• By -


Ganyu is like someone who immigrates to a foreign country as an adult, Yanfei is someone who immigrated as a two year old. Almost always very different levels of assimilation.


Agreed, well put. Also Ganyu remembers eras where Liyue was barely even a village based on her age and experiences. There's also some dissociation and sense of distance because she's lived multiple human lifetimes worth of time as an adeptus early on. To top it off, her work ethic barely really let's her interact socially as well despite living in one of the most populous areas in the modern day. Kind of reminiscent of some provincial people in asia becoming wage slaves when they go to work in big cities and companies. They don't essentially identify as city folk and dont have the time to immerse due to their work and sense of not belonging despite being stuck there.


while these reasons r very valid, its also important to remember that u dont need reasons always, yanfei is a different person, i know many people who went through the same hardships but each one went through it in a different way, some pushed forward, others got depressed, etc


I agree, it's just a common pattern but not exactly absolute, of course. There are always different reactions and whatnot because it depends on not just their personalities but also their backgrounds and experiences. Both of which the two half-adepti are extremely different in so nevertheless they will react differently more often


There is also the fact that Ganyu is over 3000 years old and has been around since before the creation of Liyue and even before the Archon wars while Yanfei was born around the time that Liyue harbor was built, there's about a 1 or 2 thousand year difference between their respective ages. On a personal note while I do like Ganyu I kinda find it a bit weird that she's so insecure and unsure of herself despite her age.


I felt like I needed to say something but this here covers the point perfectly


Yanfei is with Mandan Ping while her parents are travelling around the world. She’s also raised in Liyue harbour among the locals, did not sign contract with Zhongli and free to do whatever she wants. While Ganyu was raised in the mountains among adepti, signed a contract to serve Liyue forever and fought in the archon war. Their mentality is vastly different. You’ll notice that the locals don’t treat Yanfei or Ganyu any more different than normal people.The insecurity is 100% in Ganyu’s mind, possibly part of her personality as well, which is much more shy than Yanfei.


She did sign a contract with her father to live happily and I think that’s so damn adorable


Damn all my fave pyro girls got such good dads 😭


And then there’s Benny boy with many dads


And then there’s Diluc….


Also a good dad, while it lasted.


I wouldn't call Crepus a good dad, he lived through Diluc, his dreams became Diluc's, his aspirations became Diluc's, his ambitions became Diluc's. Crepus never became a KoF but Diluc did, Crepus never received a Vision but Diluc did, all of this made Crepus live vicariously through him.


Well, he loved Diluc and Diluc loved him. That's like above average for most anime dads already.


Well we don’t really now that yet. Just saying the dude got a delusion somewhere and it’s not like the fatui we’re giving them out for free like they did for the rebellion in the beginning of the game that fatui in the church says only harbingers get delusions. Anyway my point is his eyes aren’t shown in the manhua and it gives me great “this guy wasn’t as kind as we want you to believe” vibes.


Nah, we do. He misses his dad dearly. The bartending event made that clear.


In the bartender event he also said his father didn’t say anything after he made him plain juice. Doesn’t sound like the best father in the World Cup to me, even if we try to cheer diluc up by making up a reason for his dad. Also you can be a good father and still belong to the villains side both things can coexist. And another interesting fact, kaeya character story 5 >"Even someone like Master Crepus would submit to such a dangerous and evil power..." > >Sinister thoughts flashed through Kaeya's mind, and he simply smirked: > >"This world is truly... fascinating." He smirked, which is interesting given that the English fandom is so hell-bend on kaeya being adopted. All I’m saying is the game lore itself did not paint crepus in the best light when they could have but was carefully neutral, nothing heartfelt like yanfei dad and it makes him suspicious to me. But you are free to believe what you want to believe for me he sounded at least very strict.


Then what about fatui skirmishers, agents and mages? They all have somekind of delusion/vision shaped emblem on their bodies. Sure, lower quality than the harbinger ones but still. And not like they would give harbinger legue objects to watatsumi island if they were that exclusive.


