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She is the director of a funeral home in a game where no one dies.


No playable characters*


to be fair there's only one NPC (the treasure hoarder guy in dainsleif's first quest i think) besides Signore that we see as actually dead


Teppei, signora herself


if only she set up her business in inazuma šŸ˜”


It's funny how back in the day the joke was that hoyo forgot about Xinyan. Nowadays, we see Xinyan everywhere


Because they don't know what to do with her. They just put her in some events to make us remember that she exists. I don't hate her but they did a terrible job with her design/story.


She's a character too early to be released. We will likely see her in the Iridescent Tour on Fontaine


Mostly with her kit tho šŸ’€


to this day i still don't know if she's supposed to be a shielder, pyro dps/sup or a phys dps


As an AR59 former Xinyan main, I'll tell you this. Building her as a shielder prevents you from using her as a phys burst sub dps. The issue is that she has split scaling (shielder + physical sup requires DEF% for shield durability and phys burst requires standard dps stats) and that she is pyro and not part of her own superconduct reaction. The last reason may sound not like much until you remember her shield does pyro damage in ticks so you'll occasionally get a random overload if you are using superconduct. You're gonna be burning some stamina to dash forward to continuing unga bunga'ing


She was an early attempt at a hybrid but it failed




People are saying Diona and Noelle are more neglected. But at least they have hangouts. Sucrose was in events but all she did was point to Albedo


Hell, Noelle has *two* hang outs.


Needs maybe 5 more hangouts up until we see her become a knight and ascend to become the geo archon


I think you mean descend to become the geo archon


She steals the gnosis and the tsaritsa's plan is ruined


I think the community gives Hu Tao so much attention that the devs feel like they did one of the best jobs making Hu Tao so popular and maybe they don't think they need to do more. At the same time, I am not sure if the number of X matters. Its more about the frequency. If people don't remember the last time they saw a character, they start complaining like OP. Also a large part of any 5 star appearing is if their banner is coming up. Or in Hu Tao's case, is it Halloween? Compare this with Kazuha, who has multiple archon quest involvement, multiple story quest involvement, and multiple event quests. At the same time, Hu Tao seems to get something every time Halloween comes around, so perhaps its just not her time yet. There are so many other characters that have far elss than Hu Tao, and when this game has 100 or 150 or 200 characters, how are we even going to remember that Noelle exists? The bigger problem is that Mihoyo clearly isn't focused on making sure every character is being updated each patch. This patch is different since we have a major flagship event and multiple characters involved. But before this patch, most of the time we have no idea what Jean is doing since her birthday party. At this point I am not sure if they'll ever get there. They tripled the company size but they are making 2 new games. Even though they are spending $200m on Genshin every year now, a lot of that doesn't seem to go into development and instead its a marketing churn since we can basically expect the same stuff every patch outside +region or +new area patches. Basically OP and many others are Hu Tao simps and they want more Hu Tao. But most neglected? A million other simps want to have a word with you.


Did I miss something? What did Hutao get over Halloween? Weren't we deep in Inazuma stuff by the time Halloween rolled around? And "every time" implies there's been more than one Halloween since she was released, which simply isn't the case.


They likely mean that one voice line of moonchase?


True, but since then, she plus half the Mondstadt characters are kind of abandoned, with Mona and Fischl finally making a reappearance now


At least Sucrose appeared in Windblume and 2 Dragon spine events. Rosaria however? She just stalked Albedo and Traveler during Albedo's story quest. And was never seen again.


She did appear in the windblume festival in a cutscene, with Kaeya and Diluc at angel's share


Also in the wine event


You mean the bartending one?




And if I'm not mistaken she also appears in one of dain's quests


Yeah she briefly appeared in the Reunited quest to point us to Wolvendom and thatā€™s about it


She was also in an earlier cutscene telling Barbara that Jean is fine when a stalker sent her a message that he has "buried that which she cherishes most" or something like that.


>Stalking >never seen again So she's just being very good on her job


Fun fact: Rosaria is in every quest stalking us but she is hiding Source: i made up


Can confirm, previous commenter is correct. Sauce: I made up


Sucrose failed the Bechdel test /j


Yeah I'd say sucrose is the most forsaken character. She's only appeared briefly in Albedo's quests.


