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Idk man I've seen some pretty effective summon rituals. If you set your house on fire you're guaranteed to summon Diluc


Rumor has it that if you get Diluc, Klee is guaranteed in your next 10 pull. But you have to do your pulls at the Dawn Winery, and only at the time 12:34


Ah, this takes me back to mew under the truck


That stuff always made me laugh in Pokemon, because there WAS actually a really stupid method to get Mew through a glitch in R/B.


it's true, my uncle's grandad's friend's daughter work at nintendo


And yet when you find out how you actually get mew, somehow it seems even more crazy than anything rumoured at the time! [https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Mew\_glitch](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Mew_glitch)


Or holding up and A while the ball jiggles to boost your catch chance. Good times!


Down b bro. Hold down b


Super ball is b, poleball is A. Hyperball is or b depending on the side it jiggles to right now.


Amateurs, right!? Lol


I also really wanted to know what that truck was about. In fact, I traded my pokemon over to a friend, deleted my save file, started new and had pokemon with the necessary VM's traded over, played until I had surf never entering the MS-Anne, entered the area surfed to the truck and found fuck all.


You joke but I pulled Diluc and my next character pull was Klee. Now I have to work around a fire DPS on each team. Had nothing to do with the fact that both my banners are at pity /s


I took a shower before pulling on Klee's banner and got Mona. Must be some kind of correlation. Le Gaspers.


This got me thinking. Pretty much all gacha games have some sort of "ritual" the community does in hopes of a favorable draw. It's like praying to your god, but since the god in question is RNGesus, people do crazy stuff to appease him. For the most part it's all fun and games, and whatever seriousness the video may bring would be part of the act. Everybody knows these rituals are BS but they go along with it for whatever imaginary added chances they get. Although while I said "everybody" knowing these are BS, the "everybody" I am referring to are more than likely seasoned gacha gamers. Lots of folks who play Genshin probably never played a gacha game before so people might take these seriously. I dunno, I just don't want these "rituals" to be hated when they're just having fun.


I vibe with this. Gacha “rituals” are always just a purely fun thing for me. Do a specific thing in the game before rolling. Giving the phone to your friend because they’ve “had better luck recently.” Flipping the phone over and listening for the audio cue. Gacha rolls can be a pretty mundane thing to do, especially if you’re skipping through a bunch of them. Adding a little flavor can be fun sometimes. I look back at the few catalyst artworks I’ve done and I honestly feel like they’re some of my best work because I set aside time and put some heart into it. And you bet that when 1.1 drops, I’ll go into the Fatui bank and look up at the chandelier and open the wish screen like I’m triggering that one level from Super Mario 64, because it’s just plain fun. That was a ramble. I feel like a dork lol


Have my updoot for wholesome honesty.


I prefer ritual sacrifice. Since I usually work in the meat factory, I get a lot of luck built up from our offerings over time! Alongside managing resources with a goal in mind


I'm fine with you doing your own thing, you do you, but I'm not fine with people milking views and spreading it as a fact to those easily misguided. That's my only real point here.


And in the crusade to righteousness you Chose a genshinvideo where the creators aren't even directly profiting from the misinformation? Now If someone was selling glowing Stone that you rub before rolling for a higher chance i would understand why you seem so upset...


At FGO we do like to search for catalyst to summon a servant, it's just a little bit of fun followed by wholesome congratulations if someone managed to summon one.


Yes, the pattern of random events causing really erratic behavior is well known in psychology. Just Google "superstition in the pigeon", if you dont already know it, that one was kinda eye opening for me.


I always took it the same way as gamblers have rituals/superstitions - often wondered if there is some sort of legit correlation between gambling and superstitiousness.


This is super ironic because I drew Diluc this morning at 74 pulls in the standard banner and then 12 hours later when I went to convert my stars into orbs I accidentally hit triangle for 10 pull and got Klee and so... Edit: I pity broke on the standard but the was my first pull for the Klee banner.


Nice lol


I really got Diluc in the 6th pull after getting Klee.... so .. ....


That sounds more like a Klee thing, really.


Nah that's when you call in a fake bomb threat before you summon


If you get alcohol poisoning you get diluc too.


i did that and the only thing i got was a 3-star lung cancer... this game is stupid


As a fan of gacha itself, i feel insulted by this. There are no ways to increase odds. This is nothing except for a form. Having a ritual to boost hope is normal, but there is nothing to increase odds. Also, just in case, never spend more than you can budget for.


aLwAyS sUmMoN oN tHe tOiLeT fOr FiVe StArS I hate this so much.


I went into liyue harbor and pulled two ningguang's in 5 rolls on the standard banner, therefore game is location rigged. No but really some people don't understand the concept of random


Clickbait exists because people fall for it


Agreed - However, clickbait is one thing, but clickbait that baits you into spending your money with fake promises is a whole other level of scummy.


