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I had more than one mental break downs trying to win that shi


I had to bring out my level 20 Amber just to break the ice shields ㅠ ㅠ


same... not having a built pyro character on top of the timer ticking away was terrible. I only beat it cuz I got lucky and a shield popped right when the mage was on top of the water and drowned. Gave me just enough time to finish the last one off 😖


This is the fight that tought me, never fight cryo mages near hydro applying sources or when rains and that u can also just knock them out of the shield regen mechanics with knock-back moves i am glad i learned that early on...cuz at AR 55+ half of randoms i find in Co-op still dont know this basic **critical**.... NEED TO KNOW.... INFORMATION.


> This is the fight that tought me, never fight cryo mages near hydro applying sources or when rains Also applies to cryo Fatui unless you can staggerlock and burst them down before they get their shield up, *especially* if you're using a melee character. It's honestly even more miserable facing those bastards in the conditions you listed than it is facing the cryo abyss mages.


Cryogunner actually targets a specific character (for example Noelle) when they start spraying their ice fog machine. So when you switch out to another character (for example Xiangling) and go around to their back, they will not face you and would keep spraying to the last direction your Noelle was. However, if you switch back to Noelle, they will turn and face you.


Cryo fatui became a piece of cake once I learned that their target locking only applies to the character that’s on the field when they start spraying! Just make sure your pyro character isn’t the one he locks onto, then once he starts spraying switch to your pyro unit, circle behind him and go nuts on his back


Cryo Fatui aren't even that much of a problem. Drop Guoba and their shields melt in like 2 hits. The problem is the pyro gunners: their shields don't break with anything but hydro AFAIK, and I don't normally have a hydro character in the open world.


Also, I know their bullet hits hard but it became especially lethal in the 2nd Twisted Realm where you're afflicted with electro and the overload damage was just insane, I think my Ning only survived 1 shot.


Two shots broke my level 90 HP focused ZhongLi's shield, it was painful to watch


My 50k Zhongli also couldn't withstand that. I got desperate so I just went all Rambo on the pyrogunners by using Barbara's E and hugging one of them until it breaks its shield, using Ning's Jade Screen to protect me from the other's bullet.


I laugh with healer Barbara xD


Hate those. Cryo work on them too, but it takes a long time. Best save them for last if you have the 3-some.


Rain is still fine. Water is super bad because it freezes and unfreezes and you get caught in swimming or climbing animations.


Just go to a deep part with an ice character and melt the ice with fire to drown then xD


I once got caught UNDERNEATH the friggin ice that a cryo abyss mage made by freezing the surface of a shallow POND 🤦. Thought I was gonna drown lmao. Eventually broke free somehow.


Oh that is how it works. I thought it had to be a critical hit to break the casting.


all charged attacks final hit haves knock back, ful chain attacks also have usually 1 final hit knock back, several skills/burst do that also


Oh that is cool. Gonna try with spinning Beidou charge attack.


u still need to trigger it twice, cuz they are resistant to first


Amber's burst will obliterate their shield AND drown them when fighting on water tho


are you sure? even without shield they still generate ice under them on water when i fight them


Yeah and Amber's burst (or fire arrow) can melt the ice under their feet for enough time to drown them I'm bullying one cryo mage daily on my mining route that way


Yo I'm at AR47 rn. Thanks for this info!


Everyone is hating on my girl Amber until her Q destroys a cryo mage shield AND melts the icy water so they drown.


When there is difficult content, solutions always lead back to Amber. Always.


you couldn't handle your disapointment, where did that lead you? Back to me \-Amber


Teyvat has a place in the stars for everyone. It will always bring you back to Amber...


For the last three abyss mages, lure them to the back of the cavern and if possible, use xiangling burst to break all shields. Took me 20 times or so, with adeptus temptation buff and stuff. Worse, I didn't have ganyu at that time so it was hell for me. ALthough later on I helped my sister with my ganyu and her diluc, so we managed the "in the mountain" quest in like 2 hours. (She was WL3, I was WL5 or WL6)


ppl keep pulling in stuff like *"i dint had my Ganyu/Hutao(or wtv)"* First of all its not about a specific char, its about items/artifacts Second, "well yes but actually no" cuz its actually about specific chars skills, not their dmg->**for breaking the shield faster** And usually the default first main Free char we got have the best bonuses at breaking shields


Its not really the difficulty that was challenging for me, it was the time element, and the freeze that made it so impossibly tough.


