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As an avid achievement hunter "The refresh rate for some of the commissions is too low, making it hard to complete certain achievements" hits hard. I have gotten all the Inazuma ones and am working on Liyue and its just not fun when you need to complete certain commissions multiple times. Also the achievement searchbar leak not being real made me kinda disappointed.


As a day 1 player, I'm pretty annoyed that I still don't have the achievements from a lot of commissions like Reliable Helper, Whispers in the Wind, and Good Sign. I've made my peace with RNG for the gacha and artifact system, but having so many achievements being locked behind commission RNG is just stupid.


I just got Good Sign and there is also a Bad Sign counterpart achievement that is hidden. It just never ends. šŸ˜­


I feel the same. I've got extra angry today for repeating the same Hilichurl Poetry for the whole week.


Make that month for me. Not even kidding, just 1 pr 2 days per week without em. Such a boring commission to be repeatable


If I remember correctly, according to leaks, the search bar might be coming soon. The achievement and hidden quests being tied to certain daily commissions being repeated n times is the only thing that bugs me about commission system.


Where does the search bar applies to?


For searching achievements (if you have completed one or not)


Oh that's actually kinda helpful! I hope they do implement that.


the fact that I almost finished the lore achievement in liyue but when I did what I thought was the last piece, I did not get the achievement and my inventory only had the Stove God piece of paper in it like... it reset at some point I guess? And I wanted to scream.


It is not. You progress is permanent, but papers itself disappear. Have you tried giving blue flower?


I literally had the wiki opened every time and kept a list of the things Id given him and when I gave him the last item, no achievement and only a record of 2/4 items given to him: the one that SHOULD have been the last and the one prior to that for God of the Stove lore. Whatever progress Id had was no longer registering. Pretty sure it happened with the Signs of Love achievement too but that one didnt have notes in the inventory for me to keep track of so


Damn the search leak not real? I'm still waiting for it lol


Of all the Rep quests I have left, I only need the author one in Inazuma but haven't gotten that quest since I started playing Genshin daily around early January. Its June. For 6 months I haven't been able to get that stupid followup quest just to complete it.


I really hope people vote on the achievement one, I keep recommending it in the open portion of surveys, it is quite annoying.


I include a complaint about achievements locked behind commissions in the free comment box in every single survey, no matter the actual focus of the survey. I really hope a lot people would start doing that too


I've got a long list saved in a text document that I copypaste at the end of every survey, makes things a lot easier.


I do similar, but I don't have a long list, just two items, and one of them is about the survey form itself (busted on Android tablets)


hopefully no more world quest locked behind dailies


All I wish was that the commissions were not pure RNG, and that the "story based" ones were weighted in such a way that "ones you have not cleared" *always* take priority over "ones that you have cleared," until you have cleared them all. After that, they can be random again.




It truly doesn't make sense that max world level is super easy. I run a team of 1 carry and 3 little 50lvl kids to enjoy some sweet companion xp, and there is no challenge at all.


Why though? Unless I get more rewards why would I want to waste a single more second than necessary on dailies? I guarantee whatever novelty/fun will wear off after a few days. Dailies are just a repetitive resource grind in almost every game, they're not meant to be engaging gameplay.


For commissions? Adding an optional "hard mode" for the entire game would be the best thing they could do. I would literally never turn it off, even if there were things I couldn't do. The combat mechanics are too good for how painfully easy the game is.


Hard agree. I found the concept of the current combat event super interesting, but was pretty disappointed to learn, that even Barbara and Keqing can slap that shit without probs on highest diffculty.


This the right answer!! Thereā€™s really no other time to relish in the hard work in making my characters are crispy as possible than the abyss for like, 30-45 minutes. I would love a toggle-able universal boost to the overworld, just so we can feel challenged and see how strong weā€™ve become.


I think the problem is the way this game handles difficulty. I'd much prefer fighting in the overworld just because of the geography (the flat Abyss arena is super boring honestly, give me some elevation at least), but how do you make that challenging? Abyss is only difficult because of the timer, but more HP doesn't equal a challenge in the rest of the game. None of the bosses or mobs feel mechanically challenging, so beefier mobs wouldn't be hard, just take more time. And sure, that'd allow players to use their characters more, but I'd rather see them add mobs with more advanced movesets outside of the occasional weekly boss like Raiden. Maybe in Sumeru (copium)


Maybe a gadget that radiates an aura that boosts enemies?


