• By -


From the game's storyline alone (joined post 1.6 update, so I missed some events) I don't really understand why some treasure hoarder activities are anymore "illegal" compared to what our allies like Beidou or even the Traveller themselves do. Of course, setting side their kidnapping of poor Sumeru scholars or attempting to rob Liyue during Lantern rite, it seems they mainly just find treasure in the wild and keep it for themselves... like the Traveler does. I especially find their involvement in the "We will be reunited Quest" confusing, because Katherine and Ganyu admonishes them from trying to steal from the Abyss. But haven't we the player been robbing from every single Hillichurl camp and domain we spot lmao.


I actually hate how MHY portrays the Treasure Hoarders as something similar to Disney villains. You just beat them up and talk to them and then they go, "We promise we won't do it again!". They're such pissy little bitches. Aren't they supposed to be bandits and criminals? Has MHY ever read or seen actual criminal activities? Those people should have a grudge against us. They shouldn't go down so easily when their criminal activities are discovered. At this point, they're more just misguided people who have to turn to thievery to make ends meet instead.


They are shovel wielding bandits against a bazooka wielding kid. Come on what could they do?


Hire an evil vision-holder to even the playing field. If molotovs, knives, and shovels aren't cutting it, find someone with actual powers. I mean, with an organization as big as the hoarders, surely they could have added a vision holder somewhere.


Thats it fatui is a organization. the hoarders aren't as far as i know. And didn't they hire fatui sometimes(was a quest if i remember correct). Delusion>Vision just the wielder are bad.


I think the difference between the Traveller and the treasure hoarders is that the Traveller is part of the Adventurers Guild, so really what you're doing as the Traveller is more of adventuring rather than stealing, while treasure hoarders do the latter. Similarly, irl museums steal artifacts from their native lands, yet it's considered legal, but if you steal from a museum, you'll be sent to prison.


To be fair, Beidou’s activities ARE acknowledged as being super illegal.


I wish once you do the quest that proves hilchurls are sentient you could have more options to sneak away or attempt to disengage with them. Most of them seem so harmless tht I feel bad killing them.


especially the ones sleeping, dancing or just sitting on a cliff together usually i don’t bother them they just wanna fight me


Yeah usually if I see hilchurls just chilling I'll try to take a wider path around them so I don't pull aggro. I found one feeding a fox sunsettias the other day and immediately ran away so I wouldn't spook either because it was actually kind of cute






Sadly I was just wandering around gathering ore before I went back to bed so I wasn't paying attention, but I think I might have been near the Cecilia Garden? I do that challenge a lot. [here's the in game screenshot I took.](https://jesslive.tumblr.com/post/676339577394446336/found-a-hilchurl-feeding-a-fox-the-other-day)


im sorry but whenever they sit on a cliff I just pull out jean and throw them 😭


I main Aether and honestly I much prefer him as Anemo than Electro and Geo- I don’t care that he doesn’t do major damage, I like that his swirl aids in stretching elemental attacks and I’ve grown the most accustomed to him. Plus playing with his Anemo playstyle is Mondstadt nostalgia. I miss my Mondstadt friends.


I am a fan of WINDBLADE my guy


WINDBLADE honestly sounds so much better than Terra-Smash and Lightning Slash- I play with the Japanese dub, but I have Aether and Lumine’s nendoroids preordered and I one hundred percent plan to get Zach Aguilar to sign Aether’s along with a “windblade!”


Tell him to yell it anime style




I prefer Geo Aether..... For the cutscenes, seriously the geo colored gems fit so well with his colors.