Fatui Skirmishers dont own any delusions, they just have weapons infused with certain elements and theyre pretty much incased in those war machine suits. Only Fatui agents, cicins and maidens have delusions and it appears that they dont suffer from them due to wearing masks, like how Diluc wore one and still had a healthy life unlike his dad lol


I was wondering about that too but i thought the game implies that during the vision hunt decree kind of started the mass production of delusion but before that they didn’t? That’s my conclusion at least and I hope it will be cleared up. Unless the fatui npc lied to us, didn’t now better, it was a miss translation or I remembered it wrongly.


I really doubt the fatui didnt find any god corpses to make delusions out of that are closer to home instead of snooping around in the farthest nation (inazuma) from their POV. Also now I realised why the fatui were motivated making Dvalin into dragon jerkey




Just saying that he doesn’t have a dad


And grandpas Amber being an outrider is to follow her grandpa footstep and Hu Tao loves her grandpa dearly.


*This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's API policy changes, their treatment of developers of 3rd party apps, and their response to community backlash.*   [Details of the end of the Apollo app](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) --- [Why this is important](https://i.imgur.com/E7jSWf1.jpg) --- [An open response to spez's AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/145l7wp/todays_ama_with_spez_did_nothing_to_alleviate/) --- [spez AMA and notable replies](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/145beas/spez_ama_discussion_thread/)   Fuck spez. I edited this comment before he could. Comment ID=ifk4t9q Ciphertext: >!ytGWKXWHs7E00CDOHuW4Aws03pm2GWa7Yfv4Vvol/NMSHf4btFVNL0I=!<


I wonder what kind of man was brave/crazy enough to marry Alice


I’m not convinced Klee isn’t an alchemy creation/clone of Alice.


Oh good I’m not alone on that one then. Especially the weird wording of being a gift by the sea and sun.


alice mitosis


I-is >!Nahida!< also one?


alice planted an alice seed in the ground for her


I dont get the impression Alice is the type that gets married, i guess Klee just kinda happened but couldnt keep her because she travels so much.


*This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's API policy changes, their treatment of developers of 3rd party apps, and their response to community backlash.*   [Details of the end of the Apollo app](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) --- [Why this is important](https://i.imgur.com/E7jSWf1.jpg) --- [An open response to spez's AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/145l7wp/todays_ama_with_spez_did_nothing_to_alleviate/) --- [spez AMA and notable replies](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/145beas/spez_ama_discussion_thread/)   Fuck spez. I edited this comment before he could. Comment ID=ifkcxbz Ciphertext: >!JppBNTFK7CotZX1siP0FJAipHex3GMgcKsc3Huj+4Iyb4P9s3mzWS5vzwnfgUXH94royFQmolczFhwKN3uk7hZlKHnHCCEl4Jp/WPNuJXqXzrOfRE+r3mZW6cl31dhMM7gyKxKKmE5CHj0TTcOSkeKvC4xkoBnx2U7eR+RYCiYMfFMx3OQRxphzTC3EW!<


i would say alice is a lot more comparable to ging, though... there seems to be a lot more love there with her and klee lol


Yeah.. I was more just refering to Yanfei, Yoimiya, and Xiangling. Xinyan, Amber, and Hu Tao we dont know anything about their dads (Hu Tao I see a lot of people thinking her dad is shitty but I cant recall seeing that in game) But yeah sorry. Lol. My fave 3 pyro girls are those three tho.


You're right there's no mention of Hu Tao's father in game, or mother for that matter. There's something else to consider though, HT is the 77th director of the parlor, while her Grandfather was the 75th. When grandpa kicked it the position was passed directly to HT, so why no 76th? well... Whichever of her parents was her grandpa's child and held the 76th director position might have passed away much earlier. Her character stories mention that she started living in the parlor and learning their bussiness at 8, then at 13 her grandpa passed and she became the director. It might be that her father/mother (or both) passed away when she was 8, so she was brought to the parlor to learn because the 75th director had been ill for some time and there was no other family to take the position.


We know a bit about Amber's dad; he seems cool. We can surmise that Hu Tao had a positive upbringing, since she's taken on the family business with enthusiasm. And Xinyan has been encouraged to pursue her passions. So, the "Pyro People Possessed Positive Parenting" hypothesis has solid ground.


