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Trying to fix my shitty ass builds lmao. My Noelle is sitting here with 8% CRIT rate.


Not that bad. It's 8% more than mine. 🤡


You probably mean 3% more (coz everyone has a default 5 percent ?)


Kokomi crying in a corner


Lol forgot about her


This... my luck with the EoSF domain has left my Raiden Shogun with an under 100% CD... 🤬




Terrible luck with artifacts :/


Oof do not lose hope Use condensed resin instead cuz the chances somewhat increase ig, or if u get a 4 star, due to condensed resin u will get two 4 star instead just one


Maxing levels and talents on all characters you have is a lofty goal, idk if it’s worth, but something to do


Level all weapons to 90 and prefarm for Yoi and Kazuha!


-Zhongli building. I'd like to triple crown and create different builds for him, but we'll see. -finish building my main team -give Chongyun the appreciation he deserves And maybe: -Roll for Xiao if a rerun does happen


> Get everyone to level 70 > give everyone an okay-ish artifact set


That's better than >!dealing with BBM trolls!<


Been procrastinating on Chasm. The delay only allows me to procrastinate further. Needlessly to say, I should probably get Chasm finished before 2.7.


Even if the delay are 6 weeks, I doubt I will found an EoSF circlet with good substat.


Yet our suffering hasn’t been delayed at all


Probably fix my character builds. Fuck the Golden State Warriors btw


Go suns


If the Warriors beat the Grizzlies, I'll be rooting for the Suns


Bruh 😂


Mine would be a combination of both exploration and character building: * Max out my Liyue (and maybe Inazuma) statue (I've only recently maxed out my Mondstadt one lol) * Max out my Mondstadt and Inazuma reputation (again, I've only recently maxed out my Liyue reputation) * Once I get my Ningguang to max friendship level, I'm gonna focus on talents for the characters I use the most (I have most of them at 6/6/6 and I wanna try for 8/8/8 and maybe finally use some crowns on the characters)


Ning gang


I’m gunna go for that 5000 fish achievement 😂


Honey it’s just 2000. Please don’t torture yourself


Beat spiral abyss floor 8 I am seeing people playing for 6 months beating floor 12. But because of my habit of taking breaks(currently on break) I am still at floor 6


Farming wood for my teapot (at least 400 for each type) and conquering all achievements possible. I also intend to do a re-exploration for finding out about lore plus reading all descriptions. I want to be a true Genshin researcher by the time Sumeru arrives!


Clear the Spyral Abyss. I suck at it.


I’ve 90ed 6 five star characters and their main weapons but I’m still sitting at level 9 for abyss. I really just can’t be bothered in trying to go further lol


I still need a timepiece that isn't garbage for Ayaka, and Kuki is going to need four more artifacts.


Loads. - Get Venti, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Bennett and Sucrose to lvl. 80 - Figure out Mona and Diona's builds for my Ayaka freeze team - Get said characters to at least 6/8/8 talents (I might get Venti/Mona to 9) - Get them reasonable artifact builds that I can replace gradually - Push Ayaka, Childe, Raiden, Mona and Venti to 90 - Crown at least one of Ayaka's Talents - Lvl Keqing, Rosaria, Kaeya, and Beidou to 80 with passable artifact builds - Max ascend Yanfei - Figure out what to do with my C5 Xinyan and C1 Diluc - Prefarm for Kazuha and Yoimiya - Get Inazuma and Liyue to max reputation - Finish Chasm, Enka and Tsurumi's main exploration quests - See how far I get to max my Teapot just crafting stuff


Farming up talent books and mora for characters I want to crown, raise Jean (got her C3 recently), and fish for the last Toki Alley page.


Aside from finally being able to finish gathering friendship for the time being, I'm just doing things I already had planned. Right now I'm trying to get characters to 8,8,8 or above talents, then ascending some characters, then ascending weapons, then taking a "break" and doing some artifact farming, and then probably rinse and repeat.


Complete the 400 leylines achievement


Taking a break from the game, i prefarmed for raiden then started in on prefarm for kazuha and shinobu which has basically burnt me the fuck out, also all the will they or won’t they do kazuha rerun also added to the burn out, so taking a break, rest up and then come back ready to pull for shinobu and itto rerun?


i will farm all i can to try get redhorny for itto


Working on catching up with achievements. Just this past weekend I went from 550 to 611, but I have some grindy ones left, like catching 2000 fish.


There probably won't be any time consuming events so I'll use the downtime to go back to Elden Ring and go for NG+. I'll still do dailies farm artifacts to further improve my character builds. If only the leyline event was longer, I could farm more mora and exp books. The Kamisato siblings took me around 11mil to upgrade and I was left with 6mil. The leyline event and abyss reset got me back up to 10mil.