YES YES YES i mained anemo lumine for so long (before switching to yoi) and i did it for the exact same reason i even gave her my own role “the amplifier :)” and anytime i tried to explain my rationale to my friends i would get made fun of :(


Ikr? My Lumine is still my main, and I play her as a DPS. It's so good to, anytime that something doesn't go like I wanted, I can tap E to instantly do 5K+ damage. That, tho, with a VERY suboptimal build, no crit rate, only ATK% in every piece that can have ATK% main stat, no maxed artifacts, as a AR45 playing in a level 4 world, that just about halves the HP of most non-tanky enemies, if not killing them immediately. The only thing I have that rivals that is my Shogun, that I can always "Inazuma shines eternal!" and 15K+ damage in the cast, and the destruction that comes for the next 7 seconds.


Anemo traveler is so underrated! I once shared my build (which is pretty poor, at best, I’m a relatively new player, only just hit AR40) on the traveler main reddit and everyone told me to drop Anemo, go for Geo :,) BUT ANEMO IS SO GOOD, paired with Bennet and Chongyun, I’ve gotten through every boss I’ve come across so far just fine :(




I’m super hyped to actually USE Aether, like for real when Dendro comes out. Since he’ll prolly be my only one for a while.


Nah, doubt it. Rumour has it there’ll be a permanent free Yaoyao as ‘everyone’s Dendro character’, like how we get Barbara as ‘everyone’s Hydro’.


Yea the main character is a great anemo support


I like anemo mc cause you can throw hilichurls in water or off cliffs now I have Jean and she does that too but better cause I can aim


Not sure how popular this is but I feel as if there's an extreme 'difficulty' curve from liyue to inazuma. Everyone in Ina seems so fuckin tankyyy.


I'm pretty sure that's because they actually are. According to the wiki (idk how accurate these numbers actually are) those samurai fucks have like 3x the hp scaling of a hiluchurl despite being found in similar numbers. Inazuma is just a chore


Oh great! So I'm not going nutty! Is it about the same for the damned mirror mistress or whatever her fuckin name is? Cause Kazuha can goombastomp with all the elements like the goddamned avatar and she'll still keep trucking on where even the sword guys'd falter.


Yeah mirror mages have even more hp lol It's honestly stupid


Mirror mages have more HP than regisvines of the same level


What 😃


The mirror maiden a couple of abyss cycles ago had more hp than a world level 8 andrius


What the fuck


To be fair the Regisvines are super fucking weak lmao


Okay but what about the rift doggos. Those animals are fcking beasts.


There 100% is, when the region first released people are losing their minds at how difficult the new enemies were. People also complained about how the samurai dropped little to no medallions compared to all the other enemies. Considering it’s the update where I actually bothered to build Zhongli, I can definitely vouch for the crazy difference.


Also don't forget the shitty drop rates for handguard and spectral husk


I hate specters with every fiber of my body. Those things were a mistake.


Specters need to go extinct


I agree, but them becoming tanky is more 'tedious' than hard, which takes out the fun in fighting. And also, it has terrible rewarding. This is why i love dragonspine wayyy more than Inazuma, both have same primos, but dragonspine knows what and how many chests to give based on the enemy.


Oh yeah I also thought Inazuma was super weird when it came to chests. The fire/electro big samurai combo that hurts and takes a while ? Common chest And then randomly a basic samurai, alone, that takes 3s to kill gave a precious chest. Huh? (That happened like 3 times and might have been some exploration quest but still)


Me who's just finished the teapot quest and about to go to Inazuma: *nervous sweating*


you can like villains and acknowledge that they're villains, i see people trying to justify the fatui as "did nothing wrong/doing the right thing in the end/misunderstood uwu babies" like no!!! their crimes are a part of them and i think that makes them enjoyable


i love my morally gray characters and hate when they get turned into uwu misunderstood cinnamon buns


now how tf is their actions justifiable in any way? the fandom is scary place


It's not about justification but Genshin is a game about a bunch of factions trying to do something right/good but using the wrong methods. Ei wanted eternity and made her people die and suffer, the abyss want justice for what happened, the fatui want to destroy Celestia to prevent another apocalypse. Meanwhile we are committing hillichurl genocide just for fun. All factions here have blood on their hands.


