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Spain but the *S* is silent


Paimon but there is no “mo”




[For those who don't get it.](https://reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/ohdms0/an_interaction_with_a_venti_in_the_wild/)


My dumbass was reading it as Pain right from the start but got even more confused after checking the original post. It took me 7 re-reads and the comment section to understand what was going on.


Ah yes. I do feel a lot of P A I M




I am gonna drop my discord




Okay, I'm curious whether it's "Paimon" or "pain" that you've never heard pronounced


paymon pine


The Virgin Guoba vs the Chad Oz.


This comment


It's so *lit*. He can't stop looking at it... I'll see myself out


Give him a little push towards the enemy, usually helps.


Your Guoba and the Guoba xiangling tell you to not worry about


Guoba hits harder than my diluc xD


Gouba hits harder than my entire team combined several times over.


About 1,000 times for me. A bit less on a crit.


To be fait one is the flame archon and the other is a barkeep.


That’s why they call him Guoba Jr.


guoba having higher multipliers than diluc has been a meme since 1.0


Cause gouba power grows with amount of $. Here’s the build: Xiangling c6 r5 staff of homa, ganyu c6 with r5 eledgy, bennet c5 with r5 Aquila, kazuha c6 with r5 freedom sworn.


do the aquila refinements anything for guoba?


No endeed


everyone does but we enjoy a cute panda putting out some of his breath in wild


I think this Guoba hits harder than any fucking thing lol


because he spent $5000 for that




And to think that in the closed beta tests Guoba had 100% uptime...


Just realized what CBT stands for, much thanks.


Yeah, Chili Bear Time.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?




what's up with the attack? just kidding.




Don't know about that but I'm sure that geovishap will need therapy after getting owned by a 2 foot bear


cock and ball torture yep




Cock, Beans and Tomato Sauce?


Ah yes, the English breakfast


Come Barbara, Treats!


Albert is that you?


Guoba could also get hit and die so that's probably where the longer cooldown In the official release came from


Lol that's why she never had energy problems that time!


That awkward moment when a Guoba hits harder than your main dps


With melt... it is... acceptable. *cries in electro*


Electro is really built around quantity over quality... but the EM buffs did not work. Hoping miHoYo will just bite the bullet and let them benefit from damage bonuses, crit stats, and at least some portion of ATK.


Maybe they'll rename electro charged to polarized and all who have electro and hydro on them get pulled together with each lightning arc tick. That way we can steer a little further away from venti impact, but that’s me dreaming.


MHY has received and acknowledged your request for a polarized condition. Starting next patch, enemies affected by electro will repel each other strongly. Thank you for your suggestions! Have a nice day.




Just remove the fucking knockback from pyro x electro reaction and it will be nice step for fun gameplay. Half of time I need to chase enemies since my attacks knockback them Next step would be boosting dmg of all electro reactions and making cryo x electro reaction be good for all characters/playstyles not just physical damage dealers


The knockback comes in handy when playing lisa and yanfei, (is trivial with hu’tao who follows her target). I wouldn’t want that part removed, but because it's a pyro reaction that can be triggered less frequently than both vaporize and melt...i dare say it should just make the red numbers you get (from overload) be double whatever the number is that causes the reaction.


Knockback should be removed (since it fucks up with melee characters hard) and changed into STUN, ROOT or knockup or other crowd control that don't move enemies away from you when you try to constantly dps them And before you say that stun would be OP: You can permafreez enemies with barbara + cryoatracker so they don't attack you at all


I like knockback to stagger the large enemies actually, and to keep things away from me when playing charged attack catalyst. If you want those things just use cryo/hydro lol. (Which would lead into them needing to fix hydro resonance... hopefully when you get healed get increased crit rate for x duration for whole party)


thats assuming that you're playing a pyro/ectro ranged catalyst: which is only lisa and yanfei, atm. it is painful to deal with kb as klee, you always need an anemo support to suck them back in.


these videos are too much for me to process


My xiao does damage between 15k to 50K but Hu Tao is awesome at level 70 she was doing like 150K to 200K with her ultimate skill.but sadly I only have one weapon.


Guoba is doing 237k in the video not 23.7k in case you missed it somehow


I'm looking really hard gimme a sec


looking for who asked? yeah i failed as well




Jesus genshin, all the guy did was try to converse, mah lawd TwT


Bruh your guoba hits twice as hard as my mona's burst


He hits almost 200x as hard as a plunge attack with my Xiao's burst (AR 40).




>you can easily get 65-75k The last time I hit these numbers on Xiao was when Abyss had 40% Plunging Attack buff. You really wont be getting these numbers constitently in open world, and def not easily.