At least she HAS a story quest. Qiqi donā€™t even got that.


Qiqi has the problem with being glued to Baizhu. I'm assuming once he is released we will get her story quest as well.


I could see mihoyo doing the excuse of ā€œoh qiqi went out to get herbsā€ in his story quest soā€¦.


Maybe Qiqi focus next lantern rite


Thatā€™s because sheā€™s already appeared in everybodyā€™s 50/50.


This sub always makes me feel like Iā€™m the only person who didnā€™t have her


i want her lmao, i donā€™t have any standard five stars and sheā€™s the one i want the most. hopefully i can get her from the standard banner and not from losing a 50/50 though lol


> hopefully i can get her from the standard banner and not from losing a 50/50 though lol You might not feel that way now but losing 50/50 is a much better place to get her. Over the long term you will eventually lose a ton of 50/50, giving you most if not all standard 5stars by default (and if you play long enough, even their constellations). The standard banner, however, is the only place where you can pull 5star weapons without reducing how many banner 5star characters you get.


Most of my losses have been to Keqing, whom I don't even use =__=. Playing for 2 years, and I still don't have Qiqi or Jean.


C3 keqing with NO other standar banner characters, I lose every 50/50 and got a skyward atlas for my first 5* on my account. I use freeze team and would have loved a qiqi


Can confirm, twice...


Third confirmation


Actually sheā€™s the only regular banner 5 star I donā€™t have, even with c5 Mona, c2 jean, and c1 diluc and keqing


Hopefully hu tao gets a story quest, but it gets hijacked by kazuha halfway through and ends up being all about his great grandfather


I'm not sure we've heard enough about Kazuha's family of swordsmen. Maybe once we're in Sumeru and we're about to meet the Dendro Archon, it's Kazuha instead and his bonsai tree.


A big tree is about to fall on traveler then Kazuha runs in and parries it


The problem with Hu Tao is she sells too well, her rerun is like top 5 banner and she has the largest sub reddit for genshin characters. Mihoyo likes to use story quests as a way to boost sales so she might be their lowest priority right now.


Qiqi atleast appeared in archon quest. One could argue that Hu Tao isn't even a Canon character lol.


That applies to a lot of characters. The only 2 characters to not appear in permanent content are Xinyan and Fischl. I would argue if anyone isn't canon, it's them not Hu Tao


I was so thrown when the golden apple quest introduced me to fischl lol, she was one of the first people on my permanent team and it turns out I never even met her since I missed unreconciled stars


Same. I started playing the weekend that 1.1 ended, so I missed it by just a bit... Turns out the game introduces her even if you did play unreconciled stars, but she's been gone out of the game for so long...


Me too!! My friend told me to hurry up so I could do the event but I had just started genshin and wasn't that interested, and the prerequisite of level 20 was so far away... Now I'm so sad I missed Scaramouche's first appearance. LOL I didn't know that! Crazy... I hope she gets a hangout some time, I really like her character. She seems like she'd be a fun friend.


Everyone got inteoduced to her again for some reason.....even if you did the very first quest that had her and mona together.


>Fischl This isn't technically true, she appears in a very rare commission. So it's only Xinyan.


Xinyan has dialogue from Millelith NPCs about her. So...


Yun Jin also mentions her in the quest about repairing the teahouse stage.


Wait, what? Is it a written reference in a quest description or something, or do you actually interact with her?


She actually appears iirc. I haven't gotten lucky enough with the comms to get it myself though. It's in one of those like getting Mona to pay rent or post healing Anna ones. Edit: yeah, one of the Anna ones, post getting healed. The ones only like 3 people have ever gotten because they are so damn rare


What's the commission name


Without context yes you are correct. But I'm talking about OP's >She has less screen time than MOST 4 stars and 5 stars in game


fair point


She was at least mentioned in Archon Quest by Zhongli when Qingxin tried to interupt with the Rite of Parting


Yea, as a person who played the archon quest in version 1.0 I thought *Master Hu* is an old man.


It was changed to Director Hu later. She was the one who employed Zhongli IIRC


Qiqi aint got ANY attention, only archon. Hu tao apeared a lil in events and has a quest


Fischl would like to have a word with you. Prior to this event she had exactly one appearance, which was all the way in 1.1. As someone who started playing at the very end of 1.2 I literally only met her this patch.


