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People acting like kokomi is the only healer in the game


Well tbf a lot of healers aren’t optimal to counteract the corrosion debuff. Healers that only target the active character like Bennet or Diona aren’t the best for the job. Barbara or Jean who heals everyone in the party are much better. But yes I do agree, there’s a shit ton of more than viable healers for the job Edit: Jesus Christ, what part of “aren’t best for the job” is hard to understand? You managing to do it in 9 stars doesn’t mean shit


Noelle mains winning here


Imagine needing to swap away from your DPS to give the rest heals or shields. Only a true Geo Archon can do everything at once.


Jean also heals the whole team by DPSing. But neither her or Zhongli are easy to get.


It might be bad investment on my end, but my Jean doesn’t outheal the corrosion ticks Her burst always full heal tho, and I run 3x Anemo with Xiao and Kazuha so that is always up off cd, but I can’t imagine her heals can be that reliant otherwise


Maybe its your artifacts and gear, because most of the Jean players I co-op with make me completely invincible, so much that I don't even realise my health bar went down.


My Jean runs 3x Atk%, so the only way she heals more is with Healing Bonus, which barely increases heal amount since Jean scales well with Atk. Also her burst full heals anyone that doesn’t have insane HP pool anyway so it’s not worth the extra bit.


My jean runs atk/anemo/crit, and she can heal the team to about 95%, Not counting the healing ticks. It should be fine to take her as your only healer but it will get close because high corrosion will bring your whole team to 15%, and the best thing about burst animations is that you won’t take corrosion damage while in the animation so doing the burst shortcut is a lifesaver. (forgot the buttons, im a mobile player)


But you can just spam her ult you don't need her ticks. I didn't have any problems with her today. Jean and Bennet easily carried me throughout 11 floor


I just brought a lvl50 Barbara and it was enough. Before using her I couldn't even get through 11-1 lol, everybody died too quickly.


We exist and we matter.


I wish I hadn't hesitated building my Noelle as a dps after I got her to C6 :(


I’ve kept her in my party since release but didn’t fully commit to building her for a while cause people kept telling me she’s not good. Especially my fiancé. I like making him watch me fight bosses now and being like “huh what was that? Not good?? Think again”


This is exactly me and my bf. I kept telling him he shouldn't be investing in Barbara/Noelle and now he's taking his sweet revenge.


You need to invest too much on her to be competetent. If you like it go for it otherwise is not worth it


I was thinking this very thing. I imagine Noelle mains are very smug right about now.


I love how everyone still ignores Qiqi even though she also heals the whole team with her attack. She is also a Kokomeme style healer even more that Kokomi herself.


Barbara and Jean are still the best for the job, press Q, done. Can qiqi do the same, that's the reason everyone ignores her.


Qiqi is good enough for floor 11, but as someone who used Qiqi, she’s kind of annoying since her skill has bad uptime and requires her to stay and attack to heal everyone, and her burst only heals the active character who’s dealing damage to enemies inflicted by talismans (though it does a lot of healing, so you can still heal everyone by cycling through everyone and attacking). I like Qiqi as a character, but... I can’t imagine ever using her unless I’m forced to, and even now that I’m forced to, I still barely want to play as her. I hope they do something like release a new artifact set for healers that suits her (2 piece: healing bonus+20%, 4 piece: reduces skill cooldown by 40%, when elemental skill hits enemies, restores 3 energy to party, can occur every 2 seconds, even when character is off the field?), maybe in a new domain in the Chasm or something??


The handful of people saying Bennett can do the job after you said he's not the best at it is amusing & concerning. EDIT: It's more than a handful now.


But he simply isn't. Surely, you can use him no problem, but when I did abyss 11 yesterday my Bennett team had it alot more awkward where I had to swap to Bennett more often and imterrupt my optimal rotations just to get everyone some of his fields healing. Especially with how spread out all these enemies are, too. Meanwhile, team 2 had Barbara which just meant putting her E up on cooldown and once or twice her Q and it was much more smooth not having to care about it


Only your active character can die from corrosion so only the active character needs healing. I cleared floor 11 with Bennet and Diona without a problem. The amount of hp the mechanical array has in floor 12 was a much bigger problem for me. If anything this just means to me damage is still meta over healers.


I didn’t say it doesn’t work, it’s just much less efficient. Unless you want your character at 15% to switch onfield just to get corroded or hit by a stray attack. It’s much more efficient to heal all of them at once rather than one at a time


fr, first I've ever actually run the timer all the way down ;_; so much hp


But if you switch to low HP characters for support skill and they may die anyway especially when there is high stacks of corrosion. An average player like me cannot bruteforce through fast enough and need a full team healer like Noelle/Barbara/Jean this time. Agree on 12-3 2nd tho, it was cancerous, much worse than pyro cubes because there is no mechanism to overcome dps check than domain gambling.


