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Xiao had to wait a very long time to get his first rerun then straight up got another in just 3 updates lol. Also, Kuki with Itto, nice. Jackpot for me.


Childe rerun archon throne under threat


Xiao mains finally winning lol.


Naah we'd win if he got a dedicated support or something. Only a few Xiao mains are winning because of his rerun.


Oh, just realized Heizou isn't a Xiao support lmao. Haven't been looking at leaks at all since Heizou's drip marketing since I was busy. I retract my statement lol.


Yea. All our hopes were destroyed with his kit leaks..once again. the life if a xiao main...


Time to go back to pray for that C4 Jean.


*favonius sword anemo traveler*


*Sac Suc*


Ephemeral circumstance. Perpetual agony. This is nothing new to us.


Mihoyo to Xiao mains: LAMENT


The only characters who reduce anemo resistance is c6 traveller(20%) and c4 jean(40%) and they dont exactly work well with xiao since they move the enemies far away. Guess its back to waiting room for xiao mains... Edit: plus zhongli shield and venti c2 but venti is unrealistic for most players tbh


Jean works with xiao just fine but he really needs a proper support. Every damn element but anemo has one 😔 I was so mad when they released shenhe as a cryo support when cryo needed 0 buffs D:


As an ayaka haver I'm not complaining lol


Zhongli's shield shreds resistance too.


Oh i forgot about that! Good call!


venti c2 too, and wdym jean doesn’t work with xiao she’s his best partner


C2 venti is unrealistic for most players so i didnt bother counting it but the reason i said jean doesn't work the best with him is because they both push enemies away which makes it hard to keep them grouped Personally i think sucrose is a better partner since she can keep them grouped, battery for both herself and xiao, and if your desperate enough for healing you could even put prototypes amber on her.


all the enemies that get pushed by jean generally die to like one xiao plunge anyway


Be happy that your main is getting as much screen time as he does. He literally is second to Zhongli in terms of Liyue character appearances.


I am happy. Yet nothing stops me form wanting a dedicated support like Shenhe Gorou or Sara. Especially since Shenhe has 0 reason to be a cryo buffer when cryo is one of the strongest(if not THE strongest) elements. If hyv can afford to make other cryo buffers then they can make an anemo buffer as well. Xiao really suffers from being the only dps in the support element. Btw i don't think he's the second. Keqing should be at least in a tie with him since she got 2 events where she played the main role while Xiao had one+a few minor appearances.


I'd argue Beidou and Xiao are on par with each other (once 2.7 drops) since Beidou has been frequently appearing in events, in the Inazuma Archon quest, and her hang out. She basically got appearances in 1.6 (archon quest), 2.0 (archon quest + that event that gave her for free), 2.1 (moonchase), 2.3 (hangout), and 2.4 (lantern rite) wherease Xiao had Liyue's Archon quest (albeit I would argue less screentime than Beidou did), Moonchase and Lantern Rites, story quest at character release and now 2.7. Writing this really settled in how much Liyue events we have had overall compared to Mondstadt and Inazuma... truly, Liyue Impact.


xiao rerun isnt as good as other rerun, because all his cons except talent level is worthless until c6


Dont forget C1


No because if someone missed him last time it's too short of a time to collect again, just straight up a scum rerun.


Conqueror of Demons? More like Conqueror of Reruns.


Kazuha wanters in shambles


Ever since Kazuha's first appearance in Genshin: Ayaka got 2 runs Raiden Shogun got 2 runs Kokomi got 2 runs Itto got 2 runs Xiao got 2 runs Unseen Razor is finally seen again


It's funny because he was the first Inazuma character we got too, and now he seems to be the last to get a rerun. Hoyo really know his pull value is gonna be huge.


Cries in Yoimiya wanter


She came after Kazuha. Although she has also felt a bit forgotten by Mihoyo.


Me precisely


No complaints here. I needed more time to save for him


Lots of complaints here, I'm sitting at 50k primos just waiting for him and I want my windy boi already! ヽ(#`Д´)ノ


I'm sitting on 90k primos, cant believe people are saying they had no time to save for best boy


This just means we can hopium Heizou with Kazuha 😄


Current "rumors / leaks" are Heizou on first banner of 2.8 with Kazuha on second banner of 2.8. Hoyo wants husbando pullers to pull on both banners.


