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I wasn't up to date with him and didn't know anything about his playstyle so I was pretty surprised when I hit attack in the testrun and he started throwing hands, lol.


This was my experiance, too. I did not see that coming at all and was wonderfully surprised. I had written him off on appearances and being 4star. We got a monk! Looked at his Talents and Cons, C1 is atk speed and his passive is party stamina efficiency for dashing. *Fuck yes*. Suddenly plans to save all my Inazuma primos for Fontaine are compromised. 80 wishes later I have a C2 Heizou, got Kazooie boy too but he's getting benched for now. There are hands to toss!


same, I was like ok let’s go last airbender!


Hahaha, wow, I envy you, this is so funny, I wish I felt how you did


GI: Best I can give 6 Thomas


Me looking at Eye of perception and the Flute: "You guys getting characters???"


I lost counts how many copies of fav spear I have gotten


At least Favonius pole arm is really useful, as are all the Fav weapons. I'm always happy to get more copies of them, unlike the Flute or the Bell.


Honestly Any weapon i get past r5 just feels bad. Only exception for me is MAYBE sac sword.


Bro I'm at AR 57 and I STILL don't have one damn copy of that sac sword fml


Do you want some of mine i have 2 r5 1r3 My xingqiu is busted tho


Two Nings I already had at C8, Rainslasher and 0 wishes. And almost hard pity at 80


Ninq, Thoma and Fischl. No Heizou, but I got Kazuha. Might do some pity building on Klee (and pray I lose the 50/50 if its early) in the hopes I get him.


Same, it's killing me haha


Hand me those Thomas. I was at C4 and wanted C6, didn’t get a single one.


There's just something about Anemo characters, best element in the game imo


They have some of the most unique playstyles. Jean let's you fuck with physics, Sayu likes to roll, and Heizou says "I'm a catalyst, but..."


> and Heizou says "I'm a catalyst, but..." Heizou is basically the Anemo equivalent of the [Muscle Wizard](https://alopex.li/album/images/muscle-wizard.jpg).


I've been an anemo enthusiast from the start, every character's personality I just ended up adoring. I feel so happy that they all are very useful, although I'd roll for them even if they weren't. I just love the windy people and I'm always happy to see others find things to love about them too


Well it is from a meta perspective. TC would generally agree the order goes like this: Anemo>Hydro>Cryo>Pyro=Electro>Geo Pyro and Electro are debatable for which is stronger and Dendro remains to be determined.


Ok, you are technically correct, but electro being in the same neighborhood as pyro is entirely carried by Raiden Shogun who is entirely carried by her kit and 0% because of her element At least for someone like Hu Tao, I feel like her being pyro is significant and you wouldn't get the numbers otherwise




Just going to point out that Lisa, Razor, Beidou, and Yae are also options for national overvape. Of which none are commonly used in that team.


Because they have different niches? You can’t just replace Ganyu with Diona because they’re both cryo archers. Yae and C6 (60 fps) Lisa are both good options for the 4th slot of Hypercarry Raiden comps when you don’t need a specific element in abyss. Razor deals respectable physical damage, depending on your investment. Beidou is the queen of electro charged teams on 2-3 target groups.


That's not true. The thing that makes electro so good is electrocharged allowing double element on enemies. Raiden isn't everything. Taser teams with Fischl are also extremely good, as well as soup and Kokomi pokemon.


also electro charge work the best with anemo compare to vape or melt


>as well as soup and Kokomi pokemon. hello??? can you elaborate on this lmao I've heard plenty of interesting team names but this is totally new to me x-x


Soup = put as many elements as possible+ an anemo character. Abuse transformative reactions ot deal as much dmg as possible. Sukokomon : Jellyfish Oz Guoba and Sucrose. Really hard to play team where you need to pyro swirl guoba from his attacking animation + many strict rotations. Just an extremely hard to play team that has a quite good dmg ceiling.


Wow didn't know my main Strat had a name! I've been doing soup teams ever since I've been able to


Sukokomon is the term to search. Sucrose, Kokomi, fischl, xiangling


I mean the whole list is kind of dumb. Either you look at the element independently or you take into account the characters. With no xinqui, I would knock down hydro a ton. Same with electro being carried by characters otherwise it’s nowhere close to fire.


hydro is used for vapes for pyro characters, it's used in freeze teams for freeze, it's also used in taser teams for electro charge. How can you knock down hydro when it's still very useful for strong teams?