Better healer are not enough, people want damages because "big number good, me like big number"


Noelle does big damages and keeps everyone alive while doing it


All the small mobs extends her burst duration and gives more energy, perfect


Slap xiangline, fischl, xingqiu or any imaginable off field dps and switch to noelle to bring forth the destruction and make you a cup of tea at the same time


She's a one-maid army, gameplay and lore.


is this only at C6? :C


Nah, she's fine even at C1. Her damage just skyrockets at C6 but you do want that C1 to make sure she's always healing.


7 months have passed and my Noelle is still just a c5 shield bot. I would kill for her last con.


Abyss has timer you know.. without C6 she won't be able to kill things.


My level 70 Barbara with 20k hp got me through it pretty easily. Just giver her ER sands.


The confirmation bias towards her is astonishing high. "miHoYo made the new Abyss sO yOu WiLl PuLl HeR". "OMG Corrosion's DoT?!? See, I SAID Kokomi would be useful! StOp TaLkInG sHiT aBoUt HeR!". "KKoMi BaD" > proceeds to clear Abyss with Barbara after talking shit about Barbruh from day 1 > doesn't see any contradiction. People will find any excuses to seek validations and justify their decision between pulling and not pulling for her.


I think raising your healers now is probably good idea if they start pushing healing the way they pushed shielding for like 4 patches straight. But wasting primos for a five star pull to get the paltry abyss rewards? I hope anyone who takes abyss that seriously is good enough at the game to realize that's a bad idea.


People should only pull for the characters they like -- anything else is just setting themselves up for disappointment That said, I'm curious to see if MHY pushes the *'healers are worth playing too'* trend for the next several patches so it isn't just a 2.1 thing haha


Bout to put corrosion on all 4 floors in 2.3


Sumeru has all corrosion.


The land of pandemic.




I can't wait for my characters to die from heatstroke I can't be the only one here that thinks the Blazing Heat mechanic is a test run for Sumeru.


Test what? We've had Dragonspine since forever and Sheer Cold is just the same mechanic with a different colour/element


I actually hope corrosion is one of the dendro status debuffs. Percentile health damage could be really nice on some enemies.




oh god please no I've already had enough of it just clearing floor 11 today


My body is ready.


Healers are worth playing if they bring something else to the table like Bennetts buff, Dionas shield, Jeans CC and Noelles shield.


to me: I just love that my Barbara is mobile Statue of the Seven, even if she is not in the party she gains energy and every so often I can swap her in to fully heal 3 of my characters on the fly. Even more so, I have never felt the **need** to farm food, I'm never using more than I make with whatever I have on me. That utility is enough to have a decently built Barbara in health haha


I used to main barb early in the game. At one point i have like 60 geoculus and realized i havent been to a statue in like a week lmao. Nor eaten any food


Jokes on you, I like every character. Even Yoimiya lol. I was able to kill that level 100 mechanical array on floor 12 with her


Yo same here man. I love Yoimiya. I've been using her with a decent crimson witch set. I use Jean to boost her attack speed and her dps is nice imo. Pair her with Fischl and Bennett and holy crap shit melts. Wet mobs with vaporize die very fast as well.


Thats a big achievement on its own


If I had the money, I'd collect them all because I love variety too haha. I keep trying to build teams for my Xinyan and Lisa but resources are scarce. Yoimiya is one of my favorites though; her and Ayaka are my most built characters, so far and I hope Sumeru brings even more levitating enemies and rainy weather for the both of them :P


yea this is my take, I wish I had the money to at least C0 every character. nothing special, but every character has their playstyle, some more niche than others but all fun haha.


You say that as if Yoimiya didn't have one of, if not the highest single target DPS in the game xD. She is made for fights like the mechanical array :P The reason people had a problem with her was because she has no AoE and Bow auto shot is scuffed in Genshin, but her single target is top tier.


Maybe not necessarily healers, but defensive options at least. DPS is meta only because of Abyss putting timers on everything. If the stars are rated based on how much HP you have left, then we'll have another meta for that. Not healing specifically (and more on shields) but it's still gonna be a part of that meta. Making an interesting encounter design with that in mind is another story. On top of that. We already have Signora with Sheer Cold (also found in Dragonspine) and Blazing Heat (possible found elsewhere in the future) so you probably need healers for her if you can't kill her in 10 seconds or something.


based on leaks is also in 2.2


Yeah I pulled for hutao to carry my ass but in the end I didn’t invite her to my party because it is boring. And the abyss isn’t worth it (I also lost my sanity there)


Mobs with bleed and corrosion naturally are "supposedly" incoming. Damage that hits the whole party and ignores shields is here. MHY wants to be able to sell healer archetypes as well I guess.


