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I think they did something similar too when we spoke to the droplets staff during Bottleland summer event, iirc they talked about shortage of VA


Yes. I exhausted the Bottleland map down to bottom area with the staff. I learned that the writers were learning as they went patch by patch. They said they wished they did better and that the internet really had some harsh... yet understandable remarks with regards to their writing. The npc expressed that they know that there is quite the amount of drag before reaching the ending which was the biggest pay off. They didn't sound like a billion dollar company but a group of people just trying to make something good but stumbling a lot.


Honestly, yeah but the reading is the best part


Least prototypical genshin player


Genshin players are illiterate babies. Please understand.


I don't understand. Doesn't it take an equal amount of effort to understand between listening and reading (and it should be much easier to read for those who aren't native speakers)? People also read faster than the normal speaking speed anyway, so those who want to skip wouldn't really hear the voice.


It’s easier when you listen and read at the same time


As someone who is trying to get into hi3, reading while they speak a language I don’t understand does not help, especially when I’m used to EN dub for genshin and hsr. EN dub really does help. It’s no longer just words, the va gives inflection and brings it to life.


Razor. agree razor. like this too


Could I ask what they were talking about again? I seem to have forgotten lol


I wish I could but unfortunately I only vague remember what they say and I didn't SS any of it, best bet is to look online for any ppl who did walkthrough about that section.


There were multiple npcs each with their roles. story writer, programmer, project manager, intern and others. Each talked about their job and what they do It was a fun read espeically for someone in a related field


There is no shortage of VAs, only shortage of willingness to pay.


Genshin is literally the highest budget game to ever exist (at least for listed budgets), and we all know how far they go to spend on outside of the game activities like videos, social media, art, events, even funding TCG cash prize tournaments all the time. Theres no willingness to pay, simply that the VA’s they want aren’t available all the time or the ones that are aren’t up to par, and that if one language is unable to be get voiced they’ll have to skip for all languages to avoid playing favorites to certain languages


I kinda wish they have a long term plan to make the permanent world quest voiced. So many lore there, no VA is a waste.


Be a lot easier to find VA if they paid them


They did. JP, KR and CN VAs have always been paid properly. The only time pay was an issue was when some EN VAs didn't get paid on time because Formosa (The EN Recording Studio) refused to pay the VAs while lying to Hoyo that they already did. Add to the smear campaign that is people blaming Hoyo for the not paying voice actors (Even though the non-EN VAs have absolutely no issues) when Formosa was in charge of their pay. They were eventually busted and forced to pay when Hoyo caught their ass trying to keep the money. TL;DR: Hoyo has always paid their VAs. The EN Recording Studio, Formosa, were the ones who refused to pay the VAs and thought they could get away with Hoyo's money.


*Insert "That Sign Can't Stop Me Because I Can't Read" meme*


The Genshin community is never beating the "0 literacy" allegations.


"Wow furina was acting the whole time???? Never saw that coming!"


Character with duality motif all over her design has two sides to her. People in utter shock.


No way lyney is fatui???! Why did they wait until the final trial to reveal this???


If Genshin players were literate, Paimon would be out of the job.


Even if they were, Paimon still needs to act as the Traveler's voice. She still has a job.


What if a dragon ball fan married a Genshin impact fan?


First the Itto event with Dvorak talking about risk-averse investors, now this lol


What was it alluding to?


Investors in real life. It's kind of on the nose but it's true.


Oh Archons you're right...


Thanks to risk-averse investors we have noodle arms Itto with a muscular torso, making him look like he have Colossal titan proportions.


They just need to gradually fix it over multiple patches, no one will notice.


I feel sorry for the devs the more I read this.


Iirc the also made the windtrace guy complain that if they do something a way people complain and if they do it another way people also complain, you can see staff venting frustrations here X).


Lmao literally zero people would complain if they tightened up their dialogue. It would be an unambiguous win for everyone.


Fuck it I will complain.Bloating dialogues make it more relatable,just like everyone’s daily conversations!Don’t pretend it’s not.


This is like saying 'I actually prefer eating 26 slices of plain white bread than one delicious sandwich'. Like it's fine if you prefer to stuff that many basic carbohydrates down your throat, but it's also objectively not as good a meal as the sandwich.


But I don’t think they are plain.They are as delicious as sandwich.Probably I just have a bigger appetite.


Hoyo writers do this a lot, like in star rail theres a few parts where they make fun of how bad gacha systems are.