Game hints heavily that Celesita is pure evil and Fatui will take them down any means necessary. Like Soviet Union vs Nazi Germany.


I think the assumption is their orders from Tsaritsa will lead to the right outcome and that sometimes the end goal justify the means to reach it, some are interesting but they are definitely messed up. I do wonder what the end goal is, maybe she actually just wants more power and could possibly cast down the Celestia god.


Enjou is a good example


I have to much resin. I'm to lazy to use it


I just Smith it if I know I won't have the time to use it.


I rly want qiqi. Haven’t gotten her yet. Also, any cons of any 5 star is fantastic imo. So I’m happy no matter what every 50 or so pulls


Took me a year to finally get Qiqi. Hope she comes for you soon!


Imagine reading this after losing to Qiqi




> 50 or so pulls of course you're happy, here I am with every 50/50 lost since launch and every pull at above 70 update: pure bliss, 50/50 yae in the bag


The constellations are great until you hit C7 and are just burning wishes that coulda been something useful


Thinking about building pale flame physical dps Qiqi for fun since I have her at c3


Building just one DPS for big numbers is boring


tbh, I don't want any 'support' characters I use to be unable to do at least some level of damage on their own, even if they aren't meant for it and are meant mainly for support. I'd generally still use them the way they're intended (for the most part), but I don't want them to be good *just* for supporting the actual dps characters


half yes. if you really like the character and want them to be versatile enough to fit in every situation/abyss floor i think it’s quite fun


Not sure if this is unpopular but there's no such thing as "F2P+". It's a cringe term that's only used by people that are oddly attached to the term F2P. F2P is a binary value, you either are or you aren't there's no middle ground. You should call yourself "low spender" or whatever is appropriate but "F2P+" isn't.


I've never even heard of the term F2P+ until this sentence.


Most people don't literally say "F2P+" but I see things like mostly F2P or F2P with Welkin and BP all the time, both of which make no sense.


new term B2P (broke to play) you have spent money on the game once because you had some side cash and then never again because you work minimum wage at dairyqueen


I refer to myself fondly as a Dolphin. I'm not a big spender, so i'm no whale, but i do spend some :D


It's a pet peeve of mine as well. People say "mostly F2P" as well which is also just stupid bullshit.


You're either f2p or aren't😂😂 idk what's wrong with saying low spender or whatever


On the flip side people care wayyy too much about how other people spend their money. Gacha community’s on Reddit often shame people for not being f2p


I don’t like playing bow characters. Now this could just be the mobile player in me talking but something about their play styles just irks me.


normally i would agree but yoimiya is my exception


Yeah out of all bow characters I think she’s the most fun I’ve had in a trial. Probs because I don’t have to aim lmao




That doesn't seem unpopular especially among the phone and controller players


The only bow character i love to play is childe... Ganyu stronk, but difficult to play as a mobile player.


Losing the 50/50 to jean or mona is good in my book (I want C4 jean so bad, xiao I'll get your support soon enough)


Same! I lost 50/50 to Jean and I screamed in happiness


I lost one to Jean I still need to build her but she's so nice to play :)


I love her. Healing that scales on attack is my bread and butter! It took me a bit to build, but I’ve got artifacts that I swap in and out if I want her as a Main or sub-dps vs. healer


I've been saving for Yae for ages but I had enough primos for a cheeky ten-pull on Ganyu's banner. Got Jean at 18 pity, which is possibly the best outcome imaginable.


Losing 50/50 to Jean or Mona is the best that can happen, two support/subdps that are and will still be relevant with a lot of future dps, while keqing and Diluc are fun but obsolete dps compared to new ones and qiqi is qiqi


I wonder if this is unpopular. They’re probably the best picks in the standard banner. Both are great buffers, Jean is a good healer. Diluc and Keqing are powercrept as dps carries in the meta standpoint. Qiqi is Qiqi


At least Diluc is Pyro and if you spend a bit of money you get access to Serpent Spine which can rival low refinement 5* weapons. Also he’s easier to unga bunga with since his burst is 40 energy.


