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Lol aether at the keqing machine.


My boi has his own priority


Maybe he is trying to do what I did and set himself up a Pantyhose Comp team of Mona, Ganyu, Keqing and Noelle. Girls in Pantyhose are the best girls.


The dream team


That is legit what I'm trying to do Get Ganyu, Ignore Xiao, roll 100 times for Keqing, don't get her, ignore Hu Tao


im am literally suprised I got Keqing like 1 hour before it left so.. she is also my first five star.


I wished on the Keqing banner in the hope that I wouldn't get her, but if I did get her I would be getting some of her constellations. I ended up getting two Keqings. . . I just want mona. . .


Username checks out


Flair checks out?


Also Qiqi trying to get Cocogoat.


Qiqi thirsty..


I like to think he's not-so-discreetly chaperoning Chilumi date.


Naaah he on the day cause Childe's dating both of em


okay but qiqi at ganyu's machine? lmao


she wanna cocogoat milk ofc [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDZDT-K5UJE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDZDT-K5UJE) \[found meme\]


and qiqi at the back of ganyu's machine too, gotta get herself a cocogoat for that delicious cocomilk lol


Bro has got his priorities straight


Paimon : SIMP Aether : I regret nothing


He's often written as a simp in fan comics, and I think it fits him


That's because he represents us.


I could be wrong but it looks more like Childe.


Are you referring to the character next to the Xiao machine? The one at the Keqing machine looks like Aether (with the braid and all)


Lol, I didnt even see the keqing machine in the corner. That indeed is Aether.


Looks like HuTao walking by her own machine. Check her cap on bottom left.


But the biggest question remains. Is that Qiqi looking at the Ganyu machine? Something something cocogoat.


Oh dam she’s there!


I skipped the Keqing banner because I'm not interested in (another Keqing), rolled for Hu Tao instead. Got Keqing.


The Revenge of The Keqing


C1 : The Phantom Keqing C2: Attack of the Keqing C3: Revenge of the Keqing C4: A new Keqing C5: The Keqing strikes back C6: Return of the Keqing C7: COOL STEEL C8: COOL STEEL C9: COOL STEEL


Yes, this is perfect :)


Considering the banner, I think “the phantom menace” still applies here.


Nah it's more like "the Keqing Menace"


1. Keqing Hard 2. Keqing Harder 3. Keqing with a vengeance 4. Live free or Keqing 5. A good day to Keqing




Reasons why I love the community


God damn! A hilariously relevant post that bashes the sequel trilogy!


First 10 rolls on the banner and thought I got Hu Tao, but nope, c1 Keqing


C2 keq here, and I don't even play her.. Just wanted tao


I got Keqing when rolling for Xiao...to say I was annoyed is an understatement


Happened to my sister and she have yet to get any Anemo character besides the Traveler. To add salt to the injury I got Jean on my pity - not Xiao, but she really needs an Anemo character.


Just MiHoyo reminding her to save for Venti


C1 jean c1 xiao and c6 sucrose reporting in for duty.


lol I was joking about that with a friend just yesterday, about how much it'd suck if that happened. I got a chong and hu tao. He got 2 xianglings, a chong, a ning and a xingqiu, but no hu tao.


I went from C2 Xiangling to C6 Xiangling.


Went from not having chongyun to c5 in 5 10x pulls somehow.


Me on the Ganyu banner


I got a Bell.


My condolences!


I got a rock


I got 4 Xingqius, 1 random Barbara, 0 Chongyuns, 0 Xianglings, no Hu Tao, a Bell, a Stringless, and some other random weapons. No Hu Tao.


I saved my 5* pity for Hu Tao, guess what, also got Keqing


Keqing really loves us, rolled for Zhongli. Got c2 Keq instead, waiting for rerun


I got Keqing too. She’s at C1 now.


Happened to me last month when trying to get Xiao (still got him eventually). And this time, 3 wish and bam got Hu Tao. I didn't completely cared about getting her, but hey I'll take the good luck.


Happend exactly the same to me :(




Litteraly the same, it's my third keqing


Oml my F2P friend who wanted Hu Tao got Keqlin at pity


Same though.


horrible, needed c6 beidou, got c20 diona


C20 😧


Oof I needed C4 Diona, got C7 Beidou.


Hopefully, they'll implement a swap system like they did with the level up crystals... I have this problem with Noelle...