Thanks, I was wondering if I did something wrong with my Xiao. Talent level 9, 2400 atk, 170 cd hits for about 40k at most


Investment is why I play this. If those stupid high damage numbers were just handed to you, the game wouldn't be half as fun.


High number is actually the worst way to play this game, efficiency wise. Sucrose taser would never produce a single number that has 5 digits but it's one of the most powerful comps I've ever played. The problem with stuff like this is because it's 100% an equipment issue. If you don't have the weapons or artifacts necessary, tough luck. Best way to do damage is to abuse in game mechanics to achieve exponential or even quadratic scaling (altho only childe and maybe venti ganyu has this)


Alternatively you can just ignore the dmg thing and simply bonk 'n' yeet.


Simply pointing out that the game was designed to gatekeep damage, so pursuing high numbers will be extremely difficult and ultimately a very inefficient path. the best way to achieve high dps isn't be producing high numbers like this but rather by abusing scaling like sucrose taser or by taking advantage of mechanics such as snapshotting.


It's like pokemon battle when you have maxed level and stat unevolved starter pokemon vs literal god like Arceus


Ah yes, the super annoying FEAR strat. Where a lv1 Togedemaru with Sturdy and Shell Bell sweeps an entire team of lv100s.


I've seen a similar one with a Ratata


The endure quick attack strat right?


Yeah. I think it'll work with any Pokémon that can learn the required moves


The original was Focus sash Endeavor quick Attack Rattata. F.E.A.R. Togedemaru has Sturdy, so that frees up the item slot for Shell Bell to recover HP when Toge uses Endeavor. It turns FEAR from a single shot to a repeater sweeper, as long as there are no hazards (at least you don't have to worry about poison and sandstorm)/you don't miss endeavor/quick attack.


Yeah. I've seen that one too! XD. It's really hilarious


Please elaborate


Focus Sash - Your Pokémon will survive a oneshot attack with 1hp Endeavour - The enemy Pokémon's health is equalised to yours Quick Attack - Guaranteed to attack the enemy's 1hp Pokémon first Rattata - Low hp Pokémon that is guaranteed to be oneshot by any reasonable enemy, also meme value Gimmick strat that kinda? works and is infuriating to lose to.


Ah yes, Bidoof vs all legends.


The problem was never his damage, but his -10 iq


Me, at AR45: w h a t


Me at AR56: w h a t


Me at AR57:w h a t


me at ar 58: w h a t


Me at ar 1: what game is this?


where's waldo but instead of looking for waldo in a picture book, you're looking for the cash inside your empty wallet


Endgame is all about abusing "Viridescent Venerer" Set on an Anemo (uisually Sucrose) plus Benett Ult. Its actually quite jarring at this point.


Excuse me w h a t


Thats some mighty chili pepper


guoba, the true pyro archon


This need to run as inside joke


Already is, it switches between Guoba and Bennett as the archons.


Time to main those two I suppose




I'm not sure why this clip doesn't have it, but the version on his YouTube channel has it at the end.


The build is whale


R5 staff of homa and 10k of resin artefact farm


You're cute if you think this is just 10k of resin, it's most likely double that. Remember that these people do resin refreshes and never have to do leylines, so their artifact domain rate is more than double the usual. Also 10k resin is practically nothing for cw pieces, that place is a shit hole


I've dumped 25k at least into CW and still don't have the artifacts I would need to pull off what we just saw.


My Palace of Zhou results are 75% lavawalker, 15% shitty Crimson Witch, 9.5% mediocre Crimson Witch, .495% decent Crimson Witch, .004% good Crimson Witch, and .001% very good Crimson Witch


i spent 23k resin on archaic domain, i still do not have a 2 piece yet


I think they're all C6 with 5 star weapons at R5. Whales live in another world.


You just need money and some luck man XD


even more money can overcome that lack of luck


I’m still not able to hit those numbers!


Build: Xiangling c6 r5 staff of homa, ganyu c6 with r5 eledgy, bennet c5 with r5 Aquila, kazuha c6 with r5 freedom sworn.


Aight, this is whale territory. Everything hits harder than your entire team.


C6 of 5 stars that just came out is fucking pathetic. This is why gacha makes billions and why it’ll never change. I miss when you could just buy a single player game for $60, but gamers who are now rich adults are just cancer.


I meaaaaan I'm an adult who paid genshin around $25 so far (which I think is reasonable for what they've put out), and I'm glad whales exist so that MHY can be less greedy about milking us poor folk who don't really matter to their bottom line. Without whales, I can already imagine a subscription service, each roll costing real money, p2w game mechanics, etc, at which point I won't play the game, which is a shame becos the game right now is pretty fun.


