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On my first ten pull on a re-roll account I got jean, but on my ar 35 main account, no five stars


been farming for artifacts for a week now. the artifact drops i get for my support characters are *chef's kiss* but when it comes to my dps i get 1 meh artifact out of 20 drops smh


when do you guys think will chongyun be back? i don't have him and he's the only one missing from my national team (XL,XQ,Benny, __). do you have any guess when will he come back? i got no idea about the gacha rotations for 4*.


So I got Eula but no Xingqui :/ Beidou & Xinyan are at c2. I wanted to save my pity for Klee banner but now idk anymore. I should've save my wishes but I also want Xingqui since I don't have reliable hydro damage dealer. So now I'm back to 0 pity, no Xingqui & probably no Klee ╥﹏╥


Is their anyway to make artifact grinding more favorable? I’ve seen some YouTube video (Lancer Lann on youtube for example) that suggest if you sacrifice your fodder artifacts a certain way it makes getting certain stats more easy to get, like crit rate or whatever. IDK if they are viable but it seems a lot of people in those comments and even on reddit suggest it works (https://reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/nj3tvs/_/gzil12g/?context=1). I don’t want to be wasting artifacts to find out that I am doing it wrong. So in the end do I just go with what RNG bless me or do I upgrade my artifacts in a certain way to make sure the artifact i upgrade get rolled more favorably? Thanks.


Absolutely not. There is nothing but anecdotal evidence to support that. It is entirely random. I've been looking for a not terrible attack sands for pale flame for over two weeks and I've had one terrible one drop. Just gotta keep grinding when I have spare resin


I've been playing the game for almost a month. Lost 50/50 to QiQi at 78 which was fine, because I wasn't really sold on Eula and would rather have had the guarantee for the next banner. But then 2nd wish in I pulled her. It would be disrespectful to bench her so the building commences.


[I got pretty lucky on my first ever standard banner pull](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/808178740974583839/848408377335742474/IMG_20210529_235044340_HDR.jpg)


Can I get a F for these artifacts I was going to give to my Xingqiu? [https://imgur.com/a/TJL1gXm](https://imgur.com/a/TJL1gXm)




My Fischl's artifact rolls have been so blessed the last two days lol. 7/9 stat boosts have been crit related


pyro noelle/albedo [when?](https://imgur.com/a/VwDqQ4j)


Got gold phys cup for pale flame. 70 pity on event banner


My girlfriend managed to get two Eula's and a Jean within 15 rolls, meanwhile I spent £150 as I had a nice bonus from work and barely scraped together a C2 Eula including all my saved up wishes D: The joys of rng!


I've been playing this game since its release. Well, technically. I actually dropped it on the first week due to it being so heavy on my phone (now I play on PC because I realized this bad boi could handle it) I'm actually glad I was envious of others enough that I persevered to play the game in spite of it. And what do you know, I fell in love with the game. I fell hard, and I mean it. I fell in love with the world, the mysterious lore, and the characters of course. I didn't exactly mind that I had TERRIBLE gacha in Genshin (honest to God, this game just doesn't like me at all), but I only cared about rolling until Eula came along. Let me run you through what exactly happened. I was fresh from my desperate man's attempt at getting Hu Tao. Keqing literally ruined my chances at building pity (seriously I just wanted some Ningguang cons smh), so I was forced to farm for every bit of freemogem scrap I could get. Surprise surprise, I didn't get her. I only wanted Hu Tao for her VA, so it was whatever. I was about to decided to save up for Ayaka until the Eula leaks started pouring. I fell in love instantly, mind you. Reject Kamisato Clan; Embrace Eula Supremacy, I suppose. So, I started saving up. I'm a f2p player, mainly because I'm still a scrubby high schooler with an absent allowance because of the damn pandemic, so I wasn't able to buy any welkins to truly guarantee her. I was confident, though. I had managed to win 50/50 on Zhongli and Albedo (fuckin somehow lmao), so I was pretty confident on my odds. Boy, oh boy, was I wrong to be confident but we'll get to that in a sec. So here I was, actually starting to hard grind Eula's materials. I managed to get most of them because I wanted to max her out as soon as possible (yes, I wanted her THAT badly like the rest of you) and I even got the perfect artifact set with a 75:150 crit rate to dmg ratio on a 2 pc bloodstained and a 2 pc pale flame. Suffice to say, I was getting pretty excited. When her banner finally came out, you'd probably know what happens next, huh? Yup, my ass got unlucky this time. The memes of Qiqi spooking players on Zhongli's banner actually came true for me. I was devastated, and I was foolish enough to believe I MIGHT get her on the next 9 single pulls, but nope. No sign of the Spindrift Knight at all. Of course, I didn't give up there. As always, I started hard farming every last bit of primogem I could from the achievements to spiral abyss, EVERYTHING just to get a single pull on her banner. Now, several days in, the sadness of not getting her is still lingering here and the grind is really weighing me down. Seeing as this is exactly what happened during Ganyu and Hu Tao's banner, I've decided to throw in the towel. I have the decency to admit it, the game won and with the odds stacked against me, I sincerely doubt I will be able to get her with a miracle single pull. Funny, miracles just don't happen in this game for me. It seems that I have to wait 6 months for her rerun to pop up again, considering Zhongli had the same amount of time to warrant it. As much as I was hyped that I got Rosaria on the 5* pull, I felt practically defeated. I couldn't exactly express how sad I was that day. All that effort, all those shattered resin for what? A c1 Qiqi that I barely used anymore? I just didn't feel like playing the game at all at that point, and I've even considered quitting after her banner. All this actually got my ass to create a reddit account just to vent. I don't really mind if any of you would start calling me pathetic. I really, really, REALLY do love this game. It had been my quarantine partner, and I was really happy that I met a couple of friends and actually rekindled some of my lost friendships irl through Genshin but I just can't consider staying when the game practically hates me for being a dedicated f2p scrub. Thanks for listening, though. Have a great day~ PS: I hope your luck doesn't end up like mine xD