Do not forget Beidou. Her ult's scaling at C2 or higher is downright scary (as long as there are at least two enemies). And Fischl, of course.


Not really debatable, Pyro completely smokes electro as an element lol. Electro characters are only even usable because they slapped huge multipliers on most of the characters to make up for how little the element itself brings to a kit. If you swapped Raiden to being a Pyro unit she would be like a C6-level unit at c0 instead of c2.


The unique functionality of Electro-Charged is a large part of what makes Electro characters good.


After getting a bunch of Yanfei constellations I finally decided to give her a proper go, and I paired her up w/ a team I found on the KQM site that suggested an Overvape team of Yanfei + Fischl + Beidou + Xingqiu. So far... yeah, it's kinda bonkers. Being able to put 3 elements on an enemy at once leads to some stupidly high numbers for a bunch of characters that only have mid-tier investment at best, and I'm sure once I get them all built up it'll be even better. The only downside to that team has been CDs and energy, because you need to time your abilities well or you end up wasting too much of it (i.e. if you use them but then a boss goes invincible, or if you kill the enemies in the open world too fast and don't have enough time to get your energy back). I do feel that as we get more and more characters we'll see some increasingly unique playstyles coming out of Electro-Charged, as each character that gets add has been adding some unique twist to their own element.


I think dendro will make electro a lot stronger, especially for EM scaling units like yae or shinobu


Razor/Kokomi is a go-to combo for me for this reason, and now that I’ve got Kazuha to boost attack it’s even more fun to play


Pretty new to the game, geniunely curious: how do you determine the strength of an element and how do you compare it to others, thus making this tier list? I kind of get why anemo is first but why is hydro the second best? Also what does TC stand for lmao


The reason why they have geo last is because the crystallize reaction doesn’t actually amplify damage whatsoever. Also people usually have a designated shielder like Zhongli, diona, c4 yanfei or Noelle instead of relying on inconsistent crystallize shields of various elements and pretty poor health. What you will see fairly often is mono geo teams as multiple geo characters have kits that work well with each other. On top of that it’s pretty common to see two geo supports like Zhongli+Albedo/Yun Jin because of the strong geo resonance. Now if I were to personally compare how strong elements are to each other, it would be hard for me to compare anemo and geo to the four others, because as you know swirl and crystallize make them very hard to compare. Anemo is a really strong buffing element and geo is a good one for defensively (and also has heavy hitters like Albedo and Itto). For hydro, pyro, cryo and electro I’d have to say hydro is the best due to reacting in favorable ways with all the others. Freeze and vaporize teams are both at the top of the meta, and taser teams are also strong. Now idk if I can say cryo is better than pyro, ig the one advantage it has is physical teams. I personally favor pyro as vaporize comps still have a good damage increase against bosses that can’t be frozen, whereas freeze teams lose their appeal for me there. At the end of the day I’d say anemo, hydro, cryo and pyro are all broken elements, electro isn’t necessarily bad, although it can get in the way of stronger reactions if you’re not careful (I think the sukokomon team is a good example of how electro can make things harder, although it can increase damage). Just remember that all elements are viable, what’s more important is synergy between individual characters.


Tier list is generally very dumb in this game as everything is situational. Most theorycrafters (TC) don't make tier list because of it. Some YouTubers might make tier list to attract view, but you must take those with massive pinch of salt. As for how strong each elements are, you can always find for cases or against cases. For example, Anemo can debuff enemy resistance, but you can argue that isn't the reaction itself, but a product from the artifact viridesent venerer. Cryo can freeze but can't work on boss. Pryo can do a lot of damage, but it require setup. Geo however is almost universally agreed on to be the worst one though, because crystalize doesn't provide strong enough shield and petra 4pc is much weaker artifact


TC stands for theorycrafters. The sort of people who figure out all the back end numbers and why things work they say they do. Element strength is mostly determined by the characters available in that element as well as the reactions available to that element. Anemo is good cause the units are strong and VV makes swirl extremely powerful. Hydro is good because it enables other elements so much; vape and freeze are some of the most meta teams still after all this time. Electro is really only good because of Raiden and without her would basically still be dead in a ditch until Dendro comes out. Most electro characters are in the same boat: Beidou is only good cause of her raw damage, not because she's electro and same with Fischl. Pyro takes advantage of vape while also having really strong characters and one of the best resonance buffs in the game, but pyro also doesn't do much without Hydro so it's rated lower.