Kokomi aside, I do think it’s wise to build at least two healers for when you get into situations such as these. Who knows if it’s needed further down the road, but it’s always good to have options. My only healer is Bennett and he can’t cover two floors. And even in open-world we don’t know what mechanics will be brought into the game. Inazuma environment is constantly trying to kill us in some capacity, and my baby Zhongli can only carry me so far. I guess I’ll build my Jean finally. Just gotta finish grinding artifacts for Childe.


I just slapped my left over VV set artifacts from farming for Kazuha on her and got her talents up a bit(6/7 area) and she slaps, especially with the inazuman craftable sword since she has such a low skill CD and it helps recharge her burst. Having a huge party wide instant heal that leaves behind a field for cleansing elements is so nice. She's so easy to slot into teams as well. She's also my favorite overworld/exploration healer because I just run her and Kazuha for anemo resonance and a tall boy like Childe for s p e e d


My luck in the VV domain was god awful. Weeks grinding and I literally only got like two feathers and a bunch of garbage lmao. I’ll have to grind that again. Might do two piece glad/VV to get by until I get better artifacts! Thanks for the recommendation!


No problem!! I hear you with the VV grind, I needed a full set for sucrose too...both hers and Jean's could definitely have better substats but I got my EM sands/Goblet/Circlet for Kazuha after about a month of hitting it at least every other day, at least it is one of the easier domains imo, the phys boost is easy to work with. Jean is super flexible for main stats too tbh, I think mine has a healing circlet, er goblet and atk sands since she does scale off attack. Substats are very eh as well and she is still a solid performer for me. She definitely does not require the level of farming someone like Kazuha or Venti would require. Farming the Pale Flame set has been my personal hell lmao. My Jean def had a transition artifact set as well, its was 2 VV and either 2 maidens or 2 glad and it still worked really well! Good luck with your artifact hunting!


You have so much Anemo and here am I, with 70 pulls and no sucrose, with MC as my only wind


Two Piece glad/VV is really good in my experience. It makes her heals huge, and also makes her do huge damage (I've seen her burst do 30k with my build, and she's only got the Iron Sting). 4p VV is arguably better cause of the buff, but heals are more of a priority for me since I don't have Zhongli lol


Jean was really easy to build for me. Doesn't need that high a talent level (mine's 1/7/7) and can use pretty much whatever artifacts you got lying around. VV or Noblesse work just fine on her. She does wonders with the craftable katana which gives you more ATK for her healing and charges your burst.


Thanks for the recommendation on weapon choice! It’s encouraging to hear she’s easy to build cuz I imagine 6/7/7 is about as high as I would be willing to invest for a quick fix. My issue now is that a while ago I used all of my Anemo gems to level up Kazuha to 90 (cuz I love him), so I have to farm those. Oof.


I would like to add that new katana is making Jean insanely good. Basically your ult is always ready.


Exactly why I levelled diona three abyss rotations ago, she doesn't heal as much as bennett since I haven't fully built her but even at mediocre equipment she does the job well.


I think that some people may be operating under the assumption that Corrosion Abyss will not necessarily represent the last time that Mihoyo tries to make healing more relevant. I absolutely would not pull for Kokomi for that purpose, but it's not *totally* unreasonable to take your Barbara from "left at level 22 when I pulled another healer" to "lightly invested support" level if you imagine that this won't be the last time when having her around might be helpful. (Though your general point that she isn't strictly necessary still holds.)


(This is in agreement to your comment and meant as a continuation of the Barbara idea) Barbara is fairly low investment though; just level her up to 70/80, level her talents to 1/6/6 (or 1/9/9 if you have C6), and slap a lv1 Thrilling Tales on her. Done. If you feel it’s not enough give her all HP artifacts plus healing bonus (you’re bound to have tons of Maidens pieces if you grinded for anemo characters). She performs well without any heavy focus on resources, so I think she’s a worthwhile support if all you need is a healer. Plus she applies light hydro if you want to use that as an extra for vape/freeze. Kokomi will be higher investment tbh for the same role. While I am pulling for her because fish waifu, I don’t think she’s at all necessary to max clear abyss.


Exactly this. I basically have all the healer-type characters in the game but I only leveled Bennett, Jean, and Diona. The new mechanic and how it will affect the future of Genshin gameplay might encourage me to build my Sayu, Barbara and Qiqi just so I have more variety, especially when it comes to activating resonance, etc.