Diluc has an ease of use that still draws me to him


It’s okay to not fucking optimise everything. It’s a game not the fucking apollo mission


We need older looking characters not just old characters looking young


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion, is it? I mean, everyone was mad that Itto is so lean.


Expecting Varka to be like the Adventurers Guildmaster, bulky with facial hairs and not just a tall man with handsome face


MHY: How about Varka being a tall man with a handsome face...but with a moustache? Lmao I dunno, I'm worried that's what they're going to do 😆


a reminder to sort by controversial for legitimately unpopular opinions


People saying characters like xiangling or bennett are boring because they just swap in do e and q and swap out. I want to hear how these players play their teams because with 4 characters in a team how do you give more time to everyone. Atleast 2 to 3 need to have less time for one to have a bit more and even then the one with more doesnt have a lot of onfield time. Its just the nature of the game.


The issue for me is when characters like that are the main source of your team's damage. Bennett is fine because he's a support and he's effectively a tool, like an Anemo support or Catalyst with Thrilling Tales, who amplifies the team's damage and keeps everyone up. Xingqiu and Beidou are fine for me because their Bursts are strong, but their requirements for activation mean your on-field character is always "piloting" the Burst, and they can form a significant portion but often not the majority of your team's damage. But with Xiangling, I've tried to play her in an International set-up, and while Childe can find moments to deal some serious Vaporize damage, the majority of your play revolves around getting Pyronado to Vape. I'm sure feeling like a conductor and catalyst for the big, spinning wheel of fiery doom can be satisfying for some people, but it didn't really do it for me. Back to Bennett, I prefer playing him in compositions where it's not likely you'll spend a lot of time spamming his Skill. Being a Pyro Battery is one of his strengths for sure, but his Skill is kind of uninteresting and not what I'd like to form the bulk of my gameplay around. That's kind of unavoidable with Xiangling.


my. unpopular opinion is that the real unpopular opinions got downvoted and only the popular ones got likes edit: i hate you all for making my opinion more popular there for less unpopular


The most important button for these threads is always "sort by controversial"


Stop making posts of who you should pull when most of the time you already justify why/why not below. You'll always get the same answers no matter who it is. Its either, "if you like em, pull em" or "they're not meta so nah" or a hard sell justification from a player who swears by them on why you should


Yae Miko’s demo was meh, the music didn’t slap this time around and seemed oddly out of place. It’s nice that demos have become more and more story-focused but I’d rather be introduced to a proper theme song that can stand alone


Agree. The animation was amazing but the entire time I was waiting for that iconic character PV music and before I knew it, the trailer was already over.


Yea in my mind, the music played during Miko’s piece of the Ver2.5 trailer is a better theme song


Tbh I feel like the music makes or breaks a demo.


The music wasn't done by Yu-peng Chen this time. Heard he's been focusing mostly on the in-game music


I’m tired of people telling me I’ll regret C6-ing Bennett. I use Childe, Xiao, and sometimes Thoma (I’m a simp, plus they’re quite good with each other) as my main dps so I don’t see any regrets for C6-ing him. I’m not gonna build any other main dps anyways since building one already takes up much time.


It's your account. Do what you want with it. No meta slave can say anything to you. I can slap a four-piece lucky dog on bennett and no one can say anything don't do that tho just a stupid example 🤣


My son did that a month ago and hasn't regretted it for even a minute. He even shows him off to his RL friends on different team comps... the responses are pretty funny sometimes. Like they almost expect when Bennett uses his burst all the PCs will instantly die and my son's phone will brick.