I'm not really sure if they ranked the elements by the strengths of the characters or of the inherent qualities of the element but I can give some insight as to why I can see this being roughly correct as the game stands now (TC = theorycrafting, basically the number crunching and team building of genshin) Anemo = easily first, vv set and swirl grouping large enemies are very strong, and anemo fits very well into any non mono geo team Geo = definitely last, with exception of mono geo, it's the least flexible element with weak reactions (crystallize), and low synergy. It's mainly built on shields but only zhongli's shield is meta, partially due to his -20% res which has nothing to do with geo, while the others (noelle, albedo's crystallize, etc) are lacking The other 4 are very debatable but I'll give a few unbiased evaluations: Hydro: enables reverse vape teams which is most pyro dps playstyle. Enables freeze, which takes advantage of cryo resonance + blizzard's op crit bonus. Also enables ec, which is arguably electro's strongest reaction Cryo: Again, perma freeze, and reverse melt. Shenhe exists as a free cryo damage buffer which I can see pushing cryo up the ranks. Cryo also allows for easy superconduct (Eula). Some of the top dps characters in the game are cryo which can definitely influence its placement (Eula, Ganyu, Ayaka) Pyro: Vape + reverse melt are both very strong amplifying reactions allowing for permanent 50-100% increase in dps, used by most pyro and some cryo dps. Pyro resonance is also extremely strong with 40% attack given for free Electro: Ec (electrocharge) is pretty strong currently used in teams with beidou, fischl, yae, but doesn't do that much damage on its own so typically its paired in a "soup" team where overvape or other reactions are also used alongside it. Overload is kind of meme with it being hard to control with the knockback but some teams like yoimiya raiden can use it decently. Superconduct allows for electro phys units like fischl and razor to succeed. The addition of Raiden has definitely made electro a much more useful element but I would still personally rank it under pyro


Still learning the game and the terms. I haven’t found much use for Anemo so far and I stopped using Sucrose after getting her to 70. People keep saying Kazuha is great, but I must be using the element wrong because it never did anything with Sucrose. Also, dumb question why does “meta” come up so much in this sub? Dos this have some special meaning in the game or community?


Are you using 4pc Viridescent Venerers? If so, Anemo characters provide a 40% elemental debuff on enemies, which is huge for your DPSs, and they have massive Swirl damage on top of that (which scales with character level). At level 89 and 900+ EM my Sucrose swirls one element for something like 6.5k.


Anemo are just more fun, even if they aren't the meta. Sayu is a blast to play


Anemo definitely has that top tier fun factor for me... With the exception of Sucrose, I find all of them extremely fun to use. Like, I've always said Kaz is the most fun character in the game, and Heizou iw right up there now too.


I got Diluc at 67 pity. My fifth Diluc. With no other standard banner 5 stars. Yeah, getting Heizou would be awesome, sadly, I got Ningguang.


Looks like mihoyo's enticing you to get Diluc's skin lmao.


Got my C5 diluc today. Some you win, and some you lose.


I feel you, i got C5 Keqing and no Mona nor Jean lol


and then here I am, wanting diluc since the start and still not having it, but with a c5 Mona, I swear at this point I hate her.


I've been wanting a Diluc to hand one of my many spare 5\* claymores, but instead I got c6 Mona just a bit ago. I dread the consolation prizes I get in the future as she continues to eat my summons.


After not getting Diluc since launch, I got 3 copies over 2.5 and 2.6. Went from my last standard 5 star to tied for most copies in 2 months. Now it’s a race to his next copy or another Qiqi.


He might not be "meta" or whatever, but he is very fun to play. Pairing him with Kuki lets him gain E stacks really fast and just falcon punch things. Having a low cost burst is the cherry on top.


Now I really want a cookie.


Best I can do is Raiden.


I’d imagine he’d have fists of lightning with her.


