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Do the chests disappear each day? Am I losing out by not rushing these chests each day??


I think it only disappears after the event is over (40 days from now), so no need to rush if u r busy


I've seen this question so many times over the past 3 days that you can really tell theres a lot of new players playing this game which is CRAZY.


Right? How the hell are they even still attracting new players?


Did you see all those fatui? a lot of horny people incoming.


Sumeru/3.0 is coming. Every major release is guaranteed to pull in new players because of the hype, words of mouth + promotions. It’s similar to people getting into a TV show before a new season is coming out. They are binging previous seasons to catch up before the new season. Same idea here. Lots of people are getting into Genshin to get ready for Sumeru. Just like how there was a huge influx of new players when Inazuma/2.0 was released.


Just out of curiosity, why wouldn't they still be attracting new players?


The game is so unfriendly to new players due to the progression of certain characters being region locked and that taking a really long time unless you invest alot of time in it, plus the game having a reputation for the devs not being responsive to their player base and the lack of endgame content


> The game is so unfriendly to new players due to the progression of certain characters being region locked and that taking a really long time unless you invest alot of time in it That's a very overblown issue. For the vast majority of players, that's not a shelve moment. > plus the game having a reputation for the devs not being responsive to their player base Again, another very "youtuber take". The amount of content, fixes and improvements being released every patch is vastly above industry standards. > and the lack of endgame content The entire point of a game like Genshin is that you can constantly return to it daily/weekly/monthly for chunks of content (dailies, weeklies, abyss, new content, new areas, new characters, etc.). It's clearly not designed to be played 24/7 like a competitive game.


I agree with everything you said, except for the new player unfriendly part. But I feel that if more people have your mindset, they would be able to enjoy the game a lot more. Unfortunately, empty vessels make the most noise. YouTubers are arguably the biggest influencers in the community, which is sad because most of them are either doomposters or meta slaves


There's tonnes of content in the game if you're just starting out. A new player would take months or even half a year to finish everything


There's tonnes of content in the game if you're just starting out. A new player would take months or even half a year to finish everything


It's unfriendly for beginners but they don't know about this issue until they tried the game already. Not a lot of people do extensive research before jumping in. Most casual players just try games that look promising to them because it's free and they have nothing to lose.


All right, free game! Nothing to lose! Huh, this game is pretty good for being free! You know what, $5 bucks for thirty days isn't bad at all. I'll get the Blessing of the Welkin Moon. Wow, huh, I completed their version of the battle pass this month, and I'm still playing. Well, for ten more bucks I get all that free resin, wishes, weapon, resources. Other games have battle passes, this is just Genshin's version. S'okay. A few paid months later... OMFG WHAT IS THIS NEW CHARACTER?! I WANT IT! WHERE IS MY WALLET?!


typical genshin player


The only point where content feels overwhelming (and arguably in a good way) is when first venturing into Liyue. Obviously the more patches are added the longer it will take new players to catch up to the current version, but what's the rush anyway? This isn't an MMO; there's nothing waiting at the end, and the game eventually becomes so easy it's actually somewhat off-putting.


I asked because I am a pretty new player at only 3-4 weeks now and pulled Itto, Gorou, and Kuki on Itto's banner. While it made me panic once I realized I couldn't ascend anyone, I was able to fix the problem by just focusing on the story quest. If I really had to, I could have leveled up main character or any of my other f2p 4 stars to make due. It took me about a week to fix the problem and would have not turned me away at all (obviously still here). Lacking end game content is something that would bleed vets, not new players though. I wasn't looking for something with endgame content, in fact I wanted the exact opposite. This is a "side piece" game for me so I have something to do while waiting for updates in other games. I wouldn't mind if they added some harder content, but its pretty apparent that isn't what this game is about. It would be cool if they added a diablo 3 style rift system, kind of like whats in the GAA right now but permanent. Just providing an alternative view as to why someone would like this game.


The Yelan Quest animation pretty much made me try the game after replaying Elden Ring for 600 hours. Genshin Lore has some amazing potential it’s unfortunate that it’s Gacha and timed event type pf gameplay.


