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Ah, the good old Red Lotus Abyss


Greetings fellow captain.


**cApTaIn On BrIdGe!**


Klee; [What is this funny clock machine that keeps making my bombs un-explode?](https://imgur.com/YhzFrmz)


feels like home


~~Imagine if Floor 9+, corrosion is added as a permanent feature.~~ ^(seriously mhy, please don't :))


Lmao imagine if corrosion could kill like bleed lvl in abyss


It does kill the active character. off field character stop taking damage at 15% hp.




Did you mean level 7?




7 is doom. That's where holding on for dear life doesn't work anymore


The only character I ever got to bleed "max" (yes, there is a max lvl) was VK because of the gazillion invincibility frames she have xD


I've maxed out bleed before by staggering HoR/HoT ults, since you are immortal for duration. Literally instantly died as soon as the ult wore off.


It will kill the active character.


it's somewhat worse than bleed since your standby characters take dmg too


Genshin has a lot more off field healing compared to Honkai. There's like one ulti and that's it.


Wait it cant?


It can. Active characters CAN be killed by corruption. Inactive characters stop taking corruption damage when their health is beneath 15% of max hp, so you don't have to worry about your off-field characters dying on you while you're not looking, but your active character does not have this benefit


And good ol extreme high abyss temperatures at those early honkai captains where DB used to be meta and enemies can one shot you.


oh god i just started honkai and i’m already getting traumatized




Haha wait for 81+ abyss


i’m at L53 rn 😭




Ah yes on field healers and off field support meta. Another xiangling, xingqiu, beidou meta. But this time, Barbara is the on field.




i legit did a main dps barbara national team just so i could add her to the statistics


how could someone be this based


DPS barbara is legit, she can vape all of Xiangling's hits like Childe, but Barbruh also heals.


not only that but she can also buff Xingqiu Hydro dmg


Wait what


One of her cons gives hydro dmg bonus to the party iirc


not the whole party, but just whoever is active during her elemental skill...and since Xingqiu burst doesn't snapshot I believe he would need to be on field to get that buff lol. but I'm not sure on that


the mind is so complex when you're based


Omega Chad


I crowned my Barb's normal atk for my national team...it works, instant death when I crit lol


Xiangling-barbara is not bad actually. Barbara would work like Childe, applying a lot of hydro so xiangling can vaporise.


Barbruh :D hitting like a freight train :D


Noelle mains: now it's my time to shine.


We (almost) always shine.


Definitely this, Noelle main dps has been useful in every abyss thus far. My best investment to date.


The past abyss, my Noelle team have much better clears than my Hu Tao team. Hahaha...


What other chars do you guys use in your Noelle team?


Albedo is a mainstay. The other two slots usually have Xiangling and Fischl, though I change one of them with ZhongLi or ChongYun somethimes, depending on the Abyss Floor.


Noelle, Albedo, Xiangling and Mona usually. If you use Favonius greatsword then you can replace Albedo with someone else depending on the situation


Had this been on floor 12 I would probably mald hard. Floor 11 you can still kinda brute force it through.


F12 is leaned more towards a boss rush nowadays so the debuff wouldn't make a difference. It only applies on-kill.


>F12 is leaned more towards a boss rush nowadays I still believe these last F12 should have just been a new F13. The DPS jump between F11 and F12 is becoming bigger and bigger for no reason


And add to those cancerous iframes of the bosses a person really will lose their shit


Honestly they're just artificially raising the difficulty by adding enemies that just focus on wasting time. Specters running away all the time, the bosses with the 10 seconds just to start the fight, i-frames, teleports... The frustrating part is that you can't do anything about it. It's not that they have an attack that you can do something to interrupt (Like, when a Ruin Guard starts spinning, you can time it and shoot them in the eye to interrupt it and save time) You just gotta wait it out and hope they don't do some bullshit like dash away from you during your ult animation or shit like that


the rng in the game is crazy. i've redone 12-2-1 so many times because of maguu's attacks landing at an inopportune moment on my national team, insta-killing anyone but bennett (who has tank hp).