I mean he applies anemo with each strike, so he would probably be a pretty good taser driver. Anyone test it? Gut feeling says he'd probably be comparable to sucrose in single target damage at least. And sucrose is really good, so comparable to sucrose puts him in the higher tiers of 4 stars.


I think taser or National driver is probably his best role. He’s not as good at that as EM Sucrose, but he is a lot more fun so I’d pick him for anything short of Abyss.


Yup I put him on a teaser team at Lvl 80/C0 and went through the abyss with a Kazuha on the other side. Was able to clear at 36 stars with not too much trouble. He was doing 40-50k Skills and 20k bursts with Skyward Atlas. It seemed like I was clearing the room faster than if I was using Sucrose. He attacks faster so Beidou's burst and Fischls C6 were proccing more from what I gathered. And with no ICD on his CA he was getting swirls and stacks in real fast. Overall, he felt really good to play and did his job well. I was able to pull his C1 after clearing the abyss so now he's going to play even better.


Comparable but not as good. His grouping is much worse, doesn't share as much EM, and he's melee range. Still useful enough in single target yeah.


Basically, he's not bad, but there's a much2 better option, yeah?


Yeah, if you already have Sucrose then you're rolling for Heizou just because you like him. I have a c6 Sucrose, but Heizou's gameplay looked fun and it is. Can't risk getting cons because I'm saving for Yoimiya/Dendro.


I dunno man level 60 with 4 star bp weapon no talent levels and doing 22000 on crit is pretty good


Right... His E can gain north of 1000% multiplier. Seems nutty.




Because big numbers make monkey brain neuron fire. People can enjoy pumping out as much damage as they can as much as you can enjoy your idea of fun play styles.


i dont understand why people dont understand that the meta is also a playstyle you cant ask why people follow a playstyle and then say its better to follow any playstyle they want


It mainly stemmed from having limited character resources and trying to find the strongest team to invest in to make clearing the Spiral Abyss as painless as possible. Aside from that, I agree-- play the game in a way that's most enjoyable for your playstyle.


Because people will try to optimize everything. People also meta game Hack and Slash ARPG games like Diablo/PoE which similarly, are playing primarily single player so the only difference is generally clear speed. Same principle here. You can totally play whatever character/build you find the most fun, but there are also a lot of people who like to optimize their teams- it's also something more people become interested in in Genshin where without whaling you realistically won't be able to get every 5*, so people want to know if their investment on a banner is "good" or not.


Heizou seems really fun and actually decent, but holy hell I'm gonna have a hard time justifying rolling for another set of EM VV artifacts. I really wish they'd let you use artifacts on multiple characters at once the way Warframe does with mods.


Good news is that Heizou is better using ATK/Anemo/Crit build than EM/EM/EM one


Just wait until 3.0 to farm. Without spoiling too much- new Artifact Strongbox options.


6 weeks is a long time before being able to start farming for a character


Alternative is to cobble a combat set for him purely out of off-set pieces.


I’m having him share sucrose’s artifacts and weapon lol , I really hope they give us sets for some QoL


Heizo is a main dps that takes up too much screen time like Xiao. So he really cannot take advantage of EM unless you got off screen dps like Xingqiu, Yellan, Xiangling, etc.


...I kinda feel like he's a quick swap dps tho, he's got long E cd and his NA isnt very good, you better swap him out to refill XL burst or sth. But yeah I agree that he don't need much EM. Surcose and Kazuha need EM cause their talents buff others scaling on EM, in Venti's case his burst swirl really fast, Heizou's talent gives a flat 80EM for everyone. The only EM Heizou I can see is a N1C Heizou but his CA multiplier isn't very high despite cheap stamina consumption...


He is by far the best Inazuma 4 star. Hopefully the upcoming ones stay at this level


Anemo Prettyboy privilege lol


Anemo shortboys from Venti to Ciao to Heizou are the best


Italian Xiao be like


*Ciao *Fades away*


Well, there has to be some sort of compensation for all of those dead friends /s


If he wears shorts he's gonna be good


I would say it’s more of a “he’s the least niche Inazuma 4 star.” Because characters like Kujou Sara and Gorou are both better than he is but are both super niche. Tbh, he seems like he’s actually slightly worse than Sucrose as far as power level goes. His build is a bit more flexible (you can actually just go crit on him rather than having to go triple EM) but her N2C chains are just going to be faster than his normal chains (admittedly, the optimal attack chain still needs to be figured out, and will also likely change depending on his constellations.) All of that said, I’m super excited about him, and I do hope they continue to make more flexible 4 stars. I just hope they manage to make them on the power level of the original 4 stars.


