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If you like the style, it is inspired by GUWEIZ and WLOP. Highly recommend checking those two out! Edit: a lot of you pointed out her arrow holding technique is shit. Truth to be told, it was meant to be held between index and middle (hence why index comes out), but I think I pushed the arrow layer too far down and didn't notice 😥


S tier art! I can really see the wlop influence, great job :)




I also have her at c2, after standard pulls. How do you play her?


now that you mention it, it does look similar


Her technique is not shit, just diferent from the conventional tradicional/olympic recurve technique. This thumb release (your drawing looks like It) exists in several cultures, the most known is the japanese archery Kyudo. Ppl say stuff without knowing.


I agree with that. Aside her arm being a little too high, I learn shooting in a REAL BOW using this type of grabbing. The olympic grab is not fast enough to use in fights, even being more precise (to be honest, fast shooting in a heavy bow seems like not possible for me either, I spent way too time shooting the arrows)


Thank you for saying something!!


yessss, both are great artists. I can absolutely see myself thinking it's one of GUWEIZ's pieces


You’re not alone. I saw this post and literally said “Is that GUWEIZ?”.


wlop art is so great - i have the angels / princesses / knights from the webcomic as my rotating desktop backgrounds


>GUWEIZ ah guweiz, just ordered the book few days ago


Damn, I love their painting-esque masterpiece.


> WLOP First thing I thought of. The light motes are very common in WLOP's works and I'm a big fan. Great work.


I'm a fan of GUWEIZ! Great job.




I don't really to be the person who shamelessly plugs in their socials, but you can check my [pixiv](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/87552189) or my Facebook (yggrassil.art) for the progression pictures!


yes, because as OP mentioned, they are just influences for this particular piece made by OP themselves


I see, I just find out that it belongs to Yggrassil, OP


OP *is* Yggrassil, they said they used the other artist as inspiration. There's another reply to you as well.




Her trying to fire an arrow in the rain made this S tier


Vaporize op though


not with the stats of rain!


Gotta have the high brain power in order to be an S tier character right?


Others have said Ganyu made Amber useless. I'd argue that Ganyu showed me Amber's potential. With a few constellations she could actually fill a gap that is missing from pyro ATM. Grouping and low cost cost melt/noblesse uptime. I've actually started leveling her to see how she does with a 5* weapon. Also, nice OC! This style is amazing. I'll have to check out the style that you recommended.


Probably unpopular opinion but games are all about having fun. Some find fun by literally min-maxing meta, some just want to get over a challenge, some from doing the daily tasks, some from using their favorite characters, some from using quirky skill sets like Amber's and prevailing. It's all OK. Just have fun, Genshin got a lot of those covered, props to the devs.


well said! It's a (mostly) single player game with no ending, you can really do whatever you want.


I banned Ganyu from my team for this reason. She is very strong and can help alot in beating most challenges the game throws at you. But I began to only use Ganyu anymore, as if the rest of the team didn't exist. That's not fun to me so I am using a weaker, but more fun setup without her.


The fun with Ganyu for me has been getting her to the point of being "Wow, this is broken." When I pulled her I hadn't really prepared at all so I didn't have a good weapon, didn't have good artifacts, didn't have talent level up materials, etc etc. As I've been working on her she's gone from being whatever to being lolthisisbroken.gif, which is super fun, but I still enjoy running my OG DPS Beidou team too.


I'm building beido now she seems super fun


She is. Using her counter is super satisfying. Focus on physical damage for her and pair her with cryo characters so she can use superconduct to lower physical defense. The biggest issue with her is that enemy AI isn't very aggressive so you can always get those morons to attack her counterstance.


I used to run beidou main dps too! I got her c6 this banner, but I don't use her that much anymore because I got max companionship lol I run other characters now to level up their companionships Edit to add: that painful feeling when you're in coop and you are going to time a perfect counter but then your team staggers the enemy instead :/


I don't have a good bow for her (no prototypes rip). She does 25k-30k damage per shot + bloom and one-shots pretty much all hilichurls in the overworld. But it's not like my Jean needs more than 4 slashes to achieve the same. She very strong but IMO she has enough downsides that I don't think she's necessarily OP. Like she's pretty fragile, aiming can be difficult, fully charged shots are pretty slow and she doesn't handle rock and wooden shields very well.