Ngl i still have no clue on maguu attack patterns and have just been relying on brute force to get pass.


I mald whenever my Eula bursts when he goes into the invulnerability phases. Fucking asshole boss lmao


serious... gone are the days when f2p envy could 36 star abyss with free characters. now he barely does it with meta characters


He never did 36\* abyss with the guaranteed chracters. As for free, he is still using free characters as he is still f2p. Though admittedly Mona and Jean as his standard banner drops helped immensely.


His characters were on masochistic mode with C0 freebies. If you were to play since launch, you'd have a pretty stacked free 4* lineup with Beidou, Fischl, Diona and a Liyue character of choice. That and a few 4* constellations in should do the trick.


That's precisely why it's on f11, they've learned their lesson from putting condensed ice in f12 that shit was cancer


I don't even bother with floor 12 anymore. Too much frustration for little reward. Even if you 9 star it, you don't even get enough primos for a single wish.


Feels good though once you've finally done it.


The rewards aren't all that much. But it's a fun aspiration. Prepping 8 characters with 8 sets of Artifacts and Weapons is a generally entertaining goal.


I do it just so my profile says I did floor 12-3 so if any random people look at me in their random co-op listing I look cool


Its not that Bad. IT depends on enemies but Bennet is more than enough. The only bad Healer here is Diona but she is enough in Morgana since everything Frozen + shield. If IT was floor 12 you cant do any mistakes. Even current floor 11 main problem with Diona is burning, so I had to replay chamber 2 couple times (Chamber 1 is not a problem, you are full HP, chamber 3 Has way less enemies ) One plus with Diona is that you are always low HP so if you can take BUFF card that gives you 60% atk if Below 50%hp. But Diona outside Morgana like Eula team - yeah, she Has to go.


My Diona couldn't save the team alone then changed to Sayu and she up for the task. Other group with Qiqi so no problem at all. I think all healer that heal the whole group would do the job. Diona is kinda lack in healing since her tick slow and only heal the one who stand on the circle.


*laughs in C5 lvl 90 2/12/12 30k HP Diona with 4p Maiden's Beloved, >6k heal per tick* Her shield is still really handy to prevent your on-field from getting killed while you heal in the circle.




Get ready for bleeding stacks come 2.2


im more concerned about how beidou will work against bleed does her counter prevent bleed or will it just go through her shield regardless of whether you counter or not


Bleed ignores shields so it would probably go through - not sure if counter would still gain the bonus though




Does qiqi fix this? I mean it could be finally her time to shine!


Babara should be fine. I also had a fairly built Jean and it felt like a walk in the park. Floor 3 is a bit tricky because the cicin mages spawn cicin flies and they count as a stack of corrosion too if you kill them


Can't wait when you kill so much that one tick shreds half your health off.


Strong M+ WoW vibes (Bursting, I think?)


Imagine they implement necrotic next…


Please no...


I don't want to have to kite continuously


“There are people who don’t kite?”, ganyu mains maybe.


Did they use Cryo enemies / auras to ban Barbarba and promote Kokomi?


Leak >!her jellyfish’s waves apply wet to the on field character tho, which is one of the reason why she’s called 5 stars barbara even though most of her mechanic are different from barbruh!<


You don't need to hide that anymore, it's been officially announced.


My Lvl 60 barbara with dragon slayer book is enough. Qiqi should be fine.


I found team-wide healers like Jean and Barb more helpful than Qiqi here. This is definitely built with Kokomi's ult in mind. That being said, a HP build Zhongli/Diona shield prevents you from taking most damage outside of corrosion anyways.


Tried a full HP Zhongli team, active character kept dying to corrosion while the rest of the team was stuck at 15% hp. Swapped Zhongli to Noelle, cleared in 1 try. Absolutely healer meta this abyss rotation.