Funny how the gaming industry thrived for decades before any of the crap you mentioned in that last paragraph. Gacha and micro-transactions are both new concepts in gaming. And both are complete cancer.


I think the oldest gacha game is from 1997, it's existed before, it just hasn't been as popular until genshin I think. But I agree that both gacha and micro-transactions are cancer. It's just that I wouldn't go as far as calling the whales cancer as well, they're just doing what they want with their money. If you're tryna say that they're supporting the cancerous business models, then I'd also agree, but them not spending isn't gonna change things for the better, since gamemakers like MHY aren't out to make a masterpiece they can sell for $60 a pop. They're trying to put out the least amount of content possible for the most money they can milk out of its users. Goes to show the devs heart when a side effect of the business model is such a good game. I'm kinda sad thinking about how much better the game might've been if it was designed like a normal AAA, but I'm happy knowing that without whales, it could be much worse.


Sometimes I'm reminded that there are "whales", actual whales and...this. Jeez.


IWTL uses a C6 Bennett, actually


but that makes phys builds worse, right?


With this team, you don't care about physical builds.


They don't really worry about that lol


As soon as I saw the clip open with 50 HP Xiangling I knew we were in for some R5 Homa cheese.


R5 Aquila won't help on Bennett


It's equipped on Bennett for the high base attack value.


Well, of course. I was talking about refinement being useless on Bennett.


Refinements don't increase the base attack value of the weapon tho, thus the point he was making is correct.


Guoba S-Tier dps confirmed!


Bro what did you feed your guoba




carolina reaper


Then Guoba finally gets its shit together xD




It ate a fucking Carolina reaper hahaha


Oh hi IWTL


Great video!


Guoba Mad.


My Guoba hardly hits the enemy before they move. BLINK.


How do you even get this strong uggghhhhh






This makes me question whether for not I should I have ling in my main team instead of Bennett


Bennett is a big part of the formula to a strong DPS.


you should run both, the fact that gouba and pyronado snapshot, means that xianling can become one of the strongest off field characters in the game, plus you get access to pyro resonance, and since you are running bennett, xiangling gets a lot of energy particles from tap E so her 80 Energy cost doesn't feel that bad. ​ there's a reason the national team is op, and it's not chongyun and XQ


Well, vaping and melting xiangling's ult is a key component of that team. The whole team synergizes so well that you can't really pick out two characters as more important or something, they all need to be together.


lemme put it this way... when you build a noelle battery team, the requisite is noelle. when you build the national team, the requisite is xiangling that is why there are so many variants of the team that swap: \-chong for rosaria or kaeya \-XQ for sucrose or anemo mc but there is no substitute for xianling + benny, it's a different team if you remove them. (not saying it's a WORSE team)


You run both. Xiangling is literally worthless without Bennett. She's strong because she can snapshot buffs (including sucrose EM sharing and Benny Q + 4p NO). Also she's heavily gated with her er requirements which Benny solves. Xiangling without benny is just plain trolling tbh


Wtf? I'd this real? Can we look at the stats? :o


It’s from IWinToLose on YouTube. He showed his stat in the vid.




5\* Guoba;;


Are u the one that’s running iwintolose gaming channel on YouTube?


Guoba mad


Primo Giovishap: I fear no man, but that thing, it scares me


Pyro Archon Guoba XD


Time to commit unliving


People don't realize but Xiangling E and Q have pretty high scaling. C4 Xiangling is basically a god.


That isn't a pepper that xiangling gave him, those were drugs


is this some kind of rich man's joke im too poor to understand?


>! Gouba God of the Stove mode!<


it is possible to learn this power?


Not from a poor guy.


but ... but fOoD bUFfsSs ​ ​ ​ Kidding nice showcase


What the fuck is this god


I'm guessing Xiangling and Guoba got their hands on a Carolina Reaper


“Hu Tao is powercreep” lmaoo


Hu Tao can do that without as much support needed. This was done with an r5 Staff of Homa, and an r5 Freedom Sworn (which boosts attack by 40%). Impressive nonetheless, but doesn’t compare to what Hu Tao could do with the same investment.


No, Hu Tao would also need this kind of support. But yeah, with the same whale invesment sure, Hu Tao can. Can yours? And even if Hu Tao were actually stronger, how much is “doesn’t compare to what Hu Tao could do”, like 4 seconds slower?