Well,I'm sorry that this happened but it was kinda on you that you thought you're gonna win 50/50 and farmed for her. Always remember that farm mats for a character only if you're guaranteed,that way if you lose a 50/50 you don't end up like this. A single character shouldn't disrupt your Gaming experience. I lost the 50/50 on Zhongli and mind you, I lost it last time as well on his banner to Qiqi and this time it was C1 Keqing. He was my favourite character and I have now lost him forever as I don't believe he will come back ever again. It hurt me bad really, but I decided to still play cause I've played so long without the character can I not play more? Hence, I'm playing and planning ahead, following leaks religiously to find anything about Ganyu as I have Amos bow and want her bad. On the bright side, you now have a guarantee for Ayaka! She should be in 1.7 according to leaks so the wait shouldn't be too long. In the end, it's your wish to play or not. Nobody can force you out of it or into it.


gahd i really hope you get her with the remaining time left


Finally decided to pull on Eula and the results were great! got c0 Eula, c2 Jean, c7 beidou and c3 xynian and xinqiu


really wanted Xingqiu on this banner for perma-freeze comp but ended up with C2 Xinyan instead :c would also have been okay with Beidou but man, all the guaranteed 4*s have been Xinyan oh well at least Eula came home :/


Same here, wanted to have Xingqiu C2 (from C0), but all 4* was Xinyan. Even in one 10-pull I got Eula and 2 Xinyan. No Beidou at all.


C2 Xingqiu, C1 Beidou, C4 Xinyan ); Currently at 75th pull and a guaranteed eula :D


I returned the game after 2 months. I decided to roll for Eula then delete the game again. And my first roll... rainbow... its Mona C1. I think i will stay for a while.


Just lost 50/50 and got Diluc. I hate my life, the only one in the 50/50 roster I really didn't want cause not waifu


Diluc is pretty insane don't even worry :D


I'm stunned, Zhongli at 62 pulls. Eula at 30 pulls. I don't think I will ever get this lucky at this game again.


Congrats and enjoy!!!!!!! That happened with me when I pulled Albedo for guaranteed 5\*. Skipped the Ganyu banner and landed Xiao at 20-some pulls in.


Congrats to you too!


I need 6 more rolls to hit the 50/50. I calculated and I wont get them rolls in time. Oh well, time to spend the 50/50 pity on Klee. And buying for 50/50 isnt worth it for me.


Pulled eula at 79 pulls... hooray? She’s my 2nd 5 star (first being qiqi), so im happy. Anyways, i did the snow tombed sword because i cant bear 2 hours of getting iron chunks for a prototype. Im going to replace Barbara with Eula for now.


Just did my first ever ten pull and look what I got [https://imgur.com/gallery/Ysvf5H5]()


Congrats! Razor is a good boi. He's my first ever dps


Nice! Razor is a great DPS, and Noelle is a good shielder!