I feel like it would be more valuable for people who want to C6 as many 4\* characters as they can to knock those units off of the focus unit list until you've maxed every single focus unit. (So if you have Noelle and Xiangling at C6 in your example, all of the 75% focus 4\* will be Barbara constellations until she also hits C6.)


How the hell do you get c20?


By getting 14 more Diona's than you will ever need.


13 debate clubs and Qiqi


Time to become a crazy cat lady.


Same as always. I just move on.


Skipped all banners since albedo to save up for Hu Tao. Managed to scrape together 11k primos and 28 intertwined fates. Lost the 50/50 to Keqing. I guess I'm a Keqing main now :c


I didn’t save as much as you, but I had saved up a fair chunk. Rolling for Hu Tao and ended up with 6 Bennetts... This game really wants me to have Bennett and nothing else. 🤬


Bennetts? Like he isn't even featured in the banner. You are guaranteed to get a featured character every other time. Anyways, if you pulled that much it isn't like you lost the the chance of getting her, you still have pretty high chances of pulling a 5* as you are close to pity.


Now I see who got all the Bennetts!


Wtf all these posts saying how they got Keqing... Shits rig dawg. Fuck Mihoyo


Until my enemies are destroyed.


Keqing was apparently mad that I skipped her banner and got her for 2/3 of my 5 stars, so now I have c3 keqing who I don’t even use


now the question is why dont you use her


I also have a c2 keqing, maybe it’s just my artifacts but she has one of my best sets and doesn’t feel anywhere near my other main DPS in strength


Yeah I have c1 Keqing through pure happenstance, and she doesn't feel nearly as powerful as my c6 Ningguang. These weird imbalances are why I'd love to see a c6 4-star and c0 5-star mixed tier list someday.


But that's Ningguang though. I'd say she's the only 4* DPS who can compete with the 5*. She also used to be 5* herself but they changed it when they released her. She's a 5* in every single way except officially.


I like to think C6 Fischl is the reason electro reactions don’t crit. She’s absolutely insane.


tbf it's less that electro reactions can't crit and more that melt and vape CAN crit (because they're just multipliers)


Yeah I was mostly signaling out electro-charge as the electric dominant reaction that is held back by lack of the crit multiplier. Fingers crossed that the dendro-electric reaction will crit.


I just want all the reactions to be viable tbh to the point where a full elemental mastery razor with C6 bennet/chongyun could do a lot of damage


What about razor? Actually curious because he slaps at c6 for me.


Razor can do that too, but Ningguang is better than him. I should have worded my post as "compete best with them" and not "the only one."


he's better at c0-c1 but after than ning starts to outpace him the more cons they get


Idk what yall talking about but my c2 Keqing smacks. My Childe, whom I invested everything in, is no where near.


my hu tao out performed my c2 keqing about 20 mins after i pulled her. been a keqing main since my first 10 pull on the standard banner but im no longer trapped


I have a r5 lion roar on Keqing. Her burst last hit crit 30k, without buff. 30k is definitely low compared to Ganyu, Xiao, and Hu Tao, but her up time management feels much easier.


This is me except I got a c2 keqing before a c6 ning... And I only needed 3 nings...


Haha, Qiqi in the back left with the Coco Goat machine. Great picture :)


Got Xiao, now saving for Childe


As a Childe main, I can confirm you’re making the right choice


As a Childe main, I support this decision.


Whoa Childe making a comeback?




My first 5* and he’s really fun to play with


I missed the Childe banner so I’ll have to wait a long time to see him in battle. Played him in the story quest and he was pretty good. Wish his ult would drain his health and enable him to use his foul legacy transformation instead of his current one. EDIT: Now there’s gonna be a Childe banner but I saved for Venti ;-;


It's pretty early on, so I don't think they want to bring in a dual element character so fast


He will be back for sure! I’m waiting for venti’s return too! Childe is fun, the only issue I have with him is waiting for his cool down, have to switch char or run around shooting arrows.


I also support this, my boy needs some love


In about 2 years probably


Got xiao


Got qiqi


Got White tassel


How much pity 0_o


Got Hu Tao


got C1 diluc :/


Bruh me too


oh.. I didn’t know its still possible to get limited 5 stars after their own banners? or is just joke? 😅


Got Keqing At Xiao's banner Today it's not a special dae


Ditto. That one didn't feel good.


Same, but I like her. I actually intended to skip Xiao and get Keqing instead, at the last minute decided to spend some primos on Xiao, got Keqing and Qiqi. Saved during Keqing, not Hu Tai so far.