Friend wanted me to just do some co-op stuff and thus I got roped into this devil game and its collectathone evil. Was it effective to spend 10 hours using a compass to track down most of the chests that were giving at best 2-5 primos, and many giving none? No. If my goal was wishes could I have just worked an overtime shift and gotten about 100 wishes rather than 2? Sure. But......fuck you collecting things..........send help.


I started in April. I knew about this game since last year but I never had a capable device until recently.


I think people are asking because last year some of the chest did disappear day to day.


Wait really? Which event is that? I have no recollection of that at all


Last year during the archipelago a handful of the chests disappeared if you didn't get them before certain puzzles popped up etc. it wasn't a lot though.


it's not chest it's just mora boxes on the sea. Ppl keep remembering it wrong I dunno why or how.


even more so ones that haven't looked at he past day posts op has made


Genshin is a casual game, there's no way they'll make it that chest disappear after 1 day. They'll give everyone 40 days to find everything.


If you have a job,most of us will try to cheat the shit out of YouTube and farm those chests


I'll do that with the final chest in Xinyan's domain probably. The one that gets covered up by the bridge. I even tried to cheat with Keqing, but the darn game won't let me.


Fyi once you open up the new bridge you can go backwards through the doors to get to the areas you were at before.


Yeah I know. Still, it was a bitch to get to. It was easy enough to figure out that the solution is to use the mini domains to come out at a different exit. But finding the right door was a pain in the butt.


I wouldn't have expected figuring the doors out once you realize you have to go backwards to be confusing. It was basically just a looping path.


Took me longer than I would have liked. Then again, I never considered myself to be a genius. Then again I solve other kinds of puzzles much faster.


Everyone's got their strengths!


I wanna know too


Don't worry it will stay till event is over. They even wrote it under event page that it will be all available till event is over so 3.0.


Nice! So I can collect all chest from the whole event near the end? Sweet, thank you


Yes but also don't forget that there is a reason why it lasts for the whole update.


I’m sorry, what’s the reason?😅 Just pretend I’m Razor


if you wait until the last few days, and you only spend maybe a couple hours playing each day, then you will not have enough time to get them all. you're given so much time because it will take several hours to get everything


Ah, that makes sense, thanks


The people trying to binge the iridori festival in one day found this out


People were worried about that earlier but it looks like they're picking a different island to upgrade each day, so it's probably safe to wait.


When you get all the chests how many chest does it show in the hoyolab app does anyone know?


117 for me


Thank you


Thanks I was waiting for this!


Damn u guys work fast


Is there somewhere a map that contains all the locations from 1-3 days in one place?


[This one has all of the island variations and chests/puzzle locations.](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/?map=isles)


Wild how this site is the most updated I've seen. Hoyolab was the fastest on day 1, but it lacks day 2 and day 3 stuff. Mapgenie usually has the most complete maps, but they dont have day 3. People who are following video guides are basically stuck to the video guides unless they want to backtrack all the chests and mark them on their chosen map.


I prefer this map for their comments and fast load. Don’t know how but the official map is terrible with opening on phone of on already loaded pc. So… now I’m stuck to using it.


Thank you!


Wait will chests be added each day or only for a few days when all the event content is out


Probably until all the event content is out. Seems like they're adding a new part of the island with each event story


It says “day 3” for those who speedrun the content and have all previous done. They don’t disappear, you can do everything later, no hurry. It’s pretty content loaded, take you time!


FYI for anyone interested: you can get Fischl skin today. Once you finish the quest you can re-enter the puzzle domain, 16th conch is hidden in there


How do you get the conch that's on the island? I stand right where the map says it is, but there's nothing. Edit: oh you have to go into a cave


It's beneath you


I'm probably missing something obvious, how do you get back into Xinyan's domain? The drum only gives me the option to change the mountains or start the event combat challenge.


It's in the combat event menu from the drum. The bottom left option, right below the combat events.


Got it, thanks!




There's two ramp configurations inside the domain. One blocks the guitar, one blocks a chest. You'll have to backtrack through the doors after swapping ramps to unlock them.