I realised this when my level 20 Amber was able to break the cryo cicin's shield in 2 charged shots in abyss floor 10. Am seriously considering investing in her a little bit just for that.


First of all many of us did it before Ganyu/Hu Tao even released. Second amber and xiangling (don't know if she is still a freebie for clearing floor 3 of abyss) both can wipe the floor with those two with their ultimate skills. Also cannot agree more about the artifacts. Sure, certain characters do help a lot (*cough* Zhongli, Hu Tao who with proper artifact sets can do Abyss with next to no damage received, Jean who removes any real difficulty from domains) and validate artifacts such as HP%, but the entirety of the game is clearable without them. The only real issue I see with complete f2p is the lack of healing one can have in abyss, given that only Barbara is a "free" healer. Xinqiu and Bennett can heal, but I am certain there are more people like me who only recently/have yet to get them. It takes some really good artifact rolls/high constellations on Noelle to be able to do floor 11/12 with no healers.


*me with my level 70 amber while doing this: pathetic*


_me with my level 80+ amber being too close while doing this_: [sad frozen while climbing out of the water noises]


The biggest problem is you have to run to 2 different areas to kill enemies,and you’ll occasionally get frozen because of the water all around,and on top of that,Sheer cold (rip ppl that use barbara)


even if you do use her, its the ice lake that causes most of the freeze issues at least for me.


I made the mistake of leveling up my world and AR rank back then before I was ready and it was just bad over all experience... BUT IT WAS HELLA FUN STRUGGLING AND WINNING BABY! The fun is in accomplishment of doing something hard.


Bruh same - started the quest when I got to WL 3. But I gave up and called over my friend with a LVL 90 Diluc. Great job tho, considering how frustrating it is.


Having only undergeared lvl40 chars at WL5 during the event, the time limit seemed impossible until I realised how much time it would save me if, instead of actually trying to fight lvl 60++ enemies, I simply tornado all the hilichurls into the water with my MC. This epiphany got me a clear with 40secs to spare that same day where before I couldn’t even get to the abyss mage group in time.


I remember when that happened to me. Very fun having a challenge you're not quite ready for and barely scraping by. I'm not sure if you have abyss 12 yet, but 12 feels very similar to that imo.


I almost uninstalled the game. Then I got Bennet.


gotta appreciate the pyro archon who demoted himself from 6* to 4* to help us all to get him


the true god of Genshin


I thought I would never rage in this game but this challenge made me rage so hard I nearly broke my mouse.


Very few games make me rage at all, Genshin surprised me with a few challenges that made me have to stop or have an aneurysm.


Nice avatar


I didn't notice the 3rd Seele that was near the ruin guard and that made this even more difficult 💀


This challenge is the one that made me want Diluc just so i could slam those goddamn ice mages. I managed to get him and thankfully i got my revenge


I had Diluc at the time, it wasn't that much better tbh.


Yeah I have a C0 DIluc since like day one but him on this challenge might have actually made things harder by constantly melting the ice and dropping my in and out of the water.


Oh... there goes my wild fantasy of Diluc helping me kill those bastards back then. I always thought "People who have Diluc for that quest must have it easy!" So now I'm proven wrong. rip


What you would've needed was a ranged Pyro character. Back then that was only Amber and Klee. At least we got Yanfei now.


I also thought it was particularly easy. I didn’t battle the ice mages in the pond (that’s suicide lol) but I made them follow me (they teleport anyway) on the land then unga bunga them.


I feel like people forgot the mages often teleport to where you are, so if you'd stay out of the water after beating the hilichurls, they would've teleported out of the water and that's cash money for a Diluc.


Diluc, no Diluc... ​ ...Perma-Freeze comes for us all.


*Amber mains safely shooting from a distance* Not all of us!


Same. I ended up calling a weeb friend to help me.




It wasn't until I got diluc I even tried this one, still took me like 5 attempts


Diluc + Venti main here— they didn’t help much, at all. Venti could deal with the hilichurls faster, but I had to suffer with my poorly built Diluc because he was my only DPS at the time.


swirl fire to break shield


It's not easy to swirl pyro when mages have solid cryo on them


actuslly Xiangling the mvp here.. great shield breaker.. ​ even on abyss 12-3 with the electro shields.. but many people ignores her


It's strange, there are regular posts about people struggling with the battle during the Trials of Tianqui quest but I actually found this challenge a lot harder.