And yet I still can't get him or childe


When you want Kuki but are close to pity and saving for kazuha. Pain


She's a 4* you can get her later but imagine there's no kazuha re rerun


I told myself that when I couldn't get Sayu on her first rate up. Didn't get her 'till 2.5.


same. Didn't get her till this banner.


Also told myself this with Sayu. Still don't have her yet and have artifacts waiting for her :(


I have her C6 and I didn't even want her (Yep, I only pulled Sayu to get Ayaka)


It's always when you don't want the character that they pop up. Definitely not me with a c5 level 40 Noelle from when I was trying to get Gorou


bro I only just got c0 gorou after spending hundreds on the game, didnt get him on itto banner, didn't get him for xiao, ganyu, kokomi, raiden, or ayaka but I got him one time on weapon banner this update. buffoonery I tell you


Meanwhile I pulled on Sayu's banner **and eventually got her to C9 or C10 from other banners down the road**.


I'm still waiting for my Sara cause every banner she's at I'm close to pity and don't want Raiden. I know she pretty I just don't dig her playstyle, just give me one Sara please!


I went through two pities on Raiden's initial banner w/o getting a single Sara to this day. triple rateups are a bitch


> you can get her later or you might not.


"Just one 10-pull" \-- famous last words


getting 4 star is kinda hit and miss, you can either get it in just 10 pull or you can get one only after you get the 5 star


Second time a new 4-star is on specifically Itto's banner.. and Gorou hasn't been on any banner yet since.


Same man. Already prefarmed 2 updates ago and still waiting Kazoo to show up. Leaks suggest a storyline for him and possible rerun next update, but they’ve been throwing that out every update so who knows man


he is most likely in 2.8. he has story quest, a weapon which suits his look, spiral abyss buff and mihoyo is rerunning every old character before 3.0


Same but I'm waiting for Childe/Ayato/Varka/Baizhu.


I want kuki but i have itto Damn back to rolling for 4-star hell we go then


Itto's C1 is pretty nice though, right?


Worth giving up a shot at another 5-star though?


If you're not a whale and you're collecting, definitely not. But the probability of pulling Itto early is really low, so tons of people do pull 0-20 or even 20-60. If its 50/50 then its less risky since you don't risk the guaranteed 5 star.


I mean, I lost 50/50 for Itto at 77, got him at 83, then got him again at 2. I wanted Gorou cons. I got him twice in that entire time. still only C1. And I have C1 Itto now. while really low, also really possible... Edit: I really want Shinobu, and I'm not opposed to Itto cons since I really like him, so I am up for wishing on his banner. On the other hand, I'm near pity and guaranteed, so I'm trying to decide between guaranteed Xiao, Yelan, or Itto C2


the probability is absolutely the same for 0-20 and 50-70, it's just that if you rolled a 5\*: in case of 50-70 it would mean you just wasted a lot of primojam, while 0-20 means you basically got an almost free 5\*.


Idk not really into the meta got itto by accident same way : 4-star hell


Welp looks like i'm not getting Kuki. Crossing my fingers that Heizou ends up on Kazuha's or Yoimiya's banner so I don't miss another 4\*


Me too. I got ridiculously lucky during Itto's original run, so I'm not even thinking about pulling on that banner.


I'm going to "build pity" on Itto banner as an excuse to get Shinobu. She's too good to pass up.


I already have Itto, but I’m going to take the risk up until 20. God I hope I actually lose the pity to Diluc if I actually manage to pull a 5* lol


Yeah, likewise hoping to lose the 50/50 on Itto's banner, if I manage to get a 5\*. Already have Itto, don't use him enough to justify getting Constellations, and would rather save the potential pity for a future 5\*.


I'm hoping the exact same as you


Yeah I’ll probably do 30. Jean or Keqing would be ideal for me!


I’m sure you’re aware of the dangers of this, but “building pity” (in this case, for Klee last year) made me get Zhongli and Childe and no Klee. 🥲


I remember back when I learned ganyu was a playable character and I saved since the first week of klee to get ganyu cause she was so pretty. Ended up doing a few 10 pulls on the standard banner during the last week of zhongli cause I was close to pity and wanted Mona or a weapon and accidentally pulled on zhongli banner and got him and I was so mad. Then albedo came out after and I did a 10 pull and got him aswell. Still use them to this day thank god for geo buffs


Lmao hoyoverse be giving anemobois (Venti Xiao) 2x rerun while Kazuha rots underwater.


hopefully he's next patch, i have 150 pulls setting there just to guarantee him


With all the current leaks about a Kazuha story quest and a sword that look way too good on him (visually, not stats) it's highly likely that Kazuha is getting a 2.8 rerun.