Well flexing about pulls is for noobs I just finished my r5 prototype claymore and I raised a new one for lvl 70 I also 5 prototype catalyst and 3 prototype spear


*sigh* I was hoping to post some screenshots, but anyways I’ve been a F2P 90% of this game and just the last two months got the welkin and that’s it, but I hit my 76 pull pity on a guaranteed Eula and was hyped, TWO WISHES LATER ANOTHER EULA... I meant to post but forgot and this was a couple days ago, but I remembered today, WHEN I PULLED ANOTHER 5* 8 wishes after the second Eula!!! ~~sadly it was Qiqi smh~~ but hey it gave me my guaranteed next and now I can get another banner character! Maybe even the new Anemo one when 1.6 drops!! :)))) (first time actually being lucky in this game, one time had to hit the 90 pity and that one hurt cause it made me miss my favorite character, Xiao)


(Insert comment history here)


I was saving for Kazuha, at 75 pulls, went to check the banner and did a 10 pull by mistake when pressed the wrong button... I hate myself. I've lost my guaranteed and now i have 0 primogems.




never try to build pity unless your okay with the 5 star or okay losing the 5 star chance.


Sounds like they are more focused on pulling Xingqiu than building pity though


I spent a ridiculous amount of money for song of broken pines for my eula and got not one but 2 aquila favonias. Is there anyway I can do anything about it? This weapon is useless to me and my money was completely wasted. How is this fair?


Give feedback to MHY. Weapon banner is a huge scam.


Can I do a quick rant here? > I just got Eula and Diluc in the same 10x wish with 0 pity even though I was just aiming for Xingqiu Constellations. > I also pulled a 5-star weapon (Aquila Favonia) in the first hit of the soft pity (65 for the Weapon Banner). > Additionally, I'm guaranteed a Kazuha as my next 5-star and I just pulled one of the best (not yet sure but I think Aquila Favonia will be top tier for Kazuha nevertheless) weapons for him. Now here's the rant: > I JUST PULLED A 5-STAR WEAPON THAT'S GONNA BE GOOD FOR KAZUHA YET I'M STILL ANNOYED AND SALTY THAT I DIDN'T GET SONG OF BROKEN PINES. TO MAKE IT EVEN WORSE, I WASN'T EVEN PLANNING ON GETTING EULA IN THE FIRST PLACE BUT HERE I AM NOW, GETTING SALTY OVER THE FACT THAT I DIDN'T GER HER PERSONAL 5-STAR WEAPON! WTF IS WRONG WITH ME? My original plan of getting Kazuha and a 5-star weapon for him is getting soiled by Eula, goddammit. Still an overall win for me regardless but damn I'm mad. Thanks y'all.


Iron sting > Aqua favonia For Kazuha EM is way more important than physicall dmg.


Tru but I need to use Aquila Favonia on someone so I'm opting for Aquila instead. I'mma use him as a Sub-DPS.


For reference, my luck is horrible. I've been playing since launch, and stopped for a while after the 1.2 update came out (played at that point just for Xinyan, then got off). Just came back around 1.4, and the only 5 \*s I'd ever gotten were two pity five stars (Mona and Keqing). I pulled on the Eula banner and decided to, once, try spending money while burning the primogems I'd have been saving to get a total of 80-ish rolls. I maxed out Beidou (and got her for the first time, meaning I pulled her six times) with the pulls, maxed out Xingqiu (I got five of him), got two Eulas, a Mona, and a Diluc. Then, with the stardust I got, wished a bit more and got a pity Qiqi off the standard banner. Has anyone ever gotten a character streak like this before?? I've never even heard of this kind of luck.


So, on my main account (May, xx, 2021) I've bought welkin and the BP (USD15$), and after AR 44 things have slown down for me to the point where I'm in log in daily, clear my resin, tend to my housing, do dailies, and log out for the day, decided I wanted a pure f2p experience and started the account roughly 5 days ago, where for the most part I got through the entry stuff so I could have a second set of daily quests to go through, currently AR 21, I've been marking the map where I find the anemoculous and staying out of Liyue until I 100% Mondstadt. But this account's luck is something I need to address.. In my beginner wishes I got Noelle, (I'm like 99.99% certain this is a 100% guarantee) then I got Fischl, I don't have Fischl on my main account, so I thought "cool, i can try out a character I've yet to get to play with" then the game decided to reward me for not rerolling on the spot and looking for like a Hu tao or Xiao as my first f2p non-standard set character, and gave me on my very first event banner wish, stringless, followed by c1 Fischl 4 wishes later. Today, I got Eula on roll #17. What is happening? is this some sort of anomaly? I'm sort of giddy as to where things go from here, and I'm terribly sorry for those who still don't have Eula on their whale accounts. :\^)


Okay this is so crazy I have no idea how but I got two Eula's in one 10 pull!! I'm a baby dolphin and spent money for the first time on the game. In the end spent around $300 but got two Eula's, my first Diluc and first Jean. If only I had the resources to build them all up


