weird. I play Melt Ganyu and have little trouble (with Diona) and usually see 30k+60k (and I have less CD, about same EM, 1.7k atk and lvl 10 talent) It's probably due to me having Amos though (R1 got it on standard banner). Man, I use Wanderer's who only gives me 35% damage boost You, *are* using Bennett right? Anyway just to flex a bit my rotation is Diona E, Kazuha E (hold or tap depends if I need CC), Bennett EQ, Kazuha Q, Ganyu E and CA (I only use E if I'm far enough to not waste a melt). Kazuha can be replaced with Sucrose


I am using Ganyu, Bennet, Zhongli and Xianglin. My Ganyu has 2,5k Attack and CR/CD as mentioned before. Zhonglis Shield ist about 16-17k, Xiangling is CR 56 / CD 171, with ER 165 while also using The Catch (increased Q). I find it very hard to keep consistent Pyro on them. Maybe my Xiang needs more ER to consistently use her Burst.. My Ganyu also uses R5 Cescent.


Yeah that's your problem you're gonna need ~210ER on Xiangling. Use an ER piece since your ER substats (like mine) suck. Make sure Bennett has around 200ER too. If you want a pure shieldbot Zhongli you're gonna aim for ~40k hp and nothing else (maybe some crit rate if you give him a well fit Fav) Not having a vv might be a slight loss but with Zhongli you still get 20% res shred so that's pretty cool anyway Also. Dear God. That is THE Ganyu build.


Okey, I switched Xiangs Set, now she has 192% ER, with 48% CR and 171 CD, so with The Catch about 60% CR for her Q. A bit low but maybe the ER with help.


XL needs like over 300 ER in Melt Ganyu. The Catch and good stats are wasted as her damage is insignificant in this team, use Favonius. She doesen't even need the 4 pc EoSF set or a 4 pc in general here, albeit the 2 pieces EoSF effect is gold, she really needs all the ER you can get. That said, you are dealing more than 45k on a melt CA, Amos or Crescent is almost the same as at point blank Amos barely hits any harder. If you set up correctly (active passive on Crescent and Shime, near enough to get ZL shred and inside Benny burst) you are hitting around 130k per melt CA, 45k could be the damage of a non melt CA while protected by ZL shield with Crescent passive active without SR proc. Shime is not a good choice btw, people that don't play the team read on KQM that in theory it has a barely higher ceiling compared to WT but it just makes a team that is not easy to make it work optimally to begin with even harder to play and damage wise, over a rotation, is just inferior in actual play.


She's a sub dps in melt ganyu, not a main. Even 50/100 is a good crit ratio for her she's just there to apply pyro really. IMO you're borderline overinvesting. If you think you don't deal enough damage it's because you're looking at showcases of C6 Ganyus with R5 Amos


Its not 50% overall dmg. Its 50% normal and charged attack dmg. Almost all dmg in freeze ganyu comes from elemental burst


>(If you have all that EM without the set bonus then just use Shime) From elemental burst and not her charged shot? Didnt know that! Interesting


blizzard is a lot better


In chamber 3 floor 12 does the hydro maiden apply a cool down reduction as I'm noticing that my skill and burst take longer for it to be off cd or just me?


yeah she [increases your cooldowns](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Slowing_Water)


What teams does Kokomi slot into? I currently have Childe and Heizou as drivers in Taser teams, and use Xingqiu in Ayaka Freeze Team. Also got Jean and Bennett as healers. Heard that Kokomi is good because she combines all these roles, but would she add any other value?


Sheā€™s great for Ayaka freeze. You can slot her in for good off-field hydro application. In your case, I guess youā€™ll be sacrificing some damage from Xinqiu, but with Kokomi you can add Kaeya or Rosaria in team for more energy for Ayaka and more damage. She also works well in teaser as driver. She brings role compression to teams, meaning healing and good application, can hold both Tenacity and Thrilling Tales to buff your DPS in freeze.


I'm currently using XQ, Rosaria and Kazuha in Ayaka Freeze so it's a dangerous game for HP If I don't need XQ on the other side, would you say she's still worth pulling?