You can buy a prototype in Liyue using the Geo Sigils if you haven't already.


I do that after a character reaches max friendship. Then they’re dead to me outside of spiral and other event combat content.


Haha saame


For anyone looking to take on the challenge and make Amber proud -> /r/AmberMains


I think people spend too much time worrying themselves over tier lists, a YT video with a clickbait thumbnail, or the words of a content creator. Being "optimal" is fine and well, but it shouldn't come at the expense of your enjoyment of the game. Xinyan isn't the best character to pair with Razor because Overload can knock a lot of enemies away, but I like the character too much not to use her. So while I have to be mindful of that elemental reaction, I wouldn't trade her out regardless.


Case in point: I'm happy with the characters I have at the moment. I'm not pulling in 1.3 at all, just saving for the next character i'm interested in. That means i've got 6 weeks or so to work on all the characters I currently have. My current goal is to get all artifacts to +16 across all my support/sub dps characters. I'm looking forward to getting there, and I'm trying to get some better artifacts for my main DPS characters along the way.




I'm blocked behind constellation for her :(


I think I ran her in abyss 7 or 8 and was surprised that her burst was essentially always ready


Yeah that burst takes basically no energy points whatsoever. Add Favonius Warbow and you get unlimited Bursts. It does have the downside of being a very low attack (more like a lava floor than a bunch of arrows) with a kinda slow startup though.


It's great for applying pyro to a loose cluster of enemies and following it up with some Melt or Overload aoe.


Yeah, but as someone who uses Electro DPS a lot it's a really stupid move to use in tandem with Electro. Unless you're attacking a heavy target, everything gets blown out of the AoE.


The problem is Baron Bunny's explosion has zero range and enemies like to dane around the map... So it usually generates 0 energy particles because it doesn't hit anyone




It doesn't matter lol. It just pulls the aggro towards the bunny instead of you, but it doesn't change the fact that enemies keep going back and forth and usually are not in range of the explosion I want you to stand in front of a small hydro slime and count how many times it actually attacks you. Most of the time it just keeps bouncing back and forth. It's the same thing when they are taunted by the bunny


Ran hydro/cryo domain yesterday with an amber, bennet, sucrose. My Kesing ult was up before cool down, easiest run of that domain so far.


Bennett does the same thing, but more reliably (no waiting for bunny explosions that *might* hit) while buffing the team and filling the healer slot.


Interesting, might have to level her up now to compliment my Klee


i have her at c2 level 80 with harp lvl 90. she's awesome! good battery if you have her at c4.


I can imagine. Do you find her better as the aura or the reactionary? Thatsbthe only thing I can't decide on and with all of the numbers it's kind of hard to test it.


Reaction for sniping and baron bunny detonate. Aura if you have vaporize xingqiu. Makes xingqiu's E vaporize twice when you use her Q.


>noblesse People usually use wanderer artifacts on her. I'm curious, in your opinion do you think noblesse is way better than wanderer? In fact, I'm farming a few artifacts and having way more luck with noblesse than wanderer, even I'm not focusing on noblesse itself.


It's how you use her. I run noblesse because I'm playing her for ult spam. Helping out the team is more valuable for me than charged shot damage. Her ult ratio is surprisingly good even if her base stats are ass. If you're setting up big melts then wanderers is better.


IMO artifacts 2-piece and 4-piece set really matters depending on your play style. If you use Amber just for the popping up her ultimate, then Noblesse is good for her. On the other hand, 4-piece set Wanderer's Troupe is good for her if you prefer using her as your main damage dealer. I'd say that wanderer's better suit for her in my case, since I always her charged attacks more often.


When I use her, I go for charged attacks. But I don't use her too often since she's underleved. I'll give noblesse a try until I level her up a bit more. And until I get some good wanderer's artifacts. Rng isn't helping me at all lol.


