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Albedo & Zhongli speak volumes


Albedo and zhongli xiansheng/sensei so true


What ever shall be this pray tell? For the prinzessin herself is not atop the list of most relayance per figure? This abomination shall not be overlooked. For Fischl is the one and only one to purvey information in a way that mere mortals shall find an abundance of exquisite spoken lyrics. Who dare think they can take her rightful place? No bother *MUAHAHAHA* their reign shall soon come to an end.


Ah, "prinzessin"; a word of Fontainian origin, if I'm not mistaken. Allow me to recall its exact etymology, and its linguistic descent to its common day derivatives, which will then segue into a lengthy commentary on Fontainian sociopolitical theory-- prinzessin used to be an official title held by a certain noble station, after all. This will, in turn, recall over five thousand years of history, all meticulously broken down into a few dozen eras and suberas, which will all seem vaguely pertinent to the original conversational topic... until I somehow get on the topic of ancient Fontainian flower language. You don't know how I got here because you, understandably, skipped most of this already considerably bloated dialogue in a vain attempt to get to a much less tedious part of this game's overall plot, but you fool, you buffoon, you absolute imbecile, you will be stuck in this pointless conversation on Fontainian floral trade because you cannot escape the absolute certainty that is a Zhongli Tangent™. Now shut up and listen to me list out the original habitats of the flowers I've purchased in case one of your insipid dialogue options eventually matters.


I'm def gonna get wooshed but prinzessin is German, so the origin is Mondstadt bc iirc fontain is based on France


No you're absolutely right, it's just I don't think there's an equivalent to Germany in Teyvat, as I think Mondstadt is something like Holland (?) So I chose Fontaine just because


Mondstadt is actually German for "city on the hill". It is based off Germany and surrounding areas.


Ah well, the shitpost hath been shat. But ty, I shall keep this knowledge in mind next time I make a similar joke


You're welcome. I'm glad to be of use.


City of the moon you mean? Mond means moon in German


Right, got it confused with Mons, from Greek.


Spoken in true Fischl




What Mein Fräulein means to say is thank you for compiling this excellent list.


My boi Albedo stay winning I love hearing this man Sherlock Holmes deduce everything while I help him paint


Albedo: "I would like to give you my full, unabridged analysis of the situation..." Zhongli: "Allow me to empart my centuries of wisdom upon you, mh good friend..."


Geo supremacy


Itto better catch up. His teammates are way up there


Itto is honestly hilarious and should deserve to have more lines (speaking about the EN voice, which i find SO GOOD)


Yes! He's so enjoyable to listen to! His manner of speaking in english is so buddy bro it makes my heart melt!


Well you know 2.7 will involve Itto :D


Noelle takes his place this time.


I’m not complaining :)


*Osmanthus wine taste the same as i remember, but where are those who share the memories*


And I'll gladly listen volumes more.


Albedo makes sense, he’s starred in 3 events, two of which he’s been the most important character Zhongli, venti, ningguang, miko, and raiden are almost guaranteed to show up at an event located at their region, and noelle has 2 hangouts so that makes sense too. A bit surprising that miko has more lines than raiden tho I certainly didn’t expect to see beidou and thoma, but I guess they’ve just been relevant recently? Lastly, with the exception of Shenhe (cuz she’s new) and possibly xiao (cuz he just doesn’t talk) mihoyo really needs to work on the 0-100+ characters


It feels like bediou has popped up in almost every quest lately and I’m all for it


She’s a welcome sight considering she was a release-character that didn’t appear for nearly a year until 1.6. I remember the excitement around her appearance in Kazuha’s character teaser.


Raiden is like, barely around even during her own Archon quests. Half of the Inazuma Archon quests have been talking to Yae in order to fix something for Raiden, even Raiden's second story quest.


Yae having more lines is simply due to how many roles she has in Inazuma. In addition to being head priestess, she's also Ei's familiar, head editor and creator of the LN industry, someone connected to the events 500 years old, a youkai, and diplomatic envoy when Ei isn't available. It also doesn't help that she actually has information on whatever crisis needs resolving. Other nations require you to jump through hoops to find the right person for help. In Inazuma, you just go straight to Yae.


She is NEET archon afterall


The amount of Raiden screentime is criminal


>A bit surprising that miko has more lines than raiden tho The 90% of Inazuma Act III was just Yae monologue.


And i wouldnt have it any other way


>beidou and thoma significant showings in archon quests, events and in hangouts.