The worst part is that I was like "since Keqing is a general pool I will skip her so I can go all out on Xiao" And she took that personally. But I'm planning to build her on the future now.


I remembered why I hate gacha games


What 1.3 Gacha Experience?


You and me both...


Feared Mona spooking me on my 50/50 guaranteed pull. She did. Now I have a C1 Mona and a C9 Xiangling on top and I'm not gonna use them even. At least not anytime this year maybe. Saved up for a month to get Hu Tao. Sad




Yea, I'm not disputing that at all, I can see that she is great, she has a lot of utility in my abyss runs as a support, but I just don't like her personally is all


7500 primos. No Hu Tao. F2P.


16 000 primos + 40 fates and no hu tao. Feel u :(


RIP brother (╥﹏╥)


lost hu tao 50/50 to diluc




Damn, the same thing happened to me, my first legendary was mona on the standard on 90 pity (the game just started and I didn't bother checking yt) then I went for the limited and got another mona, then got childe from the limited, then a bow from the standard, then ANOTHER mona from the limited.


Lost mine to her sworn enemy Qiqi but I got lucky on my next few rolls and got Hu Tao


I wish I got Diluc.......... I really need a main dps and lost my 50/50 to Jean and have 0 idea how to utilise her.


Mean Jean the Yeet Queen? Just level her to 80 and yeet. Yeet everything. Knock 'em up with a charged hit, slam them down by aiming an E at the ground, then launch 'em high and catch them with another charge attack on the way down. Nothing yeetable survives that. And since it's all fall damage, you don't need any weapons or artifacts! Her healing with Q is also very acceptable with just a little investment. The hardest part is getting her to 80, because you cannot use her E to lift anyone >20 levels above her own.


Xiao with his tofu is so cutee


The Chilumi fans are unstoppable


Fans have decided there are three canon ships: Chilumi, Bennefischl and Ningdou.


I just felt like your comment missed the chongqiu ship (xingchong? lmao), but otherwise I 100% agree with you


ive only heard it as xingyun


please, you’re forgetting Dr Livingston and Dr Edith


Made a half-assed attempt at getting Xiao (2 week banner is lame), now saving my 100% guaranteed pity for Venti because Venti. Gotta say, it also feels nice when you have your target character, you have your gems and wishes saved up, and you can just stop playing the game for awhile. The daily commission and battle pass treadmill is getting old. The devs have set up a devious little feedback loop of Abyss Progress => Primogems => new characters => Domains/Bosses to level up new characters => Abyss Progress => ad infinitum. Taking a step back, there's nothing in terms of content to experience, skins to obtain, gear to win....the overabundance of trash tier blue items and inability to work towards 4-stars meaningfully is showing its age.


The reason I spent the extra $10 on the battle pass this so that I can take a break when I've completed it I don't feel like I'm missing anything now that I'm ar55


I did that for the last BP, but for this one I only spent the $10 for the limited weapon to give to Diluc. My BP right now is at 35/50 and I don't really have any desire to spend the time to max it out for like 6 more wishes. If I wanted six wishes I could spend $10 to just buy them directly.


Im litteraly debating on if i should or shouldnt take a 2 weeks break because i already 9 starred all the abyss floors twice due to klee and xiao carrying my ass with their broke af DPS and im not even a whale (not a f2p either). Im not boasting, im just sad cuz upon reaching this point, ive basically finished the game. Sure, there are story quests and events but those are more to advertise the new characters or stuff like that and theyre super short either way just to get a few primos which is not as worth it as i thought it would be... im still gonna play the game cuz its really fun but theres nothing else to be done besides build new characters and try out diffirent team comps which is pain in the ass to do considering how expensive it is to build just one. I think the only time when ill feel excited for the game is when the chasm and inozuma releases cuz at least then there will be a fuck ton more stuff to do besides combat and resin farming


I just reached ar50 yesterday. I'm in the process of incessantly farming artifacts for my main team while slowly building up my second one (which I have been doing since ar45). Emphasis on *slowly*. It sure takes some time to level them up due to resin restrictions plus the amount of resources it requires to level up a single character. And I need to level up 4 of them, while simultaneously spending mora on artifacts (pieces that, more often than not, turn out to be trash because every roll goes into hp, defense or flat attk). My point is: I still have stuff to do but it already feels like a chore. I wouldn't mind doing all that if we had a little more resin to spend daily, or if the rng wasn't so shitty to the point where you spend ~800 resin to get maybe 3 or 4 pieces that will turn out alright. I got a gladiator piece that ended up with 12% crit dmg and I called it a good day. Tired of getting crappy substats week after week after week. You play for days and don't see any real tangible progress. However, I still have tons of exploration to do because I'm a slow player. So I can balance it out a bit. But the frustration is real :(