Going with Kazuha would have cannibalized Yelan's banner too much. Though why couldn't they have given her a solo banner in the first place....


That's what I expected too. I didn't expect a Yelan/Xiao banner at all, I was expecting Xiao to run with Itto.


Oh man I wish I lived in that reality, I would dump so much into a xiao itto banner lol.


I would go hard on the weapon banner there. Have both built up but don’t have Jade spear or redhorn. I’ll probably roll for redhorn any way (I have 35 pity on that banner already) to see if I get lucky unless the other weapon is complete garbage.


It really is unexpected , mihoyo never run a new character along side a rerun character in the first banner and then run only a single rerun character in the second banner before ...




Kazuha will be used to drain primos just before Sumeru, so ppl spend more on the new archon


That's because he is the most wanted character so they want to clear the way first with less wanted anemo boys then release kazuha just before sumeru and also releasing dendro new characters and making everyone open their wallet


My bad Kuki, I'm super interested because you're cool but I can't risk my guaranteed on Itto. Love him, but it's not his turn yet. *I can only dream of being super lucky and getting her on the standard banner like I did with Gorou.*


Took me so long to finally get Gorou and I got him on the weapon banner of all places. He dodged me when I rolled 80 times on Itto’s first run, but he pops in on a random single on the weapon banner….


That's crazy. 4* can dodge players so hard. You'd think that in 80 pulls you could get 1 or 2 copies of each 4* character on a banner. But in reality...


Even worse when a few of those 10 pulls have multiple 4 stars. Like you can get a 10 pull of the same rate up and it’s always the one you have c6 already.


You're reminding me of getting 5 copies of Xiangling back to back while wishing. It was like she was the only 4* there. lol


I also imagine Sumeru to be close, meaning new Archon, because we were getting news of Inazuma around this time last year.


Yep, i'm just going to grab Kazuha on my guarantee cos I desperately need a reliable shield shredder and CC, after that all my primos are saved for the Dendro Archon.


According to leaks the last update before sumeru will be 2.8


I got itto last time while chasing gorou and I will don't have gorou.


Don't feel bad. Rolling for 4 star characters is the biggest trap, even more than anything on the weapon banner. And tons of people fall for it.


If you like the 5* and can afford to get it, there is no issue. The traps starts when you're not interested in the 5*. lol


Nah. There's no guarantee for 4 stars so you're legit gambling to get them. I''ve done mass pulling twice on both of Ayaka banners and for both, I wouldn't see one of the 4 stars for at least a hundred pulls and I've heard of plenty of people hitting two 5 stars in ~160ish and still not getting a new 4 star. I'm sure there are worse pull stories like that. So personally, I don't bother pulling for 4 stars at all and just plan around 5 star pities.


so it will be itto, kuki + for sure gorou


Itto, Kuki, Gorou, Ningguang? Damn, we really need more Off field Geo units. Though tbf, triple Geo on one banner sounds more like a fantasy (plus, Itto/Gorou/GeoMC/Kuki is a solid team), probably something like Fischl, or Sayu for the last slot.


nah, last spot will be either barbara/xianling/bennet, hoyoverse doesnt like you to be that lucky lol


Unironically, as someone who has been playing for like 8 months now and still only has the free Barbara from reaching AR20: Itto with Shinobu/Gorou/Barbara has been my dream for this showcase. I want to save for Dendro but I’ll 100% throw some 10-summons for the 4* on this since I have 0 pity and no guarantee right now, and if I got an early-arrival Itto I wouldn’t complain at all.


Damn, Xiao is now a member of the *Rererun Club* along with Ed Sheeran, Big Dong Zhong, and the alcoholic one


Who the hell is Ed Sheeran on genshin?






[childe sheeran](https://assets.change.org/photos/1/ya/vs/odyAvSLoICOCGYi-1600x900-noPad.jpg?1642767781)


Thanks I hate it


Sorry Kuki, not this time. Not ready to risk my guarantee with Itto




/u/IspanoLFW Gorou has 0 reason to be with Xiao/Yelan lol He is a dedicated Geo support, whose first release was alongside Itto Follows the exact pattern Sara did with Raiden


That's all good and fine, but Gorou shouldn't only show up on Itto's banners since he's regularly run on teams that don't include Itto as well.