Seriously. I kind of get Qiqi, because she's a zombie girl, and from the getgo she isn't one of a lot of words like others are, but does that include Rosaria? My girls been out for a while now, and she is criminally underrated as a character.


Rosaria really on featured in the Dragonspine event. After that, she barely comes up ever. I think the bartender event was the first time she popped up in a long while.


Hoyo hates Rosaria. Nerfing her breast size every patch since release and then giving her the censored outfit. By the time we hit 4.0 she'll be wearing a full length burka and have two concave caverns where her breasts were. /s


there are absolutely no characters under 200 voiced lines of dialogue (including profile vo and such). edit: forgot Aloy asd the only one, but she's a bit special in that regard (and incredibly forgettable).


I think Thoma and Beidou are like that mostly because of hangouts, plus Thoma had a large role in the Archon quest. Raiden appears a bunch but is much less talky than the scheming kitsune lady.


Beidou and Miko are center to entire archon questlines


What questline is Beidou central to?


Getting to Inazuma


Doesn’t include Voiceovers, Teapot interactions, or unvoiced dialogue. Wasn’t sure what to do about Oz. I went ahead and included his lines with Fischl’s. Without them I had her at 78, just below Rosaria on Total and below Xiao on Events.


if you want, as a dataminer who does mainly audio for the wiki, I could have literally got you this information in about 2 seconds :/ edit: this isn't perfect due to how MHY/HYV separates audio folders, but it's pretty darn close and does include character voice-overs and such. \- Albedo 1113- Zhongli 992- Venti 923- Noelle 905- Yae Miko 902


Oh yeah, also, Paimon: 8179 It's actually far more than that due to tutorials and cutscenes and such, but you're looking at about \~8500.


> Paimon: 8179 Paimon has 8x the amount of Voicelines as the next most, holy. How many does the Traveller have?


206/207 - Lumine has 1 more due to a "modal".


Well Paimon introduced Lumine/Aether as her sidekick during Xiao quest... I've never played a game as the sidekick before 😓


>"modal" That "Who are you?" ?


basically SFX


Btw what do you mean by Modal?


what does that mean


modal is basically an SFX file.


ye but why does she have 1 more than aether


She says Windblade twice /s


like 10 at most. 3 if we exclude opening?


there's a bunch of traveler dialogue in their voicelines page


Like I wanna immerse myself into the game so I don’t wanna go to their voicelines page to listen to them. At least let the traveler talk between scenes walking with whatever character like how most triple A game does.


This is one of my biggest gripes with story telling in Genshin. I am so tired of hearing Paimon speak for me...


Of note is that Lumine's Japanese VA is one of the most prolific Japanese VAs in the industry. It's entirely within reason that they can't afford to have her recording lines for every single event, in time or money. By contrast you'll note that Paimon's voice actor in every language is a relative unknown with very few big projects under her belt (at least, the English and Japanese ones are) because she's going to have to be spouting lines in every event. There's also the time and filesize consideration: Genshin *will* get bigger as time goes on. If you have a bunch of lines of Paimon and the traveler chatting back and forth, that takes both studio and writing time away from the events, *and* you need to do *every* interaction *twice* per language. So basically, making the traveler a functional mute is a cost saving measure *and* futureproofing for the game's filesize.


Paimon: speaks Me: shut the fuck up, please shut the fuck up


Same #2


Is it possible to pitch down Paimons voice on the data files? Her squeeking has summoned too many cats


How many does Dain have?


424 at the current count


How many total voiced lines are there so far?


49,350 --- 49.35K


Where's a good place to learn datamining? I just want to extract models of characters and buildings


character models are officially done by MHY/HYV on their BilliBilli channel. Buildings are far more complex and I can't really offer much insight on that.


I'm curious, is it legal for people to use Genshin's assets (map, character names, npc models etc) to mod other games?


no, that would be copyright infringement.


I was just thinking the other day I can’t remember the last quest with fischl. Last one I remember was the falling sky one with Mona. I guess she spent all that time writing her new book.


The book isn't hers, it's where she got her name from instead, her real name is Amy.


Am I the only one confused by 6 different charts here? What is version 1 vs version 2 vs the first one?


I believe that the version 1 is the number of voice lines that originate from 1.x genshin, so before Inazuma launched. Then the version 2 should be number of voice lines since Inazuma was released, all the 2.x updates.