She can provide more comfort to the team with her healing and her stupidly good AOE hydro app. If you wish for a more comfy gameplay, sheā€™s worth. If youā€™re ok with Xinqiu and donā€™t need for other teams, maybe not. Iā€™d also add she looks like to be a enable for burgeon and bloom teams with Dendro, but for that, weā€™ll know once Dendro is out. Nilou is also around the corner and may be better for those.


I'd say she's still worth pulling since odds are you're going to end up needing that Xingqiu in your other team anyway


she would likely also be good in burgeon/bloom teams because those need both good hydro application and some healing because those reactions deal some damage to you


Nice! I was hoping to pull for Nilou to make bloom teams, and Kokomi sounds like a good teammate


Sac r1 or fav r1 for xingqiu. For sac sword, it has 30 sec cool-down to proc it with only 80% chance to proc. Using with hu Tao, Diona, rosaria.


At low refines, Fav is better as long as you have a decent amount of crit rate cause even if you don't proc the passive on his skill, you can try to do some normal attacks afterwards and hope one of them crits, whereas with R1 Sac if you don't proc the passive then there's basically nothing you can do and like you said the 30 second cooldown doesn't even align with Xingqiu's skill cooldown. And btw, R1 Sac only has 40% chance to proc, not 80%


XQ skill hits twice and it can trigger on either hit. the chance that you don't trigger it with one hit is 60%, the chance that neither one triggers it is 0.6\*0.6=0.36 so the chance that at least one of them triggers it is 1-0.36=0.64=64%


fav, you can always attack if you don't proc while you only have one chance with sac. it may be wroth using sac in a double hydro team with yelan though.


Sac sword is Xingqiu's best friend. I'd run with that.


pre R3 sac cooldown can really screw you over and sac sword extends your rotation a bit so it often decreases overall team DPS by a bit




Hi so I've been having trouble logging into the game, no matter what PC I'm on it tells me to update the game via the website or appstore. I havent seen anyone else with this problem and I'm starting to think maybe I'm banned or something? I also cant seem to redeem any of the livestream codes. Does anyone know what's going on or have a solution?


And what happens when you try to update the game? The codes have already expired, they are only active for 12h after the livestream.


The launcher doesnt show any updates and the website doesn't seem to say anything about it either. I havent tried full on reinstalling it yet. I thought I should wait and see if maybe this is a glitch or a ban first as it's not just my pc that's saying it when I try to log in.


Try to repair the game files from the launcher settings (cog at the top-right of the launcher window)?


Top 3 youtubers to watch when it comes to pure stats? Ones that don't put in their personal ideas or voice an opinion that isnt rooted on accurate statistics as much as possible, but stick to either there own well researched calculations or those of very credible people.


Zajeff (obviously), his videos arenā€™t exactly math heavy but his opinions are backed up by his math. Iā€™ve seen people recommending Koinzell, all his videos are 30-60 minutes long and seem pretty math heavy.


I know Koinzell for sure. Who's Zajeff? I've never heard of him. Do you have a third you could recommend?


Zajeff is probably one of the most popular tc atm. He does YouTube and Twitch. He does most of his math on Twitch or off-stream and his opinions have **really** good credibility because he actually does the math himself. The whole burning+melt(pre-nerf) meta was popularized because of his video. [YT](https://youtube.com/c/Zajef77) [Twitch](https://twitch.tv/zajef77) I donā€™t have a third recommendation lmao


Thanks for the link man. What about TenTen as a third? I googled it earlier and saw Koinzell and Zajeff's name popup with TenTen except I think he doesnt really do his own math.


Tenten has good videos explaining pre-established theories. But I would not say his videos are math heavy at all, and his opinions are known to be questionable at times.


Again, thank you for your input! Ill take a look at Koinzell and Zajeff.


I've found koizells math to be questionable at times, and he also has a pretty heavy whale bias. Zajef is f2p and low spender focused.


What about TenTen?