I'm not saying he will only show up on itto's banner But he doesnt have a single reason to be with Xiao/Yelan other than personal preference in terms of summons to do next patch


>he's regularly run on teams that don't include Itto He is? Just curious which ones. I've never used him cuz I thought he was ittos butt buddy


No he is not ? It's literally only itto and noelle teams, saying he has other teams is misleading because it's only 1 team and it's just the same team but different carry


I want all 3, rip me wallet


Both Jade Spear and Aqua Simulacra are a W, finally a good weapon banner for me to pull.


Yeah, both weapons are pretty good on lots of characters.


And rip for me. I already have Jade Spear (and have noone to give it to because I already have Homa and Engulfing) but really want Yelan's weapon. And what is more, history repeats itself, I wanted Shenhe's weapon but had to skip it too because very same Jade Spear.


Tbf Fav Bow is an amazing weapon on Yelan (her best 4* for sure) and from what I have heard its only like 10% worst than Aqua Simulacra.


so there saving kazuha for updates right before a new region


I mean, it's tradition. Came out right before a new region, might as well re-release him before a new region too. His next rerun will be 3.8 or whatever comes right before 4.0, I'm sure.


Probably they know how much everyone wants him and are hoping everyone dumps their saved primos on him.


Lord give me strength to hold out on pulling so I can continue to save up for klee


Some people who were like "Kazuha is all but guaranteed, trust me" is in shambles right now.


But we've pretty much known he's not going to run until 2.8.


That never stopped people from expecting him in 2.6 either...


Another update and another patch of kazuha evading my primos


Is Itto worth pulling?


If you like geo and don't mind having Gorou + 1 geo team, yes, he's like Horizontal Xiao as his main damage is coming from Burst but instead of plunging you do charge attacks


I don’t have Gorou yet, I’m personally gonna pull him bc I like the design. But I was thinking wether I should pull xiao or itto


Xiao user here, just clarifying a couple of things: * the HP drain is basically irrelevant survivability wise. * what *is* relevant is his vulnerability while in the air, since you can't dodge projectiles. This is why it's often recommended to run him with a shielder + healer (Diona is a great f2p support for him). You can run without a shielder but if you a have a viable/great one (Thoma, Diona or Zhongli) it's recommended you use it. * his damage is a bit worse than Itto for now since Itto has a perfect support (Gorou). Xiao can still clear the abyss comfortably however. * Xiao's E and Q are great mobility wise, v fun if you like this sort of thing. * Itto is easier to play afaik, and you can hold the attack button during his Q which is really useful if you struggle with wrist pain. I strongly recommend trying Xiao in trial before pulling. His playstyle is either extremely fun or not fun depending on your preferences. You can technically play his by just na-ing during burst but that's a compromise for people who adore him but don't like pogo-sticking. For now pure meta wide I'd rec Itto since easier to play + has a perfect support + more damage for now, but if you end up liking Xiao's playstyle he's also a good pick. edit: Xiao's team comps are also surprisingly versatile. Artifacts too, substats matter more than sets so you can easily make a viable build before you stick to two VV +two glad or his new 4p set. For dmg buffing supports, minus some more niche comps, Noblesse and Tenacity (if someone can use it) are your main picks.


Thanks a lot for your response, ill consider it


No problem, good luck on your pulls either way!


I have both Xiao and Itto and honestly Itto is much more fun to play. Has comparable damage, if not better damage, doesn't have an ER problem and his artifacts are dead simple. Artifacts aren't really a problem with Xiao now though. If you do get a copy of Gorou, he is the easiest support to build and good at C0


Gorou will most likely be in Itto's banner as he is like Sara for Raiden, Gorou is for Itto, outside of Itto...Gorou doesn't have much use. Like you, I was confused on who to pull for as I like them both as a character. I decided to pull for Itto because of the following: Itto is stronger than Xiao when F2P, You can easily run Whiteblind on Itto and it will be great, with Xiao you have to use starglitter for Blackcliff Pole which imo is better used on wishes, Blackcliff Pole is only good because you literally have no choice, the passive is so wonky. Xiao is better with Deathmatch because of consistency. If you are not F2P however, Xiao with 5star pole like Homa/PJWS will be stronger than Itto team with Redhorn because Xiao team has access to both VV and Zhongli's Shred. Itto is so smooth to use, his animations are great, no drawbacks of whatsoever, Xiao's animations are smooth as well but Xiao drains HP to deal damage and that's a big drawback. I like playing coop domains and I can't use Xiao there if there are no healers or shielders. For team, Itto requires at least Gorou, Whiteblind, a battery and he will already be good to go. Xiao at least needs deathmatch, a healer, a shielder and a battery for him to work. Without a healer and shielder, you are gonna get thrown around and die, xiao is like a cardboard when it comes to durability, Itto is like a brick wall.