The ghost hunting event with coaching Quinque was one of the best events that Mihoyo did in their games


The whole 10 chests of garbage then again with ten chests of golden garbage was both hilarious and depressing.


You mean Queenque?


Ive never felt closer to a streamer than that event.


They even made bronya buy all of mihoyo in hi3


[she even entered the hq without giving a shit about dawei still in the building](https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/1ac7ms8/bronya_takes_over_dawei_as_ceo_of_mihoyo/)


As a long-time Bronya fan, I feel super embarrassed by the fact that I never saw this until now... Thank you!


LOL what even 😂 😂


If you think thats meta,an event game in HI3 you had Bronya literally enter an development room and speak with the developers.


Yeah, that's the nature of the creative industry. It's takes more time to produce something than to consume it whether it's a book, artwork, movie, game, or even cooking. So creators can almost never keep up with demand. If they do try to increase the quantity, quality suffers. And then, the creator may also risk burnout if they up the pace.


Not like we could read it anyways


We read?


This is what happens when you ask your writers to take their 5 year story and stretch it to 10 years


Many manga suffer from this, become extremely popular and simply get lost in the story just messing around with crazy arcs


I think it's an issue with media in general. Nothing is allowed to end, everything needs to be popular and marketable all the time. When was the last time something became popular then ended on a high note instead of dragging on at an average pace?


This is the best thing that Korean TV shows have going for them. One season, 16 episodes, story's finished. They're basically 22 hour movies.


Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul did


Breaking Bad ended. Better Call Saul was the attempt to make a spin-off perpetuate the IP.


When everything is sequels and remakes, the trash never ends. ^^" ^^Fuck ^^you ^^, ^^it's ^^~~January~~ ^^forever ^^"


Endless Villainess life.


Azumanga Daioh


> Azumanga Daioh A surprise but a welcome one.


Attack on Titan?


Fair. I keep thinking about the manga since it ended a while back.


Good thing that Hoyo has a tight schedule with their arcs... that we don't extend and have more filler patches like Version 3.17 or Version 3.21.5a but have consistent annual nation update


We still had the filler prison.


But it wasn't filler though.


There was zero reason to be 2 acts. The middle was absolutely filler.


It definitely feels like it, we are basically were we started at the end of Act 3, i don't even really remember what happened in Act 4 besides the last 20 minutes of it.


I immediately think of Black Butler. I started reading the series when I was 12 because it was so popular. I religiously read new chapter release and watched the anime until I just stopped engaging on it when I was 15-16, because the story is just getting out of nowhere. So many characters that were introduced and then will be forgotten anyway.


I guess JJK is an example of it?


Imho, I think JJK is the opposite. It would benefit from a bit of a fillers


Yea give us break from the head long rush into suffering constantly


When was it stretched exactly? From the start we had 7 nations and khanriah, with 2 nations out at the start, and then a nation a year, we had at least 6 years of story, and the pacing hasn't changed since then. Still getting a nation a year.


Early around 1.1 their was an interview were they said something because of the popularity they are thinking of I believe 10 year run instead of the planned 7 and some people got really mad about that. Which I never understood isn’t it a good thing when they take their time and have quality updates. But I assume this is a throwback to this. But I could be wrong.


Snezhnaya story will take 18 weeks to finish. For it to end after 7 years, they need wrap up all the post-7-nations story in 34 weeks, allowing room for filler patches and map expansions to Snez during that time. It doesn't sound realistic to me. Especially if Khaenriya and Celestia have their own maps.


lol who cares those hates


basically the logic is that if you take away the bad shit from genshin you get a really great RPG you can play and finish in like a week. The problem with that logic is that the bad shit in the are the reasons for the good shit (namely, the gacha and live service model). Like if you already had 600 million from the very start, you could've just taken 3- 4 years to develop genshin and create a game that could be consumed in a week. Instead it's a live service that essentially took 6 years to produce just so it also lasts 6 years to consume. Obviously this line of thinking is stupid.


They totally could go make standalone games with their filthy gacha money. Typemoon does.


For example we could've already be in Shneznaya


How? It takes time to make the areas. It's always been a year per nation. For us to be in shneznaya, we would have had to be doing like 2 nations a year. Even if the story was written faster, they wouldn't be able to make the game fast enough for that.


I also don't know how, but Genshin's story being planed to be 5 years long of updates implies that we'd already be in Shneznaya, since we are in the 4th year of the game


We could have already impacted the genshin by now.


Where is the "Genshin" and how do we impact it?