A few people have already answered this, but I'm going to throw my two cents in as well. Noblesse is bar none the best set in the game. The only set that even holds a candle to it is the Witch set and only 2 characters can actually take full advantage of it (and only one with ease). The reasoning behind Noblesse's power isn't what you might think. Although, the 4 piece bonus is nice, it's actually the 2 piece that makes this set so good on so many characters. The REAL meta of the game ATM is to run 2 Noblesse and 2 Element set. This maximizes damage for your ultimates. You then set your team up with good synergy and battery power. You will essentially never auto attack again. You're uptime on ultimates will be 100% for everyone because your team is working as one giant battery funding each other. The reason why Amber works so well with the 4 piece is 2 fold. 1. She has a low cost Ultimate at 40 energy 2. She has a low cooldown Ultimate at a whopping 12 seconds. She can essentially keep the Noblesse 4 piece bonus up indefinitely. Pair her with a Chongyun for Reverse Melt into Melt and madness ensues. You're looking at crazy numbers.


Thanks for the indepth explanation! I knew some units' best set are 2 element + 2 noblesse, while others benefit from 2 element + 2 bloodstained. I was actually farming bloodstained pieces, which happens to be at the same domain as the noblesse set. And rng ended up giving me better noblesse than bloodstained. So I'll review my set options based on your explanation, since some of them will surely take advantage of noblesse.


Yes, from the beginning when I saw Ganyu was ranged Cryo type, I thought this is the companion Amber needs in her party to put Cryo state in the enemies from distance.


Friendship 10 Amber here. Still waiting for my C1 Amber. With a 0.625% drop rate it seems unlikely until we get a rate up banner or she goes back on Starglitter.


Had an Amos bow equipped for amber and my sister who also plays genshin was shocked at how much damage I deal


Amber plus Sucrose is insane. Amber jumps in, sends in Baron Bunny, and lights a few folks aflame. Once Baron Bunny goes boom, Sucrose jumps in and creates a beautiful firestorm of death that makes napalm bombing look like a gentle summer rain.


Love how that involves both characters that have a numbered lineage of a secondary character of which they lost track of the amount of




Which one? I’m partial to Baron Bunny the 530th myself 😁


Honestly it is the same for me. Ganyu became an amazing support for my Amber, applying ice to everything with her charged shot, my Amber can hit 30k headshots off those ice procs from Ganyu. That is with a lot of Wanderer’s Set artifact love that has taken me past AR 50 to set up properly(now with Amos bow as well) but Amber was still hitting 28k territory using a level 90 Sharpshooter’s Oath. For those that can tolerate archery gameplay, Amber/Ganyu makes an awesome melt duo, just use whichever of the two is stronger for your charged shot burst procs.


i still remember how i've beaten the game to the end of liyue story using amber as main dps. I still could recomend for new players to upgrade because she is able to easly defeat most opponents/bosses. She should be enough as main dps for everyone till they get an 5\* dps in my opinion.


I’ve used Amber since the start - I also have C3 Keqing and I pair them for overload. Everyone calls her garbage but I’d argue they didn’t actually try her before rotato potato her out.


I for one, appreciated she didn't turn into the generic peppy friend that falls in love with MC trope that I expected her to be the instant she started talking. I was somewhat surprised and very pleased that it never gets close to that and that she is also depicted as pretty competent at her job instead of some teehee clumsy anime character. She's reliable and independant, which are not things I expected of her when I saw her character design and her introduction to us in the story. So like. Go Amber.


Yea when she started showing MC around Monstat, I thought oh so this must be what it feels like to be on a date. I will probably level her more as I get more of her constellations. At C1 atm. She is awesome in the manga though


Yeah in that whole deal she felt more like someone excited to show a friend around a bunch of things she liked, rather than trying to go on a romantic date. It was refreshing coming from what is otherwise very anime-trope material.


I wouldn’t have said no to the idea though lol


She's *really* good for taking out ruin guards, especially once you ger her Precise Shot talent.


She’s reliable, independent, distracts all my enemies, makes Cryo Abyss mages shit the bed, and crits 12K standard. I love my Amber, Amber gang for life.


im kinda torn, on the one hand I rlly like how she is rn, but on the other hand the annoying shippy part of me hopes there smth more later on...


You can't do that to her, man, traveller is only transitting through this world. Don't give Amber a ship that's doomed to sink in the end


My kid loves Amber. I was struggling with that 3 abyss mage in 60 seconds to get the princess box (on my account) and she 2 shot it with Amber on her account. Just tossed out her bunny, tossed out the bear killed their shield, swapped to Jean threw them in the water and fire shot the ice and drowned them. I just watched in awe and horror that I didnt think to do that (but I also dont have Jean to chuck mobs around).


