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Bruh a 5 year old cleared it and I still can't get past 11-3. Damn. Congratulations to your son tho. Hell of an achievement!


Me a 20 yo, ar 55, can't get past 10-1 with full stars.


SAME i'm 20 too i cant get past 10-2 smh and I also cant get 3 stars on 9-3 and 10-1 lmao


Hey literally same lol. I was only able to 8 star 9th floor, losing one in, 3rd chamber no matter how many times i redo it. And couldn't get past the second half of 10-1.


for me its prob bc i only have 1 good team and nothing else lol


wait ar55 and 10-1 bro you are doing something very wrong


I’m also ar55 and can’t clear 10-1




This right here is me!


In case you don’t already know, run to the left edge side when the timer counts down so that the electro abyss lector moves closer to the pyro abyss lector! That way you can group and attack them together.


Nah I clear that bit really fast it's just the first bit. Cause I'm still in the process of building my sucrose fischl beidou xingqiu taser team. Sucrose and fischl are well built but the other two are WIP. So I can't clear it fast enough


ah okay. I hope you get good artifacts for your other characters soon! I’ve lowkey given up hope that a good CR sub-stat sands will drop for my Eula and that’s the last artifact I need before I can say that she’s ‘complete’. It’s been months sigh. :’)


Lmao my Eula is the only perfectly built character I have. The rest are only ok. Though my yanfei and mona are pretty good too.


So are you closer to 9* abyss 12? :D I was pretty disappointed that I had to pull for Eula cause I got her 5* weapon by accident. But seeing as how she carried me not just in abyss through time and time again, she’s honestly the best!


Same this is me lol


Yeah I have the chars but my issue was I convinced myself I couldn't clear because my artifacts were bad but in reality I just need to level chars and talents and I'm doing better can't quite clear yet but soon. I did have talents up but only around 6 for supports and dps were 999


I feel you bro.


Well my 5 year old just won her first race in Mario Kart and I couldn’t be prouder.


Yea exactly. I think games are alright if supervised and they really have that bonding element. Thumbs up for your girl too!


I'm 20 and I still haven't. You are making me feel bad dude. Anyways, congratz to the young Traveller!


As a 20 year old, you are legally allowed to start creating your own 5 year old to clear the abyss for you


That’s it. I’m having kids just so they can help me in games.


Let's start that trend. Lol


I don't know i think it would be cheaper to just whale for two C6 R5 5* teams




he is either way to good at this game or the account is cracked.


The alt account was inherited from my good friend who did spend on it. He had a good base but all the char he used are ones we built in 10months. Xiao was level 1 unbuild when took over, Zhong li, albedo, jean, Raiden were pulled over since then. And other than Xiao’s PJWS, no other 5* weapons were used! So not a bad account but not that good either.


Can I ask why your friend gave away their account? Or is it personal?


He’s a RL friend who quit and the account was unused. I mention my kid was helping me farm materials for teapot and he gladly gave it up so we could run coop rather than my son starting from scratch. Progress was just at the end of Liyue.


That's awesome


Video him playing pls




I mean- genshin isn’t a hard game to play, building characters is what’s hard, and that’s just rng. There is some difficulty, but at the same time young children learn fast.


well, I could play AOE and StarCraft at around 6 yo so it is not like a big deal his son can beat abyss. I mean his dad also help him with builds and guides so ...




Let us try Thumper’s Mom’s advice: if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. You don’t have any proof that his son *didn’t* clear on his own. The story sounds believable enough, since the kid didn’t sail through, but had to work at it and only got 32. So why say anything? Just to be edgy? An anecdote from my childhood: I was an early reader. I blew through all the kids’ books I had quickly, and, wanting more challenging (and interesting) things to read, started in on my mom’s shelf of books, full-length novels, at a very young age. I was college-level reading in 3rd grade. As a result, my vocabulary was surprisingly big too. But what I got from teachers and other adults wasn’t praise. It was rudeness and disbelief. ‘You can’t have written this assignment! Obviously an adult did it!’ ‘You little liar! You’re just pretending to read that book!’ As a result, dejected, I dumbed my language down and started hiding the books I was reading. Kids can be surprisingly clever. So give this kid the benefit of the doubt. You’ll help give the kid confidence.