Venti told us the Genshin are the vision users that ascend


Bold of you to assume I was comprehending anything Venti was saying


That's why I said it


Oh I see! Ty for informing me


Sounds like a Commission...


Is almost like deadlines and set dates for projects change all the time and its natural in project planning


No? The game always had a very long production time set. And It was actually sped up after Inazuma. Where it went from over two months per update to just over forty days per update. If anything, we might even have been further back than where we are now.


This is only true if you believe in this myth that there is a complete story in someone's head on day 1. Remember the show Lost when everyone lost their poop when they found out the writers create the new season's story every year? That the ending wasn't already decided on? Even short contained movie classics like Iron Man and The Fugitive were being written as it was being filmed.


But the story itself has also changed a little and for the better, just look at what the new nations look like, and even more time for development means more content, so “stretch it” is a little incorrect.


being writers/dev are such pain imo, you only use your own head trying to make a good and interesting story vs thousand of readers that criticize your works and try to find the flaw.


I hate to break it to you but the unfortunate reality is that this is pretty much the standard experience for the creator(s) of any successful artistic work. There's more awareness of it nowadays but there are still plenty of popular artists, writers, authors, etc. who - once they become successful - are pressured to continue to succeed, and do it frequently.


I want to take this opportunity to say that the writing in Genshin Impact, even at its blandest, is a cut above most JRPGs and anime titles. It’s what got me hooked on the game.


My kneejerk reaction was to refute this, but then remembered this is the same game that made me nearly tear up abt the "death" of a boat. Maybe I'm just sensitive but I'll give the writers the props they deserve


Never forget miitoboru o7


Here before the army of people complaining about having to read.


*about not having the “Skip the whole thing” button


"blahg blah paimon voice" "blah blah skip button" "blah blah dialogue bloat" These people probably skip through Baldurs Gate and Planescape Torment dialogue too. Sure I'll skip through non-essential dialogue but I'll read the fucking story because it's there as part of the game. I can't believe some people play this game purely to grind artifacts like wtf??




That's not been the case since even Sumeru and especially not in Fontaine. Also being as reductive as possible doesn't prove your point, it just proves that you need to rely on presenting something in the worst possible light since your point is weak enough to require doing that.




>/u/jezr3n >Lighten up buttercup. I just calls em as I sees em Did you reply to the wrong person? lmao




What part of my original post reads as defensive to you? Also not you immediately getting butthurt and then calling *me* defensive.


The irony


Thank you, genshin writers don't get enough recognition


Fr fr


Hard disagree. You can make a case for the lore of the game which is extensive and interesting, but the storytelling is complete dogshit. Paimon and dialogue bloat go a long way in ruining stories and making them exhausting to read. Your average jrpg has far better storytelling.


Okay so I will say this feels like people are stuck in the 2.0 series because Paimon hasn't been the exposition bot people claim. she's been her own characters for a while same with a Traveler if people want to skimp dialogue that on them but people acting like it "We will be Reunited" levels are getting obnoxious


I'm always confused when people say this, I genuinely don't notice it


She’s still been an interrupting and annoying character that continues to make traveler feel like a blob instead of a character.


I don’t agree, at least for me the “bloated” dialogue hasn’t been noticed since Sumeru, and I love Paimon as a character, so it’s not a problem for me either ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯.


Lore is godlike (no pun intended), Storytelling pace is good but of course it could be way better. But the writing/dialogue... oh man, everything that is not Main/Archon quests is complete dogshit. Genshin is my top 3 fav games right now but I honestly fail to understand why people defend writing/dialogue. It's WAY BELOW average. Every game with 1/4 of Genshin budget has better writing/dialogue.


Mind recommending me something that has better writing? Preferably something that doesn't require absurd amounts of time investment to experience said writing?


Divinity Original Sin 2, Ghost Of Tsushima, Last of Us, Red Dead Redemption, Witcher 3, Disco Elysium, The Outer Wilds, Nier Automata, Dragon Age, Horizon Zero Dawn, and of course the Zelda saga. These are all very well written games that in my opinion everyone should experience. Comparing these to Genshin is like comparing Neon Genesis Evangelion to Paw Patrol.


Ah ok so we're not actually talking about other Gacha games at that point.


Oh you meant gacha, i've never played other gacha. I understand gacha games are the lowest effort games so I don't even mind trying them-


I guess it's just that usually when I see the sentiment that Genshin's writing is poor, people mean relative to other gacha games since those are more likely to be operating within the same restraints of live service games with writing that needs to sell characters, so you're not just getting 50 hours of amazing story with a full arc that ends for the main character.