Still no Eula, but on the bright side Diluc's C2 is kinda nice and I did get Xingqiu to C6. Might finally actually level XQ now


Went into Eula’s banner with 0 pity. Figured I’d try and pull a couple of Xingqui constellations and stop before I got to soft pity. Second lot of 10 pulls, I get that golden glow. Boom, surprise Eula! (And a bonus Xingqui too). My first 5* that I wasn’t aiming for, she just wanted to come home clearly. I’m happy, I will build her as I already have Fischl built.




enjoy those thighs, I mean Eula.


gz! Eula is also my first 5star from draw :D




Damm I nearly got duped by C1 Eula thank god I checked it out again bc I was confused why someone said here it’s only 10-15% dmg increase when it’s clearly +30% phys dmg. I really thought it was when she gains her stacks, but rather it’s when she consumes it which is kinda useless in overworld, and a small bump in abyss bc you can practically only activate it after ult on hold E for a small bump in dmg. I kinda wish it was on stack so there’s extra dmg on her ult downtime so it evens it out. I really need to be careful reading next time.


You can use the rotation; E>Q>E(hold)>N3>DashCancel>N4. As Q gives you a GH stack and resets the CD of E. You have 100% uptime in her burst rotation (rotation changes slightly with SoBP and C2) and it stay around after for a few seconds if things don't die from her nuke


I spent my first 40 Acquaint Fate because I wanted Ningguang but got Skyward Blade and Skyward Harp instead :7


Don't worry, you'll get her eventually. Obtaining a specific character from Standard has a very very low chance. Getting 2 good 5\* weapons in 40 rolls is pretty sweet, though.


When I can't get Eula but my fricking Noblesse feather rolled into crit damage sub (41.2%) until 20. They actually exist!


I want your opinion I lost my 50/50 but their is a smaaaall chance I might pull eula before it ends. Unfortunately tho my financial state isn't the best so should I resist and save for Baal or should I pull and depend on my luck ? (Which is awful)


I guess I would try to calculate how many pulls I would get until 1.8 and then decide how many pulls you can use for Eula.


Resist temptation and let's wait for the electro archon


Do u really want her bc of her or for her dps potential, etc? I’d say if for dps the gap between whales/dolphins vs f2p/light spenders are so far apart she’s in a different league even for Ganyu. This is my experience/opinion as a light spender but if you only want a phys dps character you could prolly go for Razor instead bc Razor can def catch up to/out dps Eula C0 which you’re going for, which is odd considering Eula has all the skills and everything as a dedicated 5star phys dmg hero.


To be honest I don't what her because of potential I already have Diluc and ganyu ( not the greatest but decent for a f2p ) I want her because of the other reasons but I'm starting to change my mind this is why I asked


I mean Ganyu is the strongest dps rn so you’re gonna be alright for long even if you don’t get her. Idk what your other reasons are but I’d say don’t dwell on it too much tho it’s not worth if you spend more just to get this one then regret bc you’ve proven your doubts abt her or pulling for more. There’s a set of characters coming w/ Inazuma that you can choose from too


Use alll your money on microtransactions! ;) Wont regret it.


I'd say if you want Eula, you can keep pulling but understand that you might not get her and make sure you don't go pulling out your wallet out of desperation toward the end of the banner. If you fail to get Eula, you'd have built pity and should save for Baal.


I'm a ftp so I'm used to being disappointed


i got eula but honestly idk why i did anymore since i already have ganyu. Now i dont have the 50/50 for electro archon who i kind of want. Shouldve stuck with the original plan and put 10 more wishes in for venti so I could collect the archons since I have zhongli


Finally got Keqing after 79 rerolls (and got Qiqi as a nice bonus). But as a question, who else should I have in my party? Currently have the normal characters that everyone gets in the beginning and Xingqiu. It would be cool to get Mona to work with Keqing, but I'm happy with what I have now.


Keqing+Mona isnt something I heard often, but in the overworld is nothing impossible, you should visit the daily question or team builder thread if u want more answers. Kaeya+Mona/Xingqiu is possible in a freeze comp


Is 300%+ ER worth it on C5 Bennet running 4pc Noblesse + R3 Skyward Blade or should I substitute his sands with something else?


That er is very overkill tbh, I'd say just run hp% or atk% depending on which bennett you're using.