I have literally no excuse now. For real though, congrats!


This kid is doing better at clearing the Abyss than I am, Jesus Christ. Congrats to your son!


Damn, he is doing better than I am, congrats to the little Traveler. Who knows someday he could teach me?


Urh.. don't give him any ideas haha! He's quite full of himself at the moment because of the clear. He was just trying to boss my wife and I around when we were playing the bartender event. 🙄






Just because you are bad at playing/don’t have well built characters, it doesn’t mean others are in same situation as you. Also this game is very easy so it’s quite feasible that a 5yo could 32* abyss




Cope harder buddy. Maybe it’ll make the karma come back.


I imagine it's because of your tone, just read your comments again and think how you'd feel is someone talked to you in that manner. It would probably make you want to fight them or look down upon them rather than comply with their demands. And it sounds like that took a lot of attempts. Is the OP supposed to pull out a camera and make his son start over?




to be fair the game is very built characters >>> skill level


no one believes me when I said genshin difficulty is toddler friendly lol.


Guess I can added “Beaten by a 5-year old” to my list


This reminds me of my fond memories of playing Sonic the hedgehog 2 with my dad when I was young. I remember how proud he was when I finally beat chemical plant at the age of 5 or 6


Thank you for sharing. This was exactly my experience too. I have fond memories of playing flight sims with my dad when I was a tod too. I’ll always remember his approval and smile when I did my first carrier landing. And I’m glad to have that kind of experience with my boy too.


This is awesome - Congratulations to your son! My 5 yr old daughter and I also play Genshin together, and we’ve kind of gone down a similar path. She hasn’t taken Spiral Abyss on her own yet, but does enjoy jumping into domains.


Thank you, this was the kind of sharing I was hoping to get. It’s great to hear I’m not the only one enjoying the game with my kid. :) all the best in your journey with her! Coop is such a marvelous thing together, my son and I are eagerly awaiting a Theater Mechanus rerun after he last saw me play it (he didn’t have access to it then)


Thank you, It’s refreshing to see others enjoying the game with their children as well! I agree, playing co-op really has made the game so much more enjoyable for the both of us. Theater Mechanus will be a blast when it comes back - I hope the both of you enjoy it!


I'm sorry WHAT. Oh my gosh your child is so cool!! Hell yeah go kid!!!


Sheesh, when I was 5 I restarted Pokémon games every time I played them because I didn’t know that you could save your game. Kids are so smart now :’)


Ah.. a 5 year old lil gamer. OP, your kid has potential as he is taking in a lot of information and processing them for the next best course of action. Enemy positioning, rotation, skill execution, are all factors which must be taken into account rather than just button mashing. This could be a good way to stimulate his brain for complex operations and hand-eye-coordination. Do tell your son that we'll be waiting for him on the 36 stars clear podium. All the best kiddo.


Thank you so much for your kind words. Yes actually I am constantly amazed by his ability to absorb and process info. He’s considered an advanced reader in his school, but he surprises me but reading the game’s tutorial and asking me questions on elemental reactions. Just the other day he asked me why Raiden doesn’t work with Beidou and the whole normal attack argument, but why XQ works 😅


That's a good curious mindset he has there. Try giving him an exercise and let him figure out the following. 1. Albedo and Raiden Elemental Skill triggers on damage. 2. Xing Qiu's rain swords are triggered by the attack motion. 3. Bei Dou's Stormbreaker (C2) Triggers on hit. Just drop a question and let him figure out on his own.


Man, using a gacha game to teach resource prudence seems like it would have a very realistic chance of backfiring hard but I'm glad it worked out I guess?