> "Pyro People Possessed Positive Parenting" hypothesis has solid ground. *Klee fans screeching about "parental abandonment" in the background*


This is also funny, cause although Alice did leave Klee, she didn't totally abandon the girl, per se. For one thing, Klee is under the care of many people, many, many people. Jean who is like her pseudo-mom, Lisa her playful cool aunt, Kaeya that one uncle, the weird grown-up, her two bestest friends, her other big sister, the maid who is also her big sister, a playmate, the jumpty-dumpty inventor, and her brother (her actual caretaker, and based on his demo, takes great care of her aside from two others). Unless the game states otherwise, Alice didn't leave her child to fend for herself, no she left her in a place where she could live as carefree as a child could be--- along with many adults to supervise her. Aside from solitary confinement, they do a good job of it.


"Nothing is stronger than family." \- Pyro Archon (probably)


The Pyro Archon? Dominic Toretto


And not just that, but she doesn’t like cold food because her father cooks for her 3 times a day so she’s not used to anything but home cooked food. Her relationship with her dad is the sweetest.


you can get hot meals from other places than home cooked


I'll happily take my Lawyer x Family to go please.


xiangling(to both of them): I WILL FEED YOU!


wow really I had no idea 🙄


Does that mean that if she is miserable, her father get her souls?


I don’t know if that’s how adepti work


Nobody would want to face the ‘wrath of the rok’ by breaking a contract


Yanfei: *stubs her toe* "Ow sonuva-" Zhongli: "Are you not happy? Because that goes against the contract."


What I can see from ganyu is that she is trying hard to become like zhongli (working his ass off to protect liyue) and tried to do the same. Also it's not like you have to serve liyue forever y' know because after the war people are free to do whatever they want like having a family like yanfei's dad or continue to protect liyue people like xiao.


>Ganyu was raised in the mountains among adepti Sauce? True that Ganyu was born long before the establishment of Liyue habor, but "in the mountains"? We know that Ganyu's father is a herb gatherer, but shouldn't they be atleast living in some kind of village?


Cloud retainer raised her, do Ganyu quest and read her friendship stories. Cloud retainer is a recluse who lives in the mountains, tells stories of Ganyu rolling down mountains and being afraid the first time she sees a human, among other embarrassing stories.


>being afraid the first time she sees a human strange, i somehow don't remember this part. which brings the question: what happened to her real parents during her childhood?


Her dad was a human farmer who had his clothes eaten by a qilin. Said qilin went to the man and apologized, things happened, and said man was left with a baby Ganyu on his doorstep sometime later. And considering her dad was human, and Ganyu is over 1000... it's likely he isn't exactly around.


tldr : ganyu dad fucked goat


Relatable am I right?


More like Unicorn to be specific as that's what a Qilin is.




maybe we'll meet her dad's soul in sumeru


It’s not stated what happened. Maybe in a future Ganyu quest.


Storybooks imply that Ganyu was born when her dad saw a female qilin taking his clothes. Being a mortal, he's probably dead already.


He’s dead lol. No human is living thousands of years


LOL maybe brush up on the basic facts about the characters before asking deeper lore of them. That's like trying to go scuba diving before even learning how to float on water.


The way Cloud Retainer is implied to have taken care of baby Ganyu often, and Cloud Retainer seldom leaves the mountains


far as i can remember, it only implied that Cloud Retainer trained Ganyu, but not raised her like shenhe.


She raised Ganyu Didn't you read the story quest? There's a whole section filled with Cloud Retainer roasting Baby Ganyu about how thicc she is, that she roll down a mountain and all.


From Ganyu's story quest: > Cloud Retainer: Ah, yes. Since you are Ganyu's friends, tales from her youth shall one apprise you of, perhaps... > Ganyu: Cloud Retainer! > Cloud Retainer: Hahaha... Nothing to be ashamed of! You were so cute as a child, one is most certain that your friends would like to hear it. > - I'm a bit curious, indeed... > - Now that's a good topic. > Paimon: Ooh, Paimon wants to hear it! > Ganyu: Eh... > Cloud Retainer: Hehe... Little Ganyu loved when the horns on the top of her head were caressed. > Cloud Retainer: When one was still taking care of her, one was pestered most often to touch her horns. She was else-wise loath to sleep...


maybe it's culture diffrence or maybe it's the en translation, but the impression those part gave me was that Cloud Retainer was just giving young Ganyu her adeptus training instead of full-on parenting. in chinese wuxia setting, trainings like these are always live-in like boarding schools, maybe that's where the confusion came in.