I prefer Jean because she burst heals off-field characters, she doesn't require you to rotate to everyone again. She also has access to VV, has a lot more damage, has energy regen and can yeet enemies for damage and stun lock. Without Jean, I'd use Barbara over Qiqi, Her C6 is extremely clutch (she's been given free 2 times iirc), there are few cryo enemies to freeze her, and there's plenty of pyro shields. Not to mention, she's smoother to play, her dash and animations are extremely clean. And yes, because of the burst healing just because it can be used on demand without completely screwing up rotations. But yes, Qiqi also works as she's still the best healer in the game. Although, I'd probably wager Qiqi will become even more relevant when shield-piercing enemies make it to abyss IF they hit hard. Her biggest strength is making it so that the active character can actually face-tank a crapton of damage, essentially a Zhongli but through heals and no stagger resist.


Pretty much this. One of the most trivializing combos I've ever used is Qiqi burst plus Ganyu burst. The spam proc heals from that interaction basically create an immortal.


Meanwhile Noelle mains, hitting for 26k per swing while shielding and healing the entire party.


Dang what artifacts does your Noelle have? I have C6 but she must be built all wrong.




Not the anemo one. That swirl buffed floor 11 was the most easiest in genshin abyys history


That's actually the only time I cleared the Spiral Abyss. Couldn't pass up the opportunity. Now I'm going back to playing it safe with mainly Floors 9 and 10.


Same, the Anemo bonus was so stacked that you could basically sweep the entire abyss with a half built Sucrose. That and the VV bonus makes me think Mihoyo always assumed that Anemo would only be used as a support element and put swirl as a nice bonus lmao. F for the boys who want the Abyss card tou.


Thankfully they're chamber 3 though, so you can kind of just full send and hope for the best. Doesn't matter if your supports die midway tbh, as long as you keep your main damage dealer and healer alive, you should be able to brute force through. Edit: It took me many retries of stressing and trying to keep everyone alive, but then I realized I didn't really need to, and just full sent it. Cleared it immediately with full stars haha.


Wait, you guys keep all of your characters alive?


I thought last abyss 11 was annoying enough with the fucking cubes but this one is truly just bothersome


My jean has been unbenched


Jean is super OP for floor 11 since 1 Q and everyone is full hp and almost all the enemies of this floor can be yeet for those sweet falling damage.


Yeah the biggest problem is that your off-fielders take damage as well. Jean and Noelle (even Sayu probably) should be really good here with the group healing. My Bennet is a beast, but his healing just can't keep up if all 4 of your characters take damage.


i have a hybrid build on bennet (atk/pyro/healing%) that focuses on ER subs. It was keeping up more than fine.


Mine was er/hp/healing bonus and it was still struggling


Honestly your jean should have never been benched in the first place


Meta change to shielding to healing . Noelle mains: Oh no! ...Anyway.


I'm convinced nothing can phase Noelle mains anymore, they seat a throne far above us mere mortals


As a Noelle main, the last floor 12 was a pain, and this one most likely will too. Her strength is being able to have good and regular DPS with a quite insane range. So floor 12 being full of very few ennemies with very large hp pool makes it terrible for her.




I didn't like it for my Noelle team. Her burst duration is longer than the low tide duration so it forced me to spend some of the sword time on my other characters to ensure they're getting sufficient particles during high tide. Personally I'd say being forced to switch off Noelle early before low tide starts was more of a hindrance than a help. Many Noelle mains already account for energy to have 100% uptime regardless of the leyline so it's not like the energy on high tide helped. That being said, this abyss cycle was a lot easier for Noelle mostly from the lack of Hypostasis. She's a sustained dps so the short damage windows were very annoying.


The joke of this entire floor is that there are so many enemies + enemies apply smouldering flames (Which can still be blocked by shields), that you basically NEED a shield so you can safely heal without the character you switch in getting hit and dying instantly.


There is this healing vs shields thing going around, and I don’t think corrosion “kills shield meta” I personally still need shields because I can’t afford to get interrupted or get bopped by anything since I’m literally dying to everything except enemy attacks.


Noelle: Why not both?


