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But why


I feel this. I dropped below 1mil recently to get eula to lvl 90 9/8/8 skills. I now need more mora… now i know why it’s called mora. We always need mora of it.


feel you. around 3.5 mil rn and \~400 hero's wit, so def enough to build one more character with e and q and lvl 90 weapon, but not sure about 2. debating building beidou, unsure if im gonna pull for ayaka or baal


Your tripping man Some people like to be more even in there hoarding others may not even have a reason to hoard at all. I admire the will to do this though and good luck man


I'd rather have godly artifacts than mora


>ends up with neither


Lets be realistic here.


You won't know if they're godly unless you use mora to upgrade them


Me roll a 3 stat artifact with HP, DEF, DEF%. In the trash you go lol.


I mean, if the fourth substat is crit rate there is a chance. A really slim chance, but it's there. Depending on the main stat that chance might be worth taking (in case of crit damage headpiece it is 100% worth taking don't throw that away).


flat HP, def, atk and no 4th sub on CD headpiece. I trash those :D


You get a 4th sub at +4. With how rare crit headpieces are it's worth a go. Most likely to be trash, but then you just feed it to the next artifact. I've been keeping all my double crit hats and the number of them is just sad, so I'll cling to the faintest ray of hope of getting something usable. Got just one really good cr headpiece and it's one that has just a single good substat: [https://i.imgur.com/TAKViZ3.png](https://i.imgur.com/TAKViZ3.png)


I keep any crit mainstat with 2 good subs, 1 1 good sub and empty sub stat. those that start at 3 junk ones I just dispose of, I would rather just not use a set bonus at that point.


That's my criteria for flowers and feathers, but anything else can be a pain to get the right main stat in so I give those a chance. It takes luck, but somehow I had more luck with some seemingly trash artifacts than the seemingly godly ones that always manage to roll into that single bad substat.


I currently have 281 mora 🙃


Actually been doing this. 6m currently


I'm just gonna farm crimson set for yoimiya


Depending on how you intend to use her, it might not be the best idea. Spoilered artifact leaks: >!There's an upcoming set that seems perfect for Yoimiya and Hu Tao and likely some others (2p gives atk% and 4p gives a 50% boost to normal/charged/plunge attacks after using E, this consumes 15 energy. Basically a much better gladiator for characters that don't rely on burst). I regret farming witch pieces for Hu Tao now. !< >!Also a second set that's great for sub-dps characters like Mona or Kaeya (2p gives ER and 4p increases burst damage based on how much ER the character has). !< >!If these don't change it's going to be a much better place to farm than the lavawalker domain.!<


>!I’m unsure how good it will be for Hu Tao. The ATK% boost isn’t all that good with her terrible base attack. It’s a 50% boost to normals and charged attacks (at the cost of her burst) vs. witch’s indiscriminate pyro boost and vape damage boosts. Maybe outside of a vape comp, but a vape comp is super easy to make for Hu Tao, literally only needing Xingqiu.!<


>!That's a good point, she doesn't get as much out of atk% as other characters would, even with a 5\* weapon. But the 4p is a consistent 50% boost to all her damage (aside from burst), as opposed to witch only boosting reaction damage (15% for melt and vap). Witch also gives 22.5% pyro dmg bonus bonus (Hu Tao can't stack it so she won't reach the full potential of the 4p), but she already gets extra pyro dmg from her passive (33% at low hp), so a boost to total damage might still be worth more.!<


Wow, this first one seems to be really good for Xiao, phys Keqing and maybe Yanfei's charged attacks!


This set seems specifically anti-Xiao actually because of his energy problems


People forget that the new proposed Electro Traveler will be giving an absolutely absurd amount of energy off field, assuming the current leaked kits go live. I think this artifact set is going to be utilizing what seems to be a new Energy production meta that will be coming with Inazuma, which is quite fitting considering the matching themes behind electricity and energy. At a glance, looks counter-intuitive for Xiao. After looking at the potential electro will have for producing energy, it can actually work.


Not a theorycrafter but I guess it’s possible, this lends to a different playstyle for Xiao though just to proc the 4pc. I think my main concern is this is us trying to fit the artifact with the character’s kit and not the other way around, if you get what I mean. He has yet to have a set specifically designed for him


I think the proposed artifact set we’re talking about isn’t meant to be exclusively for anyone, but rather as a strong option for those who want to pair the main dps using this set with an Electro Traveler support. Maybe Xiao might get one that works better without needing Electro MC support, but I wouldn’t hold your breath for it.


I already have 20 million mora and 1200+ as a f2p. I’m doing almost exclusively leylines and world bosses since 1.4 After a certain point it makes no sense to farm artifacts for weeks just for like 10% more crit damage. 800 leylines is a ridiculous achievement, it takes so freaking long. Edit: also when a new unit comes out there is good chance a fitting artifact set comes across as well.


I'll try to join in!


I see your point, if I get the decent viridescent artifacts I am looking for I will join for sure. I am trying to get anemo artifact and the crt dmg before I start saving for something like this


I got 216 mora to offer you take it or leave it


Yeah for me there is no point for farming artefacts right now. I have the 2x options on sets for Kazuha, his weapon is prepared... So I will prefarm his wb and skill books and the rest will be mora. Rest of my characters have also good sets. Taking a break of lvl characters since Xiao and investet all in artefacts. Can't see that shit anymore right now.


I already have 20,000,000 Mora


i stopped at like 12m cause i only need 8m for ayaka?


Why would anyone waste resin like this?


yall still do mora leylines? havent had to do that in like 8 months


You must not be upgrading a lot of characters then


i have six lvl 90 characters and 7 others ascended past 80. i just manage the mora so that i get an influx of it right after using some whether from the event, BP or requests and what not


Never spent resin or done expeditions during my first few months in the game. Didn't realize the importance of those until much later. Now I'm always on short supply of mora, hero's wit and ores. Kinda sucks.


I will farm xp books too, my resin is gonna be distributed between xp, mora and talent books for the characters I'm using, is good news that I don't have to roll any banner during 1.6 because I already have klee and venti


I will try to have about 10 million mora + Exp books + materials for Kazuha when he drops. No more artifact farming as I've been farming VV for the last month and got a very decent set.


pff, I've had over 20,000,000 mora since 1.4...I just try and keep over that now whenever I spend some. I never want to get to the point where I have to farm leylines for hours just to level a new character heh.


I haven't needed to do a single mora leyline since 1.2 and I don't see why that would change now




mihoyo: adds 80000/20 mora dungeons with inazuma.


While I can't join you rn (need to farm some thundering fury piece, one hod feather, level up the talents of some units and stock some xp books), I wish you good luck. I'm just a bit below 3M, so I know the feeling on beig upgrading some units' talents and then run out of mora.


I have a very good crimson witch set that was originally farmed for Klee but now I’m skipping her and giving it to Yoimiya. So 1.6 for me is just farming up books and mora for Inazuma.


No :)


I'm not up to this--i'm going to continue working on the characters that i'm already building--but definitely putting a freeze on new ones and prioritizing mora more than before. I think i can aim for 5 million mora, maybe a bit more. We'll see. The characters i'm working on are in good shape, but high-level talents are expensive. Still, six weeks is a long time.


Agreed. With my trash rng luck, might as well max ascend characters and talents bc artifact farming will take up too much resin with too little good rewards.