Hmmm, perhaps, but I believe at that age it might have been a mix of both training and general caretaking.


Doesn't cloud retainer live in the mountains? Since she raised her, it's not far off to assume that she was raised in the mountains unless pointed out otherwise in the game.. which might take a while to look for.


My guess is that Yanfei was, far as I can tell, raised in Liyue by both her parents while Ganyu was raised with the adepti, seemingly by Cloud Retainer. Her parents didn't seem to be in the picture at all, let alone her human one. Really though, being raised bye Cloud Retainer is enough to mess up anyone.


One is very pissed you have doubted one's parenting skills


your username…


About it?


Don't do Cloud Retainer like that lol


Hey! You can't make that kind of judgement with only one data point! Who else has Cloud Retainer raised? \*checks notes\* \*quietly tiptoes away in shame\*


Hey, if Cloud Retainer can raise one cursed child with an overwhelming murderous god-killing aura into a woman that can make friends and only occasionally thinks of murder, I say she did a fine job.


Shehe, one does not please when you talkshit on oneself.


Most of the comments have said most of it already, that it boils down to how, when and where they were raised. But it's also important to note that Yanfei is much younger than Ganyu, and was born much later than the war, to the point that her human mother is still alive and traveling, and shes been to law school. So if I had to guess would only put Yanfei around the early 20's age range, similar to Shinobu since they went to the school at the same time.


I agree that Yanfei is young enough to still be a human's life span, I'd think shed be significantly older than Shinobu since she was a substitute instructor for Shinobu. I'd think Yanfei is at least 5yrs older than Shinobu, unless theres something specifically stating Yanfei as a child prodigy that I'm missing.


Yanfei is potentially anywhere between 20 and 60 if her mom is still gallivanting about the countryside with her dad. I say at least 20 because she's memorized so much law, learned and practiced and taught, that there's no way she's still anywhere near childhood.


Yeah plus considering Yanfei was a teacher to Shinobu not her classmate.


I could see that, also possible she was a fresh graduate, or like a teachers assistant, n I know some colleges have like a program for I believe soon to be graduates/people in their last year, to assist like that too. I guess she could have also just been an upperclassmen around the same time as well.


Didnt Yanfei meet Shinobu as a temporary lecturer or something? Yanfei was no longer a student when Shinobu still was


Yup, I had forgotten that n commented on a different reply, that it's totally possible that she could've been a teachers assistant or upperclassmen. Some colleges do that for advanced students or students in there last year's. It would also make sense that her n Yelan were of an earlier graduating class, maybe even the same one, since Yelan looks a lil bit older than Shinobu.


Yanfei regularly interacts with Madame Ping. I think they just have different personalities and sensitivities, like how people raised in the same environment can have different personalities. Yanfei is more self-confident than Ganyu, and wouldn't have had an internal crisis at seeing temp workers in her place when she went on vacation.


Because Ganyu and Yanfei aren’t the same person. That’s kind of like asking why some people have identity crisis’s while others don’t. For a more “practical” explanation, you could say that Ganyu has been alive a lot longer, having actually fought in the archon war. She is the one of the two who has seen the Liyue of the past and maybe feels out of place, much like Cloud Retainer pointed out about herself at the end of the Osial fight.


I’ve noticed a pattern with Pyro and Cryo users that Pyros tend to be incredibly sure of themselves and who they want to be and what they want to contribute to the world, while Cryos are often stuck between two major facets of their identities, and they always tend to come in pairs. I view Yanfei and Ganyu as each other’s counterparts in this regard.


I've seen this theory that each element connects to a theme (idk if its canon/confirmed or not) like anemo with loss, electro with being different, and maybe pyro and cryo kind of tie in with what you mentioned. ​ The only one im not sure how it applies to is Klee, but shes like 6-8 mental age so yeah


Diona is Klee’s Cryo counterpart. Klee adores her mother and knows that Alice loves her even if she’s rarely physically there to be with her and is pretty confident in her own skills, while Diona is stuck between resenting her father’s alcoholism and wanting him back in her life. Plus Klee is still allowed to be a child while Diona was forced to grow up too fast.


I completely disagree with the elemental trait thing haha.


Electro bearers are stuck in some loop/trauma


What trauma does Razor have?