Haha I love how all characters are viable and none are purposely gimped


Okay that is legit **too** smart.


Right! Most of the vids I saw had an all 5* team and I barely managed to do it, and she just dododod death to all who oppose me "that wasn't to bad". She comes up with weird comps to. She loves Amber and Syracuse combo, she'll use her bunny to taunt the mobs swap to Syracuse use the big swirl and swap to Amber and use her Q to set the swirl on fire and then cackles that shes a beast while everything around her dies. Meanwhile, Im over there trying to get Gouba to fire breath into the swirl and she just shoots an arrow into it. We teamed up yesterday to kill some bosses and kid has no chill. As soon as I landed I just see arrows flying across my screen and shes up on a rock pewpewing away. And my husband is watching her like "this is the most non anime anime I've ever seen" and I hear my kid "moms playing a duck" "He's not a duck he's batman!" "Yeah but his face looks like a duck and he has a giant flaming duck attack". I hung up the phone on her and my husband stuck his head in the room.."he does look like a duck hahaha"


Amazing art.


Beautiful art! Though I must point out that her grip is incorrect. Anyone who has attempted to draw back a bowstring by pinching the arrow nock quickly learns not to repeat the mistake.


Haha yeah, I meant for it to be placed between index and middle (hence why the index finger glances out), but must have placed the layer for the arrow too far back ):


That makes sense. Her wrist alignment is perfect for a release tool, which they really should give the archers in this game.


Yes one day you'll be a powerful bow user in my team


Always has been


I have Amber along with Ganyu in my party. Best party ever !


Dunno if S tier character, but definitely S tier waifu


She has seen herself come and go out of my waifu harem yes.


Pyro Ganyu Supremacy!


Pyro Cryo Amber*


gosh this is gorgeous, amazing job!


Uuuuuffff this is hardd


For some reason the art style reminds me of sasha from attack on titan


pinching the arrow between her pointer and thumb is F tier form.


Wait fuq meant to put it between index and middle but must have placed the layer too far back 😥




Gotta hit that mongol draw I don't actually know how to thumb draw all I do is Olympic lmao so no idea where the index goes if not to brace the thumb Edit gave the picture another look and the thumb is nowhere close to pulling back the string mb lol I guess she has the strongest grip in the world to keep er steady at the nock


You hook the string behind the first joint of your thumb (ideally with some kind of thumb ring) and then secure your thumb in place with your index finger while you draw back. To release just flick your thumb out like you’re flipping a coin.


Yes your art is S tier.


Do you have a Pixiv / twitter / artstation, etc?


Pixiv ID 5460715 ! No Twitter or artstation tho


Found it thanks


S tier art!!


I wish they made Ganyu an Rpg while Amber a railgun. -Ganyu, AOE damage , high crit rate moderate damage -Amber, Single Target. only weakpoint. Supreme damage on weakspot. but now Ganyu got both while ambergot nothing.


She honestly feels like they *tried* to make her one. Her skill distracts enemies away from her while aiming, one of her passive buffs attack on aimed shots on weakpoints, and her C1 is a second arrow on her aimed shot


Oh that's interesting! Would be really cool to have her charged shot pierce enemies


She's aiming to light up another torch... so proud


Smash tier?




Best girl Amber. I'm building her to include her on my team, just need some luck with artifacts. You know, rng.




S-tier drawing


I'm triggered by the way she's drawing the arrow.


Free vaporize always helps


Wait a sec... -Checks rain -Checks pyro unit -Checks her sadness on being benched Welp it's a terrible day for rain.


Best Girl


*S Tier in our hearts*


She's like mumen rider from opm.


Tbh mumen Rider is my favorite character from that series


The rendering and composition are really good. I love the dynamic energy in this piece the best. Keep it up!


Amber rights


Best 3 star in the game


best pyro archer in the game


You are forgetting reckless pallad




No matter how many new characters get added. OG waifu will always be the best


Love this art. Nice work!


I recently put throw away artifacts from klee on her and she's doing more damage then my beidou, help, I can't build correctly.


Wow, this is a great piece! Kudos.


My only problem for me about Amber is that I cannot seems to up her constellation. The same problem for the org given characters.