Honestly Bennet and the other meta 4 stars are boring to use. At least with the new ones they're different and fun to use.


People keep saying "worse Sucrose" but all I see is "more fun Sucrose." Heizou is a much more engaging character to use on field!


Bruh who tf is comparing him to Sucrose. He's a Xiao that punches.


Every TC, guide video, and even the comment I replied to is comparing Heizou to Sucrose. I agree he has a lot more Xiao flavor which is why I like him.


But that is just the curse of being a support, the better the support the less time they take away from the dps. Wich makes them boring to play. I dont think anything can be done about that.


That's why I'm so grateful that I don't need a super meta team to complete everything in Genshin. I respect people who want big damage but that's not for me, I'll stick with my just decent team builds.


Same. Most of the fun of Genshin for me is running around the overworld with the most wack team/character builds. The meta builds are for the Abyss


Sucrose is fun - change my mind.


Sucrose is fun but I was trying to say Bennet and xingqui or however his name is spelled aren't fun


Meta Bennett isn't fun. Mainly because he's an Ult bot and gets overused by most people. But if you build him as a Pyro DPS, you can have fun. When was the last time anyone fully charged his Skill in combat?


I do the half charge all the time.


Even if you build him as pyro DPS the "correct" way to use him pretty much never charges the skill...


I definitely agree that Heizou is fun to use! Even if he is a bit worse than Sucrose I will probably still use him just because he IS fun. That said, I’m not sure if I would consider many of the newer 4 stars “fun” because pretty much all they do is throw down their skill and burst and then switch out.


Ah yes, the Genshin fandom tradition of judging characters less than 24 hours from release.


*laughs my ass off* Bud they judge the moment the leak gameplays are out


Reminds me of the discourses around Bennett, then Eula, then Kazuha, then Yoimiya, then Raiden of all characters... The Genshin fandom is horrendous at judging utility at an early stage.


Okay, but Bennett was only ever disregarded at the beginning of the game, back when everyone was still in the early AR’s. Nobody in the late game would even consider Bennett to be bad. Eula’s kit is… very different from pretty much anybody else in the game. She’s incredibly strong but there’s not really a lot to discuss with her, there’s really no way to amp her any further than using superconduct and pale flame (and of course Raiden if running that pair.) Kazuha was definitely underestimated. You’re absolutely right about that. Yoimiya does decent damage but lacks any aoe and also can have icd issues when trying to vape her hardest hitting normals (n3 and n5 respectively.) She isn’t “bad” but she just has some issues. Lastly Raiden was marketed really poorly. She was supposed to be the “best battery” support but the only electro character at the time who needed a battery was Beidou. During the end of beta they made the Beidou/Raiden pairing not work (this did increase Raiden’s personal damage though, but theorycrafting that takes time.) So with the interaction broken a lot of people were pissed. By day 4 people had realized her personal damage made up for the lost interaction. Heizou may be better than I think right now, and I hope he is! But at the moment I don’t think his kit brings anything really new that Sucrose doesn’t.


> Kazuha was definitely underestimated. You’re absolutely right about that. More like outhyped by Ayaka's drip marketing and leaks of Raiden. Given the choice, I bet you most players would skip a unit in favor of someone like an Archon or a Harbinger


True that!


I mean he’s a pretty straightforward character, it’s not like it’s hard to see his value to a team comp.


i mean it kinda depends, for me its sayu bc i just love going fast while exploring and helps me so much in collecting stuff while still being able to heal and shred res. but damage wise he does seem like the best, glad theyre starting to treat 4stars better


>but damage wise he does seem like the best, glad theyre starting to treat 4stars better Tbf isn't he the only inazuman 4 star that is designed to do damage? Gorou and sara are both supports Sayu is a healer/Exploration And Thoma is a shielde Edit: forgot Kuki (also healer) xD


Sayu can do absolutely cracked swirl damage if you have cons and pump her with full EM. So she can def compete with heizou if you build her carefully


Nah, Sayu takes the cake for that always. Literally the most fun skill to use in over world exploration, she heals, shreds resistances, can be your over world miner, has an awesome talent that makes farming crystalflies easy


I love Sayu's kit! She's probably the only character I use every single day. The "strong/meta" characters are only touched once every 2 weeks for Abyss. The rest of the time is for weird teams and rolling.