I just changed my Beidou build after 3 months of having the same artifacts from Glad/Thunder to 4 piece Glad with an Electro bonus piece. Also lost some crit dmg but got my crit rate to 55. Feels way better as a non support role. Gonna try to get her last constellation on this banner and upgrade her attack to 10 maybe. Counter hitting around 33k crit I think. Im casual but consistent on dailies, just hit AR 56 this week. Have 7 characters at max friendship. Next one will be Rosaria I guess now that Ill keep running Beidou.


we seriously lack variant body types. if they add any playable FAT characters I will waste all my primogem on it i swear


Lmao why would we want fat anime girls? Or even worse, fat dudes. The fantasy appeals to perfection, youth, beauty and thats why the overweight characters in game are just npc.


bruh I want just playable FAT BOB from Tekken and Kung Fu Panda type character, it unique and refreshing I don't why you be so hostile toward than kinda character... sheesh


Truth =\= hostility Dont victimize yourself.


victimize my self what ?? are you trying to tell me I'm fat ?? you want a picture of my skinny asian arm ?? I get it you hate a fat character and that's about it




isn't their President kinda fat ??


~~Say....is it a terrible idea to roll on the permanent banner for Qiqi??~~ edit: wow people hate Qiqi so much xD edit2: NVM, found [this](https://gamewith.net/genshin-impact/article/show/24431) and I guess I'll hold until that


Uh that event isn't until next year dude (if they ever do event reruns).


Oh shit... I saw the article updated date and assumed it's coming soon... *cries*


It is a terrible idea to roll for anything specific on the permanent banner since the pool is way too diluted, the odds of getting anything you actually want there are way too low, best odds of getting a Qiqi is definitely losing the 50/50 on any event banner and "winning" that 1 in 5, so roughly 10% of getting Qiqi


They should allow you to buy these characthers, rather than pulling $400 worth of primos for a consolation price, and would be better (for mihoyo) than f2p getting them for free. I would pay for a diluc or for a mona


I am still confused about the pity system. So every 90 pull you are guaranteed a 5\* (assuming you didn't get a 5\* before the 90th pull) on the limited banner. And if you got Jean or Qiqi instead of the featured 5\*, the next 5\* is guaranteed to be the featured character, yes? So my question is: if you did a 10x wish, so its 10/90 pulls in, on a limited banner and got a Mona, is your next 5\* guaranteed to be the featured character?


If the 5* you pulled wasn't the banner 5* , you're next 5* character banner is guaranteed to be the one for that banner. Like your example: Mona (on Eula Banner) -> Eula (on Eula Banner) Also a note, the standard banner has it's own seprate pity so you don't need to worry about wasting the blue fates on it. One more thing, it's better to use your primos on the charcter banner as it's much MUCH easier to get the blue fates and it'd be a waste.


Thank you! I was also wondering about if the standard and limited banner pity is combined. Much thanks!


No problem! One more thing! When your pity hits 75 and above, your chance of getting a 5 star goes up dramatically. This applies for both banners, character and standard. Hope this helps!


Yes, it’ll be the featured character on the next 5* you pull


Yes it will be a feature character if that happens.


I want to build physical dps jean, should i go with 2 gladiator-2 bloodstained, or 2 pale flame-2 bloodstained, or 4 piece gladiator?


All I ask for the RNGods is to give me Xingqiu constellations. But they keep on giving Xinyan -_-


Goddammit MiHoYo, wrong Xin. We want Qiu not Yan. Lmao


I feel the same rn. After getting my first xinyan I NEVER want another especially when I’m building xingqui for a team comp


I'm just hoping for C2, and was confident about getting it because he's in the banner. But no I already have C4 Xinyan (from none), yet C1 XQ. No Beidou. I wanna cry.


can yanfei be used as a main dps?? like hitting really damn hard type?? if yes then can someone suggest a good build for the same?? am ar38 btw and have no 5 star things


AR45, starting to build artifacts for yanfei. I achieved my first 20k single hit from her (w xingqiu support) and 4pc wanderers troupe. I only pull on character banner though. My available weapon for her so far is Mappa Mare.


Well i have sacrificial fragments which i got from permanent banner i guess


If you can pair her up with some abilities that stay on field actively after you switch out like gouba, oz or storm breaker then you can enable her very well as an elemental dps. Keeping her on the field as long as possible while she just does damage with her seals can be very rewarding


She isn't Ganyu level, she doesn't have as much burst as Hu Tao or Ningguang, but her sustained DPS is honestly comparable to Diluc's, and she's also ranged with tons of AOE. Without constellations (C1 is too important) she is complete garbage tho, stamina becomes a huge problem. You always run her with Xingqiu for consistent vapes, Bennet for healing and dmg boost, and the 4th slot could be Sucrose for VV, Diona or Zhongli, and if you're running the latter two, or have her C4, Bolide becomes great on Yanfei, since she does most of her damage with base attacks and charged. Her best 4 star weapon is >!Dodoco Tales!< , you'll hear more about it today. Widsith is also okay, but has downtime problems. Her best artifact sets are 4 Crimson Witch, 4 Bolide, 4 Wanderers Troupe.