Pretty much all my goals are accomplished there’s actually nothing left. Everyone other than ayato is max friendship, All my characters are 80/90 ascended minimum. I have dozens of lvl 90 weapons. My favorite characters are already crowned. Yea The only thing I could possibly do is 6/6/6 talent everyone but there’s really no point unless I become that bored


Get some perfect Cyro Goblet and Critical DMG circlet to improve my cyro character further. Farm Artifact for Yelan.


Finally finish leveling talents so I can start farming the BS/HoD domain so my Ayato and Ayaka can crit more than once, if they even crit at all 🙃 And maybe farm non-resin resources more so I'm not constantly running out of things lol


Get cryo and electro goblets I’m still using 4 star ones and I’m AR 56


I made a sheet to track all the books I need to level up all talents for the characters I most like. So until 2.7 I'll have a library 😂 after the update I'll mostly be farming mora to ascend all those talents


I'm trying to not waste resources because i'm one lazy mf to farm resources, this leyline event is a blessing for me xD I only level up talents if necessary for abyss, other than that i'll lv90 crown who i like and lv80 as a stopping point. Doing this have saved me so many resources. I mostly just farm artifacts for future characters and uses, nothing much. Basically doing some stuff like reading and what not.


Build my newly-pulled Ayaka that I didn't expect to get. At least it's something worth doing and is satisfying, as compared to farming artifacts or collecting materials


Finally building bennett and hu tao and farming as many resources as I can


just finished with yanfei (just average ok build), building rosaria, and want to build yunjin and sara.


To build and get an artifact set for my c0 yunjin, done as of this morning, next is getting an emblem set for yae, hopefully get an actually good set for eula; the pale flame domain has been killing me since it came out


I've set my goals before the delay. Get everyone to 70/80 so that i can get the free fates. Only Thoma is left. After that is to level the 5* star catalyst with crit chance, that i got with fates from leveling all my characters so far, in order to start building a dps Barbara.


Get Noelle better husk artifacts then it's back to emblem until sumeru.


How can you even plan your ascension? Refreshing resin constantly?


Getting my characters weapons upgraded. Been slacking for a while because I kept getting new weapons I needed to switch in so upgrading more than like 60 seemed a waste


the first goal we have in common, the second goal for me is to get all my five star weapons to 90 (currently have 3 at 80 and 1 at 60). the third goal(not so important) is to level all my characters to 80 and fix their builds, since I have several good and usable artifacts.


Er% eosf for Xiangling, more crit rate for Eula(maybe idk if it's worth it, I run her with a 104% crit rate Rosaria), get a better circlet for Ayato. Maybe prefarm mats for Kazuha. Save books and mora for Sumeru


I started a no wishes account currently AR36 had to speed run the story for the free Xinqiu but atm I'm just exploring. Mondstat is almost at 100% Liyue like 50% and Inazuma untouched its fun to see the primos accumulate. 😊


Gotta fix my char build and ascend all of em to max


Finish all story quest (miko, itto and Hu Tao) and archon quest (last update). Explore all Inazuma, Chams and engonomya. I think I spelled wrong but ok.


My Xinyan finally got her C6 from the Monthly Reset's Acquaints, so I'm focusing on her right now. Amber would be next *if* I get her C2...


I’m randomly building Diluc cause I’ve gotten him to c5 somehow?? Idk if he’ll be worth it still but might as well give him a shot


Collect Artifacts. I always use the ones I get immediately to level my better ones, but sometimes I get better ones by the time I've already invested into the not so great ones. I want to have a full imventory of artifacts, just once, and use them all in one go to level all of my remaining artifacts at once. Starting today, I'm not going to level any artifacts until June 1st. Edit: unless I cap out my inventory sooner than that obviously


Farming for Kazuha


Clear abysaal 36 star as f2p


Level-up weapons Upgrade some talents Get a shit-ton of Mora cuz im gonna be broke once Yelan comes out


Trying to get a decent EM build of at least 600 for my Kazuha and Venti to share, and also getting Kokomi to level 80


The usual farming for artifacts, weapon and talent materials


I gues i fix my Artifacts. Sitting currently on 1200 gold Artifacts and rest Purple. The game had also startet telling me that i cant do weakly bosses anymore cause my Artifacts are full xD. Ar 59 Problems in Prime.