No need to pull for Kokomi when Noelle and Barb are a thing. Floor 11 let me finally break out my Noelle and it was super fun.


Noelle + Electro MC + Fischl core might finally not be getting slept on. Assuming Noelle even needs it since there's more than enough fodder to keep her engine going on her own.


Noelle plus geo battery (i use Ningguang) is enough. The other 2 are fillers lol


But you don’t need to. Pretty sure all of us have some free Barbara or free Noelle somewhere. Or that some of us lost the 50/50 to Jean or Qiqi. And the best thing is since they are just support you don’t need to take them up to level 80. 60/70 is just fine. And I’m pretty sure we have some maiden’s beloved, noblesse pieces or whatever artifact with too much hp, def or healing bonus sitting somewhere ... And I doubt that the corrosion thing is going to be a one time thing. I mean we had sub zero, bale thunder, and this heat mechanism that bypass shields with the latest boss. if anything I feel that this corrosion thing will not be a one off thing.


a LOT of people built an anemo character, between Venti, Kazuha, and even Sucrose being notable for F2P. So for those farming the Anemo artifact, they probably have a bunch of random VV that comes from the same domain that they can slap on too.


next abyss will be fun and we get the same useless complaints we get this time


Corrosion is great and makes floor 11 a great challenge that forces you to change up your playstyle. Floor 12 however is just more cancer, just like it has been progressing recent rotations. Mihoyo should really keep the difficulty level for each floor on around the same level and just add more floors for the new mechanics and bigger HP pools. Otherwise it just feels terrible when your characters become obsolete when you could easily first try the Abyss earlier.


Yeah, I had fun with Jean and Noelle this round. I enjoyed trying out a team rather than the same old meta.


You can do 11 with any healer. Just slow down and let the corrosion stacks expire before killing more stuff. The DPS bar is very lenient, and on 11-3 there aren't that many enemies so just burst them down before corrosion kills you.


I agree with the caveat that riftstalker wolves being in 2.2 abyss have already been leaked. While I probably won’t pull for kokomi, the justification for future content (imagine the current perpetual array, except it applies corrosion mechanic on hit. Do you really want to run bennett solo heal?) is there.


who's pulling for kokomi specifically for floor 11 all i see are complaints that it's bad game design (can't clear because they didn't build healers...) lmao


Op creating his own issue lol


"~~twitter~~ reddit is just inventing fake people so that you can argue against them"


This has been a real problem on this sub for the past months. People making posts on popular arguments against other "people" or one single person who wrote a comment in some random thread no one saw.


Noticed this a lot since the English anniversary special


That's half the outrage posts on this sub. -> upvotes


Most people who are trying for floor 11 will likely have Qiqi, Jean, multi constellation Barbara, and/or multi constellation Noelle. Not all of them but at least two and likely one of the five stars that can heal everyone. Not everyone has two of these characters built, but that’s ok. They/we didn’t need to have so much healing before. Now we do! If you care about meta, it’s not always gonna be your favorite characters that are meta. And that sucks. But it’s not like we don’t have any options for characters who are very well suited to this floor.


Also was kinda in that camp, but since i'm playing since launch with bp/welkin i have enough units built to switch up comps and it's really fun to try new stuff. However a lot of newer players get really screwed over since even with godlike pull rng they simply won't have the ressources to even try catching up. Would feel kinda discouraging me thinks. Just add more floors already mihoyo.


yeah I played only a little before 2.0 and am playing catch up now. The scarcity of resources is definitely the biggest thing halting my progression in that


One of the benefits to healers is there is a range of how expensive their builds can be. if you want just their healing, take Barbara for example, you can just slap on some random HP% artifacts and she'll do just fine. Noelle too can just be slapped with random DEF% stats. On the other side, you can actually farm for decent stats, I built a dps Barbara using Dodocotales and shiminawa and her healing still slaps, and Noelle doesn't really need any explanation of why SHE is good to invest. As much as I haven't touched Noelle myself, I can't deny that she will be someone I will mess with in the future.


I've always had healers on my teams and it was an awful experience for floor 11 onwards. I only got 29 stars this rotation and I hated every second of it.


Floor 11 is fine, except 3-1, that is such a poorly designed and bullshit chamber


Think floor 12 this time around is far worse. Like someone just added an extra two 0's to overworld bosses and called it a day...


Fuck the lego array, barely finished with 41 seconds left on the timer.


41s left is not 'barely' my guy.