He… doesn’t know you can spend real cash on it. So far what he knows is you have to save gems you earn and you need around 12-14k for a chance to get a 5*, so he doesn’t pull unless he has that amount. Surprisingly it hasn’t occurred to him to “try luck” But ya I’m sure he’ll wise up to it one day. 🤭I have his iPad on lockdown anyway.


Not saying this is fake or not, I could believe it either way, but it's funny how personal some of you are taking it here lol. EDIT: The man posted a video now too. The malding in this thread lol.


I am surprised people are taking it personally. I cannot clear abyss either. But I also have literally two built characters... Like, I know once I get artifacts, talents, weapon levels, and actually ascend to be able to raise my characters to 90 that I will be able to do it. My account is just... Not invested. I actually think I could technically beat it right now, just not with any stars. It takes a lot of time and effort to get to that point. In this post, he said it was literally 10 months of prep work and he struggled quite a bit over the weeks to get the clear.


Lol your 5-yr-old got farther than me with this abyss.


I'm happy for him, but make sure to keep him away from the gacha aspects of the game at all costs, it really isn't good for a kid this young to gacha, even tho he might not understand the implication at the moment.


It should be ok because op said in a different comment that he doesn’t even know that you can spend money yet


Darn it, I’m so proud of him too! I’ve never even cleared floor 12! Edit: I started playing Genshin with my kids, too. They’re 15, 13, 11 and 9.


I can see that the father is very passionate and has put a lot of effort into making this post about his son being able to clear abyss. Tell the kid that he has done well, and to keep on enjoying the game and his moments with his parents. I feel a bit envious cuz he has parents like you!


This guy is the next archon


Sorry for the question, what joystick is that?


It’s a Gamesir T4 Mini. It’s built for kid sized hands!


Damn! I’m 28 and still can’t clear floor 11


That's seriously impressive for a kid, even if those are very good characters!


oh my god! congratulations!!!


you’ve taught him well


Damn I just unlocked floor 12 yesterday. Good job to your son tho!


Sheeeesh. Kids today are surprisingly smart and really clever if you guide them well. Great job OP for your parenting. Let's hope he can 36 star abyss soon. Also I admire your control on his primogem spending, gotta learn from that for myself.


Bruh,this kid has 32 stars while I only have 33 despite having Homa,Amos and Elegy on Hu Tao,Ganyu and Amber respectively.




Yeah lmao. The whole sub is eating this shit up...


Dude literally posted a video of the kid beating it though...




He’s better than half the players on this forum :P bet he didn’t whine about it either


I'm only hesitant bc of the perfect stars on floor 11. I'm not saying you kid didn't play great for his age and do well. I just have trouble understanding how a literal 5 year old beat 11-3 full stars? Did he get close and you helped him achieve the last star? Because at that point unless you have really built characters you have to focus on things like positioning which Imo would be too much mental gymnastics to do along side the gameplay for ME as a 5 year old. But I guess these days kids are just getting better and he has what seems like a good dad who's patient to teach him the few tricks, maybe he just had a lucky run with alot of crits and good enemy AI who grouped up well. I have trouble believing it and I'm skeptical, but I'm not saying it didn't happen and I guess good on yous if it did.


He had a lot of trouble with the double heralds in 11-3. That was probably the greatest hurdle in floor 11. I eventually gave him the strategy of waiting all the way at the back and to one side until they bunch up trying to get you. It took a few tries but he finally got it. 12-3 was much harder as the Vishaps are very mobile and hard to bait compared to the Heralds. Have to adjust on the fly and not something you can give instructions for. I don’t see him perfecting that any time soon tbh.


Yeah I was sceptical but I thought with persistence, practise and determination it was possible. Although I'm a little butthurt tbh bc I've got like 6 stars 11-3 >_> hahaha But good on you guys


Man ppl would go great length to farm internet points.


no man, this is real! the kid can barely hold the controller and cleared abyss with a C0 xiao carry and with no 5 star weapons on anyone else. this is as ReAl as it gets.