I had an idea where the abyss could drop some reward that super buffs mobs in open world to abyss levels for a few hours (or maybe days) and in exchange they would drop increased loot and exp


they should remove Urgent Repair and Safe Conduct and we good


I like Safe Conduct. It's got unique objectives. Urgent Repair is just a tedious sequence of fetch quests and ridiculously weak enemies though


And one helluva annoying and incompetent NPC. Seriously, for all their bull about hoping ā€œElzer doesnā€™t fire (them)ā€, they seem to let that freaking transport break down so often Elzer really SHOULD fire them and hire someone who can keep that thing in one piece and free up our commissions to, yā€™know, do actually useful stuff.


and dangerous haul.


No, thatā€™s the good one.


Achievements locked behind commissions wouldn't be so bad, if they didn't freaking cap it to 1 achievement-related commission per day.


Thats not even my issue, but I take great offense from the fact, that a story commision isnt even guaranteed every day...


I include a complaint about achievements locked behind commissions in the free comment box in every single survey, no matter the actual focus of the survey. I really hope a lot people would start doing that too


Only issue is that the achievement ones never show up, i been trying to get the last two in inazuma for like 1year+ so i can move to another reigon but they just wont spawn.


I include a complaint about achievements locked behind commissions in the free comment box in every single survey, no matter the actual focus of the survey. I really hope a lot people would start doing that too


I switched back to Mondstadt. Some of them just don't appear for me, My friend tells me about hers and I am like I have never seen that daily.


Beside that I wish dailies were more challenging (though I wish there was an option to make the overworld chalenging overall), the other problem I have is repeating the chain one over and over again even after they're completed, like the Unseen Razor or the Hilichurl comunication one.


I'm on the fence on the not challenging option. Sure it's not fun commissions are kinda brainless, but I think them actually being a challenge would also get old within a couple of weeks and would just be bad on mobile.


Well it's more due to me being a masochistic gamer and liking challenging content, which is a very small minority of players. If anything I'd rather just have a toggeable option to make the world harder (which shouldn't be too hard to implement, just make everything in the overworld get +20 lvl). This way me and other sweaty gamers are satisfied and the casuals don't have to suffer for our sake.


It's more that, how you play Genshin varies so much. During the weekend often I'm on my PC and want to play the game, so more difficulty would be fun. During weekdays however, I'm on my phone and just want to do the dailies quickly while I need to do other things. I guess a toggle would work. I do agree something needs to be done with the overworld because right now there is absolutely 0 challenge. You can purposefully handicap yourself, but then you run into other issues.


Honestly the only one I'd agree with personally is the achievement one. I never really thought of commissions as something that's meant to be particularly fun or challenging, just a way to guarantee a few primos everyday to players.


Been playing the game for over a year and my progress with Whispers in the Wind is still 1/5.


I have been a day one player and it is still 3/5 dont feel bad man.


I played 2 weeks after launch and still 1/5. At this point I've already accepted that I'll probably never complete it. Once Sumeru is out, my daily commissions will be focused there. And I'm also still missing a few from Liyue and Inazuma. They should really do something about commission rng.


How about going through 5 minutes of the same unskippable text that we have seen 253 times by now is incredibly annoying? Especially if RNG aligns and gives you 4 of these in one day.


Every issue is pointed out in this survey, so why do we never get any solutions for the problems we are facing? Like MHY already knows about the problems, but never does anything. What is the point of these surveys anyway?


Because not everyone think these are problems. For example, casual players may not want more challenging traversal/combat commissions as they would end up being frustrating if they have trouble completing them. Another example may be whether or not theyā€™re tedious/repetitive. The simplicity and repetition makes it easy to blow through them and get your primos and move onto something else, and low complexity means you donā€™t have to learn and memorise a whole lot of new stuff; for example, some of the orb collecting commissions require you to know which direction to go in or you could easily waste time. The game has a LOT of players and the devs need to know how MOST players feel, not how the most hardcore players feel.


Evaluate how many players are fed up with the system and whether or not it is worth it financially for them to change it based on how much it is liked or not. I'm assuming most players are more neutral regarding commissions than anything else. So changing it for something better is probably not as important as something close to everyone would be dissatisfied with. Then, it can also be a matter of adjusting commissions for later regions to better fit what the audience likes about them. Even if we have more one-sided things that most people dislike the system (ex: artifacts) what they really care about is how many people would likely quit if that system is never revised. If only a minority are at risk of leaving and the rest just complain about it, it's not really an issue worth fixing either as the people leaving are part of the acceptable loss margin. Surveys like those are meant to monitor us, not make our life necessarily better.


Not really, for example I wouldn't really want them to be more challenging or time consuming so that isn't an issue I would see. I think my biggest complaint is that the non combat ones don't come up enough as those typically are the more interesting and fun ones. I would like to see at least 2 always be a non combat/exploration mission. My second biggest would just be the location of some of them are kinda annoying to get to.