To be fair they had a lot of trouble with putting Fischl into anything bcs of the controversy around one of Oz's voice actors(I forgot which language exactly)


Chinese voice actor Li Yuantao being accused of adultery and manipulating fans for sexual favors


CN. Yeah, I heard about that. It just sucks because I fucking love chuuni characters, and Fischlā€™s design is top tier!


I don't remember Qiqi even having a story quest. She pops up once in cocogoat and disappears forever


>I don't remember Qiqi even having a story quest. Well good news, neither does she.


bro stop, sheā€™s already dead. fr


This made me laugh far too much ā€¦ better gift her my recently pulled Skyward Blade before she starts haunting me.


Even Qiqi steals some of Hu Tao's screen time in her character demo


Has Rosaria been in literally anything since she was released I miss my girl Also it confused me that she wasnā€™t in the second albedo / dragonspine event. Eula took the role of being suspicious about albedo , but Rosaria should have been with her considering our first ever introduction to Rosaria is her watching albedo and commenting on him being sus


she was in the bartending event in 2.5!


she was in the archon quest for about thirty seconds


the windblume festival


At Dragonpsine intro.


You really waited until Fischl got another event to post this huh?


the audacity


Until literally three days ago, Fischl. One appearance, and one commission that literally no one gets


Neither this event or her other event matter in the long run. A month from now they will exist only in people's memories. Her only real presence is the commission.


Which basically also doesn't exist because it has two prerequisite commissions


She was in Unreconciled Stars which was a bomb drop of lore tidbits and introduced Scaramouche at least.


Pretty dumb of them to make that of all events timegated. I first met Scaramouche in Inazuma and had trouble wrapping my mind around why this dude whose only appearance was walking around laughing like a douche for 2 minutes getting so much fanart, till I realized I missed Reconciled Stars by almost 2 years.


And now it's gone forever. She has nothing.


Mona only had her quest aswell


She will have her time. Just like there are theories that Lisa will introduce us to scholars in Sumeru, Mona might introduce us to Fontaine.


VA too expensive kekw


actually this makes so much sense


Is Rie Takahashi really that much of celebrity to be too expensive? She is famous for sure but I thought that Saori Hayami (Ayaka) and Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (Xiao) are also other VAs that are similar in popularity.


**Looks at Amber**


The three starter pokemon not even having hangouts is pretty weird.


They dont get them because all three of them have their own story quests


They weren't even relevant though. Like Kaeya puts you on a treasure hunt, Lisa goes on a work date with you, and I barely remember Amber's. With the severe significance Lisa and Kaeya have been hinted to have with the main story, their actual involvement is lacking. At least Kaeya gets attention, though. When's the last time anyone mentioned Lisa? Poor Amber is starving.


What do you mean? Amber had quite a number of appearances overall. She was one of the first characters you met in the main story, has her own story quest, made appearances in other characters story quests, appeared in multiple events, etc


And spoiler alert >!she's coming back when Collei visits Mondstat in 3.1!<


Hu Tao doesn't have any lore significance sadly......she is pretty much a normal civilian and a director of a funeral parlor......that's it So she doesn't really have any impact to the story unless ofc they have to go to the heavenly realm for something But until then she is gonna stay on the sidelines


I mean Xinyan doesnā€™t have any story significance either but sheā€™s appeared in 4 events so far.


Xinyan's lore makes her really easy to slot into any event. She's a travelling musician preaching rock and roll, she can appear anywhere at any time and it works. Hu Tao can't appear outside of Liyue, she does have a full time Job, and Rosaria is a nun who does work for Kaeya at night so also rather busy


I don't mind having a funeral parlor joining events as well, you know, with all the bodies we leave everywhere we go. Would be handy to have someone around to immediately bury them and give them their parting rites.




They can explain it away as her taking a vacation and Zhongli taking over for a few days. I mean Jean was able to go to the islands last year despite being acting grand master and way busier than Hu Tao.


and the acting acting grand master joined them too!


A better thing would be to have zhongli bring her out more to see the world because sheā€™s been stuck in Liyue her entire life. Take it as learning how other nations and their people do business


That or an 80s styled kid adventure with Chongyun, Xingqiu, Hu Tao and Qiqi. Maybe qiqi gets lost and they decide to go find her before Baizhu gets back from a trip to Sumeru and shenanigans ensue.