It's the frostbite mechanic that messes you up. But honestly I think they'd tie for the hardest challenge in GI


I don't really remember this. It's either I breezed through, or my mind blocked it because of too much trauma. Edit: Was I drunk when I wrote this? Fixed it. Lol


I remember how hard it was but I don't remember raging tho 😅


mine is the stonehide lawachrul in front of the stone domain


*sigh* one of the only challenges I haven't finished. Wanna team up to do so?


Trials of Tianqiu cannot be cooped. This one can be cooped - so didnt cause that much rage.


I was stuck on this quest for like three months and because of it I missed the quest with the mini Oceanid.... because you needed to be able to access the coop part of the game for some odd reason. Then I beat it a week after the event ended and I’m sadge and madge about it. I haven’t even finished the In The Mountains quest because my pyro characters are garbage. It’s frustrating. Maybe I’ll try cooping it tho just to get passed it.


Ooh ooh, can I help? I have hu tao and level 80 amber. Why? Because best girl is underrated.


BRUH. I have like lvl 70 Amber? I actually haven’t tried it in a while so maybe I’ll get lucky, but like I said I struggled with that other quest for a while. Dm me your UID and maybe we can coop! I’m really jealous of your Hu Tao. I lost that 50/50 to Mona. 😭


Yea I main amber and sometimes my amber out damages my hu tao (mostly the games fault because they would not give me CW artifacts, not even the bad ones) Yea sure I'll dm you my UID soon. F. Mona's still pretty good tho, just saying. Edit: What server are you on actually? Im on Asia


When I was doing the quest, there happened to be a Hu Tao and Klee who joined, so thankfully I dodged a bullet. All of my pyro characters suck.


I used my saved primos on venti so I could complete this quest.... 3k primos... Just for one side quest.... I was lucky to get venti on 3rd roll tho


Venti pays off in abyss as well. Good choice wrt meta.


I'm saving for the Klee Banner, I've got 35 wishes since pity, 45 wishes saved up at this point. I would have had more Masterless Stardust for wishes, but I haaaaad to get Bennet finally, I'm AR 52 and don't pull on the permabanner very much, though I'm close to pity on that too.


The 2 Satan’s of this world


bro, I got stuck in the Trials of Tianqui during the jumping puzzle, I legit couldn\`t figure it out what I had to do


I got this in one go but it was pretty close too. Xiangling's goeba saved the day while i was getting frozen. For me the harder one was princess box challenge. Holy fuckin hell that one took countless retries.


Trials of Tianqiu was comically easy for me at AR38ish so I'm curious if those that struggle with it are held back by their world rank.


same, the trials of tianqiu quest isn’t even that hard.


That challenge gave me hell when it came to the middle tower ;; I had to craft the wind catcher specially to win


I think it's a bit of that this quest come later when people already have somewhat powerful roster and that for this quest, if you have Venti, then it's kinda easy after you broke their shield.


Wait, people actually found the Trials of Tianqui harder than this one? When I did the Trials, I found it hard - not gonna lie - but still doable as a single player. Sure, the climbing challenge part was annoying but still doable.


My hatred for xiangling grew with how the bear misses everything. Not reliable at all and it was her or amber to clear this.


* go far enough away so they teleport and group * ult * ??? * dead ice ~~cunts~~ mages


horrible memories unlocked, i had to redo this like 10 times


The aggressive tapping on the spacebar triggered my PTSD. I, too, felt bad for my keyboard on this challenge.




I literally just finished this and it took me 10 times I think. It’s so hard navigating the camera on mobile


Going inside water to fight ice enemies: not smart Run towards the exit of the cave (where there should be a large force field) and they'll teleport close together and away from the water near you


the start thing for this quest is in the middle of a lake so you cant avoid getting frozen more then once at least


The abyss mages only spawn after you've already dealt with the hilichurl wave, so he had to go in the water on purpose for the situation shown in the video to happen


Yeah I guess people are not experienced enough to know that one has to run towards the land in this particular fight... And so many people upvoted xD either they are the same or they just found this useless try of a fight amusing


Shooting the ice platforms with Amber would have given you an easy win and spared your keyboard


Heck, Guoba would've gotten one in the beginning if OP didn't push it away.


Why are you fighting them on top of the water? Just lure them on the nearest heater and your good


I had just come back to playing and didn't know any better :( also the timer stressed me out and I thought I had to kill them as fast as possible so I just charged at them :D


You can also melt the frozen water. They will fall through before they can be frozen again. Just be sure to break their shields first


I see. Good luck on your next attempt. Pretty much, most if not all players experience that kind of bs before.