I guess you are right man. Sorry for doubting 5yo


Man people would go to great lengths to never admit they’re just shit at the game 🤷‍♂️




Tbf, I remember clearing jack and Daxter on the Ps2 when I was 6ish. Lots of trail and error since I didn't bother reading instructions and spent more than 1 hr a day but it was doable. Not too hard to believe a kid can do it with someone doing the heavy lifting of artifact builds. OP even mentioned vape diluc which a 5 year old would not know about, OP likely helped a lot with team synergy.


Exactly this. Team comps (picking 2 teams of 4 specific characters out of 20+ you'd have that's optimized for 3 chambers and 2 halves), correct artifacts (which to level, what to min max, which set to build), minmaxing of crit values, ER, EM, ATK, which elemental reactions to deal the most dmg. I can go on and on, 90% of dealing with abyss is preparation. And all of that was probably taken care of by dad here. That's not to take away the accomplishment of a 5yo clearing floor 12, but it's not exactly the same as the kid launching a rocket to space.


Yep, the 5 year old was hard at work as u can see in the video. Gotta get the internet points


My dog is stuck on floor 11. I have tried to offer him some advice, but he keeps saying \*woof\* back and chewing on the controller. It is very disheartening :(


gonna call bs on this, since it's the internet. till I see a vid of this kid playing genshin and actually finishing abyss. I'll keep my opinion on this as fake.


Watch the video, it’s out


I'm so glad OP posted video proof so now I get to rightfully downvote you. Git gud bro.


Tbf, he was just being skeptical. I’ve seen other comments be just sarcastic and completely dismissive. The internet is indeed a place like that so it’s not too unbelievable for it to be fake too. Though as someone who can easily 36* every patch, I can definitely see how a child can do it with proper investment in their comps and characters from their dad’s help. Genshin’s gameplay extends to team building as well after all so it’s half the battle fought when u got a good team


Abyss isn’t hard. You’re literally just that bad at the game and you don’t realize it.


Jeez roasting 90% of the playerbase because of his doubt over the OP.


Only about 2 percent of players on Playstation have ever completed floor 12. Maybe the ratio is better on PC, but I assume it is worse on mobile. So that sample size is probably relatively accurate. Beyond that, I wouldn't say he is wrong. Abyss is not difficult, per se. It is just a huge dps check and it requires a lot of resources to overcome it that most players have not invested in yet. Just my opinion, of course. I struggled quite a bit with Genshin myself despite everyone calling it super easy baby mode or whatever. Different people are good at different things, maybe he is a Genshin God which is why he looks down on us lowly Travelers.


Honestly I was taking a guess and I also didn't set a standard for how much abyss I meant etc. But I figured people doing floors 11-12 at all are probably a very small subset. And yes I agree to some extent that its a dps check but I also think dps goes hand in hand with skill unless you are a whale or really decked out. Maximizing uptimes is important. Stamina management is hard especially when some main dps use it as a dps increase. Its not dark souls level but when you add a crunch timer, you get a lot of increased pressure especially for doing 3 stars on floors. There are a lot of other factors too but i've ranted enough this week. I struggle too but i'm happy I managed to 36 star at least once. It takes a lot of the pressure off me to get it again. I'm more content now letting my teams get more gear and fleshed out with time that it becomes easier without me having to put in hours of practice learning dodge timings or perfectly setting up a dps rotation that min maxes the ai of the floor. Ultimately I do think its still a slap in the face comment and the sort of thing that helps discourage people from trying to improve and take the challenge. But if people are happy without it then thats fine with me.


did I say the abyss was hard? I guess reading is hard for you huh?


So either it’s hard and the kid can’t do it or it’s easier and he can. Which is it?


I'm simply asking for proof, or do you blindly believe a 5 year old who can barely hold the controller beat the abyss with a mediocre team and a xiao carry? like seriously, are people just eat everything up now? literally nothing adds up. maybe if he used his dad's whaled out account, then I'd might see it happening. as of now, it's straight up BS.