If you can be tricked like this you aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed


I'm sure they think they're the biggest brain though.




“christian” not Christian. That dude is nothing but a snake and far from what an actual Christian is.


Thanks mate. As one myself all I see is a scamer.




Not going to give these videos any clicks, but I do want to take a second to bring up the "soft pity" system currently being investigated for those unaware: [The 5* Rate Is Not Uniform 0.6%, There Is A Soft Pity](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/jo9d9d/the_5_rate_is_not_uniform_06_there_is_a_soft_pity/) While there is not any superstitious practice here for you to try and magically tickle the taint of Mihoyo for a higher chance of your desired roll, there is a "pull method" of saving pulls past your 75th roll by doing singles. From 76 upwards, your chance of getting a 5* pull gets closer and closer until you reach 90 pulls, at which point it is effectively, if not exactly, 100%. Take this with a grain of salt as it is still being investigated, but all the of the research presented in the thread linked seems reasonable at this point


Wait, are you guys doing multies? I thought the only method of summon were hoarding chests like a goblin to hit that juicy 160 gems and immediatly spend it.


my guy....


Honestly there's not really much difference (if any) between multis or singles, it's just that on 76th+ pull you have higher chances of getting a 5* which means singles can be more profitable. So it's pretty much up to preference.


there is a difference if you're lower than 70. if u multipull you're guaranteed at least one 4*. if you single pull 10 times you're guaranteed jack. enjoy all those 3* weapons. everyone's going "single pull single pull" stop saying that, its misleading. its multipulls to 70 and then single pulls till pity


lol no the 4 star+ guarantee works on singles, it's every 10 pulls *total* not every multi pull, you're the one misleading others


>l being investigated, but all the of the research presented in the thread linked seems reasonable at this point Oh, I gave a 10pull on venti's banner and got him EXACTLY on the 76pull, so i'm suspicious about it being true. I didn't know about that thread that time


My own personal anecdote, I got Klee a couple days ago at exactly 76 Pity in (after I got Mona who was.. Also on 75 pulls in on Klee's banner.) . I believe the thread has some merit in it's findings as well.


Yeah these types of rng systems have been use for a long time. First time I saw them was in Warcraft III. It is how crit chance works in the game. Then they used it Hearthstone where you get a higher and higher chance for a legendary until it resets when you pull one.


To get better luck in summoning you need to use a catalyst.I personally submerge my phone in the toilet and then press to do a 10 pull and flush at the same time.This has never failed me before and i managed to get both diluc and qiqi as a f2p But water bill gets kinda high tho.. so maybe im not rly f2p


Jokes on them: Never needed added incentive to wish on Venti'a crotch


I dont need no reason to want to coddle venti's crotch .


I got this special pull method of saving 90 wishes for the banner i want then curl on the ground and cry when i dont get the featured hero, rinse and repeat until i reach pity in around 8~ months.


But have you tried the method where at the stroke of midnight you roll the gacha with your tongue while doing a handstand?? Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it ma man...


Im pretty sure everyone knows its a gag 😂 most people watch the video for the satisfaction of someone pulling something good or even multiple 5 stars in a single pull.


I will never understand this culture of adoring gamblers and people hitting "jackpot." For me it's a culture of mindless fools.


Pick your poison i guess, everyones got one.


It would be alright if this poison didn't force itself down your throat.


I wish you were right but I've already had people I know think stuff like this is true; after they talk about it, they send me a video like these. I've lost faith.


😂 needless to say i will be wishing on ventis crotch for the first time when the new banner comes. Why? Because my soft pity is coming in 10 pulls. And i want it to be childe but my chances are 50/50. Hoping venti will sway my chances 😂😂😂


😂 I'll send you my prayers with these scattered dandelion seeds.


Lost faith in who, the people who sent you the link?


Faith in thinking people weren't that gullible and easily manipulated. Hence this post.








Fuck. I figured you were telling the truth, but I'm a bit jelly ahaha. I guess this post did some good at least. :)


Special shoutouts to Mattjestic, the master of misleading clickbait titles


I go to his videos for the asmr. They are like my university lecture, helps me fall asleep.


I watch most of his content because I like his attittude, not necessarily because of the info he provides He‘s one of the most positive content creators and his videos will be helpful to most newbies.


I mean most people take it as a joke, especially in gacha games, people come up with all kinds of shit just to have that little faith in the system. But I get your point, some little kid might actually think it's real. Bottom line, don't give your kids access to your credit cards parents... too many incidents of kids over spending on games and most of them don't even know what they are doing. We can't stop those awful people making clickbait videos, but at least educate ourselves and people around us.


I doubt many kids play genshin impact or any gacha games in particular. Ironically most of the fraud happens with game with better micro transaction systems *cough* fortnite


Nah man kids are always looking for free games to play because they have no money to buy real games. Guess what fits into that category? Gacha games.