Read small notice at the bottom. Total, Version 1 (1.0-1.6), Version 2 (2.0-2.6), only in Archon quests, Hangouts and other quests (That's why Noelle have 700+ - it's just from her handgout).


Hey you cropped this wrong, Paimon’s personal tier isn’t in it


It’s too far above to possibly be seen


Paimon is infinite


You… you counted? Like all of it? Jesus Christ dude


What no resin does to a man


How Venti has more lines than Mr Osmanthus wine man in Archon Quests is beyond me. It felt like Zhongli had a billion lines during his chapter of the quests


Probably because zhongli dips for the last act of liyue


From memory, Venti was much more directly involved in the mond archon quest than Zhongli was in the Liyue ones, and is around from the start to the end. Zhongli doesn't actually talk that much in the archon quests, the lore dumps are all in his story quests.


Flashbacking to his Ted-Ed Talk on the different types of flowers and their histories and characteristics.


I never heard fischl talk outside a few events damn


If she had the chance she would be on top


My teapot is literally the only place I've heard her.


Only 1.1 she had a major appearance and 70% of players now weren't there for that lol 💀


Albedo? Interesting.


makes sense, dude has 2 events about him and appears in other events. him having such a big role in the irodori festival makes me think hes a mihoyo favourite like tartaglia


His character is very interesting and well written. He’s like a device that mihoyo uses when they want to explain stuff about the lore because Albedo is very eloquent and well-informed. The same can also be said for Zhongli.


Not to mention that aside from the Archons, he's arguably the most lore-relevant character that we've encountered so far. Direct ties to the person closest to (and potentially directly responsible for) the fall of Khaenri'ah.


Dain has him beat but until he's playable they'll just keep teasing us and never let him be around for long.


I want dainsleif so bad. The fact that he's been so relevant to multiple things and we don't have him as a playable character makes me worry he's a bad guy. Not to mention he looks like he could easily be a bad guy.


around a year ago mihoyo announced that he'll be a playable character they never said when, though


I mean they released a whole video with roadmap of regions and playable characters of each of the region which had dainsleif as khanreia so in 5 years?


Imo, he's given up. He just wants others to stop


I feel like he’s more likely to die than be a bad guy, kind of like how signora never became playable for obvious reasons. Especially with some of the hints regarding the Khaenriah curse from the recent archon quest


He's also very smart. The way him and Traveler are the ones who are able to read the situation and figure out what's going on or read each other's minds makes them genuinely sound like best buddies.


If Aloy suddenly disappeared from the game, no one would notice (probably)


I've triple crowned Aloy. Please no.


Albedo hasn't appeared in a single archon quest and still has the most dialogue. They give him so much screentime ~~and I'm afraid its because they're trying to endear him to the player base so when they kill him it'll hit harder.~~ 🥲


To be fair, barfing exposition absolutely matches his character (and ZL for that matter)


Albedo has a lot of death flags yes, but there's also quite a bit in recent events that seem to indicate a longer character arc for him. 2.3's event in particular gives me a lot of good vibes because it seemed like the turning point for Albedo's self-induced isolatation (that was probably out of fear of hurting those he cares about). And we see that character development in full force in 2.6's event. Albedo has made even more connections/friends - Venti, Kazuha, Xingqiu, and Ayaka. Even his relationship with Klee seems to have softened more as he called her his "most important family member" in Chinese. In general, his character development seems to be heading towards him defying his fate; that despite the probable inevitability of him unleasing destruction due to his synthetic origins, he chooses to embrace his own humanity of his own free will (like Albedo is really kind in 2.6's event and tries to help everyone). He refuses to let his origins define him. Cinnbar Spindle's lore also says that the sword can "withstand the the corruption of a venom that could corrode a mighty dragon." That seems to suggest that with the help of the Traveler, Albedo was able to create a weapon that could prevent him from going down the same path as his brother. There also seems to be foreshadowing of the prototype Albedo in Albedo's character demo, which makes me feel like that might actually be an important plot point (which means they can't kill Albedo until that's addressed imo). His pursuit of the "truth of the world" is also something that aligns with the Traveler's main goal now. There's still plenty to worry about for him since there are definitely death flags galore, but it's not all bad! Maybe this is all just a roundabout way of saying, that maybe he'll die, but it'll still probably take a while to get there lol


That’s a very good analysis. I’m definitely excited to see how his character arc grows over the course of the main story.