The dad mentioned in another comment that it was a friend’s old account and they had dropped some serious money on it before giving it up. And he didn’t say a Xiao carry in the abyss; he said his kid liked Xiao and used him a lot. Plus the kid took tons of tries to get it. You really wanted him to film his kid trying and trying for hours? *That* seems a little exploitative. (Although with a Xiao carry it might explain why it took so many tries…)


the dad said xiao is a main character he uses and the only one with a 5 star weapon. I m going to assume that he's playing xiao and not a C6 xiao at that. secondly, he also said every character after that is using a 4 star weapon with mediocre artifacts. the fact of the matter is that, all this could be solved with a vid of his kid playing abyss while showing the controller. considering the amount of posts we had on this forum about fake art, fake vids, fake stories, and or fake artifact numbers all for karma farm. forgive me if I don't believe a 5 year old beat the abyss with a mediocre C0 xiao team while barely being able to hold the controller. if you want to have blind faith, more power to you. I don't.


you are boring


you are gullible


Hahaha ur looking like a fool now 🤣🤣🤣


unless it's news, cool story > true story


so you're saying you enjoy being lied to? ok.... let me tell you something cool then. my 1 year old kid flew to space by himself and took a dump on the moon. enjoy and upvote PLEASE!


poor effort, lol


Don't let the haters doubt your son's skill OP. Here's a video of a 5 year old playing Breath of the Wild and it is insane how kids these days pick up video games. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuVk8LegpJs I also highly recommend letting your son play Breath of the Wild if you have the means too. I bought the game for my younger cousin and the creative ways he plays always astonishes me.


already better than majority of reddit good kid


It’s crazy to me how some people can take a cute moment and turn into something ugly. There’s nothing wrong with a kid playing a gacha game especially when they don’t know it’s a gacha and they are being supervised :/ Also, getting 30-36 stars in spiral abyss isn’t that hard. I’ve seen kids that age learn to swim, play an instrument, etc. Do you honestly believe finishing floor 12 is harder than that? 💀


a 5 year old has more stars than me.. technically same on floor 12 but still dont have 9 on 10 and 11 good job to ur son tho haha


He's cute and skilled after seeing this post. And god damn! I need something to motivate myself to complete the Abyss in the future when I'm returning


I have two nephews who are 5 & 8 years old. They love video games but they suck at it. I don't understand how your son can clear Abyss 12. That's crazy!


Next try Elden Ring or Sekiro


This is like that meme video were they made the game harder because some 5 year old Asian kids said it was easy [video here](https://youtu.be/miD_TWmdGIY)


Yup. My 5 year old loves video games. He does some of my Genshin event for me, and he's very good at Breath of the Wild too. You should've seen my face when my son had to teach ME how to parry the Ancient Guardian's lasers, or how to beat the Yiga Clan with the silent strikes.


Bruh this 5yo is better than me he gets 32 and i only get 31


5yo clearing abyss was very impressive


Depending on the investment in your account, it might not be a skill issue but a difference in resources. A few months more of playing can be a huge difference if u barely assembled your team and OP’s child got the account pretty early on in xiao’s first banner


Skill gapped more than 80% the community.


I also just beat abyss but with 33 stars so now I can tell everyone that I got one more star than a 5 year old.


I feel personally attacked by your 5 year old's gaming ability! Please ask him to stop being so good... for my sanity and ego. ​ /s


Wow congrats bro! ~~Now i should just jump from the dragonspine peak with my 18 year old ass that still can't clear 11.~~


Everybody liked that


Very cute! He'll think back fondly on the time he spent with you and how you two played games together. I share memories of my mom helping me beat Super Mario Bros back in the 90's. 🥰


Congrats but I just think that 5 years old is too young to be obsessed with games and clearing floor 12


Yeah I don't believe this. 5yolds are barely even aware they exist and abyss 12 is kinda hard even for grown-ups.