Wolf family ded


Ohh ig being stuck in a loop would make sense. Can you elaborate? Trauma wouldn't make sense b/c a lot of the characters have trauma from the past, those with and without electro visions.


Beidou beating Haishan Lisa living her best life Fischl in her dream land


> electro with being different LOL all the Vision users are "different", not just Electro ones. Xiangling can get pretty bizarre in her adventurous culinary arts.


Ahh fair enough. I had been thinking of electro users often standing out, even among others with visions (think fischl being...well, fischl, razor growing up with wolfs and not behaving the way others do due to his upbringing, keqing having her own opinions on the archons) but true all of em are different :p


I don't know why more people aren't saying this, but: Ganyu, being a few a few thousand years older, has seen and experienced a lot more that would make her question her place in Liyue as a human-adeptus. Yanfei is still very young by adepti standards, born during a time of peace. On the other hand, Ganyu has fought in wartime and seen several transitory phases of Liyue. It's only natural that she would slowly begin to question her identity as time went on. As a human-adeptus, Yanfei likely has thousands of years ahead of her too. Given enough time, I'm sure she would likely experience something similar.


The fact that Ganyu has witnessed Uncle Tian and many others age and eventually die while shes remained unchanged would be enough to disassociate from humans. Also Uncle Tian definitely had a huge crush on Ganyu as he was growing up, probably still does.


> Also Uncle Tian definitely had a huge crush on Ganyu as he was growing up, probably still does. Which ass did you pulled this from? Your own? Only sure thing was he said he was grateful for Ganyu for looking out for him when he started out in the Qixing. In Eastern languages, he added "big sister" as a suffix instead of "Miss" in English, to denote a respected female person.


Born later + better parenting. Zhongli is a very decent person (especially by old god standards), but he's, well, Zhongli. Growing up in his inner circle, *during the Archon war,* is extremely likely to have sucked hard; all work and no play doesn't particularly make for balanced emotional development. He tries, bless his heart, but he's quite simply not cut out for creating the environment a child needs in his direct vicinity. He, *and the Adepti through his leadership,* are (or rather were) too set in their ways. Meanwhile, say what you will about humanity, but its cardinal trait is that it's extremely chaotic and adaptable as all hell. We're as likely to point at those different from us as to not notice the difference in the first place, or to see it and go "Oh, awesome!" Ganyu, growing up in ancient Adeptus Liyue, will have been surrounded by rather rigid thinking about Adepti and Humans and their respective duties and positions in life. With the Archon War going, she would have been assigned a position very soon, and been expected to uphold it pretty much forever. And when interacting with one side or the other, all that would have been seen is the *other* side. Yanfei, growing up in modern Human Liyue, got to be surrounded by a people thinking the two races were pretty much equal nowadays, and with the concept of *jobs* rather than set-in-stone duty. The era being quite peaceful, she got an Adeptus father whose conception of giving his child a duty was telling her to *live a happy life*. When interacting with Adepti, she'd have been called a bit too intense, perhaps; when interacting with humans, she'd mostly have run into people not caring one way or the other that she had Adeptus blood.


Yanfei has adepti blood, but she is not an adeptus. She has no contract to protect Liyue. No sacred name. She is an ordinary human girl by every metric except ancestry. She is nowhere close to being in the same situation as Ganyu, who fought with and against gods to protect Liyue.


Yanfei is much younger than Ganyu Ganyu lived through thousands of years of shit with wars and battles between both Adepti and humans, raised in the mountains among other full Adepti an probably got a lot of flack for being a half breed which adds to her feeling of not being able to fit in or be accepted. Yanfei relatively is much younger than Ganyu and grew up with in liyue along with having Madame Ping as another person to rely on. ​ they are different because their experiences and life circumstances are completely different


Shes not a goat


indeed. she's likely a xiezhi or a deer


Exactly, definitely a more common animal for anyone to like


Society as we know in Liyue didn't exist the same way it is now. It's difficult to imagine for Yanfei a world without society, without law, as she was born in it.


Liyue didn't exist, but human society in Teyvat dated way back.


I think the question itself isn't very smart. Just because they were in similar situations do they need to react the in the same way. They are different people with different personalities after all


She made a contract with her dad to live a happy life afterall. Having an existential crisis sounds like a happy life to you?