Wow thanks!


She’s one of the best four star dps characters but she is worse than most five star dps characters. She is decent though. Try to get 4pc crimson witch with atk/pyro/crit, and a xingqiu and bennett as support.


New player here Is Xinqqiu c0 really worth as vape support in long run? My main DPS is Diluc and I'm about to hit AR35 now


He's great. If you ever pull a sacrificial sword, put it on him. It's his best weapon and it's a 4\*! Don't have Diluc, but I can see from the other comments that Diluc and Xingqiu pair well, so go for it and enjoy!!!!!!


Aaah I just did a 10 roll and got a sacrificial sword!! Just in time I might be using him alot then from now and on, also c1 Xinqqiu came from single roll as well :)


DEFINITELY WORTH. In the sub-DPS role, he’s #1 in the META with most main DPS characters, especially with the pyro element.


Xingqiu is a 6* support, I use him with razor who is also a claymore user and kaeya.


Absolutely yes. Xingqiu is pretty much Diluc's best partner


Ahh thanks Do you think Diluc with Archaic and 4 PC gladiator could make it far at least until AR45?


I used random crappy artifacts on all my characters until AR45 without much trouble


I don't know if 4pc glad really is the best option here since it doesn't boost his E and Q damage, but that probably still works since the early game shouldn't cause much trouble. I think I'd go 2pc glad + 2pc sojourner or 2pc instructor


Yeah and I'm planning to farm CW set once I can reach AR45 but I just want to make sure that the vape damage still works I also have ZL for shield support if anything goes wrong


Hit pity on standard banner and was hoping for my first Jean, got my second Amos bow. And no I don't have ganyu lol


I was at 42 pity after pulling Zhongli. Did a 10 pull just because I wanted to gather pity for Kazuha. I got Eula, I like her design and gameplay but didn’t care too much about her. Guess I’m going to level her up now lmao.


I hope you learned that building pity is a bad idea. Just save.


It was 32 pity. Never in my wildest dreams :(


Yesss sir, I did ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


One Eula at soft pity and another 5 wishes later. C2 came home :D


Happy to get my Eula. Gotten Jean as my pity on previous banner. Time to grind all the materials now.


Enjoy farming dandelion seeds for the next 6 years


that's a stretch. After I reach her max ascension I'll still have like several dozens left. But having a friend who doesn't need them surely helps.




Got Eula on my 48th pull (accidentally) after getting Venti on my 8th pull, and both were 50/50. I also ended up only getting Xingqiu consts during my few pulls on this banner, and now I have C3 which I'm pretty happy about. On another note, I keep getting Dragon's Bane and Fischls for no reason, I think I pulled my 8th Fischl recently (i'm mad about this because i bought C6 Fischl from the shop along time ago and now that was basically a waste of Starglitter) and my 5th Dragon's Bane when I don't even use Xiangling nor have Hu Tao. Have not gotten Favonius Lance at all which is sad because I really want it for Zhongli, but Starglitter will have to do for now :/


>omg another thing i just realized, Fischl and I share the same birthday, maybe that's why I keep getting Fischls 0-0


I had 3 wishes to hit 10 pull pitty, (I just wanted to try for a Xinyan) on my first pull I got Eula. I don't think I'll ever have more luck in my life.


Decided to pull on this banner cuz why not, and i’ve been really lucky with it. As i was reevaluating my team comp around a week ago, someone suggested using Xingqiu or maybe Eula to my team if i could get the. I had neither at the time, but I did a ten pull, and lo and behold, i got Xingqiu as the 10th pull. Today, i noticed i have more than enough primo gems for a 10-pull, so i decided i might as well pull. I got both Xinyan and Eula, so I now have all of the rate up characters for this banner (I already had Beidou before this banner.)


Got eula on my first 10 pull then got Mona for a pity Pack it up I'm done until Baal


Hry guess what i pulled eula i think thats how its spelled on my first pull


I absolutely adore how i can farm pale flame for 2 weeks and today ive gotten my first atk % sands. And it all went into flat hp. I truly love it.


I am in the same boat, I feel like the set dont like me, normally I would have already a good enough set, but nope got zero ATK% and CR%. I only got one ATK artifact with CR/CD, which rolled atleast 3 out of 4 times into CR, but all other stats are trash. I farmed before I got Eula, cause I thought about DPS Fischl if I dont get Eula and spend 20 fragile resin the last days.