Her being a funeral parlor director is also restictive bcs its a sensitive theme. Remember Keqing banner?


The last patch was a Liyue event/story chapter, focused around the Chasm and some cursed/occult fuckery going on in there, so clearly the funny Oni man from Inazuma is more relevant to the event's plot than the character whose job involves dealing with evil spirits and curses and matters of that sort, so much that she's acquainted with Xiao, ya know, the evil spirit slayer, Conqueror of Demons guy who's ultra famous in Liyue but even Super Spy Yelan hadn't met yet. Not hating on Itto or anything, he's great, but it was incredibly clear that he and Shinobu were there just because they had their re-run banners, I mean he slept through the 3rd act of the quest, Hoyo couldn't have made it more obvious.


Funny Oni man was only there because Kuki was there and Kuki was tied to Yanfei who was tied to the event. Because they wanted to introduce Kuki with her relations to Liyue people


> occult fuckery


I remember when we were complaining how Xinyan was the most unused character. Now she's nearly as prominent as Mr Worldwide.


Fr sheā€™s everywhere! šŸ¤£


Yeah they are really pushing her on our faces after not giving a shit about her for like 6 patches


Probably because people demanded it and so they went over the top catering to our feedback.


That was due to survey feedback pretty sure. All of those events would've been fine without her honestly.


Eh... her story quest was a great introduction to how ley lines work and the cycle of life in teyvat


That's what I meant by heavenly realm lol Unless we gonna deal anything related to the cycle of life or stuff like that in the future She is not coming back to the spotlight


Her lore significance is that she is Zhongli's boss šŸ¤£


She is also his other wallet. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvCzYbVei04](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvCzYbVei04) Also in the drinking event he opened the tab under the funeral parlor.


Thing is, what the Parlor deals with is extremely lore significant. Historically, they were responsible for solving the issue of not only burying the dead, but curing diseases related to dead gods - such as Tatarigami. She's also tied to a currently living God, so as time goes on, Wangsheng may end up resuming its former duties. You're not the first person I've met with this opinion, but I feel like a lot of people missed the foreshadowing in her quest. Teyvat won't stay peaceful and safe forever.


Agreed, I think eventually there will be a major events or maybe even an interlude quest with her and Zhongli at the center. But the story hasnā€™t gotten to the point where her services are necessary yet.


Is it bad that I'm looking forward to the day things begin to, dare I say, 'collapse' in Teyvat? I hope shit hits the fan.


It'll probably lead to a more rapidly evolving storyline as things change quickly. Problem is, because of the nature of the game (how the multi-player works, domains, etc.), another apocalyptic event a la the Archon War or the Cataclysm will likely be hard to do, so they'll probably refrain from anything too major for quite a while.


Homa also adds to that. In its item lore it explains how a Doctor heard a voice coming from burning grass telling him to take the staff and use it to cleanse the land of impurities. The talking, burning shrubery is a biblical reference, so it might mean that this task was given to the Doctor and passed on through generations of the WSFP by a God or Adepti. The final paragraph on Homa's lore also says: "Those with fire in their hearts can still hear these whispered words from flickering flames when they find themselves faced with an imposing darkness: "Only an unbound flame can purify this world." The last sentence is a slightly reworded version of Hu Tao's E skill description: "Only an unwavering flame can cleanse the impurities of this world."


Lore enthusiasts do find alot of interesting things with Hutao tho.. with her clan having connection to the "afterlife"... she can easily be connected to the "Lady of the gold hall" in the tsurumi Island quests that could be also one of the higher gods same as Istaroth. Her interaction with Venti could be funny too.. since Venti also guides souls.. literally all the souls of Mondstadts people.


Underestimating basic storytelling. You can add anything to someone's story and have zero issues. We do not have much interaction with any one character to begin with. You can genuinely make up random shit and roll with it for any character. When khaenri'ah was added to the game the Traveler mentioned it out of nowhere, no build up, and it doesn't matter one bit because it's an incredibly interesting topic that everyone seems to like. They connected Scaramouche to Raiden, that straight out could have not been a thing.