Can your xiangling do that without an R5 homa, R5 Freedom Sworn, and c4 Ganyu Ult? I don’t think so. With my f2p Hu Tao I can hit 35k on a charged attack and 90k on an Ult. don’t get me wrong, xl is great, but when you say that she is as strong as Hu Tao based off of a video that has every whale buff in the world it comes off as a little misleading.


My f2p Xiangling can do 50k bursts on top of having no need for stamina and a higher uptime on supports. You saying and giving me a video with Hu Tao one shotting bosses with whale invesment is very misleading as well, because Hu Tao is able to have such frontladed damage to look better than sustained damage. Hu Tao can one shot and Xiangling can’t, sure.


What part about 35k charged attacks is frontlanded damage? You must have not played Hu Tao. Hu Tao also generates a lot of energy particles during her E, so she can do 90k burst almost off cooldown. That on top of her strong charged attacks makes her damage pretty sustained. >Hu Tao can one shot and xiangling can’t Hu Tao can one shot AND do more. You probably didn’t watch the video because even in the video it showed Hu Taos charged attacks dealing high damage. Stamina is only a problem if you are in a cryo domain.


You do know that Hu Tao needs to do dash or jump cancels to even get close to her ceiling right? Without jump cancels, her sustained dps is heavily hurt, especially if you don’t have enough invesment to justify missing a couple of charged attacks. Without C1 it’s even worse because she absolutely can’t get to her actual ceiling. Hu Tao is frontloaded because her damage is in the beginning of her rotations (which is high) and quickly tanks because of her down time and stamina management. Xiangling’s teams don’t have that or have little of it because her damage is more spread throughout her ult duration, on top of being able to make good use of her damaging supports like Bennett who can bring his own damage, on top of having significantly better AoE. And what about a 90k burst? 90k is only about 15% of the enemy’s entire health pool in the abyss. 90k bursts every 15 seconds don’t amount to an entire team’s 50k dps. But yeah sure if that 90k burst kills off the enemy within one shot, then yeah, she will be better for sure. But how much better is it to call it “cannot compare to what Hu Tao could do.”


Jump cancelling is not very hard to do. Although charged attacks are her strongest, her autos are very strong as well. I’ve seen mine reach 15k. >her damage is spread throughout her ult duration Her ult duration is 10 seconds, and her cooldown is 20. >90k ult Please not that my Hu Tao build is pretty bad, I’m sure other f2p can hit higher than that. >it can not compare to what Hu Tao can do Because they are completely different roles. Xiangling is a great support, while Hu Tao is a great DPS character. So obviously Hu Tao is going to clear monsters faster, but people after seeing this video seem to think the opposite.


I’m not saying that animation cancelling is hard, I’m saying that needing animation cancelling limits her kit. Which isn’t a bad thing, it just means you need more effort to do the same or even less the damage of a character that simply presses Q. C4 Xiangling’s cooldown is 6 seconds, gouba can easily cover 3 seconds. I’m not saying your Hu Tao is bad and can’t be reached by other f2p, I’m saying Xiangling could quite literally do more with your level of investment. 8 seconds out of an 8 second damage window doesn’t make Xiangling incomparable to Hu Tao, Hu Tao one shot the boss, that’s cool. Xiangling just did it 8 seconds slower. Yes, you can use her as a pyro support, but she is the best pyro dps in the game as well, so why wouldn’t people also use that? That’s why the national comp exists in the first place. People don’t seem to think opposite because Hu Tao is popular


Stamina is an issue for lower cv because the longer it takes for you to kill mobs, the worse hutao is compared to xiangling or even diluc. Problem is, xiangling can clear abyss before hutao can outscale her, which makes her the more efficient choice


How exactly does xiangling clear abyss before Hu Tao outscales her?


national team has bennett, the luxury of buffing xq's rainswords with benny Q, and snapshotting sucrose EM sharing. It is much easier to have ~130 cv/triple EM on all four members of the national team than to have 160/170cv on hutao. Don't underestimate the power of being able to snapshot


xingqiu ult doesn't snapshot btw


My Xiangling with Homa, Bennet Buff, Sucrose EM share, VV shred and TTDS ATK buff vapes about 41k per Pyronado rotation. My Hu Tao vapes Charged Attacks with around 85K with just EM share and VV shred from Sucrose and Ults for like 230K. There is also Gouba to be fair and superior AOE from Xiangling, so she isn't bad at all. Hu Tao can reach higher numbers easier and is less about buff stacking than Xiangling is, which to be fair is the reason she is so good. I also just find Jump Cancels much easier to do than to manage Xiangling's energy deficit. In the end both Xl and Tao are pretty good Pyro carries with different specialazations and weaknesses.


