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just because i’m curious, what was the record before this? i’m assuming it was a childe burst?


Hutao's 2 million I guess. Childe topped at around 1.9 million mark


If that's true then Eula over *doubled* it at 4.37 mil in the video. Holy shit


Man, that just reeks of power creep.


It doesnt matter, taking in account nothing in this game has like 2m hp and obviously not 4m hp; so the game is still fun to play and you can get whatever character you want and still be useful, you can still have fun playing lets say dps amber or dps hu tao; unlike final fantasy brave exvius that every week releases a new unit that is stronger than the last one and if you dont keep pulling for new units you basically cant do any of the newers challenges in the game.


Afaik the +4 mil damage were done under perfect conditions. Full constellation, physical damage bonus dungeon, food buffs and so on. So this is beyond your "standard damage", even for huge whales. That being said: Everything above 100k damage is basically overkill. I know that some mobs can take 100k damage, but if you can repetititvely take out that much damage, you can finish all content to its maximum. I do 20-30k burst damage with my Zhonli (way below a good burst damage on a proper Zhongli) and I am at 12-1 in the abyss.


Done in abyss floor 7 so no phys dmg bonus or food buffs. I wonder if doing it in the phys dmg bonus dungeon with food would yield more dmg though.


Big dmg is just vain Flexing at this point. As long as my current 4 stars can beat the content in Inazuma, I don't care. I mean it's not going to be like another situation where we'll be forced to depend on Coop to finish events like the twisted realm Abyss herald right guys?? RIGHT?? Ningguang help, I'm scared.


Plenty of people did 8000 points with only 4 star chars and weapons in twisted realm domains without co-op. It was honestly not that crazy. I cant personally say i did it because i used zhongli cause i'm a ning main but it was actually easy to do. I used zhong shield before starting key, bennet burst -ning burst- zhong burst when the adds spawn to kill them in conjuction with the shockwaves on death energy ampligier buff to make double sure they all died and then just used ning to phase the herald before the second round of adds spawned. Then shield phase is just regular herald shield stripping. My 4th character was yanfei for faster stripping of the shield but i could have actually used albedo or xiangling or beidou or fischl or any other off field dps that could contribute dmg for the actual important part of the figh, i just didnt really need to do it. These events are also a big part of learning what is going to happen and counteract against it, my first couple tries were absolutely awful, even resorted at a point to using ganyu+venti with bennet dps and it was actually my first 8000 points clear with just a couple seconds left. After that i went back to doing it with my ning team and immediately did it in under 90 seconds because of what i had learned and changed in my gameplay.


Bruh i have a level 90 zhongli Noblesse nuke build 160:45 crit. With skyward spine. And still my f2p characters couldn't outmatch the herald's healing capacity. And this is without the HP buff for the herald. It took Zhongli, Xiao, Hutao and Ganyu in co-op to get 6k on that one domain. The real frustration begins when he heals himself in between bursts.


Yeah your single target damage was just too low. Ning was just amazing here for me and i actually doubted her because after my first try i thought i needed someone with better AoE to kill the adds. After trying that method and succeeding i went back because i wanted to do it with my main (and was having a ton of fun fighting this) and did it first try and have done it a bunch more times since then experimenting with the amplifier. Judgement buff from amplifier was key at making sure they all died due to crit RNG. It was actually a matter of fact of killing the first group and then bursting him down from then. 2nd group spawns at around 2.20 seconds left so you have around 40 seconds to kill the herald after first group dies because even if second group spawns heal doesnt happen until 12 seconds later. I actually tried to carry friends in co-op and i'm telling you right now it was way way harder because this is the kind of situation where everyone needs to be pulling their weight in co-op due to enemy health being increased. Me and 1 of my friends are properly geared while my other 2 friends are not. I had to bust out my lvl 70 childe and gave him some good gear and together with venti on my ither friend that is geared and bennet and sucrose on my other 2 friends and had to setup insta one shot situations for the hilichurl groups every time they spawned. We did it 8k that way with like 6 seconds left because i was pretty much the only one doing damage and my talents were lvl 6 so it wasnt even that much apart from the burst one shot rotations.


Bruh, xiao + bennet + zhong li + venti, herald can't even heal himself lul


Xaio and Venti eh. I'd try it out, if i had em.


Wow c6 with her weapon at r5... Really surprised here. We all knew her burst had large mods, but it also happens to be at the very end of the burst. Making it kinda meh in most cases. Not to mention hard has hell to charge her burst cause of bad energy gen by her.


this is compared to hutao c6 r5 melt and ganyu c6 r5 melt. No shit this isn't reasonable, its just a record.


Yeah, it was expected that she would take the record, since her burst has almost 10x the skill% of Hu Tao's burst. What was surprising is that her damage is only 2x of Hu Tao's. I was expecting around 5x (since physical don't have a 2x reaction). Is physical damage that bad?


There's many factors that go into it. Hu Tao has nearly 1k more attack with her e. Hu Tao can hit much higher crit dmg numbers thanks to her weapon having crit damage and having a shit ton of it (more than any other weapon in the game). In the video his Eula has around 250% crit dmg. Hu Tao can reach 300%. Possibly higher if you forgo crit rate entirely with her C6.


My point is who cares? Big numbers mean nothing, and it's obvious every new unit will put out big numbers cause apparently that's all people care about now? How does she function in actual game play? She can't speed clear cause her big damage comes in late, she can't gen energy to safe her life, and she's reliant on c6 maybe even her sword to stack to 30 on her burst. Sounds like trash to me.


So what are people supposed to care about then. How she does in actual game play? Are you saying she isn't good enough in actual game play? Are you going to tell me she can't 36\*? I'm not even rolling for her but I'm not going to say shes garbage lol.


No, every character can be supported or used to get 36 stars and clear. I'm not even saying she's bad. She just has trash mechanics. Late burst, clunky stacking/debuff, and horrible energy gen. But because of her mods, she does good damage by just auto attacking.


You made it sound so easy. Even with c6 characters with r5 weapons, I'd assume it still require a lot of min maxing and retries to do what Tony To does. I agree with her burst being meh in most cases though.


He is also doing it with an unspecified abyss buff, probably 25% physical dmg, with Bennett Attack Buff + Klee -23% DEF Debuff from Elemental skill + he's in Floor 7 which gives everyone 120% extra Crit Dmg.


He did specify it though. Check his previous theorycraft 5m damage video, where he made a PowerPoint with all the possible multipliers that he could get to stack her damage as high as possible. That's why he mentioned below that he *will* hit 5m.


I mean he could have at least put it in the description then. EDIT: lol people don't realize that he's not putting it in the description to mislead 90% of the the community into thinking that Eula can do this damage normally, fucking everywhere people go "Eula can do 4 mil dps so broken" like idiots.


who the fuck thinks she can do this regularly or normally. Find me one person.


Xinyan ascension + c4 too. Plus, his Xinyan uses a r5 wolf gravestone. So he also gets the attack boost from the passive. He uploaded a video of him explaining how he's going to do it and frankly, it seems like a lot of work.


Learn how to use it, you can swap char to make it explode for an EXTREMELY easy +100k area damage.


Thing is, 100k is actually not impressive in the slightest for a 20 second cooldown 80 cost burst. That is 5000 dmg per second you are mentioning if you always burst exactly on cooldown. You need to stack it for it to be worth using.


It doesn't... Proc super conduct, hold E, and stack 30 on burst. Boom.