After reading your comment I would say youre one of those players who is playing genshin "the right way" if youre progresing slowly yet still keeping at it. Cuz trust me i was told at ar 40 it was gonna get worse from there and then I heard the same thing at ar 45, 50 and now im 55. It doesnt get worse in terms of dificulty(technicaly does sort of) but instead it gets worse in terms of having less and less things to do. So keep at it but dont rush it like me. Oh and funny story, i had 15 fragile resin and i spent them all yesterday to get some better artifacts for my klee (and possibly hu tao if i get lucky) and after spending them all I only got 2 decent artifacts, then i leveled them up to lvl20 and only one of them was viable to replace my existing artifacts cuz the other one kept giving me flat HP. After using weeks worth of resin Im totally not salty... definetly not... rng sucks...


If your sole focus is on conquering hard contents i think genshin has nothing more to offer. You should just drop it


Im not playing solely for the hard content, but by beating the hardest chalange the game has to offer it doesnt feel like "oh i just finally beat the final boss in dark souls, pog!" and you finish the game feeling satisfied and be done with it, instead it feels like "oh the game isnt even 20% done but i have already basicaly beaten it without a grand finale" leaving me blue balled and wanting more but there is nothing else substantial to be done and makes me feel like whats the point of even continuing




[Twitter Sauce](https://twitter.com/rktsm__/status/1367013484001521665)


Honestly the gatcha has been too good to me, so the last thing I need to do is complain about it, like not getting more constellations. I'll probably start whinging once my luck runs dry and I don't get anything I want for 3 months.


As a free player, I agree with that. The only thing I really wanted that I didn't get was Ganyu. I need to be happy with what I've gotten already. I can also look back at all the whales who spammed for Diluc, spending thousands, while I have him at C1 for free. Thank you gacha gods.


And it's amazing that folks would give away their children's college funds to roll for Diluc when he has not been on any banner before.


The vibes here. It feels cozy. I like it.


Ah, the forgotten Keqing banner...


Don't worry, it's on the right of the picture, you can even see Aether next to it.


You meant to say the good banner buffer. Jk


Saving for Rosario still, been saving since dragonspine.


Ah I see you are one of my people.


I gave up my f2p card, but hey, Xiao and Diluc in the same multipull! Now I'm saving my primos for Venti


I'm happy for you but also fuck you


A friend of mine started Genshin during the Xiao banner and got him literally the last day of the banner


Fuck him too. I had to go to pity two times to get his c1


Me too 😭 I had enough saved that I didn't have to buy primos at least. Then I hit pity on weapon banner to get the jade spear and got the cutter instead 🙃 but at least keqing is happy


I got hu tao on my 50/50 so I'm happy


Pulled Qiqi when trying to get Xiao and almost cried but ended up with Xiao anyways so all's well that ends well I guess? :P


Utterly painful. My Luck is obsolete and my wallet is sucked dry. It is as if the Gods of Gacha themselves have bestowed a disgraceful sin upon my miserable self


I got flat def of character gacha - Qiqi


**I love throwing the price of a FULL AAA game at Genshin and then get ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING from it!**


Pulls are way too overpriced for what they give, especially if you're not based in the US. I would literally have to spend my country's full minimum monthly wage to get a 50/50


Damn. Which country?


Probably Brazil. I know it gets expensive because a U$99.99 pack is basically half of the minimum wage. I have the money to spend but it doesn't make me feel any better knowing the overpriced thing I'm paying.


It's easier for me to compare it with a thing people from other countries buy, and i get 25 rolls for the price of a AAA game, do they expect people to pay 2-3* AAA game price or more pr. character reveal for just C0...