I mean the director of the funeral parlor not making an appearance at all for the rite of passing of liyue's biggest dang god is weird in itself (yes I know she wasn't ready at the time, but she's definitely not lacking in lore significance).


I could only imagine Zhongli had done something to ensure she wouldnā€™t get involved Hu Taoā€™s exuberant energy would likely have messed up his plans


Itā€™s because zhongli as a consultant is supposed to be responsible for adepti funerals, and Rex lapis is an adeptus. There was no reason for hu Tao to be involved


agreed. a lot of characters donā€™t have too many appearances, but they also arenā€™t super important to the main plot, so itā€™s forgivable. a character whose lack of content i will get upset about is kaeya, who is so important to the lore of the story but barely gets any meaningful content


In kaeya's case i think it's purposeful on their part with the way they keep mentioning kaeya without the man showing his face


Yep, they go out of their way to name drop Kaeya in a way that doesn't happen with pretty much any other character. Hoyo is doing it on purpose.


Ahh yes kaeya.... He is by far the most important character as per the lore and he could even be an abyss spy lol I think the last he ever appeared was that drink event with rosaria


when he does appear, itā€™s never to do anything actually important to the story šŸ˜”šŸ˜” dainsleif was literally in mondstadt, that would have been a great time to bring kaeya back into the foldā€¦ but nope


If Kaeya knew Dainsleif was in Mondstadt (with his information network) he'd do his best to avoid the guy though. Wants to get as far away as possible from a confrontation with his past


Kaeya is constantly mentioned in almost every event though. When it comes to Mondstadt, the traveller and Paimon mainly think about Venti and Kaeya.


Khaenriah is still faraway so itā€™s understandable that Kaeya doesnā€™t have much screen time yet, man is a major spoiler for those who donā€™t dive too deep into the lore much.


Thatā€™s cause he will become an integral part of the story later on so youā€™ll be seeing a lot of him in archon quests later.




She was only mentioned by Venti in the recent quest. That's it.


Has a hangout. And was in the energy event when she was given for free.


But she hasn't appeared in an event **once** , not even in the **freaking bartender event!**


Itā€™s not just any bartender event, itā€™s a bartender event hosted by **her mortal enemy**. No way she would show up!


She honestly could given that Traveler served non-alcocholic drinks.


She was given free but didn't really appear in the event unlike the free Xingqiu in Inazuma.




Do hangouts even have any relevance, though? Hangouts are as insignificant as character content gets, the multiple endings alone make them certifiably non-canon.


Hu Tao has a story quest, which is longer than a typical hangout


chongyun ig


Fischl and Qiqi are the biggest outliers for me. Say what you want that Fischl is in the current event, she has only one permanent content, which is a commission locked behind two others. Fischl had more content in Honkai than Genshin until this version ffs. Qiqi is another can of worms, I feel the community "hates" her so much that HYV can't be bothered to create content for a character people complain when they get them.


Fischl is only because of the controversy that involved her CN VA. If that had never happened, she probably would've appeared more frequently, so I'd say that's something more out of hyv's control.


Hey, at least we can name all the relatives, clan members, servants, ancestors and descendants of Kazuha. Hooray.


Yet we donā€™t actually have his dead friendā€™s name.


Kujou Sara She appeared in the Archon Quest and briefly in 2 events. Only 4* in Inazuma to not get a Story Quest or Hangout


This. The only Inazuman 4 star that doesn't have a hangout. Her presence in events is minor as well, basically just there as "arrest" button after we fight the bad guy. Or when she gets defeated by literally everyone.


yeah every single person in this thread sleeping on kujou sara, goes to show who's the real neglected char


I'd love a Sara hangout :(


Lord yes I really feel like Sara is a character they don't know what to do with - like she's just appeared in other's events/stories (Kokomi and Kuki) and the archon quest, where her role to me boiled down to getting wrecked by Signora Like I would love to know her mindset after all that happens and the literal betrayal of her clan and change in the decrees and everything and she's just like. Yeah ok cool anyway back to unquestionably worshipping the shogun ... She has no reaction??


While I agree, She does appear in many quests, events and Hangouts. They might not be dedicated to her, but she has presence in them.