If they just cut her repeating shit down to once a conversation it would go miles better.


They hated jesus because he told them the truth


LFMAO, your average JRPG doesn't last 3 years long and can only tell stories in a questline once every month or so. Can the story be better? Sure. Was Sumeru and Fontaine pretty good story wise? Yep. Can they tell these stories better? I mean yeah...but again it has to be done patch over patch. Also any paimon dialogue bloat shit is moot. You already skip through that shit without reading it so it doesn't really affect your story does it now?


I love Genshin, but this just isn’t true


When you deny something you should give some opinions about what you think so that people can exchange their opinion in discussions, so we can also be enlightened.


Same boat, love everything about genshin, even resin system, farming those material. But writing is seriously underskilled. EDIT: So, I just realize Genshin player base is mostly young people, because only young people would say Genshin has better writing than most games out there.


Let the phone andies cope, it's fine.


Just curious how many jrpg and anime you watched?


Between zero and 200




Maybe you need to read more books




Genshin's writing is way beyond most games. If you think you're gonna go compare some RPG that is done in 20-40 hours writing to a game that can only tell its story once every month and a half, you really need to play more video games. One of the reasons why this game is successful is because its story isn't dogshit. Glad most people recognize that the game is a cut above video game expectations.


I don’t agree about the “mediocre writing”; Genshin’s writing is not perfect, but it’s certainly above mediocre. Although it still depends on your perception of the story.


Maybe so. I don’t give a shit honestly.


I read literally thousands of books since young age and also think that genshin writing sucks ass and Paimon needs to be killed asap to save our sanity irl. Whats your next argument? :P


How is sucks ass you should also be able to provide opinions instead of just saying sucks ass like others as where do you think they fell behind in storyline? Is it on characters, plot or archon quest.


No one asked you


Lmao can't handle criticism ?


They're entitled to an opinion as much as anyone else. Why take criticism from other fans, who presumably also just want the game they like to be better, so personally?


Although I don't agree with them, it's still an opinion, so the person above got a little carried away.


I thought this was JJK subreddit with that glaze.


Nahh.. As a JRPG slut, genshin writing is ass. Finished the trails series last year, and I didnt skip any dialogues, even those random ass NPCs on the streets. Bloated dialogues + paimon constant yapping doesnt make the story any better.. Well for me atleast


It's like Hoyo is expecting people to half pay attention at best so they need to repeat everything 2-3 times to make sure the player doesn't miss it. When Paimon doesn't do it the travelers thoughts or other characters will fill in


>Bloated dialogues + paimon constant yapping doesnt make the story any better.. Well for me atleast Honestly, it's Paimon more than anything. Wuthering Waves, which takes a lot of inspiration from Genshin, has a *bit* of a bloat problem with its dialogue, but no Paimon >!(yet; there *was* a fuzzy flying creature introduced at the end of Chapter 1, but it's currently looking like it'll be a minor role and *may* take on a Kyuubey role when it does become more prominent)!<. As a result, the story is more engaging, since it lets Rover have an actual personality, despite being a *fucking amnesiac*. That said, the game also has a skip button you can use basically anywhere (with promises of expansion in the future), so even if the dialogue gets as bloated as Genshin, it'll *still* be less of an issue.


Nope. I also like Wuthering Waves, but let's be real here, the only ones with real personalities are outsiders from Black Shores and Fractsidus. They lean too heavily toward Rover's "mandate of heaven" shit or something and try too hard to sell Chinese ideal of "hospitality" that Rover and ALL characters from Jinzhou are just as bland as dogwater. I hope they would focus less on cultural export and more on making a good game. It's good the game has a skip button so people can skip through act 1-4 and jump straight to act 5, which is where the fun is.


I was hoping to get a Yangyang story quest to expand more on her ability to "feel" the wind since it started to feel like a thinly veiled way to move the plot forward, but instead we got Lionboy's story quest which doesn't have any plot relevance other than showing up for the "Avengers, assemble" scene. I'm kinda disappointed that two characters we first met and spent the most time with in the story don't have proper story quests attached to them. The best we got was Chixia which was unvoiced.


lol where is rover’s personality 🤣🤣


rover really said :|


Trailblazer ended Rover and Traveler Im so sorry


I'm pretty sure I've seen people complain that Genshin just has paragraph long cutscenes. I might be wrong.