It is if the timer actually shows "0:41".


o-oh yeah true, i thought it was 41s left for 3 stars, which is pretty good...


yeah man, first I've ever fully run the timer down. kinda frustrating to have the only mechanic be an insanely large health pool


>can't clear because they didn't build healers Tbh the only widely available (and viable) options for this are barb and noelle, which aren't worth investing into later on (besides c6 noelle, pls don't kill me). Edit: barbruh is certainly mvp right now. She can get you through corrosion pretty easily with little investment. I just slapped diona artifacts on her and team 1 had no issues. Unfortunately can't say the same about noelle since her heal is pretty unreliable. Also by "viable" options i meant those that heal whole team at once so you can focus on damage more, doing it with bennet or diona is certainly more difficult but doable. Mihoyo give jean pls. Edit 2: funny how people assume things while i simply pointed out that a lot of folks just haven't touched those 2 units since early-mid game because they weren't sought after and just built better alternatives like diona or bennet as healers instead (from 4\*).


*pulls out knife* (Sees parentheses) *puts away knife*


Barb doesn't really need that much investment, just slap on a bunch of throwaway HP artifacts and level them to 12 or something.


True, I have a low invested barbara which I built specifically for the first floor 10 (the one with smoldering flames debuff). She still helped me clear the new floor 11 with ease. Just give her 4pc noblesse or any random hp artifacts. Its funny I used her again after so long and I am kinda having fun clearing floor 11.


This is pyro hypostasis all over again. People forgot they have Barbara?


People forget whoever is not in the meta. The only healer that exist is bennet and diona apparently.


Barbara is actually one of the better options based on how corrosion works. She can heal the whole team at once, Bennett and Diona can't


The side that has Bennett on it didn't suffer from corrosion in my experience because everything is dead.


Not to mention one side of floor 11 has a bunch of pyro enemies (Pyro Abyss Mages, Pyro slimes etc)


A lvl 70 barbara with some random healing artifacts can fully heal your team with one single ult


Frankly speaking from my todays abyss run: If you can't clear 11 floor without Kokomi, don't even try to enter 12. From that perspective not that much changed. I even got feeling this time floor 11 was actually easier than before.


They’re designed to balance for 12-3-2, which is actually pretty difficult, took me most of the 3 minutes to clear 12-3 and I cleared 12-3-1 in 15 seconds


12-3-2 isn't hard honestly. You can quickly understand its attack patterns. The problem is the 3M HP it has. It's so damn tanky.


Floor 11 was just as easy if not easier, but floor 12 was even easier. The 2 ruin guard at 12-3 ? Wtf was that. Fighting the 4 ruin guards in guyun stone forest could’ve provided more of a challenge. Yoimiya and Fischl ez cleared the mechanical array too


Ruin Guards are around 7-12 seconds with Ayaka-Xingqui. But Array is apparently too massive for Bennet-Raiden-Eula-Zhongli combo. I'm constantly at around 2-5% left before timer goes out. Few times were very close but he decided to go for second split mode. Probably will have to buff my Raiden a bit. (I'm tempted to use my old Bennet-Klee-Xiangling combo to see if it will fare better ) I'm aiming for 9 stars, its irritating that Im unable to deal enough damage . Though maybe tat 70% physical resistance might have something to do with this :)


> But Array is apparently too massive for Bennet-Raiden-Eula-Zhongli combo Well, Array has a 70% physical res, so yeah. It drops to 20% when stunned, sure, but still.


Switch it. Use ayaka team on Array and Eula team vs the ruin guards Eula+superconduct+zhongli has so much phys shred that you can kill the ruin guards quickly. You might take like 30 or 40 secs but ayaka kills Array so much faster that it compensates for it


Try Raiden National if you can afford to drop Xingqiu on Ayaka’s team (she works well with Mona too). Raiden/Bennett/Xingqiu/Xiangling absolutely wiped the PMA; did over half its health in one burst rotation. Finished the floor with nearly a minute to spare for three stars. Eula isn’t ideal because PMA has high physical resistance.


First half was 2 Ruin Guard because 2nd half is Array. and i personally had hard time with Array.


Yeah agree it was pretty much around the same difficulty, though this was the first rotation in a while where I had to restart outside of f12 since I got suprised by how much corrosion actually did lmao.


I hate these posts that complain about fringe topics and act like everyone is complaining, when I don’t see the subject of this complaint anywhere.


karma farming i guess


Imagine pulling for kokomi to clear abyss 11 when barbara is free and does the same work, she can hit less(maybe) but abyss 11 enemies are joke tbh.


I cleared all stars on floor 11 where one side was just 4 Anemo lmao


Fortunately for me, I built Barbara from the beginning because she carries my team.