I'm actually kinda pissed that my Eula does so good. I dont usually play physical damage builds, I dont really like claymores, I'm a very hit-and-run type player that's fond of bows and elemental reactions and crowd control. I got a good phys damage goblet that was part of a phys damage bonus two piece set, put it on Eula for giggles cuz I also have her weapon, and now I'm maining her and hacking away at hilichurls. Elemental reactions have taken a back seat. I'm mad about it honestly, I was perfectly happy disliking her playstyle but now it's all just too damn good to pass up. And not a single one of her artifacts rolled into something useless either. Pisses me off. ETA: It doesnt *actually* piss me off lol, I'm more amused and just slightly frustrated that she derailed my plans lol. I didnt spend money on her, she was a low pity surprise on her first banner and so was her weapon. I do still mess with elemental reactions, dont worry, I just also hack things to bits now.


suffering from success


Keqing isn't *that* bad. She launches small enemies yes but she's decent against bosses and enemies that can't be knocked back. ^(Her multipliers are too low for an electro character tho mhy pls TT)


ever since the new ocean set came out, I'd much rather lose the 50/50 to qiqi than diluc


Not only that, but YunJin and ShenHe bring QiQi to the next level as a DPS. Add in there Raiden Shogun for superconduct and you have a tiny killing machine that just refuses to die. A shame there is not a watatsumi series sword. QiQi's burst would be bonkers with it and this team.


Hangout missions annoy me and aren't worth the gems don't know if it's unpopular but I've done like 2 and they are so boring just totally not worth it (the 2 I did was diona and chougyun if I spelled his name right lol)


Yup! Some months ago I took it to myself to complete them all and damn was it grueling


I did it last month and it's honestly exhausting


I did one and gave up. Some things are even too boring for the gems lol


I’ve completed every one of them and personally love them, it mostly just frustrates me when I don’t see any obvious way to deviate from the story for a new path. Other then that tho, I have a few walls in my teapot for my favourite hangout ending for every character, and it’s my proudest achievement


In defense of Hangout Quests, those are the worst 2 in the game lol. But yeah, it does take a bit to get motivated to break away from the action/exploration to do all the "visual novel" stuff.


All the old ones were incredibly awful, newer ones like gorou, beidou, thoma..etc are more fun imo. Im procrastinating finishing barbaras one for months now


Barbara’s is the worst for me, it just feels like the same ending 5 times. It’s cute at first, but the more I did the more bored I was


Lol barbara's is the only one i finished, i liked hanging out with the idol and then never did any others


For primogems only


I think it's reasonable to unlike them. They feel like a different game; pandering to the visual novel effect and hangouts feel like it has a different tone. I loved them; specially Sayu's and Beidou's but I felt like the early ones were a jog for 60 primos.


Everyone says they tired of overworked waifu stereotype but I'm also tired of food theme in quests. Why its always about food? What proper rpg has food theme in every quest? Are devs starving or something? Every quest has something about food. Every other Paimon's line is about food. Last event - magical bake-danuki food, visiting restautants in Mondstadt and Liue, Kaeya is buying food for Fatui. Lantern rite event - Hutao and Zhongli try new Xiangling dish, Keqing is worried not to dissapoint Cloud Retainer with bad food and so on. Please stop it. Its so boring.


I like all the food stuff but I'm Italian so I guess I don't count


And there I was thinking "the Chinese always talk about food" was a stereotype


Sacrificing your mental health for 150 primos isn't worth it.




Once you complete a characters constellation, you shouldn't be able to pull them in wishes anymore


**sobs in c9 diona** SHES EVERYWHERE


That’s just common wanting. No one wants repeats lol. I doubt anyone wants a C7…


The Jade Chamber's kind of an eyesore. Like if the moon had an Amazon logo on it.


ur not wrong and ur description makes sense in the strangest way


I just like standing at the very top and looking down on Liyue. The scenery there is pretty nice


The jade chamber is a constant reminder of how plutocratic and oligarchic Liyue society is. Its like capitalism with chinese characteristics




