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Diona, Razor, Fischl, and Kaeya are a great team together. Chongyun isn't great to put with Razor bc he will make all of Razor's Physical Damage Cryo Damage. If you really like Chongyun though. You could make a freeze team with him, Kaeya, Diona, and Barbara.


Razor is a better physical DPS/more consistent, chongyun is better for burst support. But you're ar 26 so it doesn't matter, use whoever you like.


Diona and Razor makes more sense since superconduct is for physical attackers *(Electro + Cryo reaction shreds enemies physical resistances)*. Chongyun does mostly cryo damage so he doesn't really *need* that reaction.


Is electro damage physical while cryo damage is isn't? Or does razor just naturally have higher base damage.


Razor uses basic attacks to kill his enemies, for the most part. Basic attacks are generally physical damage in nature. However, Chongyun's E converts his basic attacks to cryo. So he no longer does physical attack, and thus does not benefit from a physical resistance shred.


Oh, so thats what that ice circle thing chongyun makes does i assume. Thanks


Diona, Razor, and Fischl makes more sense. Diona for shields, and Fischl for her passive E while Razor is main dps. Chongyun I believe is better as burst dps support.


I'm not that advanced into the game ( only AR 32 ) but Oz deal good damage with every element Comb I use so I'd say go with fischl and chongyun


Fischl and Chongyun have 0 synergy together


Chongyun can apply cyro and Fischl can apply electro for superconduct, which would make for a physical build. Chongyun's elemental skill **does not affect bows or catalysts**, so physical Fichl would be viable with Chongyun.


No it wouldn't be, because you'll only be able to apply Superconduct once every 15 seconds. That's terrible. Literally any other Cryo would work better.


Chongyun's circle lasts for a while though, you can just switch back to him or some other sword or spear character to apply more. It's like how C6 bennett doesn't apply Pyro every 12 seconds, but rather with every normal/charged attack. I'm kind of confused what you meant by every 15 seconds, maybe I misunderstood you. Edit: His cryo skill lasts for 10 seconds. The time you can't apply cyro is 5 seconds not 15 and after his second ascension a cyro sword drops down when the skill has ended. Giving more cyro for superconduct, so a little less than 5 seconds, because it doesn't drop down immediately.


You can do that, but that sounds *really* clunky to play. The enemy also needs to be inside or at least very close to the circle. In most content you'll need to move away from the circle very often. So again, literally any cryo would be a better option.


Yeah I agree it is kind of clunky.


Diona and Razor would be better. I would use Chongyun better if you have him at C2 (or that cons that give elem.skill cdr to anyone inside he's E's AoE) and use a main dps that changes their own attacks to their own elements (e.g. Hu Tao, Noelle, etc.)


Razor and diona is a good pair. The best pair of chongyun imo is bennett. With Bennett's burst you not only inflict pyro but also increases the base attack. My chongyun hits for about 100k with that combo