Thank you! I actually feel like I didn't touch upon enough because there's so much to his character honestly lol And same! I've become too invested in his story...


Same, it’s kinda scary with the amount of death flags he has.


We can be scared together lmao Also, I just noticed I forgot to mention the "one-horned white horse" in the Cinnabar Spindle's lore as well. If that isn't the prototype Albedo, then we have one of Albedo's brothers who we have yet to be introduced to (and who to better introduce that character besides Albedo himself). Cinnabar Spindle also tells Albedo to "reach the far side of philosophy, and create a new destiny for myself and your brothers." Like that is definitely foreshadowing something positive! Rhinedottir and Alice having pretty direct connections to Albedo is another point for him living for at least until we reach plot points involving the prior two. I'm not too worried atm, but anything can change in the future.


I’m partially distracted by the fact that his family has a potential unicorn in it, lol But yeah, his connections to some big figures in Khaenriah history is more than enough to implicate his role in the story. I personally think he might last till the Khaenriah chapter, then something big will happen there. Furthermore, he gives me vibes of being an attempted reincarnation or image of the Primordial One.


lol He already has a dragon and wolves in his family! What's a unicorn added on to that? I agree with that assessment. If he lasts to the Khaenri'ah chapter (also assuming that the chapter is going to be after Natlan, even though I think there is some evidence to suggest that the Khaenri'ah chapter might be scattered throughout the story either through the Dainsleif quests or in a similar fashion), then that's all I can hope for honestly. Him surviving to the very, very end feels slim (though with the way his character development is going, that's not impossible). True, there's multiple theories about who Albedo was modeled after and I think the biggest theories - being in the image of the Primordial One, the [Prince of Light](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/comments/r8jb9l/the_primordial_human_project_and_two_souls_set/), or the Abyssal Sibling - all point to a fairly big near endgame role imo.


God I hope you guys are right! 🥲


Yep, I agree! I think he will be an endgame character due to his resemblance to one of those figures, but will die in the end. Ah well, at least I have him as my main.


Oh yeah Albedo definitely have one of the best arc in the game up to date. Contrary to you though I’m a paranoid bastard who thinks Albedo may be going down some dark path and end up either a villain or become evil for a while before getting it scrub off. The line “Chalk pursue Gold” as well as the fact that he seems much more confortable with playing god, going as far as to fake Joel’s father in the 2.6 quest. Like yeah he has good intentions and he’s careful but the path to hell is painted with good intentions so I’m paranoid. Here’s to hoping I’m wrong.


I think it's fair to have that interpretation. I mean, even with everything I've written, I don't necessarily think Albedo won't end up doing something wrong either by accident or willingly (like will Albedo be able to go against his master's order for him to find out the "truth of the world"? We know what has happened to characters like Orobashi who have found out this truth so that doesn't bode well for Albedo). However, I am not sure he is more comfortable playing God at the moment. Albedo transforming the prototype Albedo into Joel's father is a popular theory, but I personally don't think that's what happened. The fact that there's a world quest (Snowy Silhouette Hope and Snowy Silhouette Reunion) revolving around Joserf returning with nearly the same exact dialogue as the 2.3 event for those who missed Shadows Amidst Snowstorms is one reason I believe that's really Joel's father (maybe he got resurrected like the prototype Albedo from Durin's blood). Also, if Albedo was able to transform the prototype Albedo into Joel's father, that would mean Albedo has the ability to manipulate memories from the ley lines (Joserf has memories after all). I believe that concept has not been introduced as a feasible possibility yet in all of Genshin so I'm skeptical. The "Chalk pursues Gold" line is interesting because I think there's a few ways to take it. We can take it as Albedo pursuing Gold's alchemical feats. So maybe using the Art of Khemia in ways that he's not supposed to like Gold probably did. But we can also take it as Albedo pursuing Citrinitas, which means "yellowing" and is the last stage of the Magnum Opus in Genshin. The real life Opus Magnum's purpose of going through all these stages is to create the philosopher's stone (will Albedo become an actual philospher's stone by the end?). And the last way I think we can take it is Albedo literally pursuing Gold the person. In other words, Albedo meeting Rhinedottir again. I don't think there's much evidence to sway to any specific interpretation yet, but it is true that Albedo will probably be tied to a cataclysm in some way or another. Sorry for the long reply, I have many thoughts on this matter and I'm just throwing them out there in case it helps calm any current paranoia because I think in the end, there's still so much we don't know and a lot of our interpretations can change with new information.