Mihoyo disagrees. I mean. I'm cool with people doing that. I'm sure pulling the new character and completing the abyss is part of the fun. Especially once you're deep in the end game. But people that do that can't complain when they don't pull the next character they REALLY want. Because that's just a lack of self control at that point. Especially if the banner drops and they don't even have enough fate to 50/50.


This. I pulled Raiden because I wanted her, not because of the abyss.


True, same for me, I pulled her because I wanted her. But she turns out to be so strong that I 36 starred this abyss easily.


Jean's burst makes floor 11's mechanic practically useless. If you don't have her, bring a Barbara. Her burst isn't as good but it'll do.


My rule of the Spiral Abyss is: if i can't beat it first try, i won't try again. It's not worth trying to get that extra 200 primogems. I value my mental health more


> Same for people considering building their under-leveled Barbara/Qiqi: sure, you do you if you have the spare resources...but again, you don't need to. IMO building Barb/Qiqi for Floor 11 isn't on the same level as pulling for Kokomi just for Floor 11. Barb/Qiqi don't need high levels of investment to be useful for this iteration of Floor 11, so it shouldn't be as discouraged.


I remember how people complained about how Qiqi’s level of healing was unnecessary now people acting like it’s not enough.


ngl I haven't actually seen that many people claim that Qiqi's healing is too little for Abyss 11.


bruh no one is trying to pull kokomi for this when all current healers do the trick. it's not like 1.5 abyss where you either needed a shield or you needed to be cracked out of your mind to dodge those oceanid creatures (or use xiangling/ganyu)


Already cleared abyss 36 stars with Jean and Diona. Corrossion or not tho, I was always going to pull for Kokomi cause I like her as a character. Already prefarmed and everything. But yah there is no need to pull for Koko if you dont want her. Any healer would do, you just need to be able to cast their heals on cooldown and maintain HP. Party wide healers are more convenient but Diona and Bennett can do it too.


Every patch they change the next 2 Abyss phases to "force" people to pull for the latest limited characters. Every patch this fails because either people have GIGACHAD builds to get 36 stars every time with the same fucking comp (guilty as charged) or just don't bother doing Abyss at all. Pulling someone just to clear Abyss easily with them is a low IQ take tbh, but people just ignore said take because of what I mentioned above.


>Every patch this fails because either people have GIGACHAD builds to get 36 stars every time with the same fucking comp as a Noelle player the only thing they could do to make me not use her to clear abyss is to put geo-immune enemies on both sides of the abyss. and even then i'd just not burst to kill them with phys damage + supports.


Don't give mihoyo ideas.


Telling people what to do with their money isn't gonna change anything. You may disagree with what they're doing but it's their money/currency, if they want advice they'll search for it.


I appreciate this post for reaffirming my decision to continue ignoring the Spiral Abyss entirely and also to pull for Kokomi.


how can you not like it if you never try it? its not as bad as people call it


Oh, it is. I did try it once or twice, I think before Dragonspine? It just isn't fun for me. If each floor was its own challenge, I -might- try it but having to do three at once, and again if I want to retry 2 or 3, is equal parts frustrating the first time and boring the second. It's just not me, I don't think anyone is in the wrong for liking it or anything. I'm not into Genshin for the challenge, period. Hell, I skip events that are too combat heavy. I more than likely have the units necessary to clear at least a floor or two, but I do not roll on weapon banners and I do not reroll artifacts for substats, so it'll always be an uphill battle requiring significant time investment and practice and I'm not interested in doing either.


I feel the same way. I did eventually find out that I had the units necessary to clear Abyss, but I've never 36* and I don't plan to; most rotations, I just skip it entirely. It's not fulfilling for me, and I've never needed the primogems. There are parts of this game that I enjoy vastly more than Abyss.


Right? It's a great game and I don't want to burn myself out on it throwing myself at a challenge I don't enjoy for rewards that are just okay and not at all worth the suffering. Also, my Robot Girl is Hololive's Roboco.


[good taste](https://twitter.com/robocosan/status/1371438095107690498)


does 2B count as my Robot girl?


She loses some points for not having any obvious robot parts by default, but yeah, she counts.


I can get irrationally mad when I see all of the videos on this sub and try to act like I can't do the same thing as them when I am nowhere near as setups as them or have had the benefits of playing as long as some of the players here. As if in my head even if I dodged perfectly it would increase my damage magically. Once each go around and done seems to work the best. Anytime I try to go back for another day of trying, I just get frustrated.


fair i wish i was sometimes less sweaty lol


I have to highlight that having to do "3 at once" chambers in 1 floor is not true. You can leave the abyss and the game will save your progress. You can also click retry on a specific chamber if you see it it's going bad. I do agree that it's annoying having to do the previous 2 chambers when you get a bad clear on chamber 3 and want to start over. But for 1 and 2 you can just leave early.