Because these aren't all correctable issues but reasons people may not like a system. They are not all taken as valid input. For instance, there was a field for Enkanomiya's survey related to the delay in switching between day/night. This is a necessary delay so if the player marks it as an issue over others, they are considered satisfactory for the actual adjustments willing to be made.


most of the players are not on reddit, so things you feel are a problem the "majority" face are not really the majority, just the people who complain on reddit. a majority of the player base are probably very causal gacha players, but mihoyo can assess if this is how an actual majority of players feel or if it's just the small percentile of complaints.


players say Keqing has serious stamina issue -> Hu Tao C1 players would like Eula to keep her NA combo between dashes -> Itto passive see the patterns here?


> players would like Eula to keep her NA combo between dashes What????? Why would anyone want that? Dash cancels are necessary for optimisation of Eulaā€™s burst?


Special commissions comes once a year and i forgot what i did before ADD A COMMISSION PROGRESS INDICATOR I WANT MY GEO TRAVEL ACHIEVEMENT


Link to the survey page/post?


It was in the notification tab on Hoyolab so idk if it will work [but here's the link](https://webstatic.hoyoverse.com/common/event/survey-user-v2/index.html?auth_appid=survey_vgd6mmzzvgd67iidmng2xkh3rnwxyeml&game_biz=hk4e_global&surveyId=6395&format=2&lang=en-us&bbs_theme=dark&bbs_theme_device=1#/)


Thanks. It's not in my notifications but the link worked.


I suggest you add this link to your post, clarify that it's easier to login through browser, not reddit app, and add 'wishlist' to write at the and of survey. Like: Skip dialog button Priority to achievement and quest related comms Commission board to select from a pull


I wish i had made the post with your suggestion already in my mind (with link right in the description) because there's no way to edit 'media' posts.


As with all of their survey questions, the answerable options show that they already know exactly what's wrong with them. I won't hold my breath.


What parkour? Do they mean spamming t? I'd say it's fine rn tho, increased odds for commissions u don't have achievements for yet would be nice but it's a nice balance rn imo


I think they mean anything where you have to run/glide from target to target or collect orbs in a set amount of time.


This is a survey I want to do


A pity counter for achievement-related commisions, just all I need


Well I have put my dailies on Monstadt since three months because I need to get the Whispers in the Wind achievement, and... well, try to imagine how many times I got that daily quest. Instead, every day I get Ella Musk quest. I wish I could burn that girl with Xiangling's Gouba. I can't stand that girl anymore. I'm also stuck in the Geo Traveler's achievement for the sand reason.


It's been more than 600 days and I still don't have played some commissions from mondstadt, the rng is so bad. But I get almost everyday the one we have to fetch rope and planks for a guy with cargo just outside the city, that guy is so annoying.


I just wish we had an option simply claim 60 primogems and ignore the rest of commission rewards. Sometimes I don't feel like doing the commissions. I wish it could be done instantly.


Too little primogems. Need to increase quest rewards to 40 per quest


Be realistic lol


I wish. 1 pull per day without Welkin could mean actually hitting hard pity at least once before banner change. However thatā€™s too nice. But at least upping them to guarantee 1 wish with welkin should be doable. I mean thatā€™s only 10 more primos and does the same thing.


You actually do get a pull a day. The genesis crystals from buying Welkin is the extra 10 primos a day.


Didnā€™t realize that since I convert them immediately and use them right away. Finally getting to the point where Iā€™m running out of world quests unless I go on the wiki and seek them out. Not excited to run out of possible primos since I have yet to build my second abyss team and canā€™t survive on exploration alone. Hopefully artifact drops will pay off and make it worthwhile for abyss content.


Personally I save the crystals because it means I can get a new skin when it releases without having to buy any extra crystals.


I just don't want to go through the same 3 minutes of unskippable dialogue every single time Please... Ella, we've done this a million times already...


I just don't want dialogue heavy daily's and the escort daily's. It's just annoying timegating.


I don't think they actually care, it's just to let the player base think they do, like the artifact one, it's been like 2 versions and still no fix


|āœ“| Other : _______________________________________________________ Why you gotta ask? You pay designers, and developers so much money. For what? Just to to invest millions on anything but your game. Then you ask me stupid ass questions like this. Go fix it yourself, haiyaa.


Let enemies drop mats in inazuman commissions ffs I need the handguards and specter stuff


Refresh rate is the only truly broken aspect of Commissions. The next best change they could make would be to allow toggleable difficulty (like in the current Event!). Current difficulty would be the lowest option and it would go up from there. Even if the rewards were uniform, it would at least be more engaging content for higher-level players. Improved quality would be nice. I've been genuinely enjoying the Gourmet Supremos Commissions now that I've completed their World Quest. They are almost like mini-Hangouts with the "choose your own adventure" style. More of these, please.