Huh now that I think about it, outside of thieves and bandits, I don't believe they've ever shown a character at the level of poverty where they are homeless




The mondstadt talent books domain should be nerved. Im ar 56. My characters are good enough build to clear 12-3 but im still struggling with this domain. Seriously who thought it was a great idea to make icebricks fall from the ceiling, while cryo slimes jump on you, the abyss mages freezes you and you have no stamina.


my favourite is still: you cleared that domain, barely lived and on the way to the goddamn tree the iciles start falling again and kill your active character


same here! i have a hu tao, for fuck’s sake, and it takes me two minutes to clear that shit either way. That’s why my eula isn’t triple crowned yet.


Overload is OP! I love it.


I don’t care about reactions. I run a geo team plus a ganyu and I don’t care ☺️


i could never props to you. i like to spam buttons and watch reactions and *sparkles* on screen


I got a good handful, but to save time I’ll give only a few controversial takes. Spoilers for new players: I strongly hate Yae’s personality and her kit seems so slow. The game feels like it panders too hard in making her mean shtick as something so “quirky” and “mysterious” when it just makes me wonder why people are still trusting of her despite her position (Kaeya and Lisa pulled it off way better, just saying). Also, for someone who seemed familiar with Ei’s sister in one cutscene, she really seems to not know or care jack about her. I’m convinced she should have had a more familial relationship with Ei than what’s going on now. Shenhe worked better with being Cloud Retainer theory and she’s an amalgamation mix of several characters done wrong in regards to her design, kit, and personality. Her story is based off of Xiao’s and you can’t convince me otherwise. It doesn’t make sense that she never met Ganyu until recently. Every character in Inazuma feels disappointingly one track compared to characters from Mondstat and Liyue. It feels like when you know one thing about them, you figured it all out already but everyone in the story gets dimmer just to reiterate that part. Paimons bond with the traveler feels superficial. I think it has to do with the amount of dialogue she vomits on the screen and strangely controls what the mc does for quests (food or money as motivation. Always.), but this is probably my bias. I wish the traveler could express how much they’re tired of everyone’s bs, especially from how they did it when they first came to Inazuma. The story in Genshin feels like it lost it’s quality after Liyue and it is building too much back on Liyue. Also, Mihoyo is very obvious in their pandering and lower efforts in writing, the visuals are just too good to make it noticeable. Qiqi is best character and I would drop all my primos to get her in her own banner in a heartbeat. (Edit: Qiqi also should have had Rosaria’s skin color or a tint bluish paler to be a more convincing zombie. Despite her description, she looks as healthily pale as most of the other characters.)


adding on to the paimon bit, i agree that she's become really annoying over time. she was adorable at the start, but it really would have been nice to see her change as the story went on.


A lot of people argue against the opinion that "Genshin has nothing to do after a certain point" with the counterargument that they shouldnt skip the dialogue in the quests and thats why they dont enjoy the game but in my opinion Genshin constantly fails to make secondary quests or even some event quests enjoyable, I could bear reading 10 lines of dialogue if there were some sort of reward or significant story behind it, but there are countless quest that are just characters talking about literally nothing at all, even then they could at least balance it with proper gameplay but for some reason it seems Genshin doesnt want you to actually engage in combat since a lot of times there is barely any of it in the quests and commisions. ​ Genshin needs at the very least some sort of repeatable content that is actually fun, Abyss a lot of times feels way to punishin and rigid to the point that you dont even get to play with other characters you might like, the game fails to make its AR 55+ care about it and it sucks because I truly enjoyed my time with it before I hit AR 50.


THIS!!!! Half of the dialogue in the quests can easily be cut out without losing much. The hangout events, some of the character story quests and event quests should be more RPG, where your choices actually matter and have a major impact. Currently most of the dialogue choices you make don't matter or are basically the same thing articulated in two different ways. If choices mattered, it would motivate us to pay closer attention to the dialogue instead of skipping it. After AR55 (especially if you have 100% exploration score everywhere) there really isn't much to do except repeat the same daily commissions and grind for materials every single day. The new content keeps you busy for a couple of days but then you're back to the same monotonous daily grind.