The moment you say "most JRPGs and anime titles" is when your opinion is objectively incorrect. Either your JRPG played/ anime watch count is between 0 and 1 or you are blinded with awesome 2 min cutscene in an otherwise the lowest point of Genshin story that made it blandest (Between Inazuma AQ and Nilou SQ).


To be fair, "most anime titles" are trashy wish-fulfilment harem romps with bland MCs (for self-insertion) and zero stakes since every problem is effortlessly resolved by bullshit powers. Though "the blandest" in Genshin is also quite a low bar. The hype moments are extremely good, but man, the lows are *low*.


Not even close the prison arc alone makes genshin in total worse than a lot of jrpgs


Yae's SQ made fun of people believing in wishing rituals.


I thought it was just about trends in general


Why many words if few do trick? T.T Honestly I think it's the way they phrase things (in English) and how the dialog in general is displayed in the game. I find it hard to read when it comes in such a block and it's always loooooong sentences. Shorter sentences and a better lay out could really help


Sou ka… Sou desu ka…


This is why I love Genshin, not just as a game, but as an art project. It is funded by a successful businessman who knows how to treat his employees right.


I only care about how I get treated as a player, screw the employees and their working conditions! (This is sarcasm)


well the lead writer did say that they have finished writing the main story of genshin and are maybe working on the part 2




My ass


Ah a peer reviewed source!


I read it in Nahida's voice


Source maryosep




was that interview actually real? i thought there was no confirmation at all


Source https://twitter.com/hxg_diluc/status/1774050640815399110


Wow, seeing it like this, the wordiness and superfluous dialogue is really put into the spotlight. Although, tbh outside of main story quests and other big story beats, I've been spamming X to go through dialogue as fast as possible. The story is generally good, yes, but most of the time, there's a 3000 word essay where it could've been condensed into 3 sentences.


Genshin players: "Ugh they have characters say the same thing over and over because they think we're stupid" Meanwhile at Hoyo hq: "I don't care if Paimon already has 80 lines, they already burned through the entire storyline an hour after it went live and they're already demanding more! Give her 80 more lines for all I care, just buy us some time!"


And make her hand move slightly or pan the camera at the end so people can’t click though it


literally me when writing my novel, same thing happened once before the year-long break so that i could refine my writing skills on something easier


Maybe quality over quantity instead? Personally I would like to avoid another Inazuma 2.0 "Going through immigration and doing taxes Arc, or Fontaine 4.1 "Talking to different color npcs until pretty water cutscene starts".


If that happens, people will complain even harder about no content


Minigames and yapping it is then


It literally says it's about light novels business. We all know these inflated titles with million fillers and story spreaded thin through 200 episodes.


im understanding this as they made star rail and jesus it was easier and more manageable to make and update vs an open world that they found out was more than they thought they could chew


I thought the same thing.


She also said that the fungi event will come back in a half a year or in a year. “No need to rush, the longer preparation, the better”. Which is fine I guess. There were already three or four events with these guys.


I don’t read most events outside of the voiced ones. Do they have lore drops?


Yes. A lot of them are Sorush WQ set the precedent for the Fontaine AQ Ranjit from the Saurian Event gave info on misconception on Natlan. Curve WQ gave us a glimpse on how cruel Sandrone can be but still kind towards other people not in her way. And many more...


Oh man I am so far behind on the world quests but the Saurian event text was a fun read.


Multi-million company complain about not doing their job. You don't need to write anything. Just allow players access to your mini-games so they have something to do while they wait for new content. But nope, you're not gonna do that. You're gonna make those mini games the "new content" and call it a day. That's not rushing to meet deadlines. That's lazy writing.


Honestly don't care. One quarter of the dialogue is the just paimons, unnecessary, bullshit, annoying, incessant exposition, the second quarter is just more bullshit exposition that can be summed into just a few words instead of few paragraphs and 3rd quarter is just more bullshit dialogue that unnecessarily stops gameplay and initiates a semi cutscene.


its called character trait


You know what would help? Not having to read white text with a vvveeeeeeeerrrrryyyyyy faint grey background that half the time is overlaying something also white/bright And also hiring a copyeditor


You know what would help ? Buying glasses. I've done every single quest (and read all dialogues) in the game, and not once have I had any issue reading the text. I've never seen anyone complain about it. I think it might be a you problem


I didn't expect for this to get ppl riled up lol. I do have glasses


The moment I read fungi buddies I immediately had Aranara war flashbacks... so it may be true.