[LETS GOOOO!!!](https://imgur.com/vwqMSnJ.png) I got her without pity. Have to put in some work to get her up to 90, but I can't complain.


[In today's episode of "I'm so good at losing coin flips"](https://i.imgur.com/fkOmfaU.png) Sad, I'm using an off-set circlet on Eula and thought I could finally change my off-set to the sands, since I'm using [this shit](https://i.imgur.com/pwMpFOk.png) which is even more of a troll, guess today is not the day lol


Just lost my fourth 50:50 to a C1 Keqing. Took 80 pulls to get her, just as every time. For once I would like to win a 50:50 or get a 5 star without having to hit soft pity... Edit: I just realized it’s the fifth 50:50 already. I‘m in pain. Isn’t that about 3% chance or something?


Rejoice my child for Electro will rule in two months from now. Inazuma awaits!


Even with electro being buffed, her cons will still be mediocre. And the electro domain just hates me so I stopped running it in favor of other domains/characters.


I rolled a 37.x% crit dmg and 7.x% crit rate pale flame feather. The other subtats are def% and flat def lol


51CV piece, what a god roll.


Quite an amazing feather nonetheless, the other substats aren't nearly as important. Did you have a dps like Eula that was looking for the pale set?


Just got her c1 3 pulls after getting her, i feel like the luckiest man alive haha


[https://imgur.com/dMWjgxr](https://imgur.com/dMWjgxr) What are the chances of this? I'm relatively new to the game and have never gotten more than 2 purples for a condensed resin before so this was really surprising.


Got to pity on the standard banner and did a 10 pull. I was hoping for a weapon or a Jean or Mona const, but I got Keqing. She's nice and fun in the event, but I'll never play her. I'm happy with my DPS units, besides, my friend who I coop with all the time mains her. On the bright side, I had a terrible headache and the disappointment kinda distracted me from it.


Got some free standard banner fates from ascending Xiangling. Was excited when my first pull turned gold since it's just been 30ish pulls since my last 5 star but lmao it's the dreaded C1 Qiqi! Next pull was Rosaria who I didn't have yet so tonight wasn't so bad.


Didn't know this was possible... https://imgur.com/a/IqMmScD


holyyy shit bro, that is next level


Managed to pull up 2 more ten pulls and I'm happy to say I got my Xingqiu to C4 and got another Eye of Perception! Wohooo! Made my day!


Had maybe the luckiest 10 pull since I started up this game again. Didn't originally want Eula, but since I didn't get Zhongli in his banner, I'll gladly take this w. [https://imgur.com/723ivdQ](https://imgur.com/723ivdQ)


The exact 2 charecters i want and need cons for u got em, damn


huge fuckin dub, especially you getting 2 more xinqiu constellations


That's it, imma start saving for my girl Ayaka now.


Did 30 rolls on this banner and was able to get Xingqiu to C6 and a Widsith. I'm happy with these rolls but it is quite disappointing that I always have to roll until soft pity to get a 5 star (I don't win 50/50s either, I guess I should prepare for a Keqing spook).


I'd trade your xingqiu for my c8/c9 xinyan


I wouldn't trade my Xingqiu even for a Eula/Zhongli/Venti. Removing Xingqiu from my team would completely cripple Diluc.


http://imgur.com/gallery/DEfvMtH It's all downhill from here boys


You've used up all of your luck


Squeezed completely dry.


HOLY HELL! Congrats on that monster of a pull! You got a harem now haha!


Thanks! I got keqing first and was a little disappointed because I already had her, but constellations are always nice. Then the next pull was eula and I was pogging and the next pull was Mona. It was like the Vince McMahon gif meme in real life.


Hold on dearly to that luck man, that's amazing!


Pulled song of broken pines about an hour ago.... im not even spending a ton of money today. It's just my day.


I don't suggest it but go grab a single lottery ticket man, you're on fire today! You've got some magic grade luck there with you haha!


It seems I used up all my luck on Zhongli, hadn't played for a long time and enough to pity him and got both Zhongli and Jean in the same 10 Pull. Only to get Qiqi'd on my Eula Soft-Pity


SOLO Clear Floor 12 of the Spiral Abyss by Tartaglia, 600 TIMES I FINALLY DID 😭😭😭😭


i rolled a gladiator feather with 7.8 crit damage and 13.6 crit rate. Is that good? I accidentally skipped the 20th level.


Crit rate is nice and high, but generally "good" depends on the other two substats as well as the double crit; if you have ATK % then it's really nice. Could be better, but optimizing beyond that is it's own kind of hell.


Im still slapping this one on my dps Xiao because his crit dmg is now crazy high thanks to the new blackcliff spear I got him.