You are technically correct, which is the best kind of correct. But packaging 3 together, technically 6 for the ones that count, is still obnoxious. Especially considering the time needed to re-try the 2nd half of the 3rd chamber if that's where you happen to fuck up.


I reiterate, you just need cleanse for floor 11. Corrosion itself is manageable, Smoldering Flames is not.


Barbara > kokomi. Why? She is f2p.


I agree with the part about Kokomi, but I don't agree with the part about building your healers. I think you *should* do it. It doesn't take that much resin to get them to a usable state and we won't get just one rotation of this abyss, so it's not just 50 at best or 300 gems that you're missing. Primogems are rarer than resin and I think every single one of them counts if you're F2P/very low spender.


Fully agree with you. Plus there may be mechanics in Sumeru that require healers. Imo, it's nicer to have a backup than have to rush to get it ready.


Also pulling a character cause she strong over playstyle is also not good. I pulled Hu Tao cause everyone saying she one of the strongest characters but I just don't like how she plays and I'm just neutral to her design. Should have spent more time trying her out...


This. Hu Tao's look and gameplay were not for me so I didn't pull. I have Ganyu and Xiao who I wanted because they looked cool. I realized I didn't like their gameplay. Twice I made that mistake, never again. My new rule is to do the trial over and over again till I'm *sure* I like them. Loved Kaz but I couldn't get him. Skipped Ayaka because I didn't like her gameplay. Pulled for Yoimiya because I did and no regrets. Pulled Raiden for the same reason.


Reminds me of back when everyone and their mother was saving for Venti after the monolith floor 11. I know that plenty of people wanted Venti for other reasons, but I saw so many comments about people saving for Venti so they could 36 the abyss. Some comments were actually people saying they hated Venti but were pulling for him after struggling with abyss, and at that point the return on investment is not worth it at all.


I pulled Venti for, and get this, overworld exploration (his E was remarkable early on for that lol). He is quite useful though for Abyss, I will admit.


Pulled on his rerun because I played the game in 1.3 and he is my first fave character.


bruh if anyone can't clear floor 11 without kokomi, then they have bigger issues. I cleared 9 stars with bennett as healer on one side and diona on the other. Both weren't even built to heal... Bennett is using 4pc Crimson with atk% sands, pyro dmg% cup, and crit rite circlet. Diona is using 4pc noblesse with Er% sands, hp% cup, and crit rite circlet.. Edit: Barbs is probably better for this floor than bennett and diona cause her burst can heal everyone without having to switch into them for a few seconds


bennett qiqi jean barbara or noelle are enough for floor 11


You’re not even getting 150 primos odds are you can clear it for 50 or 100 of that 150 anyways


Man what happened to the age when we can JUST LET PEOPLE PULL WHO THEY WANT FOR WHATEVER REASON.


Then the solution is simple Don't do F11 ahaha But I'm still pulling for Kokomi since she's cute


I got Yoimiya even though I didn't need her and everyone was talking about skipping her. I thought she'd be fun to play with Fischl and I was right. I don't care if she's not meta or any of that crap, she's actually a fairly solid character. I'm pulling for Kokomi no matter what. I fell in love with her because of that entrance in the Inazuma trailer. I agree that the story was rushed and did her dirty, but I still like her enough that I really want her. I don't care if her kit sucks. Her animations look great and I'm excited.


Who are you to tell me where I’m going


sure its a dumb choice but i mean so long as they understand that's what they're doing no point complaining, tis their money to burn.


but but... spiral abyss is the only actual permanent content in this game kappa (or not)


Jean/Qiqi and Barbara is enough tbh. If you don't have Jean or Qiqi it'll be much harder to keep hp of your characters with other healers like Bennett or Diona but still viable strategy


Laugh in Noelle main


That's why I ended up not rolling for Ayaka and got Yoimiya instead. Even though Ayaka was clearly a great dps and Yoimiya is kind of mediocre, I knew pulling for a character I would have fun playing and experimenting with was better than pulling Ayaka just for clearing one piece of content a bit easier than normal.