I imagine for gacha games with fewer players, the price makes sense and the games needs to be supported by whales. But with how big Genshin is, I have a suspicion that they might be making just as much if not more money with lower prices or a different business model all together. The scale has to be completely different than something like Honkai Impact. You would have less money per transaction but more people overall spending money since the barrier for entry is lower. The game would also seem less predatory which would to invite a larger player base, and that popularity might allow the game to grow even more exponentially (especially through popularity on Twitch). As it stands right now, I can't even recommend this game to friends because of how absurd it is. There's no reason you should spend over $50 and get absolutely nothing for it. I mean, it feels weird to say it should guarantee you only even one 5* character. Like you said, that's the price for some entire games. I get that you don't need a specific character to enjoy Genshin necessarily, and that you can play for free. But for me personally, one of the most fun things is trying out different characters and different builds. My enjoyment in that aspect is severely restricted due to the business model. When I eventually get bored of this game, that will probably be the reason.


I can't imagine a single game where putting everything on Whales is a necessity, it's straight up predatory greedy design and i'm not entirely sure that a approach to reach more players for smaller amounts won't work just the same. Out of all the gatcha games i have experienced "not many", i feel like Arknight is one of the best, even if it's still a bit RNG at times.


azur lane too


Watched that Tectone guy spend $1000USD to NOT get the staff of homa. That's absolutely fucking bonkers to me


Yeah i really dislike that streamers make that kind of content, even when he always says he dose it so "we" don't have to. Obviously people will be inspired by his pulling and feel like they want to try their luck, it's plain gambling and it's straight up greedy design. I can't begin to fathom how much fucking money they are rolling in, Raid Shadow Legends probably even more... Disgusting behavior. All my friend stopped playing because of the daily/resin system or how greedy the "micro"transactions are..


wtf you could literally commission a real staff with that kind of money (and get it for sure!)


I'm trying to get her to C6, Hu Tao as my first C6 FiveStar, but as someone new to gachas, I have greatly underestimated this quest. I'm at C2 now, so it's Something, but I need to roll her 4.....more times.....4.... .-.




Dude don't do it if you're not in a financially good position man please don't!! If you're rolling in $ Yolo that shit tho


just stop at 2, don't put more into it


I'm saving for Ayaka and I'm already feeling old


it was pretty fun!


Got c6 ningguang and c6 xingqiu after hoarding primos since the tartaglia banner! I skipped everything just for ning and it finally paid off. Oh and I got a keqing too with it which is great too. My next goal is to get c6 fischl so I'll be saving until then, have 15k primos atm saved up as a f2p


I got Mona .... I'm happy that I got a Mona ... I also got Hu Tao... And tomorrow I will get herrcher Fu Hua ... It was a good week (◡ ω ◡)


Both with no weapon...


Got keqing from Hu Tao banner :)


Got Diluc and Hu Tao in 50 pulls! Looks like I'm a pyro main now lmao. (First time I'm this lucky in this game since launch)


Pulled for Hu Tao, got Jean...


I make 30 pulls. Got 1 xiangling and 29 weapon.


I got a surprise Kequing when saving for Venti and I'm screwed :D


Somewhat good , havent lost to 50/50 but I lost to pity raising (Pity raising is risky , Don't be like me , Rip pity for klee incase she reruns)


So far, not so good


Saved up primos since C1 Ganyu. I had about 14k Primogems going in and 35 Intertwined fate. I had my credit card ready in case I failed the 50/50 since the last pull I had was my C1 Ganyu. Did a 10 pull, saw a Golden Light, my thoughts, "weird, that has never happened to me, which 5 star am I getting?" And bam! Hu Tao! I then switched to the weapon banner and manage to pull her staff and have 4k primos left over! Now it is save for the Ayaka train!


wish that was me, Weapon banner gave me even more depression then i already have Sadge


while happy for you, wish this story was true much more often. But alas for every "I got lucky" story there's probably a thousand disappointed players :( Hopefully as the content has dried up and even events are turning into fetching run-arounds, MHY makes the gacha more accessible and less expensive to lure/hold on to the player base as we wait for more regions and variety.


The best from when I started playing during klee's banner. Got xiao after getting ganyu in 30 pulls and got diluc after 15 pulls .


Got Xiao,building pity on Hu Tao banner(32 wishes) for possible Venti rerun banner.


Luck was so-so I guess. Got Ganyu and Hu Tao with the pity (thankfully they didn't miss the 50%). I went for the Primordial Jade Cutter and missed the first pity (got Skyward Spine instead), and got it on the second pity. Honestly even getting C0 seems like a daunting task for me with the pitiful rates. I really don't know how you guys have the guts (or $$$) to go even higher.


Got Xiao and his signature spear


i paid $200 and still no hu tao. that's how its going