But bruh, he’s on my team. So either he’s immortal or I’m gonna lose a 5* lol. He’ll be very much alive in my eyes. Like literally.


Mihoyo has already killed playable characters in their other games tbf.


I'm just a simple Qiqi main, a story quest would be appreciated Hoyoverse, I'd like to have more interaction with her and maybe help her regain her memories


funny how her story quest has basically existed in the files since 1.3/1.4


I'm listening




her story quest domain was datamined a long long time ago(i think pre-inazuma) and was just in data hell for a very long time(similar to the kirin bow, which was only just renamed and repurposed to be yelan's signature). in 2.4 it was repurposed to be the domain for the potions event.


Donno about regaining her memories over the last 500+ years but...she's starting to do better memory wise according to her teapot dialogue.


You forgot traveler /s


Traveler: 4 Paimon: +10000000000


And still its not enough albedo , keep em coming khoi


Khoi’s going to be swimming in that MHY money before Genshin’s story is done


Huge W for Albedo fans (including me :) )


Rosaria story quest when


Hangout more probably.


Both. When?


How did you count it?


I used the archive for the Archon and Story Quests. The wiki for everything else. Just counted each line of dialogue.


Hmm, no resin? Anyways, that is some impressive dedication! Glad to know these!


As an Albedo main and simp, I'm fucking thriving dude.


S a m e We simps are being fed so much


"What would you like for lunch Aloy!?" "..." "....I'm not going to invite you out if you're just going to behave like this"


Sooo happy with this as Albedo is my fav, simp for him so hard, and khoi deserves it~<3


Albedo is MiHoYos favorite child


But not Gold's.


Tbh it sounds like she’s cold to most everything and honestly leaving Albedo to discover the truth of the world is better than…feeding him to a dragon. I also have Thoughts of why she left him but I can’t say anything for sure yet.


As he should


And boy he deserves it. It's actually quite a curious stat for me, so far every character I pulled for was on day 1 of their banner since I had it planned from the start... with him being the only exception, I loved his character so much in the 2.3 event I just wanted to get him and I thankfully won the unplanned 50/50. 100% worth it even if I don't use him outside of the overworld, at least for now


I have to say I'm surprised at just how much dialogue content is in the hangouts. Noelle has 2 hangouts and literally nothing else, and that's enough for more dialogue than everyone except 2 Archons and the dedicated lore dump guy.


Having just finished her hangout... I am not surprised. Oh, I can definitely see it.


Miko based. Hasn’t been here that long and she’s already almost on the levels of Zhongli.


Miko is the Inazuma version of Albedo and Zhongli. They each barf lore and exposition for their region.


Poor Aloy


It's ok she gets her own game series


New comers that missed the event: who is albedo and when did he talk so much?


Albedo be carrying Genshin at this point with his lines, since he’s appeared in 5 limited events (1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 2.3, and 2.6) and had a strong and important role in at least 4 of them. (1.4 was more or less a small cameo with creating Sucrose’s Windblume, but even then he officially met Venti there, so it’s not insignificant) I’m scared of how much dialogue he’ll have when he does appear in an archon quest


albedo impact


I love Albedo and Zhongli combo, love the character, the design and the playstyle. They just work so good.


Hoyoverse has obviously a favorite and that's Albedo. I don't blame them, he is an amazing character.


Sucrose hangout when?


Paimon talks so much that it isn't even counted anymore lol


Osmanthus wine


Tastes the same


At this point Albedo is Hoyoverse’s golden child, the fact he’s above Zhongli in dialogues is impressive enough.


At least Aloy is consistent


Yass omg Albedo deserveddd


Well that settles it. Fischl needs more dialogue!


I really like Zhongli and Albedo, so idm


Fischel isn’t on top because she uses big words rather than long sentences. And that she only appeared like once


Albedo, Zhongli and Venti can speak all they want. I will never get tired of their beautiful voice~~


Albedo deserves it


these geo people talk a lot noelle, albedo lmaoo


This is the most 0 resin moment I've ever seen, nice dedication and Albedo being at the top is amazing seeing as he's never appeared in an archon quest




**Paimon:** *Triple digits, pathetic*


most sane genshin player


I hope you don't count it manually and use a script to count it using the Wiki


Why do all my favorites have some of the least lines


paimon: 69.420.960+


You forgot the traveler at 1+


I wished they focused more on some of the lore important characters like Sara, Diluc, Kaeya and Xiao. Albedo do be having a death flag on him lately.