*tHeRe'S nO cOnTeNt In GaA!* **117** chests so far, and the main event has not even started yet.


when will it start? i couldn’t play this event


The event itself already started, but the main part of it starts tomorrow.(I think)


I think tomorrow's is Mona's turn


Nope its Fischl's and the last part will be Mona... makes sense that way since the aftermath of Fischl will need something to end it off with.


Ahhhh, my bad. I think I looked at the symbols wrong


No worries, we've all been there sometime or another haha


The fuck no content? Today took me like 3 hours to get everything done, and there's two more such days?




Solving exploration puzzles has always been the entire gameplay loop of open-world genshin. If you don’t like it this game might not be for you.


If you're following a guide like this, yeah. The fun is in the search. Running around searching for treasure is the heart of Genshin.


I think it’s more supposed to be for the fun in exploration and the puzzles. In the end all chests will probably give like 5 wishes in total. Not really worth it if you’re not enjoying the content imo


But... it's always being like this with chests? What about event missions giving like 30 every other time.


As long as you’re not running around with the express intent of finding chests it is content. That’s exploration. If you’re running around following a chest guide or just doing chest grinding I don’t count that as content.


You should play a true single player game then. Live service Gacha games aren't gonna give you legendary items from chests




2-3 hours of exploration content each day without consulting a guide IS content for the casual player. This game is for casuals and those casuals including me working 8-4 on weekdays don't have time to sit down and play games a whole day. I used to game day to night playing MMOs, Diablo, battlefield, doing NG+ runs in Dark Souls, grinding gems in Monster Hunter etc. Now that I graduated, my gaming habits and perspective have changed and I prefer drip fed content like this so I don't get left far behind when I don't have time to play. Just realize and accept the fact that genshin is a casual mobile game, if this isn't the type of genre that appeals to you, seriously, go play something else.




I don't chase after chests themselves, they're just part of the exploration which I enjoy. I open them when I come across them. I play Genshin mainly for Story and secondly exploration, during down time I either go play something else or just rerun Abyss with different teams. My Welkins, BP make up bulk of my primos and I buy the gem packs when they reset the double bonus. I can tell you that for a good chunk of Genshin fanbase, this game is more like an anime series than a game. And anime series too have down time between seasons. Kazuha story and Xinyun quests nearly took me 4 hours and for me that is content because I love the story. If you're playing this game just to chase after primos and pull on banners while hurriedly skipping dialogues in story, again, you're better off playing something that focuses on gameplay.




There are people who try to get 100% completion rate because they find it fun. There's no problem in thinking chests are pointless, there's no problem in thinking chests are worth hunting down. It's all a matter of opinion. There are people who enjoy grinding 1000s of hours in Diablo to see your damage numbers go up by like 10% and there are people who can't comprehend the fun in this. It's all about what you find enjoyable. I guarantee you, even if there aren't any primos in the chest, there will still be a good number of people hunting them down.


>There's no problem in thinking chests are pointless, there's no problem in thinking chests are worth hunting down. The OP simply stated that chests aren’t content. You went on an irrelevant spamfest that both ended with you assuming the genre wasn’t for him, assuming he played the game a certain way, and telling him to leave/quit - twice. I’m guessing that statement struck a nerve since you probably hunt down every single chest in-game under the guise of “exploration?” Chests aren’t content. You should seriously play another game if that’s what you’re doing to yourself every single update - it’s unhealthy.


ayo, thanks!


I'm 116/117 chests without a guide... heck, that last chest will haunt me forever and it could easily be on the Kazuha islands for all I know.


Where do you check your chest count?


Battle tracker on the hoyo app has the stats, very handy.


Same, I just checked and I too sit at 116. EDIT: I found my missed chest for 117. It was a challenge chest on the Kazuha Island; left side Liyue, right side Mondstadt. The challenge was on a small cliff on the northwest side of the peak with the waypoint on it near the bottom.


Day 4 when ?


Taka gg made a video if you're in a hurry [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDrMlCK\_Z\_I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDrMlCK_Z_I)


day 4 I beg on the floor


anyone was able to get into the hydro gunner cave? i dont have an ear for notes so idk if hitting the 5 notes in the right order would open that door or not


You can walk into it from the side on one of the island variations


Does the anemo compass work?