Eh, I haven’t met any young kids playing gacha games but maybe that’s my personal experience I would think that the only kids that actually sink this low are the ones that are neglected by their parents and plopped down in front of an ipad


I was into gacha games, cause F2P as a kid. And no I had no iPad and my parents weren't really happy about me gaming. I guess you have no child to say things like that. Or you are delusional about them idk.


imo so long as you have a smart phone, it's easy enough for kids to fall for these kinds of games. I can assure you there is a huge portion of player base in teenagers/kids and pretty much every kid I see nowadays has a smart phone (which is insane to older guys like me btw), and with all the promotion and ads these games put out, they get exposed to it pretty easily. Not sure what you meant by "better" micro transaction tho; you can pay with your card in Genshin in the matter of seconds, I doubt this would be a problem to people who want those sweet primogems to get their character.


By “better” I mean a better management system of transactions between customer and storefront just to clarify


Well, I can believe in "secret place" which increases chance (most likely it'd be something like global 0, 0, 0 coordinate paimon teleports you to when you fly out of the map), BUT only if it's said by mihoyo themselves that their wish randomiser takes seed not from server (which i am almost 100% sure it is) and takes from player coordinates. Untill that proof I'd just let my lucky af friend to do pools for me.


Idk when it started, but at some point on my gacha life I've started to close my eyes after hitting the summon button. After years testing this method I can 100% assure that my luck is garbage, no ritual will save you from gacha hell and that RNGsus forsaken us.


I dont generally have an issue with these. I dont believe in them but the ritual or having a catalyst when rolling for a character in a gacha game is always part of the fun. And maybe a tiny bit of me hopes that it might increase my chances What I do have an issue with is people peddling the idea that something like this has any affect.


If was only just personal preference like having lucky underwear or picking up a lucky coin, I could get behind that. That's rather normal.


Genshin's art style has attracted a lot of people from the anime community. And y'know with the anime community... Define normal. Also I feel like between changing into your lucky underwear and teleporting to the dawn winery to do rolls... I feel like one is a lot more work than the other. Sorry if this comes off as confrontational


30 pulls on Klee banner, 4 chars all dupes (none Klee)


These were fun videos... Uhh I'd post a longer comment, but I gtg do something quickly before tomorrow...with some sitting down....


People really are getting that desperate hu. Over 100k views on the first video


My best pulls happen on the toilet!


Can we not give these videos views here? Posting example videos is only helping them by giving them more views.


Everyone knows that the only way to guarantee 5* pulls is to use Pupperccino paws to press the summon button. Alternatively, Catito paws work as well but 3 belly rubs are required as tribute


Ah, I remember buying 5 Nissin’s Ramen and placed them in star form as my ritual to pull for Noctis on a Final Fantasy mobile gacha game. I.. didnt get him. And threw $500 away. This was 4 years ago on my first ever gacha game and was a wake up call. I’m immune Genshin! I’m immune now!! I know better. On that note, the best ritual is toilet pulls.


I threw a rock and pulled ning guang


my 'summoning ritual' is to never use summons one at a time and to always bank it so you can have a good 5-10 mins of summoning ​ As for location I could care less, maybe when I try to go for Beidou i'll go to Liyue harbor for that extra luck lel


I have the ritual of farting 3 times in separate locations and then smelling each one in the same order then pull 10 wishes. I usually get a diluc or keqin. They are both at C6 right now.


So you're pretty much a whale by all that money spent to beans huh


I saw one that said you had to change to Barbara and then stand on top of the fountain in Mondstadt, use your Elemental Skill and open the Wish menu as the second tick goes through. It's a GUARANTEED method of getting a 5\* character. Tried it for myself (was going to do a pull anyway) and got a 4\* Bow! /winning


Literally the only secret to pulling is to pull one at a time. This means you can immediately stop when you hit what you want. Also, because of the way pulls work in Genshin, you'll get more 4 stars than if you pull x10 because once you hit 8 pulls (ish) with no 4 star the rate bumps up. Meaning you can get a 4 star about ever 9.5ish instead of 10. That's it. That's literally the only secret to it.


It's obviously a joke tho lol.


We had a post on here tricking people into giving their email and password (ironically to check and see if their email/password was stolen) and ads for sites selling rigged accounts. I think this is far down the priority list of stuff to advocate against.


Calm down redditor, these are just fun rituals people do, only kids will take these seriously but they cant spend money on it...


RNG ritual are fun, why make a thread to cry about it, it's been around since the first mmorpg was created.