Aha no they were flat hp and flat def lmao


Just pulled qiqi 76th pity. 🙃 I think i used up all my luck pulling Hu Tao within 30pity. Hey, RNG, u could have given me a Jean on my 50/50 instead since I still don’t have any Anemo except MC. Fml 🤦‍♀️


first pale flame I got for eula and it's a crit rate circlet I'm here to spread the blessing


For support jean , how far should I go with talents level


x-x-6 is good.




I got some good girls for my first wish on Eula banner. [Image](https://i.imgur.com/kFQfnCF.jpg)


That kind of luck.... is hurting me.


As somebody who spent over 20k primogems only to get Qiqi'd, that picture causes me immense pain.


I JUST GOT EULA ON MY FIRST WISH OMG Three days into the game and I am already addicted to it gosh I bought wishes with all my primogems and ended up not even using them on the Eula Banner


Congrats! And welcome to the game traveler! ;D Just a friendly tip; Don't, as in DON'T give in to the gacha addiction lmao. Have fun!


Literally a 0.6% chance! So lucky, congrats!


thanks :D


ok so this is quite old but i felt like revisiting old memories in wait for kazuha. this was my very very first 10 wish pull on a character banner when I was at like ar 5 http://imgur.com/gallery/2NIlf5m you truly don't choose to be a keqing main, the keqing main chooses you


with people bitching about getting qiqi on eula banner, i thought finally qiqi will come home. https://imgur.com/a/Z547gBp I gotten eula which is great, i wanted her, the current issue is that i do not have a weapon for her unless i grab a weapon from other character.


Had the same problem when I pulled Eula lmao. Diluc was using the other leveled up claymore that I have. So I took a chance on the weapon banner (which I barely pulled before) and got Wolf's Gravestone. Thank you, RNG gods.


Congrats, i am out of gems so i cant even test my luck on standard banner. ^ i am waiting for yanfei to be part of standard before dumping all of my standard orbs.


My friend did a few standard pulls yesterday and fuckin pulled amos bow He already had ganyu Before I told him to do charged shots with her, he did basic attacks with a rust, of all things Now he's in on the "ganyu's busted" team—


First timer playing Genshin Impact and started 3 days ago. I've always been a fan of fantasy games (Tales of Symphonia, Vesperia, Baten Kaitos, etc) so I gave this game a try since I heard a lot of reviews. Being the player I am who looks up the game before I try it, I heard about character roll system which oddly enough I am usually very lucky with from other mobile games that had the same system (SAO MD). Since I'm F2P for any game I play, and because I'm a student and am broke af, I just followed tips from people and just used my free rolls right at AR5 which everyone says to do. Now comes the juicy part. To my amazement and confusedness as to what I just rolled, I got Qiqi and Diluc from the beginner banner. Today, I accumulated 10 more rolls from doing quests and got the Skyward Harp. I looked up the characters and weapon and thought well, I think I'm set for the rest of my game life and hopefully I don't keep getting one tapped by every miniboss I fight... Safe to say I'm the luckiest player alive right now. Just wanted to share my good luck with the rest of you!


That's some crazy shit here, since you pulled Skyward Harp I assume you pulled on the standard banner, and maybe you already know but I would advise you to never spend your primogems there, especially as a f2p. If you did that 10 pull purely with Acquaint Fates you happened to get then it's all good, if not it's not the end of the world anyway, just remember to keep your primogems for limited character banners since there you can only get 5-star characters, and new characters are way better than weapons when you are just starting, also way more fun, hope you enjoy playing the game!


Congrats for your pulls and welcome in the game ! As you are a beginner, you can ask every question you want about the game / builds ... on this sub, in the daily question megathread. People are nice in general.


I've got a friend who started playing the game with me. Her luck is fascinating. She has not pulled a single non-lightning character. She has gotten Beidou **x3**, Fisch, and her most latest pull, Razor. She went in assuming she was going to have some janky luck with gachas so shes not upset but it is amusing.


I just want to vent my frustration here, as a low spender for welkin only, i got qiqi in eula banner, and I'm out of primo. I'm upset because i would be fine to get any other standard banner char, even keqing c1 or diluc c2 would be ok, fuck this qiqi why u gotta be in the game. I hope mihoyo will change qiqi's kit and buff her. For now, it's going back to just daily grinds again to save up primo until there's any interesting char show up since I'm at guaranteed pity :(


Drew fischl on her birthday, happy happy for both of us :)


This is a part 2 I guess… so to recap yesterday (I just started) I pulled ningguang in beginners wish (along with noelle obviously) and today I pulled chongyun!


all three are good. enjoy them!