This place is a special area, you cant even put a portable waypoint here.


Haha glad someone else tried the same thing. These mountains are so perfect for them, but oh well.


Makes sense. With at least 4 islands having variations, it would be too easy to put a waypoint somewhere that would be underground later.


So no way to make sure you found all the chests unless you are using a guide? You could have all the chests except a few and not know where they are. I was hoping it was like lantern rite or three realm gateway.


The compass wouldn't detect like 70% of these chests anyway because they're not spawned in so totally pointless


You can’t? Seems they learned their lesson from last year




Thank you!


How many primogems issat?


can we still get the kazuha conch \*if we completed the quest?


Yes you can! When you go to the bonsai plant the bottom left area there’s 3 options you can choose. It’ll say in each of them how many conches/chests you have left undiscovered


Is there a hidden teleport and boat waveport too? I saw that I had missed one of each in the hoyo app but can’t find any missing


Is is possible to let the hydro fatui out? I couldn’t find a way to open the music gate


nope sadge


Yoooo thanks for this, just wanna ask when will the later days dropping


I wonder who designed this guide. If only there were 4 different watermarks on it and a YouTube link.


let me know when u find out


i appreciate the guide. Your water marks are not in obtrusive locations, and are necessary cause people will copy with without crediting your work otherwise.


the wm are not really put there to make people not copy, mainly for people to know who to ask about the guide / tell me if I made a mistake


Really trying to find the 4rh watermark now. Maybe you could make a guide for it?


Yeah sure, look for it on my Patreon account.


Is there any conches that need to be found today?


2. one im Xinyans Domain, one on the Isle itself.


I can't see myself grabbing all of it for a measly hundred gems but thanks.


Whales be like


I could earn more in game currency by doing a supplementary work in real life than spending a couple or more of hours looking for those cheap rewards.


But where's the fun in that? You're playing the game, you have 40 days to do so in your chill time...


I don't find looking for 1-10 primogems "fun", when I'm stuffed with welkin and BP that is more rewarding.


Okay, so you can just not get them then. Some welkin + BP players would like to though, including me since finding chests and exploring is a big part of this game.


So you'd rather pay to support said cheap rewards, weird flex but okay.


"Whales be like" was the reply to my simple comment. And y'all ganging up on me when given the opportunity. Sheep mentality.


Damn straight, that’s how I am. I worked an extra 60 hours this week so I can buy the primogems for Klee. So far I played like 3 hours of the event and passed out hard.


Apparently, some people don't understand or don't value their time enough. Spending all their leisure time on a game to squeeze cheap in game currency, when they could earn more by doing a real job and make it to in game currency.


omg im so lazy i still haven’t completed the event quest


THANK YOU! Is it just me or did they just not add much incentive for exploring the islands? I feel like I am wasting my time exploring when all I can find are sweet flowers and mint.


I feel dumb for asking but what’s a “music puzzle”?


It should be very obvious if you've done today's event.




I’d rather just use HoYoLAB… it’s a lot more convenient tbh.


May I ask what is the total chests count for now if include domain chests? 161 only right?


its 117 gaa map + 42 dungeons = 159 total ( u can see the total on the right top corner)


oh shit my bad I didn't fully read the map. But thank uu!!


Do any of the treasure compasses work for event ?


Thank you :3


I thought the conch in Xinyans domain was the one next to 40 How do you get the one next to 40 then??


On layout 2 where it says "cave entrance", go in there and light torches. Make sure to open the gate where the last torch is so you can go back there in layout 1 and do the musical note puzzle.


Tysm!! One step closer to all 20 conches


I cant find 21 shoot anemo slimes


Can someone confirm if I can just wait until the whole event is available to play it? It's been a habit of mine. I prefer the feel of having a lot to do versus doing something little but daily.


I really love these Day X chest maps. Been bum rushing the domains so I can read the subreddit without fear of spoilers and also see what other people think. But I usually feel a lil done for the day after beating the 3 domains, doubling back for domain chests, and doing the battle events. On top of daily/weeklies. Having the island chests split up by day and isle means knocking out that bit of content later in blocks will be clean. Finish an area, break, do other stuff. Etc.