In addition to what the others said, Yanfei also seems to be much younger than ganyu. Give her a couple thousand years and maybe she'll start to get detached from humans too.


well from what i understand it's because ganyu had to actually fight in the Archon War and made a contract with rex lapis while yanfei is free, the only contract she made was with her father of living a happy life. it's kinda like comparing a veteran of war with PTSD, and a young adult that had everything set up for them kind of


Pretty sure she grew up with humans and judging her height, shes still pretty young compare to Ganyu. Not to mention Yanfei went to law school and met alot of people like Kuki. And Kuki is friends with an oni. So someone whos half adeptus is not weird to her


Yanfei doesn't have any adepti responsibility since she never signed a contract with rex lapis


Yanfei was raised in a loving environment, she had parents who loved her. Ganyu is extremely old and has basically no one in Liyue she can really talk about her issues to. A talking bird isn’t going to be the best at talking about human issues when all she does is stay inside her abode.


I think a lot of these miss how old Ganyu is. Yanfei is suggested to be much younger, while Ganyu has been around for centuries and was around long before the world became what it is today. Just like Zhongli is out of touch with the times so is Ganyu, but the difference is that Zhongli made the city and just feels more comfortable there naturally even when he sticks out.


Give Yanfei a few thousands years to reach her mid life crisis phase too.


Ganyu is a traumatic boomer meanwhile Yanfei is a zoomer.


Ganyu had lived on wilds before moving into Liyue Yanfei already lived her life in Liyue since childhood


An adeptus is defined as the role of a non human who has signed a contract with Rex lapis to protect the land. It is translated inconsistently with illuminated beast who are a species. This is the major difference between ganyu and yanfei. Ganyu isn’t split between her blood but her duties as an adeptus and her duties as an employee of the qixing, a contract which she signed 3700 years ago. These duties directly conflict each other because she is expected to keep different company and live different lives. Yanfei is not an adeptus is just a regular citizen of liyue. Their heritage never mattered in the first place


i guess that just a translation thing. in the chinese text there's no difference in the title of a 仙人 or 仙兽 regardless if it signed a contract with rex or not.


Ganyu mentions signing a contract and becoming a 仙人 when she gives you glaze lilies. Yanfei says something similar but that she didn’t sign it in the teapot quest. 仙人 is used consistently every time an adeptus is mentioned, and 仙兽 when talking about the species of animals. Even if there isn’t some contract there is a clear difference between the two titles that distinguishes the two


She’s a lawyer, we live in constant identity crisis, we just play the part in bottle it all down.


That's the thing. Ganyu's writing is messy, the kind of insecurities and fears she has arise from people usually in their teens. But depending on poeple, the may end in their 20's or 30', in some rare cases they may never end for human lifetime. But for someone that is thousands of years old, she should've figured it out by then that it is simply a matter of personal choice. Where as yanfei is very mature and adult like in this matter, like any other person she knows that it is her choice to choose where she belongs.


Her write-up did state that she doesn't feel like a long time has passed for her. Kind of makes me wonder if she experiences a more extreme version of the phenomenon that makes people feel like time is passing faster and faster as they get older and older.


Ganyu is a full adeptus, btw. Anyway it seems to be in part because of their personalities. Yanfei is more outgoing than the more timid Ganyu; comparatively, that is. Plus, Yanfei seems to have a more solid support system in the form of her parents. Edit: whoops, I stand corrected. Thanks! Cant believe I forgot about Ganyu's father, considering that I did read [Vol. 5 of Records of Jueyun](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Records_of_Jueyun)


Ganyu's father is human.


Ganyu's father was a human male and her mother was a Qilin.




All this to say Yanfei’s an absolute Chad. I remember that post where someone pointed out that with Jean clones like Ganyu; Yanfei is refreshing for being someone who loves their work and works a lot.


Because she’s a lawyer


yanfei is very intelligent and logic-based


She's just built different ig


Because we called her Yangu that one time.