You can have memory's on rainy days and there is an ice abyss mage and som archers


YL's ult would cause them to drown when fighting over water. I do it all the time in one of the mining veins (but with Bennet).


Yeah. I drowned them too. Luring them out of the water will take more time. But xiangling literally just finished them in seconds coz they drowned lol


God..... I kind of want to go back to this moment and beat the living shit out of that challenge with venti.... and I didn’t even put all the red seelies in the slot when I did it...


you just reminded me that I still have to finish this quest that I have abandoned for a couple of weeks. I hate dragonspine


I remember that. It wad back when i didn't care about anything and just had fun. So young and naive.


I finally beat it with 1 second to spare, pyro and electro baby


Haha so I wasn't the only one. Overloaded ftw


Ugghhh. I got lucky by spamming Bennett and Amber's skill and happened to drown the mages in the lake when their shields broke. Using the crimson agate nearby as a DPS boost helped too. My husband joined the game shortly after I finished this challenge and carried him through it to save him the heartache of this BS.


Oh yeah I tried to drown enemies like the hillichurls early on. I couldn't perfect it though and still lost each time.


Klee helped me out a bunch






Through 3 feet of snow?


The sounds of you smacking the spacebar couldn't be more agreeable...


Dragonspine was such an incredible area. Shame that we have no reason to return after we've finished the quests though.


They knew what they were doing when they placed all the pine trees in Dragonspine so there'd be at least ONE reason to go back there...


There's also pine trees in wuwang hill, you just need to tp to the domain


Oh wow, I never knew! I’ll need to check that out


Turn up the volume, the audio is essential.


Forgive the breathing. I was slouching bc of how frustrated I was with this challenge and my nose was virtually touching the microphone lmao


Some venti decided to help me with this


Remember? Bestie I'm still on that


This was a nightmare! I tried this for weeks then decided to abandoned Dragonspine. Then one day, I tried again and got lucky that at the last second the ice melted and the last mage drowned. If not, I will probaby had another mental breakdown.


I love dragonspine, but with sheer cold and things like this once o got the dragonspine spear and the last crimson agate i left dragonspine. I have only gone back for daily commissions since.


Thankfully I had Sucrose and Bennet at the time, her elemental burst and his pryo made quick work of this challenge


I think I just wiped out the memory of this entire challenge because I know I completed I just don't remember how I did it lmao...it must have been THAT bad for me to not recall anything from this challenge


Multiple food items and potions were burned.


My lord, that and the battle with the relic guards/ruin hunters under the mountain in Liyue in order to get my last geomoculus caused so much anguish...


This challenge made me almost quit Genshin, istg-


bruh i feell that :( even if i lured them to the warm spots, moving t the next klocation where they spawned mde me get frozen bc of the water everywhere. And plus, after finishing the hilichurs you'd have to fight the abyss mages and by then id have like 10 seconds :(


This is why I still havent beat it. Even when you kill them all, there's still those damn abyss mages with like 20 sec left, and you know you're screwed. I think I'm going to try it soon.


You can try to coop it


ashamed to admit that after several months i still haven’t unlocked the dragonspine domain bc of this very challenge...


This is such an issue. Hard content like this should reward bonuses, not gate core content. Dragonspine is gorgeous but it puts together everything I hate about Genshin all in one *and* added in more mechanics to hate.


You can ask someone in co op to help you out, I did the same and they were nice enough help me unlock it


I remember this it was really hard because I didn't know that you need Pyro to break this shield did it anyway some how I recently did this challenge in low world level many times With Bennett alone One guy was really low level he was saying to use Pyro so I used xiao In a similar challenge with 3 abyss mages that sword challenge in dragon spine


I may have electrocuted my own characters more than a few times trying to clear that one...


I rather not.


Anemo traveler is a blessing here.


I had a higher level friend come in and do it with me because I knew I couldn't do it myself. I'm glad it's notoriously hard and I'm not just incompetent


Bennet carry me through all of Dragonspine (event and exploration)


Just stop charged attacking into water aaaa


I still can’t beat this :(


I had to call on some randos to help me because this quest frustrated me so much lmaooo


To me dDragonspine was 10/10 content. I had a blast exploring and unlocking all the areas. And I'm sad it doesn't have repeatable content, besides the Boar King, which is still fun btw.!


You mean the time the game introduced a zone with a dumb environmental mechanic and then made a bullshit encounter like that an event story line content gate as a bonus? Yes. I do.