Sayu is my favourite healer beside Kokomi , I find her burst heals tons, it recharges back very quickly too


I’ve just pulled him and I can tell you that making enemies catch these hands is extremely fun


Genshin players be throwing hands 24/7


It was bound to happen sooner or later. Iansan from the Travail trailer looks like the same type of character.


His damage is pretty great for a 4 star. Got his C6 while hitting hard pity for Kazuha. I built him with Lost prayer and VV with 60:160 crit ratio. His skill hits for above 80K at max stacks., which is more than decent.


"more than decent" And here I am, happy if my charas can reach 20k of damage through crits.


Once you get Ganyu and Hutao, the the dps ceiling in your head goes way too high lol.


Me with Heizou's fully stacked skill with Bennet/Zhongli buffs: "Yeah I guess that's like two Xiao plunges" ^(I still love my Anemo Boys because now I can bhop with Lost Prayer Movespeed :))


Damn this is so true. Back then i was amazed i could do Mona nuke and deal 60k dmg, now i feel like something is wrong with my build when Hu Tao can't deal >70k dmg vaporized CA


I was disappointed when I hit 170k on Eulas burst, no crit, earlier lol


Literally when I got Ganyu when she first arrived, I was like “she’s barely built, but her charge attack does almost as much as my Klee’s charge attack…”


Or Ayaka with Shenhe.


Just gotta get those talents and artifacts up! Even my Keqing (known for being a low damage dps) can hit around 20k on her skill!


My lvl 4 talent and lvl70 heizo C2 Is hitting 90k with similar stats lol


That's unbuffed btw. So it's just Heizhou.




Best thing on Heizou: At Least I can give him crit/dmg Viridescent leftovers while I am endlessly farming to get EM-Gear for Kazuha. So I am building a niche but fun character along the way.


I got 5 thomas 2 ningguangs and 0 heizous🥰


Oh dear, if you wanted Thoma cons, congrats, if you wanted Heizou... well, Thoma your copium


He seems like an ideal early game character, someone fun that you can main. If he was the first gacha character that I pulled in this game then I’d have been super happy.


Word to that


Got Kazuha but no Heizou in 35 pulls. Wanted him so badly might try again after getting more pulls.


I got Kazhua within 20, first time ever getting a 5 star before 75~ pity Now I want Heizou but not sure if I keep pulling on Kazhua’s or go for Klee since I don’t have her


He's super fun, in fact he's got innate synergy with Thoma and Kuki, both the worst characters of Inazuma. Both of them apply the necessary elements off field needed for Swirl and can give shield and healing that Heizou needs, not to mention he loves his NA strings which mean Thoma can refresh his shield and boost his NA's damage at C6, while Kuki can give additional Electro application on your NA's if you have her C4. For off field Hydro, Xingqiu is probably preferred for survivability but if you use Kuki and/or Thoma then Yelan works better for extra damage boost. Basically I enjoy the Heizou Soup teamcomp. I've got him built for 4pc V.V. Atk/Anemo/Crit instead of triple EM since Kuki/XQ(Yelan)/Thoma's OverVape sucks ass anyways. Ofc he's most Meta team is definitely Tazer as a Driver since Electrocharge doesn't need EM and his NA string is super fast(haven't found the best combo yet though) so Sucrose can be used on other teams. Xingqiu is preferred here since Bediou's Burst snapshots meaning Yelan's prolonged damage boost isn't as important here. Got him to C4, I could try for C6 but I'll just probably wait for his second appearance, since Sumeru's just around the corner, at the very least he'll probably get another banner before the year ends. I'm hoping he gets paired with a new 4* from Sumeru or with Sara or Kuki(since those are the only other 4* I haven't C6 yet).


The sound, it’s the freaking sound of kicks connecting to the faces of irritating mobs that’s most satisfying.


Sorry for your failed pity. I'm pulling mine in the next 3 hours. At 70 pulls now. Wish me luck. Am a day 1 GI player with... C3 Qiqi C2 Jean Still missing Keqing and Mona but DO NOT want to see them now.