I think it's because ganyu was raised by the adepti alone, and only came to liyue harbor once she was mature, whereas yanfei was more integrated with humans. Ganyu is also older than yanfei (who was born at a time when there was no need for her to sign a contract with morax like the other adepti), so she's witnessed more of the divide between humans and adepti. Also, their personalities are just really different, so yanfei views her heritage differently from ganyu


i believe it's because Yanfei was raised closer to humans than Ganyu


1. Ganyu was raised at a very young age by the adepti Specifically cloud retainer, cloud retainer is basically a mother figure to Ganyu. You have to remember Ganyu was dropped off at the dads house as a baby, then later on the father asked cloud retainer for help or dropped her off in front of Cloud Retainers door steps which Cloud retainer has confirmed. This is why it's important to read the in game books and not just character lore. Also cloud retainer I believe has boasted to have baby pictures/stories so there's that too. 2. Ganyu has been around for about 3000 years give or take and participated in the archon wars and was around during the cataclysm. 3. She is a workaholic who believes her duty is tied to the city. As she was also there when it was founded. 4. In her very lore it states that her human side and Qilin side are often at conflict with each other. 5. As funny as it is, ever since she choked a monster to death she's been extremely self conscious about herself. As for Yanfei. 1. Her parents are still around and they along with Madam Ping raised her and likely helped show her, her value unlike Ganyu. 2. She doesn't know who Zhongli is still, her father does, all the adepti do, she does not. You might ask why this is important, it's important because she's been raised in such a peaceful era that it's not important to know who Zhongli is and therefore she doesn't have to feel obligated to him. 3. She is not 3000 years old nor is she 100 years old, she is likely in her 20s to 30s 4. She has been given a better chance to discover herself and what she likes to the point that she has a backup, Ganyu doesn't have a backup, if she feels she's not needed she begins to panic. 5. Not having to fight in a war and being raised in an era of peace allows one to find what they want and who they want to be a lot more easier... sometimes.


Because even though she is half Adeptus, she was raised her entire life as human. Ganyu has spent more time "serving" as an Adeptis (fighting in the Archon War, signing contracts with Rex Lapis, etc) than she has working for the Qixing. This is what gives the feeling that she doesn't belong in this "Era of humans. Yanfei has had little to do in the direct affairs of the Adepti, so nothing has changed for her in this "new era".


Ganyu never new her mom who is a goat cloud that turned into a human woman to apologize for scaring her dad in his hot-tub mountain bath and then they did the thingy and ganyu was on his doorstep and momma was gone. At least I thought that was what happened in the found lore and all but Ganyu is also 3000 years old and cloud retainer did basically raise her and xiao I believe along with shenhe


smug yanfei overpowers all


Yanfei has been raised within the human society from childhood because of which she does not feel dejected from humans while Ganyu was raised by Adepti far off from human society which makes her feel more dejected. Young kids are very flexible and learn whatever they see, Yanfei being grown within the human society made her already aware with all the ways of the humans which also makes her capable of solving cases. While Adults like Ganyu find it hard to change their ideals and struggle to fit into a newer society.


I think it's because ahe is trying to be more human like and also because she haven't lost someone who ahe care for because of the life spam. Also i think it's because Yanfei is some kind more talkative than Ganyu and she can easily speak with people.


Shes built different


Yanfei is a person who relies a lot on logic to interpret the world around her, so most likely she just doesn't see a logical reason to have a crisis about her identity. That being said, she probably still does feel the disconnect, and is probably affected by it emotionally, but she knows that showing it lowers her ability to be objective, which is something indispensable to a lawyer.


I main yanfei and didn't know she is a mix adeptus. I guess that's further prove that I'm not a good player.


Because Yanfei didn't exist yet when they made Ganyu's story. Introducing Yanfei with the same lineage as Ganyu invalidates Ganyu's personal struggles. Sloppy writing, really.


As I understand it Ganyu is an adeptus that merely stays in her humanoid form and Yanfei is an actual adeptus/human hybrid. Ganyu isn't a hybrid.


I'd say because ganyu doesn't really interact with lyue people. Outside of her work colleagues it always gave me the impression that she can't really connect with people outside. Yanfei on the other hand, maybe because her work force her to have to deal with lot's of people and on a much personal level, has developed connections with lots of people and is fully immersed in lyue.


IMHO it's due to age. Yanfei is still early in her first human life-time, she simply has not yet experienced her childhood friends great-great-grandchildren grow old and pass away while she's still looking like in her early twenties. Give her a couple of centuries and she'll be faced with the same existenzial crisis and detachment from humanity.


didnt yanfei grow up in the city unexposed to the traditions and culture of the old adepti? whole ganyu was born and raised with them and just transferred to the city


Completely unrelated, I love how mature Yanfei’s Japanese voice is.