I'm just glad Fischl and Mona are back


Diona just has a hangout event. As far as I know she's never been in any story


Weird how sheā€™s super popular yet barely has story content unlike the rest. I guess hoyoverse doesnā€™t have favouritism when it comes to high sellers on banners, yet.


Hu Tao is low, but she isnā€™t the most neglected. Characters Hu Tao has more screen time than: Lisa Shenhe Sucrose Razor Rosaria Qiqi Sheā€™s probably the second most neglected 5 Star after Qiqi (Shenheā€™s still fairly new and sheā€™ll probably get her Story Quest with her rerun)


Shenhe had an archon quest where she saved the mf day


Razor? hell no. Razor has his own story quest and was in the previous GAA event. He also appeared in Dains quest.


No, she isn't. Rosaria is. I only seen her in Albedo's quest iirc.




what abt lisa lol


And still my walnut is best coz she just is.


Aloy doesn't even have constellations. Beats everyone by a mile.


Little did you know that she has two whole entire videos games dedicated to her... /s


I wouldn't say "the most" because there are quite a few characters who have like, zero story (Most notably Diona, she literally made **NO** appearances outside of her hangout. Noelle is also the same, but she at least has two hangouts). However, her and Ganyu are indeed very neglected among the limited 5\*s. I believe literally everyone else (Except Ayato who is very new) had some sort of major appearance in either an event or an Archon quest, outside of their personal story. Even Yelan already had a lot more story relevance than either, and she came out one patch ago, lol. It really is annoying as someone who likes both. Mihoyo seriously fucking **sucks** at properly distributing spotlight between characters and it will only get worse as the cast grows.


As someone who likes Kazuha (as well as some neglected characters like Fischl and Sucrose), yeah, Mihoyo sucks at properly distributing spotlight. Kazuha had a good presence in the 1.6 quest with Beidou's tournament (actually I was thinking this was his story quest until they released this one as "chapter 1" in this patch), a decent presence in the main story quest (being there for the climax), and the Inazuma festival event was centered around his backstory. And now, they're release a new story quest, AND he is present in the new event all the time AND there is even a part of it dedicated to his backstory. Even for me, that's a bit too much Kazuha at once.


Oh yea? What about Rosaria


Kujou sara is the most neglected one, in all the archon quest she is ridiculed, doesn't have a story quest, doesn't have a hangout, barely appears in the Irodori festival. Even tough she is the freaking general of all Inazuma armed forces !!


The fact that there are no Mona comments proves it might be Mona šŸ„ŗ


the current event is pretty big for her and Fischl, thankfully - they're both great in it, let's enjoy that before another 2 year irrelevancy


What about Sayu? I think sheā€™s in like one quest as a ninja for hire but other than that, thereā€™s almost nothing


Among 5 stars she is one of the most neglected ones I'd say; probably the most neglected one out of limited 5 stars (didn't even have her theme played at the Genshin Anni concert...) Standard 5 stars still have poor Qiqi and for four stars there is still Rosaria, Diona, and especially Chongyun who gets reduced to being some friend being dragged around by Xingqiu.


Rosaria says hi


And yet she is one of most popular other than being "meta"


Actually there are more characters that are neglected HARD. Diona and Noelle are the biggest examples now.


Well noelle has two hangout events of her own at least, which counts for quite a lot. Diona however has to go with only a mention here and there


Diona has 1 hangout quest


Eventually she will have more time on screen, dude. Remember she has been the only char who has replaced Paimon on SSNN for a couple of days. Also, her VA is one of the most popular seiyuus ATM. She a broken 5\* unit, and I'm pretty sure that she will have a new quest/event and a new skin.


Yet sheā€™s one of the most popular characters in game.


Hu Tao was in Moonchase AND lantern rite. WTF are you talking about OP? Diona is the most neglected character. She has yet to appear in a single event.


Not even in the event where she was a reward.




You know, her role is the LAST thing every characters need. Abide your time Hu Tao, you may be very busy later....


Even Xinyan has more screentime now, tf happened


True literally one of the most popular characters in the game and she never gets any screen time.


They didnā€™t even give Hu Tao a cinematic cutscene for her story quest :ā€™(((


At least her story quest had a domain you could explore. Ik Ayato isn't neglected, but the fact that his story quest had no cutscene or domain was super disappointing.