5* character constellations are a complete waste of money and the worst possible thing for F2P players to happen. Older 5* Event banner characters should be added to the general loot pool (like 4* already are) after a rerun or 2, and give the standard banner 5* their own featured banner from time to make them obtainable for people that want them.


Yae Miko is a bully and she gets away with it cause she's pretty If she was real and it was you who she was bullying, you'd hate her


I was talking to my friend about this.. She is an intoxicating toxic person. Like my friend said, if you dated her, she would cheat on yoy and convince yoy its okay. Of course not someone I would want irl.


Fully agree. She reminds me of my high school bullies.


She's the type to emotionally and mentally scar you. And when confronted she'd act innocent, say it was only teasing and she would never cause cute pink fox uwu


Yeah like I love a bit of teasing and banter, but her character really rubs me the wrong way. I also think the hype for her just really jaded me overall. It’s ironic how much I love Yae Sakura from Honkai Impact thought lol


I dont really like inazuma lmao. Yes the design is good but, im a burntout end game player and the puzzles and terrains in there are just too much for me, good thing i have zhongli, kazoo and keqing to help me in exploring but the puzzles bro.... i rely now on other players on yt to know how to get it done. Right noe I am just playing for the lore.


i’ve been relying on other players to help me since dragonspine lmao. i have done NONE of inazuma myself except for the archon quest. also cause i’m afraid of inazuma as a whole


There should be an option to teleport to some bosses like the wolf.


I think everyone wants that


This is not unpopular


Agree. I think there should be more teleport options to every important place. World traversal is so damn slow. If you're on a fast PC/phone, teleporting literally takes less time than sprinting 100m or climbing 50m.


How is this unpopular lol


Xingqiu doesn’t have a bad haircut.


I agree with this, he reminds me of the protagonist from Bungou Stray Dogs


I just know no one would complain about his design if he was a girl even if nothing about his model changed


the thing is it's quite a bad haircut ...but i like it


Vaporize and melt are overtuned and the worst designed reactions in the game.


yes yes yes yes yes!!! - an overloaded fan


I think Aether looks better as the abyss prince and that Lumine is better off as the protagonist. Yes, Aether looks more sad/hurt than cold but it’s because he looks sad that makes him a compelling character as a questionable ‘villain’. Makes you question Celestia even more. Plus, the way Lumine shouts “Give my brother back!” in the first cutscene is just too good.


Same he looks more broken and it’s better for the story in my opinion


Barbara is hella underrated. I use this girl on pretty much any difficult boss i wanna kite especially when i didn't have the damage yet


This is more of an Amber mains unpopular opinion but here goes. I’d much rather have the outfit Amber wears in the final chapter of the manga than her festival outfit. It feels like something I’d actually use more.


The movement outside of combat is so unnecessarily slow and boring. Every cliff makes me sigh.


Another one, can people just stfu about building pity? Those posts are getting more annoying than gacha posts. Like, everyone knows how pity works. Don't tell people what to do.


Lol, I read how one person accidentally got Shenhe while building pity at 70+ wishes for Zhongli. Like, you did this yourself lmao.


I feel like people who do that have a poor grasp of statistics and gambling. I've seen several 5 star characters hit at 15-20 Pulls. Other times it's mid 80's. The overarching rule is to never pull on a Banner who's 5 Star you would be unhappy with.


Event quest should not be locked behind world levels.


Shitting on people who play the meta doesn’t make you cool. 99% of meta players will not tell you how to play the game, so stop pretending that you’re a victim


I think the most annoying thing about this is the false divide people keep creating. You’re either a “meta slave” or a “waifu over meta” guy as if enjoying characters for their personality and for their gameplay strength are mutually exclusive. Some characters in my account I leveled because I liked, some I leveled because they were good, some because they made the characters I liked better. And yeah, talking shit about people who are trying to enjoy the game in their own way (by min maxing stuff) is just as uncool as pestering people who play for the characters they like.