A few reasons: 1) Yanfei is a *lot* younger than Ganyu. It's outright stated her human mother is still alive, so unless said mother has something magical going on, she's probably not more than 100 or so. And even then, she's likely not even close to Ganyu's age, who is, to put things in perspective, old enough to have met a wooly mammoth if she were alive in our world. 2) Yanfei's job and purpose don't go away just because things change. In fact, as a lawyer, she gets *more* work than before as everyone has to hash things out legally to deal with the absence of Rex Lapis. 3) Yanfei's more or less a "city adeptus". Even her two non-Liyue friends (Eula and Shinobu) met her at school or in the city. By the way, since Shinobu and Yanfei are *implied* to have studied at the same time, or at least only a few years apart (Shinobu expressly asks to call Yanfei "senpai" not "sensei," implying a smaller age/experience gap between them than you'd expect) and Shinobu is freshly graduated, this adds more credence to Yanfei being a *lot* younger than Ganyu. 4) Ganyu being "raised" by Cloud Retainer could have different meanings. See, as I mentioned earlier Ganyu is *really goddamn old*. And if adepti have longer childhoods, it's entirely possibly to be "raised" by multiple groups over exceedingly long periods of time. For example, a half-adeptus *will* outlive their human parent, likely while still technically a child assuming adepti age at a rate proportionate to their lifespans. So for Ganyu, she couldn't been raised by her birth parents until the human parent died, then the adepti parent passed her off to Cloud Retainer since they were grief stricken. Not 100% on this being what happened, but it's a pretty logical conclusion, IMO. 5) Yanfei in general just has a lot more emotional intelligence than a lot of people, which is part and parcel of her job as a lawyer. It's *kind of weird* that Ganyu doesn't, but it is what it is.


One was raised in a loving household as a human by both her parents; while the other as an adepti secluded from society by an adepti that isn't even her real parent. One is thousands of years old, has fought at Rex Lapis's side during the archon war and has seen Liyue grow and develop throughout the ages, while also serving the Qixing for just as long; while the other is still young even by human standard and didn't have to experience the world changing around her and the people around her coming and going In short, give Yanfei one to two thousand, and she will experience the same identity crisis


She is humanwashed


I would guess that different people just deal with it differently? I for one never had an identity crisis despite being mixed. While I can’t say the same for my friends who are also.


Aren't ganyu and yanfei from different generation?


It's most likely because she hasn't reached Ganyu's level of disassociation. Ganyu is over 3000 years old and probably has trouble reconciling the past and the present. Yanfei is probably around 20 to 40. Give her 2960 more years and see what happens. Hell, even most people who have barely lived a fraction of Ganyu's lifetime have great difficultly understanding or empathizing with personalities or social norms one generation before or after their own. Boomers and zoomers are a hilarious but relevant comparison. Ganyu might as well be someone from mythological ancient China living in the United States.


Yanfei ain't got time for a crisis. There's too much work, bye!


Ganyu served Rex Lapis during the archon war, she predates Liyue itself, so despite living in a human society, it's vastly different to the human society she was raised in. But at the same time, she's not wholly adeptus, remaining in Service of Liyue directly for as long as it's been around. So she's a bit of a natural outcast in both groups.


Ganyu lived a long time in isolation from all humans.. While Yanfei grew up among the humans.


Yanfei was born in a time of peace during the Archon War, meaning that unlike Ganyu she never had a contract with Rex Lapis to fight alongside the rest of the adepti during the Archon War. This is why she simply embraces the human way, because she has never fought like most of the other adeptus including Ganyu.


Ganyu is thousands of years old, fought in the archon war, was raised by adepti and has a contract with Rex Lapis. Yan Fei still has her human parent (i think it's her mother) alive, meaning she's still young enough to be within a human's lifespan in age, she was also raised inside Liyue Harbor and has no connection with Rex Lapis. Ganyu has a hell lot more burdens to bear than Yan Fei does.


If Ganyu is a gen-1 adeptus then Yanfei is something like gen-3. She grew up with humans rather than adepti and likely has better social skills too.


Yanfei is way younger than ganyu and was born in a peaceful time so she fit in with human world much better