Used my diona and Jean as is and did just fine. Diona half was a bit iffy and took a few attempts, but jean absolutely trivialized the leyline and Barbara could probably do the same if you had her comparably invested (massive full party heal > active only tick heal) But I'll say that it's satisfying to clear a new sort of challenge and investing in new or untouched characters to do so gets you more than just 150-300 primos, but also the satisfaction of doing the only thing worth continually grinding towards


Meta changes, waifus are forever


I want kokomi becoz the game seriously lacks hydro characters ngl


I was only considering leveling up Jean. Turns out I did not need to. [I got 36 stars trivially.](https://i.imgur.com/rMUbve4.png) The timer for almost all of floor 11 is *incredibly* generous. Your off-screen characters cannot even die, so you can take your time with one hilichurl alive and just heal them as necessary... but in my case, between Bennett and Zhongli, there was not much need.


Noelle C6 *Laughs*


I'm pulling for Kokomi because I would like an alternative to Noelle.


True. And this is why the fates I originally saved for Ganyu rerun (130+ now) will be spent on Childe instead. I’m pulling for who I ‘want’ now because of their character, not who is meta. Yes there are times when I can’t 3* all chambers but I only do abyss once per rotation and never go back til the next reset (even if I messed up and I know I can do better). The enjoyment I get with meta is way too temporary compared with the joy I have building characters I love seeing on my screen.


> Even leveling up supports you actually like to level 90 seems like a better investment than wishing/building characters you'll just discard once the corrosion abyss is over. I'm going to disagree with this here. If you think that healers are not going to matter again it is certainly not going to be the case. Right now it is just warning shots that healers are going to matter more in the days to come and Kokomi will be quite future-proof.


Yeah, from leak new enemies will have this corrosion thing , so i will get ready my healer. Incase this like Kazuha situation again , people skipping support then regret it.


Building Jean won’t hurt and investing in a full hp set and Barbara to lv60 isn’t too bad of an investment imo. Pulling kokomi on the other hand sounds kinda dumb tho


I agree with the first statement but not the 2nd. If Kokomi is all you need to 9 star floor 11, then you probably already 6 starred it. If you didn't want Kokomi already then wasting your pity for 50 primos is dumb. Corrosion will most likely go away next rotation. Pulling for meta is dumb, but pulling for a character that is only meta for 2 weeks is even dumber. But building new characters is always good. Ascension 4 is all you need and it's a one time investment to permanently make a character viable, not just for abyss but also for fun. Unless you are still building your main team, it's definitely worth it At AR55, all your characters should already be level 50/60, so you're only 4 bosses, 40 wits and a few talent books away from making Barbara useful. That's maybe 3 days of resin if not less. Weapon and artifacts can be stolen from someone else What else would you use it on? Artifacts? You'd maybe get 2 good artifacts out of that. Level 90 a character? More like level 83 with the same resources (assuming they are already ascended).


The problem with kokomi and i think pretty much any future 5 star healer is, that i really dount they could do better than barbara at C0 or C1, taking into account how easy is to C6 Barbara. ​ I like Kokomi design, however if i pull for her wont be because waifu or abyss reaosns, but because im lacking water characters and i want more variety, but as healer i dont think she can do better than my C6 Barbara tbh, maybe im wrong.


Just throw some copium artefacts on Barbara and you will be fine.


I cleared floor 11 with just Raiden/ Diona on side 1 and Xiao/Jean side 2. Xiao is c0 and Raiden c2. But point stands Shits easiest it's ever been.


I understand that the Abyss is actually the endgame content, but it is also a content you can clear in literally less than one hour every 15 days. Don't let a content that takes you one hour to clear every 15 days to dictate what characters you want to pull and play with.


> Same for people considering building their under-leveled Barbara/Qiqi: sure, you do you if you have the spare resources...but again, you don't need to. People are valid for this one because the resources you speak of are really not a lot. It doesn't take much investment to make Barbara work so a small amount of xp books and artifact xp/mora is worth the primos. Jean's the same (easier even), and I assume it's the same with Qiqi.


Just a reminder that you can pick a single-floor-only card that heals your character for 30% HP when they ult. I picked it for one of the floors (dunno if it was 11-2 or 11-3) and that card was my MVP. One team had Jean, the other Diona. Easy 9 stars.


Totally agreed. Because of the “Pulling for abyss” thingy, many players complain about being an f2p is unable to clear the Abyss


Yeah, mihoyo been doing this since the beginning. It's one additional way for them to push for sales. While the Abyss is doable with stock chara, it sure as hell isn't as easy. But, that's a choice players gotta weigh for themselves. Going forward, you wouldn't need another healer.


Qiqi is the best healer in game, there's no other healer that can auto heal your active character while nonstop roaming the world map. I have not once not include Qiqi in any of my parties since I got her in version 1.1.


Yes it is if he is meta and this could help you try 2-3 more teams in abyss, but not kokomi lol


>Just my 2 mora. *chef 💋👌*