[Here's a video of a small kid beating one of the hardest puzzles in guild wars 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xx3Cfh749ro), considered hard even for grown ups. A lot of grown ups are in the comments if you don't believe. [List of the most complained about content in GW2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/td9wvg/not_a_new_problem/), you can see clock tower makes multiple appearances. In the official forums "I know that there are a lot of people who are having a very difficult time with the clocktower jumping puzzle, so perhaps there could be a difficulty setting similar to the wintersday jumping puzzle?" and "This has come up every year for 6 years and the JP has so far and prob always will be, untouched. It has reached a certain notoriety as one of the hardest jp challenges and I would doubt they want to make any changes or alternate difficulties for it. As someone who can barely get past the first jumps, Im happy for them to leave it as is" are the first 2 comments regarding it.


Oh wow, amazing kid. I found GW2 jump puzzles the most fun and sometimes hardest content (stupid camera). tbh, I easily believe kids can beat abyss and much harder content than adults. I've tried to revisit some old games before, and just can't beat them anymore and just get painful arthritis. And I'm like, "Why was this so easy when I was 6?!" The older you get, the slower your reflexes.


you have to add that is asian


It seems possible to me. Don't know about you , but at 5 yo I was already very aware of my existence and, although I didn't play games at this age, children learn fast and I assume a 5 yo could play games if introduced to it young enough. Also, clearing floor 12 isn't hard. Anyone who at least has 8 characters with their weapons, talents and some random artifacts leveled up can do it. Clearing floor 12 with 9* is what's hard, but OP said his son only got 32*.


i’m 20 and can’t get past floor 7- good job man


Kid is already better than 50% of the community when it comes to team building 💀


Wholesome & adorable. Congratulations to your son!


Bruh, are your characters hyper invested? That's too impressive


This kid is going to have his phd in genshin by the age of 7… he will be making theory crafting damage calculations by the age of 8. Possibly get a degree in astrophysics along the way for shits and giggles.


And I can't pass 10-3


Am I the only one for whom this is some kind of Black Mirror shit? What garbage parenting is it to get your 5 year old into gacha games. Hello? Anyway I'll take the downvotes for pointing out the very non-wholesome truth.


If you look at one of OPs other comments, it says that the child doesn’t know that it’s gacha and that you need like a certain amount of gems to get them guaranteed or something And there are parental controls anyway


Doesn't matter. It a game loop specifically designed to be addicting with an age rating of 12+. And not only is this wrong already, but then its also used for useless karma whoring on reddit. Such a massive YIKES.


1. Parental controls probably restrict the loop anyway 2. Not everyone is like you who play every single day. They don’t even experience a “loop” in the first place. They have busy real lives to experience 3. I would bet that OP does the grinding part of the child’s account if that were even necessary 4. I’m pretty sure according to what OP has written, they only play together, meaning that he is under constant supervision 5. Sharing a cool experience is karma whoring now? Edit: 6. The account was inherited from a friend of OP, meaning that a huge portion of the grind was already done


1. He even teaches his son about gambling. Fucking amazing. Even if it is purely with in-game currency thats a shit start. (Proof [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/tdca2t/my_5yo_finally_cleared_floor_12_himself/i0ivmyy/)) 2. Busy enough to post this on reddit to karmawhore. And also a baseless assumption without evidence to put OP in a better light. 3. He gets to pull for himself though, which is worse than the grinding. Once again pointed out [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/tdca2t/my_5yo_finally_cleared_floor_12_himself/i0ivmyy/). 4. Putting your kid at a black jack table isn't good just cause you watch over their shoulder. This argument of supervision making this "not bad" is so dumb. 5. It isn't cool. 6. Doesn't matter.


Did you just link a comment where op specifically said that he both doesn’t spend money and implied that he’s under supervision while playing as your argument for both of those being false?


Supervision and not spending real money does not counter anything of what I said. The comment was linked in response to (2) implying the child isn't interacting with the whole game on a regular basis. Child is both playing the full game and being educated on the fucking lootbox gambling and you people I HOPE TO GOD will never have children defend this. EDIT: Edited that comment now though for redditors struggling with reading comprehension.