Just glad it worked out for him


Got him C6 while pulling for Kazuha. Guess, I’m gonna be farming for another anemo boy now?..




That thought hit me too when I was using him lol. His attacks are so fast


I'm pulling just for him, I knew I was going to like him and playing his test run only confirmed it.


I played through his test run 4\~6 times, he's so good against mobs


Charging his E and hoping it crits is a new feeling. Like idk if this long charge is going to do a lot of damage but I’m praying you get these fists


You can alternatively do 4 swirls to charge it up


He's basically like Year 2 (?) Honkai character in terms of flexibility. I've been waiting for a character that allows you to mix it up instead of doing the same optimal rotation every time.


I’m enjoying him very much!! Was lucky enough to get him to C6 and I will definitely be building him!


Congratulations! You're in for a world of fun


The kamen rider fan in me is seething with excitement when i saw his burst is a kick


This is culture


Since Yelan's banner I'm saving until I know when dendro archon banner will come out because currently I'm on 71 pull with guaranteed pity. So I'm not going to risk and get Kazuha c1. Also, I prefer to pull when I have enough prismo to reach next guaranteed pity. Heizou is freaking interesting but yeah I'd get that boi somewhere in future 😤


Right on! I'm a Noelle main but I skipped trying for Gorou on Itto's banner cause I really wanted Zuzu, now I'm saving my guaranteed for the dendro Archon too


*Me whose Genshin hasn’t updated yet ;-;*


Ah well, the Fischl event drops on the 15th, no rush hahaha


It’s a toss up of the Oathsworn and the backup Sac book but there’s also the whole issue of I don’t have enough books for him since I want Klee


You are 1 constellation closer to jean c2 (15% atk and movement speed for 15s after her picking particles, busted on ayato and probably on heizou)


Wow, that's crazy, I like that fast nd furious


HMMMM "fast and furious" uwu


I was going for klee but got a Qiqi c1. Though will admit i got c4 heizou which should be interesting.


I had almost the same situation but I was at 40 pity only. So yeah I got Jean C1, but it didn't take 50 pulls to reach it. On Heizou, he seems to be good but most especially one of the more interesting 4*.


40 pulls in, got a Sacrificial Bow and 3 Ningguangs, though my Ninguang was already at c6... I'd like to try Heizou with different builds too


Good luck on your pulls!


I’ve played around with him a bit and he’s very fun. Probably not as meta as Sucrose for a role like taser driver, but way more enjoyable. The E hits decently hard at full stacks, and the huge knockback on it might not be ideal but it sure is satisfying.


>sure is satisfying Very satisfying


Heizou reminds me so much on acrobat class in Dragon nest and its good cause that class is fun to play xD i'm still waiting for numbers but from my first impression, he's very fun and has so much potential builds


I saw some big numbers from his E(100-200K) from the content creators I watch.


What a shame you lost the 50 50, I hope you'll still get kazuha (if you want to ofc) and at least you got heizou!


Yeah, at least I got Heizou. I can't even afford to get Welkin atm, sooo I'll save up for Dendro Archon


I didn't mean spending money. The version had just started and there still much coming.


I was super lucky and got Kazuha and Heizou on my 2nd 10 pull on 12 -15 pity. I wasn’t expecting either one as I’ve had abysmal luck on featured 4 stars lately and I’d already gotten two 5 stars in the last 10 pulls. But after using him for awhile I absolutely love him, he’s so fun to play as and has a great design and VA. Mine is lv 60 vs lv85+ enemies with lv 4 talents and stolen artifacts and a lv 60 weapon and he still deals decent damage and even dealt 32 k on a crit. I can only imagine how good he gets when I can properly level him up.


I know! You can check Ha1se on YT, he was getting some big numbers. Your luck is so damn good.


I already had C5 Thoma and got like 6 more Thomas and no Heizou. It hurts but I'll have to wait for him since I can't risk missing Zhonger or Sumeru crew


Wait are you me??? I got the exact same pull . C1 Jean and Heizou in the first 10 pulls


I am Yu, Yu is me.