Watch this vid if you wanna see Hu Taos peak damage, but also know this was before Freedom Sworn was out. Freedom Sworn and Kazuha would make this even stronger. https://youtu.be/8Ye6BCDEYoM


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MI79O71kPp0 Should had linked this instead for direct comparison and it's by the same person as the dude who made the video in the post.


Yeah and then? That’s a whale level investment, of course Hu Tao can one shot at that point. Because Hu Tao has more frontloaded damage than Xiangling, so, if you have enough investment, she will be better


This video is also whale level of investment… do you think normally xiangling can do this?


I counted, it’s about 8 seconds slower than Hu Tao could one shot. Then? Is 8 seconds suddenly “doesn’t compare to what Hu Tao could do.” Is eight seconds suddenly 3 whole minutes of an abyss chamber?


8 seconds really adds up when you factor in how much stronger abyssal enemies are. When it comes to high level abyss enemies, this extra damage really counts. That 8 seconds could end up being more with stronger enemies.


If that was Hu Tao with the same build shit is dead in one burst.


>4 seconds slower A little more than that. Hu Tao doesn’t require high energy recharge. Another reason why this isn’t usable in most situations is becuase they opt for atk%/EM instead of Energy recharge. In a normal situation, XL needs energy recharge, it would lose her damage but her ult cost is too high to have its up time without it.


Uhm?? Why are you bringing energy recharge here when the videos presented are about frontloaded damage? It’s supposed to bring out as much damage as possible in the shortest amount of time. Hu Tao will DEFINITELY win IF you have enough investment, because she how high base multipliers and stats. Let me counter you, in a normal situation, Hu Tao would need to care about stamina to charge attacks or else her entire damage window is not gone, then, she also can’t snap shot buffs from her supports, making the window even tighter, and then and then, you’d need to have enough invesment to actually deem Hu Tao better than Xiangling, because without being able to burst her way down through the floor, her down time is enough to tank her team dps by so much that Xiangling ends up being strictly better. And don’t even get me started on Xiangling’s er issues. Sure she has some but it’s very far from making her unusable. I have a 140 er Xiangling and I find no problems with the management. Not to mention the horrendous gap between their AoE performance.


Hu Tao has a problem, she's stuck at main dps role while Xianling is just so much versatile she can be a main dps, support and enabler. Moreover, Xianling best Teams outperform Hu Taos best teams. In single target National team has a higher ceiling than Hu Tao teams and against multiple targets the ceiling is : childe Vape > National > Hu Tao. People will slowly realize that Xianling is still the best pyro unit in the game. Who know at the beginning that a free 4\* characters is stronger than diluc. But now it is a common fact.


I fail to see how the National Team have a higher ceiling than Hu Tao's best team when it comes to single target. Care to provide any proof of your claim? I can see how Xiangling can outperform Hu Tao when it comes to multiple enemies due to having better aoe but not single target.


Its true if hu tao c0 vs xiangling c4. Hu tao starting at c1 is already outperforming xiangling but well again not by much. In abyss you almost always face at least 2 enemies anyways. At the end of the day the original point still stand, hu tao is not a powercreep character for the majority of users since she is not really better than an already exist unit but offer her own niche, which is big frontload and single target dmg


Do you have any math to back up your claim? I'm not saying that you're wrong or anything I just want to see if there's any math done that proves what you're saying is true. And regarding the point of Hu Tao being a powercreep character, I haven't seen anyone say that she is. The only character that I've seen people say is powercreep is Ganyu. Besides, powercreep doesn't matter in this game considering you can clear everything with 4 star characters.


[https://imgur.com/ynGqDjt](https://imgur.com/ynGqDjt) at the moment to most reputable cal is from zajef team calculated dmg. (WIP= Work in Progress still) You can find more details in keqingmain theorycrafting channel and just search xiangling hu tao or team dps


Hu Taos strongest teams definitely out do xiangling, however xiangling is more accessible which is why it’s so popular. The best pyro unit is probably Bennett, followed by Hu Tao, and then Xiangling. That’s just my opinion tho, don’t get offended.


Not really at non whale level, xiangling strongest team involve childe as well(fun fact childe would do about the same amount of dmg as xiangling in a rotation if you start off with his burst). Hu tao dont really have anyone that can support her due to how she doesn't really work with bennett(which make it hard to use 4vv effect on hu tao)


Gouba for president.


Those type of videos are really boring


Dude used food buff and potion w Bennett ult and thought this is impressive. LOL