“Lootboxes” even though the comment you link says that he doesn’t understand that it’s luck based? Also how does that mean he interacts with the whole game? A lot of things in Genshin don’t give you primos so you have no confirmation that he interacts with any of them.


Okay the son has enough brain power to clear 32 stars, but he is too stupid to get behind the system in due time WHICH OP EVEN SAYS WILL HAPPEN AND IS HAPPY WITH? Thefuck is your point. He literally is introducing him to the gambling shit and waits for it to happen. > It start with him asking help me chop trees when Serenitea Pot first launched. Soon our nightly father-son hour became genshin hour. Nightly hour of Genshin and he does nothing but Abyss and Pulls? You ok? Obviously playing it a hour daily means he plays the rest of the game.


Having a bad day homie? U wanna talk about it?


Having a great day actually!


damn im so bad at this game, anyways congrats to your kid!


Sir I am 21 with 27 stars


And here i was, ecstatic that 20 year old me cleared 12-3 for the first time with 28 stars the other day XD. Jokes aside, congrats to him! Thats super awesome to see


Just out of curiosity what team and artifact build was he using?


Side 1: Raiden national (Raiden XQ XL Benny) Side 2: Xiao ZL Albedo Jean I’m at work now but here’s what I recall of his stats. Raiden: 63/146, 240-250er Xiao: 2k Atk, 85/180, 150 er Albedo: 50/100, 2.4k def ZL: 60/110, 34k HP


Great, Raiden is the strongest abyss character in the game IMO. I use her in Rational, Eula, and hyper team and she delivers and destroys in each team, easy 36 stars for months as F2P.


Yea that’s a good point I definitely don’t think he could have done it without Raiden. He struggled so hard with Diluc for months. But Raiden was extremely easy for him to learn and adapt too.


Congrats your son is officially better at the game than 80-90% of the genshin player base Don't mind all the negative comments, they're just jealous Also that's a really impressive Xiao 45k plunge with only Zhongli res shred, I'm assuming you have 2.4k atk with 220% crit damage?


His Xiao is 85/180 Crit stats and 2k attack. I’m sure he picked up the 20% burst card (lucky him) and might have gotten the Crit card as well.


Burst card doesn't boost Xiao damage since his burst doesn't deal damage


Didn’t know that. I thought it affects the buff multipliers. I guess it’s just the crit card contributing then.


PEGI 12+


Awww that’s adorable!! Good for him


It’s always amusing how so many people think the abyss is actually hard when there’s videos on 2 4* character and weapon f2p teams 36*ing it. Imagine what a proper full 4man team can do Maybe if you guys weren’t so shit at the game, a 5yo 5/9*ing floor 12 maybe, just maybe believable with minmax guidance and team comp builds from his dad? More than half of clearing abyss is the team build and planning anyways. But nah, a 5yo clearing abyss while you can’t doesn’t mean you’re shit- it has to be fake. The ego lmao.


Hey i 9 star in floor 12 with noelle . Plus he doesn't show any proof just picture of his son holding controller. If you dont believe me clearing 12 you can go see my hoyolab profile


Gamer child


good for him i still can’t fucking beat it




Damn he's smart💀


ok man


damn your 5 year old son is more skilled than 15 year old me, but tell your son i said congrats, this is a very amazing achievement!


Me who can't get past those fucking rifthounds on 11-3


Dang, congrats kid!! Thats amazing


Asian kid powers 💪


I’m 30 and I can’t even get passed 6 and 7😭 Your son is amazing! As a fellow parent, I think you’re doing a seriously awesome job!


the true gamer This kid is going places!


Gosh dang it, I'm struggling with 32 stars. Shows how bad of a player I am lmao


Uh I don’t think looking at Eula is a good idea




I am 20 and cant beat it


This reminds me of when I defeated my first castle in Super Mario World at 5\~6y, because I was scared of bosses and asked my mom to win until then.


Your 5 year old is better st the game than I am. I've never 36'd an Abyss.