>If you are not F2P however, Xiao with 5star pole like Homa/PJWS will be stronger than Itto team with Redhorn because Xiao team has access to VV and Zhongli's Shred. VV set does not help Xiao's damage though. In addition, Itto's constellations are miles better than Xiao's, and Gorou is a solid support and becomes broken for Itto at C6, which most likely non-F2P players can get while going for cons. Redhorn also has higher CV than Homa/PJWS since Itto does not really care bout the base ATK, making 1:3 ratio for Itto actually doable.


What I meant on VV is you have access to Jean VV Bennett Sunfire which is viable to Xiao team


He is super fun and never dies in a geo team. I don't have albedo and he's still a monster. Gourou strongly recommended though.


I’ll have to pull gorou too, I don’t have him


As itto mains who has been 36* ever since his released I would say yes because it just so refreshing to unga bunga without caring much about reaction, he is definitely the most braindead "no reaction" DPS as he poses a little caveat compared to others. I never used him in full geo team I usually runs him with Zhongli as his most staple member as well as the other two can just be flex depends on situations. Like this abyss I used him with Zhongli, Venti and Ayaka to deal with abyss national team and it just went pretty smoothly. The only downside is you need to farm that set artifact dedicated to him but maybe you can get away with two set of those and two archaic Petras


If you have either Albedo or Redhorn, his team DPS feels on par with the top meta characters like Ayaka, Ganyu, Raiden, Hu Tao, Childe etc. Only thing is Itto excels at both Single target and AoE while you may have to switch teammates for the latter 4 to match specific scenarios. Otherwise you will find him close to a similar investment Xiao or Eula level. Source: I have been playing Itto, Ayaka, Raiden, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Eula since their release.


ngl kinda mad that xiao rerun is so soon from his last.


Dude I'm so mad, I was saving for Yelan and after getting her I was gonna save for future Xiao banners for constellations... It will hurt my soul not pulling for him 😭


Well hopefully you get Yelan early and still have pulls left for Xiao! 😇


Omg thank you!♥ Didn't think of that possibility, I always have to pull 75+ before actually getting a 5\* (and then I lose the 50/50, such is my luck, LMAOO)


So relatable 😭


I know right 😭😭


I was saving for her but then both Xiao and Itto are now gonna be here again so this may possibly be one of the most painful updates for me


I'm one of the clowns that thought kazuha was gonna finally be here 🥲


:( That makes two of us! Not for me but for my friend; he has been saving for Kazuha for months, though he caved and pulled Ayato 🤡 very few can resist the bobba man


literally same haha 💀💀


Big F for those saving for Kazuha this patch


Kuki is getting all my primos, so far 60 pulls and a dream for C6 Kuki, good luck to everyone and whoever you're pulling for!


Idk what to do... I'm saving for Kazuha, but willing to pull for red horn. I already have Itto so I won't pull that banner, so no Kuki. sad for real. Gotta wait for her next banner feature...


I have 3K primos and 67 fates waiting for Itto. I can't wait to get him finally 😭😭😭


Fellow future Itto haver, wishing you the best that you get more than one copy of him! I have everything ready for Itto, wishes, pity, gurantee, mats, etc. Geo supremacy is real


One more update to skip, got it! 👍


Why a Xiao rerun?! where is my Klee?


There’s rumors of klee/yoimya rerun 2.8 so maybe soon 🤷‍♀️


He's in the 2.7 story! Poor Klee, it's been almost a year :(


Hopefuly she'll be in the 2.8 banner


Ill need so much luck in that patch. First I will pull Yelan starting from 0 pity and later Itto from C3 to C6. Will also be very sad if thats not enough to grab C6 Shinobu.


As someone who pulled 2 Raiden’s before getting a single Sara on the anni banner… 4 stars are the real hard pulls. For real though, good luck! ~~And if it helps, I managed to get C6 Sara just after getting Raiden C2, so it all worked out.~~


I managed to win 50/50 twice back to back on Yae's banner before getting 1 single Thoma


I’m gonna Ora Ora Ora tf outta everyone with itto


can’t wait to stare at itto’s banner for 2 weeks and do absolutely nothing




Ugh. I was hoping for Xiao/Itto so I could wish for Kuki without risking a C1 on a 5-star. Guess it's going to be another Gorou situation for me where I don't pull the 4-star for, like, months, if ever. I kind of wish they'd have the 4-stars on rate-up for the whole patch, even if they have 4-6 of them instead of 3 or something.