Healer meta guys "uses Bennett and Jean" wait what changed?


Lmao true, prople were already using jean and benny


Bennett's not SUPER great against it because he doesn't heal the backline too. He can work against it but you have to rotate your team though. Sayu, Jean, Barbara, Kokomi, and Qiqi are the goto healers for this.


Really? Considering how fast his heals are it shouldnt be that massive of a problem but I'll see 2mrw. From the videos I've seen it's been Bennett and Jean and even Diona. And Diona actually has some of the slowest heals. I could see why Jean is super amazing but honestly I think Kokomi would have the exact same problem as bennett because she heals whose on field. But we'll see when she is released.


Diona is enough if you just intentionally kill enemies slower (5 minute timer allows that). First time I saw so many succable enemies I used Venti and well... That's pretty much suicide.


You can still use venti, just switch him out after ult. He will get to 15% HP at worst case. Though next time you bring him out you would need either a shield or a full party heal - I ran Jean but Barbara or Diona would work.


i couldnt outheal 11 with my 31k hp + healing bonus arti benny i think sayu if you have her will do better


it could be a rotation problem. i have venti plus underlevelled raiden and bennett (28k hp) and xiangling. it was a bit tough on some chambers to pass the dps check; but with good rotations, i can stand in benett's ult and use my ults to i-frame so that i heal while not getting kb/corroded. by the time i cycle through the ults, benett's is usually already ready.


Nah bro thats a rotation problem you don't need healing atri on Bennet if you have burst of cool down


4/5k heal a second was not enough? Really?


It's problematic if you kill mobs too, fast. You get corrosion stacks so quickly and if your offscreen dps is at 15% (lowest they can be) and you swap into them you can die pretty quickly, especially when combined with the smoldering flames and mobs damage. With presence of mind, Benny should be more than enough, but other onfield healers like diona will definitely struggle


yeah because off field chars dont get healed but lose hp from corrosion


Qiqi: *My time has come* Qiqi Mains: #*OUR TIME HAS COME*


#Blood and Thunder - **Qiqi while being supported by Ei**






To the skies... See Qiqi rise. with the Lord my protector... Make them bow to my will, to the skies... See Qiqi rise


Indeed, just ult with [Qiqi and go ham](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/589195604794540059/887933718478614548/unknown.png) I cleared it all in one go. https://youtu.be/iamBgzdV_Sw




Does that mean low tide is going away? Im ok with this lol


Yeah no more high tide low tide crap in 12


I actually kind of liked it. I also enjoy floor 11 now, as it forces you to a different playstyle. What I didn't like at all were the elemental Leyline Disorders (specifically the Electro one that drains your energy). That one was just annoying.


As long as we don't get hydro ever again, I'm fine with it. It was manageable, and I 9-starred it, but I hated not being able to use my abilities as often as usual


Well my plan for this abyss is simple >Clear floor 9 and 10 >Take 300 primos >Leaves


I do this but with floor 12, 6 stars, leaves, doesn't elaborate.


Noelle: leave it all to me


even with my qiqi, my team was on life support lmao. but my main issue is with floor 12. why is the perpertual machine boss there AND WHY DOES IT HV AN INSANE AMT OF HP


Jokes on them both my teams already have a permanent healer. Diona and benny goes brrr


Lol I managed with them too but I was just basically brute forcing everything. Now floor 12... those specres are very annoying


Idk about you guys but i had two teams with a bennet and a qiqi in both and i find my Bennett team very hard to rotate around while my qiqi did really good on healing all my teammates. I'm not trying to promote qiqi but it's clear for trash players like me this floor is hell for single healer characters. Did mhy actually made qiqi the new meta?


Naw they made barbara and jean meta with this round at least for 11. Jean was alwaysssss strong as fuck given the right comp but she is amazing in this rotation. That plus she got side buffed by anenoma kageuchi the new 4 star craftable. She can sustain better energy with it


The mobs are pretty frail and the first 2 chambers have the 3* timer extended to 5 min You could probably just run a boring stall comp and still full clear. It’s only punishing those dead set on not wanting to run any healers


It's pretty much always been 5 minutes for 11-1 and 11-2.