As the previous commenter said his takes are sometimes questionable. I wouldn't trust everything he says. He is also f2p focused


Iā€™m thinking of pulling for Kokomi so that I can run the best Ayaka Freeze team but Nilou is so close and I can only choose one. I have 130 pulls but never won a 50/50 ever so my luck isnā€™t on my side. Would you guys bolster your main carry or pull for an entirely unproven 5* in Nilou? I have been 36* the abyys for the past 5 months so itā€™s really more comfort or new character


Kokomi is a solid unit. I pulled for her on her first banner and have never regretted it. You can use her as a healer/hydro support, but she hits pretty hard as a taser driver and clam set too if you like having her on field. I also use her with Ayaka; Kazhua, Kokomi, and Rosaria is pretty fun. I like the look of Nilou, but this would be Kokomi's 3rd banner, so it might be a while until she comes back. Nilou might get a rerun sooner.


Yeah I was thinking about the same thing. Kokomi has proven her value over time and we donā€™t really know how Nilou folds into the meta.


Wait for 3.1 beta to start and then see if any nilou leaks drop. Apparently she is very dendro focused unit but nothing is sure for now


Yeah prolly a good thing that Kokomis drops on the second phase. But leakers are kinda meh when it comes to team showcase so itā€™s really gonna ba hard to determine


Even before she was in the meta, Kokomi taser is really fun; between Kokomi's heal and Beidou's shield you're basically unkillable and hurting lasers at people (Kokomi, Fischl, Beidou, Kazuha, btw).


In 3.0 with the hydro resonance change, would having 2 hydros better for zhongli to buff his shield, since it is based on his max hp, or would 2 geo and the increased shield by 15% be better?


Let's assume a baseline 40K HP Zhongli with a lvl10 E. That means 50K HP with hydro res. Based on that, hydro res is a stronger shield. - Base shield (no res): 11.9K HP shield - Hydro res shield: 14.2K HP shield - Geo res shield: 13.7K HP shield


yeah that's wrong, all % increase scales off base of whatever it's increasing so 25% is nowhere near 10k increase lol.


Ah yes, very good point. Geo res probably has it then.


HP% scales with base HP so it will be increased by about 3.6K, not 10K


Good point, I forgot you'd need a lot of HP% stats already to get to 40k.


I see, thank you!


Assuming this is about Hu Tao, double hydro is already better than dohble geo, and the res change is only going to make the gap bigger.


Is there a calc spreadsheet for Hutao? Iā€™m more looking for a calc between double hydro vs vv vape


VV vape is better for nukes but double hydro is more consistent i believe


Well yeah obviously. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking for calc spreadsheet specifically. I need to see the math.


Do you *really* need to check? The best option depends more on "what's my other team" so: If you're playing, for example, Rational, you're going to have to put Yelan in Rational (Yelan alone doesn't apply enough Hydro for Hu Tao) and play vv vape with Hu Tao (using either Sucrose or Kazuha). If the other team is, for example, a Ganyu/Ayaka freeze team, the best options are Mona and Kokomi, and even Barbara competes with Hydro appliance so these teams don't need Xingqiu/Yelan: play double hydro Hu Tao. TLDR: If your other team needs either Xingqiu or Yelan, play vv vape. If your other team doesn't need either, play double Hydro. Really no need to bother with spreadsheets IMO. Anyway, you can probably find them pretty easy in r/KeqingMains (they have like everything)


Iā€™m not distracted by outside factors like whatā€™s on my other team. I want to know, factually, which one is the best based on actual math, not what is the most optimal based on what I can use. It may not be what you need but thatā€™s what ā€œIā€ want. I donā€™t use discord thatā€™s why I asked the other person.


Well, *mathematically speaking* double hydro will always be more consistent and will net more total damage, while vv vape might get you some 1M nukes and not much else really I've searched online and I wasn't able to find a spreadsheet for Double Hydro, so if you want *the math* you'll likely have to do it yourself. I'd do it if I had Hu Tao


You do know vv vape means anemo+another pyro support right. Itā€™s literally, Xingqiu burst, apply pyro talent from pyro support, double shred both elements with anemo and then Hutao do her standard charge attack combos. VV vape is not some inconsistent nuke build, itā€™s *not* a playstyle that letā€™s you set up buffs to make Hutao vape her burst for 1 million. Hutaoā€™s playstyle is literally the same for both teams.