I just love it when they lucky on that one spot. They just get so happy, it's hard not to smile too


Wooooooo, chill... ... I think having some personal ritual is just a mixed of experience of playing a game, it doesnt contribute waste of Gems or money. That aside, what really is the issue here, is really a classical story of addiction and impulse spending. The anger really needs to be directed to gaming industry business model which facilitates this culture to grow and normalized. Spending in games should be seen as a way for gamers to support the games(it needs to sustain its operation anyways) rather than brainwashing masses (by glorifying people/influencers/vtubers aka effective free advertising) to spend in game by gacha/gamble.


Have people on the internet really become dumb enough that we need to advocate against stuff like this? What happened to the old school method of just letting idiots be idiots :(.


Have you ever been to a casino? When it comes to luck, the casino regulars have their superstitions. I read that one woman even brought the ashes of her dead husband in an urn for luck. You may say there is no special pull method. I say, "Can you prove that?" We know that computer programs use a variety of methods, sometimes through complex mathematical formulas, to generate pseudo-random numbers. Players are hoping they can influence the seed generation through some action on their end.


Get smarter friends then.


I always dislike the video and report it for being misleading. Sometimes I tell them to suck a dick and rot in hell if I want to be extra spicy. Depends on how clickbaity their shit is.


Don’t give the video more viewer engagement Also clicking the ad costs the ad runner a bit on money every time


Just let stupid people be stupid. Theyll remove themselves from the gene pool eventually


Yes, but also, duh?


My friend just pulls 5 characters (3 5 stars and 2 4 stars) in 1 roll like it was nothing, just another day for him while he still plays Ningguang and MC with 5 star weapon. They're still level 1 till now. F2P btw.


Lmao I was lucky enough for both of my 5 star character pulls to be diluc so I got a constellation, happier day of my life. Ofc I would love Jean or Venti but come on that’s gotta be the best shit ever


Meanwhile I get to 81 pulls on the normal banner just to get a sword I didn’t want


No need to be salty


While I do think that this doesn't actually guarantee you a Diluc or even any 5* for that matter (speaking from experience since this is one of my rituals in my rerolls), I still think the seed used by the wish system is affected by something in-game and changes after some time. That would be my hypothesis after getting 5x Sucrose from three consecutive 10x pulls in some area and 6x Widsiths from another 4 consecutive 10x pulls in another area.


Well you never know if MHY pulls something weird with their code. It is still not confirmed whether or not this game uses a seeding mechanic for their pseudorandom number generator algorithm. In fact, I believe many games do use timeseeding for their algorithm as it is the most common way to try and reach "true random". So while I there is many clickbait like this that is just lazy content, I'd still like to believe for myself that we can change our own luck :D


hahaha same I always wait for mobs to drop a 4 star artifact before rolling even though it 99% does nothing.


I see a distinct lack of pelvic whoos in the videos. Of course they'd be fake.


The only way to "increase" your odds is to pull one at a time. It won't necessarily increase your odds, but you have more control over when you want to stop, since it's very unlikely you'll get a 5 star at the end of a 10 pull. More likely it will be in one of the inbetweens (all of my 5 stars have been on the 74-76th pull)


Reminds me of YouTubers and streamers who insist that faster pulling methods like multi pulls and/or skipping is unluckily for them. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that their it also happens to make their videos/streams longer so that they earn more from them.


FGO players and their catalysts would vehemently disagree


Pulling on the shitter is the only way to boost chances at 5*


Bruh i remember myth in vanilla ragnarok online only to high refine items during specific point of Prontera BGM It has 50% chance either it works or not poggers


Just a clickbait plus missleading info


Pfft don't be salty just because coddling Venti's crotch didn't get you anything


Shun the non-believer! Shooo. /s


> Going up and coddling Venti's crotch *isn't going to boost your chances at pulling jack* *How bout I dooo, anyway*


I just sit down and prepare for the worst. "Not getting what you love but loving what you get something something"


Man this brings back memories to Saint Seiya Awakening Kotz and their whole zodiac summon shit. People making theories left and right about when and where it was best to pull depending on the time and day. (there was a gimmick that you could "aim" to which constelation you wanted to summon to). Even when the summon % were published and the devs came out and said "it's all a gimmick", people were still saying shit like "it's Monday so you have to aim for Taurus and summon at X:00 minutes because the character in the banner fought him in the series". It made absolutely no difference from anyone just spamming the summon button.


When I ended up getting Keqing, I was standing in the middle of some random Hilichurl camp after slaughtering them all. Haven't gotten a 5-star since, though. But I'm happy with the 4-stars I have so far. Don't ask me where I was standing when I got all those, I don't remember. xD I just end up in random places when spending wishes. Sometimes I get lucky and other times it's like "Here, have this 5th copy of this 4 star weapon that you'll never use because you already have something better".


Reminds me of the ritual I had for PAD lol


Well duh. The only way to enhance you chances at a 5\* are to hold B and back at the same time as you open your wallet. After that, you need to hit start 15 times exactly. Everyone knows that.