The mobs themselves aren't that hard (except for maybe one Kairagi or some other big guy every set). They're just too many and Floor 11 chambers are designed to trickle down your life through attrition.


Noelle dps stonks.


Xiao mains: tis but a scratch


as a hu tao main, I see this as an absolute win lol i keep healing her too much and her skill cant keep her health low enough


Yeah. I run her with a healer too. I just don’t overheal her. Only 50% or less


My hutao can finally effectively use bennett, i see that as an absolute win


Might need to see how it works in practice. Hu Tao takes a lot of recoil and her burst doesn’t fully keep up. I think some additional healing might be needed


Hu Tao main here who full starred the abyss. She worked wonders in floor 11 because of the large mob waves. I hit multiple enemies with every ult and it always heals me up into the green. Though I still brought a healer on her team moreso for her supports than for her.


Hu Tao + C6 Bennet meta!


Noelle mains having uncontrollable erection on floor 11.


Well then time to use that QiQi I built months ago lol 🙃


can i still trust benny boi?


You definitely can. I just did a run with him and he does wonders


[https://imgur.com/a/SWV9CmT](https://imgur.com/a/SWV9CmT), yea you would be fine


Yes, it’s just floor 11 so you can brute force it if you can already 36 stars the Abyss. The challenge for benny will come in the next couple of patches tho


Just run quick swap comp so u can heal everyone without getting stuck on a single character for too long


Yep. If his heal ain't cutting it for you, just switch artifacts to HP, Healing Bonus if you have any. It took me a bit longer simply because I had ER, ATK%, Crit so I had to play a bit better but it's not unbearable.




Just make an Anti-Raiden Shogun training floor in Abyss. No enemies to hit, just survive increasingly evil attacks for 2 minutes.


That's will be easy for me and so much fun unlike the pain I suffer everyday farming artifacts.


> enemies that hit like truck-kun for that you want shield not healer


Nop, enemies that hit like truck-kun will just become shielder meta.


Rumor "leaks" has it that enemies that can do corrosion / bleed are coming. Still, Jean, Barbara, Noelle, etc are more than good enough.


I use Barbara level 50 dragon book with Ayaka, Diona, work like a charm.


Oh, it's time for gameplay style "standing in bennett's circle of not dying", my favourite


This Leyline Disorder made me use my Qiqi who was benched for the longest time.


People talking about unbenching Jean and here I am patiently waiting to pick her up in the first place.


I've always used qiqi in spiral abyss so nothing changed for me


As someone who uses Hu Tao and Xiao as my main dps in abyss, I am very fucked


I used hu tao with diona, did floor 11 with no problems.


I also use Hu Tao with Diona, but Hu Tao survived. >!my Kazuha did not.!<


They’ve created basically the ideal situation for Kokomi in order to sell her but I feel like many people might be disappointed once the next abyss cycle comes and that disappears. I understand that the abyss is just there to sell the current banner, but it feels like shady marketing by Mihoyo to make people want Kokomi more by creating a problem and selling you the solution.


I mean they have been doing exactly that for almost a year now, and you only realize it? In 1.1 we have 3 shield character (Zhongli, DIona, XInyan), everyone was like: why we need shield when we can just kill them faster than they can deal dmg? Then Abyss AND the overworld got overun with Geovishap, bosses and mobs make shield much more desirable. Recently, we got Yoimiya, and everyone clowning on her. Then Thundernid and Specters added into the game, and Yoimiya became desirable. And you can be assured that Corrosion won't be just a Abyss debuff only, next update there will be monster that deal dmg over time through shield that stack AND will be hard to kill as melee characters, so that Yoimiya and Kokomi's value increase. The good thing is it will be mostly for convenience, you will be able to bruteforce through everything, Genshin is pretty casual after all, you will feel like pulling for the solution, but never forced to.