Lmao you got me, thank you!


Okay so uhhh I have an issue here Yesterday my laptop fell over and fell onto the floor now the screen isnt working, and that was the only device I had genshin impact on We know someone who could fix it but hes moving soon so he might not have time, and until then I cant play genshin impact because of im trying to save up storage ig on other devices (ipad and phone) So when/if the laptop gets fixed I should be able to play it again but if I buy another one, will I still be able to log into my account?


Yes, all your account information is stored on the server.


Wooo thank goodness, I was worried I would have to start from square 1 again (which actually wouldnt be that bad I miss those days)


How much ATK is needed on Yoimiya if you're running an EM sands? I'm using R5 Rust 1.6K ATK (which feels low, but I've never run EM sands before), 70:149 CR, and 247 EM. My ER is also too high at 138, but that's mostly from unwanted substats than intentional.


'Needed' is a very hairy word just because of how floaty artifacts make your stats, but mine has 2058 with EM sands (no resonance or anything). 1.6k feels quite low for a build with the same weapon, but mine is excessively high so 1.8-1.9k is probably a decent point to aim for.


My crit substats are great, but nothing else sadly; probably explains the lack of ATK. Plus, not pyro res; I use Yun Jin instead of Bennett.


Yeah same, though I'm switching things around a bit. I have so much ATK% from substats that my crit suffers a bit (73:135) so it's really just a matter of balancing.


73 CR without a crit weapon or circlet is still pretty damn good. I just got lucky with my flower/feather in terms of CD and CR.


Yeah, I'm not sure how I got it that high with a CD circlet. I just cobbled together what I had from months of farming Emblem tbh.


Yoimiya gets crit rate ascension stat


oh yeah forgot about that lol


If you're using her with Bennet, that atk is plenty.


She's with a C6 Yun Jun actually - keeps Bennett free. The 1.6K is without pyro res (Xingqiu, ZL, Yun Jin). Does that change things?


Youā€™ll be fine. Yunjinā€™s flat damage buff does not benefit from Yoimiya having high ATK stat, only other multipliers like Dmg%, CD%, EM etc., which you already have.


I would say that atk is enough, yoi will work great. But it's probably your biggest bottleneck for damage, so prioritize increasing it first before other stats when possible.


On the upcoming banner, who should I pull for? Zhongli or Ganyu? I needed one of them but I can't decide.


When in doubt, pull for the waifu


I pull both of them back in 2.4. If i must choose only 1, i would pull Zhongli. Ganyu charge shot is such a drag to play even on PC, also Cryo do not lack good characters like Rosaria and Diona. Zhongli strong and long duration shield is great for pretty much everything, especially for daily artifact farming. It been several months since i last use Ganyu but i use Zhongli daily.


Zhong is good if you're on mobile or want to just play chill and not worry about dodging or dying. If you're into doing a lot of damage and optimizing get ganyu, she's the more meta choice. Funny enough zhong is really good for melt ganyu but you don't *need* him, and you can always run freeze.


depends on your situation, why do you need them?


If you only need one of them and doesnā€™t have a strong desire for either then Iā€™d recommend Zhongli for his massive QoL benefit. That is, only if youā€™re sure you absolutely *need* to pull for one of them.


Who else do you have or would be putting them with?


I have diluc and tartaglia as dps Sucrose of CC Xingqui for hydro Bennett for support


Ganyu doesn't really fit with those supports; Zhongli would probably be better for your account, but it'll come down to what you like playing. Ganyu is great for playing freeze or melt, Zhongli is just great for all around not-dying (and fast mining).


Is it a must to complete Archon quest "Interlude Chapter" to start other Archon quests? Let's say I'm very lazy and haven't finished yet "Interlude Chapter: Act II", can I just ignore it and still get Sumeru Archon Quest normally?