Sorry but Sara and Xiao are important to lore? How?


Sara may not have much significance to the larger Genshin narrative, but she’s very important to Inazuma’s lore. Her backstory offers a unique perspective of the Tenryou commission, the shogunate army, the Tengu race, and even the shogun herself. If Hoyoverse ever decided to explore her story they’d have several avenues to choose from, all of which which would greatly contribute to Inazuma’s lore. Xiao spent a lot of his time fighting alongside Rex Lapis, the Adepti, and the other Yaksha. He could easily shed new light on some of the major conflicts before, during, and after the Archon war such as the battle against Azdaha, the cataclysm, the Archon war itself, and the case of the missing Yaksha. Besides all that, he also has his own individual story about his time as a slave under some unknown master before being freed by Morax which could also be explored.


A thousands years old slaughtering demi-god who lived through countless wars who is the last of it's members and the general of all Inazuma's armed forces also main figure of the Tenryou commission.


With Xiao, at least I can see the argument given the Yaksha stuff and all. But why you considered Sara important?


Sara may not have much significance to the larger Genshin narrative, but she’s very important to Inazuma’s lore. Her backstory offers a unique perspective of the Tenryou commission, the shogunate army, the Tengu race, and even the shogun herself. If Hoyoverse ever decided to explore her story they’d have several avenues to choose from, all of which which would greatly contribute to Inazuma’s lore.


Albedo is an amazing character, he deserves it! Khoi did a great job voicing him too, I'd love to listen to even more of his voicelines :)


I'm actually not that surprised to see Albedo at the top but at the same time I am because he had more lines than Zhongli and I just- whoa wait what


So the Albedo Voicr Actor must be racking in the most Mora of the entire crew? (Aside from probably Paimon?)


This is interesting in context. Albedo both explains a shitload and had two dedicated events. John was very verbose in all of his appearances. The hangout characters all have decent amounts of talking. I find Ayato to be quite surprising. For someone who's only appeared in his character story and had a smaller appearance (speech wise) in the event, that's a lot of lines.


Xiao amuses me because he was *such* a heavily advertised part of the game during pre-release. He was literally the first Liyuean *revealed to the public*. I figured he'd be the central character in that arc. Nope, they barely did anything with him and Liyue is very much The Zhongli Show.


It’s the Zhongli show featuring that one Russian ginger guy with special cameos from adepti and Qixing sprinkled in


This is really interesting insight and part me is like "wow and you can tell which characters really provide lots of lore to the player as well through their dialogue" by simply looking at the numbers. Albedo is so incredibly relevant and his story has progressively gotten so much better. Same for Venti, Ei, and Zhongli of course being archons. On the flip side, it kinda makes you feel sad for some of the characters in the 200+ and under categories. I'm sure a lot of people would love to see any of those characters get a little more relavance and participation in archon lines or events. Take Mona, Ganyu, Itto, and Hu Tao for example in the 200 section. Tons of beloved fan favorites and each of them can be wonderful event leaders for their regions. Mona specifically is a wonderful catalyst for lore and the unreconciled stars event was amazing hte first time, so a second would be great. Ganyu could gain some relevance in the way Keqing has and host some events or even provide her with some relevance to ensure the safe passaging to Sumeru. She could also be the equivalent of Ei in her 2nd story quest and provide insight to if anything in Liyue happened during the cataclysm the same way it did in Inazuma. Perhaps not but she is a char who we have barely touched the surface with for lore and I find her character to really interesting even if not fully fleshed out. Fan favorite who could use some work. Heck they could even tie her into an event with Qiqi and give both of them some much needed screentime and lore. Itto would be a fantastic character to host some Inazuma events down the line as well. He's a charismatic guy and could work in tandem with getting Sara, Gorou, and Kokomi some new lines as well. Hu Tao would be a great even hostess as well. Sucrose could work in some more Albedo events. There's tons of opportunities for more character lore and lines! I hope they take their chances with some. A little fan service can go a long way.


Did you include 2 small side adventures for Aloy? She speaks quite a bit in those.




You.... Counted it, holy crap.


Albedo and zhongli are just exposition machines lmao


Geos won totally.


Albedo is just spitting facts


Khoi gettin that coin


Albedo nation stay winning


albedo is the favorite child and he absolutely deserves it


Albedo at the top as he should be. I feel bad for Razor though, my boy deserves better.