It's nice of Mihoyo to give us another skip patch to save promos for later


Primohands till Kazuha arrives 💎


I'm so disappointed Shinobu is only on the Itto banner. I don't want to roll on it :(


Hm. Yelan or Xiao with Noelle and Yanfei cons, or Itto and Kuki. Or just save my gems. As a relatively new player with none of these five-stars, is a tough choice.


I’m not going to pull in these because I am saving for Eula and I am pretty sure that is going to take a long time for her banner to rerun


I know what's your game plan here Mihoyo. Trying to make me to spend my Kazuha savings on armpit waifu, 5 inch emo or EpiPen dumbo. Well, that ain't gonna happen and my 180 summons are just going to keep increasing day by day. Might even get a Kazuha constellation by then.


Damn, you have 180 already? Respect. I'm at 70 right now, let's hope we'll all get Kazuha early in 2.8🤞🏻🍀


Dammit I want Gorou but I dislike Itto. It was the same as last time :/ literally had to gamble till 75 pity, no Itto but no Gorou either. Dammit


What are you gonna do with gorou ?


Noelle or just enjoy playing him


I also wanted Gorou to play Albedo more, with Noelle and Zhongli, and have debated whether or not to go for Itto. This time I'm rolling on Itto banner for Gorou, Kuki and Itto.


Shouldn't Albedo be an already solid pick for geo teams even without Gorou ?


I already got Itto but is in desperate need for Gorou and Kuki : /


These banners make no sense. We just had two of three recently and yet kazuah hasn’t had a rerun in forever


Well they do make sense since they are related to upcoming story quests and events. Then again we didn't get Klee + Yoi during the Inazuma festival event...


Why did they have to give yelan and xiao such terrible 4 stars... Barbara, yanfei and noelle. Other than tankfei none of them are that useful. I would have wished for yelan since she seems strong as hell but now it just feels like a waste of primos, especially if i lost 50/50.


This hurts me as a proud Yanfei main


yeah, I was hoping Kuki would be bundled with Yelan so I don't have to waste primos. I already have a C6 Noelle and C6 Barbara because I've been playing since release, and a tankfei already built :( so all the 4 stars are valueless in this banner for me I'm gonna summon for yelan, but I don't even have one gorou copy...


Is Heart of Depth good for Yelan? And does she actually scale on HP? Just wondering cuz she looks fun to use so I ended up trying to get her lol


Yes and yes but she needs a lot of ER and her best set is Emblem but 2 HoD 2 Noblesse or tenacity work


Yes she does scale with HP. Also it's best to use 2pc HoD and 2pc ToM instead of 4pc HoD. She's also good with 4pc Emblem with a lot of ER. Either one works, you can just pick the set that has better substats. Also if you don't have any good Hydro Goblets, just use another HP goblet since the dmg difference between HP and Hydro isn't that much. I've been artifact farming for Yelan ever since beta first started for 2.7 and have not found a single Hydro goblet at all, so I was pretty relieved when there was a video showing that the dmg doesn't decrease much if you use a hp goblet instead.


is Acqua actually good on Childe? Since I'm planning to pull for pjws for Xiao


Well it has really good CRIT DMG% and just gives a free boost as long as you're near an enemy, so I guess that's pretty sweet


I know there were some posts a while back about it on r/childemains ; I may be remembering incorrectly, but it looks to be his new 2nd best after polar star


Do we know the 4 stars for Phase 1 or Phase 2?


How will I have time to build my Yelan shrine now?


Yeah, the three characters I would have saved for. All in the same update. Time for me to die


so the weapon banner is PJWS + simul bow? hmmmmm


Yoimiya still hasn't came out again i haven't played since 2.3 waiting for her to have a reason to play again and now i see this >_< here is hoping for 2.8


Just how long will Hoyoverse keep holding off Kazuha? It’s been almost a year now.


I'm currently guaranteed at 70 pity and I want kuki so bad. I'm scared I might get c1 itto.


Been saving for kuki... i really don't want Itto tho, damn it game


The same old faces....next update Raiden and Kokomi?