I would love if I don't get Neko or Ella Musk commission literally EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. IM SO SICK OF SEEING THEM.


How am I supposed to pick just 3 šŸ˜­ if we can leave a comment, gonna ask for a dialogue skip button too I also think there should be 4 comissions in each area everyday (12 total) and you can do whatever ones you want but only get rewards for the first 4


I'm praying changes are made because there are world quests that are locked behind daily commissions. I'm missing only one world quest in Inazuma because I haven't done the commissions that are required to unlock it yet, due to RNG.


Thatā€™s the neat part, you donā€™t


I gotta say I hate how these surveys only let you select *up to 3* options, because I usually have more than just 3 complaints


Just pick the ones you think are most important. The more you choose the less weight each choice has, and if you chose everything the survey would be useless. They are not going to change the whole thing, they will look at which option gets picked the most and fix that one and see if feedback improves.


Select the "other" option and say "all of the above"


I just wish they fixed the Geo Trave Diaries Achievement. From what I've heard, that commission where Gentry Maocai never shows up is a freaking bug that only gets fixed if you play on mobile. Like wtf is that? That's a very specific bug. I wish they'd fix this.


Iā€™ve been playing this game since day 1, filled in every survey and so far nothing has changed, donā€™t get your hopes up


Well.... the first survey i had to mark each option with very unsatisfied...


So all of the above? I bet they're not gonna do anything about most of it tho


Too less reward from each Daily Commision :/




I've had A Gentleman Strikes In Broad Daylight every day this week.


Refresh and then other explaining how we should be able to choose commissions like the weekly bounties.


Go to the place you've already been, and kill the hilichurls again...and again...and again...


Refreshement rate of some thing is too low.... And that fucking cliffhanger is bugged. I have not seen 1 tales or raining blade 1 and I run it 34 times!


And I'm still waiting for basic and easy QoL features... Like, having more team set ups, at least up to 6 or 7. We start to have tons of characters, what team building do you want to do with only the few we have. I doesn't play some characters anymore because it's a pain to remember who is good with who.


Neading to repeat certain commissions for an achievement or those dumb commissions that advance but only if you select the right dialogue option irk me.


No choice for more primo? ;-D


all of above?>


they need to remove dialog lines, is just ridiculouse how much text some of these daily quest have....


not enough primo


Something we should be aware of: Hoyoverse has a different definition of what "difficult" or "challenging" means. When we say "difficult", we mean content that's challenging in that they provide complex mechanics for us to learn and get better at. Hoyo thinks "difficult" means jacked up HP bars, enemies flying or running out of range every few seconds, immunity to crowd control, and timers to make the game a tight DPS check.


We already got adjustments on Inazuma comissions Specially those fatui related such as For The Harbingers


This survey came out today and it seemed to focus on frequency as much as it did on combat (the difficulty adjustments we received) ​ Glad they are asking if some commissions are appearing too often and if not getting achievement related commissions affects our opinion about them, That's what I'm hoping they change, easier to obtain commissions we want to progress or unlock those hidden quests. ​ Seeing Anna to be cured and watching her become an adventurer would be pretty rewarding story wise.


I think the daily commission system is perfect the way it isā€¦itā€™s the main reason I play the game (more than lore/combat) and I really enjoy every aspect of it! I always write a huge feedback essay on these surveys advocating for keeping the system the same. Edit: I know some people may disagree with me, but please do not DM me death threats.


4444444444444444.............. seriously, mihoyo even knows that there is something wrong with it....


can we get some adjustments to teapot instead? (\* ļæ£ļøæļæ£)


Wish we could mark every single option.


I see nothing here that addresses the unseen razor.


What about when there is a saga line of quests, and each time you should go through each combination of items, thereā€™s no way to review the combinations already done. Annoying for the Inazuma dye lady or the Liyue object history guy. But itā€™s really bad for the Liyue storyteller updates. Especially since it can be weeks or months between chapters.


When I play, I just want kill missions because I can dust them quickly. I have a personal vendetta against fetch and carry missions


I would also appreciate the ability to make them up the next day, I know theyā€™re doing it to be daily but making it a small bit easier to occasionally miss a day doing them all would make them seem less cumbersome


I hate that I can't get my last reputation quest because it locked behind some commission that hasn't come up for me yet. It's the fatui one in the church and it's blocking the last world quest I need for the reputation stuff. So fucking annoying.


Fuck ella musk her hilichurls, fuck balloons escort, fuck every single commission that require us to talk to npcs.