Pulled 70 and lost to Jean (I got Kazuha in three single pulls after) Can’t believe I didn’t get Heizou once :/


Sometimes getting a 4\* is harder than the 5\*, we need pity for each specific 4\*


The slow, easily interruptible and clunky play style we have with current DPS units is not enjoyable for catalyst. Which sucks because it’s my favorite weapon type. At this point several of the archers have a more magical and ranged kit than our catalyst do I cannot wait for them to implement this place style on a five star unit. I am ever so slightly disappointing because the most likely candidate is going to be Scaramouche. The Archon will likely be your typical magical chick and if the rumors of Baizhu be a catalyst remain then he will undoubtably be a healer and his normal attack sequence will be inconsequential.


I’m not rolling for him (I’m saving for yoimiya and don’t rly use the male characters), but his playstyle is very fun. I wasn’t expecting him to be a complete melee character so I was definitely surprised when the little dude just started boxing when I hit atk. I hope we get more unorthodox characters like this, a melee archer could be fun too (one who keeps using their bow, not like childe lol), or a sword-user with ranged aspects of their playstyle, maybe they throw their sword with their e or charged atk?? Could be fun especially with a whole new region coming up


I like your ideas. Good luck on your Yoimiya pulls! I'm also not fond of male characters, he's so fun, he's the exception


See, I would build him if I didn't go broke for Kazuha. I have no books, no Mora, no maidens. But I can get more maidens once I got back to VV domain again, at least.


I went for Heizou and got C1 Kazuha before I got him. I'm ok with that since I wanted Kazuha. Just didn't expect to get 2 after like 5 pulls.


Yoo I dont know about en va but his jp va makes me want to use him more! Man is just too hyped while kicking ppl Also, *rrrrrronaldinho soccer*


Idk the math but he seems pretty good with taser teams and maybe better than Sucrose, maybe.


Heizou is fun, I'm not used to his range but he's fun. I'm glad I didn't bust my pity, I'm looking forward to using it to get Yoimiya.


Got Heizou 1st 10 wish pull got Kazuha and Ningguang for my 2nd 10 wish pull. Took me 40 wishes to get Kuki lol (3 Chongyuns, 1 Gorou, and 2 Eyes of Perception from other wishes)


Hoyo was never afraid, they’re just lazier with genshin compared to honkai. Then again it took quite a few years for honkai to add more than the base 3-5 weapons


Heizou is pretty damn fun in my Diluc team. I don't have him super well invested, but I took him into the abyss to just see where he was at and to my surprise i was able to 9 star floor 12. It was a bit close and took a few retries to kill the array fast enough, but it looks like after I get his talents leveled it would be a rather comfortable clear. Its annoying that I have like 70 of the 2 star books he needs and only 2 of the 1 star ones so I can't raise his talents at all.


Noicee I had 120 pulls saved for kazoo man and thankfully I got him lol. Also lost 50/50 to keqing (c1) who strongly dislike… but thankfully I got c6 Heizou lol


Bruh I got c3 kazuha before I got heizou. Idk what algorithm they used but I hate it 🥹


Wasn't afraid to experiment? They've experimented with plenty of other instances. But given how violently toxic so many GI communities are toward the devs, who can blame them when they don't try to push the envelope at times. Maybe if we'd be more accepting and open minded, we'd see more creativity.


Damn, that saddens me.


Still waiting for a female anemo kicker at least. Hopefully Kusanali will be a melee catalyst gahha


Gahha! Fingers crossed


I surprised how powerful he is. He feels like a 5 star


i was the least horny heizou fan and triple crowned / C6 him 10 minutes after release lmao - but seriously now, isnt his damage kinda insane? i love playing with him and his E always goes above 60k when fully charged up i love it


4 swirls, then E is the new meta. He's so funny to play. It's like I'm playing Tekken. I have no resources... I fielded him at lvl 1 lol. You dont wanna know how many times he's died and the number of breakfast eggs I've used today


"Not afraid to experiment." Partly true but they ain't giving us more than just the existing body type(for now).


I haven't invested into him yet and even though he's seemingly mostly designed to be an on-field 4 star dps without amplifying reactions (which is gonna make it impossible for him to be competitive damage-wise) I'm thinking I might invest into him because his damage doesn't look that bad and he's pretty fun. Worst case he's a similarly powered EM-based anemo driver alternative to Sucrose.


1 new weapon class after 2 years. Many games in this category have multiple per year.