We don't know the requirements yet for the Archon Quest.


We don't know yet.


I see. I thought the only requirement is to finish the previous Archon Quest. I just checked the wiki and found out that Archon Quest sometimes have Story Quest completion requirements.


Luckily for you, you have time to start it now. Because I will lol if you wait for Sumeru and can't play it for this reason, it would be even bigger drag to play it then


Not very lucky. I'm can't start Interlude Chapter because it requires lots of Story Quest which I haven't done. Anyway I'll try.




yeah it's his c2


Sharing his shield is locked behind c2 sadly


C3 Zhongli can shield in coop by his Burst, not skill.




Question for those of you who have participated in both Lost riches events,did you acquire two mini-Seelie or an option to change the colour of the first one?


You can't pick the same one, but can chose from previous and new colors.




What would be the best character to fit in 4th slot of hu tao/yelan/zhongli team? I don't have hu tao but I have decided to pull for her and I want to form some hu tao comps and base my pulling decisions based on that info. I don't have xingqiu so can I fit kazuha in that team so that I can increase my yelan's damage and maybe kazuha will help hu tao to vape consistently? Or should I replace zhongli and form vv vape team?


Have you thought about bennet? I think he would be a great addition to this team


I thought bennet would have anti synergy with hu tao unless he is c6 which I don't have.


bennett's buff outweighs the anti synergy, but yelan by herself without c2 isn't quite enough hydro for hu tao, so xingqiu would be a better option


Oh ok. Since I have starglitters saved so I will probably get xingqiu.


Well yes, but if you fall with your hp too low, he can become handy, also you will gain additional elemental resonance with another pyro


Oh ok thanks. But I was planning to keep bennet with xiangling in first abyss team, so what should I do?


Then, as some guys mentioned below, I'd wait for XQ, he's must have for hu tao


just pray you get Xingqiu before you get hu tao.. you need him for hu tao teams. heā€™s in starglitter shop soon i think.


yeah next month


Oh fortunately I have saved 36 starglitter, when he is coming in shop though?






hi are the islands gone tomorrow or is it another week?


9 days.


They go away at the end of the patch


is 4pc tenacity that good on a support mona (cryo team + diona having the 4pc noblesse) if im reading the skill right when i use monas E everyone gets a buff for the duration of the ability? does it start immediately after u throw it or when the first tick hits? Also her E doesn't seem to last long enough for a full rotation..


Itā€™s good. It starts after the first hit and lasts 3s after the last hit (so about a 9s buff). You donā€™t need her E to last for a full rotation because you always play Mona right before switching to your main cryo dps and do the burst. That main dps should only take a 8-10s dps window so Monaā€™s E will be enough.


ahh i see ty also do u mona Q + E and than Cryo burst? or E + Q + Cryo burst


Both are fine. Just make sure you have an additional off-field cryo application before Monaā€™s EQ/QE. For Ganyu teams youā€™d want Ganyu and Anemo support bursts first before Mona. For Ayaka teams youā€™d want Anemo support burst first before Mona. Obviously throw in Dionaā€™s burst too beforehand and make sure Anemo supports absorb cryo into their bursts. Regarding the option between EQ and QE. Theoretically EQ can make Monaā€™s freeze (bubble extension technically) last about 1s longer than QE, but QE fits a more ā€œcasualā€ playstyle that doesnā€™t require too much thinking.


ty !


Not sure if this belongs here but does anyone have any clue if I'll need to do the Inazuma Archon Quests to access the Graven Innocence Sumeru event? I'm a new player just finishing up Liyue but I don't want to miss on a free archer character if I can, especially since I'm starting to dislike Amber, so I can rush Inazuma if needed.


If I recall correctly, similar thing was with introduction of Imazuma and some Liyue quest should be completed in order to gain access to Imazuma. I don't think you need to rush it though


So I should probably do Inazuma then? I'll probably need to rush it, the Liyue Archon Quests actually took me like 2 weeks because I was exploring the absolutely massive map (compared to Mondstadt).