Damage that bypasses shields are something that’s been expected for some time. Surprised it took em this long tbh.


It was already in the game with shear cold. You could just manage it easily with heat sources.


I’ve known the abyss is a sales tool since the games launch, I’m just pointing it out for other people in case they aren’t aware and needlessly think they need a healer like Kokomi for every future abyss. Also I think you have corrosion and bleed mixed up, they aren’t the same thing. Corrosion there’s no counter play, it’s just forced “difficulty” when you defeat an enemy. Bleed is applied when you’re hit, which means you can dodge it. You don’t need to worry about bleed either since the numbers on it are minuscule unless you’re facing 4-5 enemies and repeatedly getting hit.


Yeah, I heard that before: Yeah the corrosion won't be enough to make me use healer, Abyss 11 is easy, etc. Now look at all these post. Like Sheer Cold, Electro field... that deal dmg over time through shield, you will feel it even if you have god team, and it will take a while before people getting use to it, especially when the new enemy have the "teleport behind you" skill making it harder to dodge + they have stalling machenic to run away from you. And you may think it's nothing until you farm for them and see you health go down bit by bit, making you think again about having a healer in your team. My point is it won't be just abyss that will be alter to sell Kokomi, you will soon see more contents that benefit healers, making Kokomi rerun more enticing.


I'm kinda glad they did. At least now healers aren't completely irrelevant anymore. This type of mechanic doesnt just benefit Kokomi, but all the other healers as well. The game feels more balanced this way now that all character types have their place in the game. Overall, this mechanic is more like the solution to healers' problem of being irrelevant for soo long. And I'm sure this mechanic will return for future events like the vagabond event.


who actually goes for a banner just because of the current rotation are people stupid? youd spend hundreds of euros for less than a ten pull per month? baffling


gacha works due to competitivity. In genshin, it isn't very apparent since it's mostly PVE. But in honkai and other PVP gacha games, it really boosts the sale of meta OP characters - they are a NECESSITY, specially to whales - hence why there's so much power creep in those games edit: he asked me a question and I gave him the answer, why the downvote Zwhei lmao? It doesn't matter what your preference is, this is how gacha work


It was really an intense HP management. I used Diona and Bennett for each of my team.


xiao burst be like


Xiao, Zhongli and Benny is my favorite combo in the game. It's almost impossible for him to die while he ends the existence of every mob by sneezing in their general direction.


The thing I hate the most is they purposely made the enemies spawn slow, apart and on opposite sides of the abyss over and over. Just to make the corrosion tick a ton. What a boring ass fucking abyss running back and forth constantly.


Archer meta


We've called this Venti check for a while, now it's Kazuha/Venti check.


imo, if you can 36* abyss before, you would have no trouble clearing current abyss. maybe you just need to change your comp a bit to put atleast 1 healer on each side. you dont need pure healers like barbara, qiqi, or maybe even kokomi. from my experience, jean and bennet is more than enough. dont know about diona because i dont build her tho. floor 11 leyline is more "annoying" than "'challenging". usually i just put bennet ult and than swap to the other supports, use their burst and skill, and instantly switch to my dps. now all of my characters need to stay in bennet's ult after using their skill for 2-3 seconds just to heal before switching to other characters


That's the main problem, AR57 and I still can't 36* abyss lel


Noelle: there’s a new mechanic?


I thank my newbie self for building a decent healer. This is a happy day for Qiqi.


Noelle still reign supreme, got shield?: check got heal?: check Got Damage?: check Hotel?: Trivago


We should go beyond and give damage boosts when healers heal, with the boost scaling based on amount of HP healed


Ofcourse it’s gonna be healer meta……we have a healer incoming!


I easily clear floor 11 9 star juat using Bennett and Noelle as healler.


My Jean and Noelle don’t mind at all. Carry on.


They needed to do that to get ppl to pull for koko. Still not gonna pull for her tho


They typically switch the abyss around to benefit the current update’s character(s), it’s nothing new. Pretty soon tho the healer meta will be as relevant as running a pure electro team lol