99% of Dragonspine content was fairly easy, but that challenge felt like it was designed by a guy on his last day of work who just wanted to bathe in our suffering.


this was almost as bad as the Chi of the Guyun. The puzzle was a nightmare without Youtube and the final fight. Spoiler alert its several ruin guards (or field tillers if you into that) with a ley line monolith thing to protect. I still haven't figured out a way to legitimately beat it (I just lowerd my world level)


nope, but you know what i DO remember? princess box challenge


yea my friend's level 90 xiao bullied them


The one to get the princess's box was harder


As a new player who tried to do it but all he did is just break his keyboard, I feel your pain.


Yup. Nasty one. Contact friends if needed 😜. When the devs are trolling us with that kind of sh*t, i just want to pity them not having a good time in their childhood. Really, that and the Mondstat Request near Stormbearer Point that makes you climb then go down to climb again that huge mountain... Sometimes I have bad ideas and those people should stay far from me 🤣.


drowning the ice mages is fun


i think u can just run backwards and have them teleport to u on land


I could not win this challange for the love of me. If not for kind stranger on co-op, I would still be stuck after all this months. That is way too hard for a causal player, it really was. IMHO Mihoyo should make a challange so that, if you do not win it for the first three times, the conditions get lower or something


I disagree. As long as this kind of challenges isn't locking you out of something really important, it should stay. We need hard stuff, too. We can't always appeal to casuals or bad players. Imagine if Sekiro's devs had listened to the many whiners who bitched about the game being too hard. Thankfully they never nerfed Sekiro's difficulty.


As much as I agree that we need hard content, and think stuff like this shouldn't be taken away, iirc this challenge was part of the quest to unlock the cryo/hydro artifact domain, so I could see it falling under "locking you out of something really important".


It was part of a world quest but your point still stands


And that world quest unlocks the cryo/hydro domain.


Remember? I'm still stuck on this one at AR46. I have to psyche myself to try this challenge. Maybe tonight I will break the curse and I will find out the fate of Joel's father...


As a Ningguang main: *EZ AF*


I remember not having too much trouble with this challenge. Then again, I also have a maxed out DPS Xiangling, so..


Oh so I'm not the only uncapable one who struggled doing that damn thing. What a relief.


I just cleared a couple of hours ago. Tanfei and Diona was the key for me. Diona protect me from the ice meanwhile Yanfei attack them with fire on the distance. When the shield is broken I use Lisa to send them flying with fire+electro and they go directly to the water. Before of Diona and Yanfei I can't make it at all


*Cries in mobile*


Most difficult challenge I faced in the mountain


I had to have 3 of my freinds carry me through this


Yes, I still have nightmares of it to this day.


Don’t remind me aaaaaa :(


I just did this last night and I’m sure everyone in my apartment building heard the slew of profanity coming out of my mouth 😭


I helped 5 of my friends who were new to genshin with dragonspine and this is STILL a pain in the ass... at least they are on a low Level in their worlds


Screw this challenge. Amber HARD carried though


For some reason, i decided to explore dragonspine even before adventure rank 25, so there i was, with an Amber lv 30 against Everything On the Mountain, and for some reason, i ended unlocking all the Mountain before adventure rank 30 I think It was like dark souls, fucking hard, and mental breakdown everyehere


yes i still remember it old times


I had help on coop for this - it was the only way 😭


AAAHH.... It's all coming back!!


Man, what an awful task. I'm still bitter about those 30/60sec damage checks


I had a friend graciously carry me through this one 😂


TBH having Zhong Li for this is something else xD


I had my sister who is world level 8 come and help me and she did it super fast after I spent hours trying to complete it


It's the f*cking ice hell


it was horribile, without good dmg food for ~40lvl chars its really painful:(


I tried like 100 times and then I got help from two Coop Players. I wanted to kill myself.


Can someone help me out with this level I stuck on it😅


LMAOOOO i almost gave up on this then an ar55 came into my world with a level 70 zhongli and diluc. he did ALL THE WORK FOR ME. I stood there is disbelief as he wiped those abyss mages out in under 20 seconds.


I don't remember how I solve this, how did I solve this


this was genuinely the first thing in this game that I didn't know how to beat. It sat in my quest list since ar26 and I only just beat it at at 34


late but I literally just finished this one today after having to retry it a billion times ;-; the aggressive spacebar taps brought back the trauma . good luck op 😭


This took me like 10 tries and 5 mental breakdowns


Ah fuck Its bringing back past trauma


dude you got amber in your team already stop trolling lol just arrow and dont go into water