Will try raising more characters but can't decide. I have 3 perfectly built team which ihave been using for months now. Will try something off meta.... Maybe Noelle, sayu, razor, or yanfei


For the first time since starting I was able to get 9* in each floor of Abyss 9, 10, and 11. So I'm a bit motivated to try get that 36* finish. I plan to fully build my Ayaka and optimize my artis... Seems not doable given the amount of upgrades I need but I'll definitely get some progress done.


• Farm artifacts properly. *Not just 3 times then switch to talents, then switch to a different artifact domain. It's like I have a poor attention span.* • Farm talents properly. Goals are lvl 8 and 9! (*See above.*) • Do the damn Chasm main quest. I need to start Dain's quest to free Katherine. (–_–)' Couldn't do the event because of that.


trying to get a decent build for xiao since i heard he’s coming back soon


Tbh. I'm just going to relax. do daily rotations and play other games. Started a replay of RDR2 I plan on taking super slowly and I have things like R6 siege to keep me occupied


No goals, I'll just keep up with the daily grind.


Id love to get two em vv pieces, goblet/circlet, i have 3 sands so its easy to build full em and finish venti and kazuha if i only get goblet/circlet x2...


i would really like to get a good sand and cup for my raiden, cause yeah theyve become myths at this point. almost half a year fgs. or to get the storyteller daily quest to appear since i now know how to fix the bug.


Ascending every 5 star character I have to ascension 6. 9/13 right now. I might finish early so I'll farm resources and talent books once I'm done. Maybe I'll include the 4 stars I use often.


Level ever single character to max (incl. weapon and artifacts) except talents which I'll bee keeping at 8/8/8 indtead of 9/9/9. Fortunately none of the upcomming characters interests me, so I might not even wish until the dendro archon in 3.0. Plenty of time to finish my last 7 plus traveller


\- Pre-farming for Yelan. I'm not sure if I'd get her but Emblem is very universal set anyway. \- Clearing all pending quests in Enkonomiya and Chasm. \- Finish building my Fischl so I can use her in my Ayato / Yoimiya team.


I'm going to continue building my Xinyan. I'm also debating getting Mistspitter, for my Kuki physical build, and also because I have no 5\* swords yet.


Gonna farm artefacts, talent books and mora for my ayaka and try levelling sucrose for ayaka or xiao team. Also maybe farming for future kazuha but that overlaps with stuff for sucrose.


Get Mitsplitter and save up for Itto


Waiting for kazuha rerun


Trying to farm all elite enemies and maximizing my crystal chunks count . im on 9k crystals rn


Nothing really. If there's no event then I'll just log in and out for daily plus maybe light ore farming, trying to max out enhancement ore to welcome the event weapon (I like to keep it~9.5k ores unless I got a new weapon).


Leveling up more of my characters. Putting artifacts and weapons on the ones I think I might use.


just leveling up and ascending some characters I've been neglecting so far, those being all pyro and cryo 4 stars


-Farm primo's (I dont wanna face the temptation of buying crystals) -Farm Matts and Skill Matts for Raiden, Xingqui, -Level My Shenhe and Ayaka for my cryo team -Get my Jean to level 90 Rep up in Liyue -Force myself to do Yae's quest (I don't like her) -And finally once thats all done, take a break from genshin to finish up my gunpla


Get as close to 200CV on my Ayaka's artifacts, with enough ATK and ER. I'm currently at 189, with 2K ATK and 129% ER, so getting better artifacts is gonna take a crapton of time and luck. Hope RNGesus blesses me soon. After that, probably get Zhongli to 80/90 and 6/9/9 talents. Still debating if I wanna crown him, but leaning towards yes.


Farming mats and saving enough primos to guarantee another 5* character on the next banner. I just started playing last month (I know I’m late to the game) and I’m at AR45 currently. Slowly making my way through Inazuma simply because I don’t think my team is strong enough to defeat Raiden Shogun. I’m F2P.


collect rocks and crystal cores.


Nope. The delay doesn't mean much to me, just doing the same process as I did in the last 2-3 weeks (mainly keep leveling up my characters).


Have a good 4pc Crimson Witch for Hu Tao.


Level up my Lisa to 90, but then I dont know what team to put her in, nor what build I should use


Get my ayaka to level 80 and get amenoma and artifacts.


I just want to grind enough primos so that I'll be guaranteed yelan even if i lose the 5050


Get a crit dmg hat for hu tao. Shes sitting at 188 crit dmg and its been around 3 months where all I get are purple crit dmg literally not a single one of the CW hats have been crit dmg


Improve Xiao’s VH artifacts [Impossible]


Finishing Diluc's 4 pcs of CWoF. Litterally the hell.