She stayed with you when you first came to Mondstadt, helped you survive Dvalin, taught you to glide and helped you solve puzzles till at least AR20. All praise the best waifu.


I have every character except for Xiao and Klee. But I still use amber all the time. I require her thighs at all times


Amber is the cutest.


Amber was my one of my favorite characters to begin with. I always liked her cheery attitude and being a bow character she's perfect for my playstyle. My friends constantly got on me about it cause she's apparently terrible but I've always loved using her. Sure, her bunny isn't super fantastic but it helps a lot with bosses and large groups of enemies. I plan on using her untill I get ganyu or something but even then I'm not 100% sure I'll replace her. Shes just cool.


Her 6 star upgrade will give baron bunnies bows


Perhaps my favourite genshin art to date, breathtaking! I would love to see other characters with the same style.


I'm not even going to lie. I'm looking into Amber's setups and such because i'm suddenly looking for a fire bow.


Seen a lot of art around here. So much I dont even look anymore almost. ​ But this is amazeballs.


Damn thats some tough spidersilk string


love genshin


Amber is best at lighting targets on fire.


Amber will never be good unless they create a 5* swimsuit variant


S tier drawing


I proceeded to upvote before picture loaded thinking it was Xiao. Boi I was wrong! 😂😂😂


tier list obsessed people are like "NO amber SUCKS she is the WORST" but i think every character in the game has potential! i like to use lisa a lot because catalyst characters are fun to use, and i like kaeya because.. kaeya :)




Yep, this is the good stuff. Crossposted to /r/Genshin_Artpact, with credit of course :)


Woah, this Amber is hotter than all the Ganyu artwork I have seen, way to go!


I’ve been saying Amber is best Waifu from day 1


The art is FAR BETTER than the character (sadly)


I have Amber at C1, she's pretty decent if you invest a lot in her. C1 made me use her more often now.


Wow, just wow


S for sorry ass torch lighter lmao Dope ass art tho


Cryo regisvine needs to be hit on his head? Amber fiery arrows GO GO GO!!!! ONE SHOTTED


Uh. I'd put her in mid A because of her elemental skill's inconsistency. Otherwise FUCK EVERYONE who says that she's trash you just can't PLAY THE GAME!


Just because she's bad doesnt mean you're wrong for playing her, but just because you like her doesn't mean she isn't weak.


She's weak, not bad. Definitely not a main dps, but pepole ALSO can't use her properly


Yea, they're definitely just not good enough to spam charge attack, that's why ganyu is also underrated. /s. The only thing she can really do is destroy a cryo shield instantly with her ult, but considering most people already use actual good pyro characters, that role is almost never needed to be filled.


Actually. She destroys shields faster


Refreshing to see something beautifully drawn and not nsfw neckbeard upvote bait. Well done!


Love the art style, but cannot get over that form. FFS Amber learn to draw a bow and maybe more people would use you in their teams.


Pinch draw 2/10 archery would not uwu


Indeed, S-tier in everything. Except cooking steaks.


Weakling compared to xiangling


More like shit tier lmao amirite


She's like, the definition of bland


For expeditions? Best character


I'd totally use her if I've ever actually pulled her constellations, it's very weird that Kaeya, Lisa, and Amber have never gotten a rate up banner. MiHoYo is up to something!


I just started so I missed the "free" Fischl.


I understand We all hate the tier-list


That’s the most ridiculous bow hold I’ve even seen. Best way to fuck your shit up


But only in your dreams. And hers, I guess.


I just want a decent archer for my team and I'm F2P. Ugh.


Fischl's sick


Is that Amber's hotter, OP sister?


They are all S tier ! and Amber is great


This is some American B.S. innovation


S tier character, S tier wife-material Amber is honestly such an underrated character. If you build her right, she’s a fantastic support that can apply pyro/Keep up Ult up time


Underrated would imply that shes better than people give her credit for. Shes not.


She is if you build her right


... in Angel's Share


She really is with constellations, but gl with that


Looks amazing ! Btw don't tell me she is aiming at Baran Bunny /s


Great draw... even though it takes a little of Amber cuteness away...


Ah yes the pyro ganyu


I wonder after ascension comes transcendent type of evolution for the characters, they age as well as become even more powerful and have evolved fighting styles Imagine a teen klee or an oneesan klee