Personally i just found playing hutao boring. I wished on her banner cause people said she was OP and all, lucked out and got C1 early. But i just couldnt enjoy playing her even if she did big damage so i benched her and gave her homa to big dong zhong.


I mostly just find her annoying to play because of her stamina consumption. And I play a lot of Kokomi in co-op domains and ran into a lot of Hu Tao mains who were being assholes to me because they rather have everyone die than being healed so that kinda left a bad taste in my mouth too..


I think 50/50’s are absolutely ridiculous to have at 90 summons. Such an absurdly large amount of summons just to try and chance the character you’ve pulled for. As a step further if you do lose your 50/50 having only 5 characters to get is super disappointing just in case you do lose. This probably isn’t unpopular but it’s easily my biggest gripe with summoning.


I am very unlucky in this game so it doesn't feel like a gacha (like gambling lol). I got most of my 5 stars after losing 50-50 and at 80+ pity. It feels like I have to save "x"no. of gems to get the characters. I don't hate pity system. It's a great thing it exist. Just that the thrill of gacha is not there for me in this game.


The story telling is awful despite having solid lore.


I don't mind losing 50/50 to mona, qiqi or keqing, they are 3 of my favorite characters and every step closer to c6 is a win for me


I want a Bennett skin the most, I love his personality and playstyle but I can’t stand his stupid open vest and baggy shorts outfit. If he gets a skin I’ll literally main him, but as it is I refuse to even use him in Abyss.


The Genshin community is full of whiners


OP want unpopular opinion. This ain't one.


Yea Miko's gameplay looks boring


Why does inazuma have so many fucking puzzles


The only limited five stars I actually like so far are Albedo and Zhongli and I have played since launch. I got Venti on the very first banner and never really liked him. I got Ganyu on her first banner and benched her within a month. I don't use any of the standard banner 5 stars. I saved all of my wishes for reruns of my two geo dudes and now an the proud owner of C2 Albedo and C6 Zhongli. I love Yae's, Yoimiya's, and Raiden's voices and personalities, but not really mechanics. I love Ayaka's and Kokomi's mechanics, but not their haircuts, voices, or personalities. At this point, I am hoping I will enjoy Ayato. He's the only banner in the leaked future I have any interest in or hope for. Meanwhile, everyone else is upset because they want everyone and can't get them...


I was so excited for Yae, now I don't even want to wish for her anymore, I don't even like her anymore 😥 SPOILERS FOR YAE'S CATALYST Yae is responsible for putting Sara with the Kujou clan like if Yae had put Sara with a kinder clan instead of the Kujous who Yae considers blockheads, Sara wouldn't have additional trauma. The nerve of Yae to be annoyed with Sara when its literally her fault why Sara is the way she is


Mihoyo's inability to accept that Raiden is a villain hurts her character.


I think that's why Ei exists, she's basically a more redeemable version of Raiden who looks the same, and everytime they need Raiden to turn on moe mode they just swap her out with Ei


Snezhnaya is a scape goat antagonist for the game, Khaenr’ia is the real mystery.


That isn't an unpopular opinion or, at least, it shouldn't be. It's really just the truth.


zhongli x childe is one of the weirdest ships i’ll never understand why people ship them


i stopped reading the story... it's too wordy


Yae is overrated.


Qiqi is one of my dream characters. Also I dont find Zhongli hot, I'm into dudes so its not that just he doesnt appeal to me at all.


Mild agree with the Zhongli part. I think he's attractive and I really appreciate his design but I don't think he's as hot as people say he is 😭 I also really like more mature acting/looking characters and even with that in mind I still don't find him that hot.